I'm not sure that this movement's 15 minutes are up. In fact, I think the second hand has raced around the dial only a couple of times.

We have to win this and send those Stanford kids to re-education camps, or they will send us to death camps. I am not joking.

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Or just kick them out of school instead of trying to out Maoist them? Re-education camps? Aren’t we trying to move away from this?

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This movement is everywhere--government, business, education, entertainment...even sports leagues. People hate it, yet it is expanding. It's not a grift, it's official policy.

There was a reason the Brandon puppet was installed in DC. We are living through it. Controlled collapse...CBDCs...NWO.

Do not give up your guns.

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This comment resonates more with me than the first. I don't believe reeducation generally works against a committed ideological opponent. Deprogramming/reverse brainwashing is notoriously hard.

Energy is better spent building bulwarks for it to break against or being able to punch back with zeal.

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I was being nice, just in case the federales were taking notes...

Something wicked this way comes.

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The anthem of the medical freedom movement. Watch the hit music video FOREVER FREEDOM BRIGADE. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/forever-freedom-brigade

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We're not able to win this with force and misery. Economics and the fun prettiest ones have to seduce with common sense.

Economics are key.

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Yes, and it comes in different forms. This has been going on at least to some extent since the Evergreen State College episode with Bret Weinstein in 2017. College professors are paying for what they've allowed to happen, and they will continue to pay until they put an end to it.

But we are all starting to pay as well, and I work in manufacturing in AL. Our HR department hired a bunch of young women (to work in HR) over the past 5 years. They ran off a longtime HR employee, a man in his 50s. The younger women ganged up and complained about him, and he got fired.

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Evergreen's enrollment crashed after that fiasco. With any luck, Standord's will too. It is obviously highly over-rated.

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All you need to know about Stanford is that obnoxious "band". A bunch of privileged elitists who believe that they are better than everyone else and therefore are entitled to mock and scorn everyone else.

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A pop idol disgraces herself when she bans the unvaccinated from her concerts. Listen to Turfseer’s hit song GAGA’S GONE. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/gagas-gone

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I will not

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The Maoists manage the schools. We must build parallel schools and grow in stature so that we either become self-sufficient or we replace them.

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I’m not sure there is any point to sending a kid to college today. They don’t seem to teach anything relevant to anything other than social Justice.

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THIS is so true. My kids wasted 4 years and a lot of my money and have minimum wage jobs that didn't need degrees

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Unfortunately, that takes more time that we don’t have. Not to say we should not make that effort, but in the meantime, what?

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One upside to the Plandemic has been a significant increase in home schooling and especially the proliferation of local "pods" where different parents take turns teaching different subjects to a group of students, not unlike classes but without the woke conditioning.

The sad thing is these parents are choosing not to work, or at least not full time, and focus their efforts on raising their children -- what a concept -- yet are still being bled dry in local property taxes to pay tribute to the overpriced and under producing public education cabals.

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The public education is not education it is "indoctrination". Your law students reflect that. It was not a few years of indoctrination, it has been from grade school to high school to college... a journey if you will. Parent launched them onto it, ignored it and was blind to the ultimate end: Parents demise. We are not far from the Maoist putting your family in camps.. denouncing your parents.. this is true and real evil. These 'children' are dangerous and need to be disciplined as described OR locked out of power. I can't see a good resolution because the LAW DEANS and SCHOOLS are ON THEIR SIDE.

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In the meantime meet up in the REAL.

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Still waiting for TITS to become a thing 😆

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Unless they are willing to participate in an open give-and-take educational environment that embodies the course of instruction and the legal profession in general, they should be shown the door, and be advised to seek out an institution more in agreement with their expressed philosophy. (And good luck with that!)

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You still have to get them off of TikTok, especially with all the free time they'd have with no classes to attend.

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Yup. These are brats who need to face consequences, because they haven’t been previously made to. Like most bullies, one good punch in the mouth will correct their behaviors. Bullies don’t bully because they are strong, they do so because the victims are weak, and they can get away in costless pleasure. Expel them, and the behavior quickly ends.

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Fully agree with the first part, the second, not so much. You think these black clad wimps have the cojones to try and round people up? Admittedly, some of them may achieve positions of power where they would send others to do the rounding up, but most will not. Those in that cohort would fold like 2/7 unsuited in Texas Hold’em.

The problem is a lack of personal accountability. Social media and costumes provide anonymity so repercussions are practically nonexistent. A sound ass kicking is what’s really required here.

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As individuals they're weak and cowardly, but the mob behaves as a completely different organism. While walking alone on the street, most of them would not have the courage to look you in the eye, however, the black clad and masked antifa or BLM mobs have no problem assaulting outnumbered victims.

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True. However, those mobs generally gather in cities where there is no pushback from police or citizens. It won’t work so well in places where ordinary people won’t put up with their BS.

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There's a new church in town. Watch CHURCH OF THE PANDEMIC MIND. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/church-of-the-pandemic-mind

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These people are indeed vicious, but weak. They have the power to control the police and enforce their insanity, however.

The average policeman has only one goal: put in his time and collect that sweet, sweet government pension. If he has to decide between your civil rights and his retirement plans...well, kiss your civil liberties goodbye.

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John - then I am incredibly blessed to personally know hundreds of above average policemen who risk their life & limb everyday they go to work for the safety & betterment of their community. I would love ‘em to introduce you to them - for they are & have been sone of the most amazing people in my life. The govt & media despises them & big tech & schools vilify them. But, I have lost count how many lives & acts of selfless kindness they have done. I know firsthand. I support the thin blue line in spite of the few who are poorly trained & selfish & tragically ignorant of the Constitutional rights they are violating.

Just my two cents.

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During the height of the lockdowns a few of us Medical Freedom activists in NYC went to a supermarket to challenge the mask mandate. The wonderful police with their masks came and kicked us out. Just following orders I guess!

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Good comment, San. You're right. I made a sweeping generalization. A good number of LEOs are people of integrity and would resist tyrannical measures.

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If the SHTF, like in the “rounding people up” scenario here, police have families too. They aren’t going to be so gung ho to risk their lives when that pension is gone or they might be next at the wall.

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You're not a student of history then?

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I actually am. There difference here is an armed populace. You really think Americans are going to allow themselves to be rounded up? This American sure isn’t.

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"There difference here is an armed populace."

It made no difference when the Left told people they were not allowed to go to work and feed themselves.

It continues to make no difference as they arrest people for protesting CRT at school board meetings.

America is a frog in a pot of warm water.

There are solutions.

Almost nobody is implementing them.

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Any SHTF scenario that involves public servants' paychecks stopping are going to lead to a sudden disappearance of loyalties real quick.

https://youtu.be/KrrFqtgQjUA (Rick and Morty clip)

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Any SHTF scenario that involves public servants' paychecks stopping are going to lead to... said public servants willing to crack skulls and kill those preventing a return to the status quo.

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History proves otherwise. Don’t be naive.

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Yep. Just watch the cuck police in Chinada (most recently Calgary) carrying out out the twisted agenda of wannabe dictators. Disgusting.

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Good Cop Bad Cop. The “Thin Blue Line” meets Medical Tyranny. Watch Turfseer’s music video here: https://turfseer.substack.com/p/good-cop-bad-cop

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Unfortunately your analogy is off. The students of cultural marxism are being taught that 2/7 unsuited is a winning hand, and that if you don't reward it as such that you are a racist, homophobic, transgenderphobic bigot.

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Mob rule and violence is not defined by personal factors. It's defined by the extremists among them and the level of emotion generated and focused. It only takes a few plants to set it afire.

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No more internment camps for the unvaccinated? Don’t be so sure! Watch Turfseer’s Music Video THE COMMANDANT. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/the-commandant

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Completely agree. This is social justice personality disorder fueled by the deeply held beliefs of dangerous cult members and sociopaths. They are fueled by rage and reinforned by delusion. Their self-esteem is not earned. It is stolen.

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News flash: these P'sOS are not going to apologize, nor will they learn any lessons. Stanford's administration hired the moron DIE administrator and so by definition is beyond redemption itself. Moreover, I would wager that the active alumni community veers so far to the left that they will not raise a finger in protest.

Nope. The only solution to this caustic malignancy is to impose a very personal price on the perpetrators. Eventually the other side has to inflict pain on such animals. I'll leave it to your imaginations how that might play out.

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She is not a moron. She is lower IQ than we would like to see in a Dean, but she is who she is, a black, anti-white radical who has been inserted by her growing tribe that is mostly made up of anti-white, female whites, into a position of authority with a ton of funding. She has the full backing of the Biden Administration and their pretorian guard in the former FBI/Law Enforcement. I agree with your last two sentences.

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Merriam Webster's primary definition of the word 'moron' is a "foolish or stupid person" and there should be no argument over her fitting that definition. Let's not quibble. No, she may not have an intellectual disability, but you are almost certainly correct that her IQ reveals at best a mediocre intellect. Her actions and speech reveal both a stupid and foolish person. I'd like to think that this move was career-limiting, but I'm no longer that optimistic.

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Watch POD PEOPLE BARBECUE. Origin of mask-wearing zombies revealed in song!


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We had a chance to nip this in the bud in Cali with the 1993 School Choice Initiative that would've provided the financial ability for parents to get their kids a decent education without leftist indoctrination & grooming. Anyone really paying attentions could see this coming. Rs were still viable statewide. But myopic "Rs" like Deukmejian & Wilson sabotaged it, many on the teachers union dole. Now, too far gone. Metastasized. No hope for Cali & many other states.

Iowa's universal school choice law is a ray of hope, but it's just one of so many states that've done nothing. Gov Kim Reynolds is a rare gem, targeted the primaries of RINOs who were obstructing school choice. Most "R" states are run by the kind of corrupt swamp-Rs who sabotaged it in Cali.

Every "red" state must enact that law ASAP to avoid future crops of monsters who are already "woke" before they get to commie finishing schools like Stanford. Then let state & community college funds follow students to private colleges. Revoke funding for those that don't expel & fire crybullies.

States like Calizuela are toast. Conservatives should get out while they still can to states that can still be shored up, saved, turned around. A time's coming when they'll let you leave, but not with all your wealth. "Exit taxes" already being considered. It's not a cowardly retreat. Live to fight another day, retrench, save the Republic, then *maybe* take Cali & other states back, long run. As Gen Oliver P Smith said in Korea, "Retreat hell. We're not retreating. We're just advancing in a different direction."

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Don't forget preventing Democrats, liberalsand progressives from moving into the as-of-yet functioning states and cities is key to keeping it so.

A well-functioning society is created due to by what metrics people are excluded from it, not by being inclusive.

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The only legal way to deter commie-libs from overwhelming still-sane cities & states is to enact policies they hate at the state level, preempting local as much as possible. That means the entire hard-ass conservative agenda. DeSantis did it in Florida and it works. Florida had the most inmigration from other states of any state by far in the last few years, yet turned majority R for the first time ever and DeSantis was reelected nearly 60-40.

R voters in Texas, Arizona & Georgia elected "Republican" sissies, kabuki artists & collaborators, so voting control is being lost to commie-libs moving in, plus illegals & anchor babies. (Despite his press kabuki, Abbott is really doing nothing to stop millions invading through Texas. He has ample power and Constitutional authority to stop the invasion cold, but he won't even enforce his fake deals with Mexican governors, since it would inconvenience his "cheap labor" pals.)

But in DeSantis Florida it's conservatives coming in, not commie-libs. Also helps that he cracked down on vote fraud, put some scumbags in prison, whereas Abbott signed a "Republican" bill that reduced vote fraud from felony to misdemeanor.

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"Constitutional Law" seems to be a class on how to make the Constitution amenable to whatever communist initiative you like today.

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Hitler jugend is back, they are testing the grounds like the asch experiment decades ago

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GESTAPO IN THE USA. A government agency brands vaccine skepticism as domestic violent extremism. Listen to Turfseer’s hit song. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/gestapo-in-the-usa

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You may be on to something...maybe not re-education camps, ala China, but brainwashing recovery camps deep in nature where these entitled crybabies have to depend on a group for survival that has contrarian views than theirs. I also disagree with the "marxist" definitions. China is no more truly communist/Marxist than quashing free speech is NOT fascism. Unfortunately communism does not seem to work when the population gets above about 500.

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Yes, love that depending on those you dehumanized to rescue and save YOU is a great way to help break the programming. Because it is an emotional programming they are experiencing. Thought and critical evaluation plays no role in it. ring a bell, get a treat. That's all it is.

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I would have torn down all their posts, put them in a wastebasket, whipped it out, and pissed all over them. But that's probably too subtle. The society will soon be ravaged by these little tyrants. The solution: A strike. Don't fix their broken cars, computers, plumbing, electrical, or whatever. All their skills are directed at controlling us. Otherwise, they're as dumb as a box of rocks. We'll reorganize society to take care of our own and shun the petulant bastards. Their only skill will be tyranny. But the magic is this: it only works with the sanction of their victims. Deny them your sanction and watch them clench and rage. Hell, they'll probably threaten to hold their breath.

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Agree. One man is calling for a white male walkout on April 5. I prefer a SWMWA walkout. Straight, white, men, women and allies.

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A day without white guys is the funniest concept I've heard in a long ass time... what to DO with that???

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"A Day Without Old White Guys"

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A day with no (white) kitchen finishers, cabinet makers, plumbers, no water supply engineers, no electricians, no EMS, no nurses, no cement guys, no Air Traffic Controllers, no aircraft mechanics, no customs inspectors ... on and on (note when I say no, I mean a MAJORITY of these jobs are not working due to being white men impact might vary depending on numbers of such employees). It would hamper you greatly should you need any of those services on that particular day.

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Yeah, but it runs 180 degrees counter to catholic and protestant work ethic alike, so it'll never happen.

Especially since three generations of whites (at least three) have been increasingly and progressively conditioned to loathe themselves and associate race-based loyalty as something inherently bad for them, yet good for non-whites.

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And THAT is how you get noticed.

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The Plandemic Is compared to the Salem Witchcraft Trials. Watch 1692 WAS A VERY GOOD YEAR. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/1692-was-a-very-good-year

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I disagree. Well, I certainly agree we have created the Maoist Red Guard, but I disagree about how we stop them. They are not crybabies seeking to maintain their privilege and power. They are committed zealots revolutioizing for the religion. They have the backing of the majority, who believe their creed. The danger is the creed, not the "crybabies". This is why we will never stop their cultural revolution with freedom of speech alone. We stop them by discrediting their creed with a better creed.

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i suspect there is a simple test:

give their knuckles a good rap and make them sit in the corner.

i will bet they cry and fold.

these folks are mostly cowards and frails and they have gravitated to this ideology because of it.

that said, also discrediting this creed can't hurt. it's anathema to human flourishing. no reason we can't have both.

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But the people who would give their knuckles a good rap are *in* their corner. Who else can rap their knuckles? Most of their eventual private sector employers are *also* in their corners, as are much/most of their eventual public sector employers.

I don't see how any of this sht ends well, whenever it is that the pot finally boils over. Because they will never stop, and enough of us will not let it continue.

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Exactly. Who will give them a rap? A spoiled generation, indoctrinated with poisonous beliefs, and taught to crush all who cause them emotional pain is being set loose upon the world and encouraged to brutalized wrong-thinkers.

Again, this is Stanford, not some third-tier JC.

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Jonathan Haidt thinks it is precisely because it is the Ivy League that this happens. Students at third rate JCs work, come from difficult situations, and have some real world skills, both emotional and physical. Or then it could be that Stanford is basically possessed as Jane and Leland lost Leland Jr. to a disease and went to some spiritualists in Europe, who said the haint of little Leland Jr. wanted them to build a university. LOL. What I can't figure out is how the f**k they can pay 100K in tuition and study and spend most of their time savaging civilization. But maybe the substitute for actual education is this frenzy. If, hypothetically, a force is trying to utterly destroy the Western nations, one of the last not completely captured institutions is the judiciary. The ed schools, then the law schools, then Mordor wins.

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I think they see that their elite and influential tribe leaders agree with them. It's no longer in the shadows.

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The real world will rap those knuckles. The problem is, the elite in this country are their zealot mentors and will hire them to wield the power of the state. They won't be weak if the entire govt backs them. Take themnout now.

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Jab them often and frequently enough and they will take themselves out. LOL. True, no? They should be on booster 4 now, sufficient to give them some VAIDS and/or turbo cancers? Or some drop dead suddenly? Or perhaps some rare disabling disease? Such they can't work or go about in the world? Bonus for them jabbing no. 4 and 5 is they also won't be reproducing themselves, so there's always that.

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Jonestown meets the Covidian cult. Listen to Turfseer’s I DRANK THE KOOL-AID.. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/i-drank-the-kool-aid

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The Cultural Revolution in China lasted almost a generation, but eventually it ended. As the Lord lives, we will get through this.

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Has China really gotten through it?

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They have created the largest middle class in world history, in a period of decades. I would say so. They are arguably freer than the US right at the moment (and the trend lines are separating, theirs up and ours down).

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And literacy in Cuba is higher than it is in the US. But what good is literacy in what's essentially prison? In that same vein, as for China's middle class, have seen the video where you have to scan your face in order for a gate to open so you can leave your neighborhood?

"Each neighborhood district is separated by a fence wall. There are two to four gates per district. If you want to get in or leave your district, you will need a face scan. (your Digital ID).

If you exceed your limit the gates don’t open."


China has more than half of all video "security"cams on the planet, something like 770 million cams on earth, and 417 million of them in China.

Freer than the US?

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The question is Who are "they"?

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This is a byproduct of a society where it's no longer acceptable for someone to feel "healthy" shame and/or guilt for being a loser (in both senses). That can not be taught into existence through a textbook or in a safe-space. It has to be felt/experienced.

The capacity to feel that is there for a reason. It is the equivalent of that one noxious smell that you will never forget, but also requires stimulation, from time to time during development, or the association of the smell and what CAUSED it become disjointed-leaving just the smell.

Neuroimaging of the pre-frontal cortex, of these kids, would probably reveal that the regions engaged with "Theory of Mind" are that of a child. They would pass a "false-belief task" as a toddler who recognizes that another person does not have knowledge that they do. But what they would have a tough time doing is the inverse; because stages of theory of mind are cumulative. It may not fully occur to them that they don't have all the information/knowledge because they inhabit a world where "beliefs" are blurred with information. How could it be a belief if I hold all the information? Or how could someone else's belief be backed by information when I hold the universe of all information/knowledge? And, even if someone had my information, how could someone possibly understand it when they don't have the "right" beliefs?!!!

Countries that have a culture of collectivism such as Middle Eastern countries demonstrate during testing stages 2-4 of TOM, that have to do with diverse beliefs/knowledge access/false beliefs, is very late to develop as compared to individualistic cultures. They are not as adept at monitoring their own actions or interaction with others outside their social groups (thought bubbles), because formal "enforcement/guardrails" of the interaction between an individual in one group with those in another is not really needed...because there are no "groups". What is enforced; is what someone should believe. And because of this horizontal social organization they are less efficient and integrated than individualistic cultures. Try running a collectivist country as an individualistic and there will be no problems between individuals in a group, but many between groups that are introduced to the organizational structure.

Hmmm; it SMELLS like it's almost as if we're turning the US into Iran through safe spaces?!.

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This is really fascinating. In Cognitive Poetics, mind simulation is postulated as a version of TOM. We do this when we identify with a character in a book or film and live through what they live through, while simultaneously being present in our own lives. Kids don't read fiction, homes don't have books. That creation of a world in the right hemisphere of the brain, through imagery, is something we've been doing since the Upper Paleolithic at least, but now the images are sluiced in by tv, cell phones, streaming images. I think that might effect TOM maturation too. (one way to test mental simulation is to watch Daniel Radcliffe in Kill Your Darlings after watching Harry Potter. He plays a Beat generation murderer in Kill Your Darlings and the cognitive dissonance one experiences trying to grok that is amazing)

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Cynthia - Agree! I think your on to something. Now you have me interested in your mental stimulation "test".

I can not believe you are saying this! I almost went into Cognitive Poetics, but my posting was getting too long and I was getting sick of "hearing" myself. And also because it's difficult to explain the point I was going to make.

Which is that if your schmeta (mental structure/framework) is not challenged then preconceived notions/ideas you bring to the table to understand/perceive new info is limited, because the organizational structure remains static (calcifying over time). This would inhibit new "reference"; challenging info, etc. is either not recognized, ignored, and/or is contorted to fit into your existing "filing" system -thereby further fixating the relationship between the info in the "files" of your thought patterns. So the files keep getting more info put into them but the relationships don't expand and the reference point stays the same.

Sort of a positive feedback loop that dismisses contradictory info and provides no meaningful help in understanding future info/interactions. The world just passes by them because they live in a sclerotic world, where any challenge becomes just that; a challenge to their system of "belief". Basically automatons that can not synthesize complexity/nuance on the fly because they'd have to completely shuffle their mental model organization (their world view). In other words; their mental model makes stuff that should be easily filed, for future reference, too complex to be absorbed into the existing framework which is just a filing system for beliefs - new Legos can not fit into the Lego model because they have comingled info and beliefs.

The feeling I was was going to attempt to convey may have something to do with normal TOM development; have you ever been reading or watching something and actually "felt" like you were that person. Maybe a degree higher than your thinking. The best example I can think of is I was crazy for baseball when I was a kid/young man. So I would simulate in my mind scenarios of players I saw do x,y,z and then physically do it and "feel" like I was them in the first order. For example; every batter has a different stance/swing/style. I would act like them by mimicking their batting swing and relive the moments they experienced in very real way to me. A bizarre but pleasant feeling - not the "feeling" of deja vu, but a similar experience - something surreal/sublime/otherworldly but real. Where I could replicate that feeling from the mental side of it to the physical. I think that reinforced the feeling because I took virtual submersion to the physical...and sort of "lost" myself in it.

Maybe all kids innately have the capacity for that feeling as standard issue, built up by the emergence of consciousness/cognition. If that's the case, given evolution is "economic" by it's nature, it necessarily would've conferred advantage?

Maybe we're "undoing" that as a result of what you're pointing out and that has an effect on conscience/empathy, etc.? If that's the case it could affect their ability to manage cognitive dissonance as well? I mean if your development is just surrounded in bits/bytes that are streamed into your consciousness, without having to "create" them yourself, it would seem like that would effect TOM - mind simulation sort of becomes untethered from that which you have to produce/create and that which is delivered, rent free, bypassing some of the key inputs for complete development of the stages in TOM.

No wonder they'd turn into little Hitlers with no empathy and the inability to deal with cognitive dissonance!

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Stephen Spender reflecting on the Spanish Civil War and the corruption in his own heart: "When I saw photographs of children murdered by the Fascists, I felt furious pity. When the supporters of Franco talked of Red atrocities, I merely felt indignant that people should tell such lies. In the first case I saw corpses; in the second only words...I gradually acquired a certain horror of the way in which my own mind worked. It was clear to me that unless I cared about every murdered child impartially, I really did not care about children being murdered at all."

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Incredible. Thank you for sharing.

It kinda raised the hairs on my neck

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That's a long comment to say: heuristics.

thanks tho. going thru this with a friend of mine. grrr.

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Is that a ticket or just a warning?....;)

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Emotion first without self-awareness or reflection of outcomes. The frontal lobe is definitely being bypassed.

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All they can babble is "Trust the Science." “Doctor” Fatty Arbuckle and Buster Keaton have joined forces to remind us “Trust the Science.” Watch TRUST THE SCIENCE RAG here: https://turfseer.substack.com/p/trust-the-science-rag

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Or ditch the schools? I have two teenage daughters. We have money saved for them post college. One is going into business with my husband in multi family real estate. She’ll need some certifications and marketing. The other is going to be a personal trainer and open her own gym. So more certifications, marketing and money to lease the space. The remainder of what would have been their college money is going to be put down on a starter home.

So by the time most college kids are graduating with massive debt and useless degrees my kids should be self employed, starting to earn real money, and home owners.

Just boycott the whole mess. Let them rot on the vine.

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Yes. This is the way.

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I'd like to hear a follow up story on the 10 that stood their ground and did not protest. What motivated them to do so? Was it bravery? Are they motivated to push back against the mob? It is valuable to call out the childish behavior of the group that shouts down the voices it doesn't want to hear, but it is also important to laud those who are living through it and not joining it. They should be encouraged not only to ignore their peers, but to push back on them, as well. The college administrators are cowards, but if there are other paying customers that are willing to push through this nonsense, they will get behind them quickly and this can get rooted out of these colleges.

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In any conformity test, there will be a minority that do not conform. 25 percent or so. These are the non conformist who 'see through' the manipulations. How they do that, well, that IS a good question. But the result of their non conforming is they often get hammered the most. Yet, they are the ones that often spearhead change. They can flip the equation back to 'normal' if left in enough numbers. This is why with the vaccine (IMHO) they wanted more than 60 percent jabbed. They fear very much the 25 percent left thinking and saying... 'wait a minute, this isn't safe or effective. Let's stop for minute and think.." Thinking is not what they want. Compliance, instant and unquestioning.

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It’s been going on for *decades,* many instances much worse than the above. Each time it hits the news cycle, sensible people say “those kids need to be taught a lesson, expel them,” but they are never ever expelled, usually graduate with honors. Then 1, 5, 10 years later those same sensible people cry tears of pride when their kid gets into that same school. Madness.

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For years, they've been written off as just "crazy kids on college campuses" and that they "don't affect the real world". But they do affect the real word with this ideology and soon they will control it.

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Power can be taken and it can be given.

These university administrators believe they can give just enough power away by apologizing to extremists like these and groveling to appease them. And yet still think they will remain "in charge".

They are now opening their eyes to a rude awakening as the extremists are working their way up the ranks, even to deans and chancellors. Power won't be taken back. The patients run the asylum now.

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This is their day in the sun. Just wait till they graduate. They'll be back at home with nothing to do.

Discrimination rears its ugly head again. Listen to Turfseer’s hit song THE BACK OF THE BUS. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/the-back-of-the-bus

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Gato - our shared alma mater pioneered these struggle sessions 20 years ago. Here is my “lived experience” attending one: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-groom-commissars

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always seems like it's the bottom chunk of the class and the faculty complaining and raging about these "structural isms."

i often wonder about the extent to which they gravitate to them in defense of their mediocrity vs becoming mediocre because they have taught themselves to whine in place of striving and thus neutered themselves.

of course, there is also the nasty tendency of intellectual elites to become extremists to lead the braying mob because they presume it's the safest way to avoid being torn apart by it.

this is exactly the sort of stuff the keeps me from supporting camp bruno (outside of the rugby team).

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Your theory is spot on and I would add another layer: a pipeline and numbers game. DEI/ESG administrator is one of the few jobs you can get as an Africana or Gender Studies major. More grads with useless majors leads to more BS jobs created for them, often by the same universities who saddled them with the miseducation and debt. Another moral hazard where taxpayers foot the bill.

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indeed, there seems to be a self-reinforcing cycle there.

grievance study majors become grievance deans and admit those primed to study grievance.

it does not help that such majors are often laughably easy and sub par relative to other curricula. they become a sort of "bail out major" for those unable to hack the pace of more rigorous fields.

there has long been a theory that this is doing serious harm to those it seeks to advance.

you wind up with a gender studies degree from yale instead of a engineering degree from penn state.

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affirmative action pushed students who should have gone to penn state into yale. once they get to yale, they lose confidence because they are at the bottom of the class. grievance studies is both an outlet for their frustration and the few majors they can earn passing grades in to graduate. they would have been much better off going to penn state. this cycle of life has continued for 50 years and has brought the country to its knees.

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Ah, affirmative action. Possibly a precipitating event for some of this? Not likely the only one, though.

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"always seems like it's the bottom chunk of the class and the faculty complaining and raging"

So, like, trade unions?

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You’re really comparing a union plumber to these spoiled brats?

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Know what - I think I'd like to change my comment to just read "unions" with special attention to outfits like SEIU and NEA.

If you'll allow, I'll soften my stance on the "trades" part and just assert that collectivism is dangerous and generally fails to reward the best workers and instead presumes that all employees contributed equally.

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Yes. Public employee unions are a different beast. Public employees already have due process protection in law. The excesses of unions that are against the public interest are in that domain. Collective bargaining in the private sector by trade unions is a free exercise of people’s economic rights and is a benefit to the general public by training skilled workers and providing a decent standard of living for blue collar, middle class workers.

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*nods* I respect your position on this.

Thank you for your civil reply after I kinda lit things up there. Didn't mean for that.

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I'm comparing the way they both tend to protect the less talented workers at the expense of the good workers. And the customers.

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Any student who participated in disrupting the Judge’s presentation should be identified and expelled, their transcript marked “Expelled for disruptive conduct.” Any faculty member who supported or encouraged the disruption should be fired for cause. Same goes for anyone participating in the hazing of Martinez. No excuses, no mercy, no exceptions. Of course, that would require the Academy to display some of that Masculinity that they so thoroughly lack.

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They and their parents aren't paying for rigor these days. When the product is priced far beyond its worth, like an Hermes bag, you have to create a fairytale around it.

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Lack of masculinity. Another possible precipitating factor?

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Certainly it is a major contributor. They think the concepts of courage, honor and duty are ‘toxic’.

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People keep calling them kids - in law school, you should be an adult.

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I would like to give them no quarter but I did not become fully mature until I had my own child, at 40. There are some crucial life stages that don't neatly align with chronological age.

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You know, I’ve often pondered the consequences of all of this “reproductive justice” and how I myself would probably not be a mom (or even a pharmacist because I went to college at 23 because I was living paycheck to paycheck as a single mom) if Plan-B had been an option when I was 20 in 1988. Because abortion was repulsive to me at the time (and still is) I became a single mom at 21 (and one who steadfastly refused to seek financial support from the “sperm donor” even when I briefly had Medicaid for my son while in college). It forced me to grow up in ways that would have likely taken me many years longer without his utter dependence on me for everything. It saddens me to know that there are literally millions of children who were never born to millions of women who may have benefited greatly from their existence. I do understand that not everyone has such a beneficial outcome, but it’s really very likely that many of these people would have been much happier and more grounded had the consequences of their actions been as soundly informed as mine were. But who knows? Maybe I would have had 3 children, a husband of 30 years (instead of 17 as I do now) and happily living a different life. But it seems that these insane liberal women lack the lessons I myself learned at a very young age because they chose selfishness instead of steadfastness and acceptance of consequences. Even if I had chosen adoption I think the lesson would have stuck because once you have held a life in your arms you’re never quite the same.

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I believe very strongly in intentional childbearing. I am very grateful that during my idiot years I was protected by that glorious invention, the Lippes loop [and I ought to be Guiness recordholder for how long that darling little thing stayed in], and that I had the wit to recognize my desire for a child before it might have become too late.

I think none of us can say for anyone else anywhere that they might have been better off having a child they chose to abort instead. Our experiences are uniquely our own. I don't understand how anyone can mistreat their own born child and yet we see it every day, sometimes in the most unspeakable horrific ways. I don't know how anyone can not be changed for the good by becoming a parent, but we see all the time that parenthood brings out people's true natures, and what those natures are is often far worse than the average rat.

None of us can say that a woman's selfishness, as you put it, was not the best outcome under the circumstances for that unborn child whose suffering was perhaps far briefer than it might have been.

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I agree wholeheartedly as I said that what was beneficial for myself would not necessarily have been so for others, thinking of course of the same situations you describe. Bringing a child into an unstable environment is always sketchy at best and many have suffered because of it. Sadly, it seems like those are the children *most* likely to be born because their parent(s) are least likely to consider consequences of any sort. It’s the women like myself, capable, intelligent and willing to sacrifice, who I mourn. I also know that there are many women out there who despise motherhood and they are welcome to their opinions, so long as they abstain. I think it’s been detrimental to women, on the whole, to have put off motherhood, marriage and families in order to sow their oats, or whatever. These things can certainly very easily (as a young energetic person) be obtained while seeking a higher education if that is something that is wanted as I have proven to myself. I will say that the reason I only have one child (who is 33 now lol) is because I refused to have another one unless and until one parent could stay home to raise him or her as I had a singularly bad experience with daycare and would never place another child into that environment. Because of my choices I didn’t have a choice but told myself never again. My current husband didn’t want children (I was only 37 when we married and would have happily provided one or two!) and so here we are. It just occurs to me, now and then, that my life would have been so different (maybe) had I taken Plan-B that fateful next morning after the fateful episode that I still remember to this day. And how much the world (maybe) has changed because of it.

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Things that are good for society, as a whole, are often terrible for individuals. Freedom for women is usually pretty bad for men. This is reality, which isn't such a pretty thing.

But I don't want less freedom for women. I'm glad not to have lived in any time and place where I might have been forced into marriage with an unwanted partner. I found lousy partners all on my own, and am extremely blessed by fate despite what any sensible person might reasonably consider some mighty foolish choices.

Were women happier when they had to marry guys who were just the available choices rather than holding out for soulmate or nuthin'? Society was happier but there was a lot of individual misery and seriously dysfunctional families.

Who gets to pick the sacrificial victims to benefit the whole?

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Did you vote before you had children?

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I am a very infrequent voter and have regretted afterwards every vote I ever took, at any age.

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Know that feeling.

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Then maybe the new rule should be no one can offer a political opinion until they have children? We don't all mature at the same rate. In that case, do we hold the parents responsible for the abhorrent behavior of their offspring until they become grandparents?

If you're bold enough to do adult things AND meet the age of majority then you're old enough to pay adult consequences.

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I don't excuse wretchedness in young children either; it's the role of mature people to guide and appropriately discipline those who haven't achieved a capacity for self-governance.

I am just noting that assuming the age of majority is a magical threshold is a serious misapprehension. That's why college kids need a lot of clear rule-setting and sensible penalties for rule-breaking.

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If rules that exist already were enforced, maybe some of the less mature amongst them will catch up.

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This is true for almost any problem we can name. The laws themselves are mostly sufficient.

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For many years, I never felt the "need" or the "reason" to mature. I was alone by an executive order, didn't have any prospects, so I spent a lot of time playing video games and engaging in frivolous activities. The movie "Failure to Launch" could have been my autobiography.

I regret it now. But if there is a silver lining, a lot of the crap associated with "gaming culture" has leaked into "mainstream culture."

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There are those of us who still act like kids in their fifties.

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Your refreshing vocabulary and wordsmithing says exactly what I feel but cannot say. Thank you!

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like zephyrs of spring

casting swirling verbiage

cats writing haiku.

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plus i find your lack of capitalized letters refreshing

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he must have an iphone. we are lucky that there is any punctuation at all.

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"I'm hungry. Let's eat, Grandpa!" vs. "I'm hungry. Let's eat Grandpa!"

Punctuation Lives Matter!

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Or "Eats, shoots and leaves." (Good book too, btw.)

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El Gato you touched on something I felt about the Left for some time. Engaging the left is like dealing with a narcissist. Leftists tend to see themselves as unlimited goodness who will save the world from hate. They are always looking for a person to unleash their unassuageable rage that is always percolating inside them. You walk on eggshells around them fearful you'll say the wrong thing and they'll ruin your life. There are no shades of gray with Leftists. You're either a full-blown racist misogynist, or you're not. No in-between. Your needs and opinions cannot be met, validated, or even spoken about because you should accept that they are all good and you're all bad.

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I have been telling the cat this, ad nauseum, since he has been on the stack. Leftism is the physical manifestation of Cluster B mental disorders (Narcissism, Borderline, Histrionic and Anti-Social --f/k/a Psychopathy). These people are truly unwell.

They have a stunted ego (that failed to develop when they were children). Thereafter they INVENTED a false ego, their false self, to balance their ID and their superego. The ego is supposed to bring them down to reality and enable them to satisfy their ID in a way that is consistent with their superego (morals). The problem is, this false self (the false ego) subjects them to live in a world of their own delusion. It is not real, it is made up. They essentially live in THEIR imaginary world were their false ego can survive (hate to bring up a Freudian analysis, but he was on to something) and their super-ego is a demented and cruel taskmaster. Because of this they are actually DANGEROUS because they don't live in the real world and are deluded.

They can't be cured.

In their world, everything is a zero sum game-- "If you have X, i cannot have X" . For instance, if you have free speech, they believe then THEY cannot have free speech. IF you have money, then THEY cannot have money. And most importantly if you have FREEDOM they cannot have freedom. This is not reality, but it is how they view the world. It is the same mindset a 3 year old may have when their mother has another child-- "mommy will give the new child love and attention, and therefore, i cannot get mommies love and attention".

Because their minds have been damaged, they carry this thought process into adulthood.

They are BAD people. They are psychologically damaged. They cannot be cured. They have chronic RAGE, that they can barely control because of this.

This is nothing new. It has been going on since Cain v. Abel. The problem is, today, with the advent of mass media and social media, these monster's prevalence in our society is now more apparent.

THey have become more enabled and aggressive as they have realized just how many of them are out there.

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You have hit the nail on the head.

Before I was essentially kicked out of my civic choir in 2021 by the ninnies running the board, I had some up close and personal encounters with exactly the sorts you have described.

Prior to that, having grown up in a "liberal" city (the same one where I now live), I had been under the impression that Democrat voters were largely just overly feely, simple people who meant well but were just dumb.

However, the "progressives" I met in that choir fit your description to a T. One such woman in particular was in her mid 30s and comported herself so childishly while being *constantly* angry about everything.

Others weren't quite as forceful as she was but still exhibited this same percolating rage you mention coupled with affective immaturity surprising for nearly middle-aged people. I came to finally understand that they really do live in a fantasy world and there's no getting through to them.

What I can't figure out is how these sorts of children posing as adults actually survive in the real world. I was raised by old-school parents who indirectly impressed upon me that if I didn't cultivate a sense of personal responsibility and work ethic, I would basically be homeless ("if you don't work, you don't eat"), so I've been dismayed to find that so many of these undeveloped people often have quite high-paying jobs (or are coupled with someone who does so they essentially don't work at all, like the woman I mentioned above).

Apparently, I missed the memo that an entire ecosystem and culture was arising in parallel to that of my own traditional upbringing which would allow this delusional behavior to be supported by a network of similarly stunted drones.

It really is a cancer that has metastasized, and I don't think there's a way to save Western civilization in the short term. The only silver lining is these people often tend to be childless, while those of us with a more traditional bent have several children, but as long as they continue to maintain all the levers of cultural control, it almost doesn't matter who's physically having children if these monsters can still exert some sort of mental control over them.

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Just remember, these narcissists engage in pathological Projection, ie, they accuse others of doing that which they are actually doing. So, if they accuse you of x, or say that you are y, the truth is that they are doing x because they are y. When progressives accuse conservatives of being EVIL, the truth is the opposite. Once you figure that out, everything becomes crystal clear. They can't even cover it up, because their projection is due to a mental pathology. They just can't help themselves. It is actually comical and entertaining to say the least. Just watch them ranting on tv in congress making accusations....your a racist, or evil, or worse etc. When they do this, you just got a look into their mind and what they really are all about.

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That hits the nail on the head. I've been receiving more-or-less daily emailings from the Clintonist-Democrat front group MoveOn for about twenty years now. Previously, they had been a somewhat shallow, pretentious Progressive-issue fishing organization, but not too obnoxious for someone leaning that way. They went completely off the rails in rage when Clinton lost the 2016 election, and have been absolutely horrible ever since. At first, I classified their charges as hypocrisy, but finally realized that it was more of a fully-conscious polemical technique of always accusing your enemies of the crimes you are committing. When I had that epiphany, everything they said began to make sense. From the psychological perspective, thinking of them as narcissists engaging in pathological Projection describes the same thing at an individual level.

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Heartfelt thanks for this. However, maybe (I hope) not all of these students are genuinely damaged narcissists...there may be some among them just "going along to get along" or scared witless. It would take real courage to stand up to such a mob. As to teaching the hardcore ones a lesson, I agree: I've been attempting Gato's notion of knuckle-rapping on a vulnerable (covert) narcissist for about three years now with zero success.

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this is a situation where you have to throw the baby out with the bathwater, unfortunately.

True, there may be some students that just "went along with the crowd", which is unacceptable in the legal community (if you represent a client, you can't "go along with the crowd, you have to represent the client zealously), hence they have no business being lawyers.

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Point taken.

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Don't send your kids to woke colleges. Go to trade schools where they teach useful skills for real careers. Let the college systems decline to the dustbins of history. We need to rebuild our country back to a productive one with a future for the next generations.

I do not know how possible it will be for the near future. It will likely all have to crumble before any positive changes can take hold. I have no confidence that should Donald Trump gets his 2nd term he will be able to do much against all the captured agencies and media. Too many people are looking to him and his second term being the solution to our problems. But, we all, Trump included, vastly underestimated how vast the swamp we wanted to drain was / is. The phoenix is burning. It is what arises from the ashes that we must look to and nurture.

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China is a good example. They got through their cultural revolution and then rebuilt their country.

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Somehow, that's not a comforting example.

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Thank you, dear gato. As you say, these children "imagine that they will always be the purger and not the purgee and the frisson of being beastly excites them." It is so sad to see. Sadder still that they seem to have zero clue about the horrors of the Cultural Revolution under Mao, which they seem bent on reenacting with all the awareness of a troop of zombies. And sadder still to realize, as Stanford students, they are more likely than not all multiply jabbed with the cooties juice. (I also don't doubt a large percentage are on prescription mood pills.) As for their despicable behavior, if history is any guide, at least some of them will eventually come to their senses, perhaps roundabout in their early 30s or even 40s, and once past their feelings of knee-buckling shame, and grief, they will get on with what they can. Meanwhile, it's important to call them out. Again, my thanks.

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I was brought up in a conservative family with a classically liberal education, and I only learned about the Chinese cultural revolution in detail when I was around 30 and read Wild Swans: Three Daughters of China for the first time.

You can be sure the Holocaust was part of my 8th grade curriculum, but even at a private Christian school, nobody taught anything about what went on in the Soviet Union or Mao's China. I don't think it was maliciously withheld; I just think that the leftists have won such an overwhelming victory over academia and the other points of cultural influence that most "normies" in the West are effectively never exposed to these horrors, even those who otherwise oppose "progressivism" and wokeism.

But as I read that memoir, I was shocked by how similar events of today are to what occurred during that hellish period, and this Stanford episode only reinforces that feeling of dread.

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“keep in mind: this is literally a protest against an apology.

this was the dean who riled them up into wrecking the speech of an invited speaker and had been their ringleader in thwarting”

Was Martinez involved in the original event? I’m pretty sure the woman who made the speech was the DEI dean, Steinbach, not the law school dean.

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Yes, I came looking for this point. Gato seems to be conflating the two women

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This is correct from what I recall reading. I thought Martinez was the one who basically called out the DEI dean for her unprofessional behavior.

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"and in their towering unselfawareness they are so pig ignorant about this fact that they have become a genuine problem"

Yeah, spells upon spells, deceits upon deceits. No quick undoing here.

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