I have a suggestion (don't we all). All amenable media - corporate, cable, print, electronic, video, email blasts, blogs, social - any and all who typically print the truth or discuss serious questions about science twisted into tyrannical political science - should run this headline on the same day, soon:


And on subsequent days:





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The Ship of Fools is leaving port for it's Northern Hemisphere winter tour, all aboard! This year's theme, Rockin' with the Covidian Oldies from December 2020. Special Guests, Tony and The Fascists, singing that old standard, “Come and Get Your Pricks with Jab 66!” Join Captain Joe “Let's Go Brandon” Biden on the poop deck for a fine offering seasonal favorites like Lock Down Latkes, Masked & Mellow Hot Toddies, and, a crowd favorite, Candied Nasal Swabs! Enjoy 21 unforgettable days and 21 interminable nights locked in the closet of your luxurious cabin, where one can order in and catch up with all the great programing on the new “Woke TV” broadcast network (formerly known as MSNBC) that will be streamed into your room 24 hours a day, with no off button or mute option! Come aboard, we're expecting you (triple vaxxed only, all others can F Right Off and Die)!

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"i’d rather die than inject trump toxin but the same jab rebranded as biden’s fauci ouchie is pure olympian dreamwater."

AFAIK, Trump never hinted, let alone stated, that the Chinese virus experimental drugs would be *mandatory*, at *any* level. He warp-sped them only for anyone who *wanted* them.

The totalitarian tyranny of forced jabbing is ALL on the Democrat Party and their willing accomplices in fascist corporate America and the alphabet legacy media.

Just sayin'.

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I keep repeating this so I'm sorry if you've seen this before, but:

If Donald Trump were president -- even if he WANTED mandates -- there would be no mandates because the left would oppose him. The ONLY way pharma gets their mandates is if Biden 'wins' in 2020.

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Biden, Fauci and Walensky said the exact same thing. I was surprised when Trump was promoting the vaccines. I'm not so sure that he wouldn't have done the same thing.

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Who knows? But that’s nothing but speculation.

No speculation necessary with Biden, Fauci, and Walensky.

Can’t indict Trump on mere speculation.

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That’s exactly right.

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This has never been about a virus.

"In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is...in some small way to become evil oneself. One's standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to."

~ Theodore Dalrymple

The sovietization, impoverishment and enslavement of the formerly free world is the endgame. The rulers don't even bother hiding it anymore, just as they don't bother with any semblance of truth or consistency, as they know that the mewling masses will endure nearly anything for the delusion of safety

This is why what gato and others, including each of us here, do is so important. If the bastards win, I believe they will usher in a dark age that will make the Bolsheviks and Maoists look quaint in comparison.

We must prevail.

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That quote set me thinking about what an arbiter of truth is.

Far too frightening, to be forced to affirm as truth, what you know is a heinous deception.

Please forgive me for sounding biblical, but it has a rather "mark of the beast" feeling to it.

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No forgiveness is necessary.

Make no mistake, what is happening is the great evil of our time, at least on par with what our rulers' socialist ancestors perpetrated in the 1920's, 30's and 40's.

In some ways, it is perhaps more dangerous and insidious, as at least back in the day large numbers of people understood that they were dealing with evil. Today, hundreds of millions of westerners actually support what is being done.

Probably at least a plurality of Australians support sending people to camps. To camps. By force.

I expect that here in the People's Republic of California it is the same, perhaps even a majority.

As a society and a civilization, we are in deep shit, and it is long past time to stop mincing words.

Seriously, does anyone actually think the likes of Biden, Harris, Garland, Newsom, Whitmer, Huchol, The Squad, etc. etc. etc. ad nauseam, would hesitate to throw large numbers of people in camps, and even put them against the wall, if put into a position to do so?

That is what these people do. Everywhere and always. It is who they are.

This is the fight of our lives.

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Can we really expect people to object to the abuse of others, or even themselves, when they no longer believe that the truth of a situation can be derived by logical processes? That right and wrong are more than just an opinion? That there is truly objective good as well as evil?

Yes, it surely is the fight of our lives.

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Well said and just so.

Objective truth is a foundational pillar of our civilization, and this is exactly why they attack it so.

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I agree!

And without objective truth, how can we even know how to navigate? We lose our point of reference, and we often grasp at anything to find direction; or if we are so defeated in our hearts and minds as to have surrendered our will, we grasp whatever 'lifeline' we are thrown, for 'security'.

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It's 1 thing to stand up to them if they might kill you. It's another thing to stand up to them if they will kill your children. In my "home" my parents went for the pets first. So their lies & character smears against us went unchallenged. And then when we were able, we walked. Just sayin'.

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liberate—I was getting worried about you as it seems like it’s been a while since I’ve seen you about! Then again, I’ve been too busy writing to keep up with comments, so I may have just missed you.

Thanks for another fabulous quote :-)

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No, I was abroad for awhile dealing with some family unpleasantness. Good to be back home both geographically and virtually.

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Oh my. Glad you’re back, and welcome home :-)

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Even Fauci knows “Travel restrictions [are] ‘irrelevant’ if coronavirus becomes a pandemic” (https://www.cnbc.com/2020/02/26/fauci-travel-restrictions-irrelevant-if-coronavirus-becomes-a-pandemic.html) as I cited as one of his flippety-flops in “Dr. Mengelfauci: Pinocchio, Puppeteer, or Both?” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/dr-mengelfauci-pinocchio-puppeteer).

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What? They imposed all these measures because of the "pandemic", only to say that those very measures are/were ineffective in a pandemic?

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How dare you use logic?! 😆

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As you should be! 😂

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hahahaha Fauci is such a 🐂💩'n 🐂💩er

I would love to meet him face to face. 🤡

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If I did, one or both of us would not survive.

Depending on the size of his security team.

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they're not going to stop with this nonsense you know. until we make them stop.

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And how do we make them stop?

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Not sure how this work in Florida or Texas. People are over it.

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I'm sure there were more than a few people uncomfortable at Thanksgiving watching the Cowboys playing in front of a full house.

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There is no pandemic there never was. The "virus" has never been identified.

The "virus of concern" escaped from the board rooms of Pharma/Biotech/Private Equity firms.

No so-called ‘coronavirus’ has ever been fully isolated, characterized and proven to cause a particular disease in any animal or human studies. They are ALL theoretical, ‘in silico’ computer-models.

Covid is just a massive extortion racket for big pharma and their criminal doctor and public health friends to prevent an illness caused by a virus that does not even exist.

The CDC and their European counterparts are vaccine cartels which are now empowered to “give freedoms” to the “vaccinated.” Virus “variants” are nothing more than new income streams for Pharma corporations.

‘SARSCoV2’ was itself a “variant” of the ‘SARSCoV1’ template, a theoretical model based on another theoretical model.

Vaccine Passports are the Trojan horse for SDG Digital Identity. The vaccine passport is the means, the ends are the complete control of your labor and life. They have been thinking for 30 years about how to bypass people’s resistance to their capital being controlled by a government-oligarchy partnership and people are falling straight into the trap.

Masked up imbeciles are nothing but empty eyes without a face. Eyes above the bacteria-laden masks look like those of cattle caught in the pen – ocular orbs of dull emptiness, subverted humanity.

Fauci is a corrupt bureaucratic toadboy for Big Pharma. Gates is a silver spoon criminal psychopath. Both profit from mRNA experimental injections. Are the human guinea pigs waking up to this yet?

The biggest fraud of all is the entire medical industrial complex. For the past 100 years or more they’ve been claiming the credit for things that builders, sewerage workers, water treatment plants, garbage men, gutter designers, roofers, fridge inventors, electricians etc. have created.

Workers around the world lost $3.7 trillion during the “pandemic.” Billionaires around the world gained $3.9 trillion in the “pandemic.”

I think we just identified the virus.

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yep. there never was a emergency. but now there is and it is our govts.

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Gonna borrow and meme this: Covid is just a massive extortion racket for big pharma and their criminal doctor and public health friends to prevent an illness caused by a virus that does not even exist.

The CDC and their European counterparts are vaccine cartels which are now empowered to “give freedoms” to the “vaccinated.” Virus “variants” are nothing more than new income streams for Pharma corporations.

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It's a bit of red herring this 'virus doesn't exist' thing isn't it? There's something there that causes a symptom set so identical amongst so many.

Don't much care what it is.

The point is

. It is not an emergency level thing

. Even if it were this is not the way to 'beat' it.

. We've now created a true emergency that is our govt 'measures' killing everything/everyone.

. Vaccine mandates are utterly unscientific, counter productive, improper, unnecessary and properly illegal.

those are the real issues.

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We agree that Vaccine mandates are utterly unscientific, counter productive, improper, unnecessary and properly illegal.

However, the idea that this virus doesn't exist is as provable as the idea that it does exist; eg, there is no proof for either. There are no symptoms unique to covid - all of them can and do exist in other respiratory illnesses. For example, loss of taste and smell can occur with sinusitis, colds, and flu. One of the side effects of Remdesivir, used in hospitalized covid patients, is Decreased Oxygen In The Tissues Or Blood!!! And we know that the PCR tests are bogus and the technique was never intended to be used to ID an in vivo virus. Mass hysteria and mass hypnosis along with incomprehensible health care system responses have led fearful people to believe that all roads lead to covid.

Question for you: If covid awareness hadn't been propagandized by news media, government, health care systems, et al, would you have been aware of covid at all? Were you affected during the H1N1 (swine) flu "epidemic" of 2009-2010? Sixty million people got that flu. Did it shut down normal life? Did it lead to short-staffed hospitals because of ludicrous contact tracing protocols? Did every media communication have a covid primer or alert as either the central theme or a banner running over whatever story it was?

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p.s. for I've been led to believe that doctors by the thousand in ICU's around the world are or were shaken by the ferocity of the attack on the patients they got in there with this 'covid' . That something very unusual was happening.

Even Dr Kory of FLCCC who's as staunch a supporter of finding the truth as you can imagine, I think, definitely feels there is a 'something': his whole thing is about fighting that 'something'.

I remember early days when there were some doctor commentators saying it was truly nothing new but was some kind of pneumonia. I can't remember the name. Something funny. 'opportunistic pneumonia' maybe something after that kind of thing. I can never remember it. But all that died away and I've heard nothing about it since.

Meanwhile Dr Kory and hundreds of other doctors are doing their best to treat this 'thing' that they definitely seem to find to be exceptional, not some ordinary flu or something simply misnamed, or some mix of ordinary illnesses/symptoms.

And you closing question which is two questions I guess, really:

first. my awareness. no I would have known nothing if it weren't for the beat up.

second: did swineflu do this that and the other - no, of course not. Nor did 'covid'. governments did/do all that.

quoting that example is the finest proof that left to do the medical professionals would have coped fine. And our societies and people would have been minimally damaged.

Yes. Exactly. It was and is government interference that is the whole of this 'emergency'.

They're like a little boy or a pyromaniac in the bush running around shouting 'fire', 'fire', 'fire', while busy dropping lighted matches into the dry grass as they go.

They are so clearly, we can see now, absolute nothings, nobodies, scarcely human. We've have done better if our gardener were in charge of the country.

We need a new system - or we need to perform this one properly, we have to take care who we elect into office and we have to constantly monitor what they're doing while they're in there.

When democrat and republican agree about that then we're on a win.

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I really like your statement: "We've have done better if our gardener were in charge of the country." I may borrow that.

As long as the public continues to be convinced that this virus is worse than the bubonic plague and everyone who doesn't isolate will catch it and half the people who catch it will die from it, the world will be ruled by the "pyromaniac[s] in the bush running around shouting 'fire', 'fire', 'fire', while busy dropping lighted matches into the dry grass as they go."

I think Dr Kory has found a cure for the flu and any other respiratory illnesses that have the potential to ramp up into cytokine storms that attack the body. I also think that whether or not this is a souped up virus cooked in a Chinese lab supported by Dr Death, or a microbe that jumped species and was deliberately spread around the world, as long as the discussion centers on the bug it distracts people from the true danger, which is the pyromaniacs exploiting the bug.

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Yes - "we need to perform this one properly, we have to take care who we elect into office and we have to constantly monitor what they're doing while they're in there."

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I think the "ground glass opacities" in lung tissue show a distinct pattern in COVID patients. Of course, not everyone with COVID gets this kind of lung damage. And some people with the damage apparently do not know they had COVID!

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Not sure the ground glass opacities are any more distinctly covid than the symptoms list. Or if they are associated with covid, if it's the remdesivir and/or intubation that are the culprits. I trust almost nothing anymore that comes from the mouth of a scientist working under a grant or a bureaucrat working for any government. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8071755/ or https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/medicine-and-dentistry/ground-glass-opacity

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IT’S NOT POSSIBLE to stop the spread of, or eradicate, infectious respiratory disease, and it’s a waste of public health resources and capacity to try.

There’s very limited scientific evidence that restrictions on mass gatherings have any significant effect on virus transmission.

Even a 99.9% international travel restriction might delay the pandemic wave by only a month or two, and there should be no plan to close borders.

There’s very little evidence of widespread benefit from the wearing by the public of facemasks.

This was the advice given by the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) to the UK Government a year ago today (4th February 2020). In the minutes of the Fourth SAGE meeting on Wuhan Coronavirus held on 4th February1, they wrote:

“SAGE agreed that HMG should continue to plan using current influenza pandemic assumptions, which can be modified as data becomes more certain”.

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H/T to Ruminator Dan:

'May I politely point out that "Omicron" is an anagram of "Moronic".'


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Curious how they skipped the Greek numbering convention and went to the fifteenth letter. Reminds me COVID = DIVOC...

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Couldn’t possibly have a variant of a virus that originated out of China called “Xi” That would be racist and offend the guy everyone wants to get in bed with.

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Making it all the more ironic that China is now a freer and more prosperous country than the US...

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I remember being so upset by the travel bans in March 2020 and so confused because the WHO had come right out and said they wouldn't help. As concerned as I was at that point in time, it just didn't seem like a good idea and as an expat with lots of expat friends it was a huge problem logistically but also emotionally. Far greater impact than the very serious economic implications. For me and others like me it has been an ongoing source of pain and preoccupation with willy nilly weekly changes. The South African community in the Netherlands is in full blown panic at the moment, with Christmas tickets bought and paid for. It's really heartbreaking. I will share this with them as they fight their way through this quagmire. People are so desperate to see their families that they are willing to route through Mexico to make it happen.

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I love your writing! Makes me laugh in these grim times of insanity. Thank you.

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Nothing “stops” it. It’s the common cold or a flu. We just have to get our heads out of our asses and get on with life. It’s going to kill the same people the flu does. Enough is enough.

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It's all very silly to worry about a South African variant when we have the same infectious selection pressure for sars cov2 to continue to evade these prophylactic transfections here. Doesn't the virus mutate like every ten hours?

Meanwhile there's Prof Mattias Desert making the rounds talking about "mass formation". I honestly think his talks are more useful to send to people than any evidence of actual honest scientific discourse.

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Excellent point.

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I know it’s all good to have a bit of a laugh here, but there are implications of this…

Are we just re-racking the same justifications for more Covid tyranny?

Is this truely the predicted spike escape variant? If so, do we have to be concerned about vaxxed friends and family (OAS/ADE)?

Or is this the mareks chicken variant, where the unvaxxed are about to get smoked?

Few different paths here, each with uniquely different responses.

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My gut feeling is it's just another scary headline to see how far / whether they can continue on with this part of the game. Don't think it will get a lot of purchase.

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These are all my questions neatly laid out. Can't wait. All bad outcomes.

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Knew this the first time on the merry go round - by the time any scary WhatHaveYou is announced, it is everywhere. Or it is nowhere. Just like the flu.

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