From a TV commercial: "Do not take _____ if you have had a heart attack, chest pains, irregular heartbeat, stroke or mini-stroke, take MAOIs, have had heart failure in the last year, or sleep apnea" (I probably left some out). Rare side effect: death. But COVID injections are great for everybody; no contraindications all. I'm a survivor of two injections and a booster. They knew better. This was, frankly, homicide.

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I agree. And there must be some legal requirement for those disclosures that has been waived for the injections due to EUA.

in this humble caveman's opinion, one of the most immediate things we could do to make the world better would be to ban all public advertising for pharmaceuticals.

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Exactly. I don't have TV but I still see those pesky ads on the internet, especially on YouTube. Ask your doctor about X. Doesn't say what X is for (except maybe in very small print on the bottom). All these people going about being active, living fun, energetic lives--all because they asked their doctor about X. Can you imagine the types of ads if "street drugs" became legal?

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Once the analytics figure out you're over 60, the drug adds escalate.

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Probably I'd have stopped watching YT by now if I had to put up with that ****, but I'm served an add only very rarely. Try Brave browser. It blocks most of that. I think I've seen maybe 1 ad in the past 6 months, not counting sponsor ads in videos themselves.

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Nattokinase. Research it. 😇

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And lumbrokinase.

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TIL lumbrokinase is made from earthworms. No joke. Look it up. I will not eat ze vorms.

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it's made from soybeans & soybeans are bad if you have kidney issues or thyroid issues.

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I think the process of fermenting soy makes natto a super healthy food.

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but it's made from soy which is a goitrogen & should not be consumed if you have a poorly functioning thyroid. it's probably great if you don't have thyroid issues.

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Murder for hire. Remember, they were paid to push the experimental vaccine.

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What was the "final straw" for you?

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Edward Dowd. I was a bit vaccine hesitant (due to its unprecedented speedy development) and asked two trusted medical people about it, who raised no caution. Both said "no brainer," get it a.s.a.p., which given my age was early. One woman in the crowd had some sort of bad reaction right there as we stood in line awaiting our shots and was wailing hysterically as they hustled her away. I have no (so far) noticeable effects and contracted mild Covid about three months after the booster. I needed the vax to participate in trade shows in my business, to see my doctor, to go to the gym and to return to some semblance of normal life (travel, restaurants, etc.) If I weren't reading at Substack and aware of the FLCCC and Ed Dowd's work, I would be in ignorance to this day. Main stream media is a disgrace these days. At least I never fell for the mask nonsense.

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Yeah. It was a full court press.

My wife and I had decided not to take it early on, for a variety of reasons; the most important of which was simply risk/reward analysis.

And why deny natural immunity existed? Then the coercion became progressively more penal.

My whole family got delta at once. Kids had runny noses for 1.5 days and that's it. I spent 5 days in bed and my wife lost her sense of smell/taste for 2 weeks.

It sucked but it wasn't even close to when I had mono in college.

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Sorry Jennifer what you needed was a set of balls to stand your ground and some common sense to do the research. It’s folks like you who are shedding and spreading gawd knows what on those of us who did the research and don’t trust the gubment with our health.

It is good to see you’ve wised up, yet it may be too late.

My question to you is what we’re you thinking when you saw a person react to the Genocide jab right in front of you, yet you still took the poison?

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For brevity, I did not explain something. After you stand in line for 30 minutes or so (despite having an appointment, and despite months of being constantly instructed to shun and hide half our faces from our fellow human beings) you are instructed to sit in a waiting area for 15 minutes after the shot. (Same procedure when you get the new shingles vaccine.) It was during my waiting period that the woman started wailing and was taken away in a wheelchair. Nobody else panicked and I have only surmised in retrospect that it was a reaction to the shot. I did not trust the government: I trusted my GP; a family member who is an MD; and a friend who is a retired executive in the pharmaceutical industry. Interestingly, in light of what Mr. Gato has exposed about physician compensation, when my doctor at last visit remarked that I am not up to date on boosters, I just shrugged, and he did not pursue it (unlike his earlier stance). I like him; I like my family members and friends; I do not blame them for this colossal error. I do blame our captured regulators at the CDC and NIH and the manufacturers who captured them.

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I just watched the video of Mattias Desmet on the Tucker Carlson long format interview, MD's explanation of "mass formation" really helps explain part of the COVID social psychology covering us plebes and 98% of MD's, but it doesn't explain what I think are discernable "control grid" motives on the part of the Powers that Be, in the sense that at the tippy top, it is clear that they did engineer the virus, had already done a lot of patent IP around "spike proteins" and such, and it might not have been released by mistake after all.

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It is fascinating how the story changes when the drug companies have the liability shield provided by the government! What I always find interesting in the drug commercials is how they order side-effects: some side effects include rash, slight discoloring of teeth, acne and death. As if "death" were the same order of magnitude as acne ;-).

But back to my tag - I don't think the drug companies will field a drug they know will kill more than an acceptable threshold of people, as that shrinks the market for other drugs. Most people after a certain age are on multiple medications. If one kills you, you stop buying the others.

BTW I'm sure I'm on phrama's hit list. 63 years old and don't use any medications aside form the occasional aspirin for muscle aches and self-administered alcohol for mood enhancement (in small doses infrequently, always taken with friends).

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noting your bio/info, you should go into your settings and change the font sizes of your emails. ?? Font sizes seem like an easy fix.

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THANK YOU for this, I've been wondering why I have to zoom in on the font for these posts. Another vote for clearer font.

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And the potential total bonus doesn't really matter, in case someone wants to argue the numbers. The fact that there is a spiff at all for a medical treatment is appalling.

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Childhood vaccines are treated the same way…

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I am in shock people on this substack don’t know they have been doing this for childhood vaccines for a long time. Wild.

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And every other drug out there.

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And devices. Which hip manufacturer to use? Which has best benes?

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Me too! My daughter got her first vaccines and that was the end for me. 6 months of nonstop wailing, and I knew I had made a grave mistake. So down the rabbit hole I went and never looked back! There is absolutely NO SUCH THING AS A SAFE VACCINE! And never will be until this whole allopathic sick care model is destroyed and we go back to real cures and healing! Hippocrates had it right from the start. “Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food “.

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Same thing happened to me. My daughter had the worst reaction at 2 months and I was told it was normal. As I said in another comment, they want you to not believe what is right in front of your eyes. And most parents do. It’s so sad.

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Yes, it is very sad. That they absolutely know what the problem is and do absolutely nothing!

My daughter thrived once I stopped all dr. visits and vaxes. She loved sports, and with some creative writing all forms were signed and excepted, lol 😂.

We need to take down the harmacuiticle cartels, lobbyists and insurance companies who allow this harm to be continued on our innocent children!

Drug reps are absolutely the worst! I witnessed the bribery when I worked for a few of them.

Free cruises, 1000 dollars dinners, cars and more. Not to mention the fun and games on the side.

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I had heard this about childhood vaccines and had doubted it was true. Not any more.

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Oh, I definitely believe it now.

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Do you think there might also be incentives (by insurance companies) for employers to have, say, a certain percentage of their workforce vaccinated? I still, looking back, am finding the relentless push by HR to get the shot to be bizarre. They stopped short of mandating it, but they were extremely pushy about "urging" us to do this.

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i'm certain that government covid "loans" came with "demands" to enforce vaccine mandates. i know that every broadway producer got a $10 million "gift" for each show and that they all followed in lockstep- passports, boosters, masks. eventually the mask & passport requirements were dropped for ticket buyers in an attempt to boost sales by not discriminating against vast swaths of potential audience members, but were still kept for backstage workers and performers. i believe that backstage masking was dropped very recently.

the Spoleto Arts Festival, where i served passionately since 1980 as the Costume Director, went way above and beyond what the free state of SC required, specifying boosters 5 months after the primary vaccine series, masks and photo IDs (something only "racists" insist on for voting in a national election) just to buy a ticket to a concert! obviously, they shit canned me. their loss.

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Interesting theory about the possible link between the "loans" and vaccine mandate demands. I'm so very sorry the Festival's willingness to support such a transparently destructive and prejudiced policy drove you out.

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Do you think it was also true for state and local governments? For example, my state (Maryland) pushed it hard. Governor Hogan said "just get the damn shot!" and we had Krispy Kreme donuts and a lottery. Montgomery County, MD also pushed the insanity, going above and beyond to encourage local businesses to exclude unvaccinated people ("papers, please!") -- this was no law. Just a rabid mania that took hold over everyone here. Even the local City government got in on the act. So I'm honestly wondering, what type of carrot/stick incentives were given to our more local leaders who pushed this insanity and were absolutely a brick wall when it came to trying to bring any data to them (masks, vaccine harms, and so on)? It feels like a giant spider web of collusion -- but it's so hard to tease apart what the incentives were/still are, and where they are coming from.

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Yes. States were eligible for more Covid money as long as they followed the recommended protocols. The lawmakers in CT admitted that they kept the emergency orders and mask mandates in place to stay on the Fed gravy train. In one statement from our governor, "several federal funding sources are contingent on the continuance of certain orders issued pursuant to the emergency declarations or on the continuance of the emergency declarations themselves."

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Fo sho. Gov Hoagie sandwich was very buddy-buddy with Dr Dunce Birx.

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Yes there is. If you look it up, hospitals get a 3% Medicaid reimbursement bonus if a certain % of their staff gets the flu vaccine (and now COVID vax) this started under Obamacare and since Obamacare was ruled constitutional by the Supreme Court, the mandating of the COVID vax had precedent to be linked with increased reimbursement as well (again why the USSC ruled healthcare workers could be mandated to get the COVID vaccine). When you’re doing Millions of dollars of Medicaid business as many hospitals are doing, 3% increase is no joke. 3% of $1M is $30,000, 3% of 100M is 3M. So yes the government has linked an incentive to employee vaccination with reimbursement

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I wouldn’t doubt it. It seems in line with everything else

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if you got help from the government during the pandemic, I am sure those requirements were put in place in exchange for the money

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To be fair I think there were concerns about liability. Ironically enough if I coerce my employees to get an experimental jab and it maims or kills them I’m likely not going to be legally held liable as long as I was following government regulations/recommendations. However if I choose to ignore all the regulations and one of my employees gets maimed or killed by Covid and their estate sues there’s a pretty good chance I lose.

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They have been doing this for childhood vaccines for a long time but if I remember, you say those are safe. They didn’t just start lying in 2020!!!

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and they come up with any lame excuse as to why the autism rates keep skyrocketing (but aren't classified as epidemic!) just like they do with the old "died suddenly" racket. gardening, eggs, climate change, too much sleep, not enough sleep, physical activity, no physical activity, video games

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Bingo. They are literally asking you to disbelieve everything you know to be true. It’s outrageous.

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exactly! like look at this obvious man and swear that you believe he's a woman, admit that you're a racist and that your culture is based on hate, say that 2 + 2 = 4 is a white supremacist concept, that all white men are oppressors and that slavery never existed before the founding of the USA. deny everything you know to be true, the experience of your eyes and promise allegiance to the new sacred falsehoods

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They are not "asking" Mrs. S. They are DEMANDING. Stridently. That you compliantly agree with the current insanity. Shut up and eat your crickets.

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Doctoring now lower than politicians, lawyers and bankers on the trust scale. What terrible human beings.

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I think they repurposed an old Nazi document by making a few changes of insignia and replacing a few words like vaccinated for gassed.

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It's a bit like that C. S. Lewis quote about the tyranny exercised sincerely for the good of its victims. It would've been so, so easy - even for a doctor who was thinking the ethics - to scoot any doubts aside because after all, We're in the Middle of a Global Pandemic and this will help save lives. What could be more morally justified than doing one's part to beat COVID-19? As you say, they wouldn't look hard for reasons not to.

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If an average 68 year old nana knew from the GET GO a virus couldn't travel around the world and survive the trip, the doctors knew. If I knew you never vaccinate INTO a scamdemic, the doctors knew.

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Not to mention many of us knowing that anything created in “warp speed” without proper trialing such that short, much less long term sequelae were completely unknown so there’s no way anyone could seriously say “safe & effective” but they all did (& do) anyway

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...and the glaring fact that still holds true today...Covid was 99.98% recoverable and plus plus for most healthy people. ( of all ages I might add) ....there was essentially no need to be worried about a condition that was close to the yearly flu. Not exactly rocket science to know that all the measures and " medical miracles" promised ...such as the toxic jabs, were complete NONSENSE!

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Absolutely, Eileen

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It's not exactly that I think they didn't know. It's that there were a lot of reasons, financial and psychological, to "not know."

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I agree. But the one I encountered were such BAD LIARS! "If you start feeling worse, go to the hospital [and they will kill you, but not humanely!]." My former GP runs a lot of drug trials out of his practice (including the "death jab"). Wonder how that's going for him now.

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I checked this protocol among my Australian friends who got COVID - and it was the same. Take some Codrol, if you turn blue, go to hosp. Remdesivir and midazolam are on that list in Australia - the best of USA and UK.

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People need to realize that most drug trials out of so called “private” offices by healthcare “providers” are just an indirect or runaround way for the formerly titled “professional” to receive bonus money from pharmaceutical companies.

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the average 68 year old nana probably got a decent, basic education. Which was much better back then. You could actually learn about real science (at least, more real than what is taught today). Today's education is purposefully designed to destroy critical thinking ability.

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We no longer "educate". We "indoctrinate."

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Agree 100%. I also paid close attention to what doctors said, what veterinarians said, asked for definitions and explanations. My sons' pediatrician was MY pediatrician too, as was my GP until he retired 20 yrs. ago., old school, old fashioned. They LIVED "First do no harm." Physicians today scare the daylights out of me! I hardly believe a word that comes to of their automaton mouths. They seem to always opt for the "latest, greatest" pharmaceutical on the market. When they fill a bag with samples, it feels oddly like an experiment.

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This is disturbing, but certainly not new news to anyone who has done their homework on injections prior to 2020. The vaccine game has always been a bribing racket. Insurance companies, non profits, push the shots, and get the bonus money, the funding, the research grants....Just ask a pediatrician. There have *always* been kickbacks for practitioners to push

injections onto patients.... especially children. So, reading articles like these make me think back to last summer when EGM tried to say "safe and effective" injections prior to C V-1 9 were "a net benefit"... But if insurance companies have always given kickbacks for percentages of patients vaccinated.......maybe, just maybe, This is how it has ALWAYS WORKED. (Hint hint, it is)

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I am an MD. I do virtually no insurance work. And I don’t vaccinate people as part of my surgical practice. I didn’t know they were paying docs off like this. If there was adequate safety data and real informed consent and evidence of an acceptable risk/benefit ratio (I.e. you are saving lives, preventing transmission, long lasting, minimal risk of serious side effects) which there is NOT, you could argue that encouraging vaccination was reasonable. But under the present circumstances, no way was this ethical. Everybody involved distributing this poison crap should be deeply ashamed, and liars and criminals in the government bureaucracy and pharma cos. should be criminally prosecuted.

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One more question, bad cat, that I'd love to see you address: Why do you think insurance companies--famous for not being profligate with the contents of their wallets--do this?

Insurance companies hire very shrewd and intelligent people, especially those tasked with expanding profits. Like you and so many others who looked through pharma's bogus paperwork during rollout, they knew that these injections were not the miracle drugs that they were touted to be. No imbecilic Hochuls, Lightfoots, Cuomos, or Bidens making these decisions at BCBS. It makes no sense for them on a financial basis to shower cash on doctors for pushing what they almost certainly knew was a useless product.

There is something IN these shots that needs to be distributed as widely as possible. I would love to read your theory on this.

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insurance is a highly regulated field and such companies (esp those dealing with medicare/medicaid) require all manner of affirmative permission to operate.

they are 100% at the mercy of the state. if the gov't says, you will push this or lose your license, what can they do?

if the gov't offers to pay them the money they use to make these payments and then some, compliance becomes profitable.

no industry dependent upon the state for permission to operate is independent of the state.

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I think the real incentive was to create both a wolf and a sheep, at once, under a coat of white, thereby relinquishing conscience and responsibility to the shepherd of the state - who has neither.

c19 was a trivial disease compared to the most infectious disease of all:

Taking to bed with the government.

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Makes sense. My brother-in-law is acquaintances with someone who works in the financial department of a pharmaceutical company (not Pfizer or Moderna) which mandated the shot in the spring of 2021.That individual told him that the government was paying $1k for each "vaccinated" employee.

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There is a perverse incentive for them to actually spend more --- as long as their rivals are doing it too. The ACA limits their profits to 20%. The more they spend the better. The only thing that reigns it in is that they still have to be competitive with the other insurers. If the government makes all the insurers pay for something, it’s a big win.

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Thanks for the information. I didn't know that.

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"just who these regulators and government program administrators work for"

We know who they work for.

It's getting others to understand that, that's the problem.

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Exactly. People say that government doesn't work, but that's not the problem. The problem is that government is working EXTREMELY WELL, just not for us.

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Right. This is unethical. Each of these physicians that took the bribes should be reported to their licensure boards. Will they do anything? That is irrelevant. Reporting them slams the system with complaints as a show of force as big as the Bud boycotts (:. IT is also time for un-bribed docs to come forward to tell their communities they are not taking the bribes. BTW, these bribes are being offered for all sorts of diagnoses and recommendations, not just COVID shots. It is time for the good docs to come forward. Also, when you interview a new doc, ask him or her is these incentives are part of her/his practice and if they could reveal the specifics for you. Also, ask for your full medical record and insurance billing from your existing doctor and hospotal.

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Except many medical licensure boards & medical societies (AMA, ACOG to name 2) punished (or threatened to) doctors in many states for “disinformation” re WuFlu & the jab, or prescribing cheap treatments off label

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The insurance companies like to mail me several times per week, telling me that they are reimbursing one or another patient zero $ for my medical care

It is mostly up to patients to demand better of insurance companies. People have to stop buying garbage insurance and start looking into health shares. Or start an info sharing service on which insurance companies are less and more corrupt by pharma $$$. Or an insurance consumers' union, with big negotiation power someday.

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I like the idea of reporting these docs to their medical boards...wonder what if any reaction it would get? Would the medical boards just ignore it? I suspect so...

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Holy crackerjack.

"During the COVID-19 plandemic, our government constantly told us to “trust our doctors” and “ask our doctors about COVID-19 vaccines.” However, we weren’t told that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) teamed up with insurance companies to financially incentivize doctors and healthcare providers to push vaccines on their patients through the COVID-19 Vaccination Provider Program. Only healthcare providers who signed up for this program could administer the clot shot." Read more:


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Do they tell you that about childhood vaccines? Because the same thing happens.

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Explains a lot...

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Scott Jensen MD and MN state senator said it was happening back in 2020: part of the US Cares Act. Media ridiculed him of course, but he was 100% correct. This has been going on due to $160 billion from that bill Question: who wrote that disgusting bill?

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A few days ago our wonderful governor / ruler, Gov. Walz, stated the state is and has provided a 20% Covid payment incentive program.

To stop the attacks, Dr. Jensen needed to provide the documentation to the media and on his website.

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Thanks for the comment-- it's Interesting to see Dr. Scott Jensen's website, which is:


I was not aware of his book:



Looks very interesting... I see that Dr. Peter McCullough gave it a blurb

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I see that he ran a strong campaign for governor of Minnesota, but lost.

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It was an election bought and paid for by leftist / Democrats.

Far far blue Minnesota had a get-out-the-voter program of $50 million. Get out to vote was on radio & TV; many times they would call on the phone saying they could register you; several times they knocked on our door and wanted to register us; we would go to the grocery store and there they were stopping us to ask if we wanted to register. They wanted access to all apartments to go to each apartment. Apply for a drivers license or other items and there was quick way to be registered.

No doubt, the focus was on leftists residential areas.

It was Jensen's election to lose. But he was outspent by 5 - 6 times, his opposition owned the media, and the left was extremely well scripted. We were constantly bombarded. Almost all of the election money came from out-of-state.

Never had Minnesota experienced such an election.

Meanwhile, the national Republicans, apparently did not provide money or skilled support; essentially, he was on his own. Nevertheless, if I remember correctly, he won something like 83% of the state. But losing Minneapolis and St. Paul and a few other bigger cities means losing the election.

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Thanks for this. Sounds like with another go he could win.

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For the historical record:

Dr. Scott Jensen @DrScottJensen

March 31, 2022



DR. SCOTT JANSEN: Dr. Scott Jansen and I'm running to be next governor of Minnesota and I need your help. I need you to write down or go directly to DrScottJenson.com/join. What does that mean? I'm asking you, please join our email list because that's the one way we can assure that we can communicate with you. [spells out the URL].

Why am I asking you this? I'm asking you this because on our FaceBook reach we are having the same super high levels of engagement from people watching our FaceBook videos and our content, but our reach has absolutely been flattened for the last 6 - 8 weeks, and that's never happened before. So some way or another we're being throttled.

Same thing is happening on our Twitter account. It's flat. Typically we can predict growth, but we've not been able to the last six weeks. Something's happening.

Today YouTube notified me that they were pulling down a video whereby I had a FaceBook live conversation with a 10 year-old boy who had some perspectives on various aspects of what's been going on recently, and that was pulled down.

Do you get the message?

I've had trouble with TikTok, too.

I think it's all over, what we're seeing is, Big Tech is willing to flex their muscles, and they will censor. And we've seen that.

So I'm asking you, does the increased censorship as we approach elections concern you? Because it does me. And that's why I'm asking you, please, take an action for us, join our email list so that we know we can communicate with you [spells out the URL again]. Thank you so much.



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Well, sure, this may be true, but it was all in the name of "mitigating vaccine hesitancy." The vaccines are safe and effective. You can tell this by the drop in Covid cases. They almost went to zero. And the vaccine was a dead end to the virus. There is no more virus. We're all walking around in a maskless utopia right now.

—But certainly there were no cash incentives to mark a hospitalized patient a covid case, or to mark a death a Covid death. There were definitely no cash incentives for that. This is all conspiracy theories, right?

This letter was generated by an AI to "create cash incentives for vaccination in official looking letterhead." That's the only true explanation. The document must be fake. Masks were safe and effective, Covid cased were not overcounted. And the lockdowns also saved millions of lives. Millions I tell you!

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LoL, sadly, I mean, like... oof.

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Apr 15, 2023
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I think that was one of my biggest questions through the entire pandemic, when are the “health authorities” going to admit that this bug is endemic (and likely was actually endemic before it was officially isolated as “SARS-Cov-2)? The fact that there was no stopping this bug should have been particularly evidence once it was acknowledged the jabs did nothing to prevent transmission. We were always going to have to learn how to live with this bug and wearing a mask at all times, self isolating, and getting boosters every three months doesn’t seem like a workable long term plan to me. However encouraging healthy lifestyles and pursuing aggressive treatment early on (zinc, Vit D, ivermectin etc) seems like a pretty reasonable way to live with the bug.

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I’m saddened by what doctors have become today, although my doctor did not suggest me to take it, but I’m not in the US.

Worse was being forced to take it for work and travel, which I only did because of.

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