My dear adorable mom, who lived through WW2 in the Netherlands... she would say

"if i think about it, I just start screaming"

And there were days that she did. No she was not crazy.

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There have been many times in the last 4 years that I have said how thankful I was that both my parents were not here to see what this country has become! I’m thankful they lived long full lives in a country they believed was inherently good and that they felt the sacrifices they made through the Depression and serving their beloved country in WW2 was worth it!

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So true, i often say the same of my parents.my dad in WW2 also. This would devastate them,

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that is beautiful. I am so glad your parents had the best lives.

Mom lived to 2016, and sensed much of the over reaching and interference, she was a follower of Geert Wilders. My dad was agreeable to just about anything, but fortunately no one ever got into his life and tried to extract joy. My mom was a bit rebellious for her time.

OH, and dad died last June at 99.5 and he just did not care about politics anymore

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A blessing that at 99+, he had let all the politics go. As hard as it is to realize, ultimately the spiritual takes precedence.

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the Dutch Frontnieuws published a very lovely article this morning https://stopworldcontrol.com/shift/

the author has passed away but I think his message is forever

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Thanks, Ingrid, that is lovely! And very uplifting!

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Our grandmother, who died during this tyrannical debacle at over 100 years old was essentially imprisoned by the governor of New Mexico at her small care home and not allowed visitors. She didn't care about politics but politics "cared" about her. You may sense from the tone that we are still angry. Jail (at least) for these monsters would be a start in the right direction but instead they keep getting reelected and flooded with monies.

Proverbs 28

4 Those who forsake the law praise the wicked,

but those who keep the law strive against them.

5 Evil men do not understand justice,

but those who seek the Lord understand it completely.

6 Better is a poor man who walks in his integrity

than a rich man who is crooked in his ways.

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So sad this was done to so many. This is why so many of us are still angry and will never forgive. It’s easy to say “never forget, but forgive” but not for those whose loved ones died alone, or died because of, these draconian measures. NEVER AGAIN!


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Forgiveness is largely for those doing the forgiving. We will never forget and our resolve to resist is strengthened. "Long live the fighters!"

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Some do not deserving forgiveness, in my opinion. Do I forgive the likes of Fauci, or Soros, or Gates, et al? Would I forgive Hitler? The people who are responsible for the deaths of millions, when they had foreknowledge of the imminent damage, are no better than Hitler and others like him. Those I cannot forgive. Do I forgive those who were duped by these madmen, absolutely. The great majority of them are not evil vile people and deserve our empathy. Just my take on it!

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My mom thought I was crazy as a lune for saying our government was killing ppl with the vaccine. She couldn’t believe that the America she grew up in would allow that on its own people. She still thinks Trump was found guilty of colluding with Russia. I am radical for even speaking such things.

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that is what it is for them, shocking disbelief

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It is interesting (and frustrating) to see the lengths people will go to do deny what is obvious to those whose eyes are open. We just lost a cousin's husband (fully jabbed and boosted, early 50's) to an on-the-job heart attack and the connection will assuredly be dismissed. In fact, my other cousin, sibling to the cousin who lost her husband, is waiting to travel until he can get the latest booster. These are educated people!

I think many people need to have it happen to them (obviously related adverse event) before they will even entertain that something is amiss. We have other educated friends who have what we believe to be are serious adverse events post jab - early onset Parkinson's, trigeminal neuralgia, among others - who will not allow the possibility because their doctors tell them otherwise. Our circle is not very large and we have lost a friend and his niece to the jabs, had a friend with mysterious, sudden, widespread cancer (thankfully recovered, thank God), have a 27 year old coworker with jab-related myocarditis, another whose wife is not quite fully recovered from GBS. So many things that the idea that these types of things are rare seems ridiculous. Who defines "rare" anyway? Is one in ten rare? Awakened researchers arrived at one death per 470 doses. If you are up to date you are on your ninth. 9/470 is about 2%.

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I see some of the same. My brother-in-law died a few months after his jabs from an "unexpected" heart attack. Not sure when one is "expected". Of course, his family would not dream that it was connected to the jab. Another Ph.D. mathematician whose wife is a biologist suffered pericarditis after his jab. His comment when I wondered if the jab had anything to do with it was "it only happens to younger men". There have also been a couple cases of what looks like turbo cancer. But most of my jabbed friends are doing well at the moment. A small case of dementia and lots of "allergies" are in play. Makes me even crazier than I am.

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Having not completed a college degree may have been a blessing as our more "educated" friends are like your mathematician friend, twisting themselves into pretzels to deny any causal relationship between what they are experiencing and the shots they took. Also, I believe they have all had the wuflu anyway. If they can't see it's not effective then I guess it's not surprising they won't admit it's not safe.

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True. Other scientists with advanced degrees were/are covidmaniacs. They try to 'splain to me how wrong my thinking is. My doctor, who has an MD and a MA in Education told me the whole thing from the start was causing her bullshit meter to go off scale.

Some of the educated ARE. Some are as convinced by the "science" as the general population.

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My mom had cancer shortly after getting the jab. Stage four non Hodgkin lymphoma. She lit up like a Christmas tree and she still won’t connect the dots. She can’t go there because 1, she would have to admit I was right about the jab, 2, she would have to admit her doctor had to have known as well. Especially after an early retirement to run our counties health agency. Bonuses had begun to slow down and he wasn’t hitting the target anymore so what better way to enrich himself than to not let my parents (or anyone else) leave his office without getting poked instead. We had my folks convinced and frankly, had he scheduled an appointment to come back there’s a good chance they wouldn’t. He provided a list of some of the ingredients in the vaccine and one stood out to me as shocking, ethylene glycol. The same ingredient in antifreeze and they didn’t even question it. Shocking!

When I had asked to see a list of ingredients from our pharmacist he pulled out the insert from big pharma, it was blank. Of course I knew the answer and I made sure there was a long line of people waiting like sheeples to get a drug with no ingredients. He knew I knew the answer before I asked, so where can I find out what’s in it and he told me to go to the manufacturers website. I loudly explained that I already had and even there on their own website no ingredients could be found!!!

It’s because of ppl like the doctor who stood up to big pharma and the social media platforms and especially our government who controlled the information being released. I’m not sure if the fact that DNA IS IN THE VACCINE was not released until much later on. It’s just plain criminal the way they manipulated the data on this killer of dreams.

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And just like all of those who have fought in continual wars and some losing their lives or ending up with physical or mental disabilities, your parents and mine have been betrayed.

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Our trusted officials release brazen disinformation, but they supress important and true information (often hiding behind the LAW of HIPPA). That's why the public doesn't know how many employees of the CDC and NIH died from Covid.


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Ultimately all our disagreements are tribal identity issues, not matters of fact or even awareness. Social media has made it all too easy to convince ourselves that we are informed by filling our heads with only facts that support our tribe's view. Which explains why leftists either are unaware of or simply disbelieve facts like 17M deaths from the vaccines, 30-40% increase in death per group life insurance actuaries due to the vaccine, Biden is a corrupt racist pedophile who showers with his 14yo daughter, Ukraine is a money laundering operation in support of Nazis waging a 30 yr war against Russia, Ivermectin and HCQ prevent Covid, police are not racist, J6 started as a peaceful protest teargassed by capitol police, etc.

The only way to counter all this is to keep talking, keep arguing, and the let life eventually intrude on leftists dearly held beliefs. Though if California is any example that will be tough, so this is a generational struggle, not a 5-10 yr fix.

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I think everything is going to get worse and far more frightening. Our establishment and shadow rulers are already beyond brazen ... but they will become even more brazen in the months and years to come. They HAVE to do this to finish the rest of their unfinished agendas ... but also to cover their butts and keep the masses with those pitchforks from coming after them.

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Illinois, Virginia, Colorado, and Pennsylvania are moving quickly to remove semi-automatic pitchforks from the grubby hands of their populace.

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I'm running out of boats with which to have accidents.

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Bill, As we have discussed, there would be NO HIPAA VIOLATION in releasing how many employees of CDC and NIH died of covid. It is all BS.

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My mom passed away and it’s a relief that I don’t have to argue against her steadfast liberal faith. Sadly, I don’t think she would have questioned any of this fuckery.

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Good advice ;)

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Of course it is demoralizing.

One candidate burns calories attends rallies, and the other campaigns from a basement. Unprecedented numbers of votes...and the basement dweller wins. Sorry, but no.

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And if "Joe Biden" runs again ... he'll almost certainly win again ... Then what are the sane-thinking citizens of this republic going to do? Just shrug their shoulders and say, "Well, it is-what-it-is in the land of the free?"

Maybe. But maybe not.

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We are in the "We know they are lying. They know they are lying. They know that we know they are lying. We know they know we know they are lying. But they are still lying" phase of collapse.

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I guess it depends on how bad things are and how obvious the cheating is…… and people’s perception of how bad things are likely to get.

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I agree. For sake of argument, let's say it is brazenly obvious to at least 40 to 50 percent of the country that the 2024 election results are/were rigged.

What do citizens do with this knowledge? Just grin and bear it?

Move their families to ... where? Every country is about the same. Maybe Argentina? Vietnam?

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How about 10 million people march on Washington DC and give them a list of demands...and tell them we're not leaving until they meet them.

Bill the problem is they think it's their HOUSE.

That's the central issue.

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Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear.

Harry S. Truman

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I'd love to see this ... but I bet it would be a repeat of the Canadian Truckers' Protest ... and they sent a message about such protests with all their J-6 arrests and incarcerations. BTW, those are continuing. Today, I just read a journalist for The Blaze has now been arrested by the FBI. Why? I don't know. They don't have to have reasons any more. He wrote some articles the Powers that Be didn't like.

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They put him in leg irons for a misdemeanor hearing that was three years after the event in question!

Steve Baker is his name and his story is worth following and, if possible, monetarily supporting and perhaps writing your elected officials. He was told to report in shorts and sandals (likely to be fitted for an orange jumpsuit) but he defied that and showed up in suit and tie. FWIW, if you have evidence such as video/audio recordings or papers please make sure that they are disseminated to several trusted individuals and don't keep them at your workplace. Catherine Herridge had her effects searched by CBS when they fired her. USB drives are now large enough that it is likely that most information could be kept in portable form. Anyone who's paying attention realizes that public institutions are not trustworthy. Quel dommage!

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At the risk of sounding like a wackjob, 10ish years ago I had a dream that I was going door to door with a clipboard, asking folks what their 5 biggest concerns were, i.e., health care, war, jobs, infrastructure, etc. There were a bunch of us collecting these petitions and we would take piles of them to a central location where there was a big tractor trailer. And I knew there were more of "us" in every city/town in America doing the same thing. The idea was to gather all of these trucks filled with petitions and go to D.C. and get our House back.

And then I woke up.

It was one of those dreams that seems so real, it’s confusing when you wake up and realize it was a dream. I think about that dream often these days.

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I betcha we could get millions of people to do this if we organized and got the word out sufficiently.

And you don't sound crazy to me at all....quite sane in fact.

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I am ready!

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My Law of Opposite Effects tells me our Captured Rulers don't know what they are getting ready to make happen. If their goal is even more control and power (which it is), this maxim tells me they are going to lose all their power and control.

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One can only hope. But the ensuing carnage, I fear, will blow this country apart.

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This is from a friend who has been non-political and a popular narrative believer. The subject line was "this is happening on your border"


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It's a good question. I would have to say peaceful noncompliance. They may have captured many institutions and may have the perception of consensus. But if the uptake on boosters is any indicator. The silent majority could be waking up.

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I’ve been wondering about that too.

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They know how the election was stolen and they will be forced again to attempt to steal it in 2024, however, when attempting to show congress how much evidence they actually had and exactly how it played out, the left already knew if such evidence was made publicly, they had nothing to counter it but for the riot to happen before it it was revealed and Nancy couldn’t allow it to come out. This was planned but not by Trump. The so called insurrection was a ploy by the democrats and a few rhinos to make certain that Trump could never run again. Lawfare is the only way to control it. The Jan 6 tapes show the lies being told to the world are really lies. Trump said this before boarding Air Force one for the last time. Paraphrasing… I g caught them all. Nobody could do what I did. Meaning he has the evidence to put ppl behind bars. And it’s of my opinion that the sleepers will see what we already know. How it was stolen and who is really behind all this chaos. Who’s really pulling Biden’s strings. There is no way Biden can cheat again. This time we will be prepared!

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I sure hope you are right. The lies were endless. The Rig was Deep, as the Overstock dude wrote.

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It's not the people who vote that count. It's the people who count the votes.

Joseph Stalin

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I do think that there will be much more attention to the vote counting (and vote counters) this time around than there has been in the past.

It won’t solve all of the issues, but it’s a good start

It appears that Trump and his team are trying to revamp the RNC and its failed election strategies, hopefully it works.

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After his first term and the stolen 2020 election and his handling of the Covid Hysteria I have zero faith in trump. So, I'm going with Orwell: We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it.

George Orwell

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I do have a recurring fear that he's just a Jesuit puppet playing out some larger dialectic shadow boxing diorama.

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In order to obstruct the progressive tendency the Dems are still playing their performative part in the Ratchet Politics of One-Party-Two-Faces (cemented in place by Citizens United), while their partner sees vox populi soon overwhelming the ruse because the right no longer has the numbers, so is allowing Roy Cohn’s disciple to game Amerikkka into fascism.

Of course Trump et al must be stopped, him not least because he’s a narcissist with no loyalty or care for anyone but himself, and thus a very useful idiot.

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Do you also live in an all mail-in ballot state?

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I do. Oregon and now Oregon has pre-registered 16 year olds when they get their license to drive. That way they don’t have to do so when they are legally old enough to vote. Ripe with potential for fraud. Our state is turning into insanity.

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I think that what we are witnessing is a return to a feudalistic, warlord-run society in which it depends on who calls the shots in any particular area. This breakdown has been going on in the inner cities for decades. Call it by whatever name you will, mafia, gang, cartel, these groups will be the ones really running things on the local level. The more sophisticated ones will infiltrate and hijack the political system to their own ends if they haven't already done so. Nature abhors a vacuum so they say and the bankruptcies and failures of official government will only pave the way for others to take over. And these people do not play nice. What we are seeing is mild compared to what may be coming down the road.

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Agree but we need to keep speaking out. We need millions of little victories to take back this country.

Here's a "small" victory:

If you search “to my friends, everything; to my enemies, the law.” gato's article comes up 4th on search results.

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What we are witnessing is what you get when you allow an up-itself malcontent intelligentsia to capture all the institutions of higher learning (the universities), to become pseudo-intellectual 'professors' and then sheep-dip all the young future professional, managerial and administrative classes in all their personal hang ups. Personal hang ups about everything from..... their resentment of business people for being cleverer than them; to masochism about their 'whiteness'; to their gender dysphorias (best way to get a leg up in academe or the media).

If you allow this to happen for 50 years and more before the conservative political class wake up to what's been going on, then you get this terminal civilisational corruption which is where we are now.

People talk about what the 'the solution'?...Well there isn't one now. Too late. To coin an old joke about asking for directions, the solution is "don't start from here". https://grahamcunningham.substack.com/p/invasion-of-the-virtue-signallers

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I've seen variations of this diagram : Feudalism --> Capitalism --> Socialism --> Communism


and it makes sense if you think about how a Middle Class might have evolved post-Magna Carta. And much (most?) of the West is Slouching Towards Socialism, at least.

But think about the supposed endpoint. You get to what I'll reluctantly call True Communism and, in theory, no one's in charge. Everyone just contributes and partakes equally - in theory. But some lazy untalented envious comrade weighs down the whole commune. Some Kulaks are More Equal than Others. I think it all collapses, some strong people take control, and it cycles back around like : Communism --> Feudalism.

If we're lucky, post-apacolyptic a la Mad Max or The Book of Eli.

If things go way South, we evolve into Morlocks and Eloi.

Evil people always figure they'll be the one holding the whip.

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Re: evil people always figure they’ll be the one holding the whip

I am reminded of a conversation I had with a co-worker. I wouldn’t have called him evil back then. He seemed to be a genuinely nice guy. But in discussing politics he fancied himself to be a communist. He was naive and ignorant of history. I quickly gave him a synopsis of what happened under Mao in China and all the people who were starved to death or massacred, and how the rest lost their freedoms of speech, religions, etc. In a “but these go to eleven” moment, he replied that it wouldn’t be a problem for him because he would be one of the people in charge under a communist takeover of our country. As you say, holding the whip. Never mind what happens to the masses. Needless the say, my history lesson made no impact.

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What happens when there are far fewer "whip-holder" positions available than applicants for the job? I hear it's violently competitive.

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A sorta high-stakes game of Musical Chairs, you say?

“The first lesson of economics is scarcity: There is never enough of anything to satisfy all those who want it. The first lesson of politics is to disregard the first lesson of economics.”

― Thomas Sowell, Super Seriously Smart Guy

Yo *fist bump*

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It never does in the moment, because he has to defend his side of the argument. Long-term though, with a bit more witness and experience of injustice, and his thinking on that score might evolve with help from the leaven you sowed.

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"he replied that it wouldn’t be a problem for him because he would be one of the people in charge under a communist takeover"

Or first up against the wall.

Some even don't even want to be in charge. They think it's all just going to be FREE:


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That sounds just like one of my commie sociology professors in college. He painted a utopian picture of how we would all work some hours in the morning and then enjoy our free time in the afternoon. Then we would all be dancing together in the evening. And he really believed it.

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+1 Drum Circle

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"he replied that it wouldn’t be a problem for him..."

That's evil, right there - - to have so little regard for one's fellow citizens.

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Difference between heroic and messianic - the latter are authoritarians, thus prepared to enforce “the good” upon others; while the former lead by example.

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Yes, we go round and round in these civilizational circles. It's all based on where power lies within society. When power is disbursed and distributed, you get a middle class and rights, but when power is concentrated you get tyranny and feudalistic systems. Changes in technology cause changes in the allocation of power. Firearms made peasants far more dangerous and the elite far more vulnerable. You had to treat the common man better because they made up the bulk of your army, and later the bulk of your productive tax base. During the industrial revolution they needed us to run their industrial base and man their industrialized armies, so they bribed us with social welfare systems. Today, automation and social welfare systems have made the many of the common man unproductive, and since the elite don't need us, they will treat us worse than cattle. The only thing they need from us in the Western "democracies" is our consent through our vote, but soon they won't even need that anymore. The one thing that was prevalent (but rarely taught about) in old feudal systems and empires was rebellion, uprisings, and revolution. The Roman's spent far more resources quelling uprisings than conquering new lands. The history of medieval Europe is littered with uprisings. As the bard said, "Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown."

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Generally agree, but I'd quibble about the term 'feudal'. Feudalism isn't consolidated power like tyranny, and it could almost be argued to be the reverse. It's basically a loose hierarchy of landlords who each have to consider the concerns of their own peasants and vassals as well as their recognized overlord, whom they are not necessarily forced to obey. I think feudalism could be considered the political organization you get when the population is dense enough that there isn't enough spare land to allow farmers to just move elsewhere, but sparse enough that you don't have politically dominant populations concentrated in cities and making their living through commerce and administration.

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I'll amend that. Feudalism is the consolidation of power by the aristocratic classes. There was division of power between the king and his lords, but the structure was very hierarchical. Peasants, who made up 95% of the population, had virtually no formal rights, and only some traditional rights. The gap between peasants and aristocrats was so great that aristocrats didn't even see peasants as people. Feudalism occurs when the population as a whole is not productive enough to support classes outside of those required for basic survival, plus the rulers. For urban areas to exist, farmers must produce a significant surplus. During the Middle Ages, towns began to grow as farming technology improved. The moldboard plow replaced the Mediterranean straight plow in Northern Europe, and monasteries produced new agricultural innovations. Wealthy towns were the bane of the feudal aristocratic elite. What made them dangerous was the accumulation of wealth, and thus power. In "The Prince" Machiavelli warns his pupil to destroy any free city within his realm. Lower-level aristocrats didn't have to obey their lords, but failure do so could result in death and land confiscation. The law, if there was any, was used as a weapon against your foes.

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Just as an aside, you know monasteries were communes - communist.

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True, but the Catholic Church is a hierarchy. Just like the communists.

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communism sounds good on paper, everyone equal for the law. but who upholds the law? I think it is a system that can only operate on paper. Even ants have a queen and 'supervisers"

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Communism doesn’t look good even on paper because it’s necessarily founded on atheism, and we can all see what a disaster that has created over the last 50 years or so.

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No, lack of religion is not where it fails. It fails because it tries to “fix” natural human hierarchies via force

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I already said it above, but I'll say it here as well. As an aside, monasteries were and are communes - communist.

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Wrong. Communists are atheists. They think the state will save you. That's really all the refutation that need be said, but among the other differences that could be mentioned, Christian monks typically take vows of poverty, to own nothing. Communists propose equality, enforce poverty for the masses, and enrich themselves.

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"Pure" communism has been tried by good hearted people over the years. I am unaware of a positive outcome. https://fee.org/articles/how-communism-almost-ruined-the-first-thanksgiving/

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No, you don't understand - _Next Time_ we'll get the right people in charge. *nods vigorously*

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Next time, Lucy will hold the football just right for a perfect kick.

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Good grief.

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As soon as you understand iterated Prisoners’ Dilemma patterns you understand why evil people think that. They are like the casino house, and profit much more than the mere odds advantage, they can outlast because they can out-stake all comers.

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Conservatives, by nature, can never win this game. The leftist politicians are too aligned philosophically with the deep/bureaucratic state dwellers at all levels (federal, state and local) and their lackeys in media and tech. There are occasional rays of hope like Milei in Argentina, but players like him typically only push the cockroaches into the darkness for a bit, before they come creeping out as soon as opportunity arises.

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This sounds just exactly the democrat plan of action. First the cities then the little towns and "onward!"

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"I think that what we are witnessing is a return to a feudalistic, warlord-run society in which it depends on who calls the shots in any particular area."

I've been reading about the Red Terror in Russia (1918-1923, brought to you courtesy of the Bolsheviks), and what you said has a terrible parallel from that devastating time.

The Bolsheviks set up "Chekas" - English speakers usually call them the secret police, but the term is actually a Russian abbreviation for "Extraordinary Commissions." These got started in large cities like Moscow and Petrograd, but eventually extended out into every last village of the country.

The Chekas would regularly carry out executions without trials. Often, these executions were in retaliation for attacks on the Bolshevik leadership. The rule of thumb was to take out numerous "counter-revolutionaries" for every Bolshevik killed. But there was this trend whereby, the further away from the main centers of power you went, the more blood that had to be spilt. Sergey Melgounov, the author of "The Red Terror in Russia," explains:

'... be it observed how, the further we go from the centre, the more bloodthirsty becomes the local unit, until [retaliatory killings] “by the hundred” has swelled to “by the ten thousand.” The cause of this is that catch phrases uttered by, in the first instance (to judge from official reports), employees of the Central Che-Ka underwent repetition until they became stereo-typed arguments, and, thus robed in hackneyed, outré [startling] terms, spread to one locality after another in proportion as the Bolshevists wrested further territory from their opponents."'

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We are currently inhabiting the tyranny that Democrats warn us will arise if Trump gets his second term. Those in the ruling class who pretend to be blind to it or make excuses for it are people devoid of any character. The complete absence of noblesse oblige by our "betters" will lead to some ugly times ahead.

Again: the self-righteous are incapable of self-reflection. Their arrogance rivals that of any despot in history.

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their protests are always a the exact image they see in the mirror and to which they accuse their enemies

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“Confession through Projection” in its purest form!

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This in fact will come to light, and at this point so be it. They warn of “dictator Trump” because they fear, rightly so in my opinion, that should Trump win, he will hold the whip. And hes got alotta of fish to fry. They are using every tactic in the book to hold onto there power, fearing only that they will be punished instead of the punisher.

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Money has corrupted many!

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A tale nearly as old as time.

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Definitely stealing your last line. “The self righteous are incapable of reflection” that is a fantastic expression.

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Thanks. Steal away!

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The only way to counter lawfare is to allow payment of top-shelf defense lawyers to counter state deep legal pockets, paid by the state, with no upper limit of costs.

The state relies on the fact they can bankrupt people in legal costs.

So when I see that a young former Trump lawyer like Jenna Ellis, or a lawyer like Sidney Powell please "guilty" I know that the REAL issue is they were unable to foot the huge legal costs of a bullPelosi political prosecution.

I want to go one step beyond "loser pays" and offer TOP legal assistance to those under the thumb of "Show me the man and I will show you the crime" paid by the same pocket that pays the Jack Smiths and Fanny Willis' of the world.

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This is a terrific idea - fight fire (government) with fire (government). It would change everything and for the better. Willis’s sweeping indictments of 18 people would never have happened if she was up against similarly unlimited resources.

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This is why it will never happen.

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Probably correct - like term limits, tort reform - things that make perfect sense but harm the status of the ruling elite.

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I think this is one of your best and most important essays. Thank you, Naughty Cat. Your essay makes the same points I made in two of my articles.

This one argues that Covid is NOT the “story of our times.” The real story of our times is that every important “truth-seeking” organization in the world is now completely captured.


In this article, I simply observe that the government has pretty much taken over all the Mob’s best rackets.


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the government is a mafia masquerading as a civil rights organization.

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The politicians in the administration and members of congress are essentially doing, what the mob used to call a "bust out". This is how it works:

A criminal organization gets their foot into the door of a business.

They then play nice for a while so that the true owner is lulled into a false sense of security.

Slowly, when no one is looking, the cases of Johnny Walker start walking out the back door, and cash starts to disappear from the register.

Criminal activities are performed in the back room.

The business is then squeezed for every last cent.

THEN, the mobsters use the business's good credit to take out huge amounts of debt to buy more Johnny Walker (all while Johnny is going out the back door).

When the business then is completely under water.

The mob burns it down and the owner files bankruptcy.

How is this any different than what is going on today in DC.

We are currently at the stage where the politicos are about to light the fuse on the gasoline cans in the kitchen.

It cant be stopped.

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Well said. The Mafia could never compete with the U.S. Government. Vito Corleone should have stuck to his olive oil business.

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"we'll get there pops, we'll get there." - Michael Corleone, on the prospect of the family attaining legitimacy and occupying seats of government power.

He was right. The gangsters are now in charge.

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Good point. The real gangsters all migrated to "public service."

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My rants pale in comparison. Long live el gato malo.

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Vive el gato malo!

* squints, ponders Romance Languages mismatch*

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“screensaver mode mitch”


Serious thought: How about Rand Paul for Min/Maj Leader?

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Just endorsed by Kennedy

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At first I chuckled but then I thought I'd better check that.

I... I did not see that coming.

Well, sensible and lawful sure seems better to me so it's reasonable that people of all stripes could support him, I think.

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I love sports, which made it difficult to admit to myself in recent years that most games I care about (football & basketball) are decided by the refs. If a hoops game is decided by less than 6 points, or a football game was decided by less than a touchdown, chances are you can find a few close referee calls during the game that would have swung it the other way. Because most refs have integrity and are trying to be unbiased, hopefully over time these calls balance out and generally the deserving teams win the games.

Our legal system is similar, but worse. Laws (unlike sports rules) are written in ways that inherently allow for wide interpretations. The refs therefore have enormous flexibility in when, who, and how to apply those laws. Perhaps in the past we could have given the refs the benefit of believing them to be attempting to be unbiased. That is no longer the case.

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It’s worse than your analogy. The Refs in your example would need to taking bribes and be crooked.

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I’m sure that some will say that’s exactly the case….

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"If a hoops game is decided by less than 6 points, or a football game was decided by less than a touchdown, chances are you can find a few close referee calls during the game that would have swung it the other way."

Then just imagine the impact of officiating on a sport like Soccer where I'd wager that the average total goals per game without shootouts is right around 1.

Argentine Diego Maricopa is famous for an uncalled Hand Ball in right in front of the goal, an event known as Mano de Dios - The Hand of God - in the Quaterfinals of the 1986 FIFA World Cup.

Argentina went on to win the whole thing in the next game.



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Diego Maricopa😂😂

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I can't believe it. Somebody else is making a point (seeing the same thing I've been seeing for years). All the close games are actually decided by bogus or dubious referee calls.

I think they are trying to subtlely teach the masses to comply and go along with authority. The coaches and players get fined if they criticize these calls. The announcers rarely make a big deal about awful, game-changing calls. The refs who call all these dubious penalties seem to get rewarded.

I even wrote an article on this topic on my Substack back on Sept. 1st.


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Totally depressing article, but unfortunately seems right on point. Thought of sending to some of my liberal friends but they will just ignore it as conspiracy inspired ramblings of a right wing zealot. Nothing will change until the economic fist hits them in the face.

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Somehow - it might take a miracle - at least one of our captured organizatIons has to become UNCAPTURED.

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A big part of the problem is that you can be found guilty of breaking one law or another just by simply going about your everyday life....

"There were a grand total of 58 federal crimes when our Constitution was adopted, all of which involved clear moral wrongs that directly and intentionally harmed others - rape, murder, battery, and so on. A few years back, Congress asked the Congressional Research Service to count all current federal crimes and after two years, CRS came back and reported that the task is impossible. There are hundreds of thousands of federal crimes."

Phill Kline, former Kansas Attorney General, 03 Feb 21

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"The more numerous the laws, the more corrupt the state."

- Tacitus

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All by design, I'm sure. Casting a wider net....

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we all need to accept these big two “political parties” are BOTH puppets of the same puppeteers and what we watch is 💯 theater. There are no heroes coming to save us. Trump plays his role, along with all others put in front of us. We can stop playing along by leaving their theater of the absurd and doing the work we need to do of building the new systems we deserve. Fighting the system keeps the system going … they want us to fight. But this house of cards will collapse on its own when enough of us just stop giving it our energy of attention and pour our energy into building what we deserve.

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The ‘system’ will continue to break down at a generational pace. For example, the Younger Boomers & GenX’ers will have seven roommates plus be eating bugs in their publicly funded end-of-life experience, which will make the Depression Era generation’s internments in the Medicaid Concentration Camps for abandoned seniors look fancy in comparison.

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They are going after the Supremes now. Witness recent deluge of news articles on 'inappropriate' or 'unethical' activities among the old-timers..

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Yep, you can see that the talking points went out. Corrupt Supreme Court is going to Save Trump!

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Everyone must ignore the MSM

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I got quickly dismissed from jury duty for telling the judge I didn't care about the letter of the law, I cared more about my ability to make a moral judgment. I set my standards a little higher..

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Trump can not be allowed back into the "White" House. It would be an existential threat to our Kleptocracy!

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Great quote! Delivering solid evidence of wrongdoing to our weaponized DOJ is akin to sending important historical artifacts to the Smithsonian.

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