I’m not afraid of the air on planes, rather I’m afraid of flying on an aircraft flown by jabbed pilots + copilots.

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How can he possibly be a twitter expert? He doesn’t show a Ukraine flag 🇺🇦.

Best memes on the net EGM. Bravo.

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I'd say first that the class of person who'd prefer to cut his meat (or his tofu) with a butter knife because sharp things are scary should be purposefully caned every time he uses the term PTSD. This is what comes of deriding masculinity for two generations

I think actually that daycare is the abomination that largely brought us here. Regimented early childhood. Playtime in rigidly segmented--uh--blocks. Beating spontaneity out of children with no-sharp-edges foam bats.

And here we are. Everyone has learned to line up nicely for potty time.

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What a great dog video that is - you have to watch closely for him to descend the ramp under the sheep - after mission accomplished. Dogs, if I may say so, are "under served" at this site - Be That Dog!

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I think a lot of the "experts" started out as 50% worried, 50% cynical. As they became more famous and accreted power, they became 90% cynical. But as they kept on lying and lying, they started to believe their own lies. Now they are 100% out of touch with reality (technically, "crazy")

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And what about the "safe and effective" shots and "masks"? I'm sure he's taken all of his"boosters" and wears his face diaper religiously. If all of that works, one would think he has nothing to worry about. Good grief! 😳🙄

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That sheepdog is a rockstar! My kids loved that video!

I actually love that you posted this on Mother’s Day - it was yet another great reminder to keep on with the hard but immensely important work of raising my kids to be bold, think critically, and love well. IMHO one of the biggest reasons the sheep these days are so scared is because they don’t have authentic, secure relationships...thanks for coming to my TedTalk. 🤣

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After the "2 weeks to slow the spread", I've pretty much said every day that I trust gas station sushi more than I trust anyone in the medical community.

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This guy has nothing on Dr. Ashwin Vasan, the NYC Public Health Commissar: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-win-friends-and-influence?s=w

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No pronoun list?

The NPC's will be restless...

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I would never have guessed prior to 2020 the number of people in epidemiology and the health field in general that were closet hypochondriacs. What a wonderful feeling it must have been for them to finally be able to come out as their true selves and be praised for it.

And then here's me, whose recent health knowledge was gleaned off the internet from a bad cat and a gummibear (just to name two), running around since May of 2020 without a mask and not being concerned about being shoulder to shoulder with people. How am I still alive?

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Good golly…reading some of the comments on the Twitter thread from “professionals”. I may not ever go to a doctor again.

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Love your articles - so full of wit and sarcasm. Kabuki theater is a perfect term for all this nonsense. Here in NY people are very much attached to their masks. I guess they really don't want to go through mask separation syndrome, that's why they keep wearing them.

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Arguments from authority tend to fail when the supposed authorities lack auctoritas. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain, lest you realize what a deeply unimpressive man he really is.

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"Bureaucracy is an institution that exercises enormous power over you but with no locus of responsibility." - Aaron Kheriaty (as far as I can tell)

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"...the safety of numbers from which to hector under cover of credentialism."

I'm stealing that...

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