We are trying to fight the good fight. Husband is losing his job at the end of the month because of vaccine mandates. And if the FAA decides they will require vaccine passports, my termination won’t be far behind as I need to fly to get to half my territory. We are still holding fast to not taking these non-sterilizing shots and pushing back against mandates/passports but does it ever feel like a losing battle.

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My message to freedom-loving folks in the US: your country was built by rugged individualists. Whatever the mistakes were in the past, whatever the scams pulled by various administrations and individuals, the truth is that innocent American blood was spilt the world over in the cause of freedom. The rest of us are in a mess, but if Americans stand strong and stand up for freedom and truth and humanity, the globalists will gather only ashes.

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Yes! I would help plaster those signs everywhere if I lived


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This is excellent!

Here's the guy's discord channel. You can contact him there:


And here's his tiktok (the discord link is in the bio):


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Here is another thing we need to do and I am putting this out there for parents, students who are actually independent, maybe artistic (the real kind, not the kind that parrot media pundit talking points and shill as the unpaid salesforce for pharmaceutical companies) -- on or around the first week of October, my state, Massachusetts, will decide whether or not mask mandates remain. They, like other school districts in the country, I am assuming, claim to be targeting an 80% vax rate among students and staff. Once they get that, they will "lift mask requirements" tho they never say for who. If they do not hit 80% by Oct. 1 they will begin to segregate: vaccinated students no mask, special perks (dances, free Starbucks, whatever). Masks, shaming, ridiculing,politicizing (must be a Republican), undue stress and finger pointing for the unvaccinated.

Here is what should happen. We can promote this in op-eds, if youre a letter write, op ed writer for the local paper and know your school districts "due date" for mask restrictions to be lifted, or can try selling it to our most influential kids, teachers, sort of like that guy with the signs in the TikTok video shared here.

Get all kids to protest this segregation by wearing their masks on the day they no longer had to, in solidarity with the students who did not get the vaccine (yet, or may never get it). Some of the more creative should wear masks with symbolic images, and sayings from the past that will remain their "educators" about segregation. Some suggestions include the yellow star of david with the word Jew in the middle of it; No Irish Need Apply; Back of the Bus; Colored Only; Whites Only; Men Only; and though this never was a thing but will work for the rainbow crowd, No Fags Allowed. This should outrage everyone. I can think of no better way than a horde of kids who do not need to wear a mask to say we do not stand for segregation of the healthy among us -- and remind the adults what segregation (based on science and politics of the past) looks like.

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He has a go fund me for printing more signs and I donated 5 bucks. I do not live in NY but once upon a time went there!

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plan nationally act individually!

"all men are created equal..... life, liberty and happiness

i will not give up my liberty for false safety for someone who can hide themselves or my own comfort.

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Academy of Ideas has a great new video too, for those who may need a philosophical angle to start conversations with certain people that can be reasoned with.

And yes please if that young man has a GoFundMe (or whatever funding source) please share it here in the comment thread.

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People need to know that GoFundMe is now thoroughly politicized, and has CANCELLED several fundraisers. If people don't ask for their $ back, they send it to a cause THEY support. There are alternatives, such as GiveSendGo, that I will use in the future, to avoid this censorship

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