The New Abnormal can't appear in my rearview mirror fast enough, so I am disobeying everywhere I can.

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My teen girls (15, 17) went on to a scouting camporee this past weekend. I’ve been trying hard to give them “normal” from the beginning (which is a little easier since we homeschool), but between friends whose parents are in the Covid cult, and activities that are run by people who pass the buck (“we would prefer not to make the kids wear face coverings, but the host organization says...” and if it isn’t the host organization, it’s the city, the county, the state, or the CDC) they definitely have had an isolated, abnormal year. I was excited to let them go to this because the camp director put out the info and chose to explicitly say “Masks will not be required or necessary at any time during the weekend. While anyone who wants to wear them is allowed to, if you feel strongly that others should be wearing them, this is not the camporee for you.”

They usually come home from camp tired and muddy, but this year (despite being tired and muddy) they were so joyful and energized at HOW NORMAL everything was. They got to hug friends, sit next to people, eat, drink, laugh, and even slog through an entire chilly rainy foggy day WITH other people, and they loved every moment of it. I can guarantee no one will be sick in two weeks (maybe a few colds now from the damp, cold weather, but certainly no SARS-CoV-2), and yet not a single adult who went will conclude “hey, maybe our kids can behave like normal human beings and that will be okay.” It’s maddening how so many fail to see how stupid this stuff is, and how damaging it is.

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That this is a beautiful story is messing with my head a little...but it is SO true! We went into our favorite Mexican restaurant after a mtn bike ride in Cochise Co., Az a few weeks ago and found the hostess and most servers (choice was given) maskless. I threw kisses at our server and told her it was so great to see her smile again. She was, along with myself, ecstatic, and was truly loving her job that day. The place was packed also....yes! There is only, and should ever be, the OLD normal. EFF the "new normal" some are still touting....I never accepted it in the first place and am glad I did not! So glad people are defying stupidity!

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Thanks for the story. Went to church carnival in Tampa, and all the rides and junk food were mask FREE ! Tons of folks with families; so good to see normal.... even in very blue Tampa

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In defiance of local ordinance and just tiredness of B.S., I went into my local grocery store yesterday, without my mask. (I was wearing a gaitor around my neck, just in case.) No one said a thing. I admit to feeling oddly afraid--the power of programming is strong--but I was determined to not follow any more B.S. It was a welcome change. And yet, right on the heels of your inspiring story, and my tiny step of pseudo-bravery, the CDC issued new guidance for summer camps (https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/public-global-health/550199-cdc-issues-new-guidance-for-summer-camps) this past weekend. Children, never really in danger from SARS-CoV-2, at summer camp, should stand 3 feet apart? How can these idiots keep spouting off flawed crap despite the actions and results of places like Texas and Florida? (Rhetorical. Assholery does not care about data or facts.)

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It's psychological warfare by the elites on the people they are supposed to be representing and leading. They want to make people mentally (and physically) sick so they have no energy to fight. That is about the only conclusion a logical person can reach about all this.

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Great to hear. I wish we could - here in the North Korea UK totalitarian state, we are limited to sitting outside freezing our arses off in one of the coldest Springs for years, with bars/restaurants/pubs running at a loss & complete nonsense rules on not being able to even pay inside (unlike of course in the big chain coffee shops & McDonald's, Burger King etc), a situation which heaps even more misery on our poor restaurant and pub landlords & staff (a lot of our pubs etc are in areas with bad/no WiFi - making payment outside impossible). We have passed herd immunity in the UK, deaths, hospitalizations etc are at incredibly low rates; & of course it has been proved that 2020 excess deaths were no worse than a bad flu year.

100s of 1000s of concerned people living in the UK peacefully marched on Saturday to protest against the ruinous and fatal effects of the now 3rd major lockdown, and against discriminatory vaccine passports. Our dreadful mainstream media ignored all of it - they're worse than bloody Pravda.

Wish I could move to Florida or South Dakota :-(

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it's the same here. bars are still closed by law, restaurants at 30% capacity, and there is a 9pm mandatory closure time followed by a 10pm curfew. masks are required everywhere, even outdoors. every store of restaurant makes you run through the pantomime of taking your temperature and disinfecting your hands before you can walk in.

what this place was doing was illegal.

but when laws are immoral, civil disobedience becomes a civic duty.

i'm aim to continue doing my duty.

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Just come, Biden isn't exactly deporting illegal immigrants and, who knows, you might get amnesty, too.

I'm in Massachusetts, land of the mask fanatics. Our governor, a supposed Republican, has been following the authoritarian Fauci policies though he's not as bad as NY or CA. The one saving grace is that there is a massive loophole in the masking policy. Businesses cannot boot you from their stores if you claim a mask exemption and they cannot inquire what the reason is or require proof. Some businesses were banning exemptions and offering curbside service as an alternative but that's illegal. I believe this loophole only came about because someone sued but you'd never hear about it in the local newspapers.

I've been going to neighboring New Hampshire for dining because Massachusetts requires ridiculous masking rules for restaurants. I went to a fancy dinner where we had to mask up between courses, that did it for me. In NH, they might have you wear a mask to your table but once seated, you are free for the entire meal. NH eliminated their mask mandate but many localities still enforce it.

I have to say I've been extremely disappointed with how so many conservatives kowtowed to the pandemic hysteria. Particularly now with the obvious evidence that a re-opened economy and schools and no masks is the way to go and has been for months. I'm flabbergasted with Boris Johnson and the Tories totalitarian response to Covid in the UK as well as the conservatives in Canada.

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I was a lifelong Conservative voter (not because I have ever agreed with all their policies but because they have always been the least worst option in a field of dreadful choices, including Jeremy Corbyn's completely woke infested lunatic Labour Party, and that hasn't got any better under Starmer). I will never ever vote for them again, they are no longer Conservatives, they are totalitarian, lying fascists. A few Conservative MPs like Sir Charles Walker have valiantly tried to hold them to account, sadly without much impact.


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I got through Costco without a mask until the very end until someone asked me to put it on. I'm hoping more people will see it and stop wearing these things.

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They know masks don't stop airborne transmission. They know asymptomatic spread is not a thing. They know this virus is not dangerous for most people. They know the pandemic, such as it was, is over.

I'm of two minds on this. On the one hand, I don't want to cause the workers any problems. It's not their fault and most want to ditch the mask theatre. On the other hand, I'm so friggen' tired of the masks and the lies.

So many are afraid. So many are broken. Cognitive dissonance is a way of life. When I've confronted people with truth and facts, online or in real life, they often become hostile.

Last week, after the MIT "study" came out, I commented on an article by TheHill on Fakebook, "They forgot to mention that cloth face coverings and surgical masks don't stop airborne virus." The liberals lost their minds. Seriously, folks, if it doesn't matter whether you six feet or six hundred feet from someone infected with the virus, then none of the NPIs are effective.

They kept insisting that the virus was transmitted via droplets and wasn't airborne, so I posted a link to the CDC page on viral transmission. They just couldn't put two and two together. Finally, I told one woman that her information was horse manure. I asked her if the CDC told her to jump off a cliff to avoid the coronavirus, would she do it...'cause that would actually work. She reported me to the Fakebook police who threw me in Fakebook jail for 24 hours for hurting her feelings.

I've had posts blocked. I've had my ability to post blocked. But I've never been thrown in Fakebook jail before. I should consider it a badge of honor...'cause it is...but it's disturbing to see how many people are deluded. Do they represent the majority of society? It's hard to know because of censorship.

I put my mask on right before I enter an establishment and take it off immediately outside. Last week, I forgot to put it on and walked into a building. I dutifully used the hand sanitizer and waited for the temperature check. When the employee came over with a thermometer and a mask, I realized and put my mask on. Like I said, I don't want to cause problems for people who aren't responsible for the madness.

If I knew of a place where they are happy to break the rules and risk the consequences, I would happily travel to support them.

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Kudos for using the appropriate name, "Fakebook." "...threw me in Fakebook jail for 24 hours for hurting her feelings." That brought tears of laughter! Hang in homie, you ain't alone.

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What people are not really understanding in this time of temporary infatuation with social media and virtual reality and very rich people's lives and apparent wisdom, is that, for the very first time in probably a few thousand years, we have stopped enjoying concerts / live theatre, community singing, impromptu meetings and group joy/anger etc - something our forbears never stopped through wars, famines, plagues. We have no idea how that will mess with future society, but it's not going to be a positive.

The best thing we can do from a pubic health point of view is decide these purely idiotic attacks on social and psychological health don't exist and act normally, as we always would have if there was a bit of a nasty respiratory bug going around but most of us are not at risk (which is, despite the hype, exactly where we data tells us we are). And save what 3000 years of cultural development handed to us, in preference for 10 years development of a virtual culture fed by people who seem, from a humanistic point of view, remarkably empty.

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Apr 19 1775, a British regiment left Boston to seize arms in Concord, Ma. You have to take your liberty!

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It’s like that at our lawn bowls club in South Africa. There are still some members that won’t play bowls because we aren’t wearing masks, but they are in the minority. We have got to get our old lives back

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God bless that bar's owner for having the courage, and the fearlessness. My local dive in Chicago was rumored to have been secretly open throughout. Alas, now that they're actually open, they've created such a militant atmosphere that it's unwelcoming. Decommissioned bar stools are marked with skulls and crossbones to remind you that people could die if you sit next to someone. You may drink your liver poison and gorge on pizza and burgers all you want. But whoa to he who stands without mask or sits more than four to a booth: the wrath of the waitstaff shall fall upon you, hard. It's so sad how the fear pervades among those who would benefit so much from moving past it. I'd have gladly joined them in civil disobedience; instead I'll be 86'd for stepping up to the bar for another pint.

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In a state where almost all legal restrictions were removed awhile ago, I have been in 1 retail business where they were not”required or strongly recommended”, which equals about 97% people are masked. That business may or may not have been affiliated with 2A. Correlation...

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Went to The Machine Shed twice last week. It was quite crowded during the Sunday morni g rush. It was wonderful to visit with friends in person. Our church has been open in person since last summer. We do wear masks and socially distance, but even so it’s been wonderful to be with people. My husband and I haven’t locked down our lives much.

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Loud music is why I don't spend time in those places. If you want to have a conversation, I don't like shouting and saying "what?"

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Neither do I, Harry. I don't like having to shout in a place with loud music. But the point of the article is that those who like that environment should not be forbidden to go there.

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Nowhere have I heard anybody say that by not interferring any more with Darwin's discovery, the global warming problem may be solved.

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