Next time someone asks DeSantis if he's running for President, he should say, "If the Federal government keeps on the way it's going, I may need to run for President of Florida."

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Truly. A total return to local authority, or secession. I don't see another way now. The Covid narrative has collapsed, but owing to the media, No One I know has come out of their hypnosis.

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A few are waking up, very slowly, from their coma, but it might take quite a while before they catch up with reality ! A (former) friend is about 17 months behind. Father is sometimes clear awake and then dozes back off into oblivion. Of course he is in his 80s and prefers to not think of all this, including the poison injected into his body.

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My father's now in the hospital with congestive heart failure from his enthusiastically-received poison, too.

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I'm sorry to hear that, friend. 😔

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It sucks a bunch. He rushed out to get his booster right before driving out to visit us, and then spent the entire week either lying in bed or in agony after walking 20 ft. By the end of the week he had read enough substack over my shoulder to admit it was almost certainly the booster that did it and that he'd encourage his girlfriend not to rush out and get hers.

Too little too late if this shit ends up murdering my dad.

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Oh my goodness, so very sorry to hear this. Hope he heals and has smart docs.

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I'm so sorry. I pray he gets appropriate treatment. Fight for it as it's your right to demand.

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I'm so sorry.

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I hope he gets exceptional care and recovery

I am sorry to hear this. My daddy is 98

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Dad is 82 and has been scared out of his mind of COVID since the beginning. Thankfully he has never bullied me about my position but until very recently it was strictly an off-limits topic if we wanted to maintain interaction.

It's going to be very hard for me not to go on the warpath if he ends up dying from this fucking poison.

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I don't think scaling back the federal government will ever happen until the country collapses (which just may be quite soon!), so secession or even just a total breakdown to separate states is possibly the way out.

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I fear you are correct.

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I am close enough to Florida. I am not fond of the wet and hot climate, but if worst comes to worst I will load up my stuff and move there.

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The Panhandle is very nice and the climate is better than areas farther south. I really like the area around Destin. If you need to live closer to a large city for work opportunity, Tallahassee is also nice.

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you can eat alligator meat. Forget about gates' fake burger crap!

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If Gates eats the stuff he wants everyone else to eat, well, his physical being isn't a very good advertisement for said food. He's very sickly looking IMO.

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hah! agree... vampires don't die...they need to have the stake driven in...

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Agree. 2 months ago I found out he is only 3 years my senior. He looks at least 15 years older

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I would not even think of eating lab grown burgers!

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they say it can be cultivated from a person's cheek swab (not your own). Ewwww!!!

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oh lord ! I rather go for the gator !

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No doubt! And I will happily apply for citizenship in the great country of Florida.

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Time for a new Constitutional Convention. California & New York are not invited.

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Just got back to SF from an all-too-brief Texas trip, where the diners & the servers were unmasked, people were friendly all over, and the bouncers on 6th St. in Austin were actively trying to coax us into the bars w/promises of $3 shots. The bouncers in the Bay Area actively check your papers. Hmm, I wonder why CA just lost a congressional seat, while Texas & Florida gained one?

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the mask cities having to actively all the no gains they realize as compared to the not-masked is starting to signal to me we have not idiots but bad actors

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that was supposed to say ignore but i'm only halfway through my first coffee ☕

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They would not allow it. We are still playing by the rules while they are not. Do you really think we will vote them out come November 2022? Grow up.

If you read some blogs from Venezuela, you see writers still trying to use the legal system to fix things and seemingly unaware that those in power are cleaning their guns.

Tyrants everywhere will hold on to power unless it is ripped forcibly from their hands. And even then they come back. Look at Nicaragua, Russia, etc.

We are, I'm afraid, in a fight for our lives.

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Unlikely to happen but mass non compliance and if that doesn't work bring the country to a halt with a work outage and make it a game of bad cat and mouse. State governors will have to respond and take control at that point? If you can get through the shocking pictures of smallpox in the below Dark Winter scenario, it's interesting the discussion of using the military, martial law, etc. This is from 2002 so they've been planning these scenarios for a very long time. They've been practicing these scenarios for a very long time. This in my opinion is a planned attack by our government and governments across the world. We the people never did scenarios where our government is no longer for the people and beholden to the people and how do we respond to this? Together we stand, divided we fall.


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Kick California & New York out of the Union. Without those two states, the libs are toast. Washington, Oregon, and Massachusetts can then secede if they want to. Nobody wants morons in our new Union.

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If California leaves and China befriends California and builds bases there, what then?

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Red line. We'd nuke Sacramento before allowing the Chinese in.

Of course, I'm sure China would be amenable to trading our non-interference in Taiwan with their non-interference in California. So easy peasy.

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I have an idea—virtual state citizenship! We choose our state virtually and abide by the laws associated with that state, pay into/benefit from the taxes of that state, and so on. In which case, I’m a virtual Floridian!

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I'm from Colorado but I identify as a Floridian.

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Geography is so yesterday. :)

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Hey we New Yorkers aren't ready to surrender MSM just make it look that way. Just because most live in penthouses and don't see us even when we fill the streets doesn't mean NYC is out of the resistance game! :~)

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Sure hope you are correct. But then again hope is not a strategy. 🤪

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No hope is not a strategy but is is fuel for the fight. The strategy is do not comply and unite with folks around you to spread the truth and unite the resistance. Put feet in the street and renew your faith and add action to words pushing back! :~)

NYC Oct 18 https://www.flickr.com/photos/pameladrew/albums/72157720064208307

NYC Nov 3 https://www.flickr.com/photos/pameladrew/albums/72157720114562676

more in albums with last week yet to be uploaded

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unless it's for boosters!!!

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That is why everyone there got sick. Too many people too close together in unhealthy conditions

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I think it was nursing homes and also ventilator use. Remember when early in 2020 everyone was screaming about ventilators and Cuomo was getting extras? And then when people started noticing that almost no one came off of ventilators? (alive, anyway).

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Wrong. The problem wasn't spread of illness it was immunity for care homes from Cuomo and COVID patients stuffed in to increase death rates. New Yorkers are more active as a function of life with subway stairs and dragging all our purchases as opposed to folks who drive everywhere. NYC is no dirtier or germier than any mall in the hinterlands.

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I would agree with the exercise, but I wonder how healthy it is to exercise with all that bad air and fumes around? From all big cities I have been, one of the only that felt manageable was Denver CO. Benzene is a know carcinogene, and cities abound with it. Only look at LA covered in clouds of smog.

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NYC is an ocean front island & our air is a lot cleaner than herbicide soaked agricultural areas. That's not to say the Hampton's don't breathe purer air than we do but car fumes are far from the most toxic pollution we are exposed to. Dubbya Bush shut down EPA TRI data collection in 2002 but impossible to believe it's because things have gotten better. In 2020 UC shut down the scorecard database.

"Over 4 billion pounds of toxic chemicals are released by industry into the nation's environment each year, including 72 million pounds of recognized carcinogens." Most widely used chemicals lack basic testing to identify harm these are just the few recognized, typically as a result of lawsuits.


"If an industrial chemical is allowed by law to be released into the environment, most people assume that it must have been tested and evaluated for its potential risks. Unfortunately, this is simply not true. Keeping chemical hazards under control requires information about what kinds of hazards each chemical poses. If the basic tests to check on a chemical's toxicity haven't been conducted, or if the results aren't publicly available, current laws tend to treat that chemical as if it were perfectly safe."


Factory farm %$#@ https://web.archive.org/web/20101231203401/http://scorecard.goodguide.com/env-releases/aw/

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100% Gato

Please recognize that the federal government has usurped power from the states by using the imprimatur of scotus to brand these incursions with legitimacy.

IMHO, there is no rule of law in America and the courts are effectively useless. The only way back is to use the apparatus of a state to fight this tyranny by protecting its citizens from the depredations of fedgovinc

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At least some of the courts there are willing to rule against the Government, here they're just rolling over and letting them do whatever the hell they want

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The courts are the government.

Just because some are making the right decisions doesn’t make it any better.

In fact, the different decisions reflect the arbitrary nature of the process. This, of course, is a hallmark of tyranny.

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"Fedgovinc". Excellent term. Hope you don't mind if I use it, VC.

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1,000 people per day moving to Florida. As a SW FL resident I ask you to stay where you are and change it rather than overpopulate the Free State of Florida. Thank you.

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I used to say the same thing about California.

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And me about Colorado. Now it’s Texas, Idaho, Montana and Tennessee that are being Californicated. The movers have a disconnect with ruining a perfectly good state by bringing with them the crappy governance they supported in the ruined state they just left.

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and I did say the same about Virginia....

waaay too many toxic liberals in this state now.

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DeSantis gets it => Extreme Federalism

FTA below: "Extreme federalism is a reaffirmation of the original intent of the United States constitution, and we do not need F-15s and nuclear weapons to achieve it. What we need is strong–will, brave state-level leadership and unrelenting citizen determination. We The People are the people we have been waiting for."


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Federalism is a brilliant idea. It's the only way a large, diverse, melting pot of a country can stay together as a country.

Of course, Progressives ruined it. IMO it's the greatest argument against Progressivism. If Leftists ideas actually worked, you'd want to prove it at the State level and leave the dumb deplorables to suffer in their freedoms.

But, they know it doesn't work, so they need it to be universal and universally miserable.

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Isn't it sort of weird how the Ds have been in charge for decades in places like Baltimore, Detroit, Seattle, San Francisco, Chicago, and Portland, yet those are the places nobody wants to go.......

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weird and trenchant

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That is why there are 18 enumerated powers (a lot more if you count Congressional powers) in the Constitution. The founders were well aware of the pitfalls of a vast federal government. The States themselves have ceded power over time to the Feds when the squishy, cowardly State leaders wanted to absolve themselves of doing the hard tasks of governance. The SC has also been guilty of political interpretation rulings rather than following the Constitution. This nation is in a world of hurt and the need of States to take back their power is paramount for the country, as a whole, to survive.

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the people who sit at the heads of many states are all in the fiat sellout cushy nerf life

they sellout their constituents for federal fiat, it's nefarious even if they don't know what they do, see it at all levels

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Maybe DeSantis could get a law passed that Florida will collect all Federal Income tax and FICA taxes from Floridians (just like businesses collect sales taxes) and then the State of Florida would vote on how much to pay the Feds. That would be a powerful movement in the direction of State sovereignty. This would eliminate the Federal Government’s ability to blackmail Florida by withholding funds. Instead, Florida could withhold funds from the Fed for: Florida’s Senior Citizens Social Security payments; military base operations; as punishment for flying illegals into the State, and withholding lifesaving COVID medication…etc…

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I think many people in Florida don't understand how good they have it. They enjoy the freedom and the outcomes of their governor being a total bad*ss fighter for them, but don't understand it. I'm not sure I really have (I live in another conservative state full of conservative people with globalist leaders barely able to conceal it). But I have family living in Mass and Ca. Frankly I don't know how they have kept businesses open there. Between the govt and Karens it is a mess. No wonder the crime and suicide rates are up.

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As a FL resident I'll tell you everyone knows how good they have it but those of the blue persuasion feel the need to take a holier than thou approach to life. Rather than just get on with living they insist on telling anyone they can to get the injection and to wear a mask.

They are like clowns after the show is over. Sitting around the dressing room half undressed but still with face makeup on. Smoking a cigarette and wondering if their life took a wrong turn somewhere. But that is too difficult a question to actually answer so tomorrow they put their faces back on and go out and perform the routine again.

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I am here in Florida right now reading your funny and sadly insightful comment to my SIL. Totally agree. I cannot sort how they don't see if they give essential bodily freedom away their freedom to do whatever they think conservatives want to keep them from doing doesn't amount to much. We are here with about 50 ppl in our group ranging from 84 to 13 with all ranges of political belief. There have been lots of discussions about freedom. Conservatives outnumber the liberals, we are the ones armed with information versus their emotion and we generally keep it civil unless someone dips too heavily into the scotch. So - hope we have a few converts by Saturday nite!! Won't be reading your comment to the sad clowns tho.

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how do you smoke a cigarette with a mask on. ew

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With a painted on frown and a blue tear at the cheek.

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Also what the Founding Fathers wanted, but as Robert Burns so aptly said "The best laid schemes o' mice an' men...", and that's why we have cats to keep both on a tight rein.

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Apparently Pelosi appreciates this sentiment as I read she just purchased a mansion in FL.

It seems many are thinking of DeSantis as president, I know I am and I don’t live in FL. The contrast of what he offers compared to Brandon is massive.

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Thank heavens for our control groups FL and Sweden or we’d be doomed, it took courage

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This was, again, was due to Gov DeSantis taking the risk, rightfully and bravely.

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The problem is that everyone wants a part of success and then they vote for broken. People can’t conceive of leaving what works alone.

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Just as our Founders intended. I’m all for Freedom, Liberty, equal justice and accountability- four things all statist disdain.

I do find it ironic and hypocritical, but not surprising, Nasty Nancy P has purchased a new residence in Desantisland. Go Ron Go!!

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It was once called the Articles of Confederation.

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In Australia they already have the answer to that: close the state borders. Seriously, nobody can come into Queensland now (not even Qld residents) unless they meet some pretty extreme criteria.

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Turns out democracy requires something from the citizens now and then: vote with your feet.

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Here in Australia our state leaders are already running the show. Problem is, they're a bad crop and are trying to outdo each other for the tyrant of the year award.

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if anything i am seeing about what is going on in australia is true...so f'd up, and canada is not far behind. and, if what i am witnessing is true, you all are more seriously screwed than us (though coming for us soon).

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From what I've been hearing about Canada, I'm not actually sure who has it worse, it seems like the petty in charge are having a race to the bottom

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I don't know that any self-respecting Tyrant would like to associate with any of them!

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You're right. I should've called them petty tyrants.

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I think you might be Ayn Rand reincatnated...and I'm purrrfectly okay with that!

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I was just checking home prices in florida .... holy cow. A falling down mobile home for $200k!

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Know what the Median home price in California is? look it up, I dare you.😉

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Oh I know! I left California seven years ago because I knew I could never buy a house there! It's just outrageous.

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Closed on my home in SW FL Oct 2019. It is valued 42% higher now than when I bought it.

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Lucky you! Lucky Florida!

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"I am DeCaptain now."

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Not sure why you publish a chart with two curves on a scale going from 6 to 20 and another one from 40% to 50%.

I see these sort of baseless charts all the time and find them very misleading at best. I would not expect to see them on your posts. I would like to keep respecting you and your writings.

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We could always return to the Articles of Confederation. Strip the central government of all taxing authority and no more Supremacy Clause. Problems solved.


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So your idea is that citizenship and immigration should be handled at the state level rather than having national borders, with each state having their own version of ICE to patrol its borders and vet refugees coming in from other states or countries? Would each state have its own visa types and requirements?

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He should run on a States Rights platform. No one has tried that in a while. Blue state voters who are happy with their Governors and Mayors should be supportive.

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50 laboratories of innovation!

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Yes! Super glad to be a property owner & regular visitor to the free state of Florida. It’s not so bad anywhere in the Southeast, if you get out of the big blue cities. However, Florida has been a real place of respite from the insanity. Who knew? Maybe the NASCAR & SEC nation folks will be the ones to save us.

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I agree. It seems things might be heading in that direction anyway.

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let's go brandon, biden and democrats are culpable in the wuakesha terror attack...

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That WOULD be a thing. The frightening thing is FL was looking like it was leaning toward sweet-faced morally vacuous Andrew Gillum right before the election. https://gellerreport.com/2020/04/police-release-sickening-photos-video-of-andrew-gillums-hotel-room-scene-drugs-feces-vomit-etc.html/

States now well run could be dumpter fires if the election goes South. And since dead ppl vote - esp Marxist dead...

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Regarding vaccinated superspread hypothesis:


can i send you the jupyter notebook?

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Incidences are what? Covid cases or vaxxidents?

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Some states could try slavery, and some could try freedom. Let the competition between states begin. Ah, the good old days, before Abe fettered the power of the states.

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city-states ftw.

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Eastern Germans actually voted down their communist government with their feet! In fall 1989, their Trabant plastic cars flooded Prague. The refugees flocked to the Western German Embassy in Prague and the Berlin Wall started crumbling down. Tyrants can't rule over empty cities.

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I was thinking in the same thing. We need stronger states rights.

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Any questions?

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How low can Brandon's ratings go?

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The world needs to build back better & reset without the Elites.


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We shouldn't call them "Elites". I know you mean it as a pejorative, but we need to call them what they are...scum...and not what they like to call themselves.

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What is it with "unionization" of anything, anyway?

States, employment ?

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This is how we get through the division in our country.

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It already is a thing. (But I guess you knew that.)

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it really isn't.

most of your taxes and regulations are federal. and the federal purse dominates the states.

you can move from CA to FL, but you're still paying the same federal income tax, FICA, etc. it's the same OSHA and EPA and DOE.

this keeps the variance small where it should be vast.

even leaving the US is incredibly difficult. you can leave the country, but to give up citizenship is HARD. it's expensive, cumbersome, and requires affirmative permission. you cannot just turn in a passport and say "bye."

right now, you cannot even run the process. i know several people trying.

they are simply not processing the paperwork to let people leave.

that's not a great sign...

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Bingo. The Feds shouldn't be able to tax individuals. Imagine that! All of a sudden the Feds have to get $$ from the states. All the special interest and lobbies are reduced reduced to 50 -- or 57, depending on which president is counting. Has Joe counted recently?

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It would be like a loose federation of almost-countries, that share a currency and have free trade and travel. Almost like some kind of ...United....States...

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Agreed, federal government will always get its pound of flesh. I am working hard not to slip entirely into cynicism here. OSHA, income taxes, FICA and etc. represent more pounds of flesh in big-government states where everyone is either working for the man or a ward of the state. States that encourage capitalism, small business and entrepreneurship can still offer a substantial shift for many since free-enterprise focuses on wealth accumulation rather than personal income and small businesses are subject to far fewer federal regulations than are big businesses.

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i do find watching what's going on in the us to be extremely interesting. answer me this: is an unvaxxed person able to freely travel through the us by air or rail, as well as leave the country? just a curious canadian...

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