One shot, two shot, three shot, floor.

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Now THAT was hilarious!

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"me wanna go home" 😭 (we're nearly there, capitulation is in full effect, stay strong)

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🤔 Something tells me the ones engineering these bioweapons were not ignorant of the potential outcome—indeed, it’s likely another case of the bug actually being the intended feature.

In the 2013 “Dissolving Illusions” (which I urge you, el gato, and everyone else to read immediately if you want to see the COVID playbook on repeat since the nineteenth century—including the “anti-vaccinators” movement that brought down mandatory vaccines in Leicester, England, as explained in this excellent article: https://amidwesterndoctor.substack.com/p/the-smallpox-pandemic-response-was), there is a section devoted to “Original Antigenic Sin Committed by Vaccination.” This is by no means an unknown concept in the world of vaccine manufacturers.

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They absolutely were aware of it, if only because Dr Vanden Bossche, a former advisor to WHO & employee of Gates, warned them in writing specifically of this & worse!

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Vanden Bossche discusses the dangers of an Omicron-specific vaccine in RFK Jr.'s February 25 podcast on Spotify.

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That book is really an eye opener and should be obligatory reading for everyone in health care and for all parents or people wanting children. I guess no one would jab their children anymore! Vaccines are dangerous and do very little to protect from disease. Mothers who had the sickness give protection to their child when born, and now there are bunches of mothers who have no protection, and rely on chemicals themselves. Childhood diseases are way more dangerous when you have them as adults.

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I was going to mention that as well. It seems it might be a mechanism to assure further “vaccines”. Scary thought

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Yup. Just like Pfizer now making a fortune off of its cardiac pill:


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Margaret Ann: Thanks much for the link.

I've been hearing an intensive radio ad campaign (I don't watch TV) from Pfitler about "If you're experiencing these [cardiac] symptoms ... see your doctor..." and start taking THIS pill now. Are we not ever going to learn?!?

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I’ve heard about those brazen ads, too. *We* have learned; those we have been trying to warn for years have not and may never …

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The "they may never" part just makes me curl up and shiver....

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Lots of sudden ads for meds for HIV and shingles. And PSA's for thrombosis symptoms.

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Prince Harry did a PSA about get tested for HIV. CDC has presentations and videos about PReP - how if you are with a person who has been HIV+ or share needles, or don't use condoms in hookups then taking the Rx preventatively every day is the way to go. When the DMED stats came out (pre-"glitch correction") the HIV visits were up 490%. The virus and the jab have 4 HIV genes - the 4th being the furin cleavage site, the other 3 being nasty operative HIV sequences from 2017 and 2018 strains - among other pathological sequences. The jab has the effect of turning every cell in the body into making spikes which means a spike load far beyond what getting the virus does and for far far longer, is causing CD4+ T cell destruction just like HIV does. Last year FDA has approved more HIV treatments hence the ads.

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No surprise. Only a feeling of disgust that instead of showing that their shots are dangerous, they make money in the adverse outcomes.

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Excellent book that everyone should read!

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the new book Turtles All the Way Down; Vaccine Science and Myth, is like an updated version of Dissolving Illusions, I am only halfway through it but I highly recommend it

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https://youtu.be/rfyOihhAD4A and where do we buy ivermectin......Ukraine ....mmmm

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Re ivermectin - I have earmites which got on me from a pet. They are very hard to get rid of--infest the back of my neck, ears, nose, eyebrows, eyelashes, etc. They cause intense itching and give a nasty bite. They lay eggs under the skin. I have tried multiple products for 20-30 years to try to get rid of them. One of the products prescribed for me by a nurse practitioner was ivermectin--result: it did not work!!! So much for ivermectin.

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you might want to try DMSO, as it is able to penetrate the skin, so perhaps can attack the eggs too. I have found that taking it internally also has effects on my dogs itching problems, which may or may not be parasitical in nature.

Also can take other substances through the skin, so I am experimenting with using it to deliver Frankincense essential oil to the skin around my skin cancer looking large moles etc.

I was using Frankincense diluted with olive oil and that seemed to have a good effect.

My problem is consistency.

Anyway, keep experimenting and do it with faith.

Doesn't sound scientific, but fuck science.

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If you want to rid yourself of skin cancer within a few days,



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expensive call Robert at TWO Feathers Healong Salve 775 324 4889. Your skin cancer — will

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it until the heinous joke

closes up. Honestly.

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Hi el bicho palo, Thank you for this your advice on DMSO. I had heard about it, that it penetrates the skin, but don't remember if I tried it or not.

I will give it a try now. Hopefully that will work.

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I'm sad to hear you didn't have any success, it sounds like a nasty illness to have. Can I ask...did you take tablets or use an ointment, and at what dose? Regards Cherrie

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Hi Cherrie, Thank you for this your reply. Since the mites are creatures (microscopic), I applied different ointments, liquids, etc., that were supposed to kill them. According to the Internet, they are arachnids such as spiders or scorpions. I tried numerous products--I made a list and it totals up to about 30 different substances, in addition to the ivermectin (malathion, neem oil, peppermint oil, H2O2, apple cider vinegar, Tiger Balm, lysine, oregano spirits, among other medications and herbs). No special dose--I would just rub it on.

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Every day I thank God that after I had a bad case of covid in Dec 20, that I decided to wait until "natural immunity " declined like the CDC was telling me. Then I took the red pill. I've never taken the jab and any doctor visit I will be sure they don't jab me with anything I cannot verify. Thanks to all the people now on substack that have helped people like me.

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I wish I could have avoided it but our kids refused to let us see our 1st grandchild unless vaccinated. I argued that I was safer around their child than anyone else since I’d had Covid but the line then was that natural immunity was non-existent or very short-lived so vaccinations were required. Our kids believed that. We got the jabs so we could see our grandchild. Of course, we got Covid AGAIN 6 mos later and probably set ourselves up for annual bouts of the latest Covid variant.

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Certain relatives have suggested the unvaxxed are just "not safe" to be around her kid, yet brings the kid over to our unvaxxed house all the time.

I think they know if they told us "vax or never see your niece/grandchild again" our response would be "buh-bye,and you're welcome to come back when reality finally finds a place in your brain". Yes, I verified this with our parents. Its not that we don't love the kids, but we're not going to unwillingly inject a toxic potentially lethal experimental substance that doesn't even stop viral spread into our bodies just to placate anyone, and we do not respond well to blackmail. So it would be on them to explain to their kid why she can't see her loved ones anymore.

Plus, one day those kids may come to rely on their untainted pure blood relatives when mummy and daddy start caving to cancer, autoimmune disorders, etc.

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"We got the jabs so we could see our grandchild."

We jumped off the cliff to enjoy the view... lmao.

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Very sorry you were coerced in this fashion. Yep, scientists lied about natural immunity, which fed into your kids' belief. I sincerely hope people can recover from any damage these shots did to their immune systems, with enough time, and a few "nutraceuticals".

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I am avoiding all vaccines of any kind . I don't know what is in them, how they were tested if at all or how the testing data was fudged.

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I’ve decided not to get vaccines in the near future. Never know what will be in them. at this point I don’t believe a lot of stuff coming from CDC & a lot of healthcare workers

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Thanks for dumbing this down for folks like me with little hard-science background. The shameless experimenting on billions of people and the outright fraud involved is amazing...

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So I’m basically screwed going forward if a deadlier version comes along after my two shots to keep my job? Could this be why every country out there is dropping requirements quicker than kamala does to her knees?

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This & the #s coming out if Israel. 1 of every 3 triple jabbed is having trouble with normal day tasks. Iow, somewhat disabled.

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Link? I haven't seen that

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I read it recently on a substack, which I now can't find. It cited same study as post below, different stacker. Half of 66% is 33%, ie 1/3.

"Nearly 66% of respondents to a survey in Israel claimed that they suffered adverse reactions to the COVID-19 booster shot. Nearly half of those with adverse reactions reported having difficulties performing daily activities as a result"

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Yup, the sudden backtracking isn't due to benevolence. They could just remove masking and other measures but leave the vaccine passport system in place (where it's been implemented). That way the "selfish" unvaxxed are still punished but the compliant vaxxed are rewarded for their behavior. But they aren't doing that, it's all going away like it never happened.

They know the vax has failed and they know about the mountain of excess deaths unrelated to Covid. They also lawsuits and recriminations are coming and they are hoping people forget who was pushing this stuff.

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Vanden Bossche warned of this to. We all know the vaccinated have been primed for one thing, and that is termination. Truly horrific. They knew what they were doing

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Vanden Bossche didn't "warn" of "this" per se. He predicted that "updated vaccines will recall the old Abs (due to ‘antigenic sin’) and subsequently, generated ‘updated’ Abs will be produced while the vaccinee is already under attack from the virus." The problem he was pointing out here was with the non-sterilizing effect of the vaccine which would prevent it from being a useful tool to end COVID. While this isn't good, because it's the wrong tool to stamp out the pandemic, it's not the "truly horrific" thing he warned about. The truly horrific thing he warned about was ADE.

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He also said the vaccines would cause mutations to get more lethal until the super killer one came. This was also something UK SAGE said could happen. Luckily it has not happened (yet).

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Yeah, not sure he said it would happen as much as saying it was likely the mass vaccination campaign during the pandemic with a non sterilizing vaccine would create an environment where more infections and deadly variants would have a competitive advantage. It's a nuanced difference but an important distinction I think.

We may have gotten lucky with Omicron in that such a mutation becoming dominant was less likely, but happened and has effectively acted as a natural vaccine that can and maybe has actually been able to achieve herd immunity.

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Thanks for this and for staying focused on Corona themes. The rest of the media is conveniently turning its attention toward Ukraine in order to distract the public and thus attenuate the righteous anger about the Scamdemic.


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In a depopulation sort of way, the vaccines are working perfectly if what I think is being said above is true. The more "vaccine" injected into a person the less agile the immune system becomes to fight off other diseases. This in turn makes everyone who has been multi-vaxxed very susceptible to the next lab released virus. Without the benefit of a working immune system, many more people will die (think % of people double vaxxed). To me this scenario resembles a plan of attack against humanity.

If this line of thinking is accurate, and more details are emerging that it is, why shouldn't the general population rise up against the current batch of leaders? Of course, the general population tunes in to the legacy news outlets who tell them what the powers that be want them to know. Are we, non-tuned people, too busy trying to figure out how to just survive this mess? Do we think that keeping to ourselves somehow insulates us from what is coming? If we truly think that the lab released Corona19 virus is a deliberate attempt at population control, or the precursor to it, shouldn't we act like it and take back our lives and our futures at all costs? Either way there will be lots and lots of dead people, but one way keeps the surviving people out of global slavery.

These are questions going through my mind. I doubt I am the only one.

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Patients for life is the goal of pharma. I wonder how much pharmacy throws in to promote transitioning kids

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Sort of like a doctor's perfect patient...he never dies but never gets well either.

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Great comment; and you certainly are not the only one.

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‘… the researchers took a number of non human primates (NHP’s)…’. Politicians?

Sorry couldn’t resist.

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They all got saline

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Except Newsom :)

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Id love to believe that’s true. Such an ass hat

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Does it ever wear off? I mean, the effectiveness wears off, but will my immune system be broken forever? I took the Jabs because I thought it would help. Little did I know… now I’m scared and waiting for the other shoe to drop.

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I personally would control what you can control by strengthening your immune system. Eating variety of whole foods and supplements -LOTS of vitamin c, vitamin d, vitamin e, selenium, quercitin, NAC, b3, etc.

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+ no booster!

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Absolutely no booster. I fell for it the first time. Never again.

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I’m doing some of that now. Will try to figure out what some of the other things are haha.

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I heard sulfur / sulfates helps detoxify. Eggs, for example. Soaking in baths with Epsom salts. And yes, all the supplements for a strong immune system. I didn’t vax cause I was pregnant, but I pressured my bf to get the first dose thinking it stopped transmission and would be a form of protection for me and babe in utero!! Shortly afterwards I realized ummmm I was WRONG! Red pilled ever since. Sadly his mother pressured him into the second dose. He won’t do a booster, thank goodness. I worry the long term effects and feel so guilty…hopefully you can get some of the toxins out too.

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I don’t know the specifics, but I have seen protocols for overcoming some of the effects of the jab. What jenns suggests above is absolutely correct, but I have read that pine needle tea also helps. You can buy the supplement from Redemtpion Nutrition. I’ve also read that taking ivermectin can help. Here are some more tips and I would think FLCCC or Malone or Naomi Wolf, etc. would have additional information. https://gospelnewsnetwork.org/2022/01/14/heres-how-to-detox-from-the-covid-spike-protein-from-the-jab-or-the-virus/

PS if you choose to take ivermectin, you can buy it at sevencells.com if you can’t get a doctor to prescribe it. Use code DANIEL for a discount. You could also call a local compounding pharmacy and ask if they know a doctor who will prescribe it.

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Also exercise & weight control. Read somewhere that elevated bmi is associated with producing fewer neutralizing antibodies.

Add Glutathione to the nutrients. Patients close to death from sepsis turned around within hours with glutathione IV.

Very powerful antioxidant.

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What's done is done, don't worry over something you can't control. Learn from it and move on, you'll feel so much better.

Agree with Jenns' suggestion to focus on strengthening your immune system.

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Ive heard intermittent fasting can help also.

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There were varying doses of 'bad batches', 'regular batches' and 'saline batches'. If you haven't had any serious health problems since your initial lab-jab and you say you haven't done the booster roulette then you are probably one of the fortunate ones! But, as others have noted, DO take care of your health and don't worry yourself to a point where your quality of life is ruined from just thinking about it. Best wishes for you!

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Something similar happens with the flu. There is more info about it because it is an older virus and it is not so political. Try to search.

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Yes, I have read that OAS has been shown to occur with flu vaccines.

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Yeah I’ve been hearing things about the flu shot that have thrown another fly in the ointment of what I thought was helping me be healthy and safe…. In some ways the Corona Virus has been a blessing to open my eyes.

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I've had flu jabs on and off since I was 12 years old. I think it helped with the Hong Kong flu but, like you, I'm not so sure. At least they are "proper" jabs and well tested.

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Mar 7, 2022·edited Mar 7, 2022

There is lots of evidence that vitamin c can help mitigate the negative effects of vaccines. Usually vitamin c is taken in high doses before and after administration of the vaccine but taking it now can only be helpful. Check out the orthomolecular.org and search vit c and vaccines for more info.

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I had one pfizer too. Got forced into it and then quit and found a remote job. Not ideal. I took the protocols as if I had Covid after the shot. Hoping I’ll be ok.

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I think the short answer is that no one really knows what specific long-term harm the mRNA jabs may do the immune system. The tech was hardly ever tested before the huge roll-out in late 2020. What trial data exists must be very spotty, a la the less-than-professional "testing" that got the Covid-19 products their hasty stamp of approval.

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That’s what I’m afraid of

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I would live with the assumption of increased vulnerability to corona virus infections and study and stockpile alternative treatment regimes that have demonstrably shown high effectiveness eg ivermect/meloqu and treat on suspected infection. Side effects of these two (taken as prophylatics by billions for decades) appear limited, and looking at the 'paired examples' of Indian federal states working with above compared to 'vaccinate everybody down to the last infant, send infected home and forcibly aspirate them once they arrive in hospital in critical condition' lunacy will give you a warm smile and a metaphorical pat on the shoulder for getting it right. A salute to the Indian judiciary by the way (Gates/Pfizer/etc indicted for crimes against humanity was it?)

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I guess this shows why you don't want to monkey around with your immune system!!!

I'll show myself out.

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"Be sure to tip your waitresses" and all that...

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Nah, it's ok. You can stay.

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Its actually good news that variant-specific vaccines aren't working. Will basically block the re imposition of all the mandates next winter. Really hope that actually getting covid will bridge that immune training gap though, way too many people are going to suffer otherwise

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I would hope you are right but efficacy in preventing infection hasn’t thus far seemed to be of much of a consideration for approval and mandating vaccines or boosters.

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The two-shotted from 2021 are now in the exact medical situation as the unshotted. But the mandates only require two shots, and it doesn't matter how long ago they were given. So in 2025 some dumb-ass workplace will require covid shots for new employees, just cuz. If you got them back in 2021, you are good to go, even though you are technically unshotted. My head spins with the stupidity of it all.

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No, the two-shotted are not in the exact medical situation as the unshotted. I don't see a lot of unshotted collapsing on the field, or dying "after a short illness."

You mean the same legal or bureaucratic situation.

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"the mandates only require two shots"

That depends. The CDC re-defined "vaccinated" as "fully vaccinated" which means including the latest booster.

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Or safety to be honest

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Mar 7, 2022·edited Mar 8, 2022

Agree. Geert VDB warned that variant specific boosters might lead to a deadlier new variant. Glad to see a variant-specific jab failed the test. At least so far…

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Lol. Since when did facts matter?

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War Crime. Plain and Simple.

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May 1, 2022·edited May 1, 2022

Disagree. At least not just any old one. Not in a theatre of war and perpetrated on civilians = crime against humanity. Think bombing of guernica by operation condor

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Not one bit of this campaign—the release of the virus and the mad push to vax—has been chance. All calculated and carefully executed. Planned over decades by godless and greedy souls of darkness. They see themselves as gods, with authority derived from their wealth and power.

They are the very grapes of wrath in the 14th chapter of the Apocalypse. The “harvest of the earth”, the grain harvest, precedes them—that will be most of us.

The globalists won’t get away with this, but the damage they cause will be like nothing ever seen. And they will pay for all of it—down to the last innocent’s unwarranted death.

“And the nations were enraged, and Your wrath came, and the time came for the dead to be judged, and the time to reward Your bond-servants the prophets and the saints and those who fear Your name, the small and the great, and to destroy those who destroy the earth.” Revelation 11:18, NASB.

We didn’t ask to be born into such a time, but here we are.


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Speaking of playing God: www.youtube.com/watch?v=6G3nWyoQ5CQ&t=805s

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Yeah. I caught that video. Stunningly candid admissions of their evil intent.

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JP is such a great messenger!

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I was just thinking of this! It’s an amazing video.

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Mar 7, 2022·edited Mar 7, 2022

I have longed for past decades when the world seemed at peace, especially for my children to live in that world. I just started a new book, We Will Not Be Silenced, by Erwin Lutzer on what is happening to our world today. He says it’s a privilege to be here to help others during this time. It’s a good perspective for me to keep in mind rather than focusing on what we have lost. How exciting to see Revelation playing out before our eyes!

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And it is, LoveMercy, playing out as we live and breathe. And we are obligated to provide our “fellow slaves their portion at the appointed time”—whatever that might entail.

I only hope to be found faithfully discharging my duties when the Lord descends to reign—as He will—over this tortured sphere.

Psalm 46: God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore will we not fear, though the earth be removed and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea. Though the waters thereof roar and be troubled, and though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof. There is a river, the streams whereof shall make glad the city of God…The nations made an uproar, the kingdoms tottered; He raised His voice, the earth melted. The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our stronghold…

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Thank you for the insight and encouragement. God bless you and yours. May you have opportunities every day to fulfill your duties and may you hear, "Well done!" at the finish line!

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And by the time people come around to understanding they're being murdered (if they ever do), it will be too late - the world will be imploding. In the meantime, every disability and death will be racked up to something else and the dead and dying will swallow it hook, line, and sinker.

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what happens going forward with the blood supply? what happens if a non-vaxx person gets a blood transfusion from vaxed blood??

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Whole blood is rarely transfused any more. Blood is separated into its component parts & transfused separately. Red blood cells should be safe since they are "cleaned" thoroughly to remove plasma with its reaction triggering elements (such as white cells).

Plasma would be the part to avoid.

And frankly, the plasma of double & triple jabbed may not pass muster if it's filled with microclots & rouleaux!

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Unless I have misunderstood. The immune system stops producing antibodies after a while once the infection is passed to save resources, and circulating antibodies are reabsorbed otherwise our blood would become like porridge as we get older, stuffed with every antibody and other immune system cells we had produced after exposure to every pathogen we had encountered.

It is why I don’t understand how the mRNA ‘vaccines’ so-called ‘fade’ is being calculated by testing for serum antibodies. Inoculation, either natural or vaccine, trains the immune system to produce antibodies quickly when it encounters a particular pathogen, rather than provoking continually circulating antibodies.

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The antibodies are quickly reduced along with the rest of the emergency response because long term they are dangerous to healthy cells. So quick resolution of symptoms is due to evolution

Viral proteins are similar to human proteins. With high levels of circulating virus, antibodies are most likely to bind to the virus.

Eliminate the virus & there is high risk the antibodies will cross- react with human tissue. Major cause of autoimmune disease.

This highlights one of the major dangers of repeated jabs.

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The authorities assume that the public only understands things at the bumper-sticker level, and take advantage of that presumed ignorance to manipulate us. So officially the only evidence of immunity is measuring antibodies, completely ignoring the fact that they get recycled, as you say. And completely ignoring other aspects of the immune system, like innate immunity.

The trouble is, unlike a natural infection, the mRNA vaccines only produce antibodies to the spike protein and nothing else. So when those antibodies undergo their natural decline, there's nothing left.

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A thought occurs to me. If the vaccine to stop CoVid, doesn’t and that cannot be covered up… quick turn a disadvantage into an advantage. So the ‘vaccine fade’ meme ushers us right into ‘booster’ needed. So not just double-dipping but triple-dipping for the pharma companies.

However - the message is out. The public isn’t having any more of the fairy tales. I read that there is a glut of CoVid vaccines fast approaching expiry dates, which Governments are desperate to shift.

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Product approaching expiration date: no worries, they'll send it to India or Africa. That's what they've done in the past with other vaccines :|

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This can be easily shown from 'early adopters' Israeli data: The uptake in pop declines with every iteration of the booster. Although I suppose that would flatten off once you've boiled it down those who never learn

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I keep wondering this too & can’t find anyone who has addressed it. I don’t even think blood banks have been making any distinction in the donations, @ least they weren’t.

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