I have my concerns with Trump, but I'll take him over an unrealized gains tax that will sell my house to Blackrock.

I thought the price fixing scheme was the worst of Kamalas economic policy. Boy was I wrong.

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New Capital Gains tax issues are the next lockstep measure in Western non-nations these days.

Canada's Finance Minister (who was a Russian Literature major....) beat the U.S. to this. UK next.

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As a canadian, look to us at us as a cautionary tale. It’s a horror show.

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That tax is ONLY on the rich.....

First they came for the billionaires.

"breadlines and ugly shoes for all" Elon!

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OK. In Canada, they have come for the not-so-rich.

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Absolutely no way that passes, even if the intent was there and they had the political capital to pull it off. Its voting bait. I call complete BS, 100% rhetoric. These people have no honor, no integrity.

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deletedAug 23
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Please stop including the 34 felony convictions. You know they are banana republic style lawfare to keep a political opponent from running, and would never have been brought against Trump if he weren't running. We are ruled by scummy people but given a choice, I'd surely not vote for a communist who is a scummy person. Unfortunately we are given bad choices because most voters are low information. I'll take to slower road to hell any day. It gives me time to prepare for the inevitable.

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Aug 23·edited Aug 23

I consider the Democratic Party to be run by Communists these days. Actual card-carrying Communists.

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🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ 🙄 Seriously?

There is just too much information out there that clearly exposes the corruption behind those convictions and the proof that Trump wasn’t lying about so many things they accuse him of lying about. There’s far more lies in the Democratic lap and those lies are easily proven to be actual lies, beyond a reasonable doubt. You need to get out of your bubble and actually look.

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There were more lies in Kamala’s acceptance speech than Donald Trump has told since 2016…..

Most of Trumps “lies” are actually exaggerations (some pretty egregious), morphed by the media into “lies”. But since most of his speeches are extemporaneous , I tend to believe that they are mostly accidental.

I guess it depends on your point of view. If you believe that Trump has the best interests of the country in mind, then he’s not lying.

If you believe that he’s evil incarnate, then he’s lying with every breath….

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Yeah, like how can you be charged with obstruction of justice for the Russia Hoax, just because you're forced to "obstruct" injustice?!

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deletedAug 23
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Your supporting facts is just list of all of the charges. People have known those since the start.

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Even Andrew friggin Cuomo publicly stated that if his name were not Donald Trump, he wouldn't be in a court room. That speak volumes. I don't like the guy but this is clearly a political witch hunt.

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deletedAug 23
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Look, bot, the party that is flooding the country with immigrants from places you wouldn’t let your daughter travel to are not protecting women.

The party that couldn’t muster one single vote to protect female athletes from cross dressers and female inmates from rapists are not protecting women.

The party that wants you to be able to “abort” a child after they are born is not protecting women.

You’re lost, ask your supervisor to assign you a different forum to troll.

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Yes! I watched it - but I also did more research into it than simply buying hook line and sinker what every mainstream media outlet was feeding us about it. They fed lies and spin to the American people for over 8 long years! Every accusation has been found to be false. And apparently you bought it all. Is he perfect? No. But I’m not voting for Jesus, I’m voting for a man who hasn’t committed crimes that are even close to the crimes committed by this current administration.

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So, you are okay with BJ Kamala and her pretend solutions for inflation by price controls? I bet you voiced full throated support for Biden before that. You remember the pervert that showered with his daughter that she documented in her diary? I didn't think so.

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Aug 27·edited Aug 27

Dick R.- It should be moderately to severely painful to be as fookin' dumb as you are

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Sorry, but the fact that you even mentioned the “34 felony convictions” exposes your political bias and undermines your credibility. Everyone with a working brain knows that those “convictions” were illegitimate, the result of a wholly political trial, orchestrated by Joe Biden, his “Justice” Department, a corrupt judge, and an all Democrat Manhattan jury.

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deletedAug 23
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Your link is to the radio mouthpiece (NPR - government controlled radio) of the people who engineered the fake “34 convictions”. Of course they will lie to you…… and you are too lazy or stupid to check out other outlets and opinions that you don’t agree with.

You are the poster child for “confirmation bias” (look it up).

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deletedAug 23
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Biden family takes in 27 million....nothing to see there. Trump pays for NDA to protect his reputation (wow, that is so scary....even to a marine!)

Get real.

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deletedAug 26
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So, let me get this straight. You obviously don’t respect Donald Trump and have nothing but disdain for his supporters, BUT you DO respect and trust Harris and Walz?

I find it amazing that anyone serving in, or connected to, our armed forces can hold that position, considering the fact that the military has become giant social(ist?) experiment, so politically correct that they can’t fill the ranks.

Another red flag about your post…

Why did you choose to bring race into the conversation?

Who are you really working for?

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Working with marines does not make you intelligent, it just indicates you have a job of some kind. You seem more like the kind of guy that would join the national guard and then retire when he found out he was being deployed to a war zone while bragging he had more rank than he earned while displaying a weapon he claimed to use in war without ever going. You sure your real name is not Tim Wolz?

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deletedAug 26
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Thanks for the clarification, that really explains a lot. You are a DEEP STATE tool. You may not be bright enough to see that you are being played for a fool, or you may be a true communist believer, or you may have sold your honor for a promise of reward when communists consolidate their power. Either way, you are a tool for a political party intent on enslaving their country. I recall seeing a West Point graduation ceremony a few years back where a new 2nd lieutenant displayed a sign inside his dress hat that said "communism will win". I thought to myself, how is it possible a traitor like that could graduate from a US military academy? Now I know. They come from all areas of America and have believed a lie. RFK Jr figured that out and said as much in his speech. He finally realized that the democrat party had devolved, and has become evil personified. For all his faults, Trump loves this country, unlike the Joe Biden's and Tim Wolz types who have sold their country out for personal gain. Harris and Wolz are both communists. That is your choice. Harris and Wolz or Trump. Will you really cut off your nose to spite your face? If you do, you are even dumber than I first thought.

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...IF you actually served, I respect you for your service. Just know though, if you reply to my posts; I'm not gonna read your replies. I DGAF about the opinions of POGs. Good Day

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Got a DD214 too. You sound like a POG. To the other commenters here, in the military POG means "Personnel Other (Than) Grunts." Grunts meaning actual war fighters. POGs are the troops "In The Rear With The Gear."

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so what's the alternative?? "Honest" Harris and the pedo cuck walz?? Harris is quite possibly the worst politician in history, and that's saying something. Other than not voting, Trump, and all his flaws is still 1000x better than that cackling incompetent idiot. Honestly, not voting is probably the best option.

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Not voting is a vote for Harris.

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Jim & ReadingRainbow. A real bloodless - at least for the moment - coup would be if NO ONE voted. NO ONE. They threw a party and NO ONE came. But people still have hope or faith or something that the incompetent idiots who are in charge will do something for the people. They will do something for themselves and their cronies. As George Carlin is often quoted as having said "it's a big club and you're not in it."

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Sure, after the 2020 election it is difficult to have any faith in the process, but I think we can all come together and vote for the one that doesn’t openly despise the country she intends to govern. Just for fun.

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Yes, that's how we ended up with two tier Kier in the UK.

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that is utter BS.

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Worry about your own country Johnny

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“Honestly, not voting is probably the best option.”

With all due respect, not voting is the worst possible option.

This election will determine the future of the country for the next hundred years, whether we will continue to live in a constitutional republic, or devolve into a quasi-socialist dictatorship.

Not voting indicates that one doesn’t care, and is in reality a vote for the easy way out…..a single party dictatorship.

Choose wisely…..

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If you still believe US elections are legitimate, then you may be correct. However, US elections are clearly illegitimate. There is mountains of evidence documenting this if you seek it. Look what they are uncovering in Georgia, widespread, verified fraud all over the place. So, no, your vote, nor my vote will have nothing to do with the future of the country. The fraud is firmly in place in all the swing states, except possibly Wisconsin. The winner will be selected, not elected.

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I don’t disagree with you but we don’t know how badly corrupted the election system is ….. it’s still possible that ‘they’ don’t have full control over it yet. If She is (s)elected, and the democrats take Congress, it’s over. They’ve already said that they are going to eliminate the Senate filibuster and pack the Supreme Court. After that, we will never have a free and fair election again.

If there is ANY chance that we can stop this ongoing disaster, then it’s worth putting forth the effort to stop it.

Voting isn’t that difficult, and it only takes a few minutes.

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Aug 23·edited Aug 23

How retarded of you Rx3. For all his faults, Trump is not a communist. I'm guessing you are, right?

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Love that retarded is back in play. Was in the penalty box for a while, but seems like it's back in the game.

Good on you.

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Okay on twitter too. I'm in time out right now, but not for that!

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Did you have any coffee with that TDS?

Quit complaining about stupid stuff like saying he "grabbed a pu$$y".

Sorry man, that's just how a lot of the boomers talk. The world isn't made to order for you.

It's just the way it is.

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Rick you are one dumb dick

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Ding - dong - derp! ORANGE MAN BAD

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Wow, spot on imitation of a stage 4 TDS grievance studies major.

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Thomas Massie for Fed Chairman or Treasury Secretary?

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seems to be the only member of the whole mess who has a brain. If it is not yet clear to people that these numbnuts are NOT running the country, then this article should certainly tell them. The government is a show. It is worse than any show on TV and that means a lot. None of these people have any idea what they are doing or are supposed to do, and most cannot even formulate a decent answer to the questions of reporters. And no one ever gets fired, not the totally incompetent Buttigieg, not any of the other ones. This is what made the US the laughing stock of the world. And these of the plebs that still think that anything can change with any of the candidates running, forget it. They are all puppets on a stage and have to do what the Handlers say or else.

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i would add a few other to the list.

rand paul. chip roy. there are a few real people with real courage in there.

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Getting Paul elected would make getting Trump elected look easy.

I’ve written my reps and asked point blank how this money printing, deficit spending is going to work and how it makes any sense. I get typical form letter garbage back.

Except For one personal call to a congressman who when asked said” no one in Congress has a clue”

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yes, many in all government positions know the ship is sinking.

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a few real people with courage.

I perceive the rest of them as weak drug addicts. They do need intervention.

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If Rand Paul really had courage he would have taken the very clear evidence of the plandemic crimes and made some real noise. Not some grandstanding BS every couple of months when he gets Fauci on the stand. He had the goods but never delivered, unfortunately.

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Address the full fucking comment you shil. You are either peddling an agenda here or you are completely incompetent yourself. At this stage, to give any ounce of credibility to the shit show cant be done by anyone with both brains and character. It's a shitshow, a play, entertainment and distraction for the masses and the ones pulling the strings are destroying society on purpose.

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Frankly, ALL of these bureaucraps are doing an excellent job of what they were hired to do: Destroy America as a free, constitutional, capitalist, democratic republic. To not grasp this FACT with all our might and act appropriately on it will guarantee their total success.

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Well....yes. That has been obvious for years now. Either that, or we have one helluva lot of daily coincidences along these lines (NOT).

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Aug 23·edited Aug 23

#metoo. haha. Of course, there were smart folks in Europe who, nevertheless, got bought out and engendered the same destructive effects as in the US.

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Definitely not speaker Johnson. He's a phony imo.

Is it just me, or does he always have that guilty look like hes returning from either giving or getting a BJ in Paul Ryan's office?

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He looks too much like Dennis the Menace’s comic book dad to me

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The guy's a complete POS.

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Welp, anyone's better than San Fran Nan at this point. It's no wonder - and sad - that people with guts and knowledge don't want to run for office anymore.

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Well, Yuri, since Treasury is the only Constitutional option of the two, Treasury Secretary would be my choice.

My other wishes are for HHS and Labor and Transportation and Education and Energy and Interior and Agriculture and HUD and Homeland Security and Veterans' Affairs and Transportation and Commerce departments -- all unconstitutional -- to be dispensed with forthwith.

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However we have to be ready at the state level for some harsh times if we demolish all those corrupt agencies. We don’t have a lot of competency at the state level anymore after so many years of letting the federal handle shit. It will be growing pains but it’s necessary. It should force competency from the ground up so long as we all brace ourselves for the interim of chaos as states fail at first. They need to for them to find among them those that can succeed. That will never happen so long as everything remains in the federal governments hands.

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Yes...incompetence abounds, but when things get even more serious than they are now -- and they will -- those conditions will seek the strong men (and women) needed to restore order, morality, and peace.

Getting there, though? Look out. Rough, rough times ahead. Seriously rough.

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Well, I don't think he's Kamala's type of guy and Trump is doing everything in his power to throw this election and I think he's gonna be a winner at that.

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So tell me - I've just arrived -- will this be a good forum for me? I am a non-feminist woman, I called COVID Mania as a Psychological Operation and Shared Psychosis soon after the panic began, and I have been a canary-in-the-coalmine for many years in terms of Neo-Marxism and Maoism (totalitarianism) on the march in America,

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My advice- always read the comments. The best forums have excellent input from readers. I certainly don't agree with everything (and no one should because that's just an echo chamber), but I've learned a lot from the author and the comment section.

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Thanks. Yes, I agree. I have been on several other forums in the past. Both the author and the commenters are vital to any good site.

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Yes this is a good forum for balanced views. In addition to el Gato, you should definitely consider Jeff Childers “Coffee & Covid”, and you’d probably

L❤️VE the snark and razor wit of lovely Jenna McCarthy’s “Jenna’s Side”. Another you would really grow from is Sasha Stone “Free Thinking Through the Fourth Turning”. She was once an extreme, obsessed leftist who bought into everything they are selling, and her Substack explains how she changed her mind and why. It’s a LOT of eye-opening material that helped me understand where many of them still are mentally and what is driving it. Her story is amazing, how she was able to pull herself out of it and finally see clearly. I enjoy every one of her articles.

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Aug 23·edited Aug 23

Thank you, JJ. I read the Francisco Gil-White and Harrison Koelhi sites. Also Chris Rufo and Mattias Desmet intermittently.

Sasha Stone sounds interesting, if only for me to analyze how her mind works....why and how the leftwing cultists awaken. That is important to know, in order to help awaken others.

I am always of two minds over the converts -- it is excellent that they have awakened; it is what we want. However, some of them try to take top positions over the always-awake folk, who knew the truth from the beginning. I am interested, too, in the minds of those who never succumbed to the nonsense in the first place....fewer vulnerabilities and more sense of self.

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This is one of the best forums I have found. So many authors on Substack are closing their comments to subscribers only, but Gato has a great open comments section that isn’t just an echo chamber.

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Eugyppius is excellent also. I don't always agree with Robert Malone but he does the research.

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If you are unquestioning about nuclear power and waste, then Eugyppius is your man. I stopped subscribing because I retired from a National nuclear lab. I can physically see the problems and results of unrestrained enthusiasm for the "nuclear solution".

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Although you must have been at least somewhat enthusiastic about it to have spent your career there.

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No. I was naive and young when I started. I worked for the solar energy division. I actually believed that the Lab was doing some good work in various fields, NOT nuclear power. One was nuclear waste sequestration, a necessity after bomb proliferation and testing. Another was cancer research. Another was START treaty verification. Shale and geothermal hot dry rock exploration, not so much. I came finally to understand in my old, cynical days that everything had to have a weapons application. I retired at 51. I did get cancer with a recurrence. Maybe I can thank my exposures to radiation when working there, or not.

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Aug 23·edited Aug 23

My sympathies over the Cancer, Suannee. No one deserves that. But it comes anyway, doesn't it?

I think the middle road is best here. A balanced approach. The rabid eco-activists and pushers of the totalitarian Climate Change narrative are doing at least as much harm. They have stated upfront that they wish to destroy the Western world, if not everything. No worse than a nuclear blow-out, is it?

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I can see in my 82 years that the climate has changed. I do not believe the narrative that CO2 is the culprit and that EVs and geothermal hot dry rock projects are the solutions. haha. I do see climate manipulation manifested all over the world and in my home state, which is more reliant on federal spending than other states. NM has the highest return on federal spending than any other state. We are primed for climate manipulation by the powers that are. Also 50th in education. Last in almost anything good. First in almost anything bad. If I weren't so old, I would like to move. The question is where to?

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I don’t know you, never saw your account and am sorry for your diagnosis situation. My career was in the healthcare arena all adult years. I don’t know if you are or where you are, in your walk with God but

I’d like to say if you aren’t yet close to God of the Bible, the only true God, please have a greet and meet discussion with him one on one in the privacy of your home as soon as possible 🙏🤗❤️

God is always available 24/7 to each and every one of us, anytime, anywhere. Talk and confide in him and ask him to come into your heart and soul and he immediately will. From there on you two will continue whatever path he designed for you when he formed you (and the rest of us humans), in our mother’s wombs.🙌

Have a look at this well known, often used site to help you on your journey, able to answer any questions you may have. Below is a first question I asked for you and the answer/s at the site.

“Why did God make me?”


Get a move on, we’re not getting any younger you know!

God Bless!🙏

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Thank you. I have heard that name tossed out before. Must look it up.

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Matt Taibbi/"Racket News" in Substack. Bari Weiss/"The Free Press" in Substack. Christopher F. Rufo in Substack.

Plus the others mentioned.

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Thanks to you and all for the suggestions!

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Welcome 🤗

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Thank you, JP. 😊

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Simulation Commander is quite good. People who comment on this substack also comment on his.

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Coffee & Covid, el malo gato, Yuri Bezmenov, James Howard Kuntsler, et al. substack has the information you are seeking

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Aug 23·edited Aug 23

I have read the "Yuri Bezmenov" site. And this one of course. I also know the sites of Chris Rufo, Mattias Desmet, James Lindsay (excellent!), Harrison Koelhi, Francisco Gil-White.

I like a site I can sink my teeth into, with lots of information of the non-WOKE variety. I contribute in return.

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Split decision. I think the author leans left, and his writing reflects that, but he does write well, minus his use of capitalization. He is certainly a provocateur. He struggles to defend democrats, so it is kind of fun to hear one of their own call them out.

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You say **we’ve reached this awful point of the blind and dishonest leading the blind and credulous. **

But I think you misstate it.

It is the blind and dishonest leading their captive population, and the first one to stop applauding will be taken out behind the stadium and liquidated.

It is not the story of The Emperor's New clothes, it is 1984 written by Kafka

People go along with it for various reasons. If the interest rates come down again, the business owners might survive another quarter or two. If the interest rates go back to zero, the big investors can keep things going as they are from the free money. If the agency heads are political fools without understanding of the process, the rest of the staff can still pick up those opportunities for self betterment on the government dime; the administrative state can go right on expanding its various little empires carved out of the traditional rights and freedoms of the citizenry they were supposed to support.

And the average citizen without connections or power or wealth enough to resist keeps his head down so he won't lose his life, his liberty, his property, or have to decide on whether to compromise on his sacred honor to make it to the end of the week.

I don't like doomposting, it is like going to the beach and kicking over kids' sand castles on the idea that "it is good that kids understand disappointment" when all you are doing is making people who can't slap back miserable.

So the positive side is that most people just want to make it to next quarter, have a place in the world and a job with income, or at least be reassured that the world is going to be similar tomorrow to what it was yesterday and they can feed their kids and their cats. Not everyone is up to arguments of monetarism versus Austrian business cycle versus the finer points of Schumpeterian capital evolution through innovation. It would be nice if people understood that money printing causes inflation, but they don't and that is only partially the problem of education: this was not understood in the 1890s during the Free Silver debates as carried out by titled and experienced academics and bankers.

You will get nowhere by explaining economic theory to get voters to support you when your opponent is saying it is possible to party our way out of here. You have to sell the sizzle, not the gristle filled sausage which is what we are all going to eat, like as not.

My one comfort to you about Trump and his economics is that he managed to negotiate his way out of personal bankruptcy on a failed project, and would have been millions in the hole. Trump made it back. Janet Yellen in the same predicament probably would have drunk a pint of Vanilla extract on the belief that it would poison her fatally.

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I completely agree that the "first one to stop applauding will be taken out behind the stadium and liquidated." Watching the democratic convention--as much as I could tolerate--I was reminded of the Asch conformity paradigm and considered the probability of "agents of adulation" being present among the crowd in order to maintain and even escalate the hommage paid to their masters. And yes, of vital importance is having the resources to feed our cats! Right, gato?

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David Kindltot - Like. I can only say "yay, you". You stated some of the problems beautifully.

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Beautiful, simply, beautifully put.

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Oh he understands. He knows, he's just not telling you fiat and MMT is a financial weapon.

And they know they probably have one last QE package before they start reclaiming assets people thought they owned. They're just trying to figure out the delta between the penultimate (c19) and the last one.

It's all about timing the preplanned exit strategy now. Like a bunch of vultures circling over a zero sum game of devouring the flesh from a middle class carcass.

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i take a different view which is that "the plan" is coming unglued because the people currently running the show are just too stupid and shortsighted to manage the schemes of the globalist planners and so it's all cracking apart and coming unglued, especially in the US.

this is the part of "rule by rube" where the "true believers" take over from the grifters and, because they do not know that the grift is a grift, blow the whole thing to flinders because they actually expect this crap to work.

still very high risk. they can do A LOT of damage. but it's an opening as well as they literally have no idea what they are doing.

it's a serious shame the GOP are so worthless right now and trump so incapable of promoting a cohesive economic and liberty narrative.

this is when it would really play.

interesting times ahead.

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It's just so difficult to find competent evil minions these days.

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Kertch - funny

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So what are your thoughts on someone like George Soros who outright revels in countries falling apart to make his family fortunes on, would he not prefer incompetent people in charge to help create such situations? He obviously cares little about societies and countries when it comes to making money and has said so in interview.

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folks like soros and schwab are who i have in mind when i speak of the golbalist planners. they are smart and patient and planful.

the problem they have is the pawns they use tend to go mad and break ranks once in power because they are too stupid to know better. it's the rule by rube problem and i think they are getting surprised by how hard it can be to control a demos hooked on dogmatic empty suits. keeping them on task and on message is no small feat.

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The pawns are only incompetent as far as the narrative goes. I believe they're so focused on lining their - and their friends' - pockets before the ship goes down that, except when they're on TV, they don't even remember they're supposed to be in governement. They have already shown their true colours with the "Covid countermeasures", now they're all but drunk on the success of their heist.

Just a gang of not-so-dignified thugs.

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many of these rubes are true believers in these insane policies. Take a Bernie Sanders, he has never earned an honest dollar in his entire life. Im almost certain he believes the drivel he speaks is sound fiscal policy. Price controls, wage controls, wealth redistribution, all of it.

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I guess the question here is whether the "pawns" are supposed to be implementing a brilliant strategy formulated by the "controllers," or whether they are simply a predictably damaging toxic agent injected by the "controllers" into a society they intend to dissolve and consume.

Do we think of the evil genius with the foolish lackey who blows up all his plans, or do we think of the spider injecting its prey with poison to dissolve its organs into a slurry for it to suck out?

Rule by rube may be the grifters' strategy.

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Our friend George the Cluster-B type put the Deputy PM of Canada in her position.

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I think they understand enough to recognize that it's African kleptocrat time - get as much as possible and get it offshore, and then get out before the pitchforks come out.

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Aug 23·edited Aug 23

Does Obama have extended family in Kenya? He might need them.

No...oops -- his biological father is likely to have been American Communist Frank Marshall Davis, right?

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Torn as usual, on the rare occasion, when I have to rethink my initial thought process at odds with yours.

That's a good thing!

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We might also be seeing some confusion/scrabbling because they didn't expect the penultimate package would end up being moved forward 5-10 years, and by extension, the distance between the last two peaks of QE "effectiveness curves". I wouldn't want to guesstimate the "standard error" of time and effectiveness based on previous "samples". The impact of c19 basically accelerated the acceleration of time between the respective curves because the last curves inputs are dependent on the SD and SE of the first which was a "unique" sample itself.

I imagine the furthest right "standard deviation" on the last QE curve will, for all intents and purposes, be one and the same as the peak; a cliff. How can you measure variables in curve and against a curve that isn't a curve at all!

Or maybe they're just stupid and lazy and haven't even have thought about, let alone understand, the relationship between the variables and the "weighting" of the impact of each against each other.

The faster the machine go brrrrr, the more people on the streets go brrrrr

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I think that many of the underlings carrying out this work of destruction are caught in the totalitarian narratives, which means that their critical thinking abilities have fallen. The latter has to happen in order to become so involved in a disturbed group narrative, therefore you know that by default they are not operating cognitively on full cylinders.

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Yes. The sad thing (among all the multiplicities of tragedies we got here) is that Jared Bernstein is actually a nice well-meaning guy. Not the same breed as the rest of 'em, but still, nice dumb is as dangerous as mean dumb.

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The delta * not through delta

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Zephyr Teachout is a real person? Seriously? Seems so, Law Professor at Fordham Law School. Goodness, my 'detect the parody' algorithm has crashed hard, and I don't think I can reboot it ...

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See, we really do live in a simulation.

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no shit

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She was heavily involved in Howard Dean's presidential campaign way back when.

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If you think that the people who actually have power want to bother running things you are mistaken. If you think that any of them want you to thrive and prosper, you are mistaken. The people in the district of corruption want to hurt other people, rape children, murder billions, and they don't care if you know.

They have abdicated government and make war on the American people. You should stop pretending otherwise.

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The Biden Clown Administration is filled to the brim with degenerate idiots dismantling America (that's a big part of the demoralization parlor trick), but Jered Bernstein (the man in the top video) is no idiot. He knows the ins and outs of the central bank tax cattle system quite well. But to admit that tax payers are chattel, by being honest here, and giving the currency printing/heist game away, is a bridge too far at this stage of the game.

However, if we allow them to implement the CBDC, they will be free to relish in explaining their grip on us right into the camera. If fact, here's the head of the BIS dreaming about such a scenario. BIS Chief Agustin Carstens: You Will Not Use Our CBDCs Without Our Permission (In Real Time): https://bitchute.com/video/mLVkHURKZp3S [56 seconds]

HELL ON EARTH IS COMING WITH CBDCs - Here is How: https://bitchute.com/video/C8Dm3BjdJm14 [15mins]

You'll soon have a choice whether you'd like to chance dying on your feet rather than living on your knees... What will you choose? Starvation and abject slavery are to follow if we do nothing. Death is easy by comparison.

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so your thesis is that he's playing at being stupid? because that's one helluvan act.

i think he really is that stupid. so is raimondo. they are not the prime movers here, they are patsys and pawns, chosen for utter incomprehension by a confluence of a credulous class of ruling rubes and a few nasty and farsighted backers (like a soros or schwab) who got the grift going but have increasingly lost control as the lunatics proved too crazy to stay in ranks and overran the asylum.

this is the window where "the plan" can really come apart as the troops loose cohesion because they are just too stupid and vain to stay in formation.

it's not a chance we want to miss.

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Fortunately for them, the dems are not banking on winning an election. They plan on stealing it, just like the last one. That is why they are so in your face with the communist talking points. You add that to the cooked polling numbers and you have a plausible election"win". Call out the military. They will be needed.

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Washington DC is Hollywood for ugly people. Acting ability, being good at reading and delivering your lines, has no correlation to intelligence.

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Teleprompter skills trump actual ability.

Every time.

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In addition, the plans of the prime movers actually require a bit of technical competence especially with regard to CBDC/infrastructure/24-7power etc. In my mind, this is where their "plan" could fall apart.

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So, Trans Sec owning a little red wagon when he was younger clearly makes him overqualified for his position. But, he’s gay so that evens out.

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Being gay is the Draw 100 Uno card 😄

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Brilliantly written. I understood it even with a slight knowledge of economics. My husband who is an engineer and enjoys data as a happy way to spend his day complimented you on accuracy and thoroughness. Thank you. Good job.

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Tariffs are nothing but a tax on consumers and a gift for domestic producers, as they will raise their prices to meet the tariffed price of imports.

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I remember in college, there were a few 'late nights' where I'd wake up in a stupor and wonder if what I thought I remembered had actually happened, or it was all just a bad dream

yea, it's kinda like that...

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This was a wonderful, comprehensive overview of just how absurd all of this has gotten. Stop already! It's too depressing when you lay it all out. I think that's rather the point: deliberately screw things up so badly the little people give up hope and just shut up. Elections may have reached the tipping point into irrelevance. I'm reminded of Terry Gilliam's incredible film Brazil. The incompetence on display would be hilarious if the consequences weren't so deadly. I seriously wonder if the country can survive another 4 years if Obamala wins. Personally, I'd crawl through broken glass to vote for Trump.

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"it’s one big conclave of failing upward. blinken, yellen, austin, garland, raimondo, buttigieg, granholm, cardona, it’s just astonishing how little capability any of these people have in their domains."

Believe it or not they make Trudeau's cabinets look like the General Staff of the D-Day landings.

As Radiohead said, gravity always wins. There *will*, eventually, be a price to pay and it will be steeeeep as fuck.

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"...and yet no one speaks of this. no one speaks of the desperate need to reform entitlements before they bury america in even more debt."

Nicole Shanahan is.


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As far as I can tell there are only two types of democrats. They are either evil or stupid.

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i would caution you on assuming it's "either or."

some are very capable of both.

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Suggested edit: "some are very capable of both" could be phrased, "many are very capable of both".

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