I think the real tactical error was to try and force masks on school kids again. The suburban middle class is now fully on the march and absolutely hates the democrats as a result of going after their kids. Newsom in California is almost certainly gone next month and many county level dems are soon to be gone as well. The 3rd jab just cements the deal for everyone else. The jab was always a pig in a poke. Pfizer and Moderna knew this going in and hoped to score the billions within six months before their snake oil was proven to be a lie. This 3rd jab double down is just the WH demonstrating how completely inept they are. If Newsom goes next month, either Joe Biden is forced to fire people to save his presidency or we can expect the whole regime to collapse into risible irrelevancy. I expect the latter, we are now the late stage Soviet regime, it will be over for imperial US in months, not years … leading the states to have to individually step in to ensure a functioning government. Sadly, those living in democrat strongholds will find themselves suddenly living in a third world hell holes — like New York, LA, and San Francisco already.

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Let’s all pray to the Great Gato in the Sky that the boosters will be the shot too far. For many people who only got the jab, reluctantly, a short time ago, to be told already that it was basically for nothing, and they already need to schedule another one…I just can’t see even half of the previous takers lining up for shot #3.

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I've been saying for a month these drugs will very quickly be "Trump's Vaccines". It is actually taking longer than I thought, but you are right in that it will happen. And the vaccine zealots will not be able to recognize their complicity.

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I think you are right. The third shot is going to make people think. There’s a portion of people who will do whatever is asked of them— a shot a month would be okay with them. But many will question the narrative here— all we had to do was take this miracle vax and all will be okay. Now, it’s a third shot. Some will ask questions. Some will refuse. I know people who had a bad time with the second shot. Will they want to see what the third will bring? A fourth? Who is going to want to experience these self induced reactions on a semi annual basis? It will real old, real fast for many people.

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Thank you, Gato, for everything you're doing to deconstruct the rabid insanity we're living through. Unfortunately I tend to agree with CBD -- nothing can stop the train. I live in San Francisco, and as of Friday, I will no longer be permitted to enter indoor spaces (restaurants, events, gym, retail) without proof of vaccination.

If I may I'd like to share a short piece I wrote, inspired by this nightmare, that I think you and your readers will enjoy. Or find depressing, or both. Here you go:


Not sure what's to be done. Here in progressive paradise we have total conformity wrapped in condescending self-righteousness. Half the people on the streets are masked, and distance themselves from the unmasked when they pass. It's endless. And the now imperfectly-suppressed anger at the unvaccinated, who have evidently caused all the problems, grows daily. Not optimistic.

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Noticed something similar when my county reinstated indoor mask mandates a couple of weeks ago. This is a deep-blue DC suburb full of Federal employees and hangers-on. The cult of the government "expert" is almost literally the established religion here. And yet many people are visibly half-assing the mask-wearing this time around. Not a majority, but certainly more than before, enough to be noticeable. People at the margin are starting to get -- or at least intuit -- that this is all theater and the government is making it up as it goes along.

Granted, some people are wedded to this stuff as a form of status-signaling. Soon the three-jabbers will be sneering at those who are merely "fully vaccinated" under the old dispensation. But I'm optimistic that the each time the goalposts move, some additional increment of people will realize it's pointless to keep chasing after them.

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apparently, the reason the scam artists say mrna vaxxes are 'better' than natural immunity (ni) is they expect the anti bodies to be present all the time and not rely on the b/t cell response. NI the anti bodies go away, so add the shot, even though with NI immune response is really strong.

desantis is ahead of the game: leave the booster, go to a covid 19 party, if you get real sick get the regeneron now in shot form...

the vaxx has too many unknowns to keep pounding it in so you have artificial antibodies all the time...

that in itself is dangerous.

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Sure hope you’re right. So many are addicted to fear and anger at the unvaxxed. So many still think there’s a moral imperative to take the thing for others…

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Winds picking up real high at the Tacoma-Narrows-Covid bridge, for a number of reasons: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3a7lE-BlXeU

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"you’re never really going to be safe personally or as a spread vector until you get actual covid and develop actual immunity."

Unless you're young and don't have significant comorbidities in which case you are already pretty safe!

Unless you meant "safe from petty health tyrants," in which case the naturally immune *still* are not, because said tyrants refuse to acknowledge their existence.

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Hope you are right, Gato noble, but something tells me at least one third of the western world would wear purple crocs and a mesh tank top if Saint Tony tells them to do so for their 3rd shot. In my banana republic of Canada the mandates are flying around like confetti. Our elected and unelected tyrants are actually discussing vax mandates to move about the country. We are finished. I live in one of the most heavily vaxxed regions of Ontario and would bet my house that most will have no issue with getting their 3rd jab because you know we are all in this together

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I can't wait for your prediction to come true. Unfortunately too many places are back to masking and more and more are demanding vaccinations. I haven't worked since March 2020 and what look like opportunities ahead are all now demanding the jab. I keep getting screwed waiting for this fascism to end.

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el gato malo: I love your "cartoon" panels. They, alone, tell the tale dramatically!

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With due apology for posting off-subject, this article about a cat "meowing" and saving its owners life is too topical--on the issue of cats offering help--to NOT share here! Enjoy: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-cornwall-58217476

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I saw some comments from people who claimed to be upset about the booster because it was selfish to accept one when sooooooo many people around the globe haven't gotten their first doses yet. It'd be fun to watch the mental gymnastics involved to go from "I don't actually want this dang booster but how can I admit that without losing my seat at the virtue signalling table?" to "Getting the vaccine booster is selfish, dontcha know?"

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You're not alone in this way of thinking, Gato. I'm surprised JM Greer didn't bring up Covid...I guess there are enough other (less controversial) examples of the rot that everyone recognizes.


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