What's that, citizen? Richard Levine is the man of the year? Deadnaming and misgendering are disinformation. There's a war on you know. Are you a Russian agent? Better watch your tongue, terrorist.

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Finally! I'm sure this new government agency will put doctors in jail who tell people "the vaccine is safe."

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possibly even the ones who said it was effective at stopping spread...


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And who said “yeah” at the end- jail him too!

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… then thank goodness that you are an engineer, Steve 😊! Knowing - of course - the opposite will be true… then, they will have to listen 24/7 that horrid creature’s songs… most of them will commit suicide within 2 days.

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We are back to living in the Middle Ages. Benedict Spinoza warned about this kind of governmental control of speech 350 years ago. It just pisses off the best people and causes even more anti-government activity. Basically you get what you are trying to prevent:

"It is far from possible to impose uniformity of speech, for the more rulers strive to curtail freedom of speech, the more obstinately are they resisted; not indeed by the avaricious, the flatterers, and other numskulls, who think supreme salvation consists in filling their stomachs and gloating over their money-bags, but by those whom good education, sound morality, and virtue have rendered more free.

Men, as generally constituted, are most prone to resent the branding as criminal opinions which they believe to be true, and the proscription as wicked of that which inspires them with piety towards God and man; hence they are ready to forswear the laws and conspire against authorities, thinking it not shameful but honorable to stir up seditions and perpetuate any sort of crime with this end in view.

Such being the constitution of human nature, we see that laws directed against opinions affect the generous-minded rather than the wicked, and are adapted less for coercing criminals than for irritating the upright; so that they cannot be maintained without great peril to the state."

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What these censors and tyrants do not realize by banning certain kinds of speech all they are doing is driving it underground. They are making people lie and pretend that they do not hold opinions that they do hold. And therefore one never knows who or what they are dealing with. I would much rather work with a person who openly says they do not like me because of my race, gender, religion, etc. than with someone who secretly despises me for those reasons but is not allowed to say so.

When I was working in preclinical pharmaceutical research we used to get picketed about twice a year by animal rights activists. Many of my coworkers did not like seeing these people out there but I said, "When they are out there in front of the plant, you know who they are, you know where they are, and you know what they are doing. It is the ones you can't see and don't know where they are and what they are doing that you need to be the most concerned about."

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Mayorkas looks so trustworthy! 🤣🙄🙄 the villains truly look like villains from central casting!

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"it’s a shot across elon’s bow"- ha ha. Those still holding out hope that a billionaire is going to save us must have missed his latest tweet, where Elon puts "free speech" in quotes- "By "free speech", I simply mean that which matches the law... I am against censorship that goes far beyond the law. If people want less free speech, they will ask government to pass laws to that effect"

That's right. Read that carefully.


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Well it’s not really possible to allow free speech that goes BEYOND what is allowed by law.

You’re not making a very convincing argument that Musk is against free speech.

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I agree. He's taking a moderate position that is nearly impossible for the other side to oppose in a way that won't alienate the low-information voters. The other side is trying to paint what Musk is trying to do as giving the green light to all kinds of hate speech. While that ought to be a dead argument, for the same reason that the ACLU protected the neo-Nazis who wished to march in Skokie, IL (a city with many Jews), it isn't that way to the squishy moderates who fail to understand that it's only unpopular speech that needs to be protected. There's no need for protection if all you want to do is praise Dear Leader. Even the North Koreans can do that.

Putting "free speech" in quotes isn't objectionable. When you are defining the term, or referencing the meaning of the term itself, putting it in quotes is grammatically correct.

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It's backpedaling now that he's attained the position, just like a politician. When have the people ever *asked* the government to restrict their free speech? We've got a new Ministry of Truth. Aside from a very small minority of very loud people who've been given a (corporate sponsored) platform, nobody asked for that. Why would he even need to clarify his position?

I'm saying nothing is going to get better with Musk in charge, we are going to continue down the same road. We will see. There is some very good analysis in the video I've linked, by a man who deserves a bigger audience. If anyone knows about the subject of free speech it's him, he's been deplatformed multiple times for his incisive coverage, mostly of our wartime adventures. Never uttered a word to offend any group aside from the wealthy and powerful. He was even lumped in a huge lawsuit against Alex Jones and others by a billion dollar law firm, despite being a small blogger on disability.

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It seems like you are on the fence regarding Musks declaration to restore free speech to Twitter, and that’s perfectly reasonable. I’m on the fence as well but leaning more toward “yes” given his statements and actions since agreeing to the purchase and based on his past behavior, particularly on Twitter. Remember, Musk praised DJT on his use of Twitter, saying he “is very good at it”.

It seems like Musk issued that clarifying statement because he needed to. There were plenty on the left saying Twitter would practically become the new Silk Road. There were people on the right saying nothing would change or that censorship would increase since Musk is a WEF guy.

I’m remaining cautiously optimistic and I really hope Musk does not bump into any Clinton’s.

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Why would you oppose this? You're not a *reactionary* are you?

Keep chasing the Red dot folks, the communists are not tired.

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They ain' noways tahred!

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You could have saved some digital ink and just said "Ron Paul was right."

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When free speech is outlawed, only outlaws will be able to speak freely.

The 2A argument sorta holds true for 1A I guess. Huh.

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“and any who question them are anti-social agents of foreign powers and probably racists and lunatics to boot.”

You left out “misogynists.

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The English Language, bless it, is a most precise language and Disinformation Governance Board… translated into English, means a board to manage/control disinformation.

It is often the case that malefactors who seek to dissemble, and use words to hide their true intent, tangle themselves in those words and reveal their true intent.

Disinformation is the deliberate spread of falsehoods in order to deceive, whereas misinformation is said in the mistaken belief it is true, with no intent.

Disinformation is what Governments do.

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One of your best mon frère.

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Spot on with the connection to information about (self) important people being exposed. Kash Patel and Jan Jekielek have been discussing this very thing on Epoch TV about Durham's latest reveals.

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Acoustic Kitty has arisen from the ashes!

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How did this happen? How is it happening? Why isn’t someone (everyone) stopping this? This makes no sense.

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because we wet out pants post 9/11 and surrendered basic ideas of liberty and due process to the monster of "homeland security."

every since that day, the tentacles of that beast have been wrapping themselves more and more tightly around you life.

once they have the precedent, the rest is just pushing you down the slippery slope.

this is why rights absolutism is so critical.

you cannot let the thin end of the wedge go in.

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It’s because of the unrestricted war being waged against us. Our institutions have all—all—been captured/compromised in order that the PLA can defeat us without firing a shot. They’ve been at war with us in this way for decades. Now we’re really feeling it. Below is part two of General Spalding’s interview on American Thought Leaders. Check out part one as well. I mean, if you want to understand what’s happening.


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I recommend you read "The Plot Against the President : The True Story of How Congressman Devin Nunes Uncovered the Biggest Political Scandal in U.S. History" of watch the movie (available to rent/buy on Amazon).

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So, Christianity is largely an innocuous backwater religious cult for 200 years… then the Romans get all over it and turn into the dominant theological force for the next 2000 years.

Veganism has largely been a minority lifestyle practiced by malnourished plastic sandal wearing beardo’s with bad teeth until… the drum of doom bangers (WEF) get all over it

Am I just jumping to conclusions?

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"You can either understand history, or trust the government. You can't do both!"

Unless of course you are IN government...

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