My church put on their usual Halloween Carnival last night. I was amazed! Even in a blue state, barely anyone was masked. Indoors! One marr on the evening: I was serving at a station and one of the organizers did ask me to put a mask on partway through the evening. I was a little surprised, said no thanks. She said she'd get me a mask - I said I was not comfortable wearing a mask but that perhaps she could find someone else to work my station. She laid off. Interestingly, I think it was just HER, being Karen-ish, not the overall policy because most of the other workers were also unmasked.

Sorry to ramble: take-home is that it was a GREAT night! The community gathered and most seemed entirely fear-free.

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Glad you stood up to the Branch Covidian!

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Love your response!!

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Way to Go!!!

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Okay, I realize I am a *little* strident in my disdain for the COVID dumpster fire paranoia. (Trust me, my disdain is well-documented!) However, even at that, I remain baffled about the "stickiness" of masking. They do not do anything beneficial. And when I say that, I mean actually, measurably, NOTHING positive. They are a symbol, at best, in operating rooms. The science for their widespread use against a respiratory virus is on the order of justification for not listing the number "13" on an elevator keypad. Why the flying hells bells are people still so tied to them? I seriously do not get it. Even as an engineer, and admitting that it took me longer than it should have--probably weeks, in fact--to reach this conclusion, how are people still clueless after this long?

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Masks do something VERY beneficial -- just not the thing being claimed.

Don't think about masks like an engineer, but like a psychologist. Masks reduce anxiety. They're a magic talisman to keep the demons away, a rain dance to end the drought, but with enough cargo-cult science vibes to be superficially convincing to secular moderns.

Mask also enable cheap status-seeking: with masks, they're very smart people following the science, and heroes protecting the community, and they get to sneer at their "selfish" inferiors, all without having to make any real effort or sacrifice. (Since masks have become a "blue" tribal marker, there's an assertion of group superiority as well.) And frankly, a lot of mask fanatics don't seem to have much else they can leverage for social status.

When we point out that masks don't actually work -- including tacitly, by not wearing them ourselves -- we're taking that away from them. You can see why that would be upsetting to them. How to break that spell, I don't know: the more you show it's true, the more upsetting it is, and the more fanatically it must be rejected.

Still, challenging them may at least stop others from falling under it. And challenging them annoys them, which is all to the good.

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I find it ridiculously ironic - they wear them to feel less anxious, but in wearing them actually stresses the body, making them feel more anxious🤔😐🤦‍♀️

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Quite so -- as with anxiety disorders and OCD, the things people do to "protect" themselves are often harmful in the long run. But they provide relief for the moment, and that can be very powerful motivation to do (and believe) things.

Difference is that we normally recognize that as pathology and encourage people to overcome it -- rather than treating it as The Science and making everyone else play along.

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For some it's a virtue signal, for the rest it's just humiliating and dehumanizing. https://www.algora.com/Algora_blog/2021/10/24/its-the-mask-of-your-enslavement

For the elite, it's also an easy spot check of the general sentiment of the public and their willingness to comply, and it probably gives them a good chuckle.

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Awesome! #PreachingToTheChoir

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People honestly and truly believe masks keep them safe. They believe it's a fact and nothing will change their minds

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What is the scientific justification for wearing shirts at restaurants? People want it, and who can argue with fashion?

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You're comparing a mask to a shirt? Idiot confirmed ✅

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He could have done nothing, but instead he decided to be an asshole!!

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Hope he posts a photo of his garage door...

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A thing of beauty!

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I was discussing this elsewhere (in two other places simultaneously, in fact!) this morning and there was a LOT of confusion as to whether this was parody, or someone doing an "old man yells at cloud" joke, but...

No, I did an unpleasantly thorough review of his published and social content, and this is real. Someone is actually like this.

And a reasonably intelligent mammal had a hard time figuring out whether he was a literal joke.

Imagine being this person.

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Did you see this


The thing with unhinged leftists is the parodies and the real deal are often indistinguishable

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No, I didn't see this. Thanks.

But, to be clear, there is still an actual Carl Beijer, and he is an insufferable Marxist, right?

The idea was this was an explicit parody account of a real person? (I'm a little stupid sometimes.)

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I had the same initial thought. I couldn't tell if he was being serious or not. I know he's a socialist and all from looking at his writing work but I thought, maybe this is a tongue-in-cheek post. I'd never heard of him before now.

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I grew up in a small town, where the police report was posted to the local newspaper every week. It was hilarious, and the primary reason why we read that paper. Occasionally you would get a gem like "Dead squirrel reported in the street. Officer responded, confirmed report."

We would have LIVED for a report like this. "Reported egging of house. Officers told individual to get a life."

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If "Carl" is a real person, he likely also wears an "I'm Vegan and Vaccinated" pin signaling how much fun he is to hang out with.

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Well he had an actual substack. he's a socialist. https://www.carlbeijer.com/

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Ironically, he's an anti-social socialist.

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Oddly, most of them are! 😁

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That is funny!

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He's upset about the WEF. Where does he think the "vaccine" passports for everyone idea comes from?

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His lack of awareness on that topic is why he's the perfect "useful idiot".

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Thanks for researching!

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Yes it’s a parody account. Has to be.

In the UK I am just starting to see more ridicule and sarcastic humour directed at the political class/ WEF puppets which is encouraging. The absurdity of the Covid hysteria is best countered by “taking the pi*s “ to use a British expression. Our ultra pompous great and good get a bit peeved by that

This is evident with the Netzero cult also. More parody please. I need a laugh!

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Usually I don't support "egging"... but in this case.... if you are going to be a scourge and try and ruin a kids halloween.. I mean isn't the phrase, "TRICK or treat?"

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He’s lucky that’s all that he got. Just don’t participate - being an asshole gets you treated like an asshole.

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yeah, he goes wrong with antifa and it is a little peaceful protect dumpster fire in his living room!

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Yep. Reap/Sow.

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Hilarious! I sent him a few still shots of kids having fun last night and of a great Halloween decoration! I sure he is twitching right now.

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I usually subscribe to the "don't stoop to their level" approach to confrontation. I strive to be the bigger person (or feline.) But I'm having a hard time with this one, Gato. A really hard time.

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I am literally laughing my ass off reading this.

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Bates Motel under new management.

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Couldn't happen to a nicer Grinch.

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I'm surprised there wasn't a "mostly peaceful" lamppost decorating party and whole-house bonfire to celebrate

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dont worry the narrative is swiftly switching to climate change. just ask prince charles. soon the notes will be put on cars and meat packaging. and you will be vilified for that too. at this point we have a two tier society and we just have to try to keep our cortisol in check bc being around soul voids is very disheartening.

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6000 acres of the best farmland in the world is going to solar. The one company doing 5,000 of those acres as NO experience with industrial solar by their own website. And they are an LLC so can sell, avoid lawsuit. I see brownfields in those 5000 acres when the state and federal subsidies run out.

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also electric cars dont like cold weather. that means all of us canadians would be screwed if we had electric cars. people dont think these things through though.

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people dont understand the inputs into solar as well. i have a massive solar array that powers my entire large home. i also have 2 automated arrays that track with the sun that feed into the grid and we get paid for that. if you have ever worked with solar you know it is not going to replace petroleum. its not possible. the inputs are highly toxic and hard to mine and finite. our home is also a very modern FLW style passive solar design so it heats in winter bc of all the windows on the south side and the giant overhangs cool in summer. its also run on geothermal. and back up electric. and back up generator. and back up battery system. these inputs are expensive. they cannot replace nor be scaled up in that way. in the winter here in canada we have at LEAST 50% of the time no sun. NONE. how are we going to run everything on solar but no sun? and the inputs required to build a new car are greater than the energy required to fuel older ones. so the concept of everyone buying an electric car that most cannot afford is a joke. essentially it is has a greater energy footprint. my oldest son drives a hummer. we'll leave it at that.

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Yes, and again yes to what you say. When we renovated our farm house we wanted to do solar or wind but our contractor didn’t know anything about it. I am glad we didn’t do wind and our place isn’t set up for solar because we have a lot of trees around the house. We did install geothermal and it seems to work well for us. We are able to stay warm in the winter and our bill in the coldest months goes to about $400. I knew I”d resent paying for propane. We get tornadoes so don’t want it on the place. I’d love to hear more about your back up. I have talked about a back up solar generator but am not sure it would be strong enough to operate our geothermal heat pump.

I so agree with you on the expense and rarity of inputs. I don’t think people have any idea what they are in for with the sacrifice they’ll have to make. I think its about taking control and destroying capitalism.

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also we cant eat solar. if we cant eat real food all the solar in world doesnt matter. maybe thats the point.

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No we can’t. And people have no idea what that will mean. A farmer told me that we produce too much food, so his 300 acres going for solar will just take that much out of production. But you add those acres up and it could get nasty. Plus there is a water shortage out west and the Ogalala aquifer is being depleted so corn country west of the MIssissippi might be useless with a long term drought.

My husband and I are active with a community group resisting the solar plants. We are quiet, showing up at meeting with orange stickers on. And we speak during public comment. It is rewarding work. We were able to lobby the county to make a thoughtful ordinance with regards to wind. We’ve also hired a lawyer. We know we are fighting the feds and the state’s wallets. The solar companies are in it for the subsidies, and the farmers are in it for the 1,000$ an acre per year which sounds more like selling the Brooklyn Bridge.

At any rate thank you for your comments.

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as for wind...so ontario has endless windmills. we produce excess electricity and bc you cannot save it it has to be used immediately and we sell it to a loss to NY state. thats how stupid we are. you cannot dump wind electricity and save it any way on the grid. so its a net loss here. pretty clever.

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That’s so disappointing. Maybe they’ll figure out storage one of these days.

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absolutely true. not to mention depletion of actual productive soil. soil is actually being lost a rapid rate. fertile virgin non chemically destroyed and altered soil is very rare. and a farming crisis is certainly coming. once the costs of the toxic and chemical pesticides herbicides fungicides and fertilizers become more costly as inputs into agro...... its going to be a shit show to produce. nothing will be able to be produced on a grand scale. and if we arent going to be able to be a petro based industry anymore...what are tractors, spray planes, harvesters and the likes going to run on? try growing stuff. try growing organic. my husband and i always laugh bc we say if we ever sold anything it would be like a $100 tomato. the amount of work to grow organically is no joke. you to constantly properly ammend the soil and a certain amount of loss will go to pests bc of not using carcinogenic pesticides. it is surely a learning process. we have expanding all of our growing this year bc we are not wanting to be reliant on a failing system. or handouts from monsanto. no thank you.

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But farmers have been working on ways to preserve the soil by planting beets instead of plowing, to loosen soil. THough this summer when they worked the land, the clouds of dust were incredible. Inputs have gone way up just this year. And the neighboring farmer sprayed the crap out of the beans across the way and still got some weeds. Granted the spray may have been getting after bugs or fungus…I too have wondered how they can make battery operated tractors and combines.

Organic is very labor intensive. Neighbors are trying Joel Saladin’s methods. They are young men. And they might make money without so much debt. We could learn some things from the Amish.

The green revolution as in the improvements in agriculture that happened in the 70’s staved off predicted starvation because we got very good at feeding people. They also said we were headed for another ice age back then too. (My money is on that prediction…)

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i love joel. his method is sustainable. green revolution was not very green. more like chemical revolution. which killed the soils. it was another play on words. as always. the opposite.

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People like this are demons. Plain and simple. I would hate to have to interact with them on a regular basis. Thankfully, I'm self employed and can afford to choose.

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If any eggs or ketchup actually happened, I'd first look to Jussie Smollet's trainers as persons of interest. Also, isn't it spelled "catsup"?

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Both spellings are acceptable. The K version is probably more American.

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And what happened then? Well in Florida they say that the communist's ego shrunk three sizes that day.

...just kidding of course, humility is not something this guy likely experiences often.

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This report from THE EXPOSE is absolutely incredible:

EXCLUSIVE – 100% of Covid-19 Vaccine Deaths were caused by just 5% of the batches produced according to official Government data


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I want to know the distribution destination

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Nov 1, 2021
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When mass vaccination occurs a bad batch may occur. But, all the bad shit can't be blamed on one batch. No.

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These are the same people who said you can mix and match boosters. All bull shit.

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Actually, this could be proof they are keeping very good data and NOT being transparent.

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I am not sure what to make of it. The fact that the same phenomenon applies to both the Pfizer and the Moderna shot makes the QC argument rather unlikely.

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I tend to agree it's too on-the-nose as an escape that would allow Big Pharma to escape bigger consequences for pushing a shoddy product. The jabs are dangerous because we know the mechanisms by which they cause harm. Anyone saying it's just a "production/distribution issue" is distracting you from the actual problem.

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on the other hand, is the CDC/FDA actually finally admitting that there have been adverse events? Up until now no one would admit to them and brushed them under the rug.

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A true self own machine. Honestly one hopes Darwin kicks in with these types.

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Does he have children? He reeks of childless male

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Is it normal for commies to have such terrible handwriting?

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Hahaha! Nice left-field take!

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This must be parody.

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He really deserved the egging.

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Ahh, karma

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Hey man, Halloween hates you too

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Kids were out in our neighborhoods without incident. The basic rule - if you don’t want to participate keep your outside lights off.

This guy purposefully invited kids to his door just to troll them. He got what he deserved. Maybe there’s hope for America after all.

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We welcome the little heathens! The more the merrier. I don't remember so many "Happy Halloween" replies, but it warms my heart to give out candy and smiles. P.S. if it was heinz ketchup he can console himself that it really is the best, irregardless of Theresa.

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"stuck up stickybeak maladies"--love the words! real or not, sadly, there are Carls out there. thanks for the laugh, gato ;>)

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This didn't really happen, and if it did, whoever egged his house has renewed my faith in the American spirit.

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If it bothers him, he can always just turn the porch light off. No porch light, no kids, no germs. Voila!

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And just leave the sprinklers on…great deterrent if you want to be an anti-Halloweener!

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This is hilarious!! OMG. Hahahahaa!

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Its British slang for manning or complaining.

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moaning not manning... also, the town that Harry Potter's Aunt and Uncle lived in was called Little Whinging, which I always thought was a nice touch. My son was such an Anglophile that as an 8 year old even he got the joke.

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Losing sleep to read all the way through the comments was well worth it tonight, just to learn what “Little Whinging” means! Thank you!! 😂🤣

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Ah, thank you:)

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That is so brilliantly laid out and summed up in three tweets -- I needed that laugh.

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Thank you for the excellent chuckle!

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We are witnessing the birth of a new ultra-fundamentalist religion.

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he's a twat. and the eggs and ketchup will be found to be done by himself

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Why is it always the fatties (look at that fat hand!) who are the most extreme about this? Clearly they do not care about their health otherwise.

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Lol....I do believe this is a satire account.

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All he had to do was turn his front porch light off if he didn't want to support trick or treating. But no, he wanted his opinion known. To kids. Whatever.

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Apparently this is a fake account. But I can easily see this happening for real.

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By the way if this is true- if anything deserves an “OK Boomer”, it’s this!

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His masks spread Covid. Science.

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Well, maybe his house was egged. You'd think he'd have at least posted a picture if that were the case. The ketchup thing is next-level creative, and one shouldn't underestimate the motivation needed (as well as awareness of politics -- just because Twitter knows doesn't mean anyone in the Real World knows all this stuff) to do a stunt like that. So - maybe. Maybe not.

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Egged his house, so happy to hear this. Bah humbug!

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This is an odd account. I'm pretty sure this was a straight troll rather than really parody. But it was basically a trap post.

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I'm not crazy about the sugar-centric aspect of Halloween. I tried providing what I considered healthier treats and the next morning found them scattered all over the street outside my house. So these days I close all the blinds, turn off the lights, and go to bed early with a book. That's better than antagonizing people and then bitching about eggs.

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So have any of you seen the story out of Shanghai Disneyland? Mr. Carl will now feel vindicated


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Oh, this is wonderful news. Made my day! :)

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