Very happy to see people catching on to the fact that wokeness has never been anything more than a dominant narrative innovation used by managerial elites comically removed from the constituencies they claimed to represent, conveniently justifying expansion of the Progressive Leviathan by creating identity-based conflict necessitating the extension of administrative authority (under the guise of a patrician system of moral instruction) into previously autonomous domains of activity.
one could say the same of climate change narratives and the rest of the "green on the outside, red on the inside" watermelon industrial complex.
and of medical boards, regulatory regimes, educational systems, and the guild systems of accreditation and exclusion.
once you stop thinking of the "permanent state" as "government" and start modeling it as a crime syndicate with a propaganda arm, it really snaps into focus.
it was never about "global warming" or "climate change". it was simple: they couldn't beat freedom, capitalism and prosperity in voting booths, but figured if they could control energy under the auspices of a planetary crisis difficult to disprove and far into the future, they could achieve the same without bayonets and bullets.
and it might have worked.
But for Scooby Doo and those crazy Village kids who opened their eyes.
And the fearless people who helped them. Like Gato, Doomberg, and many others. Lots of average folks pitching in, too. >
If they brought 81 million votes like they did last time, Trump would have lost. Harris was 6 million less than Biden 2020.
Good news is it looks like the Commies fought among each other in a power struggle and suddenly 6+ million votes did not show up. We have to break that machine right now and President Trump and team are doing it. USAID built Actblue fundraising machine but that is just the surface.
Ignore the official narrative, swing voters and non voters did not win the election. Trump only got 3 million more votes in 2024 than 2020??? Thats because of population growth in his voter base households. Look at the numbers, 6+ million Democrat votes did not show up. Either they did not show up **or those are all fake votes**. Trump kept his core in both elections.
**2024 Trump 77 million**
2024 Harris 75 million
**2020 Trump 74 million**
2020 Biden 81 million
2020 US population was 331 million vs 2024 is now 346 million
El Gato, I started following you in the early COVID days, same with Eugyppious. I’m amazed that JD Vance responded (with clarity) to the post. It seems our little voices carried farther than we ever imagined….
Something occurred to me as we got closer to the election Cat. My buddy told me that Trump was in Detroit in October. I scratched my head in disbelief. A few days later he was in the heart of NYC at Madison SG. Again, the disbelief.
I knew in my heart that should have been impossible. It would have been in 2016/2020. Where is the resistance I thought. There was simply no organic anger to draw from. Color revolutions will not work.
So what happened? The left alienated their best and most faithful shock troops. Am talking about American Blacks of course. I suspect they heard the stories of luxury hotels and jacked up EBT cards for migrants too. Imagine how that must’ve felt after voting D your entire life. LBJ sure called that lol.
Starting with Rodney King they had been building it up perfectly. Need a distraction and you know what to do. I have kept this mostly quiet not even sure if it needs to get out. Alas it probably does so we can head it off at the pass if it comes to it.
I believe this plays a major role in what we are seeing today. This is why the left can’t mobilize. They traded their beserkers and sold them down the River. Just a thought.
And also, their Covid virus and “vaccine” mainly killed off the older generation, another large Dem voting block. I think they really only kept control through vote fraud. Losing a great percentage of the black, Hispanic and older voters made the needed fraud possibly too high to meet, but the young voters who saw Trump embrace young leaders like Vance as well as Dems like RFKjr. and Tulsi and ELON pushed the bar too high for fraud not to be evident. The favorable polls for Trump now are more likely how the real voting numbered.
Yup. I saw the Chicago city council meetings with parades of black residents screaming at the leadership to stop ignoring them in favor of the illegals and I knew the left had committed a fatal mistake.
Yep that’s exactly what I think happened too. It was horrible what the left had done to them. As much as I hate to admit it was highly effective. By 2020 the media and left could almost get them to terrorize at will. Not sure how this plays out going forward.
I rate LBJ as the worst President of all time just on the basis of his setting up the government to pay women to be single mothers. With the added bizarre incentive that if a woman has multiple kids with different fathers she gets paid more. We know very solidly that kids who grow up without fathers have a very poor chance of any kind of good outcome. The amount of damage that's done to the country in general and blacks in particular is massive.
I feel so proud of the people of the South Side of Chicago.* That community organization stuff surely has taken hold, just not in the direction that the community organizer in chief thought it would.
*Spent several years in Chicago. Wonderful city. Too bad it is sub-zero on a good day.
Is it bad future schadenfreude to wonder what will happen when the displaced gazillionaires figure out that the state will not help them and their insurers will not help them and the federal government likely will not help them BUT Big Real Estate and Big Non-Profits for Housing First will fight tooth and nail to acquire property, develop it, and forget about the gazillionaires entirely?
I suppose it is bad. As Tweety Bird used to say, "I do it anyway!"
"Climate change" was a psyops test run to see how outrageous of a lie they could get away with. It was successful enough for them to think they could get away with the authoritarian power grab that was COVID.
Trump was a putz to not allow Happer to do the Red team Blue team debate about climate. Alarmists have gotten trounced every time that has happened. Hopefully that will change this term!
I live in Sicily. I have conversations with hard working Sicilians, (yes, they exist), several times a week. Yesterday, a young lady with a daughter to raise and a small business cried as explained to her what is happening in the United States. These people have no hope of changing the system that taxes them into literal poverty and allows employees to be brutally exploited by business owners. The culture here has robbed them of hope. El Gato Malo, you NAILED it. The CULTURE of hopelessness here must change. Elon changed everything. EVERYTHING. The winds blowing from the US are powerful enough to spread across and change the world. Thank you, J.D., for saying the words that can pour accellerant on the fire that the winds of hope can cause to explode. I pray they ignite a firestorm.
Forget Baby Hitler. I want to go back in time and take out Baby Marx. Save more lives that way; and Hitler would have been nothing more than a forgotten starving artist.
I don't completely blame Marx. Marx's theories were based on the werewolves and the industrial model of the time: think Dark Satanic Mills that employed children as young as eight, loss of communities common areas, and engineered famines meant to remove populations from land. If those things hadn't existed at the time, Marx would not have had a leg to stand on and he would be forgotten by now.
I can absolutely understand why Marxism appeals to people living in a feudalistic society. And I say that as an avowed anti-Marxist. What I can't understand is why it would appeal to people who live in the US or Europe.
[once you stop thinking of the "permanent state" as "government" and start modeling it as a crime syndicate with a propaganda arm, it really snaps into focus.]
I found this out some time ago when reading Gwyn Dyer's "On War." The first two chapters explicitly describe government as a protection racket from the earliest history.
I'll never think poorly of someone for taking money from idiot leftists or idiot governments. Governments shouldn't be subsidizing anything, but if they are and you're eligible I think you'd be dumb not to take it.
But I think there is a pretty big difference between you or me taking advantage of some small tax break, and the “Richest Man in the World” building a business model around latching onto the government teat and then hoovering tax payers’ dollars.
And it’s kind of hypocritical that Musk was not above taking his place at the trough, and yet is now tasked with cutting others of his ilk off of their government feed.
But I don’t want to be completely negative, so let me add two things:
1) I would love to be wrong about Musk. Really, I really would.
2) Since I’m Canadian, and I’m guessing you’re American, please let me take this opportunity to apologize for all the moronic Canadians who have been booing the American anthem at hockey games. I’m not a hockey fan, but I’m truly embarrassed and ashamed about that.
I don't think Tesla's business model is built around the government subsidies. There was a limit on number of cars per manufacturer for the subsidy and Tesla's eligibility ended I believe 2 years ago because of the fairly high sales volume they do. I don't entirely trust Elon, but at this point I'm not alarmed about what's going on with DOGE.
I'm indeed American, but I have a lot of fondness for Canada, even with Justin Castreau running it and a bit of hockey hooliganism. Hopefully now that USAID isn't messing with everyone's elections you can get rid of him.
Yes it's always been about power. So is anti-wokeness. You're stating the obvious. You wanna be free to label somebody as subhuman and enslave them? That's about power. You want strict prescriptive social and professional roles based on identity? Most imperial cultures do. It all comes down to power.
I'd rather live in a declining empire that doesn't burn me for fuel. America being "great" has nothing to do with me living peacefully in diverse community, making music and writing open source software. Yeah, that means you and I are gonna have a power struggle. I hate those. I wanna get back to the creative work. I want healthy diverse community. Yeah, that precludes cancel culture, and all other forms of tribalism. It does not preclude a theory of identity that helps us each see the whole person in front of us, whether in a peer or the mirror.
Huh? Who is "we"? Why are you fighting? What neighborhoods? That's that tribalism I was talking about. You're sinking to the level of everything you decry. It's not smart. It's not creative. It's not cute. I dunno what to say. You felt pushed around by what I said? Just wanting to live in diverse community and create value+beauty without getting dragged into a petty power struggle? Pathetic, honestly. I'll keep my eye out, thanks for the warning shot.
Life got you down Chad? You are one of those people who can’t stand prosperity. Believe me, I am not a sunshine and lollipop person myself. But I know the false reality the left has been pushing and it sucks. That’s really what this is all about. Gato has written about it plenty of times. You can go back a couple of articles and find out why most of us are excited.
I mean, yeah, when you escalate it to "I and my tribe own this neighborhood and we will fight for it" then sure, I don't want to live with that energy. It's a threat to both of our health and security. That's the culture that castrated Alan Turing for being gay. I bet we'd have had AI and automated utopia in the 90's.
But literally EVERYone else is welcome in my world. I can't thrive alone. We're all good at different things. If you want to bring slavery back, if you're keen to make war, if you're trying to burn my house down or hurt my family, yeah. We have a problem. But blaming me for that problem is pretty rich. I'm happy to coexist and collaborate. I know the dark side of my humanity. I just don't lead with it like this, because ... That sucks and everyone loses in the end.
Is it diversity of rape culture in the UK and Germany that you reference? If it’s so wonderful, why’s there a push to always hide the results of their diversity? You think if the outcome was great, they’d brag about real results. Is it diverse locker rooms where men can flaunt their twigs and berries, to my young granddaughters? All while the democrat party claims these young girls must be exposed to grown men ‘for their own good and they know what’s best.’
It’s all been bs, you know it, I know it, all of us know. However, the pretending has got to stop, reality must come back. The experiment failed and it harmed real people with real life consequences. It would be great instead of doubling down, they would admit they have a problem. There can be no recovery until the party admits they have mental problems and seeks to remedy those problems. I don’t see that happening. These people will go down kicking and screaming and I say good riddance. I’m sick of their sh*t. I’m sick of their constant intrusion into my family’s life. They effed up when they went after our children and grandchildren. That was the bridge at Remagen and it blew up in their faces.
Say this: Reality is a thing that does not go away because you don't accept it. Here is a reality: the great majority of males find homosexuality, sodomy, lesbians, etc. abhorrent, irrespective of whether or not the Christian bible finds it sinful. It is doubtful folks here want to do you violence just because you are a homo; things do change when homos predate upon young boys. oh yes. Do norms predate on young girls? certainly. Let's talk percentages in that case. I yearn for those days when men took care of business for such cases without interference from the STATE.
I grew up in a different universe: the past. Maybe homos had it "bad" because if they were outed, they suffered. so what? Poor Alan T. Maybe he came on to the wrong minister in the loo. Maybe we could have flying cars, too. Who ever promised us a fair world? But our world was unfair - and That world was a LOT safer, with neighborhoods free of the crime, degeneracy, drugs, and other "dieversity" you find attractive.
I find it unfair that I am forced to associate with persons who are NOT me, my kind, my faith. But the STATE forces me, tells me I have to rent or sell to criminal trash, makes me pay for the ungrateful refuse of shitworld countries, the violent leftovers of jewish-imported cotton pickers, and read about perverts parading their junk in front of schoolkids. I hope it crumbles into ashes. lol.
Diversity doesn't mean we obsess about racism. It happens naturally, yes? People all seem to get along until someone points out they are "other." So, stop calling them "other" which the liberals can't stop doing.
'woke' is a euphemism for the LIE. The denial of reality, the enforcement of the LIE. Speak TRUTH, and shame the devil, the purveyors of the lies, the spawn of Satan.
Chad,That’s the kind of thinking that got us into this mess that we’re trying so desperately to crawl out of. Get back in the litter box if you want a diverse place to live
"Diversity" is a huge, dangerous grizzly bear. When grizzly bears are little, they are so small, cute and harmless. But if you adopt one, over time it becomes bigger, hungrier, and more dangerous. First it eats the dog, then the mailman, then the neighbors, and finally your kids. Now it's looking at you and salivating. Chad doesn't want an enormous, hungry, full-grown grizzly bear. He wants the cute little harmless bear cub back. But little bear cubs inevitably grow into huge hungry grizzly bears, just as diversity when treated as a value will inevitably grow into society-consuming Wokeness.
I think Chad's solution - or the woke political solution at least - would be to euthanise the cub when it's becoming to big, and get a fresh wee one.
Look at how the politically correct/liberal/progressive/woke/next neologism treat "minorities" (which is code for "not white"):
As long as they obey, conform to stereotype and don't display an agenda of their own, they are good. The moment they speak out, they become "the black face of white supremacy".
I have no idea what you are talking about when you speak of strict social and professional roles based on identity as part of the Empire. Empires, while having their inbred elites also (when successful) hire on merit, often diverse and from other parts of the imperium. The left's love of intersectionality, etc does nothing for your community, let alone anything larger. There are bigger fish that will swallow navel gazers whole and if you think we are terrible, then try other places on for size.
Go back to your 'creativity'. No one is stopping you, no one is burning you for fuel (whatever that means). Stop being hyperbolic, and I am an artist, and once a leftie,You all lost me when you tried to erase 100 years of women's progress by insisting guys in bad wigs were women and began to openly discriminate against, deplatform and attack us. The 'creative' community is naturally diverse all on its own, enjoy it and stop trying to make other people conform to your mold.
No, it's about culture too. Every culture has insights. Every culture also has messed up things they do or think. I believe the only hope for the future is all people working together. You have to work with each person as a person first. The other stuff is just filters. Humanity is the signal.
There is one culture that created this nation. The others can go live in their nations. We do not want or need them here. end of story. Nations are a group (tribe?) of people with similar interests, culture, ancestors, beliefs, etc. Our nation has been under a deliberate attack, a war if you will, to be destroyed through undermining our common beliefs, our culture, and even the White race this nation was founded for (read the preamble to the Constitution) through miscegnation for well over a hundred years, and now with the massive importation of other peoples who ARE NOT US. And the war is nearly lost. or is already lost. If any new nation of our peoples is to come forth , it will not be with the help of those in charge in that sodom-on-the-potomac back east. Move to Brazil, they have lots of diverse cultures.
Very well said Brad so please don't take my imagining Dan Akroyd delivering your message, on one breath, as in any way critical of what you said or how you said it.
This is so funny. Yesterday I was thinking about the two of you together and wishing for an interchange. And here it is, sort of.
Anyway--What Vance did was show on the world stage that Americans won't be cowed in the least about the opinions of Europe. It's not just about the elites.
Any American who ever traveled knows that even the ordinary people will be a little amused by what they see as our endearing boorishness. Our vigor and our lack of filters in the leaping of the words from the brain to the tongue sometimes charm them but they always think they are the better model.
Vance just said "fuck that shit. We'll tell you what we really think now."
Declaring something "not acceptable" is from the WEF's playbook and training for Young Leaders and similar people. They are taught a set of phrases and sentences to use in situations where they are without a prepared script for the events unfolding.
Vance's speech, completely unmodified by WEF or other such group, was such a situation. Pistorius is not allowed to speak on his own, what he says must follow the agreed-upon general plan of the EU/WEF; since no-one can get a ready-made polished response to him immediately after, he has to fall back on rote response.
I know this for three reasons:
>Pattern recognition - you do not correct exams and essays without developing a very finely tuned feel for what is genuine and real, and what is scripted and rehearsed
>The frequency of the phrases in question and how they are used, and who uses the: most of the party leadership of 5 out of 8 parties in the Swedish Parliament have WEF members/alumni either as leader or as eminence grisé. "Not acceptable/oacceptabelt" has been used so frequently here by those people, it's become a localised Swedish political meme
>I used to teach information/communication analysis, rhetoric, and associated stuff; similarity of response as noted is /the/ dead giveaway bar none, especially when the response doesn't actually mean anything
My authoritarian dad used that very phrase..."it's unacceptable."
I knew immediately upon reading this response that the heart of that person was...authoritarian. This means any attempt to continue the conversation is not efficacious for their mind is closed.
That's how I see these self described elites...closed minds and hardened hearts.
As we've seen from eugyppius's recent posts they are in a state of serious hysteria.
But we should always keep in mind the truth of it all as he and el gato malo have been saying from the start--and against the hysteria of the common readership--this is bureaucracy flummoxed. Any one of us who's been at any point in life an indentured servant/wage slave in ordinary office settings has had to endure the type. Anyone of lesser status who ever pointed out the dumbness of something a middle manager was invested in has experienced the same reaction.
And we all, in our various Western countries, let this happen to us because it was such a familiar sort of thing, the manager who insists he knows better and we need that paycheck, after all. But quitting a job and getting a regime of middle managers jumped-up out of their offices are very different things to accomplish.
I am so pleasurably surprised by JD Vance. What a fast learner. I thought he was often clumsy during the campaign--awkward and not nimble in public encounters--but man. He's got his jetpack on now and knows how to maneuver it.
Yes, he shows great promise I think too. And consider this, given the topic of the post:
Four years of Trump, tariffs, and peace in Ukraine the EU/WEF-octopus can handle. They can weather it and come back.
But not if it's followed by eight years of Vance continuing as he's set out. How probable that is, is the subject of much speculation and debate over here right now, among those of us who take the longer view.
On a lighter side of things, Turkey is trying to fine Adidas for using pig-skin in their sneakers. Ho-ho-ho.
Trump said something very interesting last week and I think the usual clackerati absolutely missed the point--but Vance sure as heck didn't. In an interview with Bret Baier:
On Monday, Feb. 10, the president joined Bret Baier on Fox News’ Special Report to discuss the first three weeks of his second term. During their conversation, Baier, 54, asked President Trump, 78, whether he sees Vance as his successor.
Baier specifically asked if Trump could envision Vance, 40, as the 2028 Republican nominee.
“No,” Trump replied.
He continued, “But he's very capable. I mean, I don't think that it, you know, I think you have a lot of very capable people. So far, I think he's doing a fantastic job. It's too early. We’re just starting.”
You betcha. No anointings. Vance will need to prove himself. And I think Trump is confident enough in his own self, this time around, that he doesn't mind giving Vance his head in the fields of the flailing to hold on. And Vance is rampaging through but without bluster. Great to watch, regardless of how we interpret it.
Pistorius' comment struck me as exactly what you would expect from a German elite: Such direct criticism is unacceptable to him, but he finds it impossible to accept that so many of us in the U.S. were jumping up and down at Vance's speech because it resonated 100% with us. His attitude is exactly what an increasingly large element of Germans are now speaking up against.
> so many of us in the U.S. were jumping up and down at Vance's speech because it resonated 100% with us.
I'm looking forward to seeing if it had the same effect among the *Germans*.
I know from personal experience how powerful it can be to have someone come right out and tell you "Hey, your team is a lot bigger than you thought it was."
Exactly. Having lived in Europe twice and travelled there extensively, I’m always amused when an alarmed American says “ do you know what Europeans think of us?” My response for the last forty years has been “ I do and I don’t care.” They love to ridicule us and yet “ NATO!! RUSSIA!!!…. It’s a special arrogant arrogance…..
I've been fortunate all my life to have always found, anywhere I went, those people who had no immunity to my charm. Even maybe against their will. Just the right number couldn't resist me. And I came with the triple whammy too.
In a recent trip to Italy we toured a winery outside of Verona. We asked lots of questions and made a lot of comments about the winery, wines and olive oils. At the end of the tour our young guide said we were the nicest people she had ever guided through their winery.
Once I accepted I was not a natural-born gentlewoman and could not even learn to simulate one, I began to understand the difference between a sort of imposed gentility and the normal common courtesy we ought to display towards everyone without allowing ourselves to be crushed into "our place."
That's really only an American thing, since any ruffian from anywhere can become a real American too.
Just being interested in stuff goes a long way to making other people feel listened to. I had a similar experience at a monastery brewpub in Prague, on my one trip there. I had gone for dinner and a couple of beers, and in talking to the waiter, and by being both somewhat knowledgeable about beer, and interested in hearing what he had to say in response, I got offered a tour of the brewery. And that's in a place that doesn't actually *do* tours of their brewery, because it's small and cramped and built to 11th century size standards. And a free pint of something they had just decanted, but hadn't put on the menu yet, which the waiter (and by then, their head brewer) were really interested in my opinion of. Or at least acted interested in, which going back to the beginning, has a strong effect on feelings of amity.
It was an amazingly cool experience. I really liked Prague. I could see myself living there. Wonderful food, wonderful beer, wonderful people. Beautiful sidewalks. I know that sounds weird, but a lot of town had these gorgeous black and white (marble?) mosaic sidewalks. Different patterns in different parts of town. I have definitely never taken anywhere near as many photographs of sidewalks on a trip, before. 🤣
That sounds like an amazing trip. And yes, we’ve enjoyed many “extras” on wine tours just because we were interested and my hubs knows quite a bit about wine. I on the other hand usually get extra attention from the vineyard owners because I’m interested in the agricultural end of the business. Most visitors just want to get to the drinking part and are bored with the growing. Many vineyards have secondary crops, and California wineries have the most amazing roses. My hubs always has to come out of the winery and drag me away from photographing them to taste a wine he likes!🤣
I see it a little more forcefully. It wasn't kindness for their own good. It was "don't fuck with our good" i.e. our Constitutional values and guarantees.
German here. I completely agree with your take, not the otherwise impeccable monk's.
Vance has had a profound impact judging by what I can gather talking to normies and friends. And while the bien-pensant and media are fuming, these are the same folk who assurrd the flock of a landside Harris victory.
Next checkpoint: how wrong are the polls compared to the election outcome in a week's time? Could the AfD become the largest party?
Aha! an opportunity to ask an actual German: was the Vance speech covered enough in your press so that most of the actual real people heard about it or even watched it?
In the establishment media (public TV--nightly newscasts and Germany's obsessively consumed political talk shows--and most print press) it was covered negatively, mostly amplifying the establishment's shocked reactions and outrage. In the increasingly important alternative media space, it got a much more favorable reception, with Eugyppius being a rare outlier as far as I can tell.
It almost resembles the Covid divide in news--so there is hope that the ground could be shifting in the electorate.
That it was Vance delivering this message at Munich is a story unto itself. 4 more years of Trump, this time with Elon at his side, will roll back the financing of the werewolves and perhaps put many in jail, but it’s not long enough to actually heal anything. We’re chipping away at symptoms right now but the disease will take longer. Everything Trump has done this time around has been calculated well in advance. Look at DOGE and how they found an existing agency with the same exact remit to house it. Look at how they have chosen their targets. Given the tech focus of their approach so far I think they used AI to find the key nodes in the system and determine their attack vectors. Anyway this is just the opening volley of a longer war. Taking away the money and imprisoning those sloppy enough to get caught laundering it personally is step 1. Lasting change will have to come from future administrations, and Vance is exactly that. Expect him to have a much higher profile than VPs in the past. Expect Trump to deploy him where nuance and tact is needed, like a good cop bad cop routine. America needed the bad cop for this first phase but the good cop has a place too.
> We’re chipping away at symptoms right now but the disease will take longer.
It took over a hundred years to build this Leviathan. Four years won't kill it, just slow it down. Twelve years might be enough to inflict a mortal wound. Certainly one heavy enough that the rest of my life would probably be far, far better than my pessimistic ass had *any* expectation of.
What say, Vance / Gabbard 2028 and 2032? Tulsi as the first female US President in '36? Obviously, we're still in the very early stages of learning about her. We shall see what she's made of over the next four years, I suppose.
I never once thought that a Plague Chronicler and a Cat would be engaging with the U.S. Vice President in a respectful dialogue about geopolitical tactics on social media. Is this a dream?
I think Eugyppius is too close to the problem this time. Perhaps he has some distaste for Trump. That Vance speech was aimed at all of us who want the net zero, eugenist (MAID in UK), virtual penal colony 15 minute city, bureaucratic boot off our necks.
I love Eugyppius but I don’t think he understands that the Werewolves have planners, strategists, enforcers. For him it’s just virtue signaling, status seeking, self interest, and compliance. But he won’t acknowledge that puppets dance to puppet masters. Bewildering.
I don't think he denies there are planners, strategists and enforcers. But that doesn't mean that everyone fits into a puppet or puppet master role. The reality is far more complex
The most amazing part to me is the Soviet like party discipline in the D party over the last 10 -15 years - despite the ideological delusion they called reality.
It's truly unreal how long they were able to keep this parade of the absurd in perfect Red Army marching cadence before a single person stumbled.
I was really starting to ask myself, how long can one live outside of reality before it slaps them upside the head?
Oh I know plenty who are still neck deep in the delusion. Always will be I imagine. Two of them are mom and sister sadly. Orange man bad still reigns, for virtually all Harris voters I would guess.
I know several stuck in frat boy mode beta males for whom the "morally superior" trope they were awarded by mouthing the narrative became their primary source of "I get to pretend to be smart/wise/alpha" who absolutely cannot let go of the thread either.
They would have been disallowed to say anything before the election. Sadly, at this point it is a reality that we all know, many knew.
Any power it might have had needed to be voiced prior to the election. Who and how could it have been voiced? I don’t know; I am just thinking out loud.
As long as it's working for them, they can pretty much believe anything. But right now, reality is coming at them hard and fast. And all they are experiencing are only cursory audits. Just wait until the deeper investigations, claw backs, and criminal indictments begin. I wouldn't be surprised to see an uptick in homicides and suicides in the DC Metro area.
If you're talking about the politicians, I don't for one second believe that they care in the least for their teal topped crazies. They can't let it go because it's the only scrap of power they have left, and they are deathly afraid of what will happen when that power is gone.
Man, gato. You're on a legit roll these days. Well done.
"this was a flash bang grenade thrown into the werewolf cave. those intended to notice were the villagers, the voters, the ones who just learned that they are not alone and that america sees it too"
This was gold. If Europe changes like America appears to be doing, it's all over for so much of the hegemony.
I just watched the whole thing (Vance in Munich). Talk about kryptonite. That was a VERY uncomfortable audience. The sweat was dripping. And he spoke easily and freely without a teleprompter. Incredible.
Vance told the Euros they have no clothes. Euro leadership class have been parasites on America for a long time and now have to admit that the gravytrain is over. America isn't even going to keep them on as client states, because they have become so useless and pathetic. Either they change or they finally get to suffer for their sins.
The highlights just keep coming and the kleptocracy continues to get exposed. JD Vance throwing down the gauntlet was YUGE and a comment I saw on X made it clear that the populace has heard him. Winning never felt so good. Great post el gato 🐈⬛
European here! JD Vance's speech was fantastic - he was so polite and humble, whilst pointing out some very unpleasant truths which needed to be highlighted. The EU governing class will have been annoyed because this will get traction amongst the snoozing masses. Those of us who have been paying attention know the truth already, but so many don't.
May I recommend an English Substack on the topic, my favourite 'Jupplandia' who educates us on US politics and history. If you want to know how the (sane) English view our dear transatlantic cousins:
The German State and its msm propaganda arm has such a stranglehold over narratives that my German friend asked me if it was true because all they hear is that the UK population regrets Brexit and is eager to rejoin the EU! We are still demanding the Brexit we voted for and never got!
When Trump first entered the political arena in 2015 he simply gave plain-speak rallies that the populace could immediately understand and relate to. The elites here mocked and scoffed then too. And he won.
Then they mugged him relentlessly for four years, and used the Covid nightmare (mail in ballots) to rob him of his second term.
But he went into the wilderness to prepare for the battle of his and this country’s lifetime, and crushed them to smithereens, using ever more forceful and pointed plain-speak aimed at the demoralized populace.
Plain speak is also called truth. Know the truth and the truth will set you free.
JD’s speech to European populace was the same exact thing.
Very happy to see people catching on to the fact that wokeness has never been anything more than a dominant narrative innovation used by managerial elites comically removed from the constituencies they claimed to represent, conveniently justifying expansion of the Progressive Leviathan by creating identity-based conflict necessitating the extension of administrative authority (under the guise of a patrician system of moral instruction) into previously autonomous domains of activity.
It's always been about power.
one could say the same of climate change narratives and the rest of the "green on the outside, red on the inside" watermelon industrial complex.
and of medical boards, regulatory regimes, educational systems, and the guild systems of accreditation and exclusion.
once you stop thinking of the "permanent state" as "government" and start modeling it as a crime syndicate with a propaganda arm, it really snaps into focus.
The entire world is one big crime scene right now.
Quite literally.
try being a cat in a world with this many threads to pull, ryan.
it's sensory overload.
Lolol. That was funny!
Having claws on all four feet helps.
And oh, how cats love to pull threads!!
at least things make sense now
re: watermelon industrial complex.
it was never about "global warming" or "climate change". it was simple: they couldn't beat freedom, capitalism and prosperity in voting booths, but figured if they could control energy under the auspices of a planetary crisis difficult to disprove and far into the future, they could achieve the same without bayonets and bullets.
and it might have worked.
But for Scooby Doo and those crazy Village kids who opened their eyes.
And the fearless people who helped them. Like Gato, Doomberg, and many others. Lots of average folks pitching in, too. >
Its to eventually control the world's energy so that they can control whether you can bring life into this world.
Make no mistake that's where it ends, whether it is intentional or not, if we do not rise up and fight back.
We did and we're winning. But we need to keep our foot on their necks.
Agreed. Take the machine out fast.
If they brought 81 million votes like they did last time, Trump would have lost. Harris was 6 million less than Biden 2020.
Good news is it looks like the Commies fought among each other in a power struggle and suddenly 6+ million votes did not show up. We have to break that machine right now and President Trump and team are doing it. USAID built Actblue fundraising machine but that is just the surface.
Ignore the official narrative, swing voters and non voters did not win the election. Trump only got 3 million more votes in 2024 than 2020??? Thats because of population growth in his voter base households. Look at the numbers, 6+ million Democrat votes did not show up. Either they did not show up **or those are all fake votes**. Trump kept his core in both elections.
**2024 Trump 77 million**
2024 Harris 75 million
**2020 Trump 74 million**
2020 Biden 81 million
2020 US population was 331 million vs 2024 is now 346 million,_2020,_2024
Spot on.
Jim Kunstler has been very helpful over at CFN.
Love the Scooby Do reference. I was thinking that would be a great meme!
Good idea. So we did. And just posted on Notes.
El Gato, I started following you in the early COVID days, same with Eugyppious. I’m amazed that JD Vance responded (with clarity) to the post. It seems our little voices carried farther than we ever imagined….
Same here. I would have just hit the like button but it doesn’t work. And I just re-upped my paid subscription. One of the best here on Substack.
Something occurred to me as we got closer to the election Cat. My buddy told me that Trump was in Detroit in October. I scratched my head in disbelief. A few days later he was in the heart of NYC at Madison SG. Again, the disbelief.
I knew in my heart that should have been impossible. It would have been in 2016/2020. Where is the resistance I thought. There was simply no organic anger to draw from. Color revolutions will not work.
So what happened? The left alienated their best and most faithful shock troops. Am talking about American Blacks of course. I suspect they heard the stories of luxury hotels and jacked up EBT cards for migrants too. Imagine how that must’ve felt after voting D your entire life. LBJ sure called that lol.
Starting with Rodney King they had been building it up perfectly. Need a distraction and you know what to do. I have kept this mostly quiet not even sure if it needs to get out. Alas it probably does so we can head it off at the pass if it comes to it.
I believe this plays a major role in what we are seeing today. This is why the left can’t mobilize. They traded their beserkers and sold them down the River. Just a thought.
Excellent article once again !!
And also, their Covid virus and “vaccine” mainly killed off the older generation, another large Dem voting block. I think they really only kept control through vote fraud. Losing a great percentage of the black, Hispanic and older voters made the needed fraud possibly too high to meet, but the young voters who saw Trump embrace young leaders like Vance as well as Dems like RFKjr. and Tulsi and ELON pushed the bar too high for fraud not to be evident. The favorable polls for Trump now are more likely how the real voting numbered.
Yup. I saw the Chicago city council meetings with parades of black residents screaming at the leadership to stop ignoring them in favor of the illegals and I knew the left had committed a fatal mistake.
Yep that’s exactly what I think happened too. It was horrible what the left had done to them. As much as I hate to admit it was highly effective. By 2020 the media and left could almost get them to terrorize at will. Not sure how this plays out going forward.
I rate LBJ as the worst President of all time just on the basis of his setting up the government to pay women to be single mothers. With the added bizarre incentive that if a woman has multiple kids with different fathers she gets paid more. We know very solidly that kids who grow up without fathers have a very poor chance of any kind of good outcome. The amount of damage that's done to the country in general and blacks in particular is massive.
I feel so proud of the people of the South Side of Chicago.* That community organization stuff surely has taken hold, just not in the direction that the community organizer in chief thought it would.
*Spent several years in Chicago. Wonderful city. Too bad it is sub-zero on a good day.
California is a lost cause. But if Trump does decent, in 4 years NY and NJ will be in play. Heck, NJ was almost in play this time.
If we can get a handle on voter ID and mail in ballots, I suspect the 'blue' coastal west would have far different outcomes.
Don't toss out CA just yet. Another poorly handled catastrophe and the werewolves will be on defense.
Is it bad future schadenfreude to wonder what will happen when the displaced gazillionaires figure out that the state will not help them and their insurers will not help them and the federal government likely will not help them BUT Big Real Estate and Big Non-Profits for Housing First will fight tooth and nail to acquire property, develop it, and forget about the gazillionaires entirely?
I suppose it is bad. As Tweety Bird used to say, "I do it anyway!"
"Climate change" was a psyops test run to see how outrageous of a lie they could get away with. It was successful enough for them to think they could get away with the authoritarian power grab that was COVID.
Trump was a putz to not allow Happer to do the Red team Blue team debate about climate. Alarmists have gotten trounced every time that has happened. Hopefully that will change this term!
Hey… you are talking about Oregon…
I couldn’t agree more.
I live in Sicily. I have conversations with hard working Sicilians, (yes, they exist), several times a week. Yesterday, a young lady with a daughter to raise and a small business cried as explained to her what is happening in the United States. These people have no hope of changing the system that taxes them into literal poverty and allows employees to be brutally exploited by business owners. The culture here has robbed them of hope. El Gato Malo, you NAILED it. The CULTURE of hopelessness here must change. Elon changed everything. EVERYTHING. The winds blowing from the US are powerful enough to spread across and change the world. Thank you, J.D., for saying the words that can pour accellerant on the fire that the winds of hope can cause to explode. I pray they ignite a firestorm.
Why does socialism/communism never die?
Forget Baby Hitler. I want to go back in time and take out Baby Marx. Save more lives that way; and Hitler would have been nothing more than a forgotten starving artist.
I don't completely blame Marx. Marx's theories were based on the werewolves and the industrial model of the time: think Dark Satanic Mills that employed children as young as eight, loss of communities common areas, and engineered famines meant to remove populations from land. If those things hadn't existed at the time, Marx would not have had a leg to stand on and he would be forgotten by now.
I can absolutely understand why Marxism appeals to people living in a feudalistic society. And I say that as an avowed anti-Marxist. What I can't understand is why it would appeal to people who live in the US or Europe.
'For bankers and billionaires lockdowns work. Do I look dumb it's a circle-jerk'
[once you stop thinking of the "permanent state" as "government" and start modeling it as a crime syndicate with a propaganda arm, it really snaps into focus.]
- spot on gato
I found this out some time ago when reading Gwyn Dyer's "On War." The first two chapters explicitly describe government as a protection racket from the earliest history.
"one could say the same of climate change narratives ..."
And how much money has Muskrat made on the Climate Change Hoax? Not to mention grifting government subsidies to keep Tesla Inc. afloat.
I'll never think poorly of someone for taking money from idiot leftists or idiot governments. Governments shouldn't be subsidizing anything, but if they are and you're eligible I think you'd be dumb not to take it.
I agree with you.
But I think there is a pretty big difference between you or me taking advantage of some small tax break, and the “Richest Man in the World” building a business model around latching onto the government teat and then hoovering tax payers’ dollars.
And it’s kind of hypocritical that Musk was not above taking his place at the trough, and yet is now tasked with cutting others of his ilk off of their government feed.
But I don’t want to be completely negative, so let me add two things:
1) I would love to be wrong about Musk. Really, I really would.
2) Since I’m Canadian, and I’m guessing you’re American, please let me take this opportunity to apologize for all the moronic Canadians who have been booing the American anthem at hockey games. I’m not a hockey fan, but I’m truly embarrassed and ashamed about that.
I don't think Tesla's business model is built around the government subsidies. There was a limit on number of cars per manufacturer for the subsidy and Tesla's eligibility ended I believe 2 years ago because of the fairly high sales volume they do. I don't entirely trust Elon, but at this point I'm not alarmed about what's going on with DOGE.
I'm indeed American, but I have a lot of fondness for Canada, even with Justin Castreau running it and a bit of hockey hooliganism. Hopefully now that USAID isn't messing with everyone's elections you can get rid of him.
Even though I don't trust Musk, who can deny DOGE is doing great things?
In case you hadn't heard, Justine Turdo has resigned - there's a leadership race for the Liberal party underway right now.
Problem is, the rest of the candidates, and the leaders of the other political parties, are all just different versions of swamp dwellers.
If we had a version of DOGE in Canada, it would hollow out the entire federal bureaucracy.
Rememeber when we used to wonder during covid if the "leaders" were evil or stupid? Now we know-- they were greedy, evil and stupid.
Very dangerous combination
Only about power (which includes our money).
Yes it's always been about power. So is anti-wokeness. You're stating the obvious. You wanna be free to label somebody as subhuman and enslave them? That's about power. You want strict prescriptive social and professional roles based on identity? Most imperial cultures do. It all comes down to power.
I'd rather live in a declining empire that doesn't burn me for fuel. America being "great" has nothing to do with me living peacefully in diverse community, making music and writing open source software. Yeah, that means you and I are gonna have a power struggle. I hate those. I wanna get back to the creative work. I want healthy diverse community. Yeah, that precludes cancel culture, and all other forms of tribalism. It does not preclude a theory of identity that helps us each see the whole person in front of us, whether in a peer or the mirror.
Lighten up.
Sorry bro. The days of pushing us around without any push-back are over.
Better to accept that than be disappointed this absurd worldview of some distant utopia is over.
You can only deny reality for so long. We are done with the imposition itself being the point.
Ask yourself if you've been the victim of weaponized empathy.
In short we are not going to let up; they're our neighborhoods and they're worth fighting for.
Huh? Who is "we"? Why are you fighting? What neighborhoods? That's that tribalism I was talking about. You're sinking to the level of everything you decry. It's not smart. It's not creative. It's not cute. I dunno what to say. You felt pushed around by what I said? Just wanting to live in diverse community and create value+beauty without getting dragged into a petty power struggle? Pathetic, honestly. I'll keep my eye out, thanks for the warning shot.
Don't let the pendulum hit you on the way out, buttercup.
Hahaha accusing me off tribalism. Thats exactly what you're displaying in both of your comments.
I think you're in for a long ride. Seems you missed the sanity exit awhile back.
And yes we are fighting for our neighborhoods. Did i stutter?
Life got you down Chad? You are one of those people who can’t stand prosperity. Believe me, I am not a sunshine and lollipop person myself. But I know the false reality the left has been pushing and it sucks. That’s really what this is all about. Gato has written about it plenty of times. You can go back a couple of articles and find out why most of us are excited.
And you don't need to keep your eye out for me. I'm right here.
No one wants to actually live in a diverse community. This is a fantasy; always has been. Everywhere in the world, every era of civilization.
From what you say here, you too want to live in a community of people who think as you do.
leftists trying to cloud issues here are too obvious.
Pathetic, I thought they had a better bench.
He's just lying, that's all. Lying is common everywhere.
I mean, yeah, when you escalate it to "I and my tribe own this neighborhood and we will fight for it" then sure, I don't want to live with that energy. It's a threat to both of our health and security. That's the culture that castrated Alan Turing for being gay. I bet we'd have had AI and automated utopia in the 90's.
But literally EVERYone else is welcome in my world. I can't thrive alone. We're all good at different things. If you want to bring slavery back, if you're keen to make war, if you're trying to burn my house down or hurt my family, yeah. We have a problem. But blaming me for that problem is pretty rich. I'm happy to coexist and collaborate. I know the dark side of my humanity. I just don't lead with it like this, because ... That sucks and everyone loses in the end.
What do you want me to say? lol
Is it diversity of rape culture in the UK and Germany that you reference? If it’s so wonderful, why’s there a push to always hide the results of their diversity? You think if the outcome was great, they’d brag about real results. Is it diverse locker rooms where men can flaunt their twigs and berries, to my young granddaughters? All while the democrat party claims these young girls must be exposed to grown men ‘for their own good and they know what’s best.’
It’s all been bs, you know it, I know it, all of us know. However, the pretending has got to stop, reality must come back. The experiment failed and it harmed real people with real life consequences. It would be great instead of doubling down, they would admit they have a problem. There can be no recovery until the party admits they have mental problems and seeks to remedy those problems. I don’t see that happening. These people will go down kicking and screaming and I say good riddance. I’m sick of their sh*t. I’m sick of their constant intrusion into my family’s life. They effed up when they went after our children and grandchildren. That was the bridge at Remagen and it blew up in their faces.
Again--you've no more interest in diversity than anyone else has.
Say this: Reality is a thing that does not go away because you don't accept it. Here is a reality: the great majority of males find homosexuality, sodomy, lesbians, etc. abhorrent, irrespective of whether or not the Christian bible finds it sinful. It is doubtful folks here want to do you violence just because you are a homo; things do change when homos predate upon young boys. oh yes. Do norms predate on young girls? certainly. Let's talk percentages in that case. I yearn for those days when men took care of business for such cases without interference from the STATE.
I grew up in a different universe: the past. Maybe homos had it "bad" because if they were outed, they suffered. so what? Poor Alan T. Maybe he came on to the wrong minister in the loo. Maybe we could have flying cars, too. Who ever promised us a fair world? But our world was unfair - and That world was a LOT safer, with neighborhoods free of the crime, degeneracy, drugs, and other "dieversity" you find attractive.
I find it unfair that I am forced to associate with persons who are NOT me, my kind, my faith. But the STATE forces me, tells me I have to rent or sell to criminal trash, makes me pay for the ungrateful refuse of shitworld countries, the violent leftovers of jewish-imported cotton pickers, and read about perverts parading their junk in front of schoolkids. I hope it crumbles into ashes. lol.
Diversity doesn't mean we obsess about racism. It happens naturally, yes? People all seem to get along until someone points out they are "other." So, stop calling them "other" which the liberals can't stop doing.
Progs should know the best diversity is organic diversity.
They don't know that, because they don't know much.
No such thing as anti-woke. You either are, to degrees or in full, or you are not.
'woke' is a euphemism for the LIE. The denial of reality, the enforcement of the LIE. Speak TRUTH, and shame the devil, the purveyors of the lies, the spawn of Satan.
Stick to your creative work and leave the thinking to those of us who see whats actually happening. Seriously, blue sky is for you. No hard feelings!
Chad,That’s the kind of thinking that got us into this mess that we’re trying so desperately to crawl out of. Get back in the litter box if you want a diverse place to live
"Diversity" is a huge, dangerous grizzly bear. When grizzly bears are little, they are so small, cute and harmless. But if you adopt one, over time it becomes bigger, hungrier, and more dangerous. First it eats the dog, then the mailman, then the neighbors, and finally your kids. Now it's looking at you and salivating. Chad doesn't want an enormous, hungry, full-grown grizzly bear. He wants the cute little harmless bear cub back. But little bear cubs inevitably grow into huge hungry grizzly bears, just as diversity when treated as a value will inevitably grow into society-consuming Wokeness.
I think Chad's solution - or the woke political solution at least - would be to euthanise the cub when it's becoming to big, and get a fresh wee one.
Look at how the politically correct/liberal/progressive/woke/next neologism treat "minorities" (which is code for "not white"):
As long as they obey, conform to stereotype and don't display an agenda of their own, they are good. The moment they speak out, they become "the black face of white supremacy".
Leave the bear in the forest, says I.
Well put!
I have no idea what you are talking about when you speak of strict social and professional roles based on identity as part of the Empire. Empires, while having their inbred elites also (when successful) hire on merit, often diverse and from other parts of the imperium. The left's love of intersectionality, etc does nothing for your community, let alone anything larger. There are bigger fish that will swallow navel gazers whole and if you think we are terrible, then try other places on for size.
Go back to your 'creativity'. No one is stopping you, no one is burning you for fuel (whatever that means). Stop being hyperbolic, and I am an artist, and once a leftie,You all lost me when you tried to erase 100 years of women's progress by insisting guys in bad wigs were women and began to openly discriminate against, deplatform and attack us. The 'creative' community is naturally diverse all on its own, enjoy it and stop trying to make other people conform to your mold.
It's about culture, not color. If diversity in color is a strength, then defend the NFL.
No, it's about culture too. Every culture has insights. Every culture also has messed up things they do or think. I believe the only hope for the future is all people working together. You have to work with each person as a person first. The other stuff is just filters. Humanity is the signal.
There is one culture that created this nation. The others can go live in their nations. We do not want or need them here. end of story. Nations are a group (tribe?) of people with similar interests, culture, ancestors, beliefs, etc. Our nation has been under a deliberate attack, a war if you will, to be destroyed through undermining our common beliefs, our culture, and even the White race this nation was founded for (read the preamble to the Constitution) through miscegnation for well over a hundred years, and now with the massive importation of other peoples who ARE NOT US. And the war is nearly lost. or is already lost. If any new nation of our peoples is to come forth , it will not be with the help of those in charge in that sodom-on-the-potomac back east. Move to Brazil, they have lots of diverse cultures.
Very well said Brad so please don't take my imagining Dan Akroyd delivering your message, on one breath, as in any way critical of what you said or how you said it.
This is so funny. Yesterday I was thinking about the two of you together and wishing for an interchange. And here it is, sort of.
Anyway--What Vance did was show on the world stage that Americans won't be cowed in the least about the opinions of Europe. It's not just about the elites.
Any American who ever traveled knows that even the ordinary people will be a little amused by what they see as our endearing boorishness. Our vigor and our lack of filters in the leaping of the words from the brain to the tongue sometimes charm them but they always think they are the better model.
Vance just said "fuck that shit. We'll tell you what we really think now."
They are so clueless. What's incredible is that Boris Pistorius (German Sec of Defense) said this right after the Vance speech:
“If I understood him correctly, he is comparing parts of Europe with authoritarian regimes. This is not acceptable.”
What an own-goal.
He admitted in broad daylight their tyrannical view of us peasants by basically calling Vance's speech on free speech unacceptable speech
Oh the gormless squealing is a dream come true to watch in real time.
Allow me to add something:
Declaring something "not acceptable" is from the WEF's playbook and training for Young Leaders and similar people. They are taught a set of phrases and sentences to use in situations where they are without a prepared script for the events unfolding.
Vance's speech, completely unmodified by WEF or other such group, was such a situation. Pistorius is not allowed to speak on his own, what he says must follow the agreed-upon general plan of the EU/WEF; since no-one can get a ready-made polished response to him immediately after, he has to fall back on rote response.
I know this for three reasons:
>Pattern recognition - you do not correct exams and essays without developing a very finely tuned feel for what is genuine and real, and what is scripted and rehearsed
>The frequency of the phrases in question and how they are used, and who uses the: most of the party leadership of 5 out of 8 parties in the Swedish Parliament have WEF members/alumni either as leader or as eminence grisé. "Not acceptable/oacceptabelt" has been used so frequently here by those people, it's become a localised Swedish political meme
>I used to teach information/communication analysis, rhetoric, and associated stuff; similarity of response as noted is /the/ dead giveaway bar none, especially when the response doesn't actually mean anything
Hope that adds something useful.
Hmm....something to add to your knowledge base:
My authoritarian dad used that very phrase..."it's unacceptable."
I knew immediately upon reading this response that the heart of that person was...authoritarian. This means any attempt to continue the conversation is not efficacious for their mind is closed.
That's how I see these self described elites...closed minds and hardened hearts.
Sure does!
As we've seen from eugyppius's recent posts they are in a state of serious hysteria.
But we should always keep in mind the truth of it all as he and el gato malo have been saying from the start--and against the hysteria of the common readership--this is bureaucracy flummoxed. Any one of us who's been at any point in life an indentured servant/wage slave in ordinary office settings has had to endure the type. Anyone of lesser status who ever pointed out the dumbness of something a middle manager was invested in has experienced the same reaction.
And we all, in our various Western countries, let this happen to us because it was such a familiar sort of thing, the manager who insists he knows better and we need that paycheck, after all. But quitting a job and getting a regime of middle managers jumped-up out of their offices are very different things to accomplish.
They aren't used to someone they can't shut up saying things they don't want said.
I am so pleasurably surprised by JD Vance. What a fast learner. I thought he was often clumsy during the campaign--awkward and not nimble in public encounters--but man. He's got his jetpack on now and knows how to maneuver it.
Yes, he shows great promise I think too. And consider this, given the topic of the post:
Four years of Trump, tariffs, and peace in Ukraine the EU/WEF-octopus can handle. They can weather it and come back.
But not if it's followed by eight years of Vance continuing as he's set out. How probable that is, is the subject of much speculation and debate over here right now, among those of us who take the longer view.
On a lighter side of things, Turkey is trying to fine Adidas for using pig-skin in their sneakers. Ho-ho-ho.
Trump said something very interesting last week and I think the usual clackerati absolutely missed the point--but Vance sure as heck didn't. In an interview with Bret Baier:
On Monday, Feb. 10, the president joined Bret Baier on Fox News’ Special Report to discuss the first three weeks of his second term. During their conversation, Baier, 54, asked President Trump, 78, whether he sees Vance as his successor.
Baier specifically asked if Trump could envision Vance, 40, as the 2028 Republican nominee.
“No,” Trump replied.
He continued, “But he's very capable. I mean, I don't think that it, you know, I think you have a lot of very capable people. So far, I think he's doing a fantastic job. It's too early. We’re just starting.”
You betcha. No anointings. Vance will need to prove himself. And I think Trump is confident enough in his own self, this time around, that he doesn't mind giving Vance his head in the fields of the flailing to hold on. And Vance is rampaging through but without bluster. Great to watch, regardless of how we interpret it.
I didn't know the Turks ate Adidas sneakers.
That speech was some serious flaming sword shit.
"Be Not Afraid" indeed. Yowza!
Nailed it, SCA
Pistorius' comment struck me as exactly what you would expect from a German elite: Such direct criticism is unacceptable to him, but he finds it impossible to accept that so many of us in the U.S. were jumping up and down at Vance's speech because it resonated 100% with us. His attitude is exactly what an increasingly large element of Germans are now speaking up against.
> so many of us in the U.S. were jumping up and down at Vance's speech because it resonated 100% with us.
I'm looking forward to seeing if it had the same effect among the *Germans*.
I know from personal experience how powerful it can be to have someone come right out and tell you "Hey, your team is a lot bigger than you thought it was."
And a censorious corollary of “not acceptable“ is “that’s not the smart way to talk to us“ – – both are intended to stop the conversation.
It is rather hilarious.
Exactly. Having lived in Europe twice and travelled there extensively, I’m always amused when an alarmed American says “ do you know what Europeans think of us?” My response for the last forty years has been “ I do and I don’t care.” They love to ridicule us and yet “ NATO!! RUSSIA!!!…. It’s a special arrogant arrogance…..
I've been fortunate all my life to have always found, anywhere I went, those people who had no immunity to my charm. Even maybe against their will. Just the right number couldn't resist me. And I came with the triple whammy too.
In a recent trip to Italy we toured a winery outside of Verona. We asked lots of questions and made a lot of comments about the winery, wines and olive oils. At the end of the tour our young guide said we were the nicest people she had ever guided through their winery.
Once I accepted I was not a natural-born gentlewoman and could not even learn to simulate one, I began to understand the difference between a sort of imposed gentility and the normal common courtesy we ought to display towards everyone without allowing ourselves to be crushed into "our place."
That's really only an American thing, since any ruffian from anywhere can become a real American too.
Just being interested in stuff goes a long way to making other people feel listened to. I had a similar experience at a monastery brewpub in Prague, on my one trip there. I had gone for dinner and a couple of beers, and in talking to the waiter, and by being both somewhat knowledgeable about beer, and interested in hearing what he had to say in response, I got offered a tour of the brewery. And that's in a place that doesn't actually *do* tours of their brewery, because it's small and cramped and built to 11th century size standards. And a free pint of something they had just decanted, but hadn't put on the menu yet, which the waiter (and by then, their head brewer) were really interested in my opinion of. Or at least acted interested in, which going back to the beginning, has a strong effect on feelings of amity.
It was an amazingly cool experience. I really liked Prague. I could see myself living there. Wonderful food, wonderful beer, wonderful people. Beautiful sidewalks. I know that sounds weird, but a lot of town had these gorgeous black and white (marble?) mosaic sidewalks. Different patterns in different parts of town. I have definitely never taken anywhere near as many photographs of sidewalks on a trip, before. 🤣
That sounds like an amazing trip. And yes, we’ve enjoyed many “extras” on wine tours just because we were interested and my hubs knows quite a bit about wine. I on the other hand usually get extra attention from the vineyard owners because I’m interested in the agricultural end of the business. Most visitors just want to get to the drinking part and are bored with the growing. Many vineyards have secondary crops, and California wineries have the most amazing roses. My hubs always has to come out of the winery and drag me away from photographing them to taste a wine he likes!🤣
I like to think Vance was trying to be the main speaker at a European intervention.
Tough love and all that.
I see it a little more forcefully. It wasn't kindness for their own good. It was "don't fuck with our good" i.e. our Constitutional values and guarantees.
German here. I completely agree with your take, not the otherwise impeccable monk's.
Vance has had a profound impact judging by what I can gather talking to normies and friends. And while the bien-pensant and media are fuming, these are the same folk who assurrd the flock of a landside Harris victory.
Next checkpoint: how wrong are the polls compared to the election outcome in a week's time? Could the AfD become the largest party?
fine use of bien-pensant.
might have to get that one back in the rotation.
Hope so. As much as Americans like to mock Europeans as brainwashed sheep, we only just barely escaped the werewolves ourselves. Maybe.
Aha! an opportunity to ask an actual German: was the Vance speech covered enough in your press so that most of the actual real people heard about it or even watched it?
In the establishment media (public TV--nightly newscasts and Germany's obsessively consumed political talk shows--and most print press) it was covered negatively, mostly amplifying the establishment's shocked reactions and outrage. In the increasingly important alternative media space, it got a much more favorable reception, with Eugyppius being a rare outlier as far as I can tell.
It almost resembles the Covid divide in news--so there is hope that the ground could be shifting in the electorate.
I noticed that Vance never mentioned AfD specifically, but we all knew what he was referencing.
That it was Vance delivering this message at Munich is a story unto itself. 4 more years of Trump, this time with Elon at his side, will roll back the financing of the werewolves and perhaps put many in jail, but it’s not long enough to actually heal anything. We’re chipping away at symptoms right now but the disease will take longer. Everything Trump has done this time around has been calculated well in advance. Look at DOGE and how they found an existing agency with the same exact remit to house it. Look at how they have chosen their targets. Given the tech focus of their approach so far I think they used AI to find the key nodes in the system and determine their attack vectors. Anyway this is just the opening volley of a longer war. Taking away the money and imprisoning those sloppy enough to get caught laundering it personally is step 1. Lasting change will have to come from future administrations, and Vance is exactly that. Expect him to have a much higher profile than VPs in the past. Expect Trump to deploy him where nuance and tact is needed, like a good cop bad cop routine. America needed the bad cop for this first phase but the good cop has a place too.
> We’re chipping away at symptoms right now but the disease will take longer.
It took over a hundred years to build this Leviathan. Four years won't kill it, just slow it down. Twelve years might be enough to inflict a mortal wound. Certainly one heavy enough that the rest of my life would probably be far, far better than my pessimistic ass had *any* expectation of.
What say, Vance / Gabbard 2028 and 2032? Tulsi as the first female US President in '36? Obviously, we're still in the very early stages of learning about her. We shall see what she's made of over the next four years, I suppose.
I never once thought that a Plague Chronicler and a Cat would be engaging with the U.S. Vice President in a respectful dialogue about geopolitical tactics on social media. Is this a dream?
it's the funniest of all possible timelines.
and it only gets better from here
Dream or not, it sounds like a great joke, especially if they walk into a bar...
I think Eugyppius is too close to the problem this time. Perhaps he has some distaste for Trump. That Vance speech was aimed at all of us who want the net zero, eugenist (MAID in UK), virtual penal colony 15 minute city, bureaucratic boot off our necks.
I love Eugyppius but I don’t think he understands that the Werewolves have planners, strategists, enforcers. For him it’s just virtue signaling, status seeking, self interest, and compliance. But he won’t acknowledge that puppets dance to puppet masters. Bewildering.
I don't think he denies there are planners, strategists and enforcers. But that doesn't mean that everyone fits into a puppet or puppet master role. The reality is far more complex
yes. Europe likes those things. They aspire every day, I am serious.
They are very seriously guilt ridden. "life is serious business, just stay in line!!"
Even James Carvel, the godfather of the democrat party, said the election was lost because of woke bullshit.
In so many words.
Only now tho. After they lost.
The most amazing part to me is the Soviet like party discipline in the D party over the last 10 -15 years - despite the ideological delusion they called reality.
It's truly unreal how long they were able to keep this parade of the absurd in perfect Red Army marching cadence before a single person stumbled.
I was really starting to ask myself, how long can one live outside of reality before it slaps them upside the head?
I guess we know now...
Oh I know plenty who are still neck deep in the delusion. Always will be I imagine. Two of them are mom and sister sadly. Orange man bad still reigns, for virtually all Harris voters I would guess.
Yes. It's about 30-35%. Ignore them. They are lost and represent opportunity costs
And seem to be disproportionately female.
I know several stuck in frat boy mode beta males for whom the "morally superior" trope they were awarded by mouthing the narrative became their primary source of "I get to pretend to be smart/wise/alpha" who absolutely cannot let go of the thread either.
My oldest daughter too, and her cohorts. I maintain a good relationship with her as long as I don't step on the "off limits" topics. Plus I love her.
COVID gave the parade of the absurd a big boost. It was the ultimate "crisis".
They would have been disallowed to say anything before the election. Sadly, at this point it is a reality that we all know, many knew.
Any power it might have had needed to be voiced prior to the election. Who and how could it have been voiced? I don’t know; I am just thinking out loud.
Reality is that which, if you stop believing it, doesn't go away
Phillip K Dick
As long as it's working for them, they can pretty much believe anything. But right now, reality is coming at them hard and fast. And all they are experiencing are only cursory audits. Just wait until the deeper investigations, claw backs, and criminal indictments begin. I wouldn't be surprised to see an uptick in homicides and suicides in the DC Metro area.
still, they will not let go. They can't. Their teal haired, tattooed, multi pierced goth dressed, depressed followers depend on them
And wearing pajamas at the grocery store.
yes, the pajamas and slippers.
Drives me crazy
If you're talking about the politicians, I don't for one second believe that they care in the least for their teal topped crazies. They can't let it go because it's the only scrap of power they have left, and they are deathly afraid of what will happen when that power is gone.
Man, gato. You're on a legit roll these days. Well done.
"this was a flash bang grenade thrown into the werewolf cave. those intended to notice were the villagers, the voters, the ones who just learned that they are not alone and that america sees it too"
This was gold. If Europe changes like America appears to be doing, it's all over for so much of the hegemony.
I just watched the whole thing (Vance in Munich). Talk about kryptonite. That was a VERY uncomfortable audience. The sweat was dripping. And he spoke easily and freely without a teleprompter. Incredible.
Vance told the Euros they have no clothes. Euro leadership class have been parasites on America for a long time and now have to admit that the gravytrain is over. America isn't even going to keep them on as client states, because they have become so useless and pathetic. Either they change or they finally get to suffer for their sins.
He had a teleprompter, but he speaks well, that's for sure.
The highlights just keep coming and the kleptocracy continues to get exposed. JD Vance throwing down the gauntlet was YUGE and a comment I saw on X made it clear that the populace has heard him. Winning never felt so good. Great post el gato 🐈⬛
European here! JD Vance's speech was fantastic - he was so polite and humble, whilst pointing out some very unpleasant truths which needed to be highlighted. The EU governing class will have been annoyed because this will get traction amongst the snoozing masses. Those of us who have been paying attention know the truth already, but so many don't.
May I recommend an English Substack on the topic, my favourite 'Jupplandia' who educates us on US politics and history. If you want to know how the (sane) English view our dear transatlantic cousins:
Yes, and maybe at its most simple, a way to get these observations past the mainstream media in Europe and the censors?
The German State and its msm propaganda arm has such a stranglehold over narratives that my German friend asked me if it was true because all they hear is that the UK population regrets Brexit and is eager to rejoin the EU! We are still demanding the Brexit we voted for and never got!
When Trump first entered the political arena in 2015 he simply gave plain-speak rallies that the populace could immediately understand and relate to. The elites here mocked and scoffed then too. And he won.
Then they mugged him relentlessly for four years, and used the Covid nightmare (mail in ballots) to rob him of his second term.
But he went into the wilderness to prepare for the battle of his and this country’s lifetime, and crushed them to smithereens, using ever more forceful and pointed plain-speak aimed at the demoralized populace.
Plain speak is also called truth. Know the truth and the truth will set you free.
JD’s speech to European populace was the same exact thing.
Right on point!
Vance is talking to the people who live in Europe rather than to the elite class
Exactly what Trump does here in the USA
The Werewolf Party! Brilliant! A line from Chris Bray's latest post: "The sun is coming up. Watch the vampires."
Euro citizens should rise up and go to Switzerland and demolish the WEF structure.