This is a genuinely fantastic article.

"Soldiers are off fighting other brainwashed soldiers in distant lands when they should be back home fighting the criminals in their capitals." --Unknown

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this says it all

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"woke and global boiling and covid and the ukraine and every form of hyper-aggressive inclusivity insanity are not ideologies of belief for elites, they are circuses to dismay, daze, and distract you because pretty much no one can pay attention to what’s really going on when they are watching their daughter get slide tackled by a 200 pound guy in a sports bra on a high school soccer field or they find out their 3rd grader is being read sexually explicit books by drag queens who give twerking lessons."

the best sentence i have seen on clown world - bravo!

will have to watch wag the dog. war is a racket - smedley butler tried to warn us in 1935: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/smedley-butler-smash-the-war-racket

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Although comparing a 200 pound guy in a sports bra and drag queen story hour to Roman bread and circuses is an insult to the Roman Empire!

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The thing about "hyper-aggressive inclusivity" is that it is, in fact, hyper-aggressive exclusion and hyper-elevation of bigotry. It it were about inclusion, we would not have long lists of things that were not allowed to be said, topics not to be discussed, nor automatic exclusion of any outside the correct view as "deniers".

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Best article I've read on these psyops. Bravo, keep up the great work. Going to forward this to everyone. This is a must read.

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And with a touch of humor to make it more palatable for cats.

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cats always push things over the edge. Tables, counter tops, shelves, flat earths... They do it for their own amusement as well as to piss off the humans.

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I think they do it just to watch us do stoopid hooman tricks.

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I have 5. This activity goes on only at night unless I have a cup of water next to me on a table during the day. Out of nowhere comes 1 cat who feels I need a cold bath right away!!

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We all know this is entirely on purpose! Ever see those videos of cats walking through a hallway filled with dozens and dozens of cups? Not a single one knocked over…my 3 cats never, ever, ever, knock something over “accidentally!

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Cats are awesome hunters.

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That explains the WEF. They must be cats.

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reported for hate speech.


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I happen to like dogs, but still, that is the worst slur against cats I've ever heard.

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Nah, cats are not evil. Or malevolent.

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excellent. I have been wishing to do just that for over a year and sadly, I will just make my sad circle of friends and family have nervous breakdown and seek counseling for my aggression set upon them

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macro-aggression. No doubt that's the woke terminology they'd insist everyone use.

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“they will keep coming up with new ones”

Yep. My prediction for the next election: “Oops, we’ve just discovered that thousands of ISIS/HAMAS terrorists have very deviously and in ways that simply defied detection slipped into the country just like they did in Israel. Now there’s a threat of terrorist attack, so we are going to need everyone to stay in their homes for two weeks while we flatten the curve of reports of possible terrorists. Use the government app for a pass if you need to leave your home, or face being removed to a quarantine camp until you can prove your innocence. Remember: nobody is safe until we’re all safe! If you see something, say something, and keep those reports coming in!”

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that is a good one, but honestly, they do not need to shut down anything or have any excuse for drop boxes and suitcases and truck loads of ballots. Don't you know, once you start something that works in the US, it sticks forever. No going back.

Mail in voting and drop boxes and early early early voting is here to stay.

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"Don't you know, once you start something that works in the US, it sticks forever. No going back."

“Nothing lasts longer than a temporary government program.”

― Ronald Reagan

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Yep. Early voting here started last Wednesday. October 12th. For the November election. I find it disgusting, disgraceful, and disturbing.

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"Early voting here started last Wednesday."

Might as well put the Xmas decorations out before Halloween if you're going to do all that. *sigh*

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The November 2024 election, right? 🤣

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I thought the sane but then Oh, wait. That can’t be, right? Well maybe

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Can't say it isn't. I only know about the city election.

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Campaigns for which began in Jan 2023.

If you're a House Rep up for re-election every two years, you're basically running for office again as soon as you get back in.

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“No one will really understand politics until they understand that politicians are not trying to solve our problems. They are trying to solve their own problems—of which getting elected and re-elected are number one and number two. Whatever is number three is far behind.”

― Thomas Sowell, Dismantling America: and other controversial essays

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I agree. It is absolutely horrible.

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I'm honestly surprised that no-one is trying for legally paid-for votes.

Talk about libertarian democracy, eh? "Vote Oat Willie - get a free pizza!", as Gilbert Sheldon put it in "Fabulous Furry Freakbrothers" way back when.

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I'd even endorse a rule that forces Our Elected Betters to show who's paying for their expensive DC Dinners:


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Now this is weird! I was replying to a reply to the above when something happened and now there's neither the initial reply nor my re-reply.

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that happens when the commenter deletes his comment.

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Aha, thank you. Thought Substack was acting up like last week, when I could only comment on others comments, not posts, for a day or so.

Methedrine and Ketamine in the code, no doubt.

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i had that same problem.

but have also had the experience of the mysterious disappearing response and eventually figured that one out.

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You forgot the part where they say it’s too dangerous to vote in person, so all votes must be cast as mail-in ballots!

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Yes! Southern border. It is all playing out as they intended.

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Well, if you know who Thaler and Sunstein then you know even this was mostly government funded:


It's a how-to guide for aspiring Mettling Bureaucrats and even has utitlity as a Bond Villian primer.

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It's an international effort. The UK government has an official Nudge Unit. Plus OFCOM, their office of communications, actually has a law against publishing things that might "...broadcast material which (i) questions public policy or (ii) could undermine the advice of public health bodies or (iii) could undermine mainstream sources of information and/or (iv) which therefore could reduce trust in government or public institutions..." And let's not forget TNI, the Trusted News Initiative.

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It doesn't take much study! It takes a good strong dose of common sense. I refer to organized religion as an example : controlling the largest number of people possible through FEAR, mostly of death. What else do most people fear? Fill in the blank.

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I'm not going to comment other than to say let it out "nicely"...if possible...lol.

This is a HUGELY important piece Gato!

I'm sending a mass email to virtually everyone I know.

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You'll notice it wasn't Wag the Cat. 😼

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Isn't it Bad Cats who wag that dog?

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What we are seeing at home and abroad scares the living poopoo out of me, not because I think I will get ________________(fill in the blank), but because of the rampant, ubiquitous unaccountability of people committing the crimes against humanity. We are drowning in cheap talk, an out of control DoJ and Judicial Branch, thieves looting the treasury, and a massive, hostile, very diverse ARMY swarming across our borders. The country is being destroyed right before our eyes. Crickets.........................

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Exactly. In real time. Buh bye USA. It was fun. Luv ya! 🇺🇸

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Quite brilliant.

Solid analysis, lovely sarcasm and I hope he is right, the fever is about to break, but, I have my doubts. Professor Deneen of the Post Liberal Order Substack calls America “a sham demos of apathetic consumers”. Our author may underestimate the impotence of his fellow citizens. But, I hope he’s right and we are approaching a realization and reckoning, “otherwise it will be broken by the pitiless crowbar of events” as per Alexander Solzhenitsyn. He lived through events.

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"they are thriving, growing fat off grift and subsidy, and and regulation run riot"

DC has, in my lifetime, never had a recession. No one gets laid off or fired, there are no empty storefronts in Georgetown and yet crime is a huge problem.

I went to school there in the 70s and many of my classmates remained and have grown fat off the grift. It's a company town, after all, and regardless of party, no one speaks ill of the company.

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A company town for sure. The Magic Kingdom for government employees.

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"DC has, in my lifetime, never had a recession. No one gets laid off or fired, there are no empty storefronts in Georgetown and yet crime is a huge problem."

That's because BigGovEmps have never had to turn a profit in order to feed His and/or Her family. Profit is a good way to measure whether or not you're achieving your goals. There's no feedback mechanism in Bureacracy.

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They don’t even have to show up at their jobs. A friend recently got a high level fed job as a regional director and told me he only has to report to the office one day a week. Should I buy stock in game consoles?

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Same crap as here. Talked to a student many years ago about what she was aiming for at university.

"Oh, I'm doing the programme to get a managerial position in the Social Services!" she chirped.

(me) "Don't you need to work for maybe ten years or so, doing field work first before becoming a manager?"

(her) "Oh no, you don't advance to manager that way, you have to gone through the programme to become manager!"

To this day, I'm head-desking at the thought of it and nowadays, virtually all managers in our civil services are like her: no real experience, only "theorists" as we call them here.

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Same with schools. 'Principal' used to mean the principal, most experienced teacher. Nowadays they are likely as not bizniss school grads. At my son's elementary school, the principal insisted on being called Dr. Taylor. A little research showed no doctorate, but she did have an MBA, and she was making a healthy six figure salary in that district.

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Easy to beat inflation when you are in control of the literal money-making machine.

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In eight words. "Never let a good crisis go to waste"

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"wanna crack down on your own peaceful people and literally make them turn to violent black markets that you can then use to elicit ever more crackdowns?

use the war on drugs to take their rights and property then blame them for the rise of the drug cartels to whom you’re granting oligopoly and price supports."

^^^ this ^^^

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What's encouraging in all this bullshit is the red-pilling of vast swaths of the public. I just watched an episode of Scott Adams' show and the cynicism is pretty rich, considering from whence he came. We're not all becoming Republicans, though. We're becoming never-vaxxers and anti-government. That's what's raising the hackles of the Robert L. Peters administration. And that's what's animating the three-letter agencies. Queue the UFO bullshit, etc. We're not buying it. Climate change? Nope. Ukraine? Nope. They're going to have to go full-on totalitarian to stop us. And, despite your misgivings about him, Trump is us. He, too has been fully red-pilled. He got played from the inside, but that won't happen twice. His instincts were always in the right direction, now they've been honed to a razor's edge. Add Jim Jordan in the house (despite the compromises he'll surely have to make) and it'll soon be all out war to save the tyranny.

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"They're going to have to go full-on totalitarian to stop us."


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"I believe they've already begun and are a little surprised that it isn't working.

Thanks to cool little communities like this here Substack.

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What surprises me is that "they" are fumbling the more economical way of going the totalitarian route.

The soft touch.

Perhaps "they" drew up a time-table during the Obama-years, and a certain someone's administration threw that time-table out of whack, causing internal strife and contention among the guiding hands of the greater progressive-totalitarianist trend?

The slow, soft and organic approach works much better, since it makes it all feel natural. Slowly but surely, people come to think of The State as the be-all end-all. Here's an example: Used to be when building a sewage tank for your house, that was amtter between you, the builder, any neighbours and the regulations (which were drawn up by engineers/tehcnicians with the relevant expertise). The local municipal administration didn't factor beyond sending an inspector out if asked to and when the job was done, ti counter-sign that the builder's job was a godd'un.

Nowadays, you have to jump through umpteen hoops asking various clerks for permission in advance, paying fees every step of the way and the local municipal admin in charge has zero technical education, training or experience; instead, they have a set of "guiding principles" drawn up by politicians to follow.

And people accept this as right and correct - because the change was slow, every step reasonable and logical from the preceding one, and it was done over a period of more than 50 years.

Of course, to do that the do-ers have to be humble enough that they put the cuase before their ego - maybe that's the problem? (Well, their problem - and you rambunctious "leave me alone-ists" advantage.)

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All they would really have to do to get everyone back in line is release a bioweapon that targets children.

That would do it. I know that's horrifying, but don't underestimate.

This whole thing is straight out of a CIA Torture 101 class. Torture. Let up and allow the victims of the torture to believe the worst is over, that they have some control, even some hope. Then, torture again, but this time WORSE. Rinse and repeat until the desired outcome is achieved.

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"Robert L. Peters administration"

*golf clap* I think I shall steal this.

But, yeah. I sense a change in the Median Acceptable BS levels.

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You crack the ‘joke’ - you can’t make this stuff up, comparing two pictures, like it’s fake Hollywood war versus current realty.

But you are making a joke of yourself! ... if your point of this entire article is that, THiS STUFF IS MADE UP!

Just 🤡 around, bad🐈‍⬛? If only it was funnier.

I also appreciate hearing this reader's ideas in a prior comment about Wag the Dog feature in your timely article. No copyright on ideas they say. So do we thank ChatGPT for that? You know AI is so good at ensuring what goes around comes around in a kind of GIGO way. Big money in sorta auto-sifting the litter box for signs of controllers and their flying monkeys.

Auto-sifting makes it easy to spot those people who keep our regulatory agencies and national institutions running on insider trading. Just ask Trump, who was the type of personality to ensure it all went viral so he could be figurehead as if he made and led, a decade+ long military program and profit center called Operation Warp Speed. His desire for prideful rule over the past is astonishing. All so a man with legacy, Biden could be put in place as some Kind, o' chaos agent. Is it all about Seeing Eye, Eh, for what it is: Commonplace idiocy as autocracy (CIA)?

Football season is upon us. Fight fight fight scream the cheerleaders as American military jets drone by in formation? Sign up! Where to? Humanitarian aid in a defensive weapons package to clear unarmed people from the inhumane trap they've been held in since WWII? Nothing crazy or funny about that.

Good one ? bad🐈‍⬛...

PS you know, anyone who saw Wag the Dog might wonder: When are we going to Get Smart?

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"Kind, o' chaos agent."

"Ve don't VarDOOPT here at KAOS!"

"When are we going to Get Smart?"

"Would you believe Two Boy Scouts and a German Shepherd?"

Detects leitmotif.

"Sorry about that, Chief."

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You forgot “Missed it by that much”. 🤣

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Oh, I said it. It's just that I was in The Cone of Silence. *nods*

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Those were the days! And Rocky, Bullwinkle, Boris and Natasha. Now that I think on it, do you suppose Volodymyr+ yyyy modelled himself on Boris? Short guy, and all....

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"Hey, Rocky - watch me pull a rabbit out of this hat!"

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"do you suppose Volodymyr+ yyyy modelled himself on Boris? Short guy, and all...."


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Thank you

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*tips foil Bowler Derby* My pleasure.

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My bad cat's name is actually KAOS, and she appreciates your comment.

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I've just decided my next pet will be named Sigfried.


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Do you handle KAOS by keeping her in your safe house, or let KAOS out on her territory?

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We live in a rural desert area. She would go insane if she couldn't go outside.

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Cats are awesome hunters.

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Are good cats or bad cats good hunters? Or dies tge good hunting make for fat cats?

We had a cat who befriended people, dogs and animals that other cats would consider prey. So there he was, a tabby following squirrels around or lounging in the grass watching bunnies eat. Hecwas fed at hone. Food was put out for birds and others. The neighborhood wildlife liked him so much, they’d come to the door to see him, and we’d let him out.

He’d only ‘hunt’ mice to catch, alive for us, when they came in the house. I wish our cat worked for police departments who seem to have no qualms about deadly traffic stops.

For peace lovers, our cat was a good cat, and for some cat lovers, maybe he wasn’t good enough as a wild cat or hunter.

I bring this up because somewhere between the agents of KAOS and CONTROL, I wish there was a bit more Discernment and less fear-driven offence as if in the name of defensive counter measures.

🇺🇸 leads patriotic lemmings off the existential cliff and I am not talking about Dick Cheney, a great NRA advocate and big game hunter most adept at shooting his buddy in the face.

It’s hard to find a fat cat who is a good cat. Which is where I started… what is a good cat anyway.

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"because somewhere between the agents of KAOS and CONTROL, I wish there was a bit more Discernment and less fear-driven offence as if in the name of defensive counter measures."

Yeah, man.

"It’s hard to find a fat cat who is a good cat."

Meh. There's a lid for every pot. If a Fat Cat needs a Fat Cat Person, the Universe seems to know how to arrange that.

When her beloved American Bulldog Spot passed a few years back, Mrs. Pi was bawling, " Why do we do this to ourselves?!" "Because they need us."

And now we have Dante The Husky Dawg. 😊

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*shakes head* No no no. This is why CONTROL exists.


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Nothing to add to this, it's so complete. THANK YOU.

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yes, 100%.

and for fuck's sake let's once and for all stop imagining we're in any sense modern, we are just now. this is the neverending story of human life on earth. power and resources, who has 'em, who wants 'em; who gets to dole them out as patronage. that's it. and after the renaissance no one has had anything profound to say about it. we don't learn. we don't get smarter. collectively, i mean, of course. i got a lot smarter over the course of my life and i bet a lot of people individually did too. but it don't do the whole of us no good.

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As in, "I get too soon old, and too late smart".

For decades I have watched the disintegration of the freest, richest society the world has ever known.

And wondered - if I can see this, why can't others?

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i was lucky. i lived by choice at several different times in a very different culture at some very weird cycles of history and they ended up schooling me damn good. i might not have ever gotten that much smarter without those experiences.

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Because you look back both near and far, and compare what was with what is, and glean from the entrails of past what the future is likwely to be.

While they look to the future as they imagine it, and then try to force the now to become it while still being now, murdering the past and using parts of it as trophies proving the virtue of their future visions.

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I've always known that as a Pennsylvania Dutch expression.

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"And wondered - if I can see this, why can't others?"

We do. Or, well, I did. And I think I spoke up but it turns out that that wasn't very popular.

I'm not sure I'm good at delivering my message.

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