This really gets to the delusion of political isolation:

" 'But what can I do? I am just one person,' said 7 billion people."

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Still wondering what is the actual goal of social distancing and isolation?

Probably not.


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As noted:

1) Isolate to promote fear & deter comms with others (no talking about how it's all BS)

- Support the lies about asymptomatic spread

- Here in Canada through 2020 to mid-2021, the fear messaging ramped-up ahead of every long weekend, sports event or even warm weather weekends

2) Train a pattern of obedience & dependency to gov't: Sit at home, obey, get some money

3) I'm less certain about the phone triangulation. That's been pretty well established for some time.

All deceptive & evil.

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Aside from the obvious "fear others" message, I think it was part of an experiment to see how accurately they can locate individuals using their phone signals. There is a "circle of inaccuracy" for triangulation measurements. Thus also for future contract tracing applications.

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Don't learn about technology from TV shows. All cell phones for the last 15 years have a GPS receiver which will determine your position within 10m or less outdoors (down to 3m in ideal conditions). The GPS derived position is reported to the mobile network whenever your phone is connected. This was done to meet the E911 mandate from around 2000. In "smart phones" (everything recent for the last decade or more) this is also sent up via the mobile network or wifi connection to the internet to cloud servers run by the phone maker/phone OS maker (Apple or Google). The old movies and TV shows using cell signals to "triangulate" (sort of) based on cell sectors is old news. The other TV myth is that GPS is two-way communication - it is not. The GPS satellites have no idea where a receiver is located; the receiver uses the signals to calculate it's position autonomously. But the data networks are then used to communicate that position back up to some network server. If you were to disconnect from the mobile network and turn off wi-fi, only your phone knows where it is located.

GPS works by trilateration: GPS signals allow calculating distance from the satellites which we call range. With multiple ranges you can calculate the intersection of overlapping spheres to determine location.

Contact tracing requires far greater precision than GPS can provide. GPS can show if you went into a building where there might be exposure. Contact tracing needs to get down to the person to person proximity of less than about one foot. There are several ways. Newer high end phones have the capability to determine peer to peer range down to a few centimeters. By using information from multiple phones in a room you can locate any of them precisely. The thing most people do not realize is that your phone is sending all sorts of data up to some cloud server run by Apple or Google which enables all this magic. This is how GPS derived position and fine ranging based location get back up to eb used for things like contact tracing, targeted advertising, and hundreds of other things people use. They've been keeping track of your movements for quite some time, using this along with all sorts of other data you share unknowingly. How do you think FB and Google know to show you the happy hour adds for the nearest bar?

The real test was how absurdly totalitarian can the governments get without serious pushback or outright revolution. The answer we now know is "way further than we ever imagined".

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I'm a retired engineer...I don't get my tech only from TV. I have done algorithms for position location etc. My very brief comment was meant to seed the idea that this is partly a data collection experiment to see how well individual positions in non-residential settings can be separated for ID and tracing purposes. Yes indeed they have been collecting position and other data (your microphone, your camera...even when not in use...).

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2000 Mules, anyone? Where the favorite debunking mantra of the Left is that "GPS just isn't that accurate".

But yes we are being tracked, watched, cataloged, and more than we realize, listened to.

"Alexa. Enter self-destruct mode."

Alexa: "I'm sorry Dave, I can't do that"

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I've never heard the "GPS just isn't that accurate" mantra. Depending on what you mean by accurate, then - GPS is generally better than a 10m error in accuracy unless you are indoors. Then it can locate the building you entered. The sky's the limit - meaning no view of the sky and no GPS signals.

If you have a newer "smart" phone, then you have a technology that can close the accuracy gap to much less than 1m. Down to centimeters. This has been used for tracking close contact (inside 1 foot). What most people don't know is that all kinds of information is sent form your phone through the cellular network or wifi through the internet to cloud servers (Apple or Google depending on your preference). That is used for all kinds of conveniences but also for other things. You can disconnect your phone from all networks but then it's useless.

The technology is good - it enables all sorts of useful things, that make life safer and more fun. But bad people can use good tech for bad things. Just as a firearm is not inherently evil, and can save your life, it also can be used to do harm. IN the same way, you should not blame guns or technology for the bad things, but instead seek to control the bad people.

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Sorry about the snark, not intended (just natural). Figured it might interest some how stuff works. I'm currently working on the technology that enables peer-to-peer ranging with centimeter accuracy (with some moral conflict I admit). I was part of the design team for the first GPS receivers in the early 1980s. Most people misunderstand how it works. But to your point, most people do not realize that the capability to locate them via their phone with 3 to 10m accuracy outdoors has been reality for quite a long while. And also don't realize that Google and Apple are collecting all this information, including everywhere they go (and have been). In addition to commercial use (analytics, selling data to others and such), it is available to LE (with a warrant, which isn't hard to get).

The technology can be used for a lot of good. Most people get significant value from having navigation in their pocket. The original reason for putting GPS in the phone, so that location could be reported when you make an emergency 911 call, has saved a lot of lives. Current technology that enables cm precision and very accurate presence detection is key for things like detecting if a child has been left in the car (again though, mixed feelings here) and other safety applications. It also enables convenience like more secure entry systems and finding your stuff you've misplaced.

The dark side is that anything that can be used for good can also be used for not good. IMO if people know, then they are more likely to be the overseers instead of the victims of abuse. Call me optimistic ;-).

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As one of the earliest CS graduates, and having worked in software and systems engineering, I share your mixed feelings about the use of technology for good and for malevolent purposes. Seems to be true of all technologies and sciences.

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"How do you think FB and Google know to show you the happy hour adds for the nearest bar?"

They've seen my credit card statements. :)

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That too.


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The ankle monitors used by the local Sheriff's dept parole office can tell you what side of the street you were walking on. May not be too exact about who you are talking to, but they probably can tell who all was in the barber's when you were getting a hair cut

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Yup, that is possible. Using the navigation information with GPS and combining it with map details and history, you can do that fairly well. Basically it makes a guess based on what's likely. If you are moving at walking pace, you are probably on the sidewalk (and if you're moving 30mph you are probably not on the sidewalk).

You know they won't need those ankle monitors much longer. Everything you need to do that is in the phone. The current generation can not survive without their phones, and never put them down ;-).

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Why my phone doesn't go everywhere I go..... It gets to stay home with my dogs quite a bit.

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The goal is to isolate and distance people from one another.

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the thing is, how do we get these 7 billion people, or even a small part of it, organized? The people I talked to did not want to get 'in the open'. Afraid of what? I don't know. Of course, most of us are retirees and too old to do big things. But we could have sent letters with all of us, not just me.

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Ingrid, I believe you asked the most important question so I will ask it again.

How do we organize???

This is the key to our strength, and we must first solve this before anything can be achieved.

Thoughts anyone?

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A good first step is keeping the issue small, concrete and stying with it consistently.

The only reason stuff like Xtinction Rebellion and the like gets exposure and traction is because they are fronts for corporatists - not because they have public support. Ask anyone commuting to work if they like the motorway blocked by idiots.

Another good start is to be more pro-things than con. Being against something is insitinctively negative, and we tend to see the person bringing negative news as the one to blame, or connect the greater issue with the negative news/message. Think of Ken Starr/Bill Clinton - Slick Willie came out looking like the hero, and Starr looked like an old underwear sniffing perv. It's not just the angle and the framing, but our insitincts too - we side easier with optimists.

Learn from the enemy - what hoops did they jump through, what steps do they take? The riots over the death of serial criminal George Floyd were not spontaneous but co-ordinated in advance. Not that anyone knew that he would die then and there - that's not how you do it. You train and prep and have a planning for different vents. When a suitable event happens, you send the message to the local heads of the movement and they drum up the rest.

That's why the initial rioters were not black americans but white Antifa members. Once the fires get going and the gangs start looting, the police movs and then it snowballs.

To get started takes a lot of legwork. Never appear to challenge the System - any challenge must be against perceived errors of the System (even if you're ultimately going for the system itself). An example:

While the LGBTP-people grooming kids in schools is vile and worthy of two in the chest and one in the head, that's no way to drum up public support. Instead, you question the apporopriatness of it. What of moslem students? Islam forbids homosexuality. Is it right to allow the LGBTP to discriminate against moslems like this? Don't w have freedom of worship? Or you could spin it as stealing valuable study time from underprivileged students, meaning that it only serves to hinder them from getting an education and a career. Offer a compromise: the LGBTP-stuff can be handled after school hours on a voluntary basis, letting such parents and students and teachers that are interested join. That way, you should get the local parents onboard - no way are a majority of them going to let the kids stay late to hang out with pervs, or they themselves sitting in after work - that goes double for the woke teachers.

The same moral outrage the woke are using, but angled and rephrased according to your point of view.

Always appear helpful and well-meaning. Always put children, weak and infirm first . it shields you from attack. Try to get co-operation with local chapters of various organisations, to present a united front. "Union for the benefit of underprivileged students present, in co-operation with NN AA BB CC, their task force on combatting ..." and so on.

Always talk as if you represent the majority. They won't complain so anyone notices. Juxtapose your optimism and the issue you are pro, with the fear of con happening otherwise, and tie that con semantically and implicitly to your opposition.

And accept that stuff like this takes decades to bring about.

The triumph of the woke today? That foundation was laid in France and the US in the mid-1960s. That's your timescale - don't think clokk-time, or election cycles: think open ended. If you never stop and never give up, eventually you win. Just look at how the vietnamese and the arabs and the afghans kicked the tail of the US military so hard it sticks out of the mouth of your top brass now. They may have lost 10 to 1 in numbers but they won the war.

And finally: study the methods of the opposition. Methods are tools and as such are neutral.

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This is so helpful. Do you publish anywhere? I would like to read more about this.

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Sorry no, I don't really have the time to publish regular updates on a Stack or a blog, so I have adopted more of a drive-by approach (or bearded man with placard ranting on the street corner...). It's nothing noble about it, I just reckon that one more Stack competing for attention would add less value than I can by commenting.

The reason I know this stuff is personal. I ran with such groups in the 1980s, and remember a lot of the tactics - internet and smartphones didn't add anything but reach and speed, really, but meant loss of anonymity.

One thing I forgot above - count on being infiltrated. It doesn't have to be an agent from an acronym-agency, it might just well be a local apple-polisher loyal to his/hers party of choice. A professional infiltrator will try to become a secretary or the person controlling the internal flow of information as well as external (press releases, PMs, et c). From that position they wil then try to get malleable and to them sympathetic people into positions of decisionmaking.

That way, the infiltrator stays one step to the side of obvious power and is as such insulated against scandals and internal politicking. Also, an infiltrator will always try to radicalise any group into actionable words/deeds, and will try to gather or create kompromat - say making an appointment with someone at a titty bar, being late, and while the other person waits, someone snaps a couple of discreet shots of them.

Really, there's no functional difference to how the FBI, KGB, journalists or spies work.

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Committing to memory, for future reference. Thank you!

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I am there. But I have seen too many People's Projects like Occupy get sucked rather quickly into the muck. How do we organize bulletproof? That's what I want to know.

(I went out the first few weeks of the local occupy. Amazing swathe of different backgrounds and socio economic standing out there in the first weeks. We were united. Then the proto woke people took over and started to tolerate the homeless camps that converged on the place and made it all about themselves. I'll never forget the feeling of that initial moment though, for a moment I thought we could win this)

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NOT online.

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Afraid of what? Good question...

the answer is retaliation and retribution.

Loss of their job, livelihood.

Persecution of their families and kids

Being labeled a "domestic terrorist" and disappearing.

It's been happening.

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How do you connect with any of those 7 billion people in your area? I'm an extreme introvert. I know of 3 people from my state on substacks that I read. From things they've said on substack they are far from my area. 😐

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I already knew most of them vaguely. Almost all are Catholics and refuse fetal tissue used in jabs. I found out telling them I would not jab. All of a sudden I had a group of people that confessed they would not either. It was that simple.

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Substack is still way too small. I say that, because we would all likely still be on Twitter or Facebook, if they had not gone the road of authoritarian censorship. And if that were the case, then each of our fellow tweeps would include some of our nearest neighbors. Unfortunately, those of us who understand the value of free speech are too far apart. But let's hang in there. I expect things to improve here.

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There is the real heart of the matter....

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Money printer and green energy Europeans go brrrrrrr

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And gas powered generators keeping the heat on go vrrrrooom

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That hug even made me feel uncomfortable and violated. 😳

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There is a well known unwritten rule for political survival: "Never spend any time within arm's length of Hillary Clinton" Man, that long of a hug is like playing Russian Roulette using a machine pistol with a full magazine.

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The old stuff still works. (Switch out arm for leg...)

"I had to chew my leg off to get away."

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Is it Sunday already? Wasn't expecting the laughs so soon!

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🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 So many great Memes. The cat was perfect. Thank you for making me burst out laughing. Again :-)

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WHEN was the last time you read the ORIGINAL story of Chicken Little?

Chicken Little is a 1943 short film created by Walt Disney during World War II and directed by Clyde Geronimi. The short was closely based on the fable Henny Penny.

It is an anti-Nazi film showing the evils of mass hysteria.


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And then? They applied the technique themselves.

Cunning bit of chicanery.

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What would happen, if even just half of the people,

who see the lunacy,

who realize it's the metastasized government bureaus and their armed alphabet armies, and

see that every year we are forced to feed the beast more trillions to support the whip crackers,

just stopped paying taxes?

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the silver lining to being sacked for not vaxxing

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And why should we pay, since they've proved they can just PRINT IT?!

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Yep, all of 'em.

(Why's everyone always thinking the worst of lizards, though? I mean OK I grant you that them Komodos aren't what you'd want in your kid's terrarium. On the other hand I'd take one as a henchbeast. Unlikely to beg to come inside and won't need grooming, and the neighbors can attribute any hissing to bad pipes.)

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Yeah, I own 2 lizards and they are great pets. I do wonder if my red iguana is working for the elite sometimes because I do see the correlation in behaviors 😂

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Well, they're good at blending into their environments, aren't they?

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Love it, especially the Slee Stacks from The Land Of The Lost (I wished they would use their CERN Python to all go back there asap and never be seen again, lol.)

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What can I do? Start something easy that everyone can do. We need to hold doctors feet to the fire. Not literally, well not yet. Like Steve Kirsch pointed out the doctors are the key and we need to put them on the spot.

It's fun! It's mischievous! It's everything any self respecting feline is. So channel your inner cat!

I'm asking and trying to get everyone to do what the commercial says and "Ask Your Doctor" but not what they think. It's a perfectly valid question that any half competent doctor can answer in a second and they won't know why it's being asked. Even more mischief (right behind memes for fun).

The doctors will wonder "Is this person asking for real or is he testing me?" and they won't know unless you tell them after they answer.


Ask them the "Pro or Ho" question to know what type of doc you have!

Is your doctor a medical professional or a paid whore for the pharma cartel? A simple question for your doctor to determine if they are a "Pro or Ho":

"Should healthy children under the age of 12 get the shots?".

If the answer isn't "NO" then you have a "Ho". There is no "yes" or "it depends". The IFR for healthy kids is so far to the right of the decimal that they have a statistically ZERO chance of dying from covid. It is of zero benefit for them to get the shots. It also is of zero benefit to anyone else because they will still get it and transmit it, injected or not.


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This is a good point. It would be valuable to make a public service announcement to this effect and buy time on television stations to air it.

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I'm still hoping some enterprising law firm will start advertising representation for C19 "vaccine" injured for future class action suit. Getting people to consider their new illness, or a loved one's death, might be related to the shots would be helpful. Listing all the injuries ought to wake up a lot of people. I'd be willing to support that effort.

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Can you imagine the length of that ad?! With that looong list of AEs the ad would be 15 minutes long and cost a mint.

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I won't bother - two I considered were both wearing masks. That told me all I needed to know.

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It doesn't matter. What matters is that they get asked a very simple question REPEATEDLY by every one of the people they talk to. Ignore the masks and ask the question. You are undoubtedly correct in your assessment of them but still "put them on the spot" and make them answer as anything other than "No" is a "Ho".

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General price inflation is always and everywhere due to increasing supply of and declining demand for a currency which is being debased (supply and demand, as with any asset). All other "explanations" are manipulative political rhetoric or popular academic fantasy.

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Tasty, tasty memes. So goooooooddddd..

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Slay them with sarcasm

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Terrific video. Appropriately enough, the animated faces of Biden and Fauci reminded me of the singing busts in the Haunted Mansion at Disneyland.

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Ha! That’s right!

But in real life these people are a bunch of singing butts

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Dunnigan is the best. If you have not seen his Fresh Prez series, you are missing out.

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My son could have written this bit.


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