FDR interned Japanese American citizens. Half of Dems wanted to intern the unvaccinated. Old habits die hard.

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Could it be related to this?

"The surest way to work up a crusade in favor of some good cause is to promise people they will have a chance of maltreating someone. To be able to destroy with good conscience, to be able to behave badly and call your bad behavior 'righteous indignation' — this is the height of psychological luxury, the most delicious of moral treats."

- Aldus Huxley

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That impulse runs both ways. I think we need to hold people to account, but the impulse is there to mistreat them. What would the adult in the room do? Would they be brutal in anger? No, because the adult in the room realizes they are dealing with children.

Yet, Fauxi is not stupid or innocent. He lied to us multiple times. Should he not be "me too'd?" as he "rufied" and assaulted not just one person, but millions? The cruel impulse in me..would be to create an "AI Fauci" that made "recommendations" on what should be done with people like him and see if he would be willing to accept what the people would do in response to those recommendations.

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He should be shot by a firing squad. On TV.

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We have met the enemy and he is us.

- Pogo

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We have met the enemy and he is our rulers, not us.

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We elected many of them. The issue relates to an informed public. We as a society are no longer informed because media is an arm of the government. Maybe even an arm of one political party. Substack readers are a distict minority. Hell, readers of anything are a minority.

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A gramme is better than a damn.

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God, that's dark Ryan. More like the height of psychopathological luxury. Or a storyline from "Succession".

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Jun 3, 2023
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I will also say that we have allowed the state to transmogrify the meaning of Patriot.

That didn't happen through magic. It was a long deliberate march through the institutions, allowed by an indifferent public.

The new meaning of patriot is now "love of government"....the exact opposite of what a true patriot is.

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Hi Ryan! Actually, I think “Patriot” under LGB-FJB is considered to be a right wing domestic terrorist, as are Christians, straight people, white people, legal gun owners, believers in small government, etc. It’s only “patriotic” to the left to protest when they are destroying property, killing people & babies in the womb or ripping the societal fabric & foundation to shreds (BLM, abortion “rights”, gun control, “climate change”, ad nauseum)....

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Please don’t forget their current infatuation with genital mutilation of our children.

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Gawd, they don’t LET you forget. Esp w/ “pride month” (isn’t pride one of the 7 deadly sins??) its in our faces every damn day

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Yet we continue to pick up the proverbial trash after we "protest".

Methinks we should protest and leave it there....

I embrace all their silly labels. They mean nothing.

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Agreed Ryan!

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Just as Love of Country is now demeaned as "White Nationalism". The only way to address White Nationalism therefore is to destroy the country. And just look at the "progress" they've made so far.

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That is the other side of coin.

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"Patriot" is supposed to mean "threat to country" and "domestic terrorist" according to the folks in Washington. Something diabolical about how they're always inverting the true meanings of words.

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“Gender affirming” means genital mutilation and sterilization and “reproductive care” means abortion through nine months of pregnancy.

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I'll just buy an indulgence.

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Be sure it is the new version, a donation to the DNC.

If it is large enough, you can get away with anything.

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Get one of those fancy plenary indulgences then, where the boxes for your sins are left empty, for you to fill in as needed.

About the Crusades, they were preceded by 500 years of unprovoked moslem aggression and occupation, genocide, mass rape and enslavement of indigenous minorities of the Levant and other areas plus the destruction of most of the egyptian-Hellenic-roman heritage.

That, and control of the trade routes of course.

Really, the only thing to complain about re: the Crusades in the Levant and Palestine is that they failed.

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In the global warming world they buy indulgences via satellite phones from their private jets, calling them 'carbon credits' or similar.

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FDR was a defining archetype of the infernal combination of communism and fascism know as "progressivism".

Birds of a feather:

"Roosevelt himself called Mussolini “admirable” and professed that he was “deeply impressed by what he has accomplished.” The admiration was mutual. In a laudatory review of Roosevelt’s 1933 book Looking Forward, Mussolini wrote, “Reminiscent of Fascism is the principle that the state no longer leaves the economy to its own devices.… Without question, the mood accompanying this sea change resembles that of Fascism.” The chief Nazi newspaper, Volkischer Beobachter, repeatedly praised “Roosevelt’s adoption of National Socialist strains of thought in his economic and social policies” and “the development toward an authoritarian state” based on the “demand that collective good be put before individual self-interest.”

~ http://reason.com/archives/2007/09/28/hitler-mussolini-roosevelt

Characteristic of the breed, FDR was a pathological liar:

"I have said this before, but I shall say it again and again and again: Your boys are not going to be sent into any foreign wars."

~ FDR, 1940

This, of course, while he was doing everything in his power to get the Japanese to fire the first shot and knowing their plans due as the U.S. had cracked the Japanese military ciphers.

And, of course, a breathtaking hypocrite:

"I accuse the present Administration (Hoover's) of being the greatest spending Administration in peace time in all American history — one which piled bureau on bureau, commission on commission, and has failed to anticipate the dire needs or reduced earning power of the people. Bureaus and bureaucrats have been retained at the expense of the taxpayer.... We are spending altogether too much money for government services which are neither practical nor necessary. In addition to this, we are attempting too many functions and we need a simplification of what the Federal government is giving to the people."

~ FDR, 1932 campaign - Quoted in Garet Garrett, The People's Pottage, p.27

Like all proper leftists, one of his first acts as emperor was to steal all of people's gold in order to fund the "transformation" all of these barbarians crow about.

Other accomplishments include:

- The Tuskeegee Experiment

- Appointing a KKK member to the Supreme Court

- Creating the regulatory state that is choking the economy

- Sending Jewish refugees back to the Holocaust

- Allowing Stalin to enslave all of Central Europe

- Keeping the Vichy government in power, running concentration camps, after Allied victory in North Africa

Leftists in general, and progressives in particular, are the mortal enemies of liberty and prosperity, and they make up at least half of the electorate.

Until this changes, they will continue to vote for their own enslavement.

And ours.

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"We are spending altogether too much money for government services which are neither practical nor necessary"

So said the man who gave us the WPA. "Move this pile of dirt over there then move it back and we'll give you a check." Along with the OSS which soon became the CIA -- no black hole budgets there, for sure.

(trivia you cannot live without: Both Julia Child and her husband were OSS agents)

Like Obama, Roosevelt has been lionized and canonized by the Leftist cabal in Academia and the MSM. They might just have as well have carved their faces on Rushmore. The contrived legends will endure, the truth discredited and buried. And the crowds will roar.

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Love your observations. Not things we covered in history lessons... too busy covering up the naughty things or own govt does

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What else would one expect from government "education"?

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I can only imagine what a high school American history class teaches today, like how the American Revolution was fought to preserve slavery.

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I am fortunate enough to have been able to send my children to private schools, where the focus is still largely on education rather than churning out indoctrinated woke ignoramuses.

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Trying to ‘restack’ your comment but to no avail. Excellent history about FDR needs shared.

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It may be too long... I've yet to delve much into the 'restack' universe...

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Try to copy your comment then post as a Note (restack) so more can view. It’s worth sharing. If I copy it looks like I wrote it and can’t get your header in copy.

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Thanks for the tip... I just posted it and it looks good to me.

My first Note! Getting a bit verklempt...

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And I just restacked your note 😁 It’s never to late to remember or learn history.

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"Old habits die hard"

As do old Democrats. Just look at their front bench: Pelosi, Feinstein, Waters, Nadler, not to mention the fossilized Muppet in the White House.

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Actually he interned SOME of the Japanese Americans. Mostly those on the west coast. A small percentage of which had been spying for Japan. Japanese Americans in Hawaii and scattered across the country were not interned. Japanese Americans aided a Japanese pilot whose plane landed on one of the Hawaiian island after Pearl Harbor. This helped shape the opinion that the Japanese Americans could not be trusted. It wasn't as black and white as people would led you to believe..

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Let's focus on the gray area and employ special pleading when it comes to throwing innocents into concentration camps.

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The pyramid cap elites puppeteering FDR didn't care about protecting Americans or "freedom", that's why they propped up Stalin in the first place. FDR sent tons of 'land lease' military equipment to Stalin but it wasn't used against our supposed foes, it was later used to slaughter young American men fighting in Korea, along with other western equipment and tech actively sent to the Soviets. The war in Korea was a calculated cooperation between the US and USSR ruling elites to launch a UN war by executive fiat, undeclared by congress, which set the precedent used in Vietnam and the middle east "war on terror" (now on our doorsteps). The Soviet UN representative deliberately missed the vote for the Korean police action even though it was in the USSR's best interests to exercise their veto power - see Major Jordan's diaries and an excellent historical summary by James Perloff on his website. In Korea, General MacArthur was answering to a Soviet official serving the UN and was told to retreat when he was about to rout the Korean army.

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FDR interred American citizens without due process or being convicted of a crime. Because of their nationality and suspicion. One in a long line of national disgraces committed by the US government.

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Kind of like Biden and the J6 “detainees”. I think I see a pattern here.

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Thank you for this. Revisionist history is easy for arm-chair quarterbacks looking back 70+ years. You mention the event in Hawaii, where a Japanese pilot was added by Japanese- (I believe they held dual citizenship), and the US feared an actual invasion of California. Add to that the Norwegian "Quislings" who sided with the invading Germans.

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Meant to type "aided" not added.

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"Half of Dems wanted to intern the unvaccinated."

75% of the dems/reps/inds wanted to do that.

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Upheld by a disgraceful and weak Supreme Court. They have been corrupt and useless since Madison v. Marburg.

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Let’s not forget the history of Dems in the American South. Once upon a time the Republican Congressional representatives from Texas were all African-American.

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This time around, the Uniparty decided that the Dems will get to be the "winners". But it could just as easily have been the other guys, and as improbable as it may seem, that may yet come to pass. As long as whoever "wins" comes down firmly on the side of repression, it doesn't matter which party it is to them.

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so true. All democrats too

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We have a way to fix this - our biggest problem - which is the corruption in the systems that govern over our lives. How? A Network State - a new decentralized 4th branch of government that isn't part of the government at all, but rather 100% built and run by the people. This includes a decentralized news network, decentralized science, a safe have for whistleblowers, a decentralized monetary system we all agree to in case the current one collapses, decentralized debates, a parallel transparent voting system, decentralized education , ballot initiatives and more. Consider this: https://joshketry.substack.com/p/lets-build-a-4th-branch-of-government

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We have a way to fix this - our biggest problem - which is the corruption in the systems that govern over our lives. How? A Network State - a new decentralized 4th branch of government that isn't part of the government at all, but rather 100% built and run by the people. This includes a decentralized news network, decentralized science, a safe have for whistleblowers, a decentralized monetary system we all agree to in case the current one collapses, decentralized debates, a parallel transparent voting system, decentralized education , ballot initiatives and more. Consider this: https://joshketry.substack.com/p/lets-build-a-4th-branch-of-government

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Regarding blocking dissent - the sports journalists did it too.

Every sports commissioner was pushing/mandating these vaccines for healthy young athletes. I, for one, have not forgotten. Also, those fearless sports commentators with their brave "hot takes" are actually just wimps, always supporting the Current Thing.


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Remember how they trashed Cole Beasley for refusing to get jabbed. Now Beasley looks wise...

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We haven't seen Brandon Sutter back playing hockey for the Canucks. Possibly two shots enhanced his "long Covid."

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Yes, the VAXX advertising during sporting events is infuriating and there will be retribution against certain actors. Some SEC football coaches have faced criticism for being in pro-vaxx adds. Announcers are just like newscasters. They say whatever is on the teleprompter...(Fuck You, San Diego!). The dominant ethics among sportscasters are drinking and biting prostitutes.

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Damn the torpedoes … I went ahead and wrote a piece where I mentioned the giant elephant in the room - secession. However, I hedged my heresy by noting this will probably never happen.

In my analysis of our “3-D geopolitical chess game,” I also opine that all game observers completely missed the key move in said game - all the “moves” made to protect the Magic and Vital Fiat Printing Press, which makes the entire game possible.

The “end game,” per my prediction, is probably central bank digital currency which might be “check mate” for that archaic concept known as freedom.


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Amazing post. All of this brings up a question: do we have the government(s) that we deserve?

Do we (I mean collectively -- El Gato's readers are better than the average citizen) deserve anything better if we allow these freaks to manipulate our cognition?

I hope that the answer is "yes we deserve better" - and we need to push against this "disinformation control".

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i would frame it slightly differently:

we will retain the rights we are willing to fight for. no more. (but no less either)

we will inhabit the society that we will stand up to defend. no more. (but no less either.)

these are the hard, non-negotiable truths of living as free people in a civilization of our choosing.

and if instead we play the soft people made by soft times, times will keep getting harder.

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Reminds me of my mother’s advice to me about dental hygiene. “Just brush the teeth you want to keep” 😃😳

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LMAO - your mother is a genius

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Thanks, Igor ❤️😃

Grandma was a Russian immigrant and mom grew up in the depression and WW2…fairly conservative pithy and practical mother of 5 (4 boys and 1 girl).

No college…If she was still alive and I told her what you said she’d say something like:

“So your little online friends think I’m a genius? Morons! You know who’s a genius? Your brother, Marc! Bum dropped out of school, plays that fakakta golf game with his moron friends all over the world…he’s never won a game, comes in last or 16th or something, and he’s a friggin’ millionaire!! Married a blonde! Now that’s “genius”!!” 😂🤦‍♂️

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Done been stoled

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My grandmother used to say; if you want to know if your teeth are clean then just smell your floss....gross.

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You will never go to bed again without brushing and flossing after this, or your money back.


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Why did you do that to me!

Flossing is one of those small things you have to motivate yourself to do, but always feel better after you've done it.

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Beware the Tooth Beaver.

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Oral care is also linked to cardiac health 🤡 Choices have consequences

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So what's mean if there's green smoke coming off the string?

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If I had been given this option as a child, I would have only brushed the front ones.

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You are so spot on. Unfortunately I am bedeviled by the adage “no pain no change”.

“i am increasingly starting to wonder about the extent to which the covid and biosecurity issues here were merely incidental as part of a bigger push that had to do with making sure the “right sort” of governments are put in place all over the west.” This is what “election deniers have been saying for a long time.

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Yes. The WEF minions are forming governments throughout the west.

The interesting point is assessing the overlap between the WEF and the "Deep State" including the "Security" organisations.

Look back at the Club of Rome and various wealthy families for underlying power.

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Problem is that over half this country shrugs this off very easily as long as their wolf is running the show. Look at Alex Berenson's latest Stack about the incoming CDC director and how Biden's making a terrible choice. He voted for Biden and will again (particularly if Trump is the Repub nominee). I really like Alex, but he's as captured by my-wolfism as anyone, including all my friends who are very liberal Democrats. They don't see a problem as long as a Repub isn't running the show. They fall right in line.

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Screen shotting this quote. SO ACCURATE!

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The responsibility of citizens in a democracy is to hold those in authority to account. In order to do that, citizens must learn sufficient about any given issue to ask appropriate questions and understand the answers. Too few did that. Hence, citizens become impotent and increasingly alienated from their public servants who, in turn, elevate themselves above those they purport to serve.

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the responsibility of citizens in a republic is to zealously guard their rights from encroachment by the state and to remember that this matter is binary:

once you concede some exception to your right, it is not longer a right at all. it's a privilege. from there, the rest is just a negotiation about your terms of indenture.

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The citizen-government relationship is a zero sum game, and has been since time immemorial.

Every power the government usurps directly diminishes the freedom of the citizenry.

Every dollar the government steals from the citizenry reduces the wealth of both the individual victim and the rest of private society who suffer the opportunity cost of the inevitable ensuing fraud and waste rather than benefiting from additional custom and the fruits of investment.

Many today have been bamboozled into believing the State is a giant cornucopia of goodies that must be wrested from one's fellows.

The truth is that it is gigantic, corpulent, fetid and dangerous succubus siphoning off the life force of us all and is truly the sole source of great evil in the world.

"Government is actually the worst failure of civilized man. There has never been a really good one, and those that are most tolerable are arbitrary, cruel, grasping and unintelligent."

~ H.L. Mencken

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Liberate, dare I say... en fuego.

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Succubus:) !!

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Thanks for responding. Hopefully, both being exceptionally nice people, we are saying similar things.

It seems that most citizens assume ‘the state’ knows more than them - and even exists to look after them! Had the citizen made the effort to become more engaged, investigate and understand more, they would feel more confident in their abilities, including defending what is theirs whilst being less in awe of their self-serving bureaucrats.

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Many citizens don't know what they don't know - and therefore aren't looking at alternative sources of information about current events and where our country/world is heading. Then there are those who just want to live in their bubble after hearing whiffs of alternate reality and want to keep living with their head int he sand.

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Totally agree - well said.

I like to think those facts encourage the more able of us to put in more effort as we seem to be the adults in the room.

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Who is in awe of these self serving grifters?

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The trusting, the desperate and the unaware.

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Unless they wake up they're probably all vaxxed too

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Jun 3, 2023
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Exactly. That may sound ideal to many citizens but it probably means they have given away their power in exchange for knick-knacks.

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Fortunately for most of the populace they have their faces buried in their phones, numbing their atrophied brains with TikTok videos blissfully unware of the freedoms they've already lost. Then continuing to support the very politicians actively engaged in the grift. But hey, no more mean Tweets right?

Just read a frightening statistic from 2019 where 10% of college graduates believed that Judge Judy is a Supreme Court Justice. Chew on that for a bit, then consider how much higher that percentage is likely today.

Ignorance is bliss, cognizance is torture.

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Jun 3, 2023
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The ratchet only tightens in one direction.

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And the lever keeps getting longer with each concession

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They're just torquing with us now.

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Having grown up and half of my adulthood in CA, I was shocked when I saw a news cast doing the man on the street type thing when visiting the east coast about 20 years ago. The news guy asked some random older guy on the street what they thought about the guy running for president. The man on the street said that he hadn't formed an opinion since he had only met him once. Met him once. As a citizen of CA, you don't meet your candidate for anything above very local elections and only if you live in a small town. As an adult I tried to meet my state senator and representative and I was blocked at every turn by the staff. I was president of a club with about 100 members that would be affected by a law being proposed.

When presidential candidates come to CA, they only attend $$$$$$/plate dinners- never seeing the rank and file voters. They just assume that they will vote for what ever party they are affiliated with. Same with state level candidates. So the idea that a major candidate for president meeting with John Q Public was alien to me. I didn't know it was done in other parts of the country. In CA the politicians and the public are divorced from each other unless you have $$$$$$$ and even then it is not a sure thing.

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So interesting - thank you for sharing.

I've been involved in this area for some decades now and have, unfortunately, seen the gap widen between those with power and those without. Inevitable in a complex society and where change is accelerating. Nevertheless, we have been manipulated into not even thinking there might be an issue let alone addressing it.

On the bright side, I see more folk connecting with others horizontally and then building from the ground up. With our present set up, as you say, only power blocks are deemed worthy to recognise and that is so dispiriting.

Nevertheless, we must never forget that every individual is valuable - whether the corrupt are interested or not - and that livng well (whatever one's circumstances) is the best revenge.

Wishing you well!

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Having been in CA for 35+ years , it never occurred to me that meeting the state/ federal candidates/politicians was an option unless I possessed great wealth. Your observation is a wake-up. It brings to mind how Anna Paulina-Luna won her seat in FL: she worked all day every day, for months, knocking in doors.

The other variable in this scenario I have mentioned elsewhere: the nearly total lack of easily available local news.

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I didn't think it was done anywhere else either.

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Of course we don't have the government we deserve. We've been tricked into believing the myth of "elections." The chief decisions are made at cabal level. no one we see in public has any real authority about the important things. This should be plain to anyone at this point. Therefore we cannot make accurate assessments about the effectiveness of "government" when those gov'ts are simply the cabal's front orgs used to maintain the illusion of the people having a "voice" and thereby gain / wrangle our consent to their predetermined edicts. The real question is do we choose to continue agreeing to this illusion or not? Do we deserve to be continually tricked? I'm guessing the cabal would like nothing better than to have us continue to fight an illusion that has no real power, as we're being set up to do. Instead, I suggest we opt out of buying into this illusion altogether and choose the energy out of which we'll create the new systems and institutions that actually do serve all of us, whatever they may be.

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How, exactly, would you envision opting "out of buying into this illusion" in a tangible way?

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I like you a lot, Igor, but that "better than" is just rotten as hell.

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Never. Give. Up. Your. Guns.

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This year, I’m going to Porcfest in NH, which is the flagship event of the NH Free State Project. There’s a wide Overton Window there, as well, including, I suspect, a heavy dose of Marxist/Maoist saboteurs who have been infiltrating libertarian groups since the 80s, but I am realizing how important it is to spend at least some time in groups where you aren’t constantly being gaslit about every fundamental principle critical to a free society. In order to be doing good work in our smaller spheres, I believe we need to connect with each other at hubs on occasion.

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I'm afraid RFK has one leg in the dissenter freedom movement and the other one in the authoritarian technocratic marxist-fascist ouroboros camp. Behind the scenes, he and his team are intertwined with the ongoing rapid rollout of P3 'impact' human capital markets representing a backdoor mechanism to create China-style social credit scores and an open-air prison in western nations. The architects of HCMs being the same foundations that push the climate change police state and the same ones who paid his salary for 31 years as the leading corporate environmental attorney.

A decade ago, HCMs started with prisons, schools, and then onto public welfare services, and are now taking on all kinds of public venues with continuous surveillance paired with rewards and penalties.

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At this point, what’s important to me is what is being introduced, or kept, in the conversation. There are no saviors. We’re on our own. The game is “let’s them and them fight.” That’s what I want.

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Absolutely, no saviors, we have to move away en masse from their control grids. "Wouldn't the deep state love to take out RFK AND libertarians in one fell swoop?" That's what I was writing about, the orchestrated fusion with RFK and libertarians to advance the ugliest panopticon imaginable. You would likely be shocked to know how advanced the takeover is at this point. In a videotaped interview RFK literally said climate change skeptics should be put in jail and penalized - that should be a big red flag.

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Jun 4, 2023
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Alison Mcdowell has the clip on her youtube channel here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4k7vQi8MNg4&ab_channel=AlisonMcDowell I noticed he used the same rhetoric in another setting that was recorded which I happened to come across on Twitter a year or two ago.

Of late RKF has been endorsing he idea of Federal sponsored work camps for drug addicts like the very controversial ones in Italy which he recently referenced and praised. In those camps there has been a 5-year commitment to stay within the compound and some people were put in chains to keep them inside. Netflix aired a documentary on that which McDowell references. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQLHbe_XoIA&ab_channel=AlisonMcDowell A few weeks ago I saw in the Wall Street Journal strong recommendations for investments in government-financed and corporate-managed low income housing "impact investments" as a new way to get guaranteed good ROI profit income. This set up could easily capture the "crises" of drug addiction, homelessness, and mental illness. These human capital market projects are typically designed to tie in continuous tracking and behavioral management, and public oversight is very limited similar to how highways are being transferred to multinational corporations for management well beyond the reach of public scrutiny, with one such case in my state that caused a big stir but the Dem Governor Hickenlooper refused to back down. Overall, it's an enormous power grab for a totalitarian shift and most dissenters are oblivious because it's so well hidden and camouflaged. McDowell's research is intense and very well sourced thus it takes time to fully grasp how it all works but once you see, you can't unsee and then a lot more things begin to make sense. Info is on her youtube channel and her blog wrenchinthegears.com

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Wow. Another layer of deep state tinfoil for me to consider with the state-enabled homeless addict situation.

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Jun 4, 2023
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"That's pretty cool, Sarah. Shake the jar."


*nods, digs style*

Make it subscription-only on Netflix and we could pay down the national debt.

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LOL! Yes! Make a DC snowglobe full of fire ants!

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Love. It.

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I wish I was able to go, it sounds like a hoot, and I am all a-quiver to find out how Porcfest deals with Robert Kennedy's security detail

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It's been a curious brouhaha. My feeling is that the event itself will be secure because his guard will be there so it is not actually "gun-free." Furthermore, the entire rest of the place, including adjacent events, will be FULL of guns, and no one has to go to RFK's talk. I also assume that the place will be crawling with Feds regardless, and the fewer opportunities for a false flag, the better. Wouldn't the deep state love to take out RFK AND libertarians in one fell swoop?

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I would trade all of the "conveniences" of modernity to live in the early days of the republic when I didn't need "permission" from some government agency to have a home business, install a technological marvel to cool my home, or have a pet. The bloated, power grabbing liberty crushing government takes all the joy out of the many advances of modern society. Add to that the debased culture pulling the rigged levers of the voting machine and I'd rather live the hard life of our early nation over what we have now.

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"I would trade all of the "conveniences" of modernity to live in the early days of the republic when I didn't need "permission" from some government"

Why not both Convenience and Liberty?

We don't have to settle. Keep your air conditioning, throw the bums out on their head.

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If only more people would believe that, maybe it could be. But, I think too many (not necessarily a majority) buy into "peace and safety" and the rest are to cowardly and selfish to stand up and sacrifice, even for the future of their own children. My faith in humanity isn't giving me good vibes. 😉

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Well stated Yakima. Excellent observation.

You've dug down, to the very crux of virtually all the issues we're dealing with today - and have throughout history.

While you and I, would trade and sacrifice almost anything, to do away with the over-reaching state, the tyranny, the abuse, loss of control and loss of freedom...the overwhelming majority would trade and sacrifice those very precious things, in order to have only 3 things...Comfort, Convenience and Entertainment.

Those 3 things are so coveted and so deeply seen as needs, people will agree to be experimented on, monitored, tracked, recorded, robbed, imprisoned, mutilated, silenced, spied on, censored, and openly lied to - by their "elected leaders".

They flipped the script, successfully, long ago and have been laughing and ruling, ever since.

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Bread and circuses... some things never change.

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You can't blame them...don't fix it if it ain't broke.

No one ever likes hearing me say or write this, "we (collectively and historically) are to blame for this".

There have always been liars, cheats, conmen, tyrants, opportunists and predators...but we are the ones that allowed them to rise to uncontrollable levels (in numbers and position).

It's a hard horse pill to swallow, but if we are to get better, we must take our medicine. The problem has always been, people refusing to take the pill...for thousands of years.

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"What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it’s natural manure."

-- Thomas Jefferson, 1787

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Great Quote from TJ.

Of course - and this is not lost on today's masses - in order to "remedy" the rulers...we will have to give up those 3 things, I mentioned previously...and few are going to do that.

It's so easy for conservatives (me included) to jump valiantly on the "lock and load" bandwagon. But in truth that's not sacrifice, it's a profession of delayed martyrdom. It' verbal LARPing.

Sacrifice, is everything you do - or better stated - turn off or give up, before the shooting starts.

Since we know the globalist/progressives run on power and that power (for the time being) is predicated on money, then we stop all the spending we do, that funnels money to them,

We dump the internet, professional forms of entertainment, anything legislated or facilitated by any type of government and more.

What that means is no tv, no internet; no easy access to electricity, heat or AC,; no chocked full grocery stores; no movies; no concerts; no cell phones; no funded healthcare...you get the idea. That would be real sacrifice, real rebellion.

Of course the enslaving cancer has metastasized and spread so deeply and widely across societies, that giving up any one of those things, would constitute a real or imagined crisis, in the lives and or minds of the masses.

They would certainly be told is was the case, by the tyrants and their minions.

In today world, the blood needed to refresh that tree, might very well be in the form of supreme discomforts, unimaginable inconvenience and the requirement to entertain ones self, until the tyrants give in.

Then we hang them on the tree and never forget how we let it all get out of hand.

That sure is a big pill, next to that small glass of water.

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"until the tyrants give in" may not be as long, or as difficult, as we might think.

[Their] systems are melting down right now. They are already losing and they know it. Which is why they are acting out and making mistakes, the Moloch Speech for instance.

We may have to live without some or all of those things for a while, or maybe not. [They] actually intended for this meltdown to happen; it was supposed to lead into the Great Reset ca. 2030. But Trump put the throttle to the wall with Warp Speed and it will happen before [they] are ready:


The most recent suspension of the debt ceiling until 2025 is the latest step in the plan.

[They] will not go willingly or easily, but go they will; and it will not take until 2030. Then we 'build back better' for real.

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That is a compelling thought, but with the numbers I perceive in my sphere the effect might not even be noticed. For example, my personal boycott of Carhartt for mandating the jabs has cost the company maybe tens of dollars. I have removed the pocket badges and posted pics on line and the response was crickets. It does make it simpler to decide where to shop; No Target, no Goodwill (mandate), etc.

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Jun 3, 2023
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True. That's why so many oppositional people, in the US and elsewhere, are recovered alcoholics/other forms of addiction, or former abuse victims.

To fight and win against that all-devouring need for the fix, one must accept that no matter the whys of the situation, it's on me and me alone to fight.

And to fight is to win; the very fact that you started fighting means you started winning.

As long as it's someone else's fault (in your mind), you can't fight. As I told many a "problem-child" when I was their teacher:

"Yep, mommy drank and daddy beat you up and sometimes they switiched it around. That sucks. Do you think you're alone in that? Are you going to let other people's shitty behaviour define and rule your life?"

Better the kids hated my guts but got to hear truths most adults don't dare speak or even think, than be put on medications and self-pity programmes.

Apologies for barging in on your conversation but you touched a nerve, in a good way.

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I like the perspective mzlizzi !

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A majority of Americans is concerned about "safety." But can government provide "safety?" What are you trading for whatever that is?

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Very true Ben, great observation.

The craziness of it is, most of the concerns about safety we have (collectively), are in response to crises, the SOBs at the top created, intentionally. If people stopped and really looked at the issues they worry about daily - health, financial, food, borders, gender, race, war, the attack on children, privacy, AI - they would realize ALL have either been created by or ramped up to critical levels, by the regimes and bureaucrats running things.

The safety the masses crave, is a manufactured illusion.

No crisis = no need for safety = no power or control for the rulers.

It's the regimes ending one crisis they created and everyone cheers and breathes a sigh of relief - think Afghanistan - in order to create another crisis, that they can tell those same masses, who are now back in a cycle of stress, fear and worry - ""we will fight and not let XYZ happen" - again...XYZ can be any other issue we have today. It's an illusion we have been sold - snake oil - and the majority of us have bought it each and every time - for centuries.

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You are suggesting that everyone do something. I would like to put forth that the something is to PRAY! 2 Chronicles 7:14 "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." We must stop viewing this crisis as a secular crisis when it is clearly spiritual warfare. I challenge every person who reads this comment to pray to God and ask Him to reveal to you whether this is so.

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I know a lot of Christians who did a whole lot of praying during covid who could not be bothered to do anything else to stop the evil.

Someone they worship would've kicked over the tables.

No excuses from Christians. They need to get off their knees and stand up.

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This reminds me of the meme where the man kneels by his bedside, praying each day that God will come and set him free him from his prison. In the background is an open door.

The man finally reaches heaven and beseeches God to explain WHY God never came down to free him, despite such diligent praying. God, exasperated, exclaims "I opened the door for you! Why did you not walk through it?!"

A good reminder that faith without action is meaningless.

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Yes. Spot on!

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Faith only exists as action.

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Unfortunately many, if not most, churches went along with the tyranny. Some of my Christian friends dismissed the idea that vaxx passports are/were a trial run for the number of the beast and went along as they had already gotten the jab. Compelling evidence from good sources made no difference. The whole subject has been tabled, ostensibly for group unity. No friendships lost but there is a tension. The Missus and I feel like "not-quite" outcasts. Sad and infuriating, but instructive.

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If they had gone to church the people and institutions they worship would have called them mean things. They loved the praise of man more than the praise of God. They love this world which hates Jesus and is His sworn enemy.

Many have not returned. Unworthy.

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I find this church business some of the most difficult to digest. Consciousness is everything- the difference between god, man and beast.

The Spirit of Man vs. the spirit of church attendance is now almost mutually exclusive. Religion is supposed to guard and uplift consciousness safely until the Kundalini goes off to ignite the pineal and reveal 'God-Man', or Christ consciousness.

"Christ consciousness" is the highest consciousness there is- literally Brahma/Universal Man as they say in the Vedanta and the Tao etc..

Christians aren't taught how to achieve it, but that they sin and must pay -demoralising them. They want to be seen as good. (My grandfather was an archdeacon. My mother was quite 'instructive' as you say.)

The community inside church is just that- community - a social group for sweet, good hearts that want peace. Nothing wrong with that but it's not teaching people how to achieve higher consciousness which is what any religion should be doing if it's still intact.

The entire covid gig seems to be about raising consciousness- they're poking us to see how much we know about health, law, rights as creatures of this earth and what True Spirit IS. We weren't always paying attention before covid. Now we are.

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Agree 100%

Well said

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We should have been in the nursing homes comforting the ones forced by our government to die alone.

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I agree. I was stating that prayer must be the FIRST step, and that we must view the battle as spiritual. Jesus warned against lukewarm Christians. They will be judged, along with the false prophets. I would still encourage you, Sir, to pray, and ask God to show you the spiritual battle.

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Plenty of churches & Christians also either went along w/ the government nonsense but abetted it

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Of course they did. The christian churches has never had a problem aligning themselves with whatever power is ruling the roost.

Look at the history of the catholic church and how many times dogma and the bible was edited to suit contemporary whims of the power at the time.

Most traditional churches should have a weathervane, not a cross, for a symbol.

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“Most traditional churches should have a weathervane, not a cross, for a symbol.”

So true! Sadly.

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There was a very courageous pastor in Canada who refused to close his church and was subsequently arrested. There are heroes of the faith amongst us.

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Yes, I’d heard about him. And there weren’t nearly enough like him.

Conversely, there were some in England (& undoubtedly elsewhere) who actually refused the unvax’d entry to worship. I can’t imagine anything much more unchristian & frankly diabolical.

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As a Christian , I agree! Man up. We have the tools and it's time to stop bring doormats. So much more at stake now, people are too blind to see it.

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This brings to mind the biblical idea from Nehemiah to "pray and post a guard" - literally, pray - but then post a guard or whatever action can be taken to back up that prayer. https://vision.org.au/the-word-for-today-reading/pray-and-post-a-guard/

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"we have been here before and we have come back from it.

the terrifying fascism of wilson & FDR was like this.

and we recovered."

Did we? Did we really?

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compared to what was going on at the time?

yes, we did.

did we take it far enough and fully recover the sorts of rights envisioned by our framers?


and that needs to be the prize this time.

half measures leave us upon the slippery slope and that one ends one way.

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No we didn’t!

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"Oh, you should never, never, doubt what nobody is sure about"


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We all want this to change. It is going to take a while.

It didn't happen overnight after the fascism of the Wilson administration or the wholesale trampling of liberty that is the personification of the FDR reign (yes it was a reign).

It took a couple generations.

My point is; are all of us willing to fight a battle for which we may all be long dead, before the change we seek becomes a reality?

That is the penultimate decision in my mind. The first decision is where do we start, and what resources do we need to meet those ends.

I believe the most valuable resource is within us all:

The courage to exert our will on the malaise that has infected society. The window to shift the Overton window is NOW.

We are the change agents and we must decide if we have the will to stand for freedom TODAY; knowing that our end goal may not be accomplished until after we shuffle of this mortal coil.

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I've mentioned this several times I think, here and elsewhere whenever the perspective of time is brought up and you are spot on.

A struggle such as this one, which is existential in the true meaning of the word and which is fought on all fronts save open armed conflict, can not be understood using "clock-time". Victory is not next year or next decade: victory is the struggle itself.

As long as you are fighting, you are free and you haven't lost.

Look at the Islamic Brotherhood. Their goal is a global califate under their control. Not a one-state world, "just" islam's total victory and eradication of all else but islam.

None of them think it will happen in their lifetime. All of them believe it will happen, eventually, as long as they fight on. So far, they are winning even in the short term.

Use them as a template of the pinciples of this struggle. Look at how they got off the ground and where they are now.

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Well said. Agree

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"We are the change agents"


Willie meant this literally. Dream It, then Go Make the Music.

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Jun 3, 2023
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Didn't Einstein or some overrated physicist quote on change? Yep- found it;

'The measure of intelligence is the ability to change.'

Albert Einstein

The irony here is it's only valid if one believes they guy was intelligent enough to do what mainstream thinks he did. In reality he messed up physics for the last hundred years.

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Jun 3, 2023
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Totally agree. It must start with the individual's internal state.

My husband is freaking about his friend's wife. She is causing untold chaos working/training ALL THE TIMES to be a better psychologist, earning money to send her son to...

a psychologist. ( S M H )

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Change from being spectators to asserting our will is what I mean.

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Gato, my dude - how am I supposed to make any coin on my Tin Foil Hat side hustle if you keep encouraging We the Little People to take notice, think for ourselves, and act of our own volition?!

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“Everyone thinks of changing the world, no one thinks of changing himself.” Put up or shut up. I’m tired of the chatter.

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This. Change starts on the individual level. Everybody wants people to accept them just the way they are and then bemoan why society doesn't change.

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Well, it’s quite evident that the government knows EXACTLY who we are, even us “little guys”. So, since that’s true, and it’s too late anyway to hide, I’ll be damned if I’ll shut up. Might as well go down fighting! At least we’ll have some semblance of honor and “freedom”.

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Same. I'm Googled out the YinYang so it's too late. They know everything about me now.

So you want to be on a Watch List with me?

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Haha, I’m pretty sure I already am! I lived in Libya for 12 years, I’m MAGA, unvaxxed, Christian, white, conservative, 2A, NRA member, straight, have no pronouns in my Twitter bio, so pretty sure on most of their watch lists! Only thing going for me at this point is I’m not a man! (But then again, “what is a woman?”!!!)

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“Watch List” that’s a nice euphemism for “AI operated drone target list”.

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It's a good point.

Just because you're not paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you.

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Inside every progressive is a totalitarian waiting to get out.... David Horowitz

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In El Paso, TX in May of this year, voters were offered eleven proposals, ALL of which were giving the government power to do something. I voted no on all of them. A few of them passed, but it was very encouraging that the one trying to establish a "climate council" and give them power to do all sorts of ridiculous things was soundly defeated!

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Government overreach, spying on the people, neighbor vs neighbor, etc. will get far worse before any sort of rebellion coalesces. Then the question is: what form will said rebellion take? Until people come to realize that we cannot vote our way out of this, there will be no rebellion.

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As for the government spying on us I’m just amazed at how many people went out and bought the devices that made spying on them much easier. Like the Amazon thing people have in their homes and on their front porch. Amazon just got fined $30 million for listening to people in their homes and then keeping the information. Plus people working for Amazon played conversations with others and laughed at people. After finding out what Amazon has done will any of them get rid of the devices? I’m thinking not many will.

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As Benjamin Franklin famously wrote: "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.' Though many have heard or read this quote, few understand it. The "average" American is far less and certainly not what once was the average American of 25-50-75 or more years ago. As IQ goes down, the desire for security over liberty increases. So sad really. So sad.

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The amount of counter intuitiveness appears to be snowballing everywhere we look. I have to keep telling myself this is intentional. Four years is a longtime to live under ongoing incompetency. Always looking for a shred of truth.

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