As a recovering .gov teacher and a professor in a teacher education program GET YOUR CHILDREN OUT OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Homeschool, read John Taylor Gatto.

One of my favorite Twitter accounts before I got permabanned was https://twitter.com/DeAngelisCorey

fund students not schools

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Love it: " Fund students, not schools."

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Amazing book, brilliant author.

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Curious what got you banned TexBat? Yes, DeAngelis is good as is Chris Rufo.

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Gatto was great. I first saw him on C-span and bought his book. I think he has an essay the 6 lesson schoolteacher. I agree that people should not tolerate what is going on in school in the name of education. I would like to see more money follow the students, and would love to see more teachers start schools. And also, get Bill Gates and his fellow travelers out of areas they have no business being. They were never elected and are not accountable for their failings.

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Amen to all of that!

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I told a trans male he was a man lol

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Good for you. I'm still working on getting banned. I'm probably only on the bird's radar bc of who I follow and the fact my handle is biblically based. I don't have enough followers to matter to them.

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I guarantee the person who made that crap analogy also makes the analogy of comparing masks/vaxx to seatbelts. I always disliked the way people would use "retarded" as a pejorative, but since this is the age of forced medical treatments and demanding medical records from random people, I demand that these folks be tested for mental retardation.

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There is a guy who rides a motorcycle past my house frequently. He wares no helmet but always a mask. Every time I see him I think "retarded".

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Wow. Just when I thought I'd heard everything. You know, over the last almost two years there is one word that keeps popping in my mind and I'm not sure if others have felt the same way: EMBARRASSED. I had no idea that my fellow human beings were this ignorant and I'm literally embarrassed by it all. Shameful!

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Oh my goodness... I hadn't heard the seat belt analogy for awhile. That has to be one of the most juvenile statements I've heard over the last almost two years. My seat belt doesn't work unless everyone else is wearing theirs also. I just have to LOL. Or I would lose my mind.

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I'd like to get rid of all education degrees. Elementary teachers learn through apprenticeships in classrooms with experienced teachers. Grade 8+ should be subject matter experts and shouldn't be required to know whatever the current pedagogical trends are any more than college professors.

Oh, and it's no secret that they have been trying to remove parents' medical rights from our children and often succeeding. I am guessing that allusion was very intentional. (As a homeschooler, I'm almost to the point where I'd try to find a "how to set a bone" video rather than go to the ER.)

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Some children get taken from their parents for no reason whatsoever In the meantime that couple could enprison their 13 children for years, malnourish them, treat them worse than animals, and no one moved a finger. You are almost obliged to vaxx your children into oblivion, but if you want to try a harmless method of healing, you are punished. I know parents who homeschool their children because they got bullied, and in a private school paying big dollar. I wonder if people should start hiring a teacher together for their children, a small group of may be 5 or 6, and start all over again, just like the medical system will have to start up from scratch again if we ever want to get rid of the tyrants of BigPharma and co

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It's common for homeschool families to join together once or twice a week to pool resources and expertise for teaching. It's a small step from there to hiring a tutor...

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That's what some families are doing in Oregon.

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My Mom was educated in a one room schoolhouse up until Junior High (think like Little House on the Prairie for those who may have seen that old show). Yep, they still had one room school houses in a lot of rural areas in her lifetime. That being said, in many ways, she is one of the smartest people I've ever known.

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I am definitely morphing into one of biggest fans. Your writing and thinking are first class and you evidently have the cojones (so not a castrated cat, obviously) to stand up for your principles and call out the crap for what it most blatantly is. If you ever go subscription based, reserve me a place at the front of the queue. Do you have a volontary subscription option available? If I am going to have a subscription, I would so much rather you have it than Mr. Bourla. Best wishes and keep up the good work Steven

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I'm relatively new to Substack, maybe two months. I've pay-subscribed to 5 so far, and I spent at least 10 minutes a while back looking for the pay option here. The content is so good I couldn't believe there wasn't a pay option. I almost felt guilty keeping my free subscription!

So yeah, me too, bad cattitude. I'd pay for your independent journalism.

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He has said before he doesn’t need the money! Super cool cat!

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I didn't say anything about "need", and surely he could find a worthy cause for the subscription revenue he doesn't need. I assume there are considerations other than mere "need" that apply to his decision. But it's just an assumption.

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I wasn’t saying anything negative to you…your offer is kind. I was simply complimenting El Gato.

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My bad. I apologize for having a hair-keyboard. I should just delete my comment, but I'll leave it up, as penance.

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No problem… It is always hard to understand peoples actual thought in a text message.

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Simply put, they are teaching our children how to think just like any other communist country

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And in addition, they are not teaching skills. The inmates are running the asylum.

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I find educators to be some of the most arrogant and ill informed people I've ever talked to. One lectured me that if it weren't for people like him, I wouldn't be able to read.

And these people are in charge of shaping young minds..

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Oh man! I hate to refer back to my childhood again, but guess what? I was reading by the time I was 4. And who taught me? MY PARENTS.

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Same here, and I taught my two kids to read well before they ever went to school. Best thing I ever did!

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At least part of the explanation is idolatry. We've idolized them and it's gone to their heads, creating monsters. (Not everyone in these categories, of course, but all too many.) You can say the same about doctors, police, military (and I'm retired USAF), lately all healthcare workers ("Heroes work here"), celebrities, of course, and many more. Idolatry is rife in this society. But of course we no longer honor God.

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Very well said.

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Thankfully a record number of parents have opted to homeschool their children this year.

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Amen! You know, I have been screaming to get kids out of these propaganda centers WAY before this. I've been saying this since I was 18 years old. I would eat rice and beans and drink water and drive a clunker before I would EVER let my children go to one of these prisons posing as schools.

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It’s about choice and especially free choice. I’m pretty sure Christina believes the abortion mantra my body my choice. A wild guess but probably not wrong on this one. How about a new mantra for the Christina’s of the world that goes like this “ My kid’s learning, my choice.”

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Estimating 20 cents on the education dollar getting to the kids is optimistic . And that is why the 10+% of kids who have left the system in the last 2 years is causing such a meltdown. The districts all get money per child. Now imagine that 80% of that money is spoken for by corruption cronies who are going to get paid no matter what. In losing 10% of its budget your school now has an effective 50% budget cut that the remaining 90% of the kids have to deal with.

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Yes. I've been surprised that TPTB haven't pushed back against home schooling even harder than they have. They can't lose control over the indoctrination of children. Their whole strategy relies on it.

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>“look, you sent them to the doctor for an appendectomy, you don’t get to complain that we sent >them home having had gender reassignment surgery!”



I predict it's only a matter of time before this ceases to be a joke.

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It already has ceased in north Florida.

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This is the result of censoring critical thought and creating safe spaces. Instead of an argument, a typical leftist has merely an incredibly sense of moral superiority detached from any actual ethical position. They have certitude that they are in the right, but no idea how they got there or what constitutes right.

There are so many hot takes like this on twitter which present extremely weak and easily dismantled analogies. Then if you present a detailed refutation, they are shocked and outraged. Why? Anyone who opposes anything they assert is -by definition- a [insert popular pejorative - racist, sexist, bigot, homophobe, reactionary, counter-revolutionary, petty bourgeois, TERF, blah blah blah].

Sadly, I think there is no easy cure for this. You can't just change a lifetime of moral certitude into humility and critical reasoning. Instead, we just have to remove the people who think like this from any position of authority.

The most sinister part of this analogy is how heavily it leans on the authority figure. The doctors say so, therefore it is so. I was just reading Robert Kennedy's new book and he mentioned a type of psychological experiment in which the subjects would accept directives to electrocute what they thought was a person in another room who was screaming and pleading simply because a man with a white coat told them to. That's what the original tweet shows.

And they mean it, in CA now they can gender reassignment evangelize your child and then send them to get surgery on the parent's insurance with no notification to the parents.

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Everyone in the world seemed to be upset by Russia's treatment of Navalny. But how much better do 'dissidents' get treated here, or in Europe for that matter? You see how Austria treats its 'dissidents'. Same thing going on everywhere.

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If tomorrow government declared food "too important" to be left to the free market, we'd be starving by Christmas.

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That Tweeter is a complete moron.

A proper analogy is "sort of like entering a surgical unit thinking you can interfere with heart surgery when your child, the patient, went in for a tonsillectomy."

YES, you CAN and MUST interfere when that happens.

My God, the stupidity that's out there is stunning.

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I have the impression that, in the US, education is the part of life where the state is the most present. Lots of kids go to public schools, true? Then you have it.

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government subsidized glorified daycare

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Made necessary by economically forcing both parents into the workforce. Not an accident.

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I agree Gigolo. But, I know quite a few families right now as I write this that are making it work with one income. They are driving a used car (just one), living in a house just the right size and eating things they make for themselves. Not arguing with you at all about this... I think it's a combo of "economically forcing" AND the pressure of our society to have all of the toys and goodies and live "the good life" while raising children. God forbid anyone's kids wear hand me down clothes and only have a few presents under the tree at Cmas. I grew up without the "stuff" but was in a home with love and support and fun that I will never forget. I totally get what you said for sure, but I think we need to reevaluate what is really important in our society as well. If that makes sense.

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"it is, quite literally, indoctrination into a phantasmagorical doctrine of fundamentalist evangelism supported by a guilt based hierarchy of sins intrinsic to birth traits" - Brilliant!

I was delighted by your use of 'phantasmagorical' - a word I haven't seen much since 9th grade vocabulary class. Back when knowledge and application of precise language was meaningful.

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To be fair to NBC, public educators are indeed much like surgeons in that they specilalize in removing things. Like a child's capacity to think for itself. Is lobotomizing too strong of a word?

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