Great calculation, and a terrible (meaning disturbing, but totally fact-based) conclusion!!!

I used a completely different method to estimate relative risk between unvaccinated and vaccinated people, based on a multiple-country comparison and a linear regression.

My estimate was 40% excess total mortality in the vaccinated based on Fall of 2022 mortality figures.


When two methods using completely different aproaches give somewhat similar estimates, this is a sign that we both are on the right track. You are right that there is a lot of uncertainty as to the exact relative risk.

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"at this point, this looks like about as clear a signal as one could find. release the rest of this data."

Go To Jail, Go directly to Jail. Do not pass GO, do not collect $200.

If only life imitated art.

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We should start a pool on when the dam will finally break. Next month? Next year? Never?

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Jan 9, 2023·edited Jan 9, 2023

Thought provoking article, thank you.

Vaccine Story:

Two friends in the medical field, a Dr. hospitalist and ICU nurse, with a cumulative experience of 50 years +, have been seeing an increase in embolisms and cardiac/vascular issues and deaths in vaccinated patients 40 years old or younger since vaccinations began. Most of the deaths cannot be explained in terms of cause.

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Dearest Gato,

I so appreciate what you are doing--I am unable to imagine the hours and pains which you put into each of these writings. But...

of almost equal importance to me, is the comment section. I have, for essentially all of my life, felt 'other' from almost everyone else (barring my husband, who foolishly fell in love with me 52 years ago this month and is the only one in the world to understand me [btw, he is a research physicist]. I read, and add to, the comments, finding in them a world of intellectual friends. I thank you deeply for this gift.

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I think you do the unvaccinated a disservice. They most certainly ARE healthier (of mind!) and less susceptible (to propaganda, lies and coercion)!!

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This is why the goons forced, mandated, coerced, & “paid” incentives or “rewarded” for it’s injection into ALL ages of society - because somehow they knew it could not stand on it’s own merit as good & healthy & wise. Society “duped, doped,...dying & devastated. 💔

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Welcome back cat-you were missed.

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And this, little kids, is why they don't want to have a control group.

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This isn’t “medicine” or a “vaccine” or even a pharmaceutical product. It is a weapon (“countermeasure”) deployed by the DOD against the global population. See Katherine Watt (Bailiwick News Substack) and Sasha Latypova (Due Diligence and Art Substack) for the details and the decades of planning that went into this operation. We are being exterminated by psychopaths.

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.. .... we had to save grammmmmma

so we took the clot shot.

Our Gobbermint is always helping us.


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Great analysis! The cancers that result from the covid vaxxes are incubating and brewing now. Learn how to protect yourself and loved ones from cancer with fenbendazole, a safe, inexpensive, off patent, otc drug. So far it saved two people (make that THREE) close to me. Read the detailed Case Reports https://fenbendazole.substack.com

Breast, colon, prostate, glioma, lung, it doesn’t seem to matter, fenbendazole seems to eradicate them all. Case Reports in the queue are melanoma, ovarian, breast, myeloma, bladder are the next five

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God I wish I hadn’t taken the two I did to keep my job - glad I’m not taking any more ☹️

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Sobering piece. Difficult - as in "hard to hear" - to read, but necessary. Keep clanging the bell, el gato.

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This data from UK was just what Bill was hoping for.

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Could the apparent efficacy early on be partly down to the fact that you were still counted as unvaccinated if you died within 2 weeks of getting the shot? A lot of people died during those 2 weeks both from adverse events or because they caught COVID while their immune system was depressed from dealing with the MRNA potion. The effect of this would wash out of the data after the population got their first shot since we're just looking at ever vaxxed v unvaxxed.

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