It’s like the ending of The Truman Show when he sails into the wall of the film set. We’ve hit the wall.

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in the end, the tricks are always the same.

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The "treats" might be a little different this time around though...

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Sad, but true, Ryan.

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Note too, that the rhetoric tends to be the same, regardless of who the would-be tyrants are. If only truth was as durable as the threadbare lies they spew out, time after time after time after time...

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Truth... the ability to discern right from wrong...is written on the hearts of ALL men. Romans 2

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From Breitbart today: "

House Democrat leaders view House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH), the leading candidate for Speaker of the House, as an “insurrectionist” and an “extremist extraordinaire.”

“House Republicans have selected as their nominee to be the Speaker of the people’s House the chairman of the chaos caucus, a defender in a dangerous way of dysfunction, and an extremist extraordinaire,” House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, (D-NY) said on Friday."

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When Jim Jordan is derided as an “extremist” you know that politics has jumped the shark.

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True for most parasites, biological or social.

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"The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the convinced Communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction .. and the distinction between true and false .. no longer exist.”

~ Hannah Arendt

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We're getting there.

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We already are.

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incidentally, she was born on this day, October 14

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Arendt is relevant today, frighteningly so.

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The period since 9/11 has been one where our rulers continually demand loyalty tests.

US flags sprouted the day after 9/11. We were required to assert that the presence of WMDs (remember them?) required us to invade Iraq, which had no part in 9/11.

Fast forward to Russiagate, which demanded ritualistic expressions of hostility toward Russia for allegedly "meddling" in US elections.

Then the Floyd-BLM-transgender tsunami, which demands constant expressions of support for ideas that are transparently false.

Then Covid, which required entire nations to shut down in response to a flu-like virus that posed little risk to healthy people under 60.

We were forced to take untested and largely useless vaccines, hide our faces behind masks that offered no protection and stay indoors where the virus was sure to breed.

Then Ukraine. In the name of democracy we are forced to support a corrupt nation with no obvious strategic importance for us.

Now we must pledge fealty for Israel and support its expected attack on Gaza, never mind that collective punishment is a violation of international law.

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Everything must be questioned at all times now. How many more blatant lies are required to be thrown into everyone's face before the masses realize that they are pawns on the chessboard, and are being played like a fiddle?

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Most people don't pursue real change until the pain of the present becomes greater than the fear of the future. Sadly, we have a high tolerance for being lied to, especially when the price of speaking truth to power leaves one feeling like a nail in a room full of hammers.

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We also have an extreme high tolerance for pain....it just hasn't gotten painful enough yet.

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A lot of people have beautiful plans they don't want to let go of. Admitting that our dollar will soon collapse, and all our major institutions are run by malevolent creeps would crush their dreams. (Those dreams that can never come true anyhow.)

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exactly. I was about to hand someone the hammer and the nails but you beat me to it. Someone is hitting the nails here!

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Wow....your first sentence. So simple but so powerful. My wife and I have been discussing this topic about why so many people aren’t willing to admit the reality of the current situation. Those few words you wrote succinctly articulate it and no matter what we may try to say to open their eyes will make no difference. The only thing that will cause change for them is feeling pain.

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To be wrong is a sort of mini-death in your conception of the world, the more dependent one is of the idea - how central it is to the individuals sense of who they are- the more like actual death it is.

This is the framework of reality, to be stripped of it is like being stripped of the world and have to rebuild it again. It is hard. May people will die before letting it happen.

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I believe what you are describing is formalized as cognitive dissonance theory which postulates that an underlying psychological tension is created when an individual’s behavior is inconsistent with his or her thoughts and beliefs.

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For us it took a truncated journey down the conveyor belt of the Cancer Industrial Complex in 2020 (pre-jab) to have the scales ripped from our eyes. I have had a lifelong close relationship with allopathic medicine due to an autoimmune disorder which I now believe is vaccine-related and pretty much just took whatever medicine they gave me. God is good in spite of ourselves and our circumstances and we are thankful that our eyes were open for the horror show that c-19 has exposed. It does mean reading books (hard copies so they can't be "disappeared") that we otherwise wouldn't and reading lots of Substack and the like so we can be better equipped for the slings and arrows that might come our way and justify our non-compliance with the latest thing.

I understand that many people will not see what has been done and what they have done in the light of truth as a matter of self preservation if nothing else. How is one to react if they now realize they have a potential ticking time bomb circulating in their body? How can they live with themselves if they forced employees, mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, grandparents to do the same?

Humans have an amazing ability to dismiss their culpability in sinful actions. For the record, I am not immune to that either, though I am working on it.

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I can tell you one of the things. Comfort and the illusion of security. I know someone who is gainfully employed, along with her spouse. They have millions in their retirement accounts and a very nice house in a tony neighborhood.

They can’t acknowledge the current state of affairs because if they do, they would have to admit that the prosperity they worked and sacrificed for cannot protect them or keep them safe and comfortable.

It’s a feeling of being adrift in the ocean in a teacup when you realize you can’t protect yourself from extreme discomfort and lack. That you have insufficient power to retain what you have.

Denial is easier to live with than reality.

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Well explained! It is not that different from acknowledging and fighting an addiction, I've often thought.

Easier to say "I ain't got no monkey on my back! I can quit whenever I wanna!"

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That last sentence rings loudly, except in the ears of the deaf.

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Do you ever wonder how they are going to react when it collapses?

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Sounds like my brother and his family.

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Listen to the RED Button story of Catherine Austin Fitts (Solari.com) where she is talking to a church group concerned about the cultural destruction of their neighborhood and explains how drug money is deployed and is destroying their neighborhood and asks them how many would push the red button to stop it. None because it would effect their 401K retirement accounts. Says it all.

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So much for their moral superiority of their religious convictions.

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This is so on point, so germane!

Thank you, Your Majesty, for sharing such magisterial perspicacity!

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The wall is so close now that one can see the countless pockmarks from the previous executions.

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It is past time to walk through the door in that wall.

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Hell yeah! Bust it down into splinters!

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It's all true -- they're losing control and the only avenue left open to them is to tighten their grip even more. This Middle East situation could spiral out of control and provide the perfect excuse to crack down all sort of things. Censorship, banning political parties, controlling the media.....


Hopefully everybody sees through this BS excuse and understands this action for what it is — the first step in gaining ultimate control over podcasts/alternative news sources. First, government sets up a permission-based system — maybe even something that doesn’t even filter anybody out….yet. Then, government slowly tweaks the parameters of the requirements and/or the punishments for running afoul of the rules until the wrongthinkers lose their ability to speak on the internet to an interested audience. Once again, all completely legal and enabled by the licensing system.

And when you’re banned, do you think the government that just banned you will really be interested in hearing your appeal? (Those of us who were exiled from Twitter know exactly how this goes.)

When this happen, you have no rights.…and worse, you have no recourse — because the government that’s supposed to be protecting your rights is violating them instead. (If only somebody had seen this coming!)

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And the Kuwait ambassador's daughter lying to Congress about Saddam's troops throwing babies out of incubators in Kuwait to get us to go to war. That was a lie too. So was the Gulf of Tonkin incident and Saddam's weapons of mass destruction.

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All lies.so is this.

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In WW1 and WW2, the government shut down amateur radio operators 'because of the emergency.' Because the hams might say something harmful to the war effort -- notably, something the government did not like. They were most worried about the existence of communications channels they did not control.

And they were none too eager to reinstate the hams, after the war was over. If there is a WW3, hams will be off the air, and this time I don't expect them to get their licenses back when it is over. No matter who wins.

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I've been holding back from getting an amateur radio operators' license for this and related reasons. A license granted and endorsed by the undeniably criminal enterprise that is government should neither be acceptable nor fundamentally lawful nor legitimate authorization, and should not be accepted by a free people. The government has no verifiable and genuine endorsement by the governed, because the governed have not freely and voluntarily and without coercion chosen the government and then delegated to them the responsibilities the government assumes to possess.

So what do or should these licenses mean for us, as The People? We must crawl to the local government crime lords for the permission to operate a radio, let alone carry a firearm, the right and obligation of which was supposedly enshrined in the Second Amendment? We must ask and pay for the permission to travel and have granted a passport, when the freedom to roam is the most fundamental of human rights? We, The People, must finally cease this obsequious servility towards these criminals, grovelling to them for the permission to do what are our inalienable rights.

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Thanks for the link. I didn't even think it were possible to make a defense of income tax, and yet there we have one, and a very good one. It turns out that I've been thinking about income tax in a too-narrow way. I've only looked at it as immoral government theft (and as it is presently enforced, it is), but it actually should be a good thing with respect to the clear distinction between income tax as defined in the 16th Amendment - an EXCISE on gains from certain federally-connected activities in which most Americans do not engage in meaningful (taxable) amounts, if at all - and how the IRS defines it in order to rob Americans.

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Yeah, the narrative shop over at the office of naval intelligence didn’t want anyone with a radio finding out how much of the war was propaganda:



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In that case, “License, license? You don’t need no stinking license!” 🏴‍☠️

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Times are indeed different now than in earlier wars. Hams have historically been one of the more law-abiding groups, respectful of government authority. The policy reason to keep amateur radio is to provide communications in emergencies.

But things might change this time.

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The Israeli govt is the scourge of the world. We are all Palestinians to them. That's all planned. They will lead the world into hell. My dad said this 40 years ago. They stole people's land and called it their own and will continue to do so.

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your father was not well-read in history.

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Oh here we go, Another confused terrorist sympathizer. Turn the TV off. The Israeli govt are occupiers of that land, it's not theirs. No? What happened in 1948? Furthermore they aren't even jews they've hijacked them. You believe history on the world wars? JFK? 911? Corona? History is a pack of lies written about the dead- Volatire... and he's talking to you. Isreal was established so they could.rule the world. It's all theater. YAHOO wants 1.1M women, men and children to move out of Gaza? He's nuts and if you back him so are you. You're on the wrong side of history.

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you need either a really strong mug of tea or to cut down on the coffee.

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Keep taking personal shots asshole. Ad homin attacks.

Standard, you got nothing else. Are you too a terrorist occupier? In spirit you are.

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"...asshole. Ad homin..."

Oh my calloused feet, this is hilarious!

Uses an ad hominem, then complains about ad hominem.

I shall split my sides from laughing.

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Everyone ELSE whose reading this take note. This fool says my dad doesn't know history. He says I need less coffee. Do you see how these epeople operate? Maybe you too? You verbalize your bias because you cannot engage in actual talk and facts. So you resort to responding with absolutely nothing that has anything to do with the subject at hand. Israel is a terrorist state. I've been to Gaza.ive seen the 4th world camps these terrorists put them in once they steal their land. They are animals and a disgrace to be called human. Yahoo should face a firing squad.

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ginger tea might be best. reduces inflammation.

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Antisemitism is a mental illness.

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The Israelis that have authorized the larceny, pilferage, and theft of land, and those who have ordered atrocity against Palestinians, and even against the rest of the Israeli people, are not Semitic peoples. Hating them, then, is not Antisemitism.

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I appreciate you being truthful about how you feel.

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I appreciate your civility.

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hatred is normal to human beings, as is division. look at how many dialects of dutch are spoken in a tiny place like belgium.

we forget that the desire to ostracize and denigrate every possible form of otherness is part of human nature. liberality is a lovely ideal but very hard to sustain.

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Your problem is you confuse “subhuman” with “human.” Reading more won’t help. It is a matter of seeing and heart.

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human beings invented civilization as a means of self-taming. it is the never ending project. both the worst and the best of our natures are fully human.

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You're stupid

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So ia being a brained washed idiot who knows nothing but what he's told while acting like he was there to witness it.

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Sure, because all other political boundaries that exist dilineating the borders of all other countries came to be without even a hint of violence. For example, everyone knows the American Indians happily invited the British et al. to occupy the land they lived on.

Violence has long been the medium of exchange employed for civilization scale land acquisition. It ain't gonna change because a bunch of pearl clutching Karens start yelling, "No fair, No fair!"

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This is ludicrous. Your comparing something on thr stone agree to something today. Have you been to Palestinian? If not. Stfu you have no idea because the TV told you.

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Haven't studied much history, have you?

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Are you all the same people commenting under different names? I majored in History. Just not the BS revisionist history you did. Also, you've never been to Gaza nor seen the camps, so what do you know but what youre told? Is that all you got? I didn't study history?? That's your history lesson for us?

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You've been to Gaza and seen the camps. So what? You think site seeing informs you on how it all happened? I've been to the hospital, doesn't make me a doctor.

You need to come up with some verifiable facts, not some, "I majored in history," credentialist appeal if you expect to get any traction.

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"they're losing control and the only avenue left open to them is to tighten their grip even more."

"...it is decreed for the duration of the national emergency, that the statutes of Directive 10-289 shall remain in effect."


I'm expecting them to execute Directive 10-289 any minute now.

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Yeah and most peopl3 are asleep or unknowingly backing the enemy like the SCA JDL clown.

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The government is just your enemy and you are just their cash cow.

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Hamas beheading babies.

German soldiers in WW1 bayoneting babie

Our rulers lie to us because we let them.

Covid showed that many of us want to be ordered around.

Our rulers are only to happy to oblige.

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These are "lies" because you don't believe the depravity to which humans can sink ? Or you feel that a specific cabal like Hamas who deals with their own homosexuals by throwing them off tops of buildings, could not possibly stoop to beheading the babies of a people whom they hate to death? In disbelieving everything, there is a danger in thinking the actual gun pointing at your head is made of plastic.

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It's a question of fact.

Either the beheading happened or it didn't.

So far there's no evidence.

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"It's a question of facts"

All the facts have not yet been established. t would be more correct to say:- "So far, I haven't seen any evidence " .

Earlier, someone sent me this, which isn't visual evidence, just an admission by a Hamas "fighter" :-


and among the comments, someone has posted additional sources of the same interview:

"A shorter version of it can be found here -


or here https://www.instagram.com/p/CyV7iuJIN0S/

Such well-documented behavior has been going on for a very long time all over those parts of the less-developed world (i.e. Africa, Pakistan,India) where Muslims share a political space with other religions such as Christians , Hindus or Buddhists but they receive little to no reporting in the MSM. Why would Hamas terrorists (or freedom fighters if you prefer) be different?

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The facts are what the establishment tells us they are. How much time have you spent in Palestine?been to the camps the Israelis put them in? The Israeli govt are animals

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My comments keep getting deleted.

I'll try again.

You seem to want this story to be true.


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Shut up

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it takes practice to be good enough to behead grownups with the right panache.

of course it's true that muslims mostly behead their own. but not exclusively.

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What's your point?

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They don't have any. It's a fool.

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And many believe and buy the lies. Those people are the problem. Not so much the tyrants. Like this SCA clown on thai thread. No nothing more who believes they know what they're told is fact.

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All too true. In an incredibly short span of time, progressives have turned American government into a banana republic. The party in power now arrests its way into total control, just as they do in the other banana republics, and the useful idiots are sure it's the best thing for us.

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They've also shown us who's behind the curtain

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Yes, it's the Wizard of Oz, who turns out to be a regular guy with no powers whatsoever. And he tells Dorothey and the others that the power to achieve what they want has always been within themselves, and not within the power of some made-up wizard.

Fool me once....

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US/NATO & Israel emulating the Wizard these days. Shocker!

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All the world is indeed a stage. But the truth cannot and will not be hidden forever. That this piece exists indicates the existence - and necessity - of The Great Awakening. As Churchill said of a similar dismal period, "These are not dark days; these are great days — the greatest days our country has ever lived; and we must all thank God that we have been allowed, each of us according to our stations, to play a part in making these days memorable in the history of our race."

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Re: your 'Trade Offer' meme in the article, my girlfriend was telling me about how her granddaughter (age 9) is not accepted by her classmates. She is a pretty good student I'm told. And her Mom & Grandma are contrarians.

This echoes my own school years where I just didn't fit in and questioned everything and everybody.

As Robert Frost once said, "Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference." Truer words were never spoken.

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Collectivism in all its forms - fascism, socialism, communism, progressivism - and the inevitable manifestation into statism, is the scourge of humanity.

We shall never be truly civilized until it is eradicated.

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As long as there are lazy, untalented, envious people, socialism will always seem like a good idea to somebody.

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before those we got those non-secular religions. this ain't no recent story.

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Divine rulers were replaced by divinely anointed rulers, which were in turn replaced by democracy, the god that failed*.

The mob apparently has an innate need to believe in something, and rulers, whether they wear a robe or a bear a sceptre, have always used it to get them to believe in nonsense.

*H/T to Hans Hermann Hoppe

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animal life shows the pack can get only so large before the alpha pair must kill or be killed by its own.

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At least ten millennia of human affairs summed up in a single sentence.


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You're on a roll.

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There have been some really hot comments. This here is one of the hottest. My sincere compliments.

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Oct 14, 2023
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A more organized, efficient and brutal eradicator.


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Oct 14, 2023
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They eradicate the previous eradicator.

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I hope we get some good music out of it.

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Comment of the day....lolol

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All over the world, and all over Substack -- more and more authors and commenters are saying the same thing -- TS is about to HTF. Buckle up humans, it is about to get real.

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Just spent the morning digging out the canned goods/dried food pantry, sifting and rotating, seeing what I have to replace...I was sorta ready by '20 and after the lockdowns went crazy buying more preservable food. It wouldn't be great chow or anything, but my son and I could hold out at least 6 months if not a year.

Oh, I better put toilet paper on the list, LOL!

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Save your corncobs.

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Dammit, I'll have to get those back from the goats!

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Offer them some tin cans in trade perhaps?

Tried that with our pet goat most appropriately dubbed Billy the Kid. He ‘shot’ the can right out of my hand so to speak. Deadly accurate with that...pistol of his. Put out Dad’s pipe once but that’s another story.

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to be sure the apocalypse is always around the corner.

but this is an endless cycle and not a unique condition. we're just at a bad turning.

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Today's deepwoods word of wisdom:

Don't know if you surf or ski, Gato, but you can't fight a killer wave or a loose slope; you gotta ride it, using it's own power to stay ahead and let it spend itself.

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Swim with the current.

If you're going through Hell, keep in going.

The Drum Technique.

It seems there are many examples of this being good advice.

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That's the way all swedish soliders, airmen and sailors are trained to think:

In a hard situation, "pannben framåt"; means literally "forehead forwards", idiomatically it means get stuck in and plow through, tough it out.

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