watching the educational totalitarians claim your children as their own
adventures in saying the quiet part out loud
it’s dazzling to see the things that dogmatic authoritarians will accidentally blurt out when they feel their power slipping away.
i mean, seriously, imagine mistaking this for an argument.

firstly, well, YES, that is exactly what parents can and ought to be able to do. if they disagree with ANYTHING being done to their kids, they have a right to demand that it be changed and if the person so doing will not, that it be immediately stopped.
but this framing itself is so awful and outright hallucinatory as to beggar belief.
CRT is not teaching kids “how” to think it’s teaching them “what” to think and literally calling them racist and evil if they diverge from it one whit. it demands not only their belief but their active submission and contrition.
it is, quite literally, indoctrination into a phantasmagorical doctrine of fundamentalist evangelism supported by a guilt based hierarchy of sins intrinsic to birth traits.
through this it demands they engage in outright racism in order to performatively play act at being anti-racist for how else could one describe sorting groups and ascribing virtues and shortcomings bases on immutable racial traits than “racism”?
it’s pernicious, bigoted, heinously divisive, and a self refuting mess of dogma and doctrine.
describing it as “teaching students how to think” is flatly absurd.
but comparing it to surgery is even more so, especially as the misframing there is so egregious as to disqualify the speaker from any sincere engagement on logic.
surely, vanishingly few parents would barge into an operating theater and say “no, no, clamp this artery, not that one!”
this is a fanciful straw man intended to shift the debate away from the real issue which is that “before sending a child in to be operated upon, every parent has every right to understand the underlying condition, the proposed procedure, the options for treatment, their pros and cons, and then to make a free, informed choice about what is best for their child.”
can you even propose another system for medical choice that makes any defensible sense at all when discussing the health care needs of a 7 year old?
this educator is basically trying to pass off “if you send your kid to a doctor, you have no say in what the doctor does to them” as “oh, so you want to barge into an operating theater.”
“look, you sent them to the doctor for an appendectomy, you don’t get to complain that we sent them home having had gender reassignment surgery!”
that’s a despicable piece of rhetorical sleight of hand and indicates that the speaker is either bereft of basic reasoning ability or is seeking to lie to keep the debate off of the real salients.
which one makes you want to trust your child to them?
the only silver lining in the entitled stupidity of this class of edu-tyrants who have flat out swallowed so much dogmatic poison that they no longer even remember what their job is supposed to be and have overtly taken up the mantle of “commissars of ideological purity” rather than teachers of critical skills and faculties is that they have grown overbold (or perhaps overly oblivious).
to blurt out a sentiment like “who the hell are parents to decide what their kids learn in school!” is not gonna to go over well with mom and dad.
it also proves once more that the cure for stupid is NOT censorship.
the cure for stupid is a soap box to stand on, a megaphone, and an attentive audience taking diligent notes.
these people and the systems of self-preferencing and self-preservation they have erected have become a dire threat to the youth of america.
there is PLENTY of money, we just need to stop lavishing it on teachers unions and start getting actual value for it.
school choice is one of the great issues of our time.
for $250,000 per class of 20, we can do SO much better.
i doubt we’re getting 20c on the dollar of value here.
education is not too important to be left to the free market.
education is too important not to be.
so, here’s a simple bet for the would be pedagogues of CRT:
give the kids and the parents a choice. let your offering compete with other offerings on equal footing and empower the children with choice.
if it’s as valuable and useful and beloved as you say and the alternatives so dire and oppressive, surely you should have no problem competing, right?
is anyone still there…?
As a recovering .gov teacher and a professor in a teacher education program GET YOUR CHILDREN OUT OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Homeschool, read John Taylor Gatto.
One of my favorite Twitter accounts before I got permabanned was
fund students not schools
I guarantee the person who made that crap analogy also makes the analogy of comparing masks/vaxx to seatbelts. I always disliked the way people would use "retarded" as a pejorative, but since this is the age of forced medical treatments and demanding medical records from random people, I demand that these folks be tested for mental retardation.