Now Government cooked a crisis; and Man came in from watching the news, and he was weary. And Man said to Government, “Please protect me with that same safety, for I am afraid.” Therefore his name was called NPC.

But Government said, “Sell me your liberty as of this day.”

And Man said, “Look, I am about to die; so what is this liberty to me?”

Then Government said, “Swear to me as of this day.”

So he swore to him, and sold his liberty to Government. And Government gave Man bread and circuses; then he consumed product, arose, and went his way. Thus Man despised his liberty.

-Book of Tyranny 27:29-34

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Great. Please write a whole series of these.

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agree. Well done. Except Wesley Hoyle does not know if he is "going to write anything here"

I agree, he ought to get started

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The big difference between selling your liberty to the State and selling your soul to the devil is the latter actually holds up his end of the bargain.

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If you ever wondered why the prohibition on worshiping false gods? Now you know ;-).

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Excellent “biblical” example

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Put not your trust in princes.

~ Psalm 146:3

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wasn't Liberte sold to Dannon?

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I worked at NSA for over twenty years and I endorse this interpretation.

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While I pressed the like button, I really hate what you said because I agree. We are on a slippery slope. I have been telling friends and family that I am an enemy of the state for the past 2 years. So be it

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Look kids, there is no slippery slope here. It's a cliff. It only takes one step and it has already been taken. Prepare for impact.

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this new misinformation board sounds an awful lot like how the Inquisition got started. just sayin'.

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Nah. They lack the colorful robes and fancy hats. totally different ;-)

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"americans go bananas when they think they are being attacked on their own soil. this is a false flag they’ll follow anywhere."

FACT. I support peoples' right to own whatever weapons they want. But in my travels around the globe, I've found that despite being so well-armed as to be able to fight off literally any invading army even without a standing one of their own, Americans act like terrified ninnies. No other population possesses this level of generalized fear of all kinds of bogeymen, even though the primary enemy has always been the government itself.

Mindset is everything. The weapons themselves are useless if you're terrified you won't win.

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May 4, 2022·edited May 4, 2022

A fake food crisis being useful doesn't exclude a manufactured food crisis from also being useful so I'm not yet convinced one way or the other.

Think about terrorism. We've had fake terrorism scares over fake terror threats and we've had fake terrorism scares over actual incidents stretching back at least as far as Oklahoma city and the anthrax letters.

Or disease. We've had fake epidemic scares over nothing with swine flu or zika and fake epidemic scares over serious disease like ebola.

Bread lines would be a powerful means of disarming protests against say "temporary emergency powers" and suspension of elections to deal with the "Russian threat" to election integrity and the food supply. In short, the fake food supply crisis could be warm up for an actual food supply crisis. One thing we can say for sure is that actually starving people wouldn't bother the conscience of those who come up with these ideas.

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Great observation!

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Yes, I’m watching these almost funny reports of avian flu coming out. Another fear mongering IMO by MSM. I’m waiting for them to find an excuse to blame Trump too for both that and the food shortage.

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Oklahoma was a "real" terror attack? Anthrax letters were a "real" terror attack? 🙃

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Real as in stuff happened rather than totally fabricated. I specifically chose those for a reason that I think you understand.

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No, I did not understand which is why I was puzzled by your designation of fake and real. I assume you mean that, e.g., Oklahoma was a real attack but not by the groups that we are told did it.

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You're right. I should change it to something more clear.

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Well, I don't know, it might have just been me overthinking it. 😉

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“invented hobgoblins can always be thwarted by simply ceasing the illusion.”

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I read somewhere that the Pfizer data dump happened yesterday. Can anyone confirm that?

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Attorney Aaron Siri is leading the fight for release - his Twitter link here - https://twitter.com/aaronsirisg/status/1521325815836803073?s=21&t=s6R-kXIptgMNrJL1V9cESA

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May 4, 2022·edited May 4, 2022

Yes. https://phmpt.org/pfizers-documents/

And thank you to someone on substack that provided that. I had forgotten the link and it was on one of yesterday’s Paul Alexander posts I think.

Keep this link. It’s being used when Pfizer downloads.

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Thank you all!

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Excellent analysis! As for me and my house, we plan to continue questioning *everything* and be rationally suspicious of it all. I don't think there's a right or wrong answer to anything going on, especially after what we've seen done over the last two+ years. The answer, IMHO, is always "all of the above". If "they" *can* do something, they either are doing it, or will do it eventually. As far as all of us out here in the ether are concerned: may cooler heads prevail. I think it's important to stay frosty and not let down our guard for fear of being called a conspiracy theorist. We see what not thinking a bit outside the box did for us in 2020. Never again.

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I don’t think we need to be “afraid” of being called a conspiracy theorist for a couple reasons. But I agree with being “frosty”. I DO think we have plenty of ammo, esp now a we are actually visibly seeing evidence of jab adverse effects and last year even late we were laughed down for suggesting it. The sheer numbers IMHO are convincing some people, not all yet however. But even that was a conspiracy theory last year. So many other things have been proven and even though we haven’t 100 % proven Wuhan lab creation, too many flags point directly to GOF. The other side laughs but some of their laughter and derision looks highly ridiculous and/or nervous. Others (like the disinformation czar look fearfully insane, literally insane.... have you seen her videos?).

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‘when is the last time the government was not “waging a war”’

Yep, it’s inevitable: every declaration of a waron is immediately followed by the erosion of rights and a renewed plundering of the treasury. And the most mysteriously mystifying mystery is that the waron never ends. I wonder why.

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The waron is a warren, a nigh endless maze of passageways or small rooms.

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That's a clever scenario and it would probably work. Only problem is that in this case, they aren't (yet?) running with the narrative that food processing plant fires are Russian sabotage. Instead they're mostly ignoring them, and the attention on the subject is mostly being maintained by independent media, with the favored culprit being Schwab et al.

If anything that's evidence that they're not as smart as they (want us to) think they are.

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May 4, 2022·edited May 4, 2022Author

be grateful they are not terribly smart.

imagine what they might get up to if they were.

OTOH, scare tactics like this work best with a "great reveal" where you let the story run and then suddenly show up one day and say "we just found proof this was an attack!"

works best if you ignored or even pooh-poohed it previously.

you use the minor appearance of chagrin on "oh, the conspiracists were right" to make your acceptance of the false narrative look reluctant.

that will set the hook good and hard in the mouth of the opposition. your fishing them in feels like a victory to them.

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Fair point. That worked like a dream with the lead-up to coronavirus.

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Perhaps the whole "upcoming famine" is simply a control technique for the right, like "Q Anon." Something to keep people on the right afraid and busy, so they don't do anything... unwanted by the regime.

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May 4, 2022·edited May 4, 2022

It's possible. It is strange how the administration is talking about upcoming "food shortages" as an inevitability yet doing nothing to relieve it.

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Yeah, I've thought this too. Every "current thing" seems to work to keep right AND left distracted. Joe Rogan, Elon Musk, Ukraine, Roe, blah blah blah. They know the elections are approaching and want to keep people from reading their ballots. Anyone who hasn't seen how the cycles work by now is just...hypnotized?

And how much of the economy has been being juiced by preppers? Who are also on both sides (just libs would never admit it out loud but I know a few with extra freezers, arms, bug-out locs, etc.). I'm guessing a fair amount.

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I keep thinking if these crises are real, culprits aren't foreign actors -- but 'domestic' ones, eager to weaken us for more control. Hungry people are desperate people. But, then, I'm just an old lady who has been astounded, angered, disillusioned, and sometimes even shocked at events since 2015-16. The 2020 election and subsequent events have made me believe just about anything is possible.

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I think it's the US government doing everything (paying for it to be done).

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Wasn’t it Obama himself who said Russia was not a concern in the debate with Mitt Romney? Now that’s all the left can talk about.

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Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia.

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So, I like to be clear on these things, our Govts lie to us about supposed, but illusory and made-up threats and fears, so they can accumulate powers, to overcome and deal with the imaginary problems, they made up? Kind of increases your respect for Hitler, who just rocked up and said 'that's it, I'm running the place', rather than insist on a tango first.

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Hitler's regime had its own pretty extensive set of illusory and made-up threats and fears, though. Funny enough, those likewise revolved around (1) paranoid pseudoscience about contamination and infection and (2) Russia.

(Well, maybe "funny" is the wrong word, but current events have a certain "the second time as farce" quality.)

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They even had a German version of the false 1/6 attack!

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“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary.”

― H.L. Mencken

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If it provides any succor, old elites and intellectuals get equally wrapped up.

"My life has been full of terrible misfortunes most of which never happened." Lord of Montaigne - 1590

“I am an old man and have known a great many troubles, but most of them never happened.” Mark Twain - 1934


Perhaps it's just human nature? Perhaps it's within our power to think differently about it? Perhaps your neurobiochemistry is fairly well set at birth and you are destined to have a similar outlook regardless?

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There is a great possibility here that we are witnessing and enduring the opening stages of 5th generation war. This type of war is not waged among standing armies, but rather among and on the people. The ultimate goal of these actions still remain unclear.

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Well, they have said they want The Great Reset to come to pass, so there is that.

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Unclear? They want power...

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“How does one man assert his power over another, Winston?“

Winston thought. “By making him suffer”, he said.

“Exactly. By making him suffer. Obedience is not enough. Unless he is suffering, how can you be sure that he is obeying your will and not his own? Power is in inflicting pain and humiliation. Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing.

Do you begin to see, then, what kind of world we are creating? It is the exact opposite of the stupid hedonistic Utopias that the old reformers imagined. A world of fear and treachery is torment, a world of trampling and being trampled upon, a world which will grow not less but MORE merciless as it refines itself. Progress in our world will be progress towards more pain.

The old civilizations claimed that they were founded on love or justice. Ours is founded upon hatred. In our world there will be no emotions except fear, rage, triumph, and self-abasement. Everything else we shall destroy – everything.

Already we are breaking down the habits of thought which have survived from before the Revolution. We have cut the links between child and parent, and between man and man, and between man and woman. No one dares trust a wife or a child or a friend any longer. But in the future there will be no wives and no friends. Children will be taken from their mothers at birth, as one takes eggs from a hen.

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Is that a quote? Or did you write it? One comment was so good I want to quote you, “power is in tearing human minds in pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing”.

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That is a passage from Orwell's 1984. Although I do look a lot like him, I can't take credit for it. 😹

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May 4, 2022·edited May 4, 2022

Been ages since I read it. Unfortunately I’m living inside it.

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Just read that very part last night! (What a comforting bedtime story...)

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And to decimate us …

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Agreed, but I think there might be more to this. The incessant quest for power does seem to be an overarching motivation.

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The mortality rates among the vaccinated are high. The insurance industry and the mortuaries know this. Meanwhile, actual millions of peons are invited to cross our border. Costs of living going up, while being blamed on another foreign misadventure. I would say that your "5th generation war" has begun. (I am not familiar with the term.)

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Not included in this fine analysis was the newest wrinkle in U.S. time: the SCOTUS leak of RvWade decision. This timely leak could be one of many fronts, the more obvious being the latest drama trauma to act as false flag diversion from ________ (fill in blank).

False flag or not, the fallout from this will be large: real and manufactured. Already the usual political grifter suspects are ramping up the division, commencing with the Grifter-in-Chief, a cafeteria Catholic who should have been turfed out of the RC Church years ago. How can he and his wife not know the plain teachings of the Church? Alas, this decision may become the boots-on, grass roots battle between the real divide in the U.S.: faith and secularism, ending w two countries: United Flyover States, and United Coastal States.

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"...the latest drama trauma to act as false flag diversion from ________ (fill in blank)."

a) the fact that RINOs and Dems have done NOTHING for the average American in years

b) the fact that US is a captured country--all our institutions have been seeded with the 10% willing to step on the 89% in service to the 1%

c) the fact that as tough as people talk, for years now, almost no one takes action to divest from corporation control. How many people in these pages have switched to Linux? How many decline the smartphone, or know that most VPNs are owned by one company? How many bank @ credit union, not behemoth? How many shop local farms, not "supply-chain-issues produce" from Mexico? Most people are just sitting around, waiting for the apocalypse, because smaller, less flashy actions don't seem as exciting as imagining LARPing in the grid-down event.

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Thank you. 👍

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How can we move Illinois to the coast? I know I'd love it if they moved.

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Perhaps it could be assimilated into Canuckistan (aka Wokeistan) … wait … no … that’s where I live! Barring that, obviously it would be incumbent on neighbouring United Flyover states to actively evangelize (aka: de-woke) the beleaguered, misled Illinoisians (Illinoisites? Illinoii?).

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Yeah, no. We don't want them. --- Illinoians? Illini. [Pronounced ill i n i (after ill, you pronounce each letter.)]

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