A "fine" feline recently opined.

"as soon as you allow politicians to determine what is bought and sold, the first thing bought and sold will be politicians"

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Worse: Biden has NO authority for this student loan forgiveness. He's been smacked back by judges multiple times for the same antics (see: CDC rent moratorium, vax mandate, etc). He's making an empty promise to buy votes, but just wait until the kiddos find out it'll never happen.

In other news, McConnell is the same as Pelosi. It's a Uniparty.

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Abridged version:

Every dollar given away, was taken from someone who earned it.

If you feel good about receiving a government subsidy, you are willing to accept stolen property.

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The entire student loan “forgiveness” debacle is nothing more than another bank bailout. But just like they had us blaming our neighbors “for buying a home they couldn’t afford” in 2008 when the banks were bailed out now they have us blaming “people who chose to get stupid degrees” when the banks holding these toxic SLABS (student loan asset backed securities) need to be bailed out.

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“Every government interference in the economy consists of giving an unearned benefit, extorted by force, to some men at the expense of others.”

— Ayn Rand

Emphasis on EVERY

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If you put red ants and black ants in a jar, then shake; it always seems like the red ants win.

As in red on the balance sheet.

They never fight in nature, until the jar is shook.

You're right gato; we should put the blame on those who shake the jar. Then be an army of ants to shatter the jar.

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Aug 26, 2022·edited Aug 29, 2022

The plan was always to overwhelm the system, collapse it, then blame capitalism and install communism. Cloward Piven…They’ve been working on it since the 1960’s, you know, the part of the graph where it starts to go up…

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"I think the puppet on the right shares my beliefs."

"Well I think the puppet on the left is more to my liking."

"Hang on a minute .... there's one one guy holding both puppets!!"

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The way Ron Paul said it was that the right wants to spend more on military spending, and the left wants to spend more on welfare -- so they compromise and do both.

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As long as people make exceptions for “their” side, this will continue.

Once the noose is around your neck, it doesn’t matter how long the rope is, how loosely it’s held, or who’s holding the other end, you’re no longer free.

Never compromise on basic principles. Once you do, you’ve already lost.


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It took Donald Trump to arrive for everyone to start to see just how rigged the game is. Love him or hate him most would still be blind if not for his just attacks on the media and big tech. Too bad the Deep State railroaded him and the world with a fake plandemic.

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My wife was kicked out of her final year in nursing school for refusing the vaccine, youre damn right we want our loans forgiven….

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If they want to hit energy providers because of "windfall profits" they should be looking at universities and their profits.

Transfering money from the tax payer to universities (who own billions in assets) to further indoctrinate the next generations is absolutely disgusting.

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you make learning fun

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Eisenhower, a Republican, said: "Beware of the Military Industrial Complex" or words to that effect. JFK, his presidential successor threatened to break up the CIA into a thousand pieces, and he was assassinated in 1963. Then in 1968 JFK's brother, Robert F Kennedy ran for president. He was assassinated before the election. Begin to see a pattern here ? It's like, you want to oppose the Military Industrial Complex ? No problem. You'll be DEAD soon okay ? Until then, 'Have a nice Day'. And please don't bother yourselves about the ever increasing defense budget, or the $21trillion the pentagon cannot account for. And as far as High Frequency Algorithmic trading goes...don't focus on that either. Enjoy Life... in the twisted nightmare that Amerikkka has become ! And don't forget to get Booster 17. Free donuts with any Booster past #10 ! And don't worry about that 40% increase in 'all cause mortality' since the mRNA jabs got started. All is good. The Fauci assures us...

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The biggest unfunded liabilities of the federal govt. are social security and Medicare--in the hundred trillion dollar range and growing like crazy!


The plandemic made sure the vaxes will cut those liabilities drastically in the next couple years.

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