In other news, California has "pushed back their school Covid vaccine to July 2023", which really means they have abandoned it in complete and utter defeat. No effing way they actually implement it in 2023. Congrats Californian readers!

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Also consistent with the UK data, which they have stopped reporting 🤬, but all past reports are collated here: https://public.tableau.com/views/UKReportsRiskRatios/UKCharts?:language=en-US&:display_count=n&:origin=viz_share_link

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And yet Philthydelphia reimposed its mask mandate, and the feds extended the mask mandate on public travel. It is very hard to give up dictatorial power, especially when there are upcoming elections that would decimate that power.

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There is nothing to see here. Your numbers are meaningless. You hate puppies. Look, a pony.

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I'm surprised Walgreens is publishing this data. Aren't they making money by being a vaccine distribution point?

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This data, along with so many other data points you've shared, fits the exact pattern you find when you compare different nations by vaccination rates.

The countries with very low vaccination rates manage to drive R0 below 1 and now seem to experience herd immunity, at least until some drastically different variant manages to evolve.

On the other hand, mass vaccination interferes with the development of effective broad sterilizing immunity against variants that deviate from the Wuhan spike protein. Thus as a result the population remains susceptible to waves of reinfection.

The worst off are the places that widely administered three shots before Omicron showed up. Scotland in particular seems to be a good example. You end up with a large demographic of people who just get continually reinfected or suffer from chronic infections.


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Until most voters regard themselves as independents with zero loyalty to a party, nothing will change. Ambitious people join parties so they'll have a chance when the plums are given out. None of them have any interest in changing the culture of the patronage farms--they just want to get the jobs in them.

And if you think people with strong religious faith will protect against those evil lefty atheists destroying the world: meet Francis Collins, GoF stanboy.

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Best analysis I have seen of the Walgreen's data.

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Because your work is so close to perfect, a couple corrections: Under the Risk Ratio vvs Unvaccinated by Vaxx Status over 65 graph "looed" should be "looked". Although most of this conversation should have been put in the loo years ago.

Two paragraphs under the graph Risk Ratio: boosted > 5 months vs 2 Doses > 5 months in the one sentence paragraph, you have "dame" when you mean "damage". I like dames, so no good reason to defame them here...

Thanks for all you do. It has been a source of light for many of us. Also in the comments are a couple other data references I have not seen before that should really see the light of your analysis. In any case, you should capture them before they are "disappeared".

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Uh oh! Time to disappear some data!

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Anyone want to bet that the non-neutralizing antibodies is driving infection and will drive inflammation in the next 9 months ? It's goes beyond antigenic fixation at this point.

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Yet every other commercial on tv is a bunch of doctors telling us to vaxx our kids. Lost all respect for the medical community.

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All of this data is available for California and the data clearly shows an increase then flip in who is testing positive. It also includes data on hospitalizations and deaths by vaccination status. I’ve been tracking this and posting on it since December. I would love to see your VE analysis using the CA data. https://data.chhs.ca.gov/dataset/covid-19-post-vaccination-infection-data/resource/c5978614-6a23-450b-b637-171252052214

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I keep praying this will all fall apart before they force a booster on my Navy son, possibly when he receives a new assignment in September. 🙏

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I had two relatives (age 23, 53) who got covid before vax were available in 2021. They got through fine. They got vaccinated in summer to autumn, then got quite sick with things that were not covid and suffered worse than with covid.

I also had two relatives who are immune compromised who got the vax and got very sick with covid afterward. One has CLL and is going downhill fast after being stable for 10 years.

I'm irate that my young relatives have been forced to get three of these shots now to continue with college or remain employed in healthcare. 😡 😡 😡

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