use cash, cut up your cards, show them what it'll cost

do not let us crawl in to tyrannical totalitarianism

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As lawyer once said ‘Never in writing, always in cash!’ 💯

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Cash is king. On this “walk-out” week, I’ve stopped using cards. A cashier-in-training was dumbfounded when I handed her a $100 bill for a $60+ purchase. Her supervisor had to show her how to access the cash. And how to count. I asked her if it was her first cash transaction. She nodded. I said “ welcome to team humanity”.

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A few things!

1) How many of the gun crimes are done with illegal guns!

2) Social credit scores you only need to look at the Ethereum goings on yesterday because that is ALL IN with social credit scores. It's the cliff we may have just fallen off of

3) The Patriot Act was the middle but this all started a LONG LONG time ago.

4) And for chuckles (NOT) Kamala just flew a special trip to NY on Air Force something to talk about climate change. For THEE not ME!

It's a freaking rabbit hole and this will not end well.

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I’ve been using cash since these totalitarians began their over reaches. I for one have been sounding the horn for the last few years. Yet here we are with these monsters still trying to take away what little rights and freedoms we have left. I will not go away quietly. I’ve never trusted the government or any elected officials. I’m willing to do whatever it takes to stand up and pushback against the tyranny

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It's fascinating (in a horrifc way). No matter how much history shows otherwise, people are convinced that this time is different, or that they are different and of course power will not corrupt this time around.

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Sep 15, 2022·edited Sep 15, 2022

No love for the donkeys or the elephants either -- especially so the Marxist donkeys.

That said, a few things. First, yes, the R's did give us the Patriot act and all that entails and while the D's briefly put up some ceremonial resistance they quickly joined in. But at least the R's intended it -- at least initially -- to target foreign adversaries. You know, *actual* terrorists. In the immediate wake of 9/11 this was not a wholly absurd approach to what had been (and still is) a security apparatus with lackluster efficacy. How much actual terrorism has the FBI ever prevented?

It was under the reign of their precious Messiah that the Deep State D's (DSDs?) turned these new Stasi-esque powers unconstitutionally inward on U.S. Citizens. Especially any who might oppose or expose the regime. Whether this was a long game goal of the R's at the get go we'll never know, but either way the genie is out of the bottle and the R's are suffering the consequences of their misplaced zeal.

Second, I know Gato that you are on record as a registered Trump hater. But do you see anyone else on the national stage who can guide us out of this collective madness? The GOP shore of the swamp is indistinguishable from the Donkey shore. There is no difference whether they have an (R) or ad (D) after their name, the stench of the swamp is the same. Trump is by far the largest existential threat to their continued rise in mutual domination, which is why they are obsessed with taking him down at any cost along with anyone who dares support him or question a rigged election. Trump's independence derives largely from the fact he is not beholden to the oligarchs in the donor class who are the ultimate power behind any Presidency. No speech Trump ever gave even comes close to what has spewed forth from the most corrupt, incompetent, and downright evil person ever to sit on the throne at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

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I always been and always known it. In HS I had a badge on my schoolbag that said "Anarchists Unite!" and there was this one girl, I suspect how she turned out in the end, but anyway she saw that and pursed her lips and shook her head reprovingly.

Have a lifelong friend, our love language is arguing loudly about everything, and I hate whenever she's right. She doesn't have a credit card, pays everything by check, been warning me for years of that gates-of-hell thingy opened by all this online banking.

If she used the internet I'd email her this post so she could bust my eardrums with the "I told you so!" shriek of triumph.

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Gato, I literally just wrote an article yesterday about how this is beyond politics. Politics is dead as we once knew it. Emergency powers, lobbyists, and other special interests have combined to hijack the system. The Patriot Act took only 45 days after 9/11, and you're right, at the time, so many applauded it because it made us feel "safe".


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All gun purchases and ammo must be made in cash. It's the only way?

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I think we're way beyond "seeds" - more like "essentially-in-place". Those women swimmers at U of Penn? There were hints that they furious that that guy was prancing around naked in their locker room, but not one said a word about it publicly. Why? Because "words" would necessarily be on a social media platform and all future employers would meticulously review social media presence. Any dissent from the trans agenda would have close to completely blocked future employment with any corporate, big bucks employer; and before that, acceptance by top tier professional schools. Add in the quarter mil$ investment their parents have invested in their education and that equals: silence - the good kind, i.e. not the silence that equals violence.

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This: "there is zero evidence or even plausible inference behind the idea that “tracking gun and ammo purchases will alleviate gun violence” in any fashion whatsoever."

And that is why we should all be afraid.

Wonder what they will start "tracking" with credit cards next? Will they have to separate out charges for "alternative" media? Unapproved books on Amazon? People who buy more than a one-pack of toilet paper?

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Imagine believing that the U.S. Government, which has slaughtered millions of people, including its own subjects, just in the last thirty years or so with every manner of weapon imaginable, wants to disarm us to Keep Us Safe™.

Especially after Comrade Brandon and his band of not-so-merry neo-Bolsheviks just declared open lawfare on some 50% of the electorate, which coincidentally are almost certainly far more heavily armed than the bolshies.

"The Second Amendment is a doomsday provision, one designed for those exceptionally rare circumstances where all other rights have failed - when the government refuses to stand for reelection and silences those who protest; where courts have lost the courage to oppose, or can find no one to enforce their decrees.

However improbable these contingencies may seem today, facing them unprepared is a mistake a free people get to make only once."

~ Judge Alex Kozinski, dissenting in Silveira v. Lockyer, 328 F.3d 567 (9th Circuit 2003)

We live in perilous times.

Judge for yourself how many of Kozinski's "exceptionally rare circumstances" have occurred.

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Sep 15, 2022·edited Sep 15, 2022

True that they would love to get rid of cash but this nonsense in particular they want to use as evidence against people under red flag laws. SCOTUS has ruled against such laws but some states keep pushing them. I don't know how that's even possible.

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"Cash Out" (a.k.a., "The War on Cash") was published in 2002, https://www.amazon.com/dp/B018URJAPU:

A 2300 word essay examining the unfortunate trend of the government and big business working towards the elimination of cash in our society.

Even though the “cash” circulating in society is fiat money rather than Constitutionally mandated gold and silver, its use by citizens still affords them an out from constant tracking of their economic activities. Cash offers anonymity. It provides privacy and individual control. Its one of the few walls holding back the flood tide of government domination that threatens our last tattered shreds of liberty.

Those benefits, of course, are what condemn cash in the eyes of the State. Only when cash is fully eliminated will the politicians be satisfied.

Never forget, however, that when these Orwellian monsters come marching to seize your cash, what they really want to take is your freedom.


I hate being right.

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Gato, Bitcoin was made for this. Sanction-proof monetary asset. Decentralized censorship-resistant networks will emasculate the technofascists who are planning these forms of tyrannical control.

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