No. Reason tells us that something doesn’t come from nothing, that everything in this universe has a cause. That cause must be outside the universe - God. And given how much we’ve learned about the universe, you can only stand in awe of the Creator. It seems the Covid fanatics (largely atheist, it seems to me) are the ones who’ll believe in anything- masks, lockdowns, vaccines, the government.
No. Reason tells us that something doesn’t come from nothing, that everything in this universe has a cause. That cause must be outside the universe - God. And given how much we’ve learned about the universe, you can only stand in awe of the Creator. It seems the Covid fanatics (largely atheist, it seems to me) are the ones who’ll believe in anything- masks, lockdowns, vaccines, the government.
What do you do, just sit around all day picking your teeth? Whether God exists or not is the most important question of all. The answer should define your existence.
Christianity teaches that you have an obligation to love your neighbor. Materialism / atheism teaches that we're all random collections of atoms, so carpe diem and to the victor, the spoils, right?
Dr Semmelweis observed that washing hands decreased child birth mortality significantly. He could not prove it why. Was he a fool? I doubt. (but all Austrian doctors treated him as one because he suggested the mighty doctors are 'dirty')
You prove my point. Look at all the stupid things white Christian Americans believe in … like the free market and American Exceptionalism not to mention the virgin birth …
What on earth are you talking about? Why the "white" qualifier? If that is your experience, then we are obviously hanging out in different circles. I can't speak for everyone who calls themselves Christian, and neither can you, but you are sure displaying some irrational hostility.
And what devil provoked you into mentioning "the virgin birth"? You will regret trying to make a joke about that.
Thom, evolution and the Covid vax -- same salesmen, both ideologies and not science. Climate change? It does all the time, but I am skeptical about how much man causes it and not interested in the globalist solution of killing lots of people to deal with it.
Oh puh-lease. Agreed that climate crisis has been weaponized by the Davos elites but it is a reality. Dunno what we can do about it tho’. Also I’m not an atheist. Agnostic which is not the same. Gives shouldn’t be killing people with the vaxxed or economic sanctions on Cuba or Venezuela or Iran for that matter. Why is Israel exempt from nuclear inspection by the IAEA. Kennedy strongly opposed acquisition or nukukar weapons by Israel. Kennedy was killed and Israel got nukukar weapons. If there was a god he/she would not have allowed Kennedy to be killed.
No. Reason tells us that something doesn’t come from nothing, that everything in this universe has a cause. That cause must be outside the universe - God. And given how much we’ve learned about the universe, you can only stand in awe of the Creator. It seems the Covid fanatics (largely atheist, it seems to me) are the ones who’ll believe in anything- masks, lockdowns, vaccines, the government.
Atheists and Believers are no different, just on other ends of the spectrum.
Only a fool believes in things they can't prove. It’s okay to admit we just don't know.
What do you do, just sit around all day picking your teeth? Whether God exists or not is the most important question of all. The answer should define your existence.
Good for you.
I have better things to do with every waking hour of the day. I doubt figuring out this question will somehow save us from ourselves.
Believing in "God" relieves humanity from the task of being responsible for itself.
Christianity teaches that you have an obligation to love your neighbor. Materialism / atheism teaches that we're all random collections of atoms, so carpe diem and to the victor, the spoils, right?
Christianity is not the only belief that teaches you to love your neighbor.
Dr Semmelweis observed that washing hands decreased child birth mortality significantly. He could not prove it why. Was he a fool? I doubt. (but all Austrian doctors treated him as one because he suggested the mighty doctors are 'dirty')
You prove my point. Look at all the stupid things white Christian Americans believe in … like the free market and American Exceptionalism not to mention the virgin birth …
What on earth are you talking about? Why the "white" qualifier? If that is your experience, then we are obviously hanging out in different circles. I can't speak for everyone who calls themselves Christian, and neither can you, but you are sure displaying some irrational hostility.
And what devil provoked you into mentioning "the virgin birth"? You will regret trying to make a joke about that.
And evolution, the fetus as god and not accepting facts about climate change. SAD!
Thom, evolution and the Covid vax -- same salesmen, both ideologies and not science. Climate change? It does all the time, but I am skeptical about how much man causes it and not interested in the globalist solution of killing lots of people to deal with it.
Kate, you are throwing your pearls before swine.
Oh puh-lease. Agreed that climate crisis has been weaponized by the Davos elites but it is a reality. Dunno what we can do about it tho’. Also I’m not an atheist. Agnostic which is not the same. Gives shouldn’t be killing people with the vaxxed or economic sanctions on Cuba or Venezuela or Iran for that matter. Why is Israel exempt from nuclear inspection by the IAEA. Kennedy strongly opposed acquisition or nukukar weapons by Israel. Kennedy was killed and Israel got nukukar weapons. If there was a god he/she would not have allowed Kennedy to be killed.