Deborah Birx needs to be cancelled. She is incompetency incarnate. She is the reason we are where we are with the lockdowns, testing and masking. Fauci was a small player in all this. If you haven't read Scott Atlas's book, A Plague Upon Our House, put it on your Summer list.

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“I think in this country, we are taking a very liberal approach to mortality."

and yet even today some are counting (in aggregate) deaths from 2020, 2021, 2022 and presenting it as if it's annual data. Total fiat shit show.

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And that is the type of deception that I consider evil. This type of dishonesty has actually KILLED people. We can never lose sight of that terrible fact.

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Never forget. Ever.

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Well said!!!

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Not only did the stunningly "bad covid response" by government kill people, the behavior of the Feds functionally MANDATED the killing/disabling of hundreds of thousands, millions, really, once you dig a bit deeper:

Hospitals were paid a kickback to label people covid cases; once labeled as such, hospitals were paid much, much larger kickbacks to place "C19" patients on ventilators and Remdesivir. And even more kickbacks to use ONLY Remdesivir and a vent!

Just so you know- 85% of people given V&R treatment strategy died. Before that lethal arrangement they were told, if ill, "go home until you turn blue," THEN we will bring you into the hospital and vent and Remdesivir you!

Almost guaranteed death sentence.

And, this was the only treatment "indemnified" by the Feds.

So, who killed all those people labeled Covid Deaths?

The Government.

And, while they were busy pulling off that heinous plan with their right hand, with the left they, our "public heath authorities" vilified, lied and viciously attacked each and every form of successful early treatment strategies developed by doctors down in the trenches, actually saving lives!!

(We could have stamped out the pandemic in a week with rapidly deployed early treatment stratgies, HCQ, Ivermectin Zithromax, Zinc, etc., available over the counter nationwide. As did parts of India and Mexico.)

Our Media has gone along with all of the lethal behaviors above, either as an active participant in international murder and destruction of our nation on a WW lll type level, or is exposed as the most incompetent and juvenile pack of fools on Earth. Not only that, this hydra of greed and violence also locked down the whole nation in order to soften people up for the needles of spike generating nano lipid particles wrapped mRNA to go in easier.

And despite the horror show in VAERS, which captures 1% of vax injuries, historically, these sociopaths are fighting and fighting and fighting to force a needle into "every arm." Man, woman, or child, despite ADE, despite OAS, despite the production of more virulent and and infection strains, (as these are "leaky" vaccines and must necessarily cause both....) and despite the evidence of VAIDS emerging. Despite abortions, dead babies, sterility and all sorts of bizarre reproductive issues for women....

And, once you look at all the pieces on the Chessboard of interlocking governmental agencies that were moved into place BEFOREHAND, to make all of the above possible,, thinking this was motivated by ignorance and bad judgment is impossible. Despite the fact that it being done intentionally leads to a very dark reality about our governments and the people in them.

Never, ever forget any of this. And fight to the end to hold the guilty accountable.

We can only pray there are enough of us to do so.....

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My unvaxxed SIL didn’t barely survive Covid. She barely survived remdisivir snd a vent. My brother unable to see her got a call to prepare himself for her death. He didn’t get updates or was allowed no input on whatever treatment they were doing to her. She was unable to make any decisions herself.

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Yes, the breathless "1 million deaths!" on the CCN chyron counter. That's 0.3% of the population over 26 months, and no longer aligns with the present trend, which appears to be close to baseline again: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid19/excess_deaths.htm

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Not that I want to defend Birx, since I agree that she is amazingly incompetent. The problem, stated in terms from some movie I watched, is simple. Cutting off her head accomplishes almost nothing. We are not dealing with a single snake, nor are we really dealing with a hydra. We are dealing with a hydra of hydras at the leadership level. More importantly, and maybe more depressingly, we are also dealing with a large portion of society who agrees with them. If POTUS closes schools in the fall, it will be met with approval by many. Birx and pFauci and Gates and Trudeau and Johnson and... are symptoms, not causes, frankly.

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Yes, but locking those up for fraud and murder might discourage the others.

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I hear you and I want to believe, but truth of the matter is this. People who have ascended to levels of power in these bureaucracies did so, at least in part, knowing that one of the benefits was the ability to escape responsibility for *almost* anything they did in service of those jobs. #SadButTrue

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Then not letting them escape this time really would send a message.

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This could be hopeful in a strange way...


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I loved this link. Thanks.

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The incompetence on display in that book was so gobmsacking I had to put it down. Trump fell for it, unfortunately.

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Trump fell for it, unfortunately...proving his own incompetence and lack of engagement. I also strongly suspect that V.P. Pence was actively working against the President.

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I think I can explain Trumps actions during the scam but I haven't got the energy!

However I will give a tweet length version.

1. Trump has common sense and knew Covid19 was just another flu like virus that would come and go like all others before it.

Act as you do with the flu: don't go to work if sick, avoid granny and visiting friends with poor immune systems or babies.

2. He never wanted lockdowns or any resrictive measures not used for the flu.

3. Big pharma and the establishment played to his ego with the "Warp speed" new vaccines. How could Trumps ego resist that deal and a snappy political soundbite too?

4. Talk of unprecedented mass mail in voting, the number one favoured method of how to commit voter fraud, scared him and rightfully so.

5. More emphasis and trumpeting of warp speed to avoid voters voting by mail in November.

6. Trump continually called for the removal of restrictions as the economy tanked while MSM played daily death counters on their screens 24/7

Ok this is getting too long!

Quick sum up.

When we look at Trump, he tried to prevent this, but he was played by bad actors to screw us over and in turn screw himself over and his ego and motivations were partly to blame.

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Trump was co-opted from the beginning of his administration. Love him or hate him, this is broadly true for all Presidents going back a long, long time. They are managed by their advisors, most of whom are picked by, well, let us say behind the scenes powers. This is especially worrisome (or reassuring, perhaps, depending upon your point of view) with our current President, who likely entered office with significant cognitive impairment. And don't call me a Democrat-hater either; Reagan was reportedly on Alzheimer's meds during his reign. Take away point: it is the power behind the curtain that really runs things. To a large degree, the President is a figurehead.

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I keep thinking of the Peter Sellers film "Being There" when I think of Pres. Reagan. And yet... he was successful enough that his VP was elected President.

I have recently started wondering about the influence and background of Dick Cheney over 35 years. Was the puppet-master hiding in plain sight, or was he (as Klaus Schwab) merely a visible distraction?

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George HW was not a good president who was no conservative & did not continue Reagan’s good policies that benefitted the country (like many of Trump’s). Then we got the dolt son, who was worse, that ushered in Clinton(s) where the real swirling of the toilet bowl started in this country. Both Bushes embraced the Clintons & Obummers (to this day) & worked against Trump to the detriment of the country. Hate them all.

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Which is likely Obummer

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Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain

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zakrocz, that is essentially what I took away from the book. The forces arrayed against Trump were to much and were working together. If Trump had tried to go against them the media and everyone else would have screamed that Trump was ANTI-SCIENCE AND WAS KILLING PEOPLE FOR PROFITS!!!

The very act of bringing on Atlas was an attempt to slow them down but Atlas was steamrolled too.

Folks just don't understand how much the Deep State hated Trump. He essentially had no allies even in the White House.

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But he didn’t learn from it. He has kept touting the poison as a great achievement, tells his supporters to get & says his supporters should not boo it but embrace his poison achievement w/ pride.

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And continuing to tout it in the face of what is becoming overwhelming evidence of great harm & death….

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They shot him in his heel. He is a total germophobe.

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Agree. Trump was just a useful idiot for both sides. He basically admitted that himself.

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But if you were gonna expose the Big Pharma swamp and corrupt “health care” system how else would you do it?

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In other news, here's Stefan Oelrich, head of Bayer’s pharmaceuticals division, admitting the "vaccines" were in fact, after all, gene therapy.

“If we had surveyed two years ago if people were willing to take gene or cell therapy and inject it into your body we would have probably had a 95% refusal rate.”


Getting really, really tired of these people.

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Big Pharma and governments around the world have operated in lockstep to experiment on billions of people. The gravity of that statement, I cannot even truly grasp.

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Fauci was in no way a small player. He's been at the center of this. 1000s of pieces of evidence in RFK Jr's book, The Real Anthony Fauci.

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Agreed. Read it. Had to repair a lot of drywall afterwards. Still, Birx was pivotal in promoting and perpetuating the science fiction.

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"Sometimes we use tar & feathers because we don't want to take the time to indict, try, and convict you in order to really have you understand what a tyrannical fraud you are--all without actually ending your life.

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Birx is a megalomaniac, belongs in jail, everything was a made-up fantasyland cosplay, the 6 ft, the masks, just a really terrible creature who deserves Gitmo along with Fraudchi , Ashish, the nutritionist, etc. what a bunch of demonic rats!

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You forgot to mention Deborah B did go to the scarf tying class😂😂

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Well, let's give her credit for something. In May 2020, she was quoted as saying, "there is nothing from the CDC I can trust".


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I seem to recall Scott Atlas ran away when the fight got too hard.

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Dr. Scott Atlas is one of the brilliant minds from Stanford who questioned early the false narrative. He was smeared by many in the swamp in Washington DC. As a doctor who held truth, honesty and integrity close to his heart. It was an impossible ask for him to stick around the dishonest imposters surrounding him in Washington DC.

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Yes I know what happened.

But he's made his career and wealth but he ran away instead of fighting for the truth from the highest public platform in the country.

He proved to be one of those people you don't want by your side in the trenches when the going gets tough.

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He was initially naïve about what he was up against. Same as Trump three years earlier. And you have to remember, Birx, Redfield and Fauci had the media in their back pocket and were working behind the scenes to have Atlas discredited and destroyed in the media.

And it worked.

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As did I. Read the book. He was marginalized as hell. The incompetence was/and is astonishing.

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Jun 3, 2022
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This is what I've been rooting for.

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Me too. Although I’d opt for drawn and quartered and then hung from a lamppost.

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There's so many criminals to round up, we can do a variety of execution styles!

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Because it's safe, and effective, and the government tells you.

Because it's safe, and the government tells you.

Because the government tells you.

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Because the government


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Because it's safer to do what the governement tells you.

For a lot of people around the globe, that's old hat.

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"Shut up!" they explained.

This article and your previous one with the martial arts "woo-woo" analogy are probably your best/most important ones to date.

(Funny I was thinking of that scene in one of the Karate Kid movies where Myagi mocked that guy who was always making that "waaaaww" noise when he fought. Did these little hand-waves too.)

It occurred to me that the real reason they imposed all these useless ridiculous draconian NPIs is NOT because they were under the delusion that they worked (they knew damn well that they wouldn't), but rather to inconvenience everyone to the point where they'd gladly accept the poison shots just to get out from under the restrictions. Witness what happened in 2015 in Ontario when a "mask or vax" edict was issued to hospital staff. The nurses union balked and took them to arbitration, and won their case because the government "experts" had to acknowledge that there was no science to support the notion that masks offered anything in the way of protection. So why did they demand that workers who refused the flu shot put a mask on? Obviously not for anyone's protection, but to annoy/inconvenience them to the point that would relent and take the shot they didn't want. Fast forward to 2020 and they pulled exactly the same stunt.

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Teach, I can't tell you how many people told me they were going to get the shot "because I just can't live like this anymore". Exactly as you describe.

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And what did all those people end up getting (other than covid) for their obedience?


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Maybe some myocarditis or cancer?

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Some of them got dead, sad to say.

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Well they were unfortunately right about the "I can't live ..." bit. Very sad.

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Exactly. And, in many cases, an irreversible side effect to deal with for the rest of their lives as well. Was it really worth taking an *experimental* gene therapy and *still* having to "live like this"? It's mind boggling. I'll never get over a population that chose compliance to government and a corporate media ruse (the exact same government and media that the majority say they don't trust) over just saying no, taking proven historical precautions and living their lives like many of us here did.

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Self humiliation. Inflation. Bondage. Supply chain disruptions. Debt. Fear. Baby food shortage. Face muzzles. Hypochondriac children. Stupider children.

But, they did get to watch Tiger King with their wubbies!...;)

Wait until they figure out it was all for nothing.

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Hubby's niece and nephew and his relatives got covid last month, going on a long awaited cruise. Funny thing his niece didn't mention it until last week when it slipped out. If only people could stop with the blindness.

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Sickening how they treated her! Then there’s this poor girl’s injury story: https://youtu.be/UB_5pL74EoA

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Horrific. Hope you and JohnS (above you) keep spreading these videos as far and wide as is humanly possible. There are many vids out there of this happening but few actually watch them. Sick.

And it's not only "COVID" vaccines that cause these horrific symptoms. I know this as fact. Over and over again...other vaccines do similar/the same. We need to snap out of it and realize vaccines are effing dangerous.

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Sick video. I am in contact with many who have been slain by one or another Vax (we have to get over with this obsession of mRNA being The Bad Vaccine - they are all bad - and very similar outcomes as this Crap Shot) and have heard many stories from these folks about how they are treated horribly by not only all doctors/nurses (and family/friends/neighbors!) but also EMT/paramedics.

Most folks almost don't want to believe them (speaking of EMT here) because it's so stunning in it's inhumanity - but then I have heard the story time after time after time; well, believe them. Horrific. Sickening. Top to bottom these vaxxed destroyed are treated like sh*t and we wonder why they go underground .. at times for the rest of their life. They can't take the constant beating they get from everyone <bold> around them along with the horrific, long lasting symptoms/damage from the crazed vaccines.

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Look how that worked out

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Many people I know told me that when they got the first and second doses, it was an intense emotional relief. Tears were flowing from both patient and workers as they expected the vaccination was the way back to "normalcy" -- lol.

I gagged a bit inside when they described me the scenes. Couldn't help but thinking what they were describing was akin to a spiritual event, and that people use to have that sensation every Sunday. I am not a big fan of the church, but after these past two years, and seeing the over reaching power grab of the government and the people allowing it because "The Science" says so, I have come to the conclusion that a majority of people need God and The Church in their lives. Without strong faith and the sense of belonging to a community, people have become vulnerable to the globalist propaganda. It's why we now have "The Science" and Fauci as its Saint, with bots and the social media algorithms reinforcing the idea of being "on the right side of history".

It really is sickening and now I know why RCMP showed such force towards the Calgary church that dared to hold an outdoor service.

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Covidism is a false religion. It's got rituals, holy dress, and its prophets. It has infiltrated churches, like it has the rest of society. Those congregations that did not welcome masking, lockdowns, etc., were put under gov't pressure to conform. I am a Christian, and sadly left my church in disgust. We found a new fellowship, where Christ has not been replaced with Safetyism.

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The religious aspects of covidism go beyond the shot, which is simply the sacrament. It has holy writ (the science), prophecy (the models), ritual (hand sanitizer, social distancing), confession (testing), sacred garb (masks), and of course a priesthood (public health, doctors, nurses). The deceased are the martyrs. Fauci is the prophet. The hospital, the church. Of course, to covidians, it's absurd to say it's a religion - in their world, it's all very real. To the sane, the cult aspects are beyond obvious.

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And the vaxx is the baptism.

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I fully intend to resist offering even a of incense to the "god" that the State has made of itself. I fully expect I will have to build a defense that details how I perceive their works as "religious" and that I do not and will not practice that State Religion. As it stands, I see we current resisters as "white martyrs" but that will probably change to "red" before 2030.

If I live, I live for God +, if I die, I die for God.

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even a *pinch of incense

weird, sometimes my scroll moves when I hesitate and typed stuff winds up in previous sentences. excuses excuses...

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The way back to normalcy. Hahaha I was laughing at deluded people like this. You can't escape tyranny with obedience.

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"This article and your previous one with the martial arts "woo-woo" analogy are probably your best/most important ones to date."

I couldn't agree more!

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They were more or less open about that. There was that horrible woman on CNN, the Asian public health lady, who just out and said that restrictions had to be placed on purebloods because there needed to be an incentive to get the v.

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Leanna Wen. Vile woman.

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Yep. That's the Harpy's name.

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I do believe you are right. Relatives did just that so they could travel and oh yeah, not die from the cough cough.

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I think the nurse's union had to go back to court again in 2018 and won again. The other thing in Canada is that they delayed the shots way beyond when the rest of the countries got them. Canadians in Florida were getting them months before their friends back home. Caused a lot of 'shot envy' and a total blind frenzy when they finally arrived. Could have been part of the plan....

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Same reason they did phased rollouts. Identical principle to an empty club with a long line. The appearance of demand creates demand.

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To be fair, phased rollout based on age made sense, but once they got to under 50's there was no need to roll them out at all.

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What a great sales tactic!

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Pretty sure in Australia the health ministers and state premiers actually said this publicly.

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Agree. The cat is dispensing wisdom on a new level.

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My paradigm shift that took place over the best few years is exemplified by the fact that people like “el gato malo” and “Eugyppius” make far more sense and are far more credible than the New York Times, the CDC, and even fucking Nature. It’s not a world I want to be living in. Being able to read NYT in the morning, take it at face value, and get on with my day, sharing a common set of facts with the people around me, would be a much easier world to live in. But it’s just become undeniable over the past few years that this is not the world we live in. And probably never was. In that respect, Covid was invaluable for revealing the man behind the curtain.

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i did warn you about the toxoplasmosis...

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I’m in disbelief daily. Was just thinking yesterday how nice my denial had been. We can’t unknow what we know without complete insanity.

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Once you see it, you can’t unsee it. And things get really uncomfortable when people around you start spouting off nonsense Narrative talking points, expecting you with all of your education to nod and smile in agreement. I can’t play that game anymore.

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I was thinking this exact thought yesterday! I’m a really bad actor

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Good on you David! It takes a strong man to do so.

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When you take the 'red pill', it is followed by a period that some people call the black pill. Where the shock of having your world turned upside down, puts you in a depressive state as you start to question your own existence up to that point and all the choices you made or did not make based on that false world view. It is really easy to become jaded and nihilistic during that time, and honestly with some people it never fully goes away.

I think this posts illustrates this fact, that for many, it is just easier to keep on with the lies.

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Yep. I’m definitely there. Black pilled.

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Add a great deal of depression to that insanity.

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😢 yes

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Agreed, continual awareness and the red pill are not easy, but for me : the benefits far outweigh the risks !

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Not a regular reader of any major paper. Still, I browse for the occasional story. I like the UK Daily Mail for its coverage of serious US crimes that for some reason get little mention here 🤫 Other than the photos of half-dressed women (it IS a British tabloid, after all!!!) occasionally there is the occasional gem like:


I commented on this elsewhere, but worth repeating: Why would this be mentioned in a major circulation daily? Could be it because ignoramuses like me would assume that 3 soldiers especially those selected to honor their Queen would be in top shape, and unlikely to collapse for no apparent reason? Blaming the heat when it's only 68 degrees (F)? This is not some anecdote about the Queen's ceremony. it's damage control, an attempt to paper over an embarrassing problem and keep the public from asking difficult questions.

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I check the Daily Mail for the comments. It's one of the largest online readerships for a UK newspaper and I would class the readership as very normie. It's interesting to see quite a lot seem awake to the scam now.

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I was never really in disillusion. My life was mostly ignorant about politics and their stupid games. I earn my money and live my life. Covid changed everything because they blocked most of the aspects of my life I enjoy (and work for) and I had to actively follow their stupid ideas.

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That insight right there gives you and others who share that experience and feeling (sentiment? sensation?) both the lever and the fulcrum that's needed to pry open the lids of closed minds.

Not to impart to them a new One Truthy True Truth, but to give them the option to compare ideas, thoughts and facts.

The natural skeptic (me) and the true believer (pick a twitterati, any twitterati) both lack that intuitive insight - we can only know it intellectually and that means we come across as a either manipulative or zealots, or both.

Your kind of experience is valuable.

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“it need not be malice to become functionally evil. it need only be incompetent and arrogant and the outcome is the same. “

Well said.

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and this is how these nasty functional structures always seem to work.

you only need a couple nasty ones who put a whole pile of incompetents into roles that cannot fill and the rest takes care of itself. then even when the nasty ones leave, they get replaced by the deeply incompetent and ideological and so this train, once set in motion, goes until it crashes.

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Arrogance, lust for power, real world incompetence, legends in their own minds. Forced removal by their short hairs works for me. You?

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Yep. Conspiracy or cult - and I'm quite happy to see the WEF through both lenses - they need to be removed. If they won't go willingly? Well....

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Attended a dinner last night where a fellow diner proudly announced having gotten their 4th shot yesterday. Oh the cognitive dissonance.....

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Almost every boosted cultist I know has caught COVID, too. Not one has had their faith shaken.

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Yup. They prattle on about how much worse it would have been if not for the Vaxx.

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Just imagine how bad it could have been if they weren't boosted and wearing a mask when they caught the virus from their boosted friends who were also masked.

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The corpses will have masks on in the casket. Otherwise, death would be so much worse.

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That and a masked corpse can rest easy knowing that even in death they were protecting the rest of society!

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Did you tell him you'll be carving out time on your calendar for his wake and funeral?

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I moved my chair as far away as I could :)

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At this point, it's an IQ test. Those lining up for more....Well, you get the point...

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I was walking my dog yesterday and saw 20 kids about age 5-6, walking with their teachers on the opposite sidewalk, all wearing masks. I do not know if they are church school kids or public school, either way I thought, even now, this late in the narrative, what madness is this? What sort of parent is ok with this? Get me out of this god damned city.

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It's always been child abuse, plain and simple. There was NEVER any evidence masks did a damn thing, per every study published prior to The Science.

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At this rate I half expect puberty blockers to be added to the childhood "vaccine" regimen, to counteract the scourge that is nature.

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Oh yes. I have no trouble saying that to others. Child abuse.

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I went to my first painting outdoors session if the year yesterday . Beautiful day. Breezy. Sunny. 2 people wore masks the entire time. Even painting far away from some of us. Arrived wearing then in the car. Just weird at this point.

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I try to have compassion for them. I cannot imagine going through life so riddled with anxiety.

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I know. Those who have made my life difficult at times even if I try to reason with them I have lost sympathy. I don’t wish them harm but I have removed myself from those who continue to harm me or cause stress and anxiety. I’m over them.

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What is with all these monsters in power that like to make children suffer?

Around the world, from Hollywood celebrities to middle eastern sheiks, from politicians to banksters and corpo execs so many of them are involved in child abuse, child pornography, child torture, child canibalism (pedovore is a word I never thought could exist) etc...there have been so many scandals through the years involving children being abused one way or the other and they don't even scratch the surface of the colossal amount of suffering being inflicted on children every day by these degenerates.

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The PMC gatekeepers have been convinced of their moral, ethical, intellectual and historical superiority, by those who make the rules, and to paraphrase Peaky Blinders, "those who make the rules have none."

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Jun 3, 2022
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I just saw the same kids on their Methodist church school playground, all wearing masks. I cannot fathom the depravity that is sacrifice the children for the sake of the adults.

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Child sacrifice 2022 style. God had a few thoughts about that. Hoping they will reap that whirlwind soon.

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You just described Canada and it’s health “authorities”.

We live in a gilded cage here, unable to leave the country, because, as the Crime Minister says “we are still in an epidemic!”.

Airports, planes and trains apparently are still dangerous Covid factories, where the bug hides, ready to pounce at a moments notice on unsuspecting mask less vermin.

But, magically, the little Covid bug doesn’t exist beyond those filthy airport facilities, as we live freely without face diapers in the rest of Canuckistan, except in hospitals, health facilities and old falls homes.

This game of peekaboo with the magic Covid bug has been going on since Day One with Canada’s health Gestapo, and the Canadian sheep just keep nodding their heads in strict obeyance.

The Lieberal government continues its crimes against humanity and its overt trashing of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Global WEF puppets run this country

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They keep saying we have the highest vax rates of almost anywhere in the world, that it’s only 5-6 million cdns who are affected by the travel bans, YET their own freaking data say otherwise (if anyone actually bothered to look, it’s close to 36% unvaxxed, so maybe when the Turd boasts about high vax rates, he’s referring to the over 12s, or 5s, or what?). And the Turd is not done with us yet, or throwing his tantrums. Over 100M monkeypox ‘vaccines’ ordered over the next 3 years (from Moderna, no less…new plant in Montreal’s gotta have something to do). Who in hell does he think is going to take them? Oh, wait, maybe that’s why the new vaccine task force. This insanity just keeps building on itself. Either the Turd is a complete idiot, or he’s completely evil. Think I’ll go with completely evil idiot.

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ahhhh.... so Moderna has a new plant, too. Pfizer built a huge new addition to an existing plant in Kalamazoo, Mi. they broke ground about the very same minute Covid came to town.


this was all planned. virus, anti-virus, both bring death. thesis, antithesis, synthesis.

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Unsuprisingly, what's going on right now in China has received from what I can tell zero attention from the mainstream media. It's pretty close to the ideal counterfactual of what would've happened had we "pandemiced hard enough", and it ain't pretty.

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Yep. Lockdowns, daily testing for everyone, mandatory tracking apps. Friends there say it is really bad . . . if you buy cold medicine you get a knock at your door by an investigator. They say there's an even more oppressive feeling than usual and a massive dampening of normal life and business. Nobody believes zero covid is possible, they think it is all about massive face saving to the rest of the world.

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it might also be an attempt by the Xi regime to quash political resistence in the more liberal Western oriented and capitalistic cities like Shanghai

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Yeah, good point. There must be some motivation beyond just saving face. They must know zero covid is impossible. There is clearly a massive financial impact from these policies.

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Yes the other possible strategy behind this is to hurt Western supply chains. Its no secret that the CCP has been waging a cultural propaganda war on the US and the West for a long time. So either the CCP is locking down SHanghai and other cities b/c their covid "experts" are a bunch of raving ignorant lunatic hysterics or they are playing economic and political games or some combo of both. Either way it doesnt look good for whatever group of fanatics is running things in the CCP

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It's probably a combo of both, but having spent a bit of time there, there is absolutely a layer of idiotic drone bureaucrats who I can easily see carrying out a dumb policy past all logic and reason because they literally couldn't imagine doing anything else.

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thats incredible. The world is being swallowed up by giant nanny state authoritarian busybodies. Have you ever read Ludwig Mises book Bureaucracy. https://mises.org/library/bureaucracy

or seen the Terry Gulliam movie "Brasil" ?

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Didn't they just open up now? They will make the claim of zero covid, which will be utter nonsense, but our leaders will take it as a challenge.

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This is STILL happening? It was all over substacks awhile back but now not at all. Been wondering...

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As of 3 days ago yes . . .

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I don't know how many times I've said it over the last couple years -- I can be the dumbest person on the planet but you still have to explain the actual data in the actual real world. They can't, so they fling insults and pretend we haven't been correctly predicting virus activity for almost two years at this point.

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I don't like him at all anymore, but Scott Adams presented a model in one of his books that I found very useful in terms of describing how people (all of us, according to the model) decide how they're going to think.

His argument is that, in a "Plato and the cave"-type framing, everyone is going through the world using a "filter." The goal here, he says, is not to believe you can be the one to break out and achieve direct objective truth, but to find the best filter to labor under.

Quoth Adams, the best filters are those that A) have high predictive value and B) make you relatively happy. And that these two things need to be kept in relative balance for a filter to be viable in a long term, societal sense.

Like I said, I don't really like him or a lot of his ideas anymore. But I think about this one a lot.

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I followed Scott Adams pretty closely starting in 2014-15. Then he sort of drank the Trump Kool-Aid and got crazy. But he did have some useful things to say before that point.

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Ironic that Scott Adams got Trump right, but Covid so wrong.

You may not like Trump, but without Trump more people would have blindly followed the covid script. Trump made a large number of people aware of the fake media, the far-left bias of big tech, and the globalist power structure. Remember his own fanbase booed him when he brought the J&J CEO and told the audience how great the vaccines were.

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Imagine Canada being governed by a former part-time High School drama teacher.

What can you expect from such a regime?

Clown Schwab used the opportunity to turn it into a Canadastan Kaganate.

"World Enslavement Foundation (WEF) Cult Leader"


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Countries like the US at least elect actual actors to screw things up!

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Or puppets like we have now. I look for the strings every time I see a photo of him.

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The emperor has no clothes.

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Nor brains.

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This is their holy war. To lie, cheat and steal is righteous because in a revolutionary’s mind, then end justify the means. Until we all understand this, we will continue to think they are incompetent and give them a pass, “at some point it will become oblivious” as we still sit on our couch as our $2 beer becomes $20. What will it take to wake up and realize this is the end game of USA unless we all rise up and find a way to vote them all out at the same time? My fear is we will continue to bitch about it and have trust in a system that’s corrupt until the day they come and take your home away. But hey, I thought justice would prevail in the long run.

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After all, what is a little bit of lying to defeat LITERALLY HITLER?!?!??!

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Quite a few of us think the USA is finished (depending, of course, on how you define "finished.") This isn't the nation I grew up in (I'm 60 1/2). And this holds true regardless of your political beliefs: Whatever you might think was our "Golden Age," folks, it ain't coming back. Various technological, social, legal and demographic trends have been in motion and will continue to alter our nation (indeed, the world) in many ways. Of course, no one knows what the future holds for sure, but there are many sign posts. I read quite widely, and I've not seen any coherent arguments that our futures will NOT be worse off. 🙁

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Are we past assuming their awfulness is simply incompetence?

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I still hear the Hanlon’s Razor argument a lot. At the very least, folks should realize that evil and incompetence are not mutually exclusive. For God’s sake (😉) our fake president is living proof of it.

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Love me some Brett Weinstein! He likes this theory as well for an explanation of what’s happening.

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We passed that in May 2020.

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Not sure. A surprising number of people seem to believe it’s incompetence.

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That's a rationalization, in my humble opinion. People simply cannot comprehend - or do not want to admit to themselves - that those in charge are so profoundly evil that this is happening on purpose. It's too much for a rational human being to accept.

As I watch the Biden Administration continue on its path of destruction, I can only believe that everything - high gas prices, baby food shortages, fires breaking out in food production factories, mass immigration, stagflation, global war - is being done with an end-result in mind. "Build Back Better", just as they promised.

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It is by design. Chaos is the objective. Then they can "fix" all the problems they created and sweep it under the rug.

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It’s the blueprint for leftism in general.

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I'm fully with you on this. "Stop projecting your humanity on them"

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💯 %. It is a failure of intellect and character. I read a piece recently by a housebroken “conservative” (his name is unimportant since there is an endless supply of them) in which he acknowledged the lab origin theory of Covid is virtually undeniable but went on to say the leak must have been accidental b/c the alternative is simply “unthinkable.”

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Many things are unthinkable. Take off your dunce cap and do the thinking.

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Unthinkable? Like pedophilia?

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All those things can be true, don't you think? That there are spineless sadists, amoral egotists, people who can easily deanimate others, people motivated by greed and without self awareness (think Wolf of Wallstreet), truly evil people who cannot under any circumstance return from that evil, who in fact have to keep perpetrating it repeatedly to stop their humanity from intruding, and these types of useful idiot bureaucrats with the psychopathology that gato is describing. I think all the time of Ionesco's Rhinoceros. People fell to the encroaching model in Soviet Russia, the Cultural Revolution and Nazi Germany and probably elsewhere at light speed. I think this is really insightful and comforting, and it goes to the point Bret Weinstein and Neil Oliver were discussing on the latest Dark Horse, that perhaps humanity has made enough psychological progress that most people can't send others to gas chambers. Perhaps. This is comforting to me as there's the possibility of stopping it. Evil is intractable. Hideous old vile creatures will breathe their last trying to enact evil to keep their minds consonant. Maybe?

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I am not sure either.

What I do know is that stupid people are much more dangerous than evil people. Based in what has happened, the incompetence hypothesis is more consistent with the evidence than the alternative evil hypothesis.

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Why lean towards incompetence when they have told us their goals(Depopulation, owning nothing, no travel, removal of polluting industries, replacement of meat with bugs, etc) and they seem to be pushing towards them as hard as they can?

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Why indeed?

My answer is that people cling to denial as long as they can.

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I’m so grateful for your input Doctor!

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Grey’s Law: any sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice

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I believe they midwit technocrats are generally referred to as "useful idiots" for the really malicious people like who rhyme with "Phony Slouchy".

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