Makes you wonder what is happening at the preclinical (animal testing) level if clinical studies are being shut down. I used to work at a preclinical laboratory so I know what all goes into a FDA submission and NORMALLY you have to run several preclinical studies dealing with safety, efficacy, abuse liability (is it addictive), neurotoxicity, reproductive and fertility, carcinogenicity, cardiovascular and pulmonary, just to name a few, before it is ever tested on humans. I am not aware of any preclinical studies that have been done on these vaccines. When I left the industry in 2017 there was no talk of mRNA vaccines being developed. If there had been, my laboratory would have been on the frontlines of this development. Seeing as it takes between 6-10 years to successfully bring a new drug to market, I am deeply deeply suspicious that shortcuts have been taken with these vaccines, and this is what I tell people when they ask why I am not getting any of them. I spent 37 years in this business and I was in a position to know.

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COVID epidemiology data clearly do not support a pandemic, as I showed in my book The Defeat Of COVID, but political events since early 2020 do show a clear, incremental path toward medical tyranny.

However, that doesn't mean that Scott Gottlieb was a saint for having left the FDA earlier. The FDA has long had an 80% personnel revolving door with pharma & fox-in-henhouse role for many decades. Gottlieb, predictably, moved from FDA to Pfizer's board, which may be somewhere down around the 9th ring of hell, but I'm dusty on my Dante there.

Your industry, gato malo, may not have suffered under Gottlieb, but such shenanigans as definitional changes that pushed nutrients into a "drug" category (503A & 503B) stomped on naturopathic doctors and compounding pharmacies, and happened under Gottlieb's watch, which served to make unfair regulatory competition, and was a clear violation of antitrust laws. Gottlieb got away with it, because FDA benefactor corporations have $$$$$ lawyers, and all we in natural medicine have is the gratitude of our patients and few $.

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Imagine if they simply dropped it. Just. Dropped it. Told people that this is endemic now. Move on. Manage it. Pointed doctors to the FLCCC for advice on therapies, and then got back to proper work. Can we all have that for Christmas? Please? Even though I'm not American, so much of the world takes its cue from you. Or used to. The alternatives (China-style) are just too awful to contemplate. Or the European descent into WW2-style tyranny. Or Australia's full-on dystopia.

In the meantime, the best gift we all need to be giving ourselves is the gift of improving our health and well-being. Looks as though this is going to be crucial, with medical research in tatters. Maybe this is the tiny, tiny sliver of silver lining in all this?

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Maybe folks will learn. Suppose we get a perfect FDA and humanity-loving doctors and researchers. If we got there tomorrow, I'd still never believe a damn thing they say. We'll never get there, we've never been there, as you point out.

My grandma, born in 1900, told me, "don't believe anything you hear and only half of what you see." She never saw the Internet. Go, and think likewise.

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If it promotes early death then it’s part of their policy. This is deliberate.

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Let's keep all of this simple: government is in the service of the people. Today's governments are NOT in the service of the people, quite the opposite obviously. Politicians are public SERVANTS, except today they serve the CIA, MIC, IIC, and BigPharma et al.

The FDA is extra-Constitutional, and wholly captured.

A Pair of Quotes For The PSYOP-19 Tyranny Era


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Blimey. This is yet another angle of this catastrophic clown shitshow I hadn’t considered. Add this to the estimated reduction of 1.9 years in life expectancy due to lockdowns (per a June 24, 2021, British Medical Journal study as reported by RFK).

Oh, and I can’t resist:

“South Coast Boutique. They’re having a fire sale?!”


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All of the exaggerated and repeated fear-based messages from the media and government agencies this past year were just part of the advertising campaign for the pharmaceutical industry’s newest lucrative product. Without the fear-mongering propaganda campaign no one would’ve noticed anything unusual about the last two flu seasons because there was nothing unusual, except for the criminal, murderous, and utterly unscientific lockdown policies in response to the non- existent threat.

The only “bio-weapons” to be worried about are the poisonous injections that have already been plunged into the bloodstream of millions of people, maiming and murdering countless thousands, including perfectly healthy people who face no risk from The Virus™ and now kids are in the cross hairs of these psychotic billionaires.

A lot of people aren't getting yet that the mRNA "vaccine" cash cow is going to be much bigger than "Covid."

Theoretically they could use a similar mechanism against any (invented) viral pathogen in existence, and now that they've gotten the tech to market and wiped out lengthy and costly safety trials they'll start going down the list. Investors are drooling.

Pharma-owned Governments will look to mandate the shots (or short of that, will use every form of coercion available to them) for entire populations.

Allowed to do it once they'll do it a thousand times. Every human being on earth, every human body will be tapped as an endless source of revenue for the Pharma ghouls and their investors.

This is the next epoch of medicine, which began by monetizing illness, proceeded to monetize health, and will now monetize the human body itself. The injections needn't be "efficacious" at all for this scheme to work.

The plan is for this to be a subscription model for endless mRNA injections. They want everyone to become human pincushions in order to line the pockets of The Pharma Cartel.

Normies are being led into a trap they'll never be able to escape, and they've been conditioned to reject a priori the possibility that people in power conspire to enrich themselves at the expense of the masses because it sounds too "conspiratorial" to them.

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I agree. It seems in the public eye that it is 'covid' that is blamed for all the problems, but of course it is not covid but the governmental and medical establishment reaction to covid. With the level of media and medical advice frenzy one would think that all the ICU's have been filled this whole covid time. I found out that in Ontario, Canada where I live that the ICU's at the highest point, May 1st, 2021, had about 25% of the ICU beds used for covid patients. That’s the highest, so mostly it was lower and usually a lot lower. With all the commenting in the media about overflowing ICU beds you would think there would have been a lot of reports about the total number of beds in Ontario. However, that number was difficult to find as no media source or medical source ever seemed to have that number. (At least in a search I did for ICU beds in Ontario). I found that information from the Financial Accountability Office of Ontario.

It looks like a lot of the cancelling of other medical treatments happened due to the idea that there was going to be so much disruption that those treatments couldn't be done. But those disruptions may not have ever happened or if they did were slight. So much lack of information here it is something the public will never know.


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According to the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989:7

“Whoever knowingly develops, produces, stockpiles, transfers, acquires, retains, or possesses any biological agent, toxin, or delivery system for use as a weapon, or knowingly assists a foreign state or any organization to do so, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for life or any term of years, or both. There is extraterritorial Federal jurisdiction over an offense under this section committed by or against a national of the United States.”

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Good thing legacy media keep focus on fear because side effects of policy would trigger full blown revolt if folks look beyond the single risk of COVID virus.

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This doesn't surprise me. Social Security offices, the local office that you go to to get things fixed if a problem develops, have been closed since March 2020. They push you to file your problem online, or call. This is to "protect their elderly population". Nothing gets fixed. We are entering the Soviet era for the US I guess.

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Obama and his world wide band of criminals - fundamentally transforming the US. The real insurrection occurred on November 3rd 2020

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This has directly effected me. OMEROS ..Symbol OMER

has a Drug called Narsoplimab for stem cell transplants. The FDA helped design the trial themselves. The drug blew away all agreed upon endpoints. Delayed PDUFA and a CRL.

It’s absurd and it’s costing lives.

Second...the fda isn’t running trials on other covid drugs.

ISPY trials are. Narsoplimab is in the ISPY trials ....It’s just taking forever.

However, it appears the drug works, also costing lives.


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...so this might be yet another opportunity for the Pfizer’s of the world to prey on small, illiquid outfits on the verge of fda approval...

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The last real head of the FDA left in April *2019*? That wasn't a typo? Was it 2020? If it was 2019, we should talk.

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