I'm not sure that this movement's 15 minutes are up. In fact, I think the second hand has raced around the dial only a couple of times.

We have to win this and send those Stanford kids to re-education camps, or they will send us to death camps. I am not joking.

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I would have torn down all their posts, put them in a wastebasket, whipped it out, and pissed all over them. But that's probably too subtle. The society will soon be ravaged by these little tyrants. The solution: A strike. Don't fix their broken cars, computers, plumbing, electrical, or whatever. All their skills are directed at controlling us. Otherwise, they're as dumb as a box of rocks. We'll reorganize society to take care of our own and shun the petulant bastards. Their only skill will be tyranny. But the magic is this: it only works with the sanction of their victims. Deny them your sanction and watch them clench and rage. Hell, they'll probably threaten to hold their breath.

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Mar 15, 2023·edited Mar 15, 2023

I disagree. Well, I certainly agree we have created the Maoist Red Guard, but I disagree about how we stop them. They are not crybabies seeking to maintain their privilege and power. They are committed zealots revolutioizing for the religion. They have the backing of the majority, who believe their creed. The danger is the creed, not the "crybabies". This is why we will never stop their cultural revolution with freedom of speech alone. We stop them by discrediting their creed with a better creed.

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Or ditch the schools? I have two teenage daughters. We have money saved for them post college. One is going into business with my husband in multi family real estate. She’ll need some certifications and marketing. The other is going to be a personal trainer and open her own gym. So more certifications, marketing and money to lease the space. The remainder of what would have been their college money is going to be put down on a starter home.

So by the time most college kids are graduating with massive debt and useless degrees my kids should be self employed, starting to earn real money, and home owners.

Just boycott the whole mess. Let them rot on the vine.

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I'd like to hear a follow up story on the 10 that stood their ground and did not protest. What motivated them to do so? Was it bravery? Are they motivated to push back against the mob? It is valuable to call out the childish behavior of the group that shouts down the voices it doesn't want to hear, but it is also important to laud those who are living through it and not joining it. They should be encouraged not only to ignore their peers, but to push back on them, as well. The college administrators are cowards, but if there are other paying customers that are willing to push through this nonsense, they will get behind them quickly and this can get rooted out of these colleges.

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It’s been going on for *decades,* many instances much worse than the above. Each time it hits the news cycle, sensible people say “those kids need to be taught a lesson, expel them,” but they are never ever expelled, usually graduate with honors. Then 1, 5, 10 years later those same sensible people cry tears of pride when their kid gets into that same school. Madness.

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Power can be taken and it can be given.

These university administrators believe they can give just enough power away by apologizing to extremists like these and groveling to appease them. And yet still think they will remain "in charge".

They are now opening their eyes to a rude awakening as the extremists are working their way up the ranks, even to deans and chancellors. Power won't be taken back. The patients run the asylum now.

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Gato - our shared alma mater pioneered these struggle sessions 20 years ago. Here is my “lived experience” attending one: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-groom-commissars

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Any student who participated in disrupting the Judge’s presentation should be identified and expelled, their transcript marked “Expelled for disruptive conduct.” Any faculty member who supported or encouraged the disruption should be fired for cause. Same goes for anyone participating in the hazing of Martinez. No excuses, no mercy, no exceptions. Of course, that would require the Academy to display some of that Masculinity that they so thoroughly lack.

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People keep calling them kids - in law school, you should be an adult.

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Your refreshing vocabulary and wordsmithing says exactly what I feel but cannot say. Thank you!

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El Gato you touched on something I felt about the Left for some time. Engaging the left is like dealing with a narcissist. Leftists tend to see themselves as unlimited goodness who will save the world from hate. They are always looking for a person to unleash their unassuageable rage that is always percolating inside them. You walk on eggshells around them fearful you'll say the wrong thing and they'll ruin your life. There are no shades of gray with Leftists. You're either a full-blown racist misogynist, or you're not. No in-between. Your needs and opinions cannot be met, validated, or even spoken about because you should accept that they are all good and you're all bad.

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Don't send your kids to woke colleges. Go to trade schools where they teach useful skills for real careers. Let the college systems decline to the dustbins of history. We need to rebuild our country back to a productive one with a future for the next generations.

I do not know how possible it will be for the near future. It will likely all have to crumble before any positive changes can take hold. I have no confidence that should Donald Trump gets his 2nd term he will be able to do much against all the captured agencies and media. Too many people are looking to him and his second term being the solution to our problems. But, we all, Trump included, vastly underestimated how vast the swamp we wanted to drain was / is. The phoenix is burning. It is what arises from the ashes that we must look to and nurture.

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Thank you, dear gato. As you say, these children "imagine that they will always be the purger and not the purgee and the frisson of being beastly excites them." It is so sad to see. Sadder still that they seem to have zero clue about the horrors of the Cultural Revolution under Mao, which they seem bent on reenacting with all the awareness of a troop of zombies. And sadder still to realize, as Stanford students, they are more likely than not all multiply jabbed with the cooties juice. (I also don't doubt a large percentage are on prescription mood pills.) As for their despicable behavior, if history is any guide, at least some of them will eventually come to their senses, perhaps roundabout in their early 30s or even 40s, and once past their feelings of knee-buckling shame, and grief, they will get on with what they can. Meanwhile, it's important to call them out. Again, my thanks.

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“keep in mind: this is literally a protest against an apology.

this was the dean who riled them up into wrecking the speech of an invited speaker and had been their ringleader in thwarting”

Was Martinez involved in the original event? I’m pretty sure the woman who made the speech was the DEI dean, Steinbach, not the law school dean.

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"and in their towering unselfawareness they are so pig ignorant about this fact that they have become a genuine problem"

Yeah, spells upon spells, deceits upon deceits. No quick undoing here.

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