Great calculation, and a terrible (meaning disturbing, but totally fact-based) conclusion!!!

I used a completely different method to estimate relative risk between unvaccinated and vaccinated people, based on a multiple-country comparison and a linear regression.

My estimate was 40% excess total mortality in the vaccinated based on Fall of 2022 mortality figures.


When two methods using completely different aproaches give somewhat similar estimates, this is a sign that we both are on the right track. You are right that there is a lot of uncertainty as to the exact relative risk.

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I posted this comment to el gato Malo, but I'll post it to you as well.


Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt assert that the DoD (not public health authorities) have run this entire operation from manufacture to distribution to injection. We were told that the DoD and FEMA were brought in for logistics. The contracts say otherwise. The C19 jab not a vaccine (or a gene therapy). It is a counter measure.

Perhaps this is why the FDA and CDC response makes no sense? After all, regulatory capture and greed were a thing during the 2009 H1N1 vaccine debacle that left many (hundreds?) children with narcolepsy. I suspect regulatory capture and greed were even a thing during the 1987 Swine Flu vaccine disaster. While it took too long for the "public health authorities" to admit the problems and pull the products; they did, eventually, pull the products. The FDA just approved the mouse booster for six month old infants. The same mouse booster that several European countries won't give to people under 50.

We cannot fight an enemy (yes, enemy) we will not acknowledge. I don't know the way out; but, if Sasha and Katherine are correct, we must face it.




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Interesting. What is the best TEXT article to read about it?

And what is the goal of DoD if it indeed "called the shots"?

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My take: we're at war. SARS-Cov-2 was a bioweapon released / conjured to enable global public acceptance of the 2nd wave bioweapons: jabs. Alphabet agencies serve the globalists (as they have for a long time) to achieve the goals of their war against human population (same as all wars): population control / depopulation.

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We are far beyond incompetence, hubris, CYA, greed.

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Yes. We have arrived at planned democide. Planned for decades.

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As many have already said, the very monstrous nature of this plot is what makes it so hard for people to believe. We were all taught that the Nazis were incredibly evil for murdering millions of innocents, but here we are talking billions. My own mind can't relate to it, even though I know that it is the only reasonable option.

If the public ever snaps out of this trance, the "elites" are really in for it.

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You got it. We are in a bioweapons world war. US-Canada-China are the axis powers driving this war. Why would they wage this war you ask? Why are any wars waged? War is not rational or good. It is chaos and evil.

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Exactly. We’ve been programmed to believe war is human nature. I completely reject that now. We’ve been programmed to believe utter nonsense for centuries.

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Department of Defense Driving Mass Vaccination While FDA and Vaccine Companies are Powerless to Stop It

Peter McCullough, Nov 8, 2022




DR. PETER MCCULLOUGH*: I've got a special guest and I've been waiting to get her on the program for so long and I tell you what she has red-hot information. Probably the most important issue that's in front of everybody who's taken one of the vaccines, and what we're going to get into is an answer to I think one of the most fundamental questions, the hardest question that Joe Rogan** asked me is that why do some people have problems with the vaccines and others don't?

Our guest is Dr. Alexandria [Alexandra] Latypova*** who received her undergraduate education in the Ukraine and then received a masters of business administration at Dartmouth, so she didn't receive a doctoral degree but she's worked in the pharmaceutical industry as an executive and now is a freelance analyst and she's done I think the most important analysis and that is on the lot variability. Sasha, welcome to the McCullough Report.

ALEXANDRA [SASHA] LATYPOVA: Thank you, Dr. McCullough. Thank you for inviting me. I'm really glad to speak to your audience and discuss the result of my over-a-year-long analysis.

DR. PETER MCCULLOUGH: OK. So to set the stage, recently the Zogby Survey Company comes out and they do what looks like a representative survey**** and of people out there, two thirds of people took the vaccine, a third who didn't, but of the two thirds that take the vaccine 15% have some new medical problem and they regret taking the vaccine. But that means 85% are fine.

Second piece of information. The CDC under court order has to release the V-safe data, the self-reported data that people have on their cell phones which they electively do, you take a vaccine, they ask you to do V-safe [an app] and they did it. CDC didn't want to release that to the public. Aaron Siri the attorney forces them to release it to the NGO ICAN.* ICAN puts it up on their server and they analyze it, and they find that between 7 and 8% of people who take the vaccine, something bad happens and they have to go an ER, an urgent care, be hospitalized. OK so that piece of information is out there.

And then we have the peer-reviewed literature, a thousand peer-reviewed literature papers now on fatal and nonfatal vaccine injuries.**

And then we have the safety data bases, the VAERS vaccine adverse event reporting system,*** the UK Yellow Cage system, the [inaudible] system, the WHO VigiBase system, and there's actually 39 total safety systems. It's all summarized in the World Council for Health Report on Pharmacovigilance for the vaccines.**** And they're all pointing to the same observation, that there's a proportion of patients who take the vaccines and it appears as if nothing happens. And that proportion is the majority and thank goodness. But there is a real minority where they take the vaccines and something happens, including serious injuries and deaths.

So with that backdrop let's start out with what you've analyzed with respect to the companies and who makes these vaccines. And walk us through how a covid 19 vaccine is made. And I think for simplicity's sake why don't we just stick with the messenger RNA vaccines.

... continued...

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... continued...

ALEXANDRA [SASHA] LATYPOVA: Yeah so that's exactly right. So the first thing I did when I became alarmed by the actions of regulatory authorities, especially with respect to suppression of hydoxychloroquine and other early treatments, as a professional I was extremely alarmed by this and I started looking into this issue much more closely. You know I'm a private citizen, I only have access to VAERS, as everyone else does, and so that's where I went to look. And I wanted to specifically look at the VAERS reports by manufacturing lot numbers. That information exists in VAERS and no other, none of these other data bases that you mention contain this information, so my analysis was to look at adverse events and deaths reported for these mRNA shots per lot number.

As you probably understand as common sense for everyone to know that a lot of something mass-produced, including drugs, food or beverage should always look about the same. If you buy aspirin today in a pharmacy, next month when you buy the same bottle of aspirin it should have the same performance about safety and efficacy as you expect from this product, as you know, as physicians know, as consumers know. So what we are supposed to see when we look at adverse events and deaths by lot number is a straight line across and as close to zero as possible as far as the adverse events and deaths. And that's called safe, effective, and well-manufactured product, product manufactured according to Good Manufacturing Practices, which is a set of laws in the United States covered by a code of federal regulation [inaudible] actually very, very extensive.

And so to do that I looked at the flu vaccines which are very widely administered in the United States, about 50% of the population gets them every year, it's a wide variety of people, children and older adults, so that's a good comparator. And when I looked at the flu vaccines they looked as expected. They looked as a, you know, all the lots looked as a line across the bottom of the graph close to zero. The maximum we ever found, and this is spanning 20, 30 years of data in VAERS, was 37 reports, serious adverse event reports for a lot, and there were probably a couple of deaths. And deaths were very few and far in between, not every lot had them, really just very rare occurrence you could say. And again, flu vaccines are administered in millions and millions of doses, half the population of the US every year. So that was as expected.

And then when I looked at these mRNA shots, at the time also contained Jansen, it's barely used today, the picture looked extremely, extremely alarming.

The range of the adverse events was you know, some lots had maybe 3 to 5 and some lots had 5,000 to 6,000. So the variation by thousands of times was absolutely abnormal, completely not expected from a good manufacturing practice produced product. And so that answer was right away that these products are not produced to good manufacturing practices. Something very wrong is going with this manufacturing.

I then started you know this research, you know continued this research for a year. I wrote letters, Senator Ron Johnson used my data in one his letters to FDA, CDC, manufacturers, which still remains unanswered, you know, asking questions, why this data looks this way.

We also found very abnormal patterns for, based on geography. There were clustering of lots with really bad performance, really bad set of adverse events and deaths. Some lots have several hundreds deaths in one lot, which is just incredible.

The data looks also really bad when you look geographically by each state in the United States. For example states like South Dakota and Kentucky look like death zone, they each have over 30 deaths per 100,000 vaccinated people, that's just VAERS, and you know it's very underreported.

And also there are lots that have dozens of deaths in them in those states. And again I do not believe that this is not known to health authorities in those states. And any lot of anything that produces you know even a couple of deaths, five deaths, is immediately suspect for removal from the market, recalled. And those recalls never happened.

In fact I found that on January 18th 2021, just couple of weeks after full roll out of these mRNA and DNA vaccines in the United States, the health authority of Orange County California accidentally did their job and they found a lot of Moderna that had abnormal number of, they called it allergic reactions, and they said that we're pausing injections from this lot. And this was identified in numerous news reports including even on CNN. They— after a very brief investigation seems like, nothing was done. The lot continued to be distributed all over United States until end of March when it ran out, and it resulted ultimately in about 3,500 serious adverse events and 60 deaths across the United States.

So this is after it was flagged by a county health department. After it was flagged by a county health department it continued to be distributed all over United States and resulted in at least 60 deaths.

So that is an extremely alarming finding. And also of course points to intentional acts.

But you know the question is, how is these vaccines made, how they manufactured, who makes them? That was a much longer investigation and ultimately, and I'll give you a short summary of this, these products are made by a consortium of companies. A majority of this consortium is kind of a hidden to the public, kind of like an iceberg. What you see is Pfizer and Moderna and Jansen being advertised everywhere as manufacturers of these products, but in reality is it's a consortium of traditional and nontraditional suppliers to the Department of Defense. And this consortium has been put in place over a long period of time. I have contracts going back at least to 2012. These are millions, they've established millions of square feet of manufacturing capacity, equipment, supplies, assays, kits, staff, you know, infrastructure, security systems, logistics and so forth, to enable manufacturing of these kinds of products. And those are the companies that are making them. Pfizer and Moderna and Jansen are involved somewhat in some pieces of it, but the entire product is made in this sort of opaque black box DOD completely controlled by the Department of Defense set of contracts and regulations and rules that these guys have to comply with. And so they are producing something that cannot be traced.

And today there is no clarity at all about the manufacturing process. Obviously it's broken. Obviously it's producing bad product, a very inconsistent product. And you know these questions remain unanswered. So the raw material suppliers and intermediate vendors are not good manufacturing practice compliant, nor are Pfizer or Moderna really because the entire chain needs to be compliant for it to be a compliant product.



# # #


*Dr. Peter McCullough links:

website: https://www.petermcculloughmd.com/

Substack (co-authored with John Leake): https://petermcculloughmd.substack.com/archive

Podcast: The McCullough Report https://www.americaoutloud.com/author/dr-peter-mccullough/

**Joe Rogan interviewed Dr. Peter McCullough podcast #1747

[note: I have had trouble finding the original link, will update ASAP

https://rumble.com/vqv99d-joe-rogan-video-dr.-peter-mccullough-full-interveiw-a-very-experienced-doct.html ]

***Alexandra Latypova's Substack: https://substack.com/profile/50868935-sasha-latypova

****Zogby Survey: see https://childrenshealthdefense.org/press-release/15-of-american-adults-diagnosed-with-new-condition-after-covid-vaccine-zogby-survey-finds/

Direct downloads to Zogby survey results:



*Aaron Siri's substack: https://aaronsiri.substack.com

ICAN is the Informed Consent Action Network, webpage is https://icandecide.org

The V-safe data can be found at https://icandecide.org/v-safe-data/

**Peer-reviewed literature on vaccine injuries, see for example:


***VAERS is the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, official US government data base.


(Note: https://openvaers.com/covid-data provides VAERS data in a more reader-friendly presentation)

****World Council for Health Report on Pharmacovigilance for the vaccines

See https://worldcouncilforhealth.org/news/independent-pharmacovigilance-report-recall-of-covid-19-vaccines/

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Thanks for posting this

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Germane to the US situation but what explains why so many other countries followed the same vaccination-only/early treatment suppression policies in lock-step?

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Some factors:

1. The Davos crowd is not U.S.-centric; this is a global(ist) effort based on global plans and sentiment.

2. The same military/economic clout that extracts compliance with tyrannical U.S. foreign policy applies here. Carrot and stick work for scamdemic policy, too.

3. Through bribes, coercion, and the general ignorance demonstrated by many nations, Pfizer and Moderna (both U.S.-based) were able to acqire customer worldwide, pointing to the economically advanced nations that were clamoring for their products. (Ironic, since they were DOD products, not their own.)

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Assassination, I suppose, would be the DoD goal. If the entire population can be corralled into accepting arbitrary injections at regular intervals, then all the perpetrators need from there is to tie the particular shot to the identity of the person receiving it.

Two personal communications from work associates, both accepting of the vaccines when they were first rolled out, sent chills up my spine. One volunteered to spend a morning helping with the mass vaccinations, with the reward being a free shot for himself at the end. He reported back an oddity in the procedure. All morning, his team injected the public with the Pfizer vaccine. But when it came time to inject themselves, they broke out a case of Moderna. He thought it was strange, but apparently did not conceive the implication that I thought obvious.

The other, a young man, made an appointment for his shot. He too reported an oddity. It seemed strange to him how intensely it was impressed upon him that he must show up exactly at the appointed time. He did so, and has never had any after-effects from the vaccine, or covid, or anything else. He had a chuckle though about the fellow in front of him in the line, who collapsed upon receiving the shot.

Depopulation may be Bill Gates' hobbyhorse, but the real prize here for anyone seizing power is the ability to assassinate anyone at any time in a way that can be explained as a random health issue.

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VERY interesting.

So, to confirm, your co-worker who received the Moderna injection has not had any major long-term effects? Did this co-worker report any immediate reactions to the Pfizer shot that he was helping to distribute?

An aside ... I do not know why this should come as any great shock, given circumstances, but nevertheless -- I cannot wrap my head around how that co-worker could not even bother to ASK why it is that the volunteers were given a different injection than the general public. That's just a mind-boggling level of compliant acceptance.

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To my knowledge, correct. He is a very healthy person in general, hardly ever sick. Both the first two injections put him out for a day, so I wouldn't suppose they were saline. I don't recall him mentioning anything about injectees having any immediate reactions to the Pfizer shot, but I think it was generally understood then that there would be some sort of bad reaction for a brief period.

He is also one of the most intelligent people I know, and generally very quick at critical thinking in anything relating to work, family, business, or technology. But he is, I believe, a kindly, non-fanatic liberal. He did question it, obviously. But fundamental trust in the entire system may be a box he cannot easily think outside of.

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Anyone who believes this nonsense loses qualification as “intelligent.” It is the opposite of intelligence to believe what known deceivers tell you.

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I thought the shots were free for everyone. Why was that the inducement for the man to help? Nobody I knew paid for one. Interesting about the Moderna though.

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Good question. Maybe I'm misremembering something there. Were they always free, even in the beginning? Or maybe it was an age thing, in which they weren't generally doing people in his age bracket yet?

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I could be wrong too but using another brand of jab is a bit suspicious to me.

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wow. Yes, I expected as much after the how-bad-is-your-batch evidence came out and the happy faces on the puppet idiots such as Trudeau getting fake shots / saline. These friends should circle back to those who told them to break out the Moderna / arrive exactly on time to press them for exactly why that happened.

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It would be interesting to know, wouldn't it? But as far as I know, these two are both still getting their booster shots, and are entirely healthy believers, though not obnoxious about it. I doubt they would remember, nearly two years later, as it was just an oddity for them, mentioned to their work team the morning after.

And I doubt that the individuals who told them to do these things would really know either. For them, it would just have been instructions coming down the pipe from somewhere above where all expertise and understanding resides. It's all programmatic, designed many steps up the hierarchy, likely with different human processors following the prescribed rules of their own channels, with no clue about the reason or the ultimate effect.

Behind that cloud of confusing protocol squat assassins who built and control it, who cannot be named or discovered because the immediate killers downstream have no inkling of what they are doing.

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Oh yes many of them knew. Or should have known. Thousands of doctors came forward to warn the people not to take the jab. Many provided evidence of what had happened to the lab animals. I knew just by doing research and immediately refused to inject ANYONE with this poison. I resigned my 30 year position as pharmacist immediately upon the illegal mandates being enforced.

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I would suggest starting here:

Did National Security Imperatives Compromise COVID-19 Vaccine Safety?

BY Phillip Altman

January 5, 2023


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Thank you. There are so many articles and interviews that it's hard to know where to start.

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Real scary article:-( Thank you.

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This just came out today.


And what is the goal of DoD if it indeed "called the shots"?

I don't know.

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Goal of the DOD? I published this list of items elsewhere. It is nowhere near exhaustive, but a broad, wide-reaching plan is obviously in play. The identities of those behind it are not as important as recognizing and defeating their ploys. (There is probably no monolithic "Enemy" anyway; there have always been assorted factions vying for global influence and control.)

Here are some objectives for would-be lords and masters:

1. Kill off and weaken as many "Useless eaters" (Harari) as possible.

2. Target developed nations, where people consume the most resources, so more will be left for the ultra-rich Davos crowd. (The middle class is best positioned to oppose the rich; it must be eliminated.)

3. Use fear and "Contagion" to justify an authoritarian bio-security state, squelching personal rights such as free movement and bodily autonomy.

4. Push toward universal digital ID and total surveillance/control. (No ID, no life.)

5. Eliminate SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises) by bankrupting the middle class with lockdowns/closures, while funneling remaining wealth to the top (which was never required to lock down) -- the Waltons, Bezos, etc.

6. Destroy the dollar through inflation and/or hyperinflation (bailouts and stimulation payments) so a "Smart" programmable digital currency can be deployed to replace it. The petrodollar's imminent demise may assist this strategy.

7. And of course, the greed/money... not for DOD, but for its masters in the MIIC. (Both Pfizer and Moderna are top 10 military contractors -- right there with Raytheon, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, etc...

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One of the interesting things about the DoD being the entity on the contracts is that, while the FDA, CDC, HHS, etc can be brought to court and FOIA'd, the DoD is much harder to get at. And if you thought the 1986 act, PREP act, etc made it hard to sue, "countermeasures" are a whole other level.

The fact that they are so well prepared legally for the coming fall-out makes it seem far more likely that they knew it was going to be a total disaster.

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Excellent point.

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I recommend these two videos. Sasha makes the case with documents.


On Bitchute:


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Why, Agenda 2030 of course.

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I watched this interview/statement many times and there is so much information I need to listen many more times. Yes, the truth is there somewhere and I’m thinking it’s all much more diabolical then one could possibly imagine

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The DoD's actions to "fix" the "glitch" in the DMED (Defense Medical Epidemiology Database) in Feb. 2022 following Sen. Johnson's hosting of whistleblowers in January, suggests a cover-up at the highest levels of government. To believe the cover story, one must believe that millions of medical records and for only certain types of illnesses failed to be entered between 2016-2020, yet the problem magically stopped in 2021.

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Hmm, I just posted a bunch of all-cause mortality graphs for US states. Highly-vaxxed Massachusetts continues to have relatively low (14%) excess in the 25-44 year age group. This is basically a flat line since COVID began and would seem to exclude vax mortality increase above 10%. https://norstadt.substack.com/p/excess-mortality-for-25-44-year-olds

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"at this point, this looks like about as clear a signal as one could find. release the rest of this data."

Go To Jail, Go directly to Jail. Do not pass GO, do not collect $200.

If only life imitated art.

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j̶a̶i̶l̶ hell


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Oh, they are going to hell, preferably via the gallows. I wonder why they won't share the data...

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We should start a pool on when the dam will finally break. Next month? Next year? Never?

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Put me down for never. What else would need to happen? People are dropping dead left and right. All cause mortality is way up and birth rates are way down--only in highly vaxxed places. What other proof could we possibly show?--and all they need to do is ignore it and keep it out of the main stream media and the majority will have no idea what is really happening.

There is bombshell proof coming out literally every week. Stuff like the Israeli data scandal. (It was literally on video)

We got the CDCs vaers data the other day showing all of the safety signals. V-Safe data was insane--and nothing ever actually happens. Yes less people are taking boosters but the media and government will never admit their mistake and nobody will ever be held accountable. Sucks but thats the way it is.

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Never. Best case. Hell, if he could get away with it--and for all I know he probably could--POTUS would attempt to force employers to again require vaccination. The facts stopped mattering at least 18 months ago. As you so astutely opine, "government will never admit their mistake and nobody will ever be held accountable." #AbsoluteFacts

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There was no mistake made. This was and is purposeful democide. Read this article from 1981 by one of our great leaders Jacques Attali “The Idiots Will Go To The Slaughterhouse On Their Own”. It is happening now as planned over 40 years ago. Sickening. Look it up. I’m serious.

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He may have said it but I don't think it's to be found on the internet. If somebody has a paper document from ~40 years ago, with the proof of what he said, then it would be useful to scan and circulate. BTW he's still alive, early 70s.

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It’s still available on Odysee. Just type in the title.

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I'm not going to bet against you. Maybe not "never" but not likely in my lifetime. Good examples of data suppression. Politics is dominating and that isn't going to change as long as politicians control money.

Another factor to consider is that some of the people in the middle of this thing have been negative population growth advocates for decades. That they continue to advocated boosters and giving this drug to children in the face of the evidence might at list hint that perhaps what we see as negative outcomes (death) is not seen as such by these advocates. Just a thought to add to the mix.

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I think you're misreading the public mood. Sure, there remains ~30% clinging to their new cult religion. They are lost.

Search the web & read the tone of the convo. The 40-50% in the middle (the obedient & naïve) are rapidly shifting into fear & anger. The, "I'm jabbed strut" died last year.

Slowly at first, then all at once. 1H 2023, no doubt.

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I can’t imagine how terrified I would be if I had taken the jab. May God help these people and all of us.

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Lucy, if I had taken it, I'd be aware it is inside me every waking minute. I have a true believer best friend who has had 5 shots total. I think I detect fear along with an unwillingness to admit he was fooled. Standard stuff, I'd imagine, in many people. But one thing I've noticed in ALL my vaxxed friends is an inability - or difficulty - to get outside of themselves, to look at something while pretending it is unrelated to themselves. "Why do

THEY take this unproven shot despite Covid's low mortality numbers?" They

seem unable to put their immediate fears (of sickness, social insolation) aside and think through this debacle. Am I making sense? I truly don't know if I am - Im just bewildered as to how my fairly smart friends haven't seen what is so strikingly painfully 100% obvious, and I need an explanation better than "Dumb", and less than (I hope) nanoparticles in their brains have been activated by 5 G towers.

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Why are so many conspiracy aficcionados hung up on nanoparticles and 5G? There are plenty of more credible, and yes perhaps boring, reasons why the shots harm people: poorly tested mRNA concoctions, spike proteins, and so on. Yes, there (probably) are conspriracies, but self-assembling robots in our brains rather pushes the envelope of the possible.

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That's what makes it hard to reach them. You don't want to terrify them. You just want them to stop.

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I hope you're right! On a positive note - was talking with a neighbor last night who got the Injection ( but maybe not the Booster). By the end of the conversation, she was saying "I'm not taking any more of these."

So maybe we're getting closer to reaching people.

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Been noticing a certain lack of 'safe and effective!"--but naturally, didn't observe when that began

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TML -- I haven't seen this (evidence that a good portion of the jabbed are starting to question, and become afraid). To be fair, my primary (okay, only) exposure to "normie" conversation is via comments on non-political accounts on Instagram, but still ... Just a couple of weeks ago, I saw a post on the account of a younger woman about how she had suffered a PTE and "doctors were baffled" as to why. NONE of the comments even SUGGESTED the "why" that all of us here know all too well. I have seen ZERO evidence of "Normies" waking up. May I ask what sites you are reading and seeing this on? ... It would certainly be a good thing to read ...

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There was a psychology test/phenomenon (forget the name, didn't find) of showing an image of what seemed to be a police chase.

Stay with me, it's a good example, how to reach the Normies.

In the image, it appeared that a Caucasian, Uniformed, Policeman was closely running after a Black, Civilian clothed, person. At this point, students in the psych class are asked to GUESS what you see. Most say: Police chasing a bad guy/criminal.

But then it is revealed, you are seeing a Small Portion of the Bigger Picture. Literally.

The teacher reveals the total image on the screen, and it is easier to tell, that infact, it is 1 uniformed police running with his partner (the plained clothed "black civilian"), chasing 2-3 guys with weapons in their hands.

This illustrates, sometimes you have incomplete info on the bigger picture. C'mon Normies! See the bigger picture ffs.

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There is evidence all around us. Some examples:

1) Jab uptake has tanked - watch what people do

2) Here: https://twitter.com/AlexBerenson/status/1612874701017346048

3) Here: https://twitter.com/EthicalSkeptic/status/1612509378288009216

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I'm not on Twitter -- thank you. Those are *very* telling.

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I can say that I can sense some of these people see it, but they don't want to - so they won't admit it.

They very consciously want to put their head in the sand - which is why they're in the position they are to begin with.

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"...as long as politicians control money. "

Surely it's the politicians who are controlled by money? They just follow their instructions.....

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I really do wonder how long the normies can hang on to the Big Lie. Nobody can deny what is happening anymore. People are dropping dead everywhere around them. It’s probably pretty scary knowing they took the poison ☠️ and knowing they or their family members could be next. I am so glad I refused the tyranny. Thank God 🙏

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I learned, in my Red Cross Water Safety Instructor Course, decades ago, that when people are dumped into the water, they often have a difficult time discerning up from down--and lose their lives swimming vigorously toward the bottom. Yes, logically, a moment of not-swimming should let them feel the direction of buoyancy--but panic removes every shred of thought. I consider this an analogy. And I do thank God every single day.

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A similar analogy: If you swim to a drowning person to save them, they will grab you and climb up your back to get air... with adrenaline fueled strength. Down you both eventually go.

Throw them a rope or hand them a pole, but keep your distance.

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And the Boy Scout Water Rescue Method Order goes: Reach-Throw-Row-Go.

Go is the worst. Statistically, when someone jumps in the water to save a drowning victim, most likely outcome is that two people drown.

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Ugh. Interesting. I wonder what the odds are for getting behind them and holding them up by the back?

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Better than one rescuer, I'd think. I don't think we covered that.

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Learned in that course--and mentally repeated the individual physical moves every night when awake--how to handle that. Have lost the knowledge (it was 1982) since. But the rule was


before you Row

before you Go

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I was a lifeguard at a large reservoir in CA when I was young. We used large flat surfboards to quickly paddle out to swimmers in trouble. We lifeguards knew to keep the board between us and drowning swimmer - ok to reach across the board and grab a flailing arm or two - but always with the board inbetween.

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Panic is a killer, for sure. There's an old pilot's saw, in an emergency the first thing you do is wind your watch. Yeah, that's old and perhaps 2 generations of people don't get it because they've never seen a clock or watch that needed to be wound ;-). The point is don't just do something, sit there for a minute and get your brain going. Ok, in crisis "a minute" might only be seconds. But the point is still the same: Do not succumb to panic, give your adrenaline a chance to work for you. Look, listen, smell. Assess what you know. Take inventory. Assess, act, assess again, modify your action, repeat.

Another truth is that in a crisis, you will fall back on your training. So many people it seems are "trained" to defer to "authorities" in a crisis, rejecting any responsibility for the outcome. Tragically, this kills too. Another old saw: when seconds count, help is only minutes away.

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Tiok, great comment all around. I wound my watch before replying cuz the greatness got my adrenaline going. Have you noticed as I have over the last two years how 95% of the comments on most of these vaccine substacks are very smart, very educated, and generally very rational and almost never descend into ad hominem attacks against each other? I'm a true blue American and love my country with all my heart, but we do have a fair share of whack jobs. I see no

real trace of them around these parts, which gives me some hope. My young (ish) daughters also give me hope. They saw the ruse very early on, as did (by and large) their friends. What HAPPENED to so many, and how did they get so thoroughly hypnotized. Whoops, my comment is getting long. I just saw a 30ish dude wearing his little blue mask. However I just saw his eyes flick my way with a hint of shame. I'm 6 feet 2, haven't shaved in a few days, it's rainy and I don't have an umbrella - oh, maybe he's worried about his wallet. I was hoping that it is dawning on him that he fell for all the many many lies like a good little compliant sheep with a cute little "baaa" stuck in his tiny throat cuz the wind is a bit brisk and he'd love a warm pumpkin spice latte and maybe a nice croissant, we'll see how his tummy feels, it got a tad queasy when he saw a man walk by who didn't look like he was all in this together. (Guess what? Mask boy bugs me).

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Yes, I still see plenty of the masked roaming around. My favorites are the folks who are wearing a mask while driving alone in their cars. Doesn't but me anymore, just makes me smile at the absurdity. When I get the condescending looks, I just smile. I find that irritates the righteous far more than arguing with them. Of course that hasn't been happening much as even here in the depths of California folks seem to have had enough of that particular line of BS. Almost everyone I know including family who have had the "vaccine" - except my 88 year old dad. So it's not doing a great job of protecting them. Some still cling to the "well it would have been worse if..." litany. A couple folks I know who avoided the shot and got the plague, including my son and his boss, had milder symptoms than the rest of the "vaccinated" crowd and are happy to point out how much not worse it was. My kid is 28 but his boss is my age (over 60). Yet the true believers cling to the litany as if it came down the mountain with Moses himself. I can laugh, for a while, until I remember all the harm that has been done by the BS. Then it isn't funny anymore :-(

I too have noticed that forums which allow actual discussion, including challenges to the approved positions, tend to have more folks interested in dialogue than not. I've learned in most forums (on-line and live) that raising questions can quickly turn to name calling with "denier" the current favorite. I enjoy dialogue, and avoid name calling. On my social media I post pictures of dogs, apolitical humor, and so on. Well mostly. Once in a while it's fun to post a provocative question and enjoy the ensuing chaos, I must admit (he said with a devilish grin). But around here we can just have a conversation.

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I only took a few courses. The most vivid I recall was the warning that a drowning person will grab ahold of anything in a panic, including a would-be rescuer. Lesson: a person panicking is potentially dangerous to those around him, even if he does not intend to be so.

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They will deny it as long as it is being sanitized by the MSM. Only those whose eyes are already open are seeing the truth. It’s going to take a lot more celebrities and sports people dropping on the spot to cause them to question what is going on. The DATA IS OUT THERE…they are practicing willful ignorance or they’re the type that still believes Fox News is a conservative channel and that CNN would never lie!

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You are describing my daughter who just became a physician’s assistant and believes in the lie more than life itself. Fully jabbed and boosted. Calls me a conspiracy theorist if I point out people dying everywhere. I love her so much but she is completely brainwashed. Refuses to admit the truth. I pray for her and all of the deceived people every day. That God will intervene and help humanity to see the Truth. But it’s too late I think. I’ve already lost one daughter to murder by her husband. This is more than I can bear. I don’t understand why they vehemently fight against those of us who are trying so hard to protect them.

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" I don’t understand why they vehemently fight against those of us who are trying so hard to protect them."

This is how God feels, every day.

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Great comment!

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This is the conundrum. I ask myself constantly- why do you trust total strangers more than people who care about you?

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I ask this all the time. And I used to work in pharma. Why do they trust robots reading lines on tv instead of someone who is not only an expert, but who loves them???

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99.9% survival for covid or relatively close to that number. natural immunity is best. ivermectin won the Nobel prize. why all the excess deaths occurring? what does the vaccine do - stop infection? stop transmission? why myocarditis exploding in young men? logical approach. have her look at the history of h. pylori and what the doctors Warren and Marshall went through. they were ridiculed by the medical "establishment" until they proved themselves correct. Warren and Marshall were successful because they remained curious...all great doctors are...tell her to be careful who she "models" as they are not curious...or it would appear. Stay strong Lucy!

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Accept the Conspiracy Theorist Label with Grace. Ask her to prove Her Claim, as if she were in a court of law.

It takes real effort to dig and do research.

Have you ever heard a cop go into a murder scene, interview 1 witness, and leave immediately after 1 minute of conversation and questions, and say, "well that's it! No corroboration of evidence needed, I'm out for lunch boys ..."

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My experience dealing with my own family and other "true believers" is that relying on factual references is ineffective. Seldom achieves much more than perhaps an invitation to skip the next family gathering ;-). With my own family I've been accused of "denying science" when (ironically) I quote sources found via NCBI and PubMed searches to refute the "credible" sources like AP and the New York Times. It was on NPR so it's fact. Anything contradicting what I've chosen to accept is misinformation. Note my family incudes engineers and scientists who really do know better than to accept "the science is settled" as even remotely plausible in real science. The power of political party loyalty!

I have had similar experience when I use the actual text of a proposed or enacted law to refute the claims made by proponents or opponents. As crazy as it seems, I've had well educated family members simple reject my quotations as "misinformation" - absurd but thar ya go.

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the cabal has done a great job of creating a cult. They know exactly how to do this. Cult members are well trained in how to defend the cult as well as the abusers running the cult. They'll often die instead of giving up this defense of abuse or turn on their abusers. And, as we're seeing, many are.

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Hehe. Sounds like my experience too.

it's gotta be Spike in the brain or nanobots eating the pre-fontal cortex.

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I’m so sorry, Lucy! So many of us have “lost” family, friends, and jobs over this criminal brainwashing. My own daughter doesn’t want to hear the facts, either. I worry about both my adult children and wonder if I’ll outlive them due to their choices. My dtr, at least, is willing to take supplements so in the guise of preventing Covid I’ve also added to her recommended regime those items that combat vax damage. I pray that’s enough. I also pray that sooner or later they will ALL see the truth, but I’m not holding my breath. I make sure to say something like “I’m sure glad you have immunity now from having Covid”…maybe it’ll sink in. Your daughter may yet see the light as she gets more work experience.

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I love you no matter what. One day, you may have a daughter. And you will want the best for her. This is what love looks like sometimes, what is sounds like. It's messy, but because we love each other, we sit down, we listen. And you can feel the exact same way when you leave, but in sharing, listening, our intimate feelings, we learn and love each other as best we can. Lucy, prayers and best. Scott

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This is what I said too. It's gonna take high profile deaths. Without that everything is just numbers on a spreadsheet.

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How is that going to work?

Beloved celebrity JS dies. Cause of death: complications from COVID. Two scenarios:

JS wasn't vaccinated: it's his own fault for being a "denier": we need mandates, for their own good!

JS was vaccinated, boosted, and among the ranks of true believers: see how nasty this bug is? Better double down with another round of boosters.

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I'm not saying it's gonna be pretty, but that's what it's going to take. Basically look at what happened in the NFL in the last 2 weeks. Read the responses to all the twitter threads about it. 75% of the responses are pointing fingers at the gene shots. Rasmussen also had a survey that we are at 50% of the public thinks the shots are causing sudden deaths.

When these incidents happen it causes a tremendous amount of chatter, it's the best opportunity for us to get the data out in front of a lot of people all at once. The rates of mycarditis from vax vs. the absolute statistical impossibility of the commotio cordis narrative is incredibly compelling. It's impossible to hand waive away and the attempts to do so look desperate and obvious. These are what break the dam.

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And yet I have feared, for a good two years, that the 'high profile' people only took saline shots---so they won't be providing an object lesson. Please prove me wrong.

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Oh a good many of them definitely did get fake shots, especially in politics. But there are also true believers in there too. If enough of them got the real thing then there's a chance the scenario happened.

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It would be very difficult to definitively prove you wrong. Still, circumstantial evidence exists.

CA Gov. Newsom's experience just over a year ago, would be to differ.

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You’d think their own family would be high profile enough when it happens but probably can’t overcome the possibility of guilt and complicity. Shut down and clinging to the narrative.

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It's not high profile enough because it has to be disruptive to the narrative on a wider scale. Deaths of normies are easily marked anecdotal, high profile public deaths require the media to address it. When they blatantly lie it causes a tipping point where a bunch of people go "something isn't right" all at once.

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One point: never underestimate the power of denial. Especially in politics. History is simply rewritten. I never said that, I never was on that train. Then blame the opposition, accuse them of the crimes and indiscretions we ourselves committed. It was THOSE guys who did this to you. Standard tactics for politicians. You'd think the internet world of archived sites would render this old-school political tactic ineffective, but surprisingly, it still works...back to the first point, never underestimate denial. Those loyal to The Party will reject the evidence.

Also never underestimate the political value of tragedy.

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Kinda sounds like a certain politician who went to El Paso yesterday and told America that the problems at the border didn't happen overnight, and were in fact the fault of the previous Administration.

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Priceless, since the Dems had control of everything for the last 2 years and the Republicans had no power to change anything about the border....not that I'm convinced they want to do anything either. Point is, the Dems did nothing at all and refused to admit there was even a problem with the millions flowing over the border. Nope, it wasn't happening.

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To some degree those archives are suspect. For those who've not read the book, in Orwell's 1984 the progatonist Winston Smith was a low level employee in the Ministry of Turth whose job it was to cut and paste, re-writing history as needed to suit the present needs of The Party. The Memory Hole (= shredder) is very real.

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This re-writing of history requires a centralized control and coordination. Distribute information so that there is no one easily corrupt repository. What's happened with a lot of the "experts" is people saved the videos of their speeches in local archives. The official government pages will disappear the past assertions after the official story flips. But by spreading it out into the wild, it is still out there.

It's pretty easy to vet if you remember the original story. I remember Fauci telling us masks were useless except in specific uses (clinical settings). So when I see a clip of him saying it, well, I know it's real because I heard him back in 2020. But...what if you were not living the history? Then it can be tough to know which archive is real and which is the revised history. Video and audio clips can be faked. Anything can be altered. So what is history, really?

There is the "consensus" history. For example, a lot of "history" on Wikipedia is just flat wrong. A lot of technical information too. The community approach means that the crowd can shout down the individual, even when the individual is correct. The policy in fact elevates consensus over correctness. I've had changes and even entire pages taken down because they used only primary sources! We've entered the era of consensus reality, too - what is true is what the mod accepts.

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All of us sane people who refused to be part of this wild experiment (or worse) should not be too complacent. They have lots of other ways of getting to us (and I'm not going to give them any ideas, since they already have too many.) Keep praying.

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You’re exactly right! Now they’ve begun injecting livestock and companion animals…plenty of shedding going on all ready. We need to be treating ourselves as though we DID get the shot, because one way or another, they plan to get it into everyone’s body. Mark my words.

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Why were most Nazis either well-reassimilated into society--especially the smart useful ones--or unimpeded in setting up nice little South American cultural refuges?

Because the ranks of the complicit corporations and individuals throughout all Western nations were so comprehensive, you'd have to arrest and execute everyone who kept the world humming.

Big Pharma ensured so many dirty and tainted hands here that they'd be impossible to take down without taking down everyone else.

Not one politician on any side had the nerve to question the vax rollout at the start. DeSantis prided himself on the quick efficient statewide rollout he facilitated.

To be sure, any politician anywhere who might have said "hey, wait a minute" would have been destroyed by the hysterics--including all them experts--clamoring for the vax.

Every vax-mandating entity can turn around and point fingers and scream "you lied!" but they still denied people their civil liberties and participated in a massive crime against humanity.

There's no entity in this country that can cleanly prosecute anyone now for what has been done to us.

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All true about the Nazis assimilating back into society. But consider: their movement has become a synonym for the worst that humanity can do, and has served as a warning for every generation that has followed. It is our responsibility to assure that the same fate awaits the covidians.

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"the worst that humanity can do" - LMAO. Hardly. Humans do it all the time. Bolsheviks, Nazis, Maoists and a slew of minor genocides prove how easy it is to get humans to go after "others" who won't go along. They are mentally weak but they are the vast majority (75+%). By mentally weak I don't mean stupid. It has nothing to do with intelligence and everything to do with the ability to question authority.

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No; it's just become a handy epithet to hurl at anyone whose viewpoints or policies one doesn't like.

That all purportedly liberal Western democracies couldn't move fast enough to intern, in one way or another, those who objected to Plague Era transgressions upon constitutional or other rule-of-law human rights proves irrefutably that a Good German lives in everyone and some people really thrive on the permission to let him out.

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Never ever.

How many stockholders, CEOs, bankers, boardmembers and so on has gone to prison for poisoning the aquifers with heavy metals for all time?

That long.

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Or putting people in bankruptcy, poverty and economic loss with their scams. How many of them served jail terms. In the last 20 years. Just a few scapegoats like Martha Stewart and madoff.

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Madoff was a crook, not a scapegoat.

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Well yeah. That was clear but so are the masters of disaster from 2008. Congress is too as they can make money on insider trading unless they removed that recently. Crooks. Why else do they go in with modest incomes and leave (not fast enough) millionaires.

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He was both.

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I was quite bemused to learn that the author who currently partners with Matt Taibbi on Matt's weekly podcast is the son of a (late) patent lawyer/litigator at that lovely corporation, 3M, and writes quite proudly of his dad.

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I think the dam WILL break. I think the orthodoxy camp knows this. I reckon they’re playing for a gradual awakening of the populace as their only chance of avoiding being chased by angry citizens carrying ropes and pitchforks. If they can manage a slow awakening, they have an increased chance of a more lenient outcome. Even the slow kids are starting to wake up now. Look at the videos of athletes dropping and check out the reactions of the surrounding players witnessing these health episodes. These poor bastards know they’ve signed up for a game of Russian roulette. They’re thinking “who’s next? My team? Their team? Me?” It’s gonna get spicy. Buckle up folks!

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a very telling quiz. I especially like the fact that you included "space aliens" multiple times.

/this sounds sarcastic, but really, it's not.

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As I was reading thru survey Q&A I was wondering are space aliens lizard people…then we get to the weird stuff and lizard people are not left out. I just might want to take part in the surveys.

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I think space aliens are creatures in UFOs that appear suddenly.

The lizard people might have been space aliens at one point, but have been here for a while, and might live underground.

I'm ashamed I have thoughts about this.

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There seems to be a lot of confusion around this issue, so let me clear it up:

The lizards people entered the country legally.

Hope this helps.

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I, for one, welcome our Reptilian Overlords.

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Please take this survey seriously.

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At first blush I thought you were poking fun with the survey.

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Never forget the US government, with every other fucking thing going on, released a UFO report and absolutely no one was interested.

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Back in the day, occultist Aleister Crowley purportedly summoned a demon and later drew a picture of it. It bears a striking resemblance to the beings sketched by those claiming to have been abducted by aliens.https://thewebmatrix.net/jimnicholsufo/The%20Aeon%20of%20Horus_files/image012.jpg


We live in interesting times, Guttermouth.

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I'm game.

Keep your powder dry!

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Oh, I've got lots and lots of powder...

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Watched a bit of football this weekend, most uninteresting were pf commercials every 7 minutes or so.

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Hey Yuri- I'm going with the hillary response- "At this point what ****ing difference does it make? Call me when someone, anyone is charged with anything and it ends up on a court docket....

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My guess is that TPTB are biding their time. Perhaps within several months the SAD will dwindle and we will be left with mostly long term effects of the vax so the signal will be muted and new narratives crafted. Were the architects of the Iraq war ever brought to justice?

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Depends on critical mass awakening. But TPTB can counter by accelerating their plans and options.

Truth Spreading and Resist-Defy-Do Not Comply are the best countermeasure for the peeps. Gear up people.

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I have one going with friends. I wonder, though, whether news media will simply lose so many viewers and readers that the breaking dam will ultimately be trivial.

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I have hope with Damar’s story. However pHarma $$$ and GoF / bioweapon makes me believe that a global cover up is happening and will continue as long as they have the $$$ to pay the shills in the media propaganda machine.

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Global Cover Up? Ya think? This has been the biggest psyop in history! The good news as that more and more folks are starting to wake up to this. For many, it’s been obvious for the last 3 years. There were some that saw this coming even farther back. Once you are awakened, you’ll see the world through a different lens. It can be more than a little troubling at times. Good luck and welcome to the club!

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Thought provoking article, thank you.

Vaccine Story:

Two friends in the medical field, a Dr. hospitalist and ICU nurse, with a cumulative experience of 50 years +, have been seeing an increase in embolisms and cardiac/vascular issues and deaths in vaccinated patients 40 years old or younger since vaccinations began. Most of the deaths cannot be explained in terms of cause.

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Let me guess. Your friends are "baffled."

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lmao. I'm trained in associate thinking for diagnostics; I just can't figure this out. Dayum.

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They are health professionals and do not share their opinions publicly, and I shouldn't allude to what their opinions are.

Suffice to say, I am posting the truthful above on this forum.

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Difficult to overcome the dogma that the quakcine is safe and effective.

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Reminds me of the claims, especially since the "Twitter files" came out, that early in the vax rollout dissenting viewpoints were censored, not because they were ntrue, but because they would "encourage vaccine hesistancy."

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They can easily be explained but people would have to admit the truth. They absolutely REFUSE to see the truth 😧

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They come in with preconceived notions, ideas that have been reinforced via enforced vigilantism, about all sorts of things that have prevented them from engaging in independent thought. See also Climate Change, Gun Control, Transgender Policy, et lotsa al.

They _already know._

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Dearest Gato,

I so appreciate what you are doing--I am unable to imagine the hours and pains which you put into each of these writings. But...

of almost equal importance to me, is the comment section. I have, for essentially all of my life, felt 'other' from almost everyone else (barring my husband, who foolishly fell in love with me 52 years ago this month and is the only one in the world to understand me [btw, he is a research physicist]. I read, and add to, the comments, finding in them a world of intellectual friends. I thank you deeply for this gift.

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I think you do the unvaccinated a disservice. They most certainly ARE healthier (of mind!) and less susceptible (to propaganda, lies and coercion)!!

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Some of us who were vaccinated were wary of government propaganda and distrustful of the vaccines yet were compelled to accept them to be able to see loved elderly family members in person. It was emotional blackmail. Some saw loved ones before they passed; some did not. The feeling of betrayal via government, big pharma and public health runs deep.

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Faustin Bargain.

I was told to stay away from my 98 yearold grandmother by my brother and cousins. She told me she didn't care if I was vaxxed or not. Luckily, she still lives at home, so there was no impediment for me to visit her. She turned 101 a couple of months ago, I suppose covid wasn't that dangerous.

Sorry you had to give in, that is a horrible situation.

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I had a friend who was terminal with cancer. The shutdowns of 2020 meant I could not visit him. Nor could anyone else. My friend died alone. We know he would die, he knew he would die. He appealed to the administrators of the hospice using logic: being that he was in hospice because he was about to die, his risk from COVID was non-existent give that he planned to die only once. Compounding tragedy with stupidity, this is the legacy of 2020!

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Everyone involved in forcing people to die alone during this covid freakout will have to answer for their crimes at their final judgment. I wouldn't want to be them.

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I am glad you and your grandmother used logic and were able to get away with it.

Stay strong and spread the love.

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There are basically 3 types who took the shots.

1) The pant wetters. They ran to the authorities for salvation over a 0.3% IFR disease.

2) The convenience junkies. At the slightest inconvenience they took the shots.

3) Those who caved when they had the screws put to them for jobs etc.

I can understand the third group but would NEVER agree. If you are not willing to stand up for yourself when literal war crimes are being done to you, when will you? Never is the answer.

The first 2 groups are so alien to me that I can't even begin to fathom their mindset.

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My colleagues were 99% of group #2.

Friends and family: mostly #1

Me I was telling everyone I will go up to #3: my family basically declared me totally insane to risk my job for a "shot"

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Hindsight is 20/20 as the saying goes. Many people "caved" as you put it because they felt duty to support their families by working, caring for loved ones, being productive. It wasn't all a sign of weakness.

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They still caved and yes it was weakness. People did lose jobs, couldn't collect unemployment, lost savings, homes, businesses and families abandoned them but still said "NO". That is strength. Once you let them do it to you then it is real easy to accept war crimes being done to others after all "You've done your part".

The vast majority of humans will hold out for "hope" that if they just go along one more time things will work out. It never does. We who said "NO" up front were not deluding ourselves with rationalizations and justifications.

When you read the losers side of history you realize that every vile evil done made sense to the vast majority to go along with. They didn't have to get their hands dirty. All they had to do was acquiesce with their silence and boy are they good at that.

Dr Zelenko was of the opinion that "God is testing us". I'm of the view that life is but a test. In either case I did NOT FAIL.

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People did the best they could under the circumstances. The lockdowns were harsh and many people viewed the mRNA platform as being akin to getting an annual flu vaccine. Voices who questioned the lockdown madness, masking madness, mRNA madness were silenced. Hopefully the dam is breaking and the blind will see and the deaf will hear.

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"People did the best they could under the circumstances. "

Much evil has been perpetrated due to that excuse.

Which is why it cannot be allowed as an excuse. You choose, and you stand for the choice you made.

No "the Devil/governement/God/other made me do it." Your choice and your action is always on you, no matter the circumstances.

Otherwise it's just a question of semantic framing and rationalisation.

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Maybe. But it's time people become better. If that is the best we could do, then we are failing as a species.

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Sorry if I come across a bit harsh, bitter and unforgiving but my species behaviour does not instill confidence. When (not "If") the next attack occurs what will they do? Will they finally stand? No, they will find a reason to go along.

Play a mind game with this scenario. The government announces that you've all been given a poison that they can trigger remotely and kill you. They will give you the antidote but only if you kill an unvaxxed person. Do you think those who caved in will go along? What if they just have to rat someone out and not get their hands dirty? Make it easy for them.

Think that's far fetched? Read the public stuff that DARPA has already done for starters. The capabilities they've already shown publicly are truly mind bending.

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Don't be so harsh on group 3. Although this iteration's "persusasions" was pretty tame by historical standards, given enough adversity (torture) nearly any person will confess to almost anything. Details are available, but they are not for the squeamish.

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That was the most evil part. Hard to resist. I have much sympathy for those. Me? I just waited it out. My daughter and her family still hung out with me and didn’t demand vax. But then she knows exactly what I think of most modern medicine. The rest of I didn’t much care if I saw them or not.

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I count myself among this group, with partially mitigating argument (to make myself feel less stupid) that information on the true level of potential harm was not available. Based on the information I had at the time, I know the benefit was low (I had no risk factors of serious outcomes from COVID) but also thought the risk was small (a few hours to a couple days of discomfort). The "rest of the story" was suppressed.

Ok so what's my excuse for the booster in 2022? I'm working on it...

In my own defense, I spoke against mandates and never recommended anyone else do as I did. So there is that.

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Don't feel stupid. It has nothing to do with intelligence and everything to do with the ability to question authority. If you can't question authority you will become the victim of authority.

Questioning authority to the point where you will say "NO" to authority is beyond most people. Especially medical authority.

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Well here's the rub there - I am ALL about questioning authority. And I am not about being a victim. So that makes it even harder to explain.

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Not to the point of saying "NO" to authority you aren't. Questioning authority but going along and doing what they say doesn't help much. That final step where one says "NO" and doesn't back down is crucial.

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Then there are those that were coerced into taking the jab to be able to keep their jobs/homes/health insurance and pay the bills. The mandates were 100% pure evil. I would say more evil than Pharma producing the jabs. Without the mandates people at least had a choice - really before mandates people just had to overcome peer pressure to remain unjabbed.

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This is why the goons forced, mandated, coerced, & “paid” incentives or “rewarded” for it’s injection into ALL ages of society - because somehow they knew it could not stand on it’s own merit as good & healthy & wise. Society “duped, doped,...dying & devastated. 💔

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It was so obvious to me. How could people not know it was a fraud? I don’t understand how most people have no critical thinking skills. It’s just heartbreaking.

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Same. I was in shock as I watched videos of people lining up for the "vaccine". I absolutely thought that no one would inject the experiment into themselves. My eyes were opened to the general blind trusting stupidity of society as a whole.

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I’d go into our smallish Walgreens and people would be masked and sitting in chairs all over the store. Up and down the aisles at first. Then they required reservations. Surreal.

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I think for a lot of people, especially tribal Democrats, that "all in it together" mindset was a big rush. It was fun, and exciting, and a gay opportunity in self-imposed hardship to display virtue to all. I can remember the rapt glow in my beloved cousin's voice in summer of 2021 on the phone as he shared with me which vaccine brand he had decided to get, and, too polite to contradict me, his soft moans of disappointed horror as my recount of my own affairs revealed where I stood on the issue.

For Democrats, it was the same rare flash of being united in fraternal amity with everyone else in the country over a righteous cause that Republicans enjoyed briefly in the heady early days of the War on Terror, and which tragically went south for much the same reasons.

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Even without the data and a more thorough understanding of immunology and respiratory viruses, the idea that you would willingly induce your body to make a foreign protein, with no knowledge of how much and for how long and where it is made, with the intent that your body then has to learn to destroy this self-made protein is completely bonkers. Then calling it a vaccine as if it shared anything in common with other vaccine mechanisms (which, at least attempt to mimic SOME aspect of a natural infection). No wonder they mandated it.

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@Lucy I have friends I previously considered open minded, only to discover their minds closed like a steel trap. Who knew? TDS is only partly to blame.

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Trump is still pushing the jab. I think he was on on it the whole time. All of this is just beyond belief for people who can’t admit the truth. And the truth is absolutely horrible.

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Many actors are complicit. Evidence is pointing to the DoD as ground zero.

Also, just want to say hello to all the international FUDs watching, Mi5 bit*hes and domestics as well. Hi (:

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I think Trump was duped by Fauci, et al. His biggest weakness is trusting people he should never have trusted, and not listening to others he should have listened to from the start. I think he really believed that Fauci and the pharmaceutical companies had the best interests of the people at heart. It took him a long time to wake up to how bad Fauci is, and he probably still can’t believe the rest of the health industry is willfully killing people and covering it up. I was never going to take the vaccine until there was more evidence that it was “safe and effective”, but as soon as it was rolled out, right after the election, to avoid giving any credit and help to Trump, I knew those companies were confirmed evil liars, and I resolved not to take it. To be fair, Trump tried to get hydroxychloroquine in use, and that backfired spectacularly. I don’t think he could have stopped the vaccines anyway, and at least he wouldn’t have mandated them. But his pride won’t let him admit how bad they are now. That is the main reason I want him to step aside and endorse DeSantis.

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He knew. And he pushed the jab as hard as he could. Trump is not stupid.

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I was shocked that some of my dearest friends--all with Ph.D.s and one of whom is a statistician--parroted the safe and effective mantra from day one. Eye opening, for sure!

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I have several friends with double PhDs and MD degrees. Completely parroted the bs. I was astonished. I wouldn’t let them off the hook. They stopped talking to me. They knew I knew they were parroting a scam. I lost all respect for them. They chose the money and big houses no matter the cost to humanity. I give them all no quarter.

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yes, as I was already an antivaxxer it was easy for me, but those who react like they are scalded when hearing a vax critisism, had a harder time

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It has been. Heartbreaking. Baffling. Nonsensical. It was obvious to me from the beginning also.

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So many brains have as been stuffed full with All Catastrophe All The Time it was hardly any effort to panic them into rushing to Walgreens.

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Hindsight is 20:20.

Making excuses for my mistakes? You betcha!

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Nudge Units. Behavioral Psychology.


Smith-Mundt Modernization + creation of Social and Behavioral Science Team (SBST) "Nudge Unit."

Behavioral Science, The Science (TM) of the pandemic is the science of the efficacy of propaganda to change a target population's behaviors. Like increasing compliance with government directives.


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Economists the world over read this book then get jobs in government. In fact, a Salvadoran friend of Mrs. Pi - like, in El Salvador - told me she liked this book.


I already knew who Sunstein is so I knew what sorts of policies she'd favor.

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Welcome back cat-you were missed.

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And this, little kids, is why they don't want to have a control group.

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What I said since the beginning. Coercion went so far that control group is miniscule in almost all age groups. So basically the "experts" will dismiss all claims as baseless.

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This isn’t “medicine” or a “vaccine” or even a pharmaceutical product. It is a weapon (“countermeasure”) deployed by the DOD against the global population. See Katherine Watt (Bailiwick News Substack) and Sasha Latypova (Due Diligence and Art Substack) for the details and the decades of planning that went into this operation. We are being exterminated by psychopaths.

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Though I wouldn't call it a "countermeasure." It was phase 2 of the original measure: "covid / SARS-Cov-2" itself.

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.. .... we had to save grammmmmma

so we took the clot shot.

Our Gobbermint is always helping us.


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When I hear people say "Just doing my part!" or "Just giving back to the community!" I know right away to run away. These "selfless" authoritarians are only doing things for our own good.


“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”

- C. S. Lewis

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I think it was Thoreau who said (more or less) "If a man were coming to my home intent to help me, I should run for my life."

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It's good advice!

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excellent! which book? i recognize, but cannot recall.

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God in the Dock

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Great analysis! The cancers that result from the covid vaxxes are incubating and brewing now. Learn how to protect yourself and loved ones from cancer with fenbendazole, a safe, inexpensive, off patent, otc drug. So far it saved two people (make that THREE) close to me. Read the detailed Case Reports https://fenbendazole.substack.com

Breast, colon, prostate, glioma, lung, it doesn’t seem to matter, fenbendazole seems to eradicate them all. Case Reports in the queue are melanoma, ovarian, breast, myeloma, bladder are the next five

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You can actually buy fenbendazole OTC.

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Yes, it’s available on Amazon.

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is this why biden was making weird declarations about how we were going to cure cancer while he's president?

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Nah. You really think Ped0 J0e is going to let cancer get cured that way?

He's going for "mRNA cancer vaxxes" for the win.

Because... we're just not dying fast enough for Mother Gaia and Our Betters.

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No. The govt is trying to get out ahead of the brewing cancer epidemic caused by the covid shots in an effort to pretend that they “are doing something.” The govt will never - NEVER - be interested in a preventive or a cure for cancer, as the big pharma money is in the treatment. Big Pharma gets the politicians elected to make sure the emphasis on treatment status quo is maintained☠️

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This is really interesting! Thx for sharing!

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God I wish I hadn’t taken the two I did to keep my job - glad I’m not taking any more ☹️

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Get on with the flccc.net "I-Recover: Post Vaccine Treatment" protocol.

The ONLY good news I have for those who took the shots is that the doctors who came through for us for 2+ years with early treatments are now saying "Don't give up hope. We can fix this".

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I know how you feel. I gave in to emotional blackmail and got two shots because it was a condition to be allowed to visit a newborn on my wife's side of the family. When the same parents then said that they wanted us to get boosted before they would come to visit us, I said f*** no. They have still never been to our home.

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I know the pain.

Millennials are a sad bunch

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You were put in the position of rock and hard space. You really had no choice.

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Ya but now it’s my red line and I’m willing to lose it all vs. Potential loss of life

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Everyone had a choice. If you are not going to stand up for yourself when literal war crimes are being done to you then when would you stand up?

We all had choices. A small percentage of people in every race, religion, culture held their ground and refused. I can understand the caving in to coercion but I will NEVER agree to it. I have a spine.

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You are really good at making friends eh?

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LOL. Facts make few friends but they are facts nonetheless. When one becomes spent mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually one truly ceases to care.

The only good thing out of the last 2+ years is that I know for certain I can count on 10% of the people in my country. I still try to offer information about vaccine damage remediation (flccc.net) but no longer care if they put it to use.

I've come to realize that almost all of the people I knew and thought of as friends will abandon, smirk, talk behind my back. They would not raise their voice in my defence if I were to be hauled off to an unvaxxed camp for a final solution. They would go along to get along even when they know it's wrong.

PS. Love the "eh". You a canuck? I think 14% of them held out.

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You are my kind of hero. I agree with everything you said!

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My take after this debacle that basically now we are saving 80% of our income. When next time this happens again we have plenty of resources to fall back to.

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I hope so but I doubt it. People will fall back into old habits quickly. Human nature doesn't change.

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Doubt which part?

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People have short memories, won't save much for long and won't act. They will fall for it all over again and again. It may be some new scam or a continuation of the old ones but I've lost any faith I had in humanity. Hope I'm wrong but I don't see much changing in human nature.

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I get it. Yes absolutely sure it will happen the same.

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Healthy lifestyle and positive thinking change biology. And kindness. Sending you love❤️

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Sobering piece. Difficult - as in "hard to hear" - to read, but necessary. Keep clanging the bell, el gato.

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He's too busy playing with colorful felt ball with the tiny bell inside.

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my kiities are too busy, racing around the house like their tails are on fire

....or eating carpet fuzzies to display to us that they are "starvinggg"

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This data from UK was just what Bill was hoping for.

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The billionaire sociopath pushing depopulation.

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Could the apparent efficacy early on be partly down to the fact that you were still counted as unvaccinated if you died within 2 weeks of getting the shot? A lot of people died during those 2 weeks both from adverse events or because they caught COVID while their immune system was depressed from dealing with the MRNA potion. The effect of this would wash out of the data after the population got their first shot since we're just looking at ever vaxxed v unvaxxed.

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This is exactly what happened when we allowed Big Pharma to define 'vaccinated' -- with the new definition, the shots are GUARANTEED to be 100% effective at the start.


If you get covid less than 2 weeks after your last shot, you're classified as UNVACCINATED. Therefore, only the people who successfully get through the 'worry window' without catching covid are actually counted as vaccinated -- and there's your fake 100% efficacy.

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