My dear adorable mom, who lived through WW2 in the Netherlands... she would say

"if i think about it, I just start screaming"

And there were days that she did. No she was not crazy.

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Of course it is demoralizing.

One candidate burns calories attends rallies, and the other campaigns from a basement. Unprecedented numbers of votes...and the basement dweller wins. Sorry, but no.

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I think that what we are witnessing is a return to a feudalistic, warlord-run society in which it depends on who calls the shots in any particular area. This breakdown has been going on in the inner cities for decades. Call it by whatever name you will, mafia, gang, cartel, these groups will be the ones really running things on the local level. The more sophisticated ones will infiltrate and hijack the political system to their own ends if they haven't already done so. Nature abhors a vacuum so they say and the bankruptcies and failures of official government will only pave the way for others to take over. And these people do not play nice. What we are seeing is mild compared to what may be coming down the road.

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We are currently inhabiting the tyranny that Democrats warn us will arise if Trump gets his second term. Those in the ruling class who pretend to be blind to it or make excuses for it are people devoid of any character. The complete absence of noblesse oblige by our "betters" will lead to some ugly times ahead.

Again: the self-righteous are incapable of self-reflection. Their arrogance rivals that of any despot in history.

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The only way to counter lawfare is to allow payment of top-shelf defense lawyers to counter state deep legal pockets, paid by the state, with no upper limit of costs.

The state relies on the fact they can bankrupt people in legal costs.

So when I see that a young former Trump lawyer like Jenna Ellis, or a lawyer like Sidney Powell please "guilty" I know that the REAL issue is they were unable to foot the huge legal costs of a bullPelosi political prosecution.

I want to go one step beyond "loser pays" and offer TOP legal assistance to those under the thumb of "Show me the man and I will show you the crime" paid by the same pocket that pays the Jack Smiths and Fanny Willis' of the world.

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Mar 1·edited Mar 1Liked by el gato malo

I think this is one of your best and most important essays. Thank you, Naughty Cat. Your essay makes the same points I made in two of my articles.

This one argues that Covid is NOT the “story of our times.” The real story of our times is that every important “truth-seeking” organization in the world is now completely captured.


In this article, I simply observe that the government has pretty much taken over all the Mob’s best rackets.


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My rants pale in comparison. Long live el gato malo.

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“screensaver mode mitch”


Serious thought: How about Rand Paul for Min/Maj Leader?

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I love sports, which made it difficult to admit to myself in recent years that most games I care about (football & basketball) are decided by the refs. If a hoops game is decided by less than 6 points, or a football game was decided by less than a touchdown, chances are you can find a few close referee calls during the game that would have swung it the other way. Because most refs have integrity and are trying to be unbiased, hopefully over time these calls balance out and generally the deserving teams win the games.

Our legal system is similar, but worse. Laws (unlike sports rules) are written in ways that inherently allow for wide interpretations. The refs therefore have enormous flexibility in when, who, and how to apply those laws. Perhaps in the past we could have given the refs the benefit of believing them to be attempting to be unbiased. That is no longer the case.

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Totally depressing article, but unfortunately seems right on point. Thought of sending to some of my liberal friends but they will just ignore it as conspiracy inspired ramblings of a right wing zealot. Nothing will change until the economic fist hits them in the face.

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A big part of the problem is that you can be found guilty of breaking one law or another just by simply going about your everyday life....

"There were a grand total of 58 federal crimes when our Constitution was adopted, all of which involved clear moral wrongs that directly and intentionally harmed others - rape, murder, battery, and so on. A few years back, Congress asked the Congressional Research Service to count all current federal crimes and after two years, CRS came back and reported that the task is impossible. There are hundreds of thousands of federal crimes."

Phill Kline, former Kansas Attorney General, 03 Feb 21

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we all need to accept these big two “political parties” are BOTH puppets of the same puppeteers and what we watch is 💯 theater. There are no heroes coming to save us. Trump plays his role, along with all others put in front of us. We can stop playing along by leaving their theater of the absurd and doing the work we need to do of building the new systems we deserve. Fighting the system keeps the system going … they want us to fight. But this house of cards will collapse on its own when enough of us just stop giving it our energy of attention and pour our energy into building what we deserve.

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They are going after the Supremes now. Witness recent deluge of news articles on 'inappropriate' or 'unethical' activities among the old-timers..

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I got quickly dismissed from jury duty for telling the judge I didn't care about the letter of the law, I cared more about my ability to make a moral judgment. I set my standards a little higher..

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Trump can not be allowed back into the "White" House. It would be an existential threat to our Kleptocracy!

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Great quote! Delivering solid evidence of wrongdoing to our weaponized DOJ is akin to sending important historical artifacts to the Smithsonian.

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