Did he not get the messaging? The country has moved on. This kind of grandstanding will just result in yet more electoral disaster.

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this feels more like a smash and grab to generate lists and precedent.

sure, they may lose the congress, but they keep the WH. this is the time to use executive fiat to set the stage and assemble the tools for the next fight.

also, it's a wonderfully incendiary talking point that will draw focus away from, say, vaxx efficacy and the impending pfizer data dump.

don't look over there, look over HERE!

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Reminiscent of the IRS with the lists of the Tea Party members under Obama. Everything is a pattern with this group.

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Yes, and holding up and making ridiculous demands of organizations applying for 503(1)c nonprofit status based on how the names for them sounded, - if they thought it sounded patriotic, etc. They harassed a few that turned out to be dem ones and didn't have prominent dem donor names.

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This definition of “misinformation” could see the Pfizer documents suppressed from discussion on social media or the press.

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That may well be the reason for such extremist overreach.

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Why in God's name would W. VA and S. Carolina be in the process of adopting this.

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what an twist: "Having digital access to personal health records empowers the individual"  she says, as if that's what it's all about.

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Yeah--it's always about the consumer's safety or convenience. Sadly, from the last 2 years, we know: too many people will surrender their god-given freedoms for safety or convenience.

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"The issue boils down to individual rights"! says the rino from the Bush administration, well sure! liars in your face!

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states are quietly amending kids vax laws ... California pending ( imminent) SB 871 to add COVID vax to required vaccines & ELIMINATE ALL expmptions including MEDICAL and BELIEF exemptions.

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The disconnect between <quote> vaccine <unquote> efficacy at virus transmission mediation and ongoing coercive requirements to demonstrate compliance is stunning. Or put another way, we all know the ‘vaccines’ don’t work and that passports have nothing to do with public health but you’re not getting in without it so pony up. Policy, like propaganda, no longer needs to even pretend to make sense.

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With his emergency powers extended indefinitely, do you think Brandon will allow the midterm elections to go forward in November?

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Not unless Congress passes his voting bill.

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Lose congress? You underestimate them.

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This. Exactly.

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Do you believe he did this on his own? I am a broken record on this, but Biden and many governors still have their declared emergencies. Unless they are rescinded, Biden and those governors can do anything they want. Time to go to your Senators and congressmen.

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This guy is too clumsy and stupid to initiate anything this sinister. As with nearly everything else in D.C., look higher up the food chain.

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Makes no difference what you do, the game is rigged.

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If you live in the state whose name is in your screen name, I understand your attitude. I live in Pennsylvania, where in 2021, we the voters removed our governor's emergency powers. I won't give up, because the system is not completely broken.

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I’m in Pennsylvania too.

It’s true that voters passed the constitutional amendment in May 2021, so that legislature could officially end the state of emergency, which it did in June 2021.

But then the Pa Secretary of Health continued to issue orders under a novel legal theory that the health secretary has emergency authority even without governor, legislature and courts. The main impact at that point was on schoolchildren, subject to statewide mask mandates. Parents brought a lawsuit, and the court ruled that the secretary couldn’t exercise that power independently, but not on separation of powers, constitutional or civil rights grounds, only on procedural grounds (the purported regulation didn’t go through public comment.) That court ruling was December 10, 2021. On the same day, the Pa Secretary of Education sent an email to school districts, telling them that the school boards, under the Education Secretary, still had independent authority to mandate masking in schools and other Covid-19 ‘mitigation’ measures. So our district has continued masking all the kids. A group of parent filed a lawsuit against Secretary of Education and multiple individual districts on Feb. 8, 2022. But again, it’s likely it will only be addressed on procedural grounds. The courts at all levels have steadfastly refused to hear and rule on factual evidence and on constitutional and civil liberties issues.

More on the legal aspects in this long-read; the concept of public health administrator power superseding elected power and courts goes back at least to 2005 International Health Regulations and implementing federal regulations by USHHS.


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Just subscribed to your stack. I emailed this post to myself so I can read it at my leisure. I'm ashamed that I know so little of PA ongoing restrictions. I thought we solved the problem. But tyrants never stop, do they?

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I don't have children so was unaware of this. I think the problem is that the teacher's unions own our legislature - both R and D. I find the position of our courts on our liberties frightening.

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Vote them all out. Everyone, congressmen, senators, state legislature, governors, school boards, dog catcher, everyone. Not sure if your Pennsylvania dictators will acknowledge the elections, though.

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Yep, born and bred in Cali. I think our State has been cooking the books on elections for a while.

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The result of one party rule. Cooking the books is certainly a polite description.

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I'll be blunt. They steal elections pretty much every time.

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Is there anything that can be done? A lawsuit to check the counts? Have you followed the Special Counsel's findings in Wisconsin?

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The EIP-CA group has a few lawsuits in the works. (Election Integrity Project - California) You can see the lawsuit info here: Amici curiae filing against state of AZ https://www.eip-ca.com/complaint/Brnovich_v_DNC_EIPCaAmicusBrief.pdf (I believe they won this case)

And this one before the 9th circuit court of appeals: https://www.eip-ca.com/complaint/EIPCa_First_Amended_Complaint_3.10.2021.pdf

If you live in California, you can be a member and help with election integrity. They have a deadline of March 31 for volunteers for the primaries. Go to https://www.eip-ca.com/

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No way it will happen in CA. The blues control the entire state with a considerable supermajority and the reds, if they actually wanted to do anything in the first place, have zero power to change anything. They might as well not even hold office.

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I'm not going to give the flip response and tell you to leave. I wish I could offer suggestions on how to live in California as a real person. Hope you have a circle of like-minded.

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Moving would be rough--my parents are getting old and my brother will never help them, and like most people in their late 70s/early 80s, they don't want to move. Whole issue may be moot for non-vaxxed, AB1993 would require a jab to have a job. All the working non-vaxxed may be moved out by the need for money. Lawsuits sound great, but time and funding can be huge issues, and outcomes are never certain.

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done! The Rep answered he is on the case. The Dem no reply. Probably still with their heads in the sand. Ostrich feathers please !

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I hope so. But there are so many things that deserve an electoral reprimand. Who knows where we’ll be and what will be critical in November. I wish “Republicans” would get a spine now.

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The problem is that the worst that can happen to the Democrats is that they will lose the election.

That simply isn't good enough. As good as DeSantis is, how is he stopping any Democrats from doing the same thing in the future if they win the Florida governorship?

Republicans, after the mid-terms, have to make it a rule that *all* Democrat politicians - state or federal - get given 10 vaccines each day before they are allowed into work.

Democrat electorates need to have their electricity shut off unless it is 100 per cent powered by solar panels and unicorn farts.

Refugee advocates need to have 20 copies of their house keys made and given to the most dangerous illegal immigrants.

I'm not joking by the way. These two years (and before that really) have proven that virtue signaling must be stopped at all costs. No civilization can survive when you have people winning accolades for coming up with the most outrageous statements (men can have babies, locking down an economy will stop a virus, vaccines work, shutting oil production will decrease gasoline prices).

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Amazon seems to be out of stock on Unicorn farts. Don't know about eBay. I hear that run though my home digester, I can generate electricity. I am also looking for the gas pumps that only have Made in the US labels but can't find them either.

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they've already calculated the vaxx efficacy against the next strain and want to have an up-front list of anyone who might dare to ask questions. I hope US has really moved on, while pfucking europe is still in. That whole story left such a bad taste in the mouth that I am paranoid about their next psyop.

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I'll never forget the Scamdemic perpetrating Dems. I'll never vote for another, even if it's my brother and he's running for dogcatcher.


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If you have glanced at the National C19 Preparedness Plan announced by Brandon at SOTU, then you must know that this is not over by any stretch of the imagination. They're actually ramping up the 'vax cult' as the ONLY solution per secula seculorum. This is WEF new world order stuff. Don't let down your guard. This is a war and it's only beginning. Russia-Ukraine conflict is nothing but a distraction.

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If this misinformation is so pervasive, doesn't the government already have it all? Or is this secret misinformation that's misled millions of Americans?

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Indeed, shouldn't be hard to get this themselves. Although, it would be hard to define what is "misinformation" since everything that was once considered as such has since been proven to be true.

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That is the basis of the propaganda though. Being able to state that 'third parties reported 1000's of instances of misinformation'.

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Just once I wish a platform would say: "We have what you wanted. Here is the list of the top misinformation spreaders,

1.) CDC

2.) FDA

3.) Pfizer/Moderna

4.) DNC

5.) Vivek Murthy


7.) Creepy Uncle Joe/Cackling Kamala

8.) Fauci

You're welcome. Have a good day."

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Some would say that Biden won the election is disinformation.

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I couldn't believe it when I saw that in the New York Times. And nary a word of questioning of this Orwellian demand that tech companies turn over their records of dissidents. If the last president's administration did this, he would've been called literally Hitler. Now, the chattering classes are enthusiastically nodding with satisfaction at this edict. It's sickening.

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But Brandon is literally trying to be Hitler. Remember, he advised Trudeau. Maybe we are the 'em' of "let's get 'em".

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Aha! I finally understand what that last line actually meant...

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How about every freaking Dr./Public health agency/CDC/FDA/politician that ever said "safe and effective"....

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Enemy lists, "misinformation" i.e. censorship campaigns, digital gulags, firings, public shaming, license removal, and all forms of thought control belong in a dystopian novel, not a democratic republic. All these campaigns use fear to try to direct and control those writing, speaking, publishing. These thought control actions continue to this day and are ramping up. Beware the distractions from those government actions stealing your freedoms. See our book COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey for an indepth examination of "Fear Appeal" as a field of study in psychology designed to manipulate and control members or groups in society.

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Ginger, thank you for saying "try to" and not try and!

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First step take back the Senate and House to block the Obama/Brandon/Soros crazies. Second step put Trump back in the Whitehouse. Third step defund NIH and their Bio Warfare research. Fourth step walk Fauci and his financial collaborators up the steps of the gallows.

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The Nuremburg Tribunal needs to be reconvened and every single person involved in mandating the "vaccines" needs to be tried for forcibly subjecting millions of people to the largest forced medical experiment in history.

This includes those in the private sector who mandated them upon their employees.

"Just following orders" was no excuse back in the day to engage in atrocities, and it certainly is not now.

As for punishment, I'm not sure death is quite harsh enough, given the sale and scope of what these people have done, particularly those in the highest positions.

Perhaps living out the rest of their days in a cold, soulless cage they know they will never exit, and being universally scorned and despised might fit the bill.

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How about a vaxx 5 times a day and not telling them what’s in it. Kind of vax roulette. Will this shot BE THE ONE?😈

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Except Tony himself, and Bill. They need to get a good dose of every single product they maimed & killed people with from their desks, on the same day.

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I wonder how they would feel about getting the real shot instead of saline.

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Yes. Make the moment a national holiday!! Don’t put bags over their faces either. I want to see them. Make them see us. If only I could see them when they fall into the arms of a cackling Satan. A girl can dream.

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Candace Owens is starting her exclusive investigative series on childhood vaccines this evening on Parler. We’ll see what comes of it, as I’m sure at least some of it will be deemed “misinformation.”

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Ok, it’s live now, the first video in the series:


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On the flip side, those of us with professional licenses can register our social media accounts to emails belonging to branch covidians and vax nazis. Might be funny to shitpost with an email of the guy that’s responsible for my career change…

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I've been thinking of doing that with my evil neighbor who tried to run over my dogs😆

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Yes! Make him highly visible and completely loony- that’s terrible, hope your dogs are okay!

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My dogs peeled out from in front of the car in my driveway in the nick of time. I, otoh, aged about 10 years in an instant. And could use a vocal cord transplant.

I have a horseshoe drive. The vile bitch was sitting at the end of the drive waiting for them to check it out. Gunned into the road as soon as they sniffed around to the front.

This happened a few years ago. Since then, other neighbors have warned me about them. Apparently the husband runs dogs down "for sport "

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That pfu@ker would have slashed tires, dead trees and bushes in his yard and flaming bags of crap on his front porch. 😏

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Like my uncle who trapped cats and then shot them. Evil fu#ker.

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They know what they’ve done and we know what they’ve done.

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and they know that we know...

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Luckily we are a "free" country...freedom of speech, blah blah blah. We are terribly worried about Ukraine. No censorship here, all Americans are enlightened experts. Do not believe me though just ask the 90% that follow their American media sources that do not and have not ever lied to us.....I never actually entertained the idea that the USA I grew up in would be this underhanded though my own Mother told me over 60 years ago that we were no different than any other country...she said we just hide it better. Now we do not even do that.

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Let's start setting up parallel societies. Out with the old and destructive, In with the NEW!

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bloody hell! seems like they're doing it everywhere. this is what happens when they don't want to accept accountability, and who the hell defines 'misinformation' anyway? meanwhile in canada, what the feds are trying to push through while everyone is distracted by the Ukraine (it's ok to protest the war in the Ukraine without being arrested in Canada, btw, because it's about that country's freedoms...right, sure thing): Bill C10/C11 - media censorship bill that would eliminate alternative media; Bill C36 - hate speech bill that includes 'pre-crime' and the ability to be taken to court for something you haven't said, vague open language (hmmm...WTF!!? thought police, anyone?); and, Bill S-233 - guaranteed basic income and social credit score. this just gets better all the time...something smells rotten in____________ (pick your country).

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Minority Report. Remember that movie?

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Mote like “ Elysium “

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Never saw that. Will try to find.

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Our government is the enemy

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Pretty creepy that they’re trying for C36 when…. https://www.bitchute.com/video/yqePoTXhq830/

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The Deep State has too much power. What will it take to put an end to this abuse?

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A few of the big players have to lose face. Literally.

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Is this the doctor who lost 10 family members to covid? If so he might have been better off reading the misinformation and using the meds they advized. His family members would still be alive. What a bad doctor if he cannot heal his family from a cold.

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I'd question the wits and intelligence of #s 8, 9, and 10 at least.

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