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Very very good - it reminds me of the result of Professor Iain McGilchrist 30 years research resulting in an update of the previously discredited Left / Right brain theory. He is of the opinion that those dominated by the brain's left hemisphere are leading us into destruction & much of what you describe above fits in with that as - they can never be wrong, everything is either black or white, anger is their dominant emotion, big into reductionist materialism & all that spawns from that.

He worked for years on split brain research & he mentioned a patient who had a right hemisphere stroke after an accident in which he also lost an arm. He was reduced to only the Left side which was illustrated by the fact that he refused to believe that he had lost that arm - maybe Biden has had a stroke or various mini ones.

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Bravo! Steve. As a person who is prone to seeing multiple sides to every situation and or argument, I find this very interesting in deed. Wasn't there an old saying about left handed people being in their right mind?

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Yes indeed - according to IM's hypothesis the right hemisphere controls the left hand & vice versa for the right hand. I find the whole thing fascinating & as with your quote folklore from many cultures reflects it. There is a wonderful tale that McGilchrist recounts from I forget which Native American tribe about 2 brothers whose actions represent both hemispheres which was obviously based on an intuition by the author or more likely the original oral storyteller.


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