the woke virus infects the AMA
seducing the hopelessly mediocre with the magic words of dishonest domination
imagine you work in a field populated by highly skilled and educated experts. imagine that you are not one of them. you’re hopelessly mediocre, perhaps less than mediocre. you envy their success. you envy their high status and their thought leadership. you want those things for yourself but simply lack the virtues required to attain it.
you probably wind up some mid-level bureaucrat, not really going anywhere, not really terribly influential, not really listened to; stifled and stifling, just another cog in the apparatchik machine. but let’s say you aspire to more. you’d like more power, more influence, the ability to bend others to your will. you want to be high status.
now let’s say i could teach you a dozen or so magic words that would grant you all these things. merely speak them, and you get to jump right to the top, claim moral and social dominance, and make the rest dance to your tune. it requires no discipline, work, or talent, just a wanton disregard for facts and a willingness to bully others into submission to your aggressively implausible doctrine.
now there’s a product that would sell like hotcakes!
(or at least the way they used to sell before 30% of america started pretending to have celiac disease)
that product is “woke.” there’s a reason it’s suddenly everywhere and invading every corporate and institutional setting. it’s because it’s so seductive. learn the magic words:
systemic racism
ally with the oppressed
de-center and de-colonize
and you’re off to the races. these are the words of power, the words that let you attack any and all who disagree with you and refuse to let any of them respond. if you deny systemic racism, it just proves how systemic the racism is! it’s a game of “punch no punchbacks” played at the highest levels of influence and the meanest menial circumstance. it’s wonderfully fractal and self-similar that way. it works on any scale. you’re limited only by your own audacity.
so of course this is seductive. of course it’s everywhere all at once. it’s the brass ring for the hopelessly mediocre. it’s their chance at grabbing power. and until the virtuous and talented stand up to this doggerel of accusatory evangelism masquerading as social and increasingly as scientific policy, it’s just going to get worse.
it gets into the systems and it metastasizes. it renders rancid and dysfunctional any agency it touches, but scientific ones most of all because it subjugates science to tactical political expedience.
suddenly, you cannot discuss medicines or outcomes or differences. who suggested a treatment modality becomes more important than whether or not it works. whole fields are declared verboten because the political commissars do not like the direction in which the data points.
this leads to power, privilege, and plunder not for the talented and virtuous but for those possessed of the most cupidity and insincerity.
the goal is always to codify it and render such power structures permanent. as is nearly always the case, bastiat near perfectly encapsulated this idea nearly 200 years ago. times change, humanity doesn’t.
and so now we land at the AMA. let’s face it, the american medical association has never been an impressive group. it was always a nasty, grasping little hive of bureaucrats and their hangers on draped like an albatross around the neck of the guild system within a guild system that has become modern medicine. given the incentives above, can we really be surprised to see the woke pandemic go endemic there?
“The American Medical Association is a lobby of doctors that’s supposed to promote policies that improve public health and medicine. But it seems to be evolving into another arm of progressive politics, like the teachers unions. See the AMA’s policy-making meeting this week.
Delegates spent much of the time discussing systemic racism in health care and adopted guidelines for workplaces to establish training requirements for explicit and implicit bias and microaggressions. AMA trustee Willarda Edwards called systemic racism “the most serious barrier to the advancement of health equity and appropriate medical care.”
to describe this as hallucinatory would be charitable. it would, in all honesty, also be a better outcome. this is not misapprehension, it’s the weaponization of faux ethical and moral outrage. it’s deliberate. the tactical advantage comes first, working yourself up into a quivering and hostile ball of indignation comes later.
but it is, always and everywhere, about power.
“Delegates also voted to encourage social-media platforms to “crack down on medical misinformation,” including by “altering underlying network dynamics or redesigning platform algorithms.”
this is not about justice or reason or good faith or good will. this is just the latest evolution in the sociopath’s toolkit for bullying and intimidation. it’s classic marxist doctrine and praxis and as such, it appeals to the same mediocre 30th percentile gang that winds up parlaying running agrarian labor unions into getting a uniform that looks like captain crunch.
during covid, they learned this and developed a taste for it:
“Social-media platforms have been removing content by doctors who disagree with the progressive lockdown consensus or who suggest that the virus may have leaked from a Chinese lab. Many doctors say their videos recommending early treatment with repurposed antiviral drugs have been censored, including one from a Senate hearing.”
and now, with perfectly predictable perniciousness, they want more:
“ Social-media censorship suppressed debate on important issues during the pandemic, and the AMA wants to extend the information control to other health subjects. The new AMA policy would ostensibly encourage Facebook, YouTube and others to remove posts by doctors who question progressive orthodoxy on race and identity politics. “
this is not science. it’s not medicine. it’s a way to build and sustain a power base.
it is not intended to be reasonable, logical, or even sane.
the nastiness and complete divorce from reason and reality of such strictures is a feature, not a bug. the arbitrary nature of the doctrine means you must learn, submit, and comply by rote. it’s fundamentalist religion.
this is used to mask the monstrously invalid ethics and ethos that underpins it. it defines opposition to itself as unthinkable evil and this idea cannot be interrogated or disputed. (if it could, the lie would be exposed)
censorship and vilification are the tools that protect these dogmas from being revealed for the towering frauds they are.
and as long as we fear the winged monkeys of cancel tooo much to stand up and call this predatory twaddle by it’s name, it’s going to spread.
it’s a gospel for the third rate to take control that not only enables but justifies the desires of the most narcissistic and sociopathic among them to wield power over and bully others.
it is long past time this stopped. it’s farce becoming travesty.
fortunately, there are magic words that counter this narrative:
“no, it isn’t.”
your doctrine is circular, assumptive, and not rooted in fact. your defense of it is just an extended kafka trap aided and abated by the hectoring of critics into silence.
it’s amoral bullying pretending to be justice.
it’s the perpetuation and inflammation of racial tension by making everything about race and it has halted and reversed progress toward a real post-racial society where indeed we might be judged not by the color of our skin but the content of our character.
it’s patronizing mascotism and the casting down of those it purports to help into the permanent purgatory of the prison of low expectations.
it’s a blueprint not just for failure, but for anger about having failed.
this is not compatible with civilization, reason, or morality.
and your 15 minutes are up.
half the battle here is waking up to the gaslighting and getting over the fear of being attacked by the zealots. sure, it can be hard at first, but the alternative is this and more of this. it’s losing the enlightenment and a return to theocracy dressed up as the secular and the profane as the sublime.
it will stop science and medicine and government from working and elevate the mediocre and grasping above the virtuous and visionary. it will replace liberty with tyranny.
is that the road you want to go down? government by crybully?
give it some thought. the civilization you save may be your own.
ama has no credibility since Feb 2020...... covidian cathdral is consistent with cultural marxism in whatever brand.
The people the cathedral claims to represent are the very people who were most hurt by their NPIs that did nothing to stop the virus but destroyed lives and livelihoods.