Sorry this is off topic but good news deserves to be shared:

In Canada, Western University in London Ontario had imposed vaxx mandates for students, staff etc with deadline of Oct. 1. There were large protests so the mandates have been pushed back to Jan. 9.


In Holland, the farmer protests have succeeded in driving the Agriculture minister (who bears a weird resemblance to Klaus Schwab) to resign:


Small wins, but every win's a good win. Don't comply.

PS: nothing about this in the MSM, no surprise.

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And don't forget "donors" are excluded from the Western University mandate. That's $cience at it's finest!

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That in itself shows the absurdity of the mandate.

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I thought it was funny at the protest when Andrew Lawton (reporter for TNC news) held up a $5 bill and said he was considering becoming a donor...he would be considering it for a long time!

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😆😝 wellll isn’t that INTERESTING 🤩😝 Covid virus can tell how much money & wealth you have YOU ARE NOT A RISK if you have PAID MILLIONS OF BUCKS ON DONATIONS 😜😝

But those who have not?


You’re spreading Covid & killing grandma 👵🏼 without the kill clot shots...

& put on your mask/s

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Holy cow!

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I hereby donate $1 U.S.! LOL

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Then right on the heels of all that, BC Herr Dr Bonny Hitler announced killshots and flu jabs for care homes in BC; and BC MSM gave a megaphone to a lineup of genocidal MDs yelling for returned masks and mandates in schools.

I'm with you on celebrating the wins. But they're not letting up, so neither can we. Just heard of a former high-school classmate of one of my kids. DEAD. 22 years old. "Sudden cancer". Heartbreaking. Makes me wanna throw up.

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On your second paragraph....I have read about all of the horrible injuries from these covid vaxxes, but up until a month ago the only injuries I was personally aware of improved after a few months. However, recently a healthy young friend had to get vaxxed to start working from the office again. He got clots in his legs, arms, lungs and heart. He almost died and was in the hospital for 18 days. Then I ran into an old friend who I had not seen for about a year and his healthy wife in her 40s developed permanent heart issues after having got the vax.

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I now know of all kinds of vaxx injuries. Some people don't have any problems, some don't talk of their problems but eventually, the truth comes out.

I think that's why the uptake for the current booster that Canada is pushing is not great. People are slowing waking up.

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Yep. Are you in Canada?

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Hi CraigBitler, Take a look at Mark Crispin Miller's Substack 'Died Unexpectedly'. Or see the stats and data made public by life insurers and other data people. Death stats globally are nuts. I just presented an anecdote, but the actual data is clear.

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Hi Zelda: I fully agree that the global stats are nuts. Even so, no one I knew personally had any major issues until the two I just found out about. It is simply amazing that the governmental health agencies are still recommending these vaccines.

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yes amazing - if you think governments are benign, yes; if you understand why they are democidal it's what you would expect.

See why at


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Yes, 1 step forward, 2 steps back it seems. But I still like to celebrate the victories, they are inspiring and I think contagious. We all need encouragement.

I'm sorry about your child's friend. As badly as I feel for older people in nursing homes (I'm 65ish), at least we've lived but for the young and healthy it is a crime over which it is difficult not to become enraged.

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It's not about health: it's about health passports (and democide).

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Thank you for this! My small win is with the American Red Cross. As soon as they implemented masks to donate precious plasma and platelets. I told them “ no” you obviously don’t need my platelets that much. Call me when you are done with this nonsense.

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I took myself off the organ donation list and made sure they knew why.

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i wouldn't relent even if/when "they are done with this nonsense." the fact that they implemented it at all, that they acted as an enforcement arm of the STATE, that they violated constitutional rights, that they embraced discrimination and segregation is enough for me.

there are things i will never do again as long as i live. i will never go to the Metropolitan Opera again or to a Broadway show. i will never work with or support or attend the Spoleto Arts Festival (where i worked for 40 years until they shit canned me over the vaccine) again. of course the governor signed a law making medical Jim Crow illegal in SC but until that moment, they voluntarily implemented mandates that were far more draconian then the city or state called for. they even demanded photo ID to attend a concert. if you made such a demand of a voter, you'd be fired for "racism" and yet to buy a ticket for a show, your mere money isn't good enough? you have to certify that you have never been sick before and will never be sick again. that you carry no germs whatsoever, that you've had every shot imaginable and STILL have to wear a mask? sorry, but no entertainment is worth it.

as for blood donations, just knowing that the Red Cross didn't have the guts to stand up for human rights is enough to turn me away from them for all time. they'll never get a dime or a drop of blood from me again without groveling, on their knees, begging forgiveness and swearing- no, signing a contract promising that they will never do this again under penalty of death.

they claim they are there in disasters to help but what does that mean now? that they will be there to help vaccinated only people? that they will demand to see your vax card before they give you medical assistance.

screw 'em. someone can start another organization that helps without the stipulations

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I imagine our unvaxxed blood will be very valuable very soon

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that's an interesting thought but kind of creepy actually

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It really is! I meant for medical purposes. If I need blood I do not want blood that has that shit in it!

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Be ungovernable

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Rothbard's 'Anatomy of the State' should be a required reading, starting from age 12. Once a year, every year.

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Agree. A bit more technical, and perhaps of interest to a smaller audience, but I re-read his "Man, Economy, and State" about every five years. If you need something a little more hopeful (as in "maybe there *is* a way out of all this seemingly hopeless mess) Robert Nozick's "Anarchy, State, and Utopia" is pretty good.

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And Atlas Shrugged.

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Thanks for this new read...

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Such is the advantage of homeschooling, which itself is required in California for any parent who doesn't mistake their child for a pincushion. In our household, we've gone full Mises.

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here in Spain, as I understand the situation, one can't even homeschool your own kids. Wrap your mind around that one

(I don't have kids, so that's the reason for my doubt)

Then again, Spain has a ministry of equality with eats 21,000,000,000 € per year.

Equally poor and ignorant, of course

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And Economics for Real People by Gene Callahan. It was bedtime reading to my 6 year old. He could understand a lot of what college graduates with economic degrees cannot by hearing it.

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I mean, I have tried my best. Here is how I have changed and what I have done:

I openly ignore "rules" on masking, and am happy to get into confrontations about it. I regularly walk out of businesses which require it.

I have made a mockery of travel mandates and testing requirements, all over the world - read that how you will

I have donated thousands of dollars towards political causes which I align with

I have pushed back on ESG bullshit professionally - and recently refused the company which I own & run to disclose "emissions" and our plan to reduce them Because Climate Change

I have refused speaking engagements based on mask requirements

I have cancelled subscriptions to the NYT, FT, and other publications which I used to read

And generally have been as much of a pain in the ass as possible

We face a monstrous machine which controls all arms of the administrative state, the financial system, social media, and more. I am not really seeing the needle moving that much. They seem to get more powerful, not less - and the freedoms which we have regained have been given back to us by the same people who seem to be able to take them at a whim

It has been the shock of all shocks that the System which I believed in, and am largely a product of, has proved itself to be so shockingly corrupt, vapid, stupid, and evil.

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Bash, Do you happen to align with independent parents (we're three women) who run in civic elections for school board in order to push back against the overt, in-the-curriculum, pushed-by-BigUnion/BigGov, promotion of transgenderism to K-12 CHILDREN? Or do you know anyone who does?

[Never ran for anything in my whole life and didn't want to. But here we are. And we need to raise money for ads. Vancouver BC (Canada) Election Oct 15. Thank you, everyone for reading this.] *Edited for grammar error

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Do you have a link?

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Post a link for donations and I'll bet you will get many. I will donate.

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TY DrK! As per civic election rules all candidates are just getting all our rules/regs/legal/bank acct ducks in a row. If you please email me zeldalevine2022@gmail.com I won't lose this thread. We will, of course, be following all BC Elections rules. TY so much for adding your reply, DrK!

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TY Bash! As per civic election rules all candidates are just getting all our rules/regs/legal/bank acct ducks in a row. If you please email me zeldalevine2022@gmail.com I won't lose this thread. We will, of course, be following all BC Elections rules. TY!

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Do you have any job openings?

Doubt it: your company sounds like an ideal workplace...

Big kudos to you Bash!

#holdtheline 🇨🇦

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Oh, I understand how you feel. I am sick at heart about the revelations of the past few years, from government corruption to how weak and evil our medical establishment has turned out to be. When I read the closing paragraphs of this article, (paraphrasing) 'if not now, when .... if not you, who?' I felt so alone because I feel like I am helpless. My attempts to fight back seem toothless. I wrote my senators and representative in the House to support the president against the preposterous Russia pee slander and only received letters saying, in essence, 'the Russian's interference should be investigated', or when I wrote our local newspaper (that was recently purchased by Gannett) and protested the pandemic schools closings and forced masking of local student, they refused to print my letters, which infuriated me. I donated money to politicians across the nation who I felt were making a difference, from Devin Nunes (who resigned soon after that to help in another cause that I guess he felt was important) to Rand Paul in Kentucky, Alex Skarlatos in Oregon, and Gov. DeSantis, as well as Christopher Rufo in his campaign against CRT. I don't know what else to do, I really don't -- and I wish I did.

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Plan on how you're going to live in a society without gasoline.

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hunker down, and get readier

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Agree. I own a biz as well. I stood on principle and lost several clients, potential new clients and few employees.

I basically did what you have done. I fought at the local level with a few other biz owners and have had some success.

Moving the needle is often a series of yes's. There are no one call closes in these endeavors.

It takes effort and often progress is not visible, but nonetheless the effort is worth it. It just has to be done. Otherwise we make victims of ourselves.

Props to you for standing up. I know from first hand experience how difficult it was/is.

One of the few things I was surprised by was discovering that we live in a nation of cowards.

I wasn't surprised by the compliance, nor the medical malfeasance. But I was shocked that only 2-3% of the population actually spoke out. I thought it would be 10 - 15%.

Right now would not be a good time for this country to have a conflict that threatened our sovereignty (China). We would get rolled.

We have become a nation of cowards.

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It was difficult to stand up, and frankly outside of Substack nobody, not a single person in my orbit, commended me for that stance.

You are so right about the 1-2%. And I think that is what hurts me the most; to this day, walking around even in post-covid places in Europe for example, KNOWING that pretty much everyone around me was a willing participant up until just a few months ago. I have been psychologically jolted in a way that probably needs professional help at this stage. Part of me thinks I'm being too harsh. On the other hand, the great historical human tragedies suddenly make a lot of sense... which is really depressing.

As a business owner I had the opportunity to profit from the pandemic as well - I run an industrial facility which could produce pandemic theatre crap. Even when I was a "covidian" back in mid 2020 (pretty scared of it), I refused to do it because at the time it was already clear that surface transmission wasn't a factor and I didn't want to make money off of people's fears. It wasn't a huge financial hit; my bread and butter is elsewhere, but I did note how I was essentially alone in that stance.

I can see parallels with Climate Cultism & the Green-Industrial-Complex with Covidianism & the Covid-Industrial-Complex, which is alive and well

Its not just the vaccines, although that gets the most press. Its the masks, the sanitizers, the rapid tests, the thousands upon thousands of PCR testing stations, along with their support labs, staff, and supply chains. The single use plastic, the stickers, the HEPA filters, air purifiers, you name it. It is a boondoggle extraordinaire, supported by 'religious' belief and that is a force too strong to simply evaporate - it needs resistance. Constant, relentless resistance. And, likely, a great conflict.

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Good on you for standing on principle.

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This makes me think that people like us need a way of signaling what sort of business we run. Just as the left has "women owned firm" or basically the average DEI statement crap, the right needs some sort of "We're not censorious assholes who demand ideological conformity here, just good work" label. That one might be a bit long. It would make the job search a lot easier to filter on that sort of thing, as well as making it easier to support businesses.

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Your employees. They have children and spouses and friends.

Owning a business is about leverage right?

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I think you might have responded to the wrong comment. Or I have not consumed enough coffee to make sense yet this morning :)

(I don't have a business myself.)

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You're right. Now I can't find the post.


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Nothing to be sorry for!

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Thank you, Bash. I am in pretty much the same spot. In addition, I have given up so many activities I have loved and supported because of ridiculous compliance requirements. A few “friends” have left me. And, I find that I am wearying of exhortations. What specifically can each of us do? It seems we have to decide if we can be patient enough to start at the local level with new people such as the school boards in Florida, or, do we want an actual revolution? I am somewhat “ungovernable” by nature, but have learned that most folks are not. Or, perhaps right now, not enough folks are. So, it seems some organizing principles would help. Can Rick Scott’s attempt be a starting point? I am old enough to remember the Contact with America and the election result. I feel term limits are an imperative along with moving whatever government agencies we the people decide to keep out of D.C. I will vote and will vote for whomever seems to best represent my principles. That person will be on a short leash too. Out, the very next opportunity if they fail to deliver. The divide now appears to me between those of us who want a government by, of and for the people ( which requires somewhat active citizenship) and those who want a government to tell us what to do.

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All of those are small wins. Baby steps and good ideas.

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Ditto on the job openings. I've got 2 professional licenses that you might find helpful, especially if the IRS comes knocking (actually they won't come knocking, or call. mail is always the first step, at least for now).

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Also on the job openings :)

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People think voting is the way out never realizing that the politicians matter little. Since WWII, so much bureaucracy has been built outside the elected offices (I generally call them the alphabet soup of government or the ABCs of government - all the three and four letter agencies, bureaus, centers/commissions, departments, etc) that it is not so much the politicians themselves who pose us the greatest danger, but the self-sustaining machine that surrounds them.

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Amen to this! Trump was the closest we got to disrupting the system, but ”cleaning out the swamp” was a pipe dream, and frankly, he couldn't have done it even if he truly wanted to.

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Only way to make it happen is to completely close down departments, like HHS. Terminate 100% of their employees. Lather, rinse, repeat. Until little is left, armed forces and greatly reduced state and treasury (the same 3 dep'ts USG had ca. 1800).

If you leave even a bit of it, like a cancer, it will return.

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Precisely Bill. Changing out employees, even heads, of corrupt institutions won't do it.

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He was working on changing the rules so these ‘employees’ could be terminated. It was in the works but these same ‘employees’ (deep state plants many placed by Obama) worked hard to push for Biden to ensure their longevity and crimes.

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4 years is not long enough to clean the swamp. Needs to be nuked.

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I think a lot of people know something is up and things are not right but still have faith in the system. They think the the mid-term elections and the legal system will "save" us and things will go back to the way they were. They are not fully there yet.

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The left is only a few steps away from total, permanent power. See the widespread voter fraud in 2020 and then their screaming about the voter integrity laws passed here in Georgia and other states. They also tried a takeover of elections from the states to the federal government. Don't forget the Covid fear porn used to enable ballot stuffing and drop boxes. Once the left can breach election integrity, we will never get them out of power.

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my personal belief is that is has been breached for many many years. In all 'western' countries, and probably in all countries full stop.

I refuse to believe that so many people vote so badly.

(then again, every now and then I talk to a few, and doubt floods in)

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Completely agree

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the swamp....

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It sure gets frustrating. I don't know how much we are going to have to lose before people finally realize their own power. Unfortunately, at the rate we are going, if they do realize it... it will be too late and it will take generations to regain what we've lost. And by then, will anyone even know or care about what was lost? I'm glad I'm older because I really don't want to live in the world that people are accepting right now without even at least *trying* to hold on to liberty. I'm trying to stay hopeful, but with every new insane thing that comes down the pipe, and people line up for without question, it's getting pretty hard.

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I don't want to live in Canada, now.

Since the US is preventing "unclean" visitors from entering, I can't fly to any of the relatively free states in the USA for a bit of respite this winter, now that Turdeau has "temporarily" lifted travel restrictions on unvaxxed citizens... (June 20th)

Guess I'll fly to Mexico, and perhaps try to "walk across" the Texas border from there...

It appears as though I'd have at least a shot!

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Apparently you can fly to Bahamas, then take a ship to Florida from there. Didn't confirm, but sounds about right.

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Think that's wrong. Believe you have to be vaxxed to board a passenger ship. Please check.

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Thanks Susan.

I always do my own research, but happy to hear of any potential loopholes out there.

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Hope you find a way to the US. Visit Florida, land of the free. I'm on my way now for a late vacation.

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Me too. A regular (former) winter pit stop.


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Thank you for that tip.

Will look into that option!

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I still don't understand why Israel did it to their own people. Especially Israel. And why they didn't put up a stronger resistance, history considered.

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because few there lived through the history you describe.

it seems distant and academic.

they also have a strong culture of "rallying against external enemies" and so this was a familiar pattern into which to fall.

you must accept and accede to authority in the face of threat.

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No. In Israel Shoah is a very present thing. But it was hard to grasp at that time and most people still have not learned the lesson. This is pretty much Shoah rewinded, Israel has two digit excess mortality and no one knows what that means for the future.

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Isn't it that way in vaxxed countries all over? I've been hearing something like 40% excess mortality overall for America, and as much as double in 25-44 year-olds.

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You must mean 2 digit as in 10% or greater? That is tragic.

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No one lived through that 'history'

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I suppose. Sigh.

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I have spoken to both doctors and rabbis. Basically these people are fools and it was easy to fool them and it’s still easy to fool them. They will never learn. Simply no one should trust those fools anymore. There are doctors and rabbis that are not that easy to fool.

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Yup! In a country as small as Israel it should have been obvious to the sheeple what was happening al around them. WE GOTTA STOP DIGGING OUR OWN GRAVE FOLKS!

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It’s been made small by evil and by gullible people. If Uttarpradesh was able to face it, why not Israel? Just because of evil and gullible that should have not been trusted.

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government is an overinflated colostomy bag of the people

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Term limits. The founding fathers forgot this key ingredient. We'd be a better republic with two, maybe more parties if the constitution included term limits. Instead we open the Capitol doors and find a snake pit.

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Not just term limits on who we elect, but term limits on “staff”, the deep state that runs the machine while we think we’re electing representatives.

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Bingo! It’s the permanent bureaucracy that’s the real problem.

Example: Rumble, B.L.M., Federal Employee’s Zoom Call Re: Breaking Windows Plans;


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that is exactly right. The politicians are largely figure heads with the bureaucrats actually running everything. That was one thing that the Trump presidency really highlighted. In the first ridiculous impeachment, the members of the diplomatic corps were so outraged that he wasn't going along with their strategies. They had no concept of serving the President.

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Jul 23, 2022 - Politics & Policy

Inside Trump '25

Trump's revenge


Updated Jul 23, 2022 - Politics & Policy

How Trump could reimpose "Schedule F" in 2025


Jul 22, 2022 - Politics & Policy

Inside Trump '25

A radical plan for Trump’s second term


Creating the Monster: The American Bureaucracy


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Grrr auto correct! Who we elect! Wtf wile to!?

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I know, right? "Smart" tech...

Pro tip: under your original comment, next to "collapse", you'll see "edit comment".


You can then edit, or disappear entire swaths, or add to, etc. And hit "save".


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I'm much more interested in law limits. Every 10 years, laws should expire. Keep the politicians passing 'good', about-to-expire laws instead of thinking of new ways to screw us over.

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Interesting thought, thanks

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And campaign finance reform. Plus Legislators should be forced to write the laws, limit them to 20 pages and forced to read everything they vote.

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How about we send Congress home entirely for the next couple of years. Just shut it down. No legislation, nothing. We need more laws like we need a hole in the head in this country. It’s all just legalized theft at this point. I can’t name one law that’s been passsd in my 50 years of life that did any good for anyone. The world could probably live in peace following about 20 laws total, instead we have millions. It’s all very depressing.

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10 pages, and only one topic per law. California limits ballot propositions to a single subject, presumably so the voters won't be confused by complex proposals.

Legislators are no better than ordinary citizens, the same rule should apply to them.

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Heck, require that they be able to recite by memory any law they are voting for. That should dampen enthusiasm for unnecessary new legislation, and keep the laws short and to the point.

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Have you seen this conversation between Jeffrey Sachs and RFK, Jr.? It's extraordinary.



I favor a return to in person voting, paper ballots, and precinct counting/reporting. We need voter ID and proof of residence. We need to clean the voter rolls.


While both sides are guilty of gaming the system, the demonrats are in control of most of the government. After Crazy Uncle Joe's red sermon, we must be very careful in our efforts. They are looking for an opportunity to crack down on the opposition. CUJ just called half the country enemies of the state and then denied it the next day. Did he not remember or was he reading the tea leaves? The truth is that we really don't know who or what were are fighting, which makes effective push back more challenging.


I received and email with the following allegory. The email was unrelated to our present conversation (and I really don't know the political views of the person who sent it), so I won't identify him. But the story resonated with me, so...

It's called "The Cup or the Curtain."

Once upon a time, in a kingdom that probably never really existed, a woman was caught stealing some coins from a local merchant in the market. This merchant was selling goods on behalf of the queen, so stealing from him was like stealing from the Queen herself. And of course, a crime against the Queen was punishable by death.

The woman was brought to the throne room and immediately she began to cry.

“Your majesty, I am a poor woman, who was only trying to buy some food. Had I known I was stealing from you, I never would have tried. Please have mercy on me.”

The Queen looked down on the woman from her throne, not with anger, but with compassion.

“It does not matter the reason for your crime. You have stolen from my merchant,” said the Queen. “I cannot allow my people to steal from me without punishment. The law says your crime deserves death, but I will show you some mercy. I will allow you to choose your fate.”

The woman looked up at the Queen with a questioning look.

The Queen's Choice

“To my left is a curtain,” the Queen continued. “What lies behind it I will not tell. But I can assure you it is a painful experience that most people fear above all else. You may choose to walk through this curtain and face your punishment or you can choose what is on this table.”

She gestured to a small table on her right. “Here on the table is a cup. This cup contains a poison that will certainly kill you, but you will not feel any pain when you pass through the curtain.”

The Queen had barely finished giving the options before the woman had grabbed the cup and swallowed the poison. The drink was sweet and surprisingly pleasant. She looked up at the Queen and nodded, then turned toward the curtain and slowly walked toward her fate. She could feel the poison begin to numb her senses. As she placed her hands on the curtain her fingers tingled as though her arm was asleep. Before she pulled the curtain back, she looked back at the Queen.

“What is on the other side of this curtain?” The woman asked the Queen. “As I am about to die anyway, please show me mercy once more by telling me what waits for me.”

The Queen looked upon the woman with sadness in her eyes. “I have given many people this choice, and all have chosen to drink the cup, afraid of what horrors await them on the other side. This fear makes a peaceful, painless death by poison seem like mercy. But the only thing beyond that curtain is freedom. I have been waiting for someone to have the courage to face it.”

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A stacker from Europe (Peter Sweden I think is the name) says that in Europe electronic voting is basically unheard of.

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They use paper ballots in France and in India.

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Canada and Netherlands too.

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same that I said above, I am under the impression that machines are still used to count up the votes. In Canada anyway.

(I could be wrong)

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Probably depends where you are. When we voted in the provincial and federal elections in Cranbrook, BC all the ballots were paper, with a few boxes with names next to them. You marked your choice (MLA or MP) in pencil with an 'X' in the box. Quaint, almost like voting for class president in school.

Given that the ballots looked to be printed 4-up on a letter-sized sheet and then cut apart manually, there is no way that they could have been counted by machine. At least not initially. No telling what happens on up the chain though.

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I suppose I should have said the tallying of the votes, rather than the counting part, which I know is done by humans. After all, you (as a vote-counter) only know what happened in your table of votes.

But the news needs figures.

That's the process where it all becomes black box voting to me.

The places where I have lived and seen the vote have all been hand counted, but there's definitely machines doing the tallying.

There are machines doing nearly everything now, of course.

How do you know that that tally was correct? Even if you know exactly how a few hundred people voted.

I think you got it with your last line.

It's up the chain where the fraud comes in.

Of course in those places where they vote on machines, who ever believed that was proper?

Not me, not Bev Harris of blackboxvoting dot com , not any thinking person.

Why the hell do we privatise the voting system anyway.

Whose bright idea was that?

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they use paper ballots in Spain too, but I think they still use machines to add up the votes. After all Scytl was a Spanish company.

the system here in Spain is you choose one of the prefilled out papers according to who you support, not like Australia where everyone gets the same piece of paper and has to mark it.

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I love this, may I borrow it?

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The allegory? I guess so. I lifted it from an email on a completely unrelated subject. I would identify the sender, but I don't know his politics. He said that he came across the story, so it isn't his creation. It's very appropriate for the times.

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Ahhh...the teacher’s unions, or as I like to call them, the Education Mafia, telling us they hate our children without telling us they hate our children.

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Remove the children. Home school. Private school. Schooling cooperatives.

Get your kids away from these monsters!

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Beware of private schools, religious schools, they each need to be vetted, not public, is not enough.

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I agree 100%!

Vet, vet, vet!!


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Project Veritas has exposed their agenda.

Do a search on Youtube.

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Well, cover up? Really? Didn’t we know that 💀 ☠️ 💀 skyrocketed with the rollout, when the declared purpose was to decrease it? Didn’t we hear the names of vaccident victims in March 2021? It’s just people did not want to know. But irrefutable indications were there in the plain sight both in US and Israel.

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So Roald Dahlesque text. Here,

The Pig

In England once there lived a big

And wonderfully clever pig.

To everybody it was plain

That Piggy had a massive brain.

He worked out sums inside his head,

There was no book he hadn't read.

He knew what made an airplane fly,

He knew how engines worked and why.

He knew all this, but in the end

One question drove him round the bend:

He simply couldn't puzzle out

What LIFE was really all about.

What was the reason for his birth?

Why was he placed upon this earth?

His giant brain went round and round.

Alas, no answer could be found.

Till suddenly one wondrous night.

All in a flash he saw the light.

He jumped up like a ballet dancer

And yelled, 'By gum, I've got the answer! '

'They want my bacon slice by slice

'To sell at a tremendous price!

'They want my tender juicy chops

'To put in all the butcher's shops!

'They want my pork to make a roast

'And that's the part'll cost the most!

'They want my sausages in strings!

'They even want my chitterlings!

'The butcher's shop! The carving knife!

'That is the reason for my life! '

Such thoughts as these are not designed

To give a pig great peace of mind.

Next morning, in comes Farmer Bland,

A pail of pigswill in his hand,

And piggy with a mighty roar,

Bashes the farmer to the floor…

Now comes the rather grisly bit

So let's not make too much of it,

Except that you must understand

That Piggy did eat Farmer Bland,

He ate him up from head to toe,

Chewing the pieces nice and slow.

It took an hour to reach the feet,

Because there was so much to eat,

And when he finished, Pig, of course,

Felt absolutely no remorse.

Slowly he scratched his brainy head

And with a little smile he said,

'I had a fairly powerful hunch

'That he might have me for his lunch.

'And so, because I feared the worst,

'I thought I'd better eat him first.'

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