1 in 2000 may sound like pretty good odds, but what if air travel in the US had that kind of safety record? According to the FAA website, there are 45,000 commercial flights per day over the US, each flight carrying an average of 64 passengers. If these flights had the same safety record as the jabs (1 in 2000 resulting in serious injury or death), we would have 22 commercial airplanes crashing EVERY DAY, some of which would kill all passengers on board, others would just maim all passengers leaving them with life changing injuries. 22 crashes a day, every day. How long would it take the FAA to shut down commercial flights so they could figure out what's going on? And how would people feel about flying with that kind of safety record?

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And yet our FAA has been silent about pilots that are vaccinated, and possibly injured. I’m very thankful that there’s always two of us up front at all times.

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I always like to have at least 2 of everything important ;-).

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Redundancy is key!

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The world grounded the Boeing 737 Max after two crashes out of about a million flights in the more than two years from the time that the Max entered service to the time of the first crash.

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Comrade, You must understand that "Planes" are much more valuable than peasants. Please think like a Bolshevik and it all makes sense.

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indeed! planes are extremely valuable. Peasants, not so much.

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of course! We have NEVER had 22 crashes in ONE DAY, but that's what's happening with the jabs

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Excellent analogy!

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If what I read is correct, the FDA shut down Abbot’s baby formula production and instituted a recall, after 2 cases of gastrointestinal infection. The Abbot product was cleared, but the FDA found some other non-related irregularities.

Abbot produces 40% of US baby formula and was shut down in February. A company like that could carry out a deep clean within its facilities and test raw materials within a week. It is being kept closed by the FDA whilst new procedures are agreed.

Government approval, depending on FDA clearance, has been given to import baby formula, but the foreign manufacturers will have to comply with FDA regs, which will take several months. These foreign manufacturers are in First World Countries with rigorous (but different) standards.

But the FDA has approved experimental pseudo-vaccines for 5-11 years olds, not at risk from the pathogen, proven to have a comparative statistically high incidence of serious and fatal reactions, and which other Countries have determined to decline approval for this age group as the risk exceeds the benefit.

Meanwhile American babies go undernourished and their parents suffer distress.

Now tell me money isn’t changing hands.

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Formula shortage is due to doctors telling jabbed mothers not to breastfeed...

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That too.

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And wasn't there a different bacteria found in the kids than what was found at the plant?

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It was the same bacterium, but a different genetic sequence than what was found in the factory -- meaning it didn't come from Abbott. One of the specimens isolated *was* identical to bacterium found in a distilled water bottle in the household that had been used to prepare the formula. The other wasn't ever matched to a contamination source. And the two isolates found in the homes didn't match each other, ruling out a common source.

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Why isn’t the water bottling company being investigated?

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Probably because when the the contamination was detected the bottle had already been opened. We live in a forest filled with small malevolent enemies.

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So, why the delay in reopening the plant? Or widely reporting it? Thank you for sharing this! I hope it gets more coverage.

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It couldn’t be traced to Abbot, so it seems so.

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Can't hide a plane crash.

Vax injuries are explained away.

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This is exactly the reason. If people got infected by some kind of pathogen than caused heart disease that would kill you anywhere from 1 week to 6 months after taking a flight 1 out of 2000 passengers there would be no problem.

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Ooh...well, that makes sense.

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That depends. If the FAA said this was normal I fear the media and faithful followers of The Party would label anyone asking questions "anti-air" or "denier".

The FAA has had it's own issues with politics over science. I could go into technical detail on the dangers of some of their plans. Usually, though, the consequences are contained and/or mitigated by outside forces such as DoD. But I have seen time and time again that "science" loses to politics with the FAA. I'm sure you can think of a few yourself ;-)

The difference is that the the FAA hasn't the power to MANDATE that you travel by air. Not yet at least ;-)

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I am pretty sure that was the same risk that I got from Oxfords risk calculator for covid hospitalization as a healthy middle aged man.

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Good analogy. Although I'm no fan of air travel, it's a statistical fact that it is (by far) the safest form of passenger travel, with a fatality rate of something like 1 per several million miles traveled. This may be of small consolation to the poor bastard who is the statistical exception as he is plunging screaming to a fiery death, but decades of statistics bear this out. In contrast, taking the mRNA jab is might be roughly likened to to getting shitfaced drunk at the bar, blindfolding oneself, and then driving home in a car with no brakes.

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heh! do you feel lucky?! Well, do you?

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I was probably too dramatic. Lose the blindfold, and the analogy is probably closer to the truth 😛

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What a fantastic example, thanks!

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I used to use this argument with jabfanatics. Their reply,"if taking the flight would mean I would be safe I would do it. Why do you think all the migrants cross the river into Texas?" or something to that effect or more dimbulby. The argument has not worn especially well for them. Now for some reason they are willing to board the plane for a chance of a few less coughs.

We are not a nation of thinkers.

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Great example. Frighteningly so

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Wouldn't the proper analogy be to 1 in 2000 single-seat plane flights crashing?

Because the "1" in the 1 in 2000 is one person, which is not analogous to 1 plane with 64 persons in the plane.

When that "1 in 2000" adverse event occurs, it's adverse to *one* person, not to 64 persons.

(Unless that one is in the act of piloting a commercial aircraft alone, that is!)

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the analogy is that 1 person in 2000 experienced a life changing injury or death. So if you have 45,000 airplanes flying every day, each with an average of 64 people on them, then to have the same ratio of death/serious injury as the jabs, you'd have 22 planes crashing daily. that's one plane out of every 2000 planes that fly that day. Or you could do it by the number of passengers. FAA says 2.9 million people fly every day on commercial airplanes, so if 1 person out of every 2000 that flies dies or gets seriously injured, then 1450 people would die or get seriously injured daily. If there's an average of 64 people on each flight, that's 22.6 airplanes that would have to crash to kill or maim 1450 people.

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The problem I see with the 1-in-2000 "death or serious injury" is that death and serious injury are not the same outcome. So we need to know what's the "1-in-X" for death, and what's the "1-in-X" for serious injury, for the vaxxes. Then also, what's the "1-in-X" for death, and what's the "1-in-X" for serious injury, for the plane crashes.

This is pure hunch, but I'm guessing you're much more likely to die if your plane crashes than you are likely to die if you get the vaxx.

Perhaps there's a better analogy, to something where the death/serious injury dichotomy is similar to whatever the vaxx death/serious injury dichotomy is.

Maybe auto accidents. Seems to me you're more likely to survive (with serious injury) a car crash than a plane crash, and it seems to me you're more likely to survive (with serious injury) the Chinese virus vaxxes than to die from them.

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you're totally missing the point. It's a numbers game and it's hypothetical! Of course if a plane crashes, you're more likely to die than to survive the crash. That's not the point. The point is that 22 plane crashes a day would definitely get the FAA's and the public's attention, even if half of the crashes miraculously "only" injured all the passengers instead of killing them! A few days of 22 crashes a day, and the FAA would ground all airplanes until they figured out the cause. And the public would get the heebee jeebees (technical term) about flying. We've had more than A YEAR of 22 crashes a day with these vaccines and the FDA just turns a blind eye, and the public has been hypnotize by relentless propaganda, so the killing goes on. If the injuries and deaths from the jabs were as visible to the public as 22 airplane crashes a day would be, you can bet this poison would have been withdrawn by early 2021.

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You are comparing the outcome of plane crashes to vaccinations. The fatality rate of crashes is fairly high. But the fatality rate of air travel isn't. The original analogy was comparing the number of commercial flights and/or the number of people who travel by come to harm.

We long ago observed that the probability of death and serious injury was far greater if you crashed the plane than if you did not crash the plane. Thus as an industry we decided crashing should be avoided.

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Again, “death” and “serious injury” are very different. Without knowing the relative ratios of each with respect to the plane crashes and with respect to the vaxxes, we don’t know that it’s an apt analogy.

You make the distinction that “the fatality rate of (general) air travel isn’t” fairly high, well perhaps that can also be said of the vaxxes, in general. Until the “perhaps“ is quantified in separate terms of deaths and serious injuries, we don’t know that it’s an apt analogy.

I mean, imagine if there were a 1 in 2000 chance of the vaxx either killing you or causing a loss of taste. Wouldn’t we want to know the breakdown between those two outcomes?

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"Let me be quite frank with you. If someone was holding a gun to my head and gave me a choice of this so-called vaccine or a bullet through the brain, I would choose the bullet. Give me liberty, or give me death. There can be no alternative, no settling for less."

Mechanisms of COVID-19 Vaccine Injury


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I am opting for a bullet to the brain as well

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Or maybe a bullet to THEIR brain

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I'm in!

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Viable option

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there is a reason guillotines are trending.

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That was my first thought too

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I've said that since April 2020. I also know people who have died from the vax (four) and no one I know has died of covid. As for injury - yesterday a friend dropped by my workplace. I could tell immediately that something was wrong, M is the merriest person, always happy with life and ready to share his wonderful laugh. M is my age (64) and retired last fall. Life was good and he was cruising. Not anymore. He'd had a double whammie - a heart event has him wearing a monitor so they can figure out what the hell is going on (he'd passed out three times in eight minutes). And he'd been diagnosed a few days later with Stage 1 prostate cancer. Unrelated in any way, of course. Just coincidence, bad luck. M did at least one jab (after much discussion with me), likely more. I just couldn't ask about his current vaccine status, to do so seemed cruel and pointless. But it was there in the silence. We both knew. Dropping like flies is right, dammit, they have to be noticing this. But too late for so many...

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I, too, do not ask. That horse left the barn whenever they rolled up for the jab(s) & all it would serve would be to make them feel angry, scared or stupid for having been duped….

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Yes, I saw no point in saying anything. When another friend dropped dead a few weeks ago I had a short, very emotional (I used the f-word about ten times in one minute) outburst about the vax - in front of vaxxed people. That went over well, you can imagine. The proverbial turd in the punchbowl. If you're going to point it out, be prepared, you will probably not get a positive response.

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I’m sorry for the friends you’ve lost. I have not yet had any family or close friends die (yet) but we may well need to steel ourselves for it going forward. It’s already “out” that all-cause mortality across all age groups (but esp 50 & under) is well above normal from years past. That can only get a whole lot worse as the long term effects reveal themselves.

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Thanks, Cindi. We need to help one another stay strong to get through what may be ahead. I am just thankful for the voice inside me that said, "Do not do this!!".

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You don't need to ask, anyway. The proof is in the pudding.

If you see a jabbed person anywhere from 4-12 weeks after their jab, they go pale. Ashen, even. They say they feel fine but they sure as hell don't look it! I've seen it SO many times as a health professional it's just dumbfounding.

Now what sort of jab causes the injectees to go ashen a month or two afterwards? What is that doing to their oxygen supply? I understand the science so I know why but I still see it happening all over the place. Even teenagers go pale and ashen. It's utterly disturbing.

Anyway, whose ego wants to be told, this far into the covid piece, that their adherence to disturbing experimental injections is killing them? I mean, this is their WAY of life. It's like we're pissing all over their shrine to Medicine when we object to these jabs!

The fact is that almost all these jabbed people can't handle the truth. And so we will all be crying at some point - for a friend or family member we cared for who has since died from their belief in the unethical corporation that is called Medicine.

You have my condolences for your friend, Keahi. We all care for people, regardless of their poor choices. But in the future, we are going to have to be more careful about where we place our care - because those that adhere to this madness will all eventually turn against us: which you can already see from the lack of sympathy you got, even though you were no less of a friend than the others were who jabbed... :-(

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Wow Robyn...I never thought of this...just watched them get sick with a cold or Covid after....tell me, do they look normal again after 4-12 weeks, or do they stay pale? I noticed most of the jabbed I work with and my friends are more sickly after....but today I am going to pay attention, as I work with all jabbed people. As far as I know, Iḿ the only one unjabbed...

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I'm not a health professional, but I have also noticed the ashen faces. I figured it was mostly fear, but who knows what is happening to people's blood flow. We can guess. Have you seen the images of those ropy blood clots? Good God Almighty. Those vaccines are Satan's brew and no mistake. People who are working on reverse engineering the vaccines, using the dregs from vials - at Stanford and other places - are at a loss for words. I am braced for losing more people, heartsick at the thought that it could be a member of my family next. In all my life I've never been more sorry to be right.

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I am sorry, but not sorry. I would have done the same. Be damned to the lies.

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We need people to get angry. Otherwise it will happen again.

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I thought people would get angry the FIRST time. I’ve been enraged since March 2020

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Yeah, some of us saw it for the farce it was, right from the git-go.

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Some will get angry, when they figure it out. Others never will, because they cannot let go of their denial. They will blame "long covid" forever, even when the evidence is right in front of them. I think a great many people are having trouble sleeping right now. Breathe deep the gathering gloom...

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"i personally know dozens of people who are vaccine injured and have had severe or chronic responses from anaphylaxis to shingles to tinnitus to vertigo to heart issues or palsies." Same here. Disregarding all else, I trust my own eyes to tell me something is seriously wrong with these vaccines.

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In my limited circle, I know one 29 yr old woman (vaxed) formerly healthy who now suffers from myocarditis; she reports: "post Covid heart condition"

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One of our local Covid nags invoked her husband's Covid death for moral authority.

She also mentioned, weirdly, that he tested negative for Covid throughout his hospitalization. And that his proximate cause of death was heart failure. And that he died in the Spring of 2021, right around the time the jabs were opened up to people in his age bracket.

One doesn't like to debate a grieving widow, and of course I can't prove anything, but it struck me that maybe people who didn't wear masks weren't the ones she should be angry at.

But it's a useful illustration of the social incentives: blame Covid and you get sympathy and attention and moral authority. Blame the jab and you get swept under the rug or attacked.

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The only people being treated worse than the unvaxxed are the vax injured.

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Winner. Right here.

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One of the most haunting photos of WWII is Jews lining up to get in boxcars for their train ride......... With Suitcases!!!

People never seem to learn anything. Technology changes, "Human" nature does not. #1. There are Psychotic Murderous People #2 Some can and Do become Goverment "Leaders". #3 Recognize them by "Their Actions" to Promote Death in Any Form under Many Guizes, but the Result of their "Guizes" will lead to Increased Deaths.

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They thought they were being "re-settled" "in the East" - the luggage was placed in a separate cargo car which was often de-coupled and left in the station.

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Please tell me she didn't get another one.

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In my extended family, my FIL (85 yo) developed (2) types of cancer within 9 months of taking the jabs (one skin cancer and about a month ago, gliobastoma), a SIL (51 yo) who has been knocked out by a resurgence of EBV following her third shot which put her in bed for weeks, and a BIL (58 yo) who was found to have a significantly lower ejection fraction (that's an indicator of heart function) discovered only after a pre-op EKG showed changes. Now, of course these could all be coincidences, but....

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Like I always say: Experimental and no liability for the companies who produce them. That should be enough for any sane person to refuse them. Yet people continue to make excuses and line up for more. We aren't forced into taking these (yet), we are forced into making a decision as to whether to take them or not. My family has made the decision not to be lab animals and let the chips fall where they may.

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Yes, none of this would be happening if the companies had liability.

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I am glad for your sake that your family is onboard with you in saying no to the jab. I am the lone dissenter. Christ I am so scared. I don't want to watch them die...

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Keahi, me too. Oh God, me too. My dear sisters (6 of them) and brother, and their jabbed kids (I remember a couple of them boasting about getting the little ones stuck); my dear only son and his sweet wife, whose jobs forced them to get it... I too am the family's lone dissenter and I'm so heartsick for them that I sometimes can't sleep at night. They're still cruising along in the narrative and shaking their heads at me-- but at least they've quit asking when I'm getting "my" "vaccine," since they've figured out I mean it.

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It keeps me up some nights too. Horrible nightmares.

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I've just figured that my hubby and I and our 3 kids will survive relatively healthily into the future, but I can't say the same for the entire rest of our families. I have had time to get my head accustomed to that. It still hurts to a degree, and I wish people weren't so dumb, but it's got to the point where my reaction to my sister or my niece or a patient dying or getting maimed from these jabs will probably be the same. I've just distanced myself from it. These people's spirits are already dead in my books. Now I'm just waiting for their bodies to die. Harsh, but true.

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The jabs ARE the virus. The only people I know that are getting sick and continue to get sick are JABBED.

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And strangly, a great percentage of those reporting new Covid are Democrats.

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The irony is most of those idiots said, "They would NEVER take a Drumpf vaccine!" These idiots later pushed grandma down to the ground in order to butt to the front of the line for a free donut.

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And have you noticed all the breathless articles blaming the continuing spread on these anti-science nuts?

Of course not.

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Every year the CDC releases an under reporting factor (URF) for VAERS because they know it's under utilized. A study done in the early 2000's concluded less than 1 in 100 adverse events get reported to VAERS. So what is the URF for 2021, you might ask? Welp, the CDC REFUSED to issue a URF for 2021. So 4 different analysts used calculation methods that the CDC has used in the past to calculated a URF. They got 31, 41, 44, and 100. Pick one and do the math. It's horrific.

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the tricky issue with this is that i suspect the further out on the severity curve one goes, the lower the under-reporting becomes.

it might be 1 in 100 for "i had a low fever" but more like 1 in 10 for myocarditis, though there also seems to be systemic pressure against reporting in the US right now so that's likely making this difficult to net out.

a range of 10-100X seems like a safe set of boundaries.

i'd guess ~40 overall is fairly reasonable with maybe 14 for severe, but it's hard to get too precise.

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a friend's college aged daughter felt pressured into getting the shot. Shortly after getting it her face got tingly.. bells palsy. Now a few months later she complains of chest pain... pericarditis. The doctor refuses to blame the vax for either even though there are no other options nor history in the family.

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Yeah, VAERS is WAY understated. These jabs have had more adverse events than all other jabs COMBINED since 1990 which is when VAERS began.

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Out of the only 5 or 6 dozens people I know who have taken the jabs, there were 5 serious events: 2 deaths, 2 cases of permanent heart damage, and one case of shingles. NONE of these 5 adverse of events were reported to VAERS. So based on my tiny sample, VAERS events are way under reported.

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One of my best friends is dead, good friend dead, multiple people I know are now always sick, yet my mother-in-law, 4 jabs, no problems. Luck of the draw.

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yes. there is another factor that's been discussed by some analysts: A small percentage of jab batches have ended up with most of the injuries and deaths. Rampant speculation as to the cause, the most obvious being they're using people as guinea pigs to determine how high a dose they can give and still keep the injuries tolerable. The high injury batches obviously have the dosage too high. Another possibility is that they don't know what they're doing with this new technology, that the manufacturing process sometimes produces batches where the dosage is very high, other times not. Or that storage problems between manufacturing time and time of administering the jabs screwed up the contents in a way that made it more lethal. Whatever the cause of a small percentage of batches being more dangerous, it makes it even more obvious that taking these jabs is one hell of a crap shoot.

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Hardly-ever-researched technology (mRNA), slapdash "testing", questionable emergency approvals, widespread violation of long-standing safety and ethical standards, their mandated dosing against government regulations (FDA says EUA requires voluntary informed consent), and many more reasons, were enough for me to say "hell no."

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I just lost a dear friend last week to a heart attack. He was 43, an avid surfer & fisherman. Fit and healthy. Third male friend in his forties that has died of a sudden heart attack this year. Definitely not normal. Also in my circle of friends, a woman who died of a massive stroke after getting boosted and another elderly woman who ended up with massive blood clotting all over her body. Also, a friend's daughter, a chef, went numb in her legs after getting vaccinated and cannot work any longer.

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One of my mom's best friends, TIA strokes after her booster. Everyone is saying it was a coincidence...

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that is so awful, really sorry to hear. I react with sadness when I hear stories like this. And outrage! When will these monsters have to pay for their crimes?

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I am so sorry for your losses, and the pain of your friends' families. All of course "preventable."

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May 18, 2022Edited
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God I'm sorry, Ann, Cali, I'm in the same boat. Seems like not a week is going by without someone I care about having something dire happen to them. I'd already lost my two best friends to cancer before covid. But this is worse, it's just so evil. We are trying to GTFO of California and I have to say, I'm looking forward to moving to a red state for numerous reasons. Perhaps I will find some new friends who won't be dropping like flies.

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Let me know where you get to; and I'll follow ya. I've lived my whole life in the Chicago area, which is extremely blue, intolerable for such a rogue (no vexx) as me.

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The process an adverse event has to go through to even be posted on VAERS is long and perilous as well. Also in early 2021, people monitoring the database were finding instances of renumbered, backdated, and even deleted cases. Who knows how many are in process or just straight up buried/lost in paperwork hell.

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Again, psychology explains much (thanks, Nietzsche): I'll admit I don't work in the industry, in fact I don't even work at all, thank God, so the following are rather assumptions. Entering information into a database like VAERS is arduous, time-consuming effort. To my knowledge, it's also optional and voluntary. It's rather low value work for an MD or even a nurse to perform. They have enough busy work as it is. Finally, there is no reward for so entering the data. In other words, it's lose-lose, a thankless job. I'm surprised that ANY medical professional would waste her time entering data that apparently doesn't even count for much.

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And that's the REPORTED effects.

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Interesting read. If I may offer some constructive criticism, people need to learn what you’re presenting here, but many will dismiss it as not being serious reporting given the lack of capitalization. Especially those that are looking for a reason to discredit the data, which is who I assume your target audience is.

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Dude, he's literally a cat

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e e cummings, call your office

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Kitties don’t capitalize their beginning sentences… they have paws to type with, not opposable thumbs. But one thing kitties DO always have, is the propensity to tell the truth. ;)

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You know who uses caps?


Who do you trust more, el gato malo or the people who are literally killing you, your family, and your friends, and literally getting away with it?

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Excellent point. Re: your name - yes, our lovely paradise is lost, isn't it.

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No where yet, my parents are old and my brother won't help. I'm here until they pass.

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Ah. The best of reasons. And you shall be blessed for it.

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I've always found gato's caps key aversion to be unfortunate, but I just accept it because the content is of such a high quality.

I believe he explained his reasons somewhere, but I missed that.

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I agree. Regular reader and have learned a ton. I just know the people that need to read this are going to use it to discredit him

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Anyone who would use a choice in punctuation and capitalization conventions as a reason to dismiss a well-resourced and carefully argued article on science and statistics is a pompous, ignorant fool doing his/her best to remain willfully blind. That person has outed him/herself as a true idiot and is best avoided.

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Indeed. If the capitalization were standard, the people who don't want to believe the evidence in front of them would simply find a different reason criticize.

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I 100% agree. I have a circle of "friends" I've shared this information with, and one always reminds me of that guy in that "inverted" stretching device where the older gentleman at the end says, "I feel great" while jumping up in the air. This person always responds, "I've been jabbed and boosted and, "I feel great!" I'm happy for him and them, but I feel like there's a ticking time bomb in their lives, but what do I know? I just visited with an old friend who has had it all and suddenly sees a cardiologist for heart problems, but I dare not ask about the vaccine and its possible role because he's sold.

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Your friends are retards. Stay away from them. They will eventually lash out in anger at YOU because they're retards. You can already see the narrative being set to blame the UNJABBED for all the issues with these poison jabs.

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You may be correct but one is an MD another a highly rated attorney, far from retarded but I take your poing. I was becoming the bad guy so am on the sideline not waiting to say, "I told you so" at a funeral.

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I know quite a few “retarded” MDs. They are actually rather common. They often have no common sense, no intellectual curiosity, practice cookbook medicine = pretty “retarded.”

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They failed the easiest IQ test in the history of the world.

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Oh so true. The looks of reproach, the outright anger...

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Sold down the river.

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You are, unfortunately, correct. They will use any excuse not to take on board what he is saying. It gives them an easy way out.

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i have already seen it. personally, i feel cap's are overrated. sort of like neckties.

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Agreed, but if they brought back the cravat, I could get behind that.

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Oh, absolutely. And even earlier - the lace jabot. 'Od's fish! That would be something. Straight out of "A Clockwork Orange", no?

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Fair enough, jabots and minced oaths for a better world.

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cats do not have the dexterity to make capital letters. trust me, I know

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Quite so. They're not that good at neckties, either, for all their excellent taste. My grey tabby favors a bow tie for just that reason.

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channeling e. e. cummings perhaps

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It’s a reminder, cats are ungovernable.

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Yep! I don't know anyone who can herd cats.

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It beats ALL CAPS.

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Doesn’t it though!!?

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Fair, albeit oft-repeated criticism. But Russell, your screen name is all lowercase. . .

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I saw that too. Maybe his post is a dry joke.

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So is your name... =}

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Try Cormac McCarthy for punctuation. Lot's of critics took him seriously.

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one of the greatest authors of modern times.

“When the flames came up her eyes burned out there like gatelamps to another world. A world burning on the shore of an unknowable void. A world construed out of blood and blood's alcahest and blood in its core and in its integument because it was nothing save blood had power to resonate against that void which threatened hourly to devour it. He wrapped himself in the blanket and watched her. When those eyes and the nation to which they stood witness were gone at last with their dignity back into their origins there would perhaps be other fires and other witnesses and other worlds otherwise beheld. But they would not be this one.”

the taciturn and sparse characters poised against such vast and bloodthirsty landscapes. the rhythm and run ons and cadence broken by fragments.

to conjure images like sorcery.

i read many authors and think "had i had that idea, i could perhaps have written this" but never mcarthy. not ever.

how does that not bring up the hair on your arms?

breaking rules can be far more evocative than following them.

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He ruled!

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Okey dokey

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Most people who got sucked into the belief that the jabs are fine, will not read this or care about the caps issue, because they write it all off before they read through the info presented. The only way for those people to change their mind is if the mainstream media presents information purportedly coming directly from CDC.

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I got sucked into the Moderna jabs at the start of the pandemic panic under great pressure from my kids. They were sure old dad would get the virus and die in the next few days. I seem to be OK for now, but have my fingers crossed. No booster though, and no booster ever. Fool me once etc.

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I assumed the capitalization question was a practice going back too the early days of the internet when it was just raw information exchange?

Not directed at you but, the “grammar Nazi”’s, the Karens” moved in and use this to distract from content which is your point.

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this should not be a bother to you. Just relax and think about kittens

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some people just don't like the way sentence capitalization looks - visual thing; hard to explain.

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some cats are fascinated that it generates such controversy...

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"An orthography is a set of conventions for writing a language, including norms of spelling, hyphenation, capitalization, word breaks, emphasis, and punctuation."

"conventions" is key - I have barely ever noticed (after reading for months) - the line spacing, the graphics rich content, the short paragraphs as well as the effort to "individuate" visual presentation, suggests that capitalization is expendable.

In the middle ages when paper (or its equivalent) was extremely expensive and scarce word spacing was often not used (i.e. a space between words) and that severely limited reading speed. Anyone reporting reduced el gato reading speed?

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Doesn't bother me in the least, but it reminds me of a meme I saw that went something like this:

please help your uncle jack off his horse

Please help your Uncle Jack off his horse

Caps matter!!

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Excellent example. Spelling and punctuation matter too. "Robin Hood tore his leather jerkin off..."

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I have two acquaintances and two of, as el gato calls them, "once removed" acquaintances who have died from the vax. Can I prove that? No, but all fit the profiles predicted and described by the likes of Ryan Cole, Robert Malone et. al. A very fit 61 year old construction exec, lifetime athlete, who dropped dead while exercising. a 59 year old cancer survivor who had a very aggressive recurrence of cancer. A 40 year old Marine colonel who died after running the Marine Corp Marathon for the 7th time. And 25 year old Navy SEAL candidate Kyle Mullen who died at the end of Hell Week.

I'm now of the mind that the vax is guilty until proven innocent when someone dies unexpectedly or suffers an unusual illness (e.g., golfer Steve Stricker). You want to tell me it's not the vax? Fine, prove it.

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Problem is they can't. They vaccinated all the control groups, so no all cause mortality data. Pretty screwed up.

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Well, they could do autopsies, but in most cases they don't want to because they're afraid of what they might find.

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And they are desperate to get us all vaccinated and remove the population level control group.

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Informal control groups exist. For example, all cause mortality before the jab (or even, before the virus). If categorized by specific cause of death, the data would be even more informative. Alas there have been, and will continue to be, obvious desires to deny, alter, or hide the data, as we saw with the very odd behavior of DoD early this year after Sen. Johnson's whistleblowers reported on the spikes in illnesses as shown by the DMED database The database was taken offline and reputed "glitches" corrected. Yeah, right.

Here in Florida, deaths are easily +20% higher than 2019's, with the biggest jumps being in the 25-54 age ranges, 25-35% (Note: those figures should be reduced by about 2% annual population growth.) Even so, big jumps in mortality.

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They are fudging the numbers there as well. 2 doses + 13 days = unjabbed. Die from the jab, sorry, unvaccinated death.

Even with that it's not looking good for the punctured, hence Scotland and other countries not publishing the data.

Norman Fenton explains it well while managing not to get banned from youtube


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What a great plan!

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Basic math question. Of the 100B or so in blood money that the criminal organization known as Pfizer will rake in, what fraction of one percent do you need to buy the right people?

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And yet, and yet - with evidence mounting almost hourly about how risk-filled these shots are - I had a conversation with a coworker on Monday who confidently stated, in response to my lamentations on the damages done by both our PIs and NPIs, "well, remember, all of our interventions were really just to relieve pressure on the hospitals at the beginning of the pandemic - and we accomplished that. No one ever said we would get rid of Covid or that the vaccines were a cure!" Really? That's your memory of events? I didn't hear Joe Biden saying "if you get this vaccine, you're not going to get Covid" or "the vaccinated are 'dead ends' for the virus"? We weren't constantly reassured about the "safety and effectiveness" of these poison shots or threatened about a "dark winter" for the unvaccinated? In fact, this coworker and most of my coworkers, spent months berating the "unvaxxed" as stupid, heartless, and unfit to appear in public and ineligible to receive ANY medical care should they become sick. Sure. I'm just supposed to pretend none of that happened.

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I had a similar conversation with someone when I said the vaccines weren't the silver bullet they were touted to be. She replied, well, no-one ever said that. *eye roll* I guess that's the closest some will ever get to admitting they were duped.

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Right? Of all the gaslighting that has taken place (and continues to take place) this claim is particularly galling!

And I remember when worrying data from Israel first started coming out and I brought it up at my office, one co-worker actually said, "well, I don't know the specifics about the vaccine" but rolled up her sleeve, nonetheless. Incredible!

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They needed us to think the jabs stopped transmission, because only then would we be 'saving grandma'.

Because they don't, any protection provided is 100% personal, and grandma is going to be infected by somebody sooner or later -- no matter how many people are jabbed.

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People accepting that this many deaths and side effects aren't really happening - This is the most devastating part of being alive right now. I think this puts a giant spot light on ALL so called vaccines and the potential harm they have. They all need to be pulled until more safety standards have been met. I'm sure it's not a coincidence that many kids and young adults have various diagnosis that they would have been unheard of 30yrs ago. "Why did my body decide that I was going to have psoriatic arthritis when I turned 15?" question from my now 27yr old niece. I do wonder, were they recommending Gardasil for 15yr olds in 2010. Almost every niece I have has had some illness (some had surgery) and they are all under 30. Now that they've all had this garbage they're doling out I don't even want to imagine what's coming next.

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I'm 85% finished reading the RFK Jr. Fauci book. Our medical-industrial complex is deeper and uglier than I ever imagined. Take care of yourselves cos our TLA'd government agencies certainly are NOT.

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I’m about 5 pages in… couldn’t stomach it. I’ll try again. This should be mandatory reading for every person on the planet.

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That book is hard, but necessary. Taking it slow. Begged a 3rd year medical student I know to read it.

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From my recall…my daughters were encouraged to take gardasil by our pediatrician circa 2005…hard “no thanks”

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You are correct. they tried to give it to my son around 2012.

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Yes. Truth. But they won't need to vaccinate anyone after the Great Cull. Which is going on now.

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The great cull?

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So easy to see the magic trick once you know how.

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If it saves just one life...

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It's for "The Greater Good"

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one of the most dangerous phrases in history

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That makes me want to punch someone every time I hear it.

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In that case, I don't recommend watching Hot Fuzz...

(Actually I do, that movie is hilarious.)

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I heard this from relatives living in Finland: Both of the couple had an adverse reaction (fainting and other one had leg blood clot, both resulting in a visit to a hospital), and the very pedant & proper partner (a judge by profession) tried to report these to Fimea. Fimea flat out rejected their reports, saying "We're already aware of these". So do not consider the Fimea numbers to be the total of all adverse reactions, rather already strongly filtered sum of various possible types of adverse events.

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There's no telling how under-reported adverse events are in the covid vaxx era, as now there exists a culture where we must only say good things about the vaxx. To say anything negative is sacrilege, and the result is much ignoring of reality.

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Some of the recent twitter threads have been hilarious:

"I've got all my boosters and I'm not saying the vax doesn't work, but why are so many of my vaxxed friends getting seriously ill?"

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My sister retired from her dream job at NIH in Maryland last October. She is fully fully shotted with 4 doses now. Same with my 98 year old daddy. Both of them, 4 doses.

My sister tested positive for covid this morning. My daddy is always boogery sniffley drippy and drooly, but he is happy coherent and alert. I was outside with him yesterday walking around his fancy neighborhood in Northern Virginia. Anyway, my sister is also suffering from psoriatic eczema all over her body, mainly her head, face, arms. Poor thing. She does not associate the vaccines to the immunity flare ups she is experiencing.

So, I had the first two shots, I was wrangled into them, my hubbs needed open heart surgery, and in order to enter my dads community, I was required. Wow, thinking back that was so draconian. I should have made myself a fake covid card and entered the life of criminality.

Anyway, I have not had a shot in a year, I am not getting anymore shots.

I did get quite sick after the second shot, and developed rheumatoid arthritis kind of flare. I have endured this for a year and now I am on low dose prednisone (which really sucks, yes, I can sleep at night without waking in agony, but prednisone is a messy drug)

There are numerous medical maladies happening to people and they are not associating it with the shot.

I have a good doctor in Northern Virginia.

Next week, I am having 'abdominal surgery" for something that was benign before the shots and now, they are going in and .... oh gosh, yikes. I have never had surgery.

I had a boat load of blood work done and so far there are no cancer alerts.

Still, this all sucks.

Hubbs and I are not getting any more "vaccines" What a load of garbage.

Why can't the USA just BE the USA and everyone that wants to be marxist or racist or genderist or socialist, move the he11 out?

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My dear, because it is mUCH bigger than that. A bunch of billionaires have decided there are too many people..that there won't be anough jobs in 2030 because of robots and AI, and we have passed peak oil. So the kindest thing to do is to kill off 7.5Billion people, rather than have the world turn into The Road movie. Would you rather starve? They have been planning this for over 30 years, and now is the Great Reset/AGenda 21, moved up from 2030 to now. They are busy crashing the economy (stocks, bonds, the dollar, private property) and at the end, you will own nothing and you will be happy. Did you think this was just a conspiracy theory?? You can't have a bunch of PEASANTS ruling themselves, now, can you? Because otherwise, how would the elite and wealthy keep their wealth and status?

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Whew-- you got it. I'm depressed.

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"these products and mandates were the technocratic centerpieces of 2 administrations"

Products, yes. Mandates, NO. IIRC, Trump's administration never imposed or tried to impose any sort of vaxx mandate.

The mandates are owned *entirely* by the Left and by the Democrat Party.

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