i have no great faith in or fondness for either of the two major US political parties, but the behavior of team donkey has of late really gone beyond the pale.
deliberate deception has reached a level that cannot be countenanced and the sheer pervasiveness and scale of it has become a threat to societal sanity. it’s so big that the mind struggles to bound it and therefore those refuting it are made to look like the crazy ones because it seems like you are arguing against absolutely everything all the time.
but is it really crazy? regimes do this all the time. ascribe such to china or the soviets and everyone nods sagely and says “yup, regimes like that sure do lie all the time!” but then they cast their gazes at home and say “well, it could never happen here!” despite increasingly similar systems and systemic incentives.
it’s a curious blind spot.
it’s also rapidly unraveling.
it seems clear we’ve reached some sort of “peak lie” where those desperate not to get shelled in an election are not even trying to tell the truth anymore but the untruths are being dragged down by the massive weight of crowdsourced refutation.
this game worked when media was a few vectors.
if fails epically against the plurality of the internet age.
you simply cannot pass off “porkie pies” like you used to.

over and over, they are flat out telling it like it ain’t.
(and, of course, 3.39 is gone…)
it’s as egregious as it is endless.
but more and more, it seems we just keep seeing these wild forays of fabulism.
how many times must we watch some event like a break-in (or possibly an invited guest by some accounts) in a city with rampant crime and mental illness cast as some sort of outlandish political provocation where even bloomberg goes “full smollet” to “jussify” their political slant and try to pin the consequences of the policies and choices they champion on the other team?
the instant on spin and reversion to tawdry talking point has become as predictable as it is tiresome.
Nancy Pelosi, who as Speaker of the House is the third most senior official in the US government after the president and vice president, was the target of an intruder who police said broke into her home. Instead, he allegedly attacked Paul Pelosi, her 82-year-old husband, and beat him with a hammer early Friday in his San Francisco home. The suspect, identified by San Francisco police as David DePape, 42, shouted “Where is Nancy, where is Nancy?” before attacking her husband, echoing the same chants of crowds of Trump followers who ransacked the US Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021 as they searched for members of Congress. Paul Pelosi has been hospitalized with head injuries but is expected to survive. DePape is in custody and is to be charged with attempted homicide, assault with a deadly weapon and elder abuse, police said. Authorities said the motive for the attack was still being investigated. —David E. Rovella
there is a name for those who see the same image in every inkblot.
it is not “media you can trust.”
and it is simply astonishing what they will pitch.
this is apparently the new face of home invading MAGA…

seems a bit implausible, no?
(it also quite strains credulity that the pelosi manse has so little security that a guy like this can just traipse in despite housekeepers and others being home. something smells a might bit fishy here.)
depape is apparently homeless, drug addicted, mentally ill, and a hard left activist with deeply incoherent and reality divorced perceptions and ramblings on a wide range of topics.
Neighbors described DePape as a homeless addict with a politics that was, until recently, left-wing, but of secondary importance to his psychotic and paranoid behavior. “What I know about the family is that they’re very radical activists,” said one of DePape’s neighbors, a woman who only gave her first name, Trish. “They seem very left. They are all about the Black Lives Matter movement. Gay pride. But they’re very detached from reality. They have called the cops on several of the neighbors, including us, claiming that we are plotting against them. It’s really weird to see that they are willing to be so aggressive toward somebody else who is also a lefty.”
this is a case about serious untreated mental illness, not politics.
but that’s unseemly, so the instant lockstep of the US president, california governor, and legions of uncritical media regurgitating a fabricated talking point contrived to stir up anti-MAGA political hate while laying claim, as ever, to aggrieved status was stunning.
it’s quite the dog whistle.
but it’s a far more useful headline for the donks than this would be:
but it points also at a deeper issue:
just how many tries at kindling a reichstag fire are we supposed to tolerate as one side of the spectrum endlessly attempts to conjure some sort of extremist domestic terror hobgoblin into public perception in order to turn us against one another?
just how many tirades of flat out fantasy and outright reality denial are we supposed to swallow?
because it’s absolutely everywhere.
gretchen whitmer, one of the nastiest and most anti-student pro-lockdown governors in america is now claiming “it was just 3 months” in yet another reprise of “the shaggy defense.” (wasn’t me!)
even from she of the bottomless hypocrisy slurpee, this is a pretty surreal claim in the age of instant on receipts.
and she is getting mauled for it.
(seriously, watch this, it’s REALLY good)
because let’s be honest:
this is why social media is so fearsome and so vital.
it takes the power from the gatekeepers and restores it to the people.
and the fight is GROSSLY unfair. and the fable flingers know it.
they cannot possibly stand up to a permanently platformed populace.
they are going to die out here on a free and fair informational substrate.
they are already doing so.
level playing fields constitute their kryptonite.
their truth deprived talking points cannot stand against a citizen army of receipt wavers and their wearisome wares of mendacious manipulation are long past their sell by date.
and they know it full well and so they are turning the gaslights up to 11.
but this is the desperate, stumbling rear-guard action of an army broken and driven before its foes.
it’s self-refuting tautological twaddle masquerading as moral indignation.
they have had it so easy for so long that i seriously think they simply do not understand what’s coming or how transparent their tissue of lies has become.
they cannot see the change ahead.
as the walls come down, it’s going to be rapacious water-fat harkonnen house troops facing deep desert fremen honed on decades of hardship.
and it is going to get SPICY.
oh deary me yes…
and they deserve the impending re-alignment. deeply.
they have earned it.
their hubris has called down this nemesis.
and the truth is simple:
no one who would lie to you like this can possibly respect you.
they do not wish to hear your views, they wish to hear their views issued from your mouth.

just how many more times can we tolerate them calling us stupid to our faces before we demand better?
how about none?
does none work for you?
A well regulated public square, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of peaceful people to speak their minds without fear of government censure or reprisal shall not be infringed.
these are the weapons of the information age
and the militia shall be each and all, called at need to defend itself from mendacious predation by a cynical state.
it’s a societal immune system.
and tearing this down will be a labor of love.
and it’s coming.
because this is what the internet is for.
Elon responded to serial liar HRC with the real story about pelosi, legend.
“We know they are lying, they know they are lying, they know we know they are lying, we know they know we know they are lying, but they are still lying.”
I don't know... it seems quite probable that a far left Castro nudist with a BLM sign in his front yard found in his underwear in Pelosi's house was in fact a right-wing Trump supporter.