What I can't get over is that Germany has some of the finest STEM minds in the world. How they could have an energy policy this colossally stupid is beyond me.
I can never forget that one of the most gifted, best educated nations in the world, of its own free will, surrendered its fate into the hands of a maniac.
A bit after the fact, but Montgomery's advice might have saved them: Rule 1, on page I of the book of war, is: "Do not march on Moscow". Various people have tried it, Napoleon and Hitler, and it is no good. That is the first rule. I do not know whether your Lordships will know Rule 2 of war. It is: "Do not go fighting with your land armies in China". It is a vast country, with no clearly defined objectives...
Male psychology is one of risk acceptance, necessary if one's role is fighting the wars, and warding off marauders and sabertooth tigers. Female psychology is one of risk avoidance, necessary if one's role is to nurture and nurse the young. Very perceptive comment as to why the Germans have been transformed from a people who conquered the Romans to people afraid to cross the street.
Yep. As a famous (female) feminist once said: If women ruled the world, we'd still be living in caves - with beautiful curtains" (Camilla Paglia, IIRC)
As a woman I have to agree. Not sure if it’s ‘our’ culture or neurology/biology resulting from evolution is dictating awful female behavior worldwide. Watching it in the US currently, and in general find conservative women more rational, balanced but still generally different in emotional/social dimensions.
I was a child in Munich, and as an adult often visited my mother with my young son in the small city of Worms. As Americans, we LMFAO as we "illegally" crossed traffic-free streets with hostile stares from Germans standing at Don't-Walk red traffic lights.
Same in Denmark. It's so creepy. Someone told me there are plain clothed cops who give tickets. I doubt that very much but it's good sheep training. As Howard Zinn said, "Obedience is the problem."
Switzerland's as bad......but that would be of course the German cantons in particular. I was once reprimanded in the midst of a forest for dropping a candy wrapping on the pristine forest floor.
Well, littering is littering. They were correct in that case. Possibly not your best argument. Failure to keep litter under control is how we have the New Jersey Turnpike.
That’s true I will move to a red state and it’s gorgeous but when I see the trees on grass and see garbage on it, I am shocked at why someone would do that. Nature is a gift we shouldn’t take for granted.
Exactly. But everything used to run on time in Germany. I spent 2 months there when I was a young man and I never once had a train or metro late. I hear its a mess now. Nothings on time, etc. Etc.
Funny story, my wife and I were driving by the Rhine river along the Swiss - German border and some dude kept yelling "Einbahnstraße". We thought he was crazy until we realized we'd been driving the wrong direction on a one way street for 3 miles.
In fairness we were a bit distracted cracking up that exit in German is Ausfahrt!...:)
My wife & I also crackedup at Ausfarht! We took turns driving as fast as we dared on the autobahn. I edged her out at 147 mph. & at that we were being passed up
I have a story told from the other side, from the 1980s. I was with cousins and trying to translate for a wonderful middle aged Swiss lady staying as a guest with them, who spoke almost no English. She was a fitness person, and got up about 5 am every morning to go running. One day, she confided to me a shockingly hilarious event she had witnessed on the empty streets of a small town in Minnesota, of another runner who had reached a crosswalk: "Auf dem Schildt steht es 'nicht gehen,' und trotzdem geht er!" ("On the sign, it said 'don't walk,' and in spite of that, he went!")
"Joachim-Friedrich Martin Josef Merz was born on 11 November 1955 to
Joachim Merz (born 1924) and Paula Sauvigny (born 1928) in Brilon in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia in then-West Germany. His father was a judge and a member of the CDU. The Sauvigny family was a locally prominent patrician family in Brilon, of French Huguenot ancestry, and his maternal grandfather was mayor of Brilon. His maternal grandfather Josef Paul Sauvigny was a member of the Zentrum party from 1917 to 1933. In 1933 he joined the SA and in 1938 the NSDAP."
SA = Brownshirts, Storm Troopers. That's this Merz/Sauvigny family's Nazi legacy. And, say, you're inclined to say, "Well, that was just his family, can't hold him accountable for what his family did before he was around," I have news for you: He's a eugenicist. Just like the Nazi's Master Race eugenics. Which by definition means you believe your family bloodline is what determines you, fruit from the same poisonous tree of Nazi eugenicists. It doesn't matter if you believe in eugenics or not, or if you think his own family's history and values is separate and distinct. Irrelevant. HIS own values say that he's what his bloodline is: Nazi's. Storm Trooper Brownshirt thug Nazi's.
Anything he says needs to be understood through that understanding. And Merz's accusations that AfD is a Nazi front organization, well, that's what's known as "Projection." Just like his fellow Nazi eugenicist Ursula von der Leyen (nee Albrecht), another long lineage of prominent Nazi's in their eugenicist 'master race' families. That we're not part of. Is why they treat us like their slaves.
The logical, honest STEM minds are not in government. In the main, these bad decisions have been political, not economic or having to do with energy needs of industry or the citizenry.
Look at the result of what they do and look at who benefits and who loses.
If the original people are the ones being censored, jailed and taxed and the replacement people are given leniency, free food, housing and other goodies then obviously the government, of that country, has become the enemy of the people it was founded to serve and protect.
You have stolen my thunder. Once again, we appear to be in agreement. Could this be The Morgenthau Plan finally being enacted? "The only thing new in the world is the history you don't know."
"The plain fact is that education is itself a form of propaganda - a deliberate scheme to outfit the pupil, not with the capacity to weigh ideas, but with a simple appetite for gulping ideas ready-made. The aim is to make 'good' citizens, which is to say, docile and uninquisitive citizens."
Yeah. The fact is they wouldn't have needed to be The Morgenthau Plan or WW2 if the allies had not punished the Germans so badly, out of sheer spite, for their loss in WW1
When reading the list of companies that planned to relocate their production my first thought was, The German federal government will soon outlaw the movement of German companies' workforce or work product offshore. Germany will become the first Western country to fully emulate the DPRK in its entirety.
Ya THINK?? Gotta admit, the vid is hilarious. I can hear Wagner's Götterdämmerung faintly in the background as Heinrich von Bottelschlapper's career joins the Nordstream pipeline somewhere in the depths.
If I remember correctly, a certain gato predicted that this would be the case immediately prior to Germany closing all nuclear plants and switching to largely renewables. Man, a simple cat can foresee the consequences of this blatant buffoonery, but the entire aristocracy of Germany cannot?
Yeah, well, I think it's all going to come tumbling down based on the Trump/Elon effect.
When exposing a crime is treated like committing a crime, you may then know you are ruled by CRIMINALS.
People may not pay attention, but they're not stupid to blatant thievery and hypocrisy. It's a blitzkrieg against the bureaucrats with so much info coming out it's impossible for ordinary people to bury their heads anymore.
Ayn Rand called it 70 years ago:
"When you see that in order to produce you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing - When you see that money is flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favors - When you see that men get richer by graft and by pull than by work, and your laws don't protect you against them, but protect them against you - When you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice-You may know that your society is doomed."
Yeah after decades of watching, and knowing, her cartoonish villains were in fact, real. We see them on the propaganda channels daily. No, hourly. I gave up,owning a television 25 years ago.
SPOT ON! And I'll raise you one: "History fails to record a single precedent in which nations subject to moral decay have not passed into political and economic decline. There has been either a spiritual awakening to overcome the moral lapse or a progressive deterioration leading to ultimate national disaster."
Same parasites as all over the Western World. The Greens are virtually indistinguishable from the AOC DemonRats, on all levels. Heck, our foreign minister Frau Baerbock is almost like a carbon copy of AOC. Same level stupid.
Baerbock doesn't even hold a valid University degree. Imagine. Then she got herself via political backdoor a grant to pursue a PhD, regardless, with which she utterly failed, too.
Perhaps a Hidden Hand? The great strength of our Order lies in its concealment; let it never appear in any place in its own name but always covered by another name and another occupation. None is fitter than the three lower degrees of Freemasonry; the public is accustomed to it, expects little from it and therefore takes little notice of it.
It's called 'Sanpaku Eyes' and they are considered a sign of mental instability. It's amazing how many of our noisiest politicians, 'influencers' and celebrities have them.
And yeah, when you see someone with them, run if you can.
You do know the sneaky Putin funded the greenies to go after nuclear power? It’s no different than the Qataris funding the anti fracking movie with Damion. It’s all geopolitics and Canada is utterly fu*ked and leaving it all in the ground! Until last week however, hmm odd timing eh?
I read on substack on someone’s post, that Canada was planning a war against the US. A real one, with boots on the ground. I had to laugh. A fantasy posted on substack by a Canadian really mad that corruption is being exposed.
The variation: better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak up and remove all doubt.
These days tho this is all reversed. AOC has gone from bartender to member of Congress by not keeping her stupidity secret. It seems one more indicator of how upside-down things have become
AGREED! We are living in dangerously weird times now. Smart people just shrug and admit they're dazed and confused. The only ones left with any confidence at all are the New Dumb. It is the beginning of the end of our world as we knew it. Doom is the operative ethic.
Planning a war with what? Our "military" that's filled with obese xir-soldiers obsessing about tampons in the men's room, while making due with rickety old equipment. That one?
The Soviets clandestinely funded many of the West German disarmament and environmental groups during the 1970s and 1980s, and had high-ranking assets in the West German government. Putin, of course, made his bones as a KGB man in East Germany during this time.
More accurately NOT switching to "renewables". They haven't. They had a promise that someday they would be all solar/wind/whatever, stuff mislabeled as "renewable". Which was an impossible promise. "renewable" is misused when talking about solar, wind. Driven by the sun, we can call these abundant and perpetual, because our use of it does not appreciably alter the available supply and the sun will be around for as long as we care. But we can not renew the sun. It will have wiped out humanity before it burns out, so there's where we get perpetual for our myopic view of time.
The "sustainable" label has some appeal, but not if you look closely at the technology. It takes a lot of finite resources to create PV and wind farms, and they have a limited lifespan. With current technologies we're not at break even. With 50+ year lifespan maybe - but still consuming resources.
Scaling down to put point of generation nearer to consumption helps efficiency and reduces recuring resource consumption. But you still have to store it to shift in time of conversion to time of use. Batteries are a tragically bad solution.
Wind farms pollute the visual landscape. They cause untold number of bird deaths. And they end up in landfill. A total environmental disaster.
Gato did the ultimate takedown of EVs a while back. From cradle to grave, they use more 'fossil fuel', create a bigger carbon footprint, and cause more pollution than a regular gasoline car. Their only purpose is for virtue signalling and profit.
There's nothing wrong with the concept of EVs themselves, but current battery technology and the state of the power grid makes them impractical. If we had 100% nuclear power and significantly better batteries (no 4-day fires, charge in less than 5 minutes from zero, 500+ mile range on a charge) they'd be fine.
Grid-charged EVs are a bad idea. The concept is flawed. It takes more than better batteries to fix it. You need a battery that lasts indefinitely, at least the life of the car, that has zero impact to dispose of, and that can be produces energy-free. Such batteries exist only in the land of Unicorns.
The model of grid-charged EVs is flawed. It is telling that analysis of EV efficiency that show "equivalent MPG" ignore transmission loss (energy lost between power plant and point of charge), overstate conversion efficiency at generation, understate conversion loss at point of charge, usually exclude losses from battery to motion, and leave out battery discharge when not in use. If you consider all those things, a plugin EV is less efficient than an equivalent ICE powered vehicle.
Grid dependence has many other issues too. In most the world, the grid isn't ready.
Thermodynamics suggests conversion at point of use will be more efficient. There's still a lot of room to improve internal combustion efficiency. Hybrid ICE/EV solves range, reliability, and grid dependence. Battery pollution is still present, but about 1/10th the magnitude per vehicle.
Nuclear power is a good idea for a lot of reasons. It is environmentally friendly. It is sustainable. And it is a great way to power EVs. I've been watching development of micro-scale fission generators. Generation at point of use reduces waste. Scaling down modern fission could mean 10 or 20 years between refueling, at which point a few grams of inert waste are extracted. It sounds like Jetson stuff, but it's closer to feasible than most people think. My opinion based on observation of the progress that has been made despite scarce funding and political disfavor is that if we put even half of the resources spent on PV into R&D on micro-fission, and eat away at the political barriers, it's a decade or less away. I'd trade in my hybrid for a nukemobile!
Besides killing a lot of birds, what the climate fanatics appear not to know about windmills is that each giant windmill requires a lot of OIL to lubricate it.
Just like in the US, the globalists were sucking Germany dry while telling its citizens they're racist if they object. But economic and political reality rears its head sooner or later, and it seems like the globalists are going to try to censorship their way through it. I doubt very much this will work.
Watch Trump seize this opportunity to invite German companies such as VW to relocate their manufacturing plants to the U.S. Trump will offer them incentives, energy, markets, tax benefits - whatever it takes. Then he’ll laugh at the EU officials who gape at his success!
Actually, even having Canada as a 51st state could be problematic since there are so many radical lefties there. It could easily end up another far left Democrat stronghold, like California/Washington/Oregon.
With us Germans, the "Nazi" cudgel has understandably been working all too well, since we do recognize how bad we were back then and who wouldn't want to be a good person, right?
but by now it has mostly lost its magic powers like every drug abused for too long and also, it's of course the crazy left who are the fascists.
Fascism is a leftist ideology and always has been. Both Hitler and Mussolini were socialists the only change they made was adding corporatism to socialism. The big lie has always been that fascism is a right-wing ideology. It is not and never was, but the lie persists.
"(Giovanni Gentile) found vindication for the rejection of individualism and acceptance of collectivism, with the state as the ultimate location of authority and loyalty outside of which individuality had no meaning (and which in turn helped justify the totalitarian dimension of fascism)"
But let me add that there is also an additional national chauvinism (and blatant racism) at work, as opposed to the supposed Internationalism of the communists.
Makes the picture a bit more blurry.
The overarching thing is of course totalitarianism / authoritarianism, as Hannah Arendt has conceptualized.
Antifa, militant wing of the World Socialist Worker's Party. Brownshirts, militant wing of the National Socialist Worker's Party of Germany. Fasci Combattimento, militant wing of the Italian Socialist Worker's Party.
Just varieties of socialism. To be right wing, one must be the opposite.
but...who is "we" in "how bad we were back then". Going to guess you are not 110 years old. You were not an adult when Hitler was elected, nor a member of the german legislature when they abdicated their power and responsibility. You did not march in step, or round up Jews. You are not the people of Germany of 1933.
Placing blame on people born generations after the crimes is irrational. It is effective at dividing people, at creating conflict, and seems often used to make seem reasonable the unreasonable. You are not responsible for Nazi Germany no more than I am responsible for slavery in the US.
The German people should, dare I say must, reject the faulty logic of "the Nazi card" and call for accountability from those who play it. It's dishonest, it's divisive, and it supports dictators, not democracy.
I agree mostly, but a people in a nation is still a "body" that is responsible for its actions, collectively. Like you don't get to claim "oh, it's only our neocon cabal that launched war and destroyed Ukraine, now we'll get out and pretend we have nothing to do with it".
As individuals who opposed that war or were simply unaware of it, we had nothing to do with it. Hang the neocon cabal that launched it if you like, but don't dilute their responsibility by spreading it out over a large body of innocent people. That just leads to new injustice, and lets the guilty off the hook.
How about the Ukrainian people who have not yet been slaughtered simply refuse to give further support to Zelensky, the Banderites, the American CIA, and any other of the political actors who are driving them into the war? Or can they not do that because of structures of power that would hurt them if they tried, and because of mind-controlling propaganda that takes advantage of the fact that everyone is born a stupid rube?
How about you as a collectivist German do your own F#ing duty and shut down your own government's support for the Ukraine war? The fact that you are posting here suggests that you haven't done enough yet to be jailed or shot. In that case, why do you condemn other people for not sacrificing more than you are willing to?
Instead of pontificating uselessly about how all of us in the apartment building are collectively to blame for the fact that we are on fire, how about we just get together and try to put it out?
People are not responsible for actions taken before they were born. They had no part in it, they had no way to oppose or prevent those actions. The present generations' responsibility for history is to learn from it. Sadly too many people are failing in this responsibility.
As a voting citizen of the United States, I have used that limited power to oppose the escalation of wars in eastern Europe and the middle east. I recognized administrative policies that escalated those conflicts, I studied the congressional record to see who voted funding to enable actions I view as contributing to escalation and mishandling. In November I cast my vote to unseat those I, as a citizen, hold accountable. I also speak out against policies that I believe unjust and wrong, and I use the written word to try and influence others to stand against tyranny in all it's forms. These things are IMO my duty as a 21st century adult citizen.
Today is different than history: I will take accountability for MY actions, but not things that happened before my birth. With respect to more recent events, I take responsibility only for those things I can control or influence. I reject the "we as a people" responsibility for actions taken by those who do not represent "my people" - those who share my values and belief. To assert otherwise is IMO very dangerous: it keeps people from realizing what they CAN do and instead promotes hate and division, which serve only to enable the few bad actors to get away with more bad actions.
The whole country is your heritage. You don't get to enjoy what people 250 years ago did, and 150 years ago, but then you also get to totally discard what people 20 years ago did as entirely outside of what might affect you?
I'm acutely aware of the layers of personal responsibility, from what you actually do as an individual, then what e.g. your children do, what your local community does etc.; also back in time. You can have done stupid things as a teen but are now a responsible citizen etc.; that is all well understood.
Of course I am not personally responsible for what Hitler did, yet I can feel ashamed that my people enabled it. It's not that far away. My dad as a teenager got recruited into the Wehrmacht. If you learn that your dad or grandpa did something horrible, you feel no shame? Whatsoever? I don't know you at all, but I bet that is not who you are.
The grand plan was to tear down successful first world countries via energy depletion & mass migration. When “equity” is achieved it’s much easier to control & rule the serfs…or slaves. You will own nothing & be happy.
Very Perceptive! "If you control the food, you control a nation. If you control the energy, you control a region. If you control the money, you control the world."
Currently, Germany is being propped up by electricity from other nations, among those Sweden, which has led to record prices.
And due to the fiction of a market called "European power market", prices here are so high it is ruining the economy of many households: you kind of need power when it's -10F outdoors (as it is here at the time of writing).
I call it market fiction above because it's not a real market, but a managed corporate monstrosity where capitalists and the states own the power system together, and have used EU-wide agreements to prevent a national government to care for their own people first and foremost.
If you want a short-hand metaphor for the EU, it's this:
Trying to utilise the tragedy of the commons as productive, profitable and progressive policy.
Well well well, looks like we got us someone who doesn't have a degree in social work, transgender dance politics, international studies studies, or certified vaxstabbery assistantry!
I can't speak for mr "Raven's Lake" (Korpijärvi) but I think the idea is, if you're the kind of person engaging in the things he lists, you think governments are necessary or essential to the creation of markets and trade.
Which of course isn't the case, necessarily. A proper run-down of the matter would be thesis-length at least, since there's no single universal answer, as economy is far messier a subject than the simple maths used in it suggests.
Hope you’re right. My US congressman sent a one line survey: Do you support Trump pardoning J6 people. I clicked yes. And got the shivers. Why would a Democratic Congressman from the state of IL ask that. Is he making a list of people to surveil in the future? It’s a silly question considering this state is a sanctuary state and resisting Trump’s deporting undocumented criminals, oops justice impacted individuals.
And Gov Pritzker is mandating all state vehicles be EVs by 2030! And we don’t have the grid to support it.
Yes. Left wing people are terrified. I’ve awakened with my heart hurting because of all the chaos in Washington. It may be needful but it’s still chaos…
But are Americans actually seeing the grift? Or do they listen to reports like 60 Minutes that tell the woe is me about the firings. This past Sunday night’s also reported sympathetically about Germany’s hate speech laws which are chilling. You can be arrested and fined for saying someone is an idiot online. In the examples they gave, there is a lot of anger toward migrants.
It makes perfect sense when you understand the goal is the elimination of private car ownership by non-elites. It's problematic for governments when you can just grab your keys and go 350 miles without leaving a trace, after all. Trains are much more "civilized".
Eugyppius being German, gives great updates almost daily, today there was yet another immigrant who drove into a crowd and hit 30. Not sure, some say he was legally in the country but E. says he was illegal. Germany has become the armpit of Europe.
Ooopsie, I forgot Ireland. And of course, Scotland wins "honorable mention" for electing Humza Yousaf as PM, who allowed only men to attend and pray on the floor at his swearing-in ceremony.
Germany's growth since the Russian gas got turned off is most certainly negative, and I won't believe any statistics to the contrary...Like the US, they are lying about inflation, and counting welfare as GDP...
In their defence, who could have predicted that closing 17 nuclear power plants would have any impact on the price of energy? I mean, c'mon be reasonable, who knew?
Thanks for illuminating the crazy situation my country is in.
You're pretty close on target.
Yet chances are that Blackrock alumnus Friedrich Merz from the RINO CDU will become next chancellor, mostly sticking with the treasonous Merkel policies.
He has already triumphantly promised to keep the "net zero" suicide strategy going, with minor cosmetic enhancements.
I wouldn't bet on the AfD getting a foot into executive government, although it would be the only non-super-stupid path forward.
They are mostly good decent people in that party, as opposed to what the regime types try to brainwash everybody into, but it's not comparable to Trump, or even just Nigel Farage.
Also, we don't have a two-party system. Trump won by first taking over one half of the political system, as it were.
We have proportionate representation and a multitude of parties, which makes it so much more difficult.
Just as a technical explanation. It's not that we Germans are so much dumber than peoples elsewhere.
You Germans might even be more intelligent than people elsewhere, and that might even be part of your problem. Knowledge puffs up, pride goes before the fall. Neither Plato nor Heidegger was lacking in intelligence, but the messy practice of politics is not something that can be mastered by mere intelligence.
Typical German in what respect? I mean he spoke German, so I guess that's pretty typical for a German. In other respects, obviously he was not so typical!! (btw, in case you wondered, I also don't regard Plato as a typical-in-all-respects Greek -- as if there were such a thing!)
I take it you think I have implied that Germans have higher than average IQ and that that is false? I don't know if they do, but I didn't mean to imply that, although I do think it's possible. Do you have concrete information to address the question (which is in any case beside the point)?
Here's the thing: as an unjabbed human, I have very nearly volunteered for 15 min cities. When the rules changed daily, and the "quarantine camps" were made available - I stopped testing boundaries. It's kind of like self-censorship: I get nervous more than 15 minutes from home.
The conditioning is in place, all they need to do is throw the switch.
well, the Turd Reich really knows how to run a shit-show.
why...i'll say...it's almost as if this is all deliberate.
What I can't get over is that Germany has some of the finest STEM minds in the world. How they could have an energy policy this colossally stupid is beyond me.
I can never forget that one of the most gifted, best educated nations in the world, of its own free will, surrendered its fate into the hands of a maniac.
Eric Hoffer
and Canada adopted Castro's son
Well, Fidelito's mom is Canadian, and it appears the apple didn't fall far from the tree.
And presided over the annihilation of the flower of their genetic heritage.
A bit after the fact, but Montgomery's advice might have saved them: Rule 1, on page I of the book of war, is: "Do not march on Moscow". Various people have tried it, Napoleon and Hitler, and it is no good. That is the first rule. I do not know whether your Lordships will know Rule 2 of war. It is: "Do not go fighting with your land armies in China". It is a vast country, with no clearly defined objectives...
Bernard Law Montgomery
They were raised out of the ashes of WWII by women almost exclusively. That is all you need to know.
If women had been in charge from ancient times, we would still be living in caves and hiding from tigers.
Male psychology is one of risk acceptance, necessary if one's role is fighting the wars, and warding off marauders and sabertooth tigers. Female psychology is one of risk avoidance, necessary if one's role is to nurture and nurse the young. Very perceptive comment as to why the Germans have been transformed from a people who conquered the Romans to people afraid to cross the street.
Yep. As a famous (female) feminist once said: If women ruled the world, we'd still be living in caves - with beautiful curtains" (Camilla Paglia, IIRC)
Ha ha ha ha etc.
As a woman I have to agree. Not sure if it’s ‘our’ culture or neurology/biology resulting from evolution is dictating awful female behavior worldwide. Watching it in the US currently, and in general find conservative women more rational, balanced but still generally different in emotional/social dimensions.
Tribalism seems to be the modern female MO.
Karens are borne of that.
Or we would be extinct.
go try to jaywalk in germany. that'll tell you everything you need to know.
I was a child in Munich, and as an adult often visited my mother with my young son in the small city of Worms. As Americans, we LMFAO as we "illegally" crossed traffic-free streets with hostile stares from Germans standing at Don't-Walk red traffic lights.
Same in Denmark. It's so creepy. Someone told me there are plain clothed cops who give tickets. I doubt that very much but it's good sheep training. As Howard Zinn said, "Obedience is the problem."
Is that the flag for the Sounders?
If it is, they stole it from somewhere else.
Switzerland's as bad......but that would be of course the German cantons in particular. I was once reprimanded in the midst of a forest for dropping a candy wrapping on the pristine forest floor.
It's something about following orders ........
Well, littering is littering. They were correct in that case. Possibly not your best argument. Failure to keep litter under control is how we have the New Jersey Turnpike.
Are you referring to litter around the NJ Turnpike, or the NJ Turnpike itself?
That’s true I will move to a red state and it’s gorgeous but when I see the trees on grass and see garbage on it, I am shocked at why someone would do that. Nature is a gift we shouldn’t take for granted.
Exactly. But everything used to run on time in Germany. I spent 2 months there when I was a young man and I never once had a train or metro late. I hear its a mess now. Nothings on time, etc. Etc.
Funny story, my wife and I were driving by the Rhine river along the Swiss - German border and some dude kept yelling "Einbahnstraße". We thought he was crazy until we realized we'd been driving the wrong direction on a one way street for 3 miles.
In fairness we were a bit distracted cracking up that exit in German is Ausfahrt!...:)
Well then great minds think alike.
My wife & I also crackedup at Ausfarht! We took turns driving as fast as we dared on the autobahn. I edged her out at 147 mph. & at that we were being passed up
OMG. We did the same thing in one of those two seater BMWs we rented.
I think that's just about as high in speed as I got as well before I screamed "chicken"....:)
LOL. I've got a photo of my husband and daughter in Germany standing by an Ausfahrt sign!
I have a story told from the other side, from the 1980s. I was with cousins and trying to translate for a wonderful middle aged Swiss lady staying as a guest with them, who spoke almost no English. She was a fitness person, and got up about 5 am every morning to go running. One day, she confided to me a shockingly hilarious event she had witnessed on the empty streets of a small town in Minnesota, of another runner who had reached a crosswalk: "Auf dem Schildt steht es 'nicht gehen,' und trotzdem geht er!" ("On the sign, it said 'don't walk,' and in spite of that, he went!")
Or be late for an appointment by more than 2 minutes.
their political class has even finer minds for grift
Their political class is all descendants of Nazi's.
"Joachim-Friedrich Martin Josef Merz was born on 11 November 1955 to
Joachim Merz (born 1924) and Paula Sauvigny (born 1928) in Brilon in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia in then-West Germany. His father was a judge and a member of the CDU. The Sauvigny family was a locally prominent patrician family in Brilon, of French Huguenot ancestry, and his maternal grandfather was mayor of Brilon. His maternal grandfather Josef Paul Sauvigny was a member of the Zentrum party from 1917 to 1933. In 1933 he joined the SA and in 1938 the NSDAP."
SA = Brownshirts, Storm Troopers. That's this Merz/Sauvigny family's Nazi legacy. And, say, you're inclined to say, "Well, that was just his family, can't hold him accountable for what his family did before he was around," I have news for you: He's a eugenicist. Just like the Nazi's Master Race eugenics. Which by definition means you believe your family bloodline is what determines you, fruit from the same poisonous tree of Nazi eugenicists. It doesn't matter if you believe in eugenics or not, or if you think his own family's history and values is separate and distinct. Irrelevant. HIS own values say that he's what his bloodline is: Nazi's. Storm Trooper Brownshirt thug Nazi's.
Anything he says needs to be understood through that understanding. And Merz's accusations that AfD is a Nazi front organization, well, that's what's known as "Projection." Just like his fellow Nazi eugenicist Ursula von der Leyen (nee Albrecht), another long lineage of prominent Nazi's in their eugenicist 'master race' families. That we're not part of. Is why they treat us like their slaves.
Are you a German ctizen?
The logical, honest STEM minds are not in government. In the main, these bad decisions have been political, not economic or having to do with energy needs of industry or the citizenry.
Don’t listen to what they say.
Don’t look at what they do.
Look at the result of what they do and look at who benefits and who loses.
If the original people are the ones being censored, jailed and taxed and the replacement people are given leniency, free food, housing and other goodies then obviously the government, of that country, has become the enemy of the people it was founded to serve and protect.
Nah, say it ain't so Joe.
As we know, of course it is.
And how dangerously close the US came to mimicking what is now happening in Germany and the EU in general.
"the Turd Reich"
That phrase is a keeper -- love it!!! 👍👍
And it neatly encapsulates the attitude and performance of recent German governments.
WWII was simply a resumption of WW1, exacerbated by the punitive conditions of the Treaty of Versailles.
You have stolen my thunder. Once again, we appear to be in agreement. Could this be The Morgenthau Plan finally being enacted? "The only thing new in the world is the history you don't know."
Harry S. Truman
this is why very little history is taught in American public schools
"The plain fact is that education is itself a form of propaganda - a deliberate scheme to outfit the pupil, not with the capacity to weigh ideas, but with a simple appetite for gulping ideas ready-made. The aim is to make 'good' citizens, which is to say, docile and uninquisitive citizens."
H. L. Mencken
Yes. Its that simple, Mitch.
Spot on
Yeah. The fact is they wouldn't have needed to be The Morgenthau Plan or WW2 if the allies had not punished the Germans so badly, out of sheer spite, for their loss in WW1
AGREED! A generation that has taken a beating is always followed by a generation that deals one.
Otto von Bismarck
Look very carefully at who organised that.
Then follow through "Operation Paperclip."
For a hint, the US Federal Reserve was initiated in 1913.
When reading the list of companies that planned to relocate their production my first thought was, The German federal government will soon outlaw the movement of German companies' workforce or work product offshore. Germany will become the first Western country to fully emulate the DPRK in its entirety.
They do seem to be headed towards a "lights out" type of country.
Don’t listen to what they say.
Don’t look at what they do.
Look at the result of what they do and who are the beneficiaries and who are the losers of what they do.
ALMOST deliberate? It is deliberate. Bet'cha all the downsizing goes to Chiiii-na, too.
Ya THINK?? Gotta admit, the vid is hilarious. I can hear Wagner's Götterdämmerung faintly in the background as Heinrich von Bottelschlapper's career joins the Nordstream pipeline somewhere in the depths.
Don’t listen to what they say.
Don’t look at what they do.
Look at the result of what they do and who are the beneficiaries and who are the losers of what they do.
Damn, that’s a good one!
Turd Reich. LMAO
NO SHIT!!???
If I remember correctly, a certain gato predicted that this would be the case immediately prior to Germany closing all nuclear plants and switching to largely renewables. Man, a simple cat can foresee the consequences of this blatant buffoonery, but the entire aristocracy of Germany cannot?
The entire aristocracy of Germany is getting rich off the buffoonery and doesn't care what happens to the citizens.
Yeah, well, I think it's all going to come tumbling down based on the Trump/Elon effect.
When exposing a crime is treated like committing a crime, you may then know you are ruled by CRIMINALS.
People may not pay attention, but they're not stupid to blatant thievery and hypocrisy. It's a blitzkrieg against the bureaucrats with so much info coming out it's impossible for ordinary people to bury their heads anymore.
Ayn Rand called it 70 years ago:
"When you see that in order to produce you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing - When you see that money is flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favors - When you see that men get richer by graft and by pull than by work, and your laws don't protect you against them, but protect them against you - When you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice-You may know that your society is doomed."
~ Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged. , 1957
"When exposing a crime is treated like committing a crime, you may then know you are ruled by CRIMINALS."
*Perfectly* said, Ryan! 💯
Wo ist Johannes Galt?
I, am John Galt.
I used to think Rand's villains were outrageously cartoonish buffoons, and nobody would ever actually behave like that. I don't think that anymore.
Yeah after decades of watching, and knowing, her cartoonish villains were in fact, real. We see them on the propaganda channels daily. No, hourly. I gave up,owning a television 25 years ago.
SPOT ON! And I'll raise you one: "History fails to record a single precedent in which nations subject to moral decay have not passed into political and economic decline. There has been either a spiritual awakening to overcome the moral lapse or a progressive deterioration leading to ultimate national disaster."
Douglas MacArthur
Bureaucracy dies in sunlight.
Same parasites as all over the Western World. The Greens are virtually indistinguishable from the AOC DemonRats, on all levels. Heck, our foreign minister Frau Baerbock is almost like a carbon copy of AOC. Same level stupid.
Yes. We see them all over the EU and in Canada and Australia as well.
I don't know. AOC has a special sort of stupid. I'd dislike to think that could be replicated or cloned.
Yeah, a person would have to go to Boston College to get that dumb.
Baerbock doesn't even hold a valid University degree. Imagine. Then she got herself via political backdoor a grant to pursue a PhD, regardless, with which she utterly failed, too.
I can't decide who is dumber....AOC or Kamala Harris.
Perhaps a Hidden Hand? The great strength of our Order lies in its concealment; let it never appear in any place in its own name but always covered by another name and another occupation. None is fitter than the three lower degrees of Freemasonry; the public is accustomed to it, expects little from it and therefore takes little notice of it.
Adam Weishaupt
Does she have the same "crazy eyes," too?
at least AOC is easy on the eyes
🤢 The "crazy eyes" freak me out.
Yep, when you can see 1" of white all the way around the iris of each eye, you got yerself a Class 9 lunatic there, son. Best advice: Run.
It's called 'Sanpaku Eyes' and they are considered a sign of mental instability. It's amazing how many of our noisiest politicians, 'influencers' and celebrities have them.
And yeah, when you see someone with them, run if you can.
Right. I'm feline the same way.
I would expect no less from a post meowster with littership skills.
Let's give him a round of a-paws.
You do know the sneaky Putin funded the greenies to go after nuclear power? It’s no different than the Qataris funding the anti fracking movie with Damion. It’s all geopolitics and Canada is utterly fu*ked and leaving it all in the ground! Until last week however, hmm odd timing eh?
I read on substack on someone’s post, that Canada was planning a war against the US. A real one, with boots on the ground. I had to laugh. A fantasy posted on substack by a Canadian really mad that corruption is being exposed.
The average American is better armed than a CDN solider 🤣🤣🤣
Firearms stand next in importance to the Constitution itself.
George Washington
Stupidity is better kept a secret than displayed.
The variation: better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak up and remove all doubt.
These days tho this is all reversed. AOC has gone from bartender to member of Congress by not keeping her stupidity secret. It seems one more indicator of how upside-down things have become
AGREED! We are living in dangerously weird times now. Smart people just shrug and admit they're dazed and confused. The only ones left with any confidence at all are the New Dumb. It is the beginning of the end of our world as we knew it. Doom is the operative ethic.
Hunter S. Thompson
Can you imagine a country of 30m attacking a global superpower with 330m? LOL.
If that were to happen, you know it would be a false flag operation of the US. Like the Mexican American War, but more ridiculous.
Planning a war with what? Our "military" that's filled with obese xir-soldiers obsessing about tampons in the men's room, while making due with rickety old equipment. That one?
The Soviets clandestinely funded many of the West German disarmament and environmental groups during the 1970s and 1980s, and had high-ranking assets in the West German government. Putin, of course, made his bones as a KGB man in East Germany during this time.
More accurately NOT switching to "renewables". They haven't. They had a promise that someday they would be all solar/wind/whatever, stuff mislabeled as "renewable". Which was an impossible promise. "renewable" is misused when talking about solar, wind. Driven by the sun, we can call these abundant and perpetual, because our use of it does not appreciably alter the available supply and the sun will be around for as long as we care. But we can not renew the sun. It will have wiped out humanity before it burns out, so there's where we get perpetual for our myopic view of time.
The "sustainable" label has some appeal, but not if you look closely at the technology. It takes a lot of finite resources to create PV and wind farms, and they have a limited lifespan. With current technologies we're not at break even. With 50+ year lifespan maybe - but still consuming resources.
Scaling down to put point of generation nearer to consumption helps efficiency and reduces recuring resource consumption. But you still have to store it to shift in time of conversion to time of use. Batteries are a tragically bad solution.
My favorite detail about wind farms is that they measurably alter the climate. And thus literally cause "climate change".
Wind farms pollute the visual landscape. They cause untold number of bird deaths. And they end up in landfill. A total environmental disaster.
Gato did the ultimate takedown of EVs a while back. From cradle to grave, they use more 'fossil fuel', create a bigger carbon footprint, and cause more pollution than a regular gasoline car. Their only purpose is for virtue signalling and profit.
There's nothing wrong with the concept of EVs themselves, but current battery technology and the state of the power grid makes them impractical. If we had 100% nuclear power and significantly better batteries (no 4-day fires, charge in less than 5 minutes from zero, 500+ mile range on a charge) they'd be fine.
Grid-charged EVs are a bad idea. The concept is flawed. It takes more than better batteries to fix it. You need a battery that lasts indefinitely, at least the life of the car, that has zero impact to dispose of, and that can be produces energy-free. Such batteries exist only in the land of Unicorns.
The model of grid-charged EVs is flawed. It is telling that analysis of EV efficiency that show "equivalent MPG" ignore transmission loss (energy lost between power plant and point of charge), overstate conversion efficiency at generation, understate conversion loss at point of charge, usually exclude losses from battery to motion, and leave out battery discharge when not in use. If you consider all those things, a plugin EV is less efficient than an equivalent ICE powered vehicle.
Grid dependence has many other issues too. In most the world, the grid isn't ready.
Thermodynamics suggests conversion at point of use will be more efficient. There's still a lot of room to improve internal combustion efficiency. Hybrid ICE/EV solves range, reliability, and grid dependence. Battery pollution is still present, but about 1/10th the magnitude per vehicle.
Nuclear power is a good idea for a lot of reasons. It is environmentally friendly. It is sustainable. And it is a great way to power EVs. I've been watching development of micro-scale fission generators. Generation at point of use reduces waste. Scaling down modern fission could mean 10 or 20 years between refueling, at which point a few grams of inert waste are extracted. It sounds like Jetson stuff, but it's closer to feasible than most people think. My opinion based on observation of the progress that has been made despite scarce funding and political disfavor is that if we put even half of the resources spent on PV into R&D on micro-fission, and eat away at the political barriers, it's a decade or less away. I'd trade in my hybrid for a nukemobile!
EV car batteries have a finite life which is less than most people realize. After that, the problem is how to dispose of them.
Besides killing a lot of birds, what the climate fanatics appear not to know about windmills is that each giant windmill requires a lot of OIL to lubricate it.
You're missing the benefit! Birds breath. The produce CO2. Wind farms kill birds, thus reducing CO2 emissions ;-)
With apologies to the naughty cat, ANYONE could see it coming!
Anyone with a working brain
Pretty sure the only reason the"aristocracy" in Germany exists is to destroy the german people. It seems they have.
The environmental movement was truly an insanely successful communist psyop to get the West to destroy itself.
"*snerk!* We're going to convince them that having more plant food in the air, and longer growing seasons is a *BAD* thing!"
"Oh, come on, comrade. They'll *never* fall for *that!*"
"We'll get our agents to present the case from inside their walls. Just watch. You'll see."
And here we are.
But breaking a bottle of champagne will release deadly CO2 into the atmosphere!!!
and Dihydrogen Monoxide - DHMO
Stop it! 😉😊😋
The bottle was designed by the Greens!
Exactly! It was greenies saving the planet! Plus, you know, that ship burns fossil fuels ;-)
Just like in the US, the globalists were sucking Germany dry while telling its citizens they're racist if they object. But economic and political reality rears its head sooner or later, and it seems like the globalists are going to try to censorship their way through it. I doubt very much this will work.
Watch Trump seize this opportunity to invite German companies such as VW to relocate their manufacturing plants to the U.S. Trump will offer them incentives, energy, markets, tax benefits - whatever it takes. Then he’ll laugh at the EU officials who gape at his success!
Germany will just try to make it illegal for companies to leave.
You think it's a joke, it's not.
You’re right!
But if they do, political opposition such AfD will grow….
"The more you tighten your grip, Governor Tarkin..."
Better build a wall!
Deutschland als einundfünfzigster Staat!
Germany as the fifty-first state? Hmmm…I wonder if Trump has thought of that?
Too many pesky Greens.
Actually, even having Canada as a 51st state could be problematic since there are so many radical lefties there. It could easily end up another far left Democrat stronghold, like California/Washington/Oregon.
Very good assessment.
With us Germans, the "Nazi" cudgel has understandably been working all too well, since we do recognize how bad we were back then and who wouldn't want to be a good person, right?
but by now it has mostly lost its magic powers like every drug abused for too long and also, it's of course the crazy left who are the fascists.
Fascism is a leftist ideology and always has been. Both Hitler and Mussolini were socialists the only change they made was adding corporatism to socialism. The big lie has always been that fascism is a right-wing ideology. It is not and never was, but the lie persists.
From a fellow that should know: "Fascism is a caricature of Jacobinism."
Leon Trotsky
"(Giovanni Gentile) found vindication for the rejection of individualism and acceptance of collectivism, with the state as the ultimate location of authority and loyalty outside of which individuality had no meaning (and which in turn helped justify the totalitarian dimension of fascism)"
They're all Brothers in the same lodge: "Comrades! We must abolish the cult of the individual decisively, once and for all"
Nikita Khrushchev
Some family - they all hate each other as well as everyone else.
You can take that to the bank.
But let me add that there is also an additional national chauvinism (and blatant racism) at work, as opposed to the supposed Internationalism of the communists.
Makes the picture a bit more blurry.
The overarching thing is of course totalitarianism / authoritarianism, as Hannah Arendt has conceptualized.
Antifa, militant wing of the World Socialist Worker's Party. Brownshirts, militant wing of the National Socialist Worker's Party of Germany. Fasci Combattimento, militant wing of the Italian Socialist Worker's Party.
Just varieties of socialism. To be right wing, one must be the opposite.
Individual liberty.
but...who is "we" in "how bad we were back then". Going to guess you are not 110 years old. You were not an adult when Hitler was elected, nor a member of the german legislature when they abdicated their power and responsibility. You did not march in step, or round up Jews. You are not the people of Germany of 1933.
Placing blame on people born generations after the crimes is irrational. It is effective at dividing people, at creating conflict, and seems often used to make seem reasonable the unreasonable. You are not responsible for Nazi Germany no more than I am responsible for slavery in the US.
The German people should, dare I say must, reject the faulty logic of "the Nazi card" and call for accountability from those who play it. It's dishonest, it's divisive, and it supports dictators, not democracy.
I agree mostly, but a people in a nation is still a "body" that is responsible for its actions, collectively. Like you don't get to claim "oh, it's only our neocon cabal that launched war and destroyed Ukraine, now we'll get out and pretend we have nothing to do with it".
As individuals who opposed that war or were simply unaware of it, we had nothing to do with it. Hang the neocon cabal that launched it if you like, but don't dilute their responsibility by spreading it out over a large body of innocent people. That just leads to new injustice, and lets the guilty off the hook.
Well put, thanks.
"simply unaware of it"? WHAT?
"We are stupid rubes, don't hold us responsible"?
So the Ukrainian people who got slaughtered and whose cities got demolished shall do what exactly? Go get the neocons?
How convenient for you.
Go after the neocons as American People. It's your own F#ing DUTY.
You as a people enabled them in the first place, over decades.
How about the Ukrainian people who have not yet been slaughtered simply refuse to give further support to Zelensky, the Banderites, the American CIA, and any other of the political actors who are driving them into the war? Or can they not do that because of structures of power that would hurt them if they tried, and because of mind-controlling propaganda that takes advantage of the fact that everyone is born a stupid rube?
How about you as a collectivist German do your own F#ing duty and shut down your own government's support for the Ukraine war? The fact that you are posting here suggests that you haven't done enough yet to be jailed or shot. In that case, why do you condemn other people for not sacrificing more than you are willing to?
Instead of pontificating uselessly about how all of us in the apartment building are collectively to blame for the fact that we are on fire, how about we just get together and try to put it out?
People are not responsible for actions taken before they were born. They had no part in it, they had no way to oppose or prevent those actions. The present generations' responsibility for history is to learn from it. Sadly too many people are failing in this responsibility.
As a voting citizen of the United States, I have used that limited power to oppose the escalation of wars in eastern Europe and the middle east. I recognized administrative policies that escalated those conflicts, I studied the congressional record to see who voted funding to enable actions I view as contributing to escalation and mishandling. In November I cast my vote to unseat those I, as a citizen, hold accountable. I also speak out against policies that I believe unjust and wrong, and I use the written word to try and influence others to stand against tyranny in all it's forms. These things are IMO my duty as a 21st century adult citizen.
Today is different than history: I will take accountability for MY actions, but not things that happened before my birth. With respect to more recent events, I take responsibility only for those things I can control or influence. I reject the "we as a people" responsibility for actions taken by those who do not represent "my people" - those who share my values and belief. To assert otherwise is IMO very dangerous: it keeps people from realizing what they CAN do and instead promotes hate and division, which serve only to enable the few bad actors to get away with more bad actions.
One old white Jewish guy's opinion.
The whole country is your heritage. You don't get to enjoy what people 250 years ago did, and 150 years ago, but then you also get to totally discard what people 20 years ago did as entirely outside of what might affect you?
I'm acutely aware of the layers of personal responsibility, from what you actually do as an individual, then what e.g. your children do, what your local community does etc.; also back in time. You can have done stupid things as a teen but are now a responsible citizen etc.; that is all well understood.
Of course I am not personally responsible for what Hitler did, yet I can feel ashamed that my people enabled it. It's not that far away. My dad as a teenager got recruited into the Wehrmacht. If you learn that your dad or grandpa did something horrible, you feel no shame? Whatsoever? I don't know you at all, but I bet that is not who you are.
The grand plan was to tear down successful first world countries via energy depletion & mass migration. When “equity” is achieved it’s much easier to control & rule the serfs…or slaves. You will own nothing & be happy.
Very Perceptive! "If you control the food, you control a nation. If you control the energy, you control a region. If you control the money, you control the world."
Henry A. Kissinger
A short cut is to just control the energy. The rest follows.
And they are killing all our chickens and buying the farmland.
We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis.
David Rockefeller Could the Covid Hysteria been an attempt?
👍 Someone else get it!
Can I add something?
Currently, Germany is being propped up by electricity from other nations, among those Sweden, which has led to record prices.
And due to the fiction of a market called "European power market", prices here are so high it is ruining the economy of many households: you kind of need power when it's -10F outdoors (as it is here at the time of writing).
I call it market fiction above because it's not a real market, but a managed corporate monstrosity where capitalists and the states own the power system together, and have used EU-wide agreements to prevent a national government to care for their own people first and foremost.
If you want a short-hand metaphor for the EU, it's this:
Trying to utilise the tragedy of the commons as productive, profitable and progressive policy.
Governments do not make markets, they destroy them.
Well well well, looks like we got us someone who doesn't have a degree in social work, transgender dance politics, international studies studies, or certified vaxstabbery assistantry!
I can't speak for mr "Raven's Lake" (Korpijärvi) but I think the idea is, if you're the kind of person engaging in the things he lists, you think governments are necessary or essential to the creation of markets and trade.
Which of course isn't the case, necessarily. A proper run-down of the matter would be thesis-length at least, since there's no single universal answer, as economy is far messier a subject than the simple maths used in it suggests.
Hmm, capitalists (corporatists) and the state in collusion. This sounds vaguely familiar to me.
Neoliberalism: the disadvantages of both centrally planned and free market economy, and none of the advantages.
For the people, that is. Not for the politicians and capitalists already on top of the heap.
Well, never use a tool when your hand does it best.
And--remember those German diplomats laughing in their seats at Trump speaking at the UN, last time around?
He might have arrived just in time to save them now too, along with us over here. Orange Man with an axe--because that *is* the tool needed.
And here's me thinking you were talking about a bedroom activity. No, an axe! She meant an axe! Better have some more coffee.
I'm extremely fond of multiple entendres.
Hope you’re right. My US congressman sent a one line survey: Do you support Trump pardoning J6 people. I clicked yes. And got the shivers. Why would a Democratic Congressman from the state of IL ask that. Is he making a list of people to surveil in the future? It’s a silly question considering this state is a sanctuary state and resisting Trump’s deporting undocumented criminals, oops justice impacted individuals.
And Gov Pritzker is mandating all state vehicles be EVs by 2030! And we don’t have the grid to support it.
Don't worry about it. We're all on so many list at this point they'll be consolidating the lists into a master list
To be fair, the master list apparently will be written on paper and stored in a mine, so it's not like they'll have quick access.
Thats hilarious!
You’ve got a point there. They just have to look here. I was glad to see excerpts of Shellenberger and Taibbi testifying at Congress.
There is no such thing as paranoia. Your worst fears can come true at any moment.
Hunter S. Thompson
"Just because you're paranoid don't mean they're not after you" - Kurt Cobain
Yes! A professional opinion: "The paranoid is never entirely mistaken."
Sigmund Freud
Hunter’s got a point. And fear can be a liar. The powers want us afraid. We need to resist with our joy.
A perfect example making your point, in my opinion, The Covid Hysteria.
Yes. Left wing people are terrified. I’ve awakened with my heart hurting because of all the chaos in Washington. It may be needful but it’s still chaos…
My God! This is a revolution! We have to offend someone!
John Adams
It IS necessary
1. We are headed to bankruptcy.
2. Americans need to see the grift.
But are Americans actually seeing the grift? Or do they listen to reports like 60 Minutes that tell the woe is me about the firings. This past Sunday night’s also reported sympathetically about Germany’s hate speech laws which are chilling. You can be arrested and fined for saying someone is an idiot online. In the examples they gave, there is a lot of anger toward migrants.
California is the same. Greasy Gavin wants all EVs and we still have rolling blackouts with our existing electrical grid. Insanity.
It makes perfect sense when you understand the goal is the elimination of private car ownership by non-elites. It's problematic for governments when you can just grab your keys and go 350 miles without leaving a trace, after all. Trains are much more "civilized".
This has bothered me with the inclusion of satellite services & computers on ICE vehicles. It's not just EV's which are remotely controllable.
Get yourself a '72 Diesel VW Golf and run it on cooking oil....
They may also want everyone to have a car that can be shut down by the govt for wrong speak or other infractions
That is insanity. Newsome and the Democrats has done a great job ruining that state.
And apparently all the CA Democrat voters don't realize it. They think all the disaster in CA "just happens", and don't know how to connect dots.
That’s for sure. Their election process seems to guarantee a Democrat.
Eugyppius being German, gives great updates almost daily, today there was yet another immigrant who drove into a crowd and hit 30. Not sure, some say he was legally in the country but E. says he was illegal. Germany has become the armpit of Europe.
Germany has become the armpit of Europe. Britain is the other armpit.
Ooopsie, I forgot Ireland. And of course, Scotland wins "honorable mention" for electing Humza Yousaf as PM, who allowed only men to attend and pray on the floor at his swearing-in ceremony.
France, too. Ok, too many armpits to count, I guess.
Hairy armpits.
One of them could be crotch rot.
OK, Belgium.
All by design! Bring Civil Disorder to make way for a New World Order.
That would place the asshole of Europe somewhere south of there...
So, how about Europe is the armpit?
Germany's growth since the Russian gas got turned off is most certainly negative, and I won't believe any statistics to the contrary...Like the US, they are lying about inflation, and counting welfare as GDP...
Biden the cabbage and his garden of rotten vegetables lied.
This is the most relentless circular firing squad of all time. If they don't run out of ammo soon, there won't be anything to save.
All the brilliant responses have been taken, so I will simply note that German is a fusional/inflective language, not an agglutinative one.
Fusional Germanic languages: German, English, Dutch Afrikaans, Swedish, Norwegian and (r.i.p.) Gothic.
Agglutinative languages: Korean, Japanese, Turkish, Uzbek, Mongolian, Manchu.
I yield the floor.
In their defence, who could have predicted that closing 17 nuclear power plants would have any impact on the price of energy? I mean, c'mon be reasonable, who knew?
Thanks for illuminating the crazy situation my country is in.
You're pretty close on target.
Yet chances are that Blackrock alumnus Friedrich Merz from the RINO CDU will become next chancellor, mostly sticking with the treasonous Merkel policies.
He has already triumphantly promised to keep the "net zero" suicide strategy going, with minor cosmetic enhancements.
I wouldn't bet on the AfD getting a foot into executive government, although it would be the only non-super-stupid path forward.
They are mostly good decent people in that party, as opposed to what the regime types try to brainwash everybody into, but it's not comparable to Trump, or even just Nigel Farage.
Also, we don't have a two-party system. Trump won by first taking over one half of the political system, as it were.
We have proportionate representation and a multitude of parties, which makes it so much more difficult.
Just as a technical explanation. It's not that we Germans are so much dumber than peoples elsewhere.
You Germans might even be more intelligent than people elsewhere, and that might even be part of your problem. Knowledge puffs up, pride goes before the fall. Neither Plato nor Heidegger was lacking in intelligence, but the messy practice of politics is not something that can be mastered by mere intelligence.
You think Heidegger was a typical German? My gosh. Have fun in cliché world turned upside down. LOL
Typical German in what respect? I mean he spoke German, so I guess that's pretty typical for a German. In other respects, obviously he was not so typical!! (btw, in case you wondered, I also don't regard Plato as a typical-in-all-respects Greek -- as if there were such a thing!)
I take it you think I have implied that Germans have higher than average IQ and that that is false? I don't know if they do, but I didn't mean to imply that, although I do think it's possible. Do you have concrete information to address the question (which is in any case beside the point)?
Like you did not "imply" what you explicitly stated?
Of course, you can hide behind the "might". Just as I might say that you might be engaging in sophistry.
On the contrary, very smart people. That is why what is happening is so effing frightening.
Not everybody though. Especially not in government. LOL
“I’d rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy” — W. C. Fields
I don't know. The lobotomy might be just the thing when they switch to 15 minute cities, CBDCs, and the mark of the beast.
Here's the thing: as an unjabbed human, I have very nearly volunteered for 15 min cities. When the rules changed daily, and the "quarantine camps" were made available - I stopped testing boundaries. It's kind of like self-censorship: I get nervous more than 15 minutes from home.
The conditioning is in place, all they need to do is throw the switch.
Then everyone acts like they have had a lobotomy.
Germany can no longer easily acquire cheap energy from Russia as the American NATO psychos blew up nord stream pipeline so they are screwed.
Didn't the Norwegians help?
They did but as vassals they kind of did what they were told I reckon.