“Vaccinated people become dead”….ends the coronavirus.

There, fixed it for you.

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The DGB is another example. They trot out an 'expert' whose only job is to parrot the administration's line. Then the administration points to the expert as 'proof' of their brilliance.

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Vaccine safety is somewhat outside my circle of competence. Economic policy is inside it.

The US printed an enormous amount of money during the pandemic. Anyone with even a passing acquaintance with economics should know that printing money at a rapid rate is very likely to lead to inflation. This is not a novel insight.

“Inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon in the sense that it is and can be produced only by a more rapid increase in the quantity of money than in output.”-Milton Friedman

That’s well known. That’s clear. When the government prints too much money, the result is high and sustained inflation. And inflation is very destructive.

“Lenin is said to have declared that the best way to destroy the capitalist system was to debauch the currency. By a continuing process of inflation, governments can confiscate, secretly and unobserved, an important part of the wealth of their citizens. By this method they not only confiscate, but they confiscate arbitrarily; and, while the process impoverishes many, it actually enriches some.”-John Maynard Keynes

The US government, guided by incompetent public health “experts”, shut down much of the economy, and then politicians and many economists deluded themselves into thinking they could ease all the pain of lockdowns by sending out checks and printing money to finance that spending. And now the bill is coming due. The Fed distributed the whiskey and cocaine, and now everyone is hungover and suffering from withdrawal.

But don’t worry. We were promised that this inflation was merely “transitory”. That’s true, in a sense. All of life is transitory, “In the long run we’re all dead”

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I think this is what we get when the most important qualifications for your job are your gender, race, longevity in your position, and LGBTQ+ status. Your actual competence and ability to do the job aren't part of the criteria.

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A solution is a move away from big govt to local control of 99% of issues. If taxes, decisions and enforcement were all based on neighborhoods then these fake experts would not get a look in...

I also imagine red tape and taxes would be both way down. And quality of life way up.

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As I love to say: Experts are paid liars that hide deceit in complexity. But what is really going on is that the government only hires ideologically aligned bozos out of the high echelons of academia (or similarly aligned with private sector experience), and the most malleable, sociopathic, and ambitious, with the least common sense - meaning they will go along with their leaders despite having to deny reality - rise to the top. No normal sane person could work for the lunatics running these government agencies and maintain their sanity for long.

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In regards to the e-CON-omy, this is a controlled demolition. The Fed is in COMPLETE control. Don't ever forget that.

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#1 - never listen to someone who's never had a real job.

#2 - most politicians have never had a real job.

#3 - most college professor have never had a real job.

Let's think about that last one: would you pay to learn carpentry from someone who's never built anything? Pay to learn music from someone who's never worked as a musician? Pay to learn how to raise children from someone who's never had a child? Hmm ......

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Most of the posts, and comments on the posts, use the term "experts". The "experts" have been WRONG, about almost everything, for decades. And are still wrong. Woefully, catastrophically wrong. Every day, on every topic. Maybe its time to stop giving credence to these purveyors of mis/mal/dis/and dud information. My grandfather said, "Experts are people who claim to know more and more about less and less - until they know everything thing there is to know, about nothing at all".

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The state, being the agency with the monopoly on the use of force in society is a magnet for sociopaths yearning to utilize that monopoly on their fellow citizens (usually rationalized with the noblest of intentions). The current swollen leviathan state is now significantly beyond control of elected sociopaths who only pass legislation written by bureaucrats and lobbyists in assemblies that argue over degrees of coercion while the bankrupt welfare states run on their ability to counterfeit fiat currencies through their central banks (monetizing unpayable debt). Within this culture of corruption exists a general level of intellect motivated by free stuff and plunder (end-state democracy) believing that the state has no limits to civil affairs on which it should lay its dead hands. Modern states are now orders of magnitude beyond minimums of legitimacy if (it could be argued) any exist (AnCap position).

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Hi BC - I believe "haruspication" is the more usual term. We could all do with a few more expert entrails, lol.

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But you have to grant that experts seem to be experts at killing for profit.

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Ukraine Bioweapons briefing. If you look at the slides, you will see some familiar names: Pfizer, Moderna, Merck. And of course the democratic party leadership.


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I think this has definitely been the worst thing about it; the fifth rate experts who’s only distinction is the willingness to say whatever they think is in their best interests (sometimes when even they know it isn’t true) and hence those paying them, while screwing up time after time; the Faucis, Walenskys, Whittys, Sridhars, Dings, Fismans etc. If the quality of these people are any kind of indication, the promises of their paymasters will be emptier than those of Mao or Stalin.

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You know there's that old saying that those who can, do, and those who can't teach? Well the little known 3rd portion of that axiom is "Those who really, really, really can't, run society."

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