No knowledge of seasonality, no knowledge of the disappearance of the flu, no knowledge of natural immunity, no knowledge of vaccine side effects. These "experts" don't know much, do they?

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"the shots are free!" -experts

... the US tax payers are getting fleeced by for profits via the government to pay for them...

indeed, they know very little or they feint idiocy while are bad actors

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The cheese in a mouse trap is free too.

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No the homeowner already paid for the cheese just like we did! Thing is WE are the ones in the trap TOO

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yeah right, there is no free lunch as they say!

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They are paid a lot of money to know everything and hide everything.

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If there's one thing Covid has taught me, it's that almost nothing that comes out of the mouth of a government official, bureaucrat, spokesperson, indeed the government in general, can ever be trusted, and is almost certainly a lie.

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Who ever thought we’d still be arguing over seasonality, mask effectiveness, and natural immunity after nearly two years. Especially when there is so much evidence staring at us.

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if they were effective we'd have no argument..... that there's argument suggests any data arguing for is in the noise floor (juxtapose and show me where the gains are?)

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How about social distancing, washing hands, etc. ?

There is simply no evidence for any of the measures as far as I can tell.

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a remarkable concurrence of contagions without causal relation to the measures imposed to contain them.

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loving it wordsnail, bravo, very sharp!

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You could almost set your watch by the public health clowns' antics.

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That's because the messaging they parrot is served to them as talking points by the "war room" that coordinates timing and delivery of their messages.

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It is more likely that they will say that rising cases in the NE are due to vaccination rates not being high enough. ‘Unless we can get 85,90,95,100% of the population vaccinated, we will never reach herd immunity.’ There has been far too much social (and real) capital spent on vaccines for them to ever change the narrative that they are the only way out of the pandemic.

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We will probably need 200 or may be even 300 percent of the people vaccinated and all the animals, before the virus subsides.. I just saw a doc from Sir David Attenborough, from some time ago I presume, where he shows a cave with probably a million bats. Good luck vaccinating them.

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Read an article today about a zoo vaccinating otters for covid. I recall tigers being vaccinated recently and they caught covid anyway.

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oh my the craze has already started. Poor animals. And now their immune system is damaged as well.

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Nothing can ever be acknowledged unless it drives vaccination and supports human action being responsible for every rise and fall. No matter what evidence they see

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Good point. But seasonality could be helpful to the sales/mandates of seasonal boosters

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The evidence is green and in their pockets

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This is a more universal approach than one might think. See global warming. One might think that the degree to which the uncertainties of the natural world are framed to be seen as the result human behavior would be indicative of a society's relative sophistication. One would be mistaken, it appears. Indeed, this framework is optimal for governance, not truth discovery

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Jeez! It has been clear since the summer of 2020 that Covid-19 is seasonal. And given our knowledge of respiratory viruses what reason would you have to suggest otherwise. They can’t be this incompetent. Therefore, they must be corrupt and incompetent. And they take us for fools.

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Good lord, do these people not step outside of their own research bubble? Some of us have known this since spring, 2020.

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They have seasonal amnesia

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"the virus is mostly not seasonal" -CNN

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Eugyppius made a similar observation recently, when a German transplant immunologist was interviewed by The Welt. She played the same game, blaming seasonality for raising winter/ high season case numbers and claiming vaccine effectiveness for summer/low season drops

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Public health experts have turned into straight up politicians, taking credit for any trend going well and blaming their enemies for any trend going poorly. It's not clear when we'll be rid of politicians either.

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Who are they going to blame in NYC this winter? Staten Islanders? There aren’t any moderates left in Manhattan.

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Should be interesting to see how public health officials try to not appear racist while pointing out the vaccination status of Black people


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They will blame the children for not getting the shot. Horrible children!

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that's what they're doing here in NZ. one week it was get jabbed to save the children. the next week it was the children are the next super spreaders so get ready to have your 5-11 year olds vaxxed. so we've come full circle--kids are dangerous to grandma...

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This is like intimate partner violence... A clear vicious circle in perpetuity. N many of us are the battered partner 🙄

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That is a good analogy. Plus - added advantage of us v them in their commie vision.

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Aren't they planning on retiring the PCR tests on Dec 31 of this year so that they can just retire the Rona when it reaches the mostly blue Northeast? That'll be a fun trick.

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i have evidence that they classify "presumptive positive" even when PCR tests yield negative results... they will fake the data and pencil whip all the way to the bank unchecked

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yes I read so too. I also read that when people are hospitalized they don't ask nor test, if you are not in their file as vaccinated, you are marked unvaccinated. No wonder all hospitals are filled with unvaccinated, the hospital here did not do any vaxxes. In the meanwhile, Austria and Germany have gone back to good old Nazi practices. Unvaxxed people are not allowed outside. Soon we will see yellow stars on their clothing to warn the rest that a threat is on the streets.

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That is happening here in Australia too. 3 of our states have adopted that exact practice. That's fine lock the vaccinated away, then you have no one to blame when the vaccinated are getting sick and dying.

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There must be an island state near Australia where they lock in the vaccinated instead of the unvaccinated. Was it one of these sinking states? Tuvalu or so? I thought it was a great way to do though.

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More information to back up this assertion, with bonus pictures! The seasonality of the virus has been clear since last summer, and that's how the 'seasonality theorists' told people where to expect the summer spike (when Fauci had no idea why Texas numbers were dropping in spring). We also told you that after the summer spike recedes, we'll see a fall lull. That's happened now. Next is the winter wave that crashes over the entire country.

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Let's try and keep this going as long as there are fools who believe - right? (Too many, sadly, do indeed!)

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Seasonality for respiratory viruses has been well understood for DECADES. There are hundreds of studies about it. It's common knowledge, or at least was until the Great Forgetting of 2020. And seasonality doesn't mean "gets worse in the winter," because that's only true in certain regions. But since the NY Times and other media are based in New York, and since NYC is the Center of the Universe, they can't grasp the fact that flu season isn't the same in other parts of the country. Because who cares about other parts of the country.

BTW, humidity is important. If you're in a northern region, get those humidifiers out.

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