We need 87,000 covid investigators, not IRS agents.

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In another classic example of "legislators probably trying to sneak stuff in", my wife is convinced that the IRS mass-hiring is part of a plan to deal with a student loan relief bill and figure out the tax burden associated with it. She could be way off, but it sure doesn't make sense for "fighting inflation".

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But why would they need to be in top physical condition and use a gun?

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Fighting inflation requires reducing demand, you see. Cleaning out your wallet reduces demand because you can't buy much. These agents will ensure that you have made errors in your tax returns because you sold Joan some old furniture and didn't report the sale. That ad on Craigslist did not go unnoticed.

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Even if those new IRS auditors are a "done deal," allow me to show the silver lining in that cloud. In the first place, as some author said long ago, "The IRS is buried in paperwork." These auditors may hassle small businesses, but what will they obtain? Lots and lots of paper! Secondly, consider the average quality of this new auditor. Working for the Federal government is not the (relatively) wise career choice it was in your parent's or grandparent's day. Let's just say that the talented people avoid government employment like the plague. Decades of "affirmative action" which have only reached a fever pitch recently all but guarantee that those auditors will be bottom-of-the-barrel hires. IRS will be lucky to hire investigators who can even do basic arithmetic, much less have basic accountancy knowledge. In sum, this is just an expansion of the make-work program that much of our government is. Let the auditors come. Let them check the books and receipts. Give them copies of documents. Let them take it all back to their office and find anything wrong. Another writer said that the IRS will literally spend $100 to collect $10 from you. He meant in the sense of pursuing tax evasion. But I assert that's a good first approximation of the return they are likely to get from their compliance budget. You want stupid, it's tough to beat low- and mid-level government employees. The pay is so-so, the benefits good, but the competence is pretty rare.

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I somehow don't think they will be going through your tax return...I think they will be used politically...and I didn't see anything about auditing tax returns in that job description...

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Where can we see their job description?

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You are not a business owner. Try being the one who cuts the checks.

Your point disproves your point. The less qualified, the more harassment you get.

I have been audited before, for no reason. I spent $70k to defend myself to end up only paying $140. It was over 2 years of hell.

I hope you never have to experience that behind your keyboard. Trust me, they will get their pound of flesh.

You are one of the smartest commentators on the Stacks' but this is silly.

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Oh that makes sense...business owners...finish wrecking the small and medium business owners.

THAT makes sense. Yes, I just didn't think they would be going after individual people's returns.

But yes, I can beleive that.

Sorry didn't mean to be stupid. I wasn't thinking of business owners at all, especially self proprieters and I bet they will do the subchapter S LLC's too. I was thinking of those who work for others, like corporate employees and stuff. But of course, they are gonna use it as a weapon...police, fire, doctors and ESPECIALLY SME's...lets finish off the economy, especially since they will be carrying. Shit.

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I agree. They're coming after both the individual and small/medium business's.

Often they are one in the same, right?

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Yes, those that give the most value to the economy, IMHO....but I wasn't being very specific and you made me think, and made me realize they are gonna go after the producers .....otherwise, they can't put everyone on the Garanteed Income/slavery program.....

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fyi; i was responding to satan's door knob's comment.

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I fully approve this message!

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Wow great idea

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Follow up questions - Did Hotez weigh in on the firing of Dr. McCullough from Baylor Medical School?

How much stock does Hotez hold in pharma companies providing vaccines? Is this the insider trading scandal of the year? Who and when were patents on vaccine technologies filed/approved?

Great linking of Hotez with Baric, Dazak/Eco Health which also links directly to Fauci. While NIH won't do anything, maybe the SEC?

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Great question-Dr. McCullough deserves to be vindicated.

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Dr. McCullough is a hero. History will show as much. Hotez, Baric, Dazak, Fauci, Bourla, Bancel, etc. will not be looked kindly upon by history.

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Maybe a future textbook will capture the pilgrimage I'll be making with whoever joins me to dance and piss on his grave when he dies. It can be like Woodstock but with an evil corpse in the muddy field.

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Did you see Teflon Tony “I AM the Science” Fauci get booed tossing out the 1st pitch at a Mariners game? Some guy yelled out, “YOU’LL PROBABLY MISS LIKE you TOTALLY MISSED on COVID!” 😝😝😝 And he did miss. The pitch went like 1/3 of the way up the first baseline! 🤩🤩

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This, *this* in his own (over)estimation “used to be a pretty good athlete” ??!! How telling. Seems the making of Little Man Liar goes all the way back to the playground. Maybe the cradle but definitely by the playground years.

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LOL! Perfect!

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I just had the same thought. It always seemed odd to me that Dr McCullough should have been ousted from Baylor so early in the day, when other critics such as Prasad and Ioannidis kept their university titles.

Something to be gained from a freedom of information request to Baylor, should Dr McCullough so choose?

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That was my first thought when I saw the Baylor connection!

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Oh id bet money hotez was behind mcculloughs dismissal

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This needs further looking into - but it is my understanding that the Baylor Medical School in Houston where Hotez works is a completely different institution than the Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas which fired McCollough. I think the place in Dallas was once a long time ago affiliated with Baylor University in Waco but that has been decades ago. It is now its own institution. If my memory serves, this has something to do with the foundation of UT Southwestern Medical School in Dallas ( Parkland Hospital) and this would have been back in the 40s and 50s. It is always confusing that the two places share the same name - but I am fairly confident they have nothing to do with one another institutionally.

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I didn't know Baylor was so huge as an institution. Baylor-McCullough stuck in my mind as a dyad early on, and nothing in his professional demeanor seemed to explain the dismissal - he did not come across as anything other than collegial and patient-focused. So I have been waiting for some explanation all this time, and this is the first mention of Baylor, coming along with a somewhat controversial figure in the vaccinology/virology world. Perhaps there is nothing connecting these two figures, other than the name Baylor.

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What really irks me is that McCullough donated a lot of money to Baylor to have a building I think named after him....wonder if they took down the name too.

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This is correct.

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I confess, I do not know...and it does need further looking into...but who was Baylor???

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Excellent questions!

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The funny thing is that I am a person with extremely low empathy and can lie with a straight face. Fortunately my parents raised me with a fear of God which, whether you like that idea of a 'crutch' or not, has kept me in check. Having discovered Dr. James Fallon a while back I realized that I am not an outlier and my outlook on life seems to be shared by a large swath of the population. Low empathy "pro-social psychopaths" can and do make it quite far in this world it seems. People really don't have to ask the question "How can people do xyz?" where xyz is some crazy, insane, anti-human thing.

I can tell you: it can be done quite easily with no real consideration of others. It takes one to know one sometimes, which could be why I was so suspicious of all of this theatre well over two years ago.

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I think your comment is one of the most honest comments I've ever read. Thank you.

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Aug 10, 2022
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I was not uncomfortable until you mentioned that what I said was an uncomfortable truth bomb :) I take that back, I am still not uncomfortable. I have not read the Talmud myself but have had many awesome Jewish friends. As a matter of fact it was Jews that gave me career opportunities that no one else did.

I doubt Hotez, Fauci, Trudeau (although I think maybe he's just a mentally-stunted insipid thespian wannabe), et al achieved their positions by chance. And I am not convinced that every bad actor is a psychopath in the Hare sense, I think many people can learn the part with sufficient experience--and especially with enough power behind them. I've met former abortionists who were sincere in their belief that they were doing a good deed in their former lives, then changed their minds to think the opposite. Why? And clearly people move the other direction on that subject in greater numbers without a thought. Mass formation? Influence? I can't tell why Hotez and Collins and Gates and Schwab and all the others do what they do, but at least some of it reeks of low empathy, some of it is CYA/politics, and who knows what else. Absolute power corrupts absolutely I'm told.

My eldest sons said I was(am) terrifying. I never saw that in myself, but they did. I'm glad no one ever gave me more power than I could handle. Perhaps the Faucis of the world should have arrived at a similar self assessment early in their careers. Many people would still be alive that are now dead.

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Great, now I have "Welcome to the Hotez Gain of Function" song running through my mind! Thanks a lot. lol.

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earworms are just one of the many services we provide here at "bad cattitude."

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And a Star Wars reference, with the droids, especially topical for a doctor who looks like a fat, old Luke Skywalker.

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I usually avoid ad hominem comments, but I saw a picture of him with his "mentor" Anthony Fauci. Fauci is much taller.

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These are just observations not an attack on his fatness or his old age.

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This is going to end very badly for Big Pharma and the Democratic politicians who promoted and/or mandated these poisonous shots. These "vaccines" are the biggest medical fraud in the annals of medicine. Politicians, Big Pharma execs, employers, and colleges/universities that mandated the jab will be held liable and in many cases driven into bankruptcy by law suits filed by all the vaccinees who were killed, injured and disabled.

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Unfortunately, there are many people who are above the law in the US. I can cite numerous examples of the two tier justice system; for example, if people at Trump rallies were attacked by Antifa and they fought back, those that fought back were arrested. Second example: Hillary Clintons emails. Third example: BLM can loot and burn with impunity. White Christians cannot.

None of these people will EVER be held liable. They will just spew out some bullsh*t about "being at war with covid, there were casualties," and let it go. The Dem judges will either not take the case or just rule that even though their was fraud involved in the trials, Big Pharma had "our best interest in mind." Also... I don't know how many doctors will testify that a vaxx killed them if it means losing their careers.

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I agree... no liability on the horizon. 'They' hold all the 'cards'. It will be whitewashed away. It's already starting...

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It should end very badly but I've yet to see any evidence it actually will. Who is going to hold them accountable? The overwhelming majority of those harmed by the jab are in absolute denial as the the thought that they allowed themselves to be poisoned is too much to bear. The medical industry will never admit they were wrong, they certainly never have in the past about anything. Pharma and public health are joined at the hip in their corruption. Look how long Hotez has carried on as untouchable just by wrapping himself in left-wing platitudes.

The only ones actually in a position to do anything are the insurance companies as they are stuck paying the bill. I suspect they will start making noises quietly behind the scenes that they aren't going to go along and get stuck holding the bag. Then suddenly out of nowhere we'll hear Congress saying we need to do an insurance company bailout. Once that happens they'll clam up. Expect to be in full bailout mode by this time next year.

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In terms of the insurance companies, there are rumors that a high priced policy in France was denied because of the vaxx. Not sure if it's true or not.

Looking to the future, I can see insurers denying new coverage to the vaxxed, and raising premiums on those who are currently vaxxed. My guess is that might cover both life and health insurance.

As for a bailout, of course. I don't think It will be next year; I'm thinking more 2024 or 2025. I don't think people are dying fast enough, which means it might drag out. However, I do see them doing things like raising premiums.

Also... I know of at least one major life insurer that does NOT require their employees to be vaxxed.

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I sure hope you’re right… there are so many people going to be disabled and injured from all of this… It’s a scary prospect for the future. We are already starting to see it. Our prayer list at church is incredibly long… Right now the biggest things are cancers and ALS… 😢😢😢🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

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From your lips....

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Really great work here!

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I did not send my son to Baylor because of Peter Hotez

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Honestly, how did you know? I've got a few years left before our family has to start making decisions about schools, but now all my foundational assumptions are out the window. We need an alternate guide to higher education. Where did your son end up going and why? What were the alternate choices? I trusted and believed in our institutions and agencies until Covid and so my world is upside down.

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Our medical system has truly lost its way here in America 😞 and so I would highly suggest going the other way. Blue collar is the way to go. The people are honest, hard-working and can sometimes be very colorful… I would trust them more than I would trust any doctor right now! And the pay is pretty darn good!

And if you noticed during all of this Covid craziness, a lot of the blue-collar workers saw right through ALL of this from the very beginning. Very smart people!

My son has a co-op with a local company. He’s going into mechanical engineering. At one point, all of the welders and such got together and decided they were going to quit “in mass” if the shot was mandated. I think the higher-ups knew they would lose their shirt and their company if they mandated this crap. They tried to have a mask mandate also… Some of the blue colors told them where to stick their mask… absolutely hilarious 😂

Just a thought… One of my other sons is going to be a machinist and they are literally throwing money at these kids.

I have five sons by the way… 😁

I pray for all of our kids… The world we are living in is absolutely upside down.


Prayers and blessings to you and yours

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We are in Massachusetts and all institutions here require the vaccine, so that narrowed the list! :). "No College Mandates" is a good source for information.

I am very vocal with the college I went to. I advise people to speak up, most people I spoke to at my alumni office agree with me but no one ever says it out loud. They actually appreciate hearing it, it helps them when making decisions. The groups on the college campuses making the policies and decisions are usually very small. While touring schools, you definitely get a feel for the atmosphere.

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I like your idea… If there are mandates, then that school is probably crap! 👍

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Fat doctors always lie .

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You know, this guy was on Joe Rogan once (before COVID), and he tried to convince Joe he needed a flu shot every season. Joe was telling him he should get fit. Hehehe.

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Lol 😂

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I had a fat doctor until he retired. Great and funny guy, he'd always joke about needing to take his own advice.

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Right? My fat (fat) doctor is always pushing crap on me. He can have his say but I can’t. Well, he doesn’t want to hear it.

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While we're at it, let's also dismantle the notion that seroprevalence=immunity.

There is no solid evidence for causality between the presence of antibodies and a viral disease or immunity against same viral disease. It appears to be an overly simplistic view of the complex immune system that serves only to fund grants for terrible projects like this coronavirus research and it's 'predecessor'- HIV research.

The Kary Mullis interview and JJ Couey's commentary on it (on gigaohmbiological on twitchtv) is a great watch for those interested in getting to the core of 'the science' at work.

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never has been as far as I can tell as relates to SARS-CoV-2 and vaccines, else why not count the first 14 days?

try to infect those with "seroprevalence" as result from vaccine vs those who were infected/recovered.. I bet we find something interesting but maybe I'm wrong, can they not find the volunteers to make some discoveries or do they want to avoid unfortunate outcomes?

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I've been referring to him as, "Hotez California" but your new name has a better ring. "Bubba Hotez" is another contender.

No matter. This guy is a GoF "Ho".

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He kinda looks like the type who may have visited Epstein's island (and scarily enough is a pediatrician), so my go to is the shorthand "Dr PedoTez".

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Apparently so is the judge that gave the FBI the search warrant for Mar a lago…

They all seem to be in cahoots with each other, that’s for sure! 🔥🔥🔥

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I am surprised that the Chinese government has not led the charge blaming the US government for making this virus in China, leaking it out and hiding that they did it. Boy that would put Biden, Fauci, Danzig, all in a pickle.

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i'm not. they are up to their necks in it too and they are the ones whose lapse caused this. they also tried to cover it up, hosted a military games for world elite forces right nearby right afterwards to make damn sure it spread around, etc.

they allowed the spread and lied about the sourcing. they're about the only one that look worse than the US and the two countries both have vested interest in lying here.

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Don’t forget about Odessa, Ukraine… I had the pleasure of talking back-and-forth with a couple of the locals. Many of them described the strange respiratory virus that was floating around the area just before the Covid “supposedly” got started… Apparently many of the locals have been protesting for years to get our US BioLabs the heck OUT of their country! Apparently there have been many such illnesses and infections surrounding these biolabs in the past… It almost sounds like they’re practicing on the locals… 😱😱😱

No Bueno El Gato… 😬😬😬

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A lot of people forget this, because it didn't last very long, but at the VERY beginning of COVID entering the media, the Chinese government WAS, in fact, specifically accusing the US Army of releasing a bioweapon.

I remember it being reported on for about two days (3/12-3/13) and it vanished without a trace.




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Interesting ☠️☠️☠️😑😑😑

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Yep. I bet you forgot/never heard that brief narrative, didn't you?

But it was even in the *gasp* New York Times- and being denounced, no less!

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I believe China will claim the victim card, and dump evidence about Danzig and team saying they have evidence and name people. Put out warrants and such. Claim they were misled by the evil Americans. Real easy to pin it on the US.

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I wouldn't be furious about this, because it would force the establishment to

A) explicitly condemn China to deflect the accusations, and/or

B) have to face the evidence the Chinese dump. They can call it "Chussian disinformation" but half the planet will go to work fact-checking it anyway.

If China wants to try to play victim and do so by showing the dirt we know they have on their American collaborators, I say go for it.

I'll welcome any resource to drain the swamp at this point.

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They prevented travel from Wuhan/Hubei to the rest of China while allowing international flights to continue.

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Once upon a time, in the movie Plandemic, Judy Miskovits, who worked with Fauci for years, said it came-- I think in part-- from either Ft. Detrick or Chapel Hill.

So yeah, we're totally implicated here. Perhaps even more than implicated.

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None of them will ever wear orange suits. Some will be caught in a carefully designed and executed limited hangout presided by Jeffrey Sachs.

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Orange jumpsuits, huh? OK, for the few minutes it takes to round up a firing squad. Seems a waste of good jumpsuits though.

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Not if it's a good head shot.

(Can't believe I thought of that and actually typed it.)

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That's tame compared to what I've been imagining. Tip: it involves all of Deborah Birx's scarves and lampposts.

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Any thoughts on Jeff Sachs’ involvement (yes, clearly asking the right questions) on the Lancet committee? The timing of this / having an economist call out the little basic science clique is an interesting twist.

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Sachs is one of the "experts" whose advice the Russian government relied on during the transition from a fully socialist economy, and which led to the rise of the oligarchs.

Other former communist countries (Poland and Estonia, among others) handled things much more sensibly and ended up with both freer markets and less concentration of wealth at the top.

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Yup. This is sort of what I was getting at. Tangentially related to Sachs/Lancet committee, Campbell Harvey, Jr (probably about April/May 2020) boldly claimed the way out of the pandemic was a vaccine (oversaw in a Zoom call). Another economist commenting/overseeing an arena in which he had (to my knowledge) no expertise/experience.

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so many sloughs in the swamp.

drain it

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So I've never seen any explanation of why you'd be interested in understanding this. So you know the perfect spike protein recipe to make a wicked bad cold virus. So what?

Is there a path to use that to make a 90% morality version/virus? Graft it on to something else? A great bioweapon? That seems the most likely motive.

If there's a benevolent reason, why the endless aggressive coverups?

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my suspicion is this:

this was not a weapon nor intended to be. they were working on inoculants to possible emerging viruses by creating new pathogens.

but they got badly carried away. there was no reason to make a virus this potent, it's just hard to stop playing with exciting toys when they are yielding results.

the cover up is simple: this was illegal, immoral, and violated the terms of the grants. oh, and it kind of wrecked the whole world. not hard to imagine why they'd want to duck the blame.

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Huge secret unaccountable budgets make researchers get kind of nuts. It's like a mountain of cocaine.

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That makes a little sense. Except that the inoculants produced so far are a total failure at best (except financially of course which may prevail), and increasingly a disaster that may dampen the entire idea. in time maybe, we'll see.

No, agreed, COVID 19 was never a weapon. But I can't help think the appeal to pursue one is now greater as a result.

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yes, the inoculation vectors they chose were idiocy.

mRNA and adenovirus carriers have been money pit hobby horses that don't work for decades. they're awful modalities.

they were working on and with them, but they didn't work. but it's what they had. so they rushed it to market and hoped. and they lost. bigly. (at least on efficacy, on financial rewards, these are "best ever")

this is why i suspect this was all an accident and not some plan. had they planned it, they'd have had something more baked ready in terms of response.

they would also have released this somewhere far from WIV. i mean, what sort of grand plotter dumps the bodies on their own doorstep?

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The line between bio-weapons research and vaccine research is thinly drawn and very blurry. How much DoD and DARPA money is involved in this research?

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Except once you get past the completely nuts project with the bats if you read the grant closely they are more interested that it would be difficult to produce an effective vaccine than actually trying to produce one in the mouse model after producing something similar to COVID.

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they were working on inoculation strategies. some of it, particularly daszak's ideas about introducing GoF enhanced virus into wild bat colonies was barking mad, but it was about immunology, not weapons.

does not nesc make it any less dangerous, but that was the goal.

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That looked like one project, the COVID like virus in mice looked like another. The focus of the mouse project seemed different to my reading. They also wouldn’t be the first gamekeeper turned poacher…Daszak was notably upset when swine flu ended and his research slipped into obscurity once more.

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Hotez expressed a similar disappointment when SARS stopped spreading.


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I'd put a big ol' "officially" in front of that thar immunology word, and then after that word weapons, a nice qualifying: (that we know of, yet).

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Honestly, I think the real motive is simply to get grants and advance careers. Really, as simple as that. And then - oops. This little accident (the lab leak) was really inconvenient, and it put their careers and reputations at risk. And remember, their careers and reputations are much more important than your life. To them, that is.

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To get your grant proposal top-of-the-pile of 100, I'd think there'd be an appeal to something greater than, "because I need funding!".

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Yes, of course, you need to appeal to something greater than that. But that something greater may well be bullshit. So, you write something like "this may help prevent future epidemics" [note the use of "may" as a cop-out], you add some handwaving and highfalutin jargon, and there's your grant!

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