In other news, California has "pushed back their school Covid vaccine to July 2023", which really means they have abandoned it in complete and utter defeat. No effing way they actually implement it in 2023. Congrats Californian readers!

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Unfortunately my CA grandkids already got jabbed because my son felt it was “just easier”. This was after he agreed on the risks and said he wouldn’t. I’m still in shock. Wonder how he feels now, that schools won’t require?

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I am so sorry to hear that. The pressure put on parents by the local Karens and the gaslighting can be intense.

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Especially in CA!

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Tell me about it. I am in Northern California. Masking continues all around me. And a few days ago a dear friend, 63 years old and in perfect health, dropped dead from blood clots following a sudden heart attack. I know two other people who have died from the jab (no proof, of course, but you will never convince me otherwise). That's three people I know who have died from the jab, and I know a fourth who within days of his shot developed extreme heart problems, required surgery, and whose health is now forever compromised. I know one person who was hospitalized from covid, and I do not know anyone who has died from it. My partner and I have said we will die before we ever accept the jab. Looking to leave this place as soon as we can. The laws, mandates and mindsets are life-crushing and soul-destroying.

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I, too, know many who have suffered or died from what I believe was the jab. Strokes, falls (one friend is brain damaged from his “fall” and has been in rehab facility 8 months. The other fell into a golf course water hazard and drowned ), 38 yr old who died in his sleep, heart attacks, eye problems, hearing problems, cancer surge. A jabbed and boosted friend went incommunicado recently and I feared she was dead in her house! Luckily she had only lost her phone, not her life (yet).

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So sorry to hear that. Sadly so many people felt they had to do it, because State, CDC/FDA/NIH, MSM & SM, Academia and Big Pharma sponsored "COERCION" made people feel they had to do it.

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So true. We were all lied to and I feel sorry for those who were duped. But my son knew the facts and agreed that the vax is dangerous and unnecessary. Did it anyway!

My father was a world famous pathologist and expert in the Spanish flu. Before he died at 97, he warned us not to get the jab as he knew it damages the immune system. Advice from a virus expert didn’t even stop my son or his wife. But it’s done and I can only hope the kids will be okay.

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"Advice from a virus expert didn’t even stop my son or his wife."

Sounds like some relatives of mine. Though they're also convinced Dr Malone is a lying opportunist who only took notes and had no scientific role in mRNA tech development, probably not even a scientist just a secretary. So that goes to show the kind of sources they used to do their research.

Though thank goodness they aren't going to jab their kids.

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For my part, one of the saddest aspects of all of this is how many friends and family members I have become estranged from as a result of my "anti-vax" stance. I use the quotation marks because a) I am not against legitimate vaccines and b) the shots are not vaccines. We are on different planets; they simply will not hear anything I have to say. I was locked out of Facebook recently, I chose to stay locked out, and that has actually made things easier.

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Same with me and 2 sisters. I’m over it now. I have a full life with friends—some who know my status and some who don’t. I travel and do interesting things. Marriage of 55 years. I have worked hard to stay healthy (74) snd will not comply to the government nor the screwed up SickCare system. My health status is due to ME and not any conventional docs bad medicine.

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I’m sorry. I can somewhat relate. I have lost an over 20 year friendship over this because when I asked her to pray for me because my employer had just issued a vaccine mandate she accused me of being fiercely opposed to vaccines which was not true at the time whatsoever. Through my research to prepare my religious exemption request however I have become anti-VAX. The irony. It was one thing to take anti-VAX hate from strangers on social media - it was something entirely different to get this from someone who supposedly loves me. I said not one word to her when she got her vaccine. Not one. I supported her choice and I just pray that she continues to be well because she is in the obese category. 

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It's tough because the lying and false everything presented nonstop works. Otherwise they wouldn't keep doing it. They = those with some agenda to force on the rest of us.

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It’s crazy how people just follow the herd and don't question anything! My friends never asked why I decided to avoid the jab, knowing I have access to an expert. Most don’t even know what a spike protein is, or mRNA, or lipid nano particles. And they think it’s a vaccine.

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My god.

Imo, that's on the level of knowingly letting a child molesting friend or relative watch your kids while you work because "it's just easier", even though there are other options that may be more labor-intensive but safe. You know the immediate risk, you know the possible lifelong damages, but still choose that over any inconvenience to yourself.

I was prepared to quit my job and homeschool my nieces if they pulled that shit in Ohio. And they're not even my kids. I just value their lifelong chance at good health more than my.own convenience.

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Probably more research went into selecting safe and effective car seats and cribs.

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Can I triple like this comment???

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I agree! I even offered to help with home schooling. His wife is a stay home mother and my son earns almost 7 figures a year. They could easily home school or even hire a full time private tutor! Maybe it was other parents/kids who were discriminating against unvaxxed kids? Either way, it was a selfish and dangerous move.

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[knowingly letting a child molesting friend or relative watch your kids while you work because "it's just easier"]

Here in the UK, that would be termed the 'Rotherham Effect' (in tribute to the local police and the social services who allowed decades of mass abuse of pale-skinned girls by men of mainly Pakistani origin, in order not to threaten 'diversity').

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I’m sorry to hear it. I live in Covid Karen central and 90%+ of 12+ is vaccinated and boostered and 60% of 5-11 is double vaccinated and they all wear N95s in school and even on the sidewalk. The thinking here is more jabs and more masks the better. 🤦‍♀️

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You must be a neighbor of mine. Kalifornia?

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Yup. SF peninsula.

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Ah, you're right down the road. Where I live in Mendocino County, we were the last county in the state to "drop" the mandates. For all the masks you see you'd think they were still in place. Our local library (you talk about Karens, that's their mecca) still makes people wear face coverings. Not sure how they can get away with it but no one has challenged them. Tiny towns can swiftly become Shirley Jacksonian.

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Probably happy he can take the kids to the Computer History Museum in Mountain View:


<<To keep everyone safe, CHM requires proof of COVID-19 vaccination for visitors ages 6 and above including access to exhibits, programs and events, the café, and the Museum store.>>

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My God!

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I still don't trust it. they pushed it back because the EUA for 5-11 hasn't been authorized in the timeline Newson wanted to approve, and he can't force an EUA shot. I'm much more skeptical considering how deep blue this state is- they had no problem locking us up for two years, and push hatred against those who just wanted to wait and see, telling us we're going to die or at least kill grandma if we didn't get the shot. Give them time. Newsom, Pan and Weiner are all in bed with big Pharma, and Big Pharma WANTs to be in on school schedules for financial and liability reasons. I'm super happy about it being pushed, but I'm tempering my expectations. It took Pan 3 years to accomplish what he did with the other vaccines last decade-other reps in the Senate are in full support of the Covid vaccine. Teachers and District admins still scream they won't work if everyone isn't vaxxed or masked. Kids are still isolated from their peers if they are not vaxxed, sent home if they may have been in contact with others who tested positive. They'll argue Covid shots are for the benefit of kids for the long-term, especially since Pfizer has been saying they want to make it a yearly shot, like the flu. No, the fight isn't over yet. A big battle has been won, but we have to keep up the pressure.

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Yesterday Pan dropped the PBE ban first, and for different stated reasons. Then the whole thing got shelved and the stated reasons changed. Maybe you are right we should take Newsom and the Chronicle at face value. The fact that kids' vaccine uptake has flatlined in the state around 30% seems like the better explanation that covers both those actions.

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I would never take Newsom "at face value" as I do not believe he is capable of uttering a truthful statement at this point.

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My hunch is it’s a political decision.

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potentially, but remember- PBEs are very very tricky and hard to prove. If you've taken any vaccine previously, it negates your entire argument of a personal belief exemption. many people were denied PBEs over the last few years because of that. Perhaps Pan thought it wasn't necessary to pursue for that reason alone- I don't know his mind, but I know plenty of nurses who were fired because their PBEs were submitted, reviewed, and denied. And the flatline would change in a heartbeat if kids forced to take it for school. Something else is going on, and I think the Chron is onto it. makes sense honestly.

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Chron's been critical of Gov. Dippity Doo lately. They're beginning to eat their own. As always.

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Gov Dippity Doo. considering all the potholes and poop around these days, very fitting lol

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Peggy Hall from OC (YouTube) makes videos on how to get your exemption approved. She says it doesn't matter if you've had previous vaccines, or if you get an annual flu shot, or if you take Tylenol or consent to other pharma products. It's not supposed to matter in the eyes of the Court, according to her.

So people shouldn't let that hold them back from submitting a religious exemption request.

You don't need to be religious or belong to a church, either. You just need a "sincerely held belief" (similar to a religious belief) that the vaccine is a violation of your body.

Watch her videos. She's a riot!

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Her organization provided materials my son used to get an exemption from his university (we are atheists). He is still unstuck and plans to remain so, and though he has to get tested weekly has never had a positive. His university finally dropped the masking requirement in early March, so we may get through this thing with our immune systems intact. Meanwhile, a multiply vaxxed and boosted client stuck her masked face out the door this morning (I'm a gardener) saying she'd tested positive and was sick as a dog, just wanted to say hi before she went back to her bed....

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I've been mystified by the mandates for children. I keep checking and keep seeing the FDA site showing no approval means for kids. Yet kids are being vaccinated. How is that legal? Under what legal means are healthcare providers administering the vaccine? What am I missing?

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Legal means for healthcare providers and parents who choose it: Emergency Use Authorization. Legal means for schools and camps and theaters and such to require it? None whatsoever. Forget approval. They are violating the Americans With Disabilities act which prohibits discrimination on the basis of even “perceived” disability like a supposedly inferior immune system (see AIDS — how is this different from being unvaccinated in this context?). That schools are getting away with requiring any vaccination without an no-questions-asked, confidential, personal belief exemption is also a travesty.

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The last time I looked (last month) the EUA had been extended down to 12 years of age. That was an amendment from last year. I couldn't find a more recent amendment that matches the CDCs recommendation to start with 2 year olds.

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And Pfizer wants a booster for the kiddies now. Duh expected but gross. Ugh

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To be expected. They already got it for the 12-15 crowd. The 5-11 primary dose hasn’t been around that long, so yeah now it’s booster time. For sure the FDA will “authorize” it as they do without blinking.

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And next toddlers. Disgusting.

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FDA commissioner and Pfizer board member (conflict of interest?!) Scott Gottlieb says “Assuming the data comes out in April, as is expected, I think the agency could potentially act in May. My hunch is it will slip a little bit…”


We can only hope the authorization of this abomination for toddlers will keep on slipping.

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The root lie is the lie of the injections.

The mandates (or de facto mandates) always arise from this root lie.

Sound familiar?

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Root lie? Yes, Sage, it always boils down to “It’s a vaccine therefore it has to be good: safe, effective, and saves lives.” From there it quickly follows that if you don’t take it or give it to your children you should be treated as a criminal.

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Where did you see/hear that? That is fantastic news. We live in CA and have been looking for homes in other states. Our kids will be very happy to hear they do not have to leave their friends.

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Good news but maybe leave anyway. There is other F*ckery coming, I'm sure. With love from someone trapped in New York State

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Zounds, you nailed it. The f*ckery never stops here. Our county just declared that it is broke, and communities are being told that they "need to step up to the plate". Yeah, sure, with about 75% of us on EBT, and thousands on the brink of ruin and despair from lockdown poverty and the cannabis industry going tits up in a ditch. Soooo...I'd like to know, what happened to all that covid money we were given? Million$ went into a few dark pockets, and now the chickens have come home to roost. It's a hellhole.

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very colorful, loved it

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We closed on our Utah house two days ago. But, we are excited for everything about it.

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We just signed with a broker yesterday to put our house in the Bay Area on the market. Moving East.

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I lived in the Bay Area in the 1980's. Wonderful place. Astonished at how culture and ideology can utterly wreck a place.

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I live in the foothills near Tahoe, which has always been pretty sane throughout the last 2 years. I used to enjoy visiting San Francisco from time to time, but I can say with certainty I will never set even a little toe in that area ever again. It has been ruined beyond repair, and it is now a sh*thole.

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Tahoe. I find when I go into the great American west, the one thing people agree on about California is that Tahoe is awesome.

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Yup. Literally a sh*thole. See Paul Joseph Watson's darkly funny video, "San Francisco is a Sh*thole". Ditto to every word you say. So sad, it was such a wonderful place once.

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smart. Just not NY or NJ.

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Upstate is not as bad as Westchester area, but Hochul is a demon--and Cuomo is making noise again as well. NYC and immediate area just awful.

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I wish I could leave this hell hole too! 😭 stuck cause custody.

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I am sorry :( It can’t happen fast enough for us…

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Not too far East I hope. 🤔. I’m in Illinois. West as far as Wyoming or Montana works for me. South Dakota.

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We actually considered Wyoming and South Dakota….

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We camp out west every summer. Live it there. People are crazy nice and it’s my kind of scenery. Last summer it was wonderful to not have to wear masks. My husband stays behind to eradicate prairie dogs for some ranchers by shooting so I had to take an overnight on Amtrak. Coach. Miserable night trying to sleep in a mask. Not doing that this year. Dogs are being poisoned so can’t shoot and drought conditions are part of the equation.

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I'm so happy for you, best of luck in your new life of freedom and choice.

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One of the places we were looking was around the St. George area of UT. Where did you end up buying?

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Highland Park in SLC. . Nice walkable neighborhoods around there, so tired of the North Bay sprawl. We got one of the cute century old bungalows.

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Bliss! Utah is beautiful and has much that appeals to us, just think we couldn't take the winters. I'm a Hawai'i girl. So we're looking at a few choice areas of Texas (nowhere near a city, we're Deep Country folks. "Come out of her, my people!). Alpine/Fort Davis area and the Hill Country - FAR from Austin. Looking forward to sanity and law and order.

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The Alpine/Fort Davis area of TX is beautiful. Been though there three times and have always loved it.

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Congrats. Enjoy!

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Yay! Congratulations!

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The article leaves out that the 2023 mandate has exemptions…

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I can't read it because the site keeps posting adds in front of it. I will look for some other sites. Thanks so much for the good news.

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It’s in the news. I got an email from the GOP leader Gallagher about it yesterday around 230pm.

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Just received an announcement from PERK:

"SB871 is one of the worst bills, mandating children 0-17 to receive the Covid-19 vaccine and removing all personal belief exemptions. PERK team has called Senator Pan’s office directly and are working closely with other colleagues and Capitol contacts. According to Pan’s capitol staff, SB 871 was pulled. The bill is officially DEAD if it doesn’t get scheduled for the next two weeks. We will still stay vigilant. However, moments ago, the Capitol staff did state, “that it’s dead.” We expect an announcement soon."

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Such wonderful news. I am tempted to have a glass of wine to celebrate, but it is too early in the day. I guess we will go hiking instead.

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🍷 after!

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THAT would be fantastic. any word on Newsom's mandate? the one for 7 grade and up?

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Since I got PERK's email, they've updated their website:


Would recommend getting on their email list; excellent organizers and communicators!

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I passed it on to a friend who's got a kid she's homeschooled up to this point. The girl wants to take some regular school classes to have a social life (she is 13) and my friend has been beside herself. This news has lifted her like a glass of champagne.

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I will! thank you!

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The removal of personal belief exemptions was the only part of the bill that mattered.


Existing law already gives the California Department of Public Health the authority to have schools require whatever vaccine they want. Yes, there is a list of diseases, but it is only an open-ended list of suggestions of diseases for “eventual achievement of total immunization” which already includes “any other disease.”


It is completely up to the CDPH to determine when, if ever, and by what means any particular immunization must take place, so they didn’t and still don’t need a change in the law to add Covid-19 vaccinations to their requirement. What they do need is FDA approval, and again the passing of this bill would not have changed that.

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Excellent info.

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So, if the COVID "vaccine" is approved, CDPH will add COVID to the list of diseases, and require the "vaccine". But personal belief exemptions will be allowed unless future legislation removes that option.

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Correct! But now that I think of it, The Pfizer vaccine is in fact approved for ages 16 and up so perhaps it could be required of 11th and 12th graders. But the news articles seem to indicate that they won’t even be doing that any sooner than “July 2023”:


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Thanks for fleshing this out more. My state, VT, usually models itself after CA, e.g. climate law/policy. We effectively have a group of unelected bureaucrats establishing climate policies, including one that will drive our many small heating fuel dealers out of business. At the same time, this year's legislature has been busy mandating a referendum to enshrine abortion at any stage (including perinatal) in our constitution. "Vaccines" and "vaccine" mandates aren't getting much press, but we remain vigilant. Looks as though the legislative session will end without any damage being done. Like CA, parents can still have religious (not philosophical) objections to "vaccine" mandates for children.

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Speaking of religious but not philosophical exemptions. I’ve found a way to get around that. As long as you believe in telling the truth that’s a moral belief that counts as religious according to US Civil Rights law. Just say you cannot tell a lie on the consent form, so therefore tou (or your child) cannot be vaccinated. See http://howtosee2020.com

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Oh, and it’s such an emergency that they are delaying for more than a year!

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Don't rejoice too soon. These b@stards won't give up easily. There's more criminality coming, count on it.

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I was screaming with joy yesterday when I heard it. Small victory as they could try again any time. But for now my kids are safe.

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They probably picked July 2023 because there’s no way the FDA could possibly approve the stuff for children before then. It’s probably the earliest date the report on the required pediatric studies could be completed. Still the final report is not due until October 31 of that year!

Here’s the FDA “approval” letter form August 2021 telling Pfizer-BioNTech what they can do with their pediatric doses. See page 4 and following:


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So what’s going to happen between now and 2023 that’s going to make it impossible?

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Also consistent with the UK data, which they have stopped reporting 🤬, but all past reports are collated here: https://public.tableau.com/views/UKReportsRiskRatios/UKCharts?:language=en-US&:display_count=n&:origin=viz_share_link

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Wow, great site, well done. 👍🏼👏 Yes what a bummer that they've stopped reporting.

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Wow, wonderful. I've bookmarked your site, a great service you've done.

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wow - what a neat data site. thanks for sharing!

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I meant neat!

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if you click the three dots below your comment you can edit typos

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Thank you.

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This is a fantastic page, thank you!!! I will share.

A couple of questions:

Is the data sourced from UKHSA weekly covid reports? I can't seem to scroll across to the right fully.

These UKHSA reports show positive vax efficacy which seems at odds with what the raw data shows. I'm trying to find the explanation for the discrepancy - do you or anyone have any idea?

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Yes, the data is sourced from the weekly UKHSA Surveillance Reports. If possible, it's best to view the dashboard on a larger monitor & to click on full screen mode (bottom right button).

The recent UKHSA reports show positive VE for deaths & hospitalizations, generally, for 3rd doses vs. unvaccinated. Negative VE for cases. The recent reports do not show VE for the double (but not triple) dosed, but I am deriving those numbers and they generally show negative VE for that cohort.

Please let me know if this does not clear any confusion, happy to look into it. Perhaps post it as a comment here so as not to clutter this thread: https://inumero.substack.com/p/uk-reports-new-dashboard?r=tv61s&s=w&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Thank you that's really helpful! I posed the same question elsewhere and got this reply:

"In these reports, they cite positive VEs derived from other studies -- not from data in the reports. However, the data in these reports did, at least until recently, show lower hospitalization & death rates among the fully vaccinated versus the unvaxxed."

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Bookmarked, thx!

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And yet Philthydelphia reimposed its mask mandate, and the feds extended the mask mandate on public travel. It is very hard to give up dictatorial power, especially when there are upcoming elections that would decimate that power.

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They announced early this week that they are starting it Monday -- AFTER Easter and Passover, when huge numbers of people gather, have family parties, and travel. If that doesn't tell you it's NOT an emergency -- because if masks helped when people are together, then it should be been reinstated immediately -- nothing will. What a crapfest.

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There is nothing to see here. Your numbers are meaningless. You hate puppies. Look, a pony.

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probably a flat earther too

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I'm surprised Walgreens is publishing this data. Aren't they making money by being a vaccine distribution point?

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Maybe they are pissed off that the SF Chronicle is claiming they are faking their shoplifting data, so they are going to start becoming their own objective data source about things.

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decentralize data and everyone has to become good actors or get caught lying

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The only surprising thing about the data is its even being allowed to go public.

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That too. Love your dragon

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This data, along with so many other data points you've shared, fits the exact pattern you find when you compare different nations by vaccination rates.

The countries with very low vaccination rates manage to drive R0 below 1 and now seem to experience herd immunity, at least until some drastically different variant manages to evolve.

On the other hand, mass vaccination interferes with the development of effective broad sterilizing immunity against variants that deviate from the Wuhan spike protein. Thus as a result the population remains susceptible to waves of reinfection.

The worst off are the places that widely administered three shots before Omicron showed up. Scotland in particular seems to be a good example. You end up with a large demographic of people who just get continually reinfected or suffer from chronic infections.


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Until most voters regard themselves as independents with zero loyalty to a party, nothing will change. Ambitious people join parties so they'll have a chance when the plums are given out. None of them have any interest in changing the culture of the patronage farms--they just want to get the jobs in them.

And if you think people with strong religious faith will protect against those evil lefty atheists destroying the world: meet Francis Collins, GoF stanboy.

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Your first paragraph is true of dems and repubs,and probably Greens, but in my experience not Libertarians.

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The minute one sorts oneself by label, the rot begins.

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That might depend partially on whether the label refers to a principle, or to a tribe. Thinking about it, the libertarians are the only one of the four that actually stand on a clear set of principles. The other three are just tribal, and can be manipulated to support anything that opposes the other tribe.

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If it capitalizes the initial letter, it's a tribe.

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Agreed. But the Libertarian tribe does officially stand for libertarian principles, so its room for opportunistic maneuver is somewhat limited by the agreed principles of its members.

Admittedly, that didn't work with the ACLU.

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And here we are. Principles are only as durable as the people espousing them want them to be. It's not as though there's a magic forcefield bouncing transgressors back to 'em as needed.

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Best analysis I have seen of the Walgreen's data.

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Because your work is so close to perfect, a couple corrections: Under the Risk Ratio vvs Unvaccinated by Vaxx Status over 65 graph "looed" should be "looked". Although most of this conversation should have been put in the loo years ago.

Two paragraphs under the graph Risk Ratio: boosted > 5 months vs 2 Doses > 5 months in the one sentence paragraph, you have "dame" when you mean "damage". I like dames, so no good reason to defame them here...

Thanks for all you do. It has been a source of light for many of us. Also in the comments are a couple other data references I have not seen before that should really see the light of your analysis. In any case, you should capture them before they are "disappeared".

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Uh oh! Time to disappear some data!

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Anyone want to bet that the non-neutralizing antibodies is driving infection and will drive inflammation in the next 9 months ? It's goes beyond antigenic fixation at this point.

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Inflammation and autoimmunity is what kept me from being inoculated early on and now that the adverse event data is being populated will prevent me from taking this in the future.

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Wish choice my friend.

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Yet every other commercial on tv is a bunch of doctors telling us to vaxx our kids. Lost all respect for the medical community.

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Just saw a story today about the "alarming" number of doctors (just over 10%) who say they no longer are confident that the vaccines are effective and/or safe. I have lost a lot of respect for doctors, but if the real number is not FAR more than 10% I'd be surprised.

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And I've noticed the commercials have been getting more maudlin...

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All of this data is available for California and the data clearly shows an increase then flip in who is testing positive. It also includes data on hospitalizations and deaths by vaccination status. I’ve been tracking this and posting on it since December. I would love to see your VE analysis using the CA data. https://data.chhs.ca.gov/dataset/covid-19-post-vaccination-infection-data/resource/c5978614-6a23-450b-b637-171252052214

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We saw the same thing here in Snohomish County, WA. They simply stopped reporting the numbers.


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I keep praying this will all fall apart before they force a booster on my Navy son, possibly when he receives a new assignment in September. 🙏

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I had two relatives (age 23, 53) who got covid before vax were available in 2021. They got through fine. They got vaccinated in summer to autumn, then got quite sick with things that were not covid and suffered worse than with covid.

I also had two relatives who are immune compromised who got the vax and got very sick with covid afterward. One has CLL and is going downhill fast after being stable for 10 years.

I'm irate that my young relatives have been forced to get three of these shots now to continue with college or remain employed in healthcare. 😡 😡 😡

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