“the party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. it was their final, most essential command.” -orwell
“the lady doth protest too much, methinks” -queen gertrude (hamlet)
“i mean, if the truth ministry tells you they are not orwellian, who you gonna believe?” -egm (cat)
after all, the head of DHS just told you this:
of course, he also said this:
and her own words on this topic would seem to either prove him a liar or demonstrate that he has about the same concept of “absolutely neutral” as a russian judge in the 1972 olympics.
neither instills confidence.
and gee whiz, it’s not as though DHS and friends with their secret warrants and secret courts ever lied to americans about spying on them or abridging their rights without any, much less due process, is it?
or made them on flimsy external pretext…
“Nearly 2 million of the reported searches were part of an investigation into alleged Russian hackers attempting to break into the U.S.'s critical infrastructure.”
(or looked the other way while justice, IRS, NSA, and who knows how many others did the same)
and it would seem that those who champion our new misinformation mavens are even lying about where this group came from and when it originated.
Now wait a minute. Politico revealed the existence of the Board on Wednesday, it said that the Department of Homeland Security was “standing up a new Disinformation Governance Board.” The “standing up” locution is strange, but “new” is a fairly unambiguous word. If the Board is new, it’s not a continuation of a Trump administration initiative. Mayorkas confirmed this on Thursday, saying: “We have just established a mis- and disinformation governance board in the Department of Homeland Security.” He didn’t say anything about continuing work begun during the Trump administration, either.
so, hardly an auspicious beginning.
nor one that looks to be coming out of nowhere.
the august history of “ideas so good that none must be allowed to criticize them” speaks for itself.
many seem to want to attribute this to the potential exit of twitter from the fold of docile corporations willing to wield the censor’s pen for the state that it might keep its constitutional hands clean, but it’s also possible that this is a move to head off what looks to be some nasty forthcoming revelations about powerful people.
though it will doubtless be nice to have someone to whom to pass the buck:
regardless, this is just the sort of pretextual wedge authoritarians love to use to get you onto the slippery slope for the precedent of prerogative to usurp your rights because “good reason.”
take the bugbear we’re both at war with and upon which we’ve blamed 27 out of the last zero material foreign incursions on US elections and make the need for a truth ministry appear imminent and dire in the fine tradition of “jingo bells, jingo bells, jingo all the waaaayyyyy…”
it’s just one more attempt at trojan framing.
i’m sure the fact that it just might head off major issues about the 2016 election just before it invites meddling in the 2022 mid-term in purely a coink-i-dink. (lotta those around lately though, no?)
or perhaps the answer is closer to home?
and it’s a shot across elon’s bow as those in power show their cards on how ill they can afford the unfettered dissemination of information.
because, of course, the censors are always the good guys, right? and any who question them are anti-social agents of foreign powers and probably racists and lunatics to boot.
everything about this agency and the new board within it looks as false as it does horrifying. the patriot act was born from the hysterical reaction to war. it’s now going to be extended the same way.
regimes become most desperate and aggressive when they feel power slipping away.
this is a time to believe them least and hold them most to account.
and when in doubt, just remember this:
because some truths truly are eternal.
What's that, citizen? Richard Levine is the man of the year? Deadnaming and misgendering are disinformation. There's a war on you know. Are you a Russian agent? Better watch your tongue, terrorist.
Finally! I'm sure this new government agency will put doctors in jail who tell people "the vaccine is safe."