the tipping point on vaccines and covid policy approaches
more evidence that the tune is changing
first a trickle, then a flood.
the focus of mainstream news on covid is shifting noticably. it’s becoming OK to call BS. and the jerseys are changing at speed.
tucker is out telling the “the vaxxed are seeing more overall deaths and worse medical outcomes overall/immune suppression/destruction” story that has been in top medical journals for months if you knew where to look.

this will not be new news to readers possessed of discerning cattitudes, but this is a bombshell to much of america.
guys like tucker are not around for the early innings of games like these. they jump in when the game looks like it can be a rout.
this is triple true of vaccines and vaccine efficacy because it is a massive political third rail and “antivaxxer” has been such an effective ad hominem epithet to link one to loads of poorly calibrated claims irrelevant to the current debate. it has kept many away from this issue as one risks being sidelined by the howlers for addressing it.
“criticize vaccines and get banned from ALL debate on all topics” has been the name of the game.
but this is ending.
the overton window is moving.
and many of the other side are now backing away from old positions.
watch birx make the astonishing claim that she always knew the vaccines would not stop spread.

this is an incredible statement and she must know she’s going to get called on it.
“the vaccines make you a dead end for the virus. you won’t get it or transmit it.”
this was the utterly unified talking point of the entire edifice of public health and the idea that “birx knew it was false” is either the tallest of tall tales or proof that the debster is a sociopath.
everyone said this.
and deb sure did not speak up to contradict it or (unless i missed something) mention this little factoid in her memoir of manipulative mendacity where she brags of telling so many other lies to mislead the president and his staffers.
and honestly, the case that they knew and deliberately lied is FAR worse for them so it seems a bizarre claim to make.
she’s literally saying:
i wasn’t a fool, i was a monster.
the science didn’t change, i just stopped lying to you.
(but you can trust me now!)
i’m struggling to see how that’s a better look.
so why the aggressive shift away from this?
because the data is falling apart. prevalence is exploding and it’s nearly all in the vaxxed. the signs of OAS and leaky vaxx driven viral evolution to become advantaged by herd level antigenic fixation are everywhere.
so are the signs of large and severe side effect profiles that look to get worse by the dose.
so are signs of immune suppression.
there are signs of everything but efficacy.
and perhaps debbie would rather appear the villain than the dupe.
(or maybe she’s just not playing with much lookahead)
meanwhile, tweets like this are aging like a fart i sealed in a pringles can back in high school.
and everybody is running for cover or changing their tune.

even the relentless moderna mascot DBA “chise,” who has done so much to bring ill repute upon anthropomorphic animals is now singing new songs. of course, she leaves out that nether do 3. or 4. or 5…
this is certainly not “the science” she was so certain of last year.
i mean, i am old enough to remember when even saying this would get you kicked off twitter as a conspiracy theorist antivaxxer racist with acute creative malignancy because everyone knew that two was a charm and you were all good afterwards.

if the pivots were any faster, we could make these people hold magnets and it would generate sufficient power to replace the german nuclear industry.
the whole story is falling to pieces end to end. the true blue zealots are trying one more run for masks and mandates, but they are getting clowned.
this will be isolated to a few locales. the rest are done.
the data is too clear and the smarter rats are getting the hell off this ship before the waters close over it for good.
the costs are being counted.

and suddenly the architects and cheer-leaders for this calamity no longer want to speak about “who made the mess.”

yeah, well, i'd probably say that too if i were totally dishonest, self-serving, and needed to sidestep responsibility for the damage i’d done by running off half cocked on an evidence-free pseudoscientific crusade against america's children...
and this sudden epidemic of “forget the past, let’s do new stuff now,” (while nastily reminiscent of vichy collaborators who spent 5 years eating well by looting the homes of the neighbors they turned in to the occupiers) is just human nature.
sorry, but it’s just how y’all are.
(maybe this is easier to see if you’re a cat)
even “the hill” is running for the hills and claiming “the data is all meaningless now” as though this is some new thing or that “90% of patients in hospital with covid are not for covid” is some suddenly emergent phenomenon.
this was true last summer too.
this is just “tactical discovery” of what had long been obvious because necessity is the mother of invention, and that goes double for narrative.
and the narrative™ is in tatters.
most telling, current reported case counts are WAY too low, not way too high. people are getting sick in droves and it’s not in the numbers. testing has dropped 90%+ and shifted to non-reported home tests.
once upon a time, incidence was made to look higher than it was due to rising testing making sample rates explode. but now it’s the opposite. we’re catching fewer and fewer in the reporting and the data STILL looks awful. US cases are 3X what they were last year at this time and hospitalization and deaths nearly 2X. % positive on tests is 3.5X what it was.
and so now all the folks who hectored us to “follow the data” want to abandon it because it’s telling a story they do not like.
it’s what the guilty do when they run out of excuses and prevarications and dodges and the bright lights start landing on what they did.
they find some new moral parade to jump in front to distract from questions about just where the last one they band-marshalled wound up leading the marchers.
if i were a pfizer or modera exec right now, i’d be surfing the southby’s site for buenos aries mansions and making cash offers on someplace with a panic room.
the social mood is shifting and people who have been righteous and wrong do not lose their anger, they shift it. it leaps like lightning to a new target such that the architects of atrocity can displace blame and preserve self-regard.
“we were lied to by big pharma” is going to be the low energy path out and there is A LOT of energy here to be released.
the turn is coming where the damage is too big to hide from the middle. it starts to move fast now as it gets more and more out in the open. and fooled people are ANGRY people.
they are going to want answers. they are going want someone to blame.
and the politicians who value their hides are going to side with them for these “leaders” do not lead, they pander.
they’d happily promise a missionary in every pot if cannibalism came into vogue and they thought it would win them some swing votes.
scapegoats are needed.
they will be found.
But wait, look over here, it’s climate change!
Thanks for picking up on the significance of Tucker's recent monologue. IMO this is big "news" as he is the first TV news anchor to touch the third rail of woke science reporting (basically, until this segment aired, no one at network TV could question the "truism" that vaccines are "safe and effective").
This is even more significant when we realize that Tucker has the No. 1 rated primetime news/commentary show in North America (he has 3 million nightly viewers). Furthermore, we know that Fox News - like all big media - probably gets 50 percent of its advertising revenue from Big Pharma. So Tucker is actually attacking the goose that lays the golden eggs for broadcasters and Internet sites. The fact he was allowed to broadcast his views is also significant. One can only infer that his bosses signed off on his monologue.
Yes, such commentary could and should have been broadcast two years ago, but better late than never, I guess. I think this IS a sign that taboo subject are not quite as taboo. Let's just hope Tucker and his colleagues at Fox News give "middle America" more information along these lines in coming weeks and months. They definitely have a network TV monopoly on this taboo subject. They will actually benefit long-term from being on the right side of history.