we are living through an extraordinary time, a time of coiled springs compressed beyond endurance suddenly finding release, a time when all the tiles on the board suddenly flip colors, seemingly as one. it feels like phase change, like near instant sublimation, like going from solid to gas with no intervening liquid state.
but it’s not. reality is not changing in this way.
perception is.
consciousness is.
what is changing is a society coming once more to know its own mind, shucking off lies and veils of illusion, realizing that it was inhabiting a hallucination of contrived and calculated isolation and alienation, discovering that it had been dominated by a small elite that had generated the seeming of popularity, plurality, mass movement, and mass support. but none of this was true. we the people had been losing a long running game of “werewolf” where a small group with superior information and coordination was able to prey upon and wrongfoot a large group unable to see the pattern or levers of manipulation.
the changes that are occurring are not in the composition or beliefs of the society, it’s in the members of the society opening their eyes and seeing for the first time in a long time what is really going on and that they were never alone, never the only one who felt like this. the entire purpose of cancel culture is cultural colonization by struggle session. it’s small, hyper aggressive groups singling out each individual for gang attack the pico-second they express a non-sanctioned view.
they must do this. all it takes is one small crack, one unfixed leak, and the logarithms get loose.
this is how i could see so early that woke was dead. the minute it became possible to mock it and not be flattened, it was over. that was just going to build and build until the exponential increase suddenly made it everywhere at once. all at once, that which was trace meme became dominant zeitgeist.
the US election was, above all else, a joust between two groups each of which thought it was the majority.
the werewolves lost.
what’s happening now is all downstream of that.
rapid phase change comes from popping the preference falsification bubble. it could not withstand this new input. and morning came in america.
for authoritarian/criminal/aristocratic elites not quite ready to pull out all the stops and simply rule at the point of a bayonet, the proposition is simple:
the contest is for elites to keep you in an abilene paradox by preventing the demos from knowing its own mind and for the demos to realize that it's losing a game of "werewolf" and that they constitute a large majority that could easily impose its will if it came to consciousness.
control of media, of information, of talking points and winged money cancel culture is the mechanism by which this operates. they can speak, you cannot. it’s saturation bombing and silencing.
it works so long as the werewolves can gang up on you and the accusations and insinuations they spread among the low knowledge villagers work.
as one who has played a lot of werewolf, this is always the dominant strategy for the werewolves: you always try to guide, inform, and inflame the search for the werewolves. you turn the villagers upon one another, sow discord, sow division, all while pretending “to be on their side.”
you lead them off cliff after cliff by cultivating false consciousness and stirring up fake fights.
in the real world, it looks like this:
it’s even better if the two werewolves pretend to fight and disagree. it obscures the fact that you’re on the same side, promotes the illusion of choice, of sides that are not sides.
remember that when you consider the contrived WWF level conflict between the donkey and elephant wings of the werewolf party who have been so keen to keep your eyes off of the fields where the game has really been played: USAID, the treasury, the bureaucracy, the regulators, the schools, the intelligence and justice arms of the werewolf secret police and grift grabbers.
they have taken turns running the show since who knows when. threats get eliminated. you’re “one of us” or you get absolutely destroyed, taking fire from every side: instant annihilation.
trump was YUGE problem for this, a surprise, a break in the plan. i think it shocked the living hell out of the uniparty who had no idea how fake its own polls were. (this is a problem with preference falsification bubbles)
the donald really was a populist outsider.
this threatened the werewolves and in a game of werewolf, sometimes you just need to eat the villager that looks like he’s figuring it out. his entire presidency was one long attack by every angle of deep state. all norms and reasonableness were gone. lawfare, lies, fake dossiers and faker fact checks even right from the CIA itself were deployed in a manner never before seen. the wholesale hijacking of covid was, to use a badly overused word, truly unprecedented.
this was a BAD miscalculation by the lupine leadership. had they stayed quiet, ridden out a second term of trump, and just kept putting pumps in all the spokes, they might have been able to stay hidden.
instead, everyone saw them.
this was incredibly short sighted.
for a time, it worked.
they got their potemkin prop “leader” in the oval.
but it also stirred up a helluva lot of resentment and left the resentful with one helluva map.
they thought they had retaken the game. instead they had given it away.
remember this?
this may go down in history as the worst aged tweet of all time.
i’m not going to mince words: elon musk’s unmitigated rage at the “woke mind virus” and his stepping into the ring to free speech and to free minds may well be the pivot upon which this whole tide turned.
say what you will about muskrat, but the man has titanium cojones. he put everything on this line over this, the world’s richest man going all in on calling out the werewolves and letting the people speak their minds.
it was momentous.
leviathan losing twitter/X as a chokepoint of censorship cannot be underestimated in terms of importance here. that was the game. it was too many leaks to plug. the state, the media, the water carriers of the regime all attacked. advertisers colluded to harm him, they came from every side.
he was too big to cancel.
and the support found community.
and the people saw the truth of the societal zeitgeist, learned that were not alone, and they rose.
this is the wet pants nightmare horror story for elites.
you cannot be a werewolf if no one has to close their eyes.
the politics came later. genghis trump as nemesis came later. DOGE as angel of vengeance came later.
this was all downstream.
first came the phase change. first came the collective realization that we had been had, that the “majority” was a minority, that the villagers were being divided and eaten.
and now this realization is spreading.
and the european aristos that have presided to such great self-benefit over such immiseration, cultural loss, and economic stagnation are afraid.
they are still playing werewolf, but the time is ending. the time of pretending that, as currently instantiated, the EU is “free” or geopolitically relevant is ending.
vance gave a truly momentous speech this week.
if you have not watched it, you should.
this is “tear down that wall” level stuff and put a whole werewolfian way of life on notice.
nachtigall, ick hoer dir trapsen.
and it’s time you knocked it off.
the response to this has been fascinating and, being me, i’ve going to drop my 2c in:
i am a big fan of eugyppius. he’s a smart fellah, a friend, a gatopal™, and someone with whom i have frequently spoken on a wide variety of topics and mostly found agreement.
but with his takes on this speech, i find myself diverging, at least in terms of overall implication.
he starts here.
and here i must disagree. this speech was perhaps inclusively aimed at americans, but i do not think it was mostly aimed at americans.
our esteemed monk is framing his takes in terms of elites, the effects on the people sitting in the chairs in the audience of the security conference.
and he’s likely mostly or entirely correct about how they will take it.
but they were not the audience of the speech, the people of the EU were.
the populist opposition movements to them were. the individuals, sitting alone waiting to be masticated by the slavering dentition of leviathan by lycanthrope were.
this was not intended to change the hearts and minds of the EU/EC aristocracy. it was to pop the falsification bubble they have been using to deceive and demoralize their subjects.
this was a flash bang grenade thrown into the werewolf cave. those intended to notice were the villagers, the voters, the ones who just learned that they are not alone and that america sees it too.
it was an invitation back to openness, to knowing their own mind, to joining the conversation in earnest in opposition to the insanely censorious instincts pervading the EU as it cancels speech and even elections.
we see you, nightingale. time for everyone to realize it and for the zeitgeist sublimation of the move out of abilene.
and seriously, you wanna see a sign we live in new times:
check out who joined the dialogue:
so yes, of course the EU elites are big mad.
this is a feature, not a bug. they and the media remora that swim beneath them were never going to be on the side of informational and personal freedom. the werewolves cannot become villagers. they have to fight. and it takes a village to stuff them full of silver bullets. this speech was societal wolfsbane. just as in america, you cannot fix EU politics without first freeing the culture.
the elites being so incandescently indignant about this is mostly a function of their newfound knowledge of what happens if the villagers ever have to stop pretending it’s nighttime.
they see it ready to cross an ocean, ready to come for them.
let them sputter and rail.
it just tells the townfolk where to aim.
Very happy to see people catching on to the fact that wokeness has never been anything more than a dominant narrative innovation used by managerial elites comically removed from the constituencies they claimed to represent, conveniently justifying expansion of the Progressive Leviathan by creating identity-based conflict necessitating the extension of administrative authority (under the guise of a patrician system of moral instruction) into previously autonomous domains of activity.
It's always been about power.
This is so funny. Yesterday I was thinking about the two of you together and wishing for an interchange. And here it is, sort of.
Anyway--What Vance did was show on the world stage that Americans won't be cowed in the least about the opinions of Europe. It's not just about the elites.
Any American who ever traveled knows that even the ordinary people will be a little amused by what they see as our endearing boorishness. Our vigor and our lack of filters in the leaping of the words from the brain to the tongue sometimes charm them but they always think they are the better model.
Vance just said "fuck that shit. We'll tell you what we really think now."