I was just notified that a double-jabbed and boosted acquaintance has tested positive for the Rona. Watch the Branch Covidians in your life. I am starting to see their faith starting to waiver. We need to be living examples of of a sane alternative response to all the kabuki theatre. The truly insane will never give up the delusion, but I believe there are a lot of folks in the middle who are capable of coming in from the wilderness. Let’s show them the way out. It all starts with a very loud “NO.”

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I think we also need to realize it can be quite uncomfortable for some people to accept that we "anti-vaxxers" "understood" things before they did. So, let's not rub it in !

Welcome the wavering!

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I fight the urge to rub it in. I just try to respond rationally, with lots of citations. Ever notice how no one arguing for these vaccines ever posts citations? They assume the propaganda is enough.

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“Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, one by one.” Charles MacKay

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Sorry! I say rub it in! Honestly, being patient and understanding doesn’t work with these people. We need to be loud, proud, brassy and contemptuous. The followers care about others’ opinions and the hypnotized need to be jolted out of their stupor. Being reasonable, kind, and polite has only entrenched them in their deluded sense of superiority and rightness. What was that Eisenstein said about doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result?

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It’s a struggle not to feel like rubbing it in, I agree. I just had who I thought was a good friend, tell me she did not want to be on my group email list any longer. Period. Since she’s put up such a wall, I can’t imagine our friendship ever being close again. She could have just deleted the emails without reading them, though they’ve been full of links and explanations to all the studies and real science coming out over the last year by fearless, truth-telling scientists and doctors. But, no. She went an extra step. I’m a retired NP of 30 plus years, mostly in internal medicine. I know my medicine and my science and I’ve certainly extensively studied topics from human immunology to deep dives on these vaccine products over the last nearly two years. I was right there with her, giving her free meds when she became sick a few months ago, though she and her husband are now triple vaxxed. There’s no getting through to these “Blue Anons.” I hate to say, but that is what they are. They have the ugliest of ugly things to say about “the unvaccinated.” I’ve had enough. Meanwhile, I’m making new friends all the time. Thank goodness for the few critically thinking people still left in this sorry blue state. I want to move. I might rub it in on my way out the door… and I’ll be no longer available for snap consultations when she comes down with an autoimmune disorder, heart problems, or enhanced disease.

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You're not alone. We're living under the unvaccinated lockdown. No restaurants, events, movies, shopping unless you get the vaccine. My long time friends who are vaccinated have taken the attitude that it's the bed I've made, now I've got to lie in it. I expected some level of sympathy or at least an "I wish we could get together!", but nothing. I'm disappointed. These are the people you think you can depend on through thick and thin. I see how thin it all is now.

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Wait till they see whats waiting under their bed....

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Yes, I’ve learned not only who the critical thinkers are, but also who are the most open, least authoritarian, and least phony people in my orbit. So sorry you’ve had deep disappointments as well, Toots12.

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So sorry you find yourself in this situation.

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I gotta agree. My grace left once countries started building concentr-- ahhh, I mean "quarantine camps, I'm addition to the threat of poverty for refusal.

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Exactly right.

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My boss got the booster this week and has been out sick for two days… they said the booster is totally worth it, but the side effects are no joke. Totally worth it… how? Delusional.

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Of the four people in Israel who had Omicron (at least there were only four a couple days ago), two were doctors who had three jabs. https://www.google.ca/amp/s/www.haaretz.com/amp/israel-news/two-doctors-in-israel-diagnosed-with-omicron-covid-variant-1.10428042

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My ex-husband must be in the 30% of those under psychosis: my double vaccinated ex-husband got covid from his double vaccinated partner. NO qualms about that, he is happy his sickness was mild ("due to the vaccine", of course!).

Then he proceeded to infect both of our children (on purpose!, so that they can have QR codes during the Christmas holidays). The government regulations as always have unintended consequences: we are now seeking to get infected to get the desired QR code!!! How insane is that!

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Given the kids are most likely to not experience any harm, I would not be too concerned about their infection, even if it was deliberate. Better to be infected at home than at camp or something and not know for a week or more.

The natural immunity will put them in good stead, far better than a vaccine would.

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I agree with you, the kids are not at risk, that's why I am ok with them having covid in a controlled setting, at home. But I am still amused and angered by the fact that we are now trying to get infected, if we want to have our lives back. Show me the incentive, and I will predict the result. :) also, I am amazed that vaccinated and infected people just don't give up their beliefs, even if the facts contradict them. Is this some sort of Stockholm syndrome?

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I recovered at home in 2019, drank mostly Burdock Root tea (was all I had around, and luckily it has lots of inulin and quercitin,) took a bout a 5 weeks but made a full recovery, no doc, no hospital, (covid was not even in the news yet) and my family actually did NOT get it at least symptomatically. Sadly they went and got vaxxed later so...am worried for their short term and long term health very much...

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Making him the Ex - sounds like a very good life choice.

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FWIW - I fully understand your concern, and despite my previous comment, think it's shitty to do something like that to the kids without consulting / having agreement with you first. I am some random on the internet so take my other comment with a grain of salt and make sure you're comfortable with your own research / understanding of risk to kids, as always, but I sincerely meant what I said. I believe they will be fine (assuming they are not comorbidity havers, like obesity or immune-compromised, etc).

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yes, they are fine, both were sick for 2.5 days only. Healthy kids dont need covid vaccines.

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Thank you so much for letting us know. Great news! And agreed, they don't, like most of the population of healthy people.

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super disturbing, sorry you have to witness this s-itness

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Humor is a very powerful force when employed against those with no sense of humor.

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this can't be said enough

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I agree, and I think that the pressure on them for a booster(s) give us a potential wedge to open their minds a bit more.

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Yep, talked to a jabbed coworker I hadn't seen in a while and the topic of Omicron and boosters came up, and she said something along the lines of "they're crazy if they think I'm getting their stupid booster".

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I never considered myself a cat person until I started reading el gato. I am now getting a real cat, so we can both disobey.

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Nothing better than a cat on your lap because they are choosing you. We had a feral cat I could call off the fence line from a hundred yards away. Eventually he came in the house. He was injured and our vet saved him. I miss him to this day. After he died I had the image of him as a panther, his redeemed form.

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I have a similar story. A super sweet gray tabby I loved dearly.

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Cats are the best.

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No. Just woof. I mean no.

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They really are. My healthiest relationship is with my cat. I'm a vaguely jerk-ish human and he is a cat. (They are all jerks.) We love each other anyway, just as we are. We have no unrealistic expectations of each other's behavior. He seems to accept me as is and I don't expect him to be anything other than a cat.

There are never guilt trips from cats. A cat never looks like it's thinking, "You really hurt my feelings. Did I do something wrong? I must be bad." Dogs do that. A cat looks like it's thinking, "You really suck, you know that? But you're my human and I love you. Here's my butt in your face to prove it."

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I have two cornish rex kitties.

The first two cornish rex kitties I brought home in 1991, Caesar + Princess. Litter mates.

Sweetest kitties ever. They lived 18 and 19 years respectively. Then I procured Pierro from a crazy russian breeder in Fairfax, Va.. I adored that kittyboy. He lived only 8 years and I do not want to talk about that, then I got Milesingtons from a hippie breeder in Montclair Va. I still have that red mackerall tabby pumpkin boy, and a teeny tiny charcoal briquette Prinnie. All of my kitties have been cornish Rex. I love the breed. They are silly, wild lovable, snuggly, love to play, race around like their tail is on fire.

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The second cartoon is the key: Is your freedom more important than our safety? With our every growing sissy culture, I need someone to explain how to reverse this trend. Otherwise we are just preaching to the quire and barking at the moon.

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I don't have the answer, either.

Everyone thinks seatbelts are okay. Everyone thinks childseats are okay. Everyone thinks smoking should be banned from public places, including bars. 🙄 Everyone thinks we should all be treated like terrorists at the airport. Everyone thinks we should mandate hemets for bikers. That one goes less well in a lot of places. 😂

We accept a lot of infringement on personal liberties in most cases because it either doesn't affect us much or because we personally want to impose that infringement.

No one thinks of the slippery slope.

Maine passed LD 798 a couple years ago, because sissies were worried about 5% of schoolkids not having some vaccines. No outbreaks. Just a lot of alarmist propaganda. At the time, COVID didn't exist & flu shots weren't mandated for school. That's rapidly changing & the CDC and the State are changing vaccine mandates for healthcare workers through policy rule changes, rather than legislation, as was required under LD 798.

NOW more parents are worried about longterm side effects from COVID vaccines. Too late, you asshats. We warned you.

These johnny-come-latelies act like what's happening with the cardiovascular damage in the young caused by COVID vaccines is new. It isn't. Vaccines have been causing damage for years. It's just way more obvious because more are paying attention. And the damage is occurring in so many young people, in a social media age. They can't silence us all.

But yes. It drives me nuts, too. Like the censorship issue. Everyone thinks speech should be silenced if they don't agree with it. Slippery slope. I'd rather listen to misogynistic, racist assholes go off and expose themselves than sanitized, State-sanctioned propaganda.

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I wear a seatbelt NOT because of some law, but because I personally believe it to be a worthwhile safety device for myself & family.

If it were AGAINST the law to wear one, I would still wear it.

Not my business what someone else chooses in that regard.

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Me too. My family used seat belts before they were made law. I remember my dad, who was the seatbelt enforcer in our family, being livid over the seat belt law. Dead set against it. I wonder, how many of the shot pushers do not wear seatbelts, walk while staring at their idiot phone or drive while texting?

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The people I see walking the paths engrossed in their phone. Ugh. Serotonin junkies.

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I recently looked for evidence that seat belts help. All I could find were videos of airbags deploying. If you could point me to some evidence that seat belts help, I'd love to read / view it.

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Mythbusters have done quite a lot of real world experiments which will show they help and how alternates do not (duct tape is a no-no). They show how even a collision at 35 mph without a seatbelt is fatal (head hits windshield) whereas with seat belt survives with minor injury (less than 35g if I remember correctly). No airbags... However, when they used enough duct tape to keep the dummy in the seat, the deceleration still killed him (pulling over 70g). The airbags are extra insurance and also reduce the instances of injury. FYI.

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Seatbelts can actually be dangerous, if you wear them up high around your squishy middle instead of down around your bony hip area.

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Catastrophic for pregnant women too, I have read, depending on wear location, etc.

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Interesting. A few years ago a couple of colleagues came in out of the blue ranting and raving against “antivaxxers? I wondered the what it was small about. After the administration was sworn in and suddenly the shot was the way to go and anyone who did not go all in for it was labeled an antivaxxer I wondered if indeed this was a planned and prepared event.

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It absolutely could have been planned.

I think there is a lot out there in labs that isn't well guarded and may, in some cases, be intended as bioweapons. Governments could be aware of this and planning to take advantage of either inevitable stupidity of a lab leak or the imminent danger of an act of war. There is probably more than meets the eye to Event 201 planning. I'm guessing military, CIA, FBI, HS involvement.

COVID itself could have been carelessness or a trial run. Who knows? But they sure have a lot of new data on what people will put up with. That'll help with the psyops end of things.

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Definitely. This website also has an article on the creation of the bio- weapon. https://www.technocracy.news/mercola-moderna-had-specific-covid-19-mrna-shot-ready-in-2019-before-pandemic-was-announced/

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Right on Lara!! This slippery slope has now gotten us "presumed guilty" alcohol breathalyzers in *every* new car, beginning in 3 years (I believe) thanks to our Federal legislators. In California, every new home built is required to have solar panels installed. That adds between $60 K and $80 K (Plus the maintenance and replacement headaches that go along with that) to every new home; while the State legislators are still wailing “affordable housing crisis!“. Those are only two examples in an exponentially growing list (spreading faster than the Rona). When will we put our collective feet down and demand ENOUGH?

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I’ve been asking that same question for 2 decades. Soon, we will no longer be safe asking it out loud.

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Yes, people have been accepting vaccines for children blindly, on faith (and brainwashing; I know, I was there), but now a lot of people are waking up as they fight the COVID shots and they're realizing that there's a larger problem here.

Of course there are still a lot of people fighting against them that still don't get that. They still sneer at "anti-vaxxers", not realizing the contradiction inherent in that position. But it's certainly a start. This thing is getting traction.

I highly recommend The Highwire show, with Del Bigtree for vaccine education.

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I do watch an occasional Highwire. I tend to read more, because I do it quickly. Videos take a lot more time. I just downloaded Pandemia by Alex Berenson. I'll probably get RFK's book on Fauchi, too.

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Yeah, I don't actually watch them, I rip the audio from them and listen while doing other tasks. One of the great things about it is the sources/references they provide to go along with the shows. They do great work. I contribute a bit of money myself.

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They are controlled by "fear". It has been mind laundered into them to fear everyone and everything. Sadly only a stronger fear works to break that. So let's play along!!! Play on their fear of shots & side effects:

I find the best way to get people to think about "vax-ports" is to ask them:

"How many shots are you going to take?"

"Canada has bought 135 million MORE shots for 38 million people. That's 3 MORE each plus extra for spoilage and waste"

"Israel just took away privileges from 1.5 million people for refusing the 3rd injection. They've announced the 4th is coming. Lithuania is the same but announcing the 4th & 5th shots"

"You can say "NO" at zero injections or you can say "NO" at 3, 4, 5 and the result is the same. When you REFUSE you lose all your PRIVILEGES because you have NO RIGHTS. You gave them away when you agreed to the vaccine passport"

Then play on their fear of death from side effects:

If you took the experimental gene therapy injections here is what you have to look forward to over the next 2-3 years:

1) Sometime between October 2021 and April 2022 we will see if ADE (Antibody Dependent Enhancement) strikes you like it did the animals in 2012

2) Around 18 months we will see if "mad cow" strikes you like it did to the humanised mice that were injected with the spike proteins

3) Around 24 months we will see if Alzheimer's strikes you like it did the Macaque monkeys that were injected with the spike proteins.

4) 60% of the injected have detected 'microclots' with the d-dimer test in the first week after injection. Right side heart failure within 3 years is common.

5) The spike proteins impair your telemerase synthesis which is known to lead to cancer, CVD, diabetes, vascular dementia.

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Nicely put and ideal to keep in reserve for when it's needed.

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Links, please! Would like to read more about the 5 points you list. I will do a web search, however your sources would help immensely.

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Okay here are the links. What fun we have when we have to re-install our computers from scratch LOL. I needed to find this and put it back where I could find it. Thanks for the "motivation".

1) ADE: China, USA & Europe picked the most promising 4 to test out of close to 3 dozen approaches.


2) Neurologic: Humanized mice (mice with ACE2 receptor).


3) Neurologic: Macaque monkeys.


4) Micro clots / Right side heart: Dr Charles Hoffe testing people within one week of injection with the d-dimer test. An ongoing study.


5) Telomerase: The spike proteins are suspect as cause in both natural sickness and injection with vaccine.


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Can you explain citation #3? The Monkeys were infected with the virus, not vaccinated

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You will be exposed to spike proteins regardless if you get covid naturally or via injection. It is the spike proteins that are doing the damage.

In interviews Dr Fleming has said natural infection exposes you to hundreds of thousands to millions (maybe tens of millions if very sick like these animals) but Pfizer/Moderna expose you to 13 billion and AZ/J&J 50 billion.

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Interesting hypothesis. Does he have any comparative research?

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Thank you for these links.

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Glad you got it sorted. Thank you for the links!

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Citation #1 is for SARS-COV-1. Does he have any data for SARS-COV-2?

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The animal experiments were supposed to be run in parallel with the phase 2 human experimental trials (ended Oct 2020) but I've not been able to find anything from Moderna or Pfizer.

I found the AZ animal trial but it had 5/6 macaque monkeys get sick when exposed 28 days after second shot. No ADE but sample size was only 6 monkeys.

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I'm digging them up. I lost my original and have been slow to rebuild it because there is so much to dig through LOL. I'll post back as I re-find the PDF's on my computer backups.

ADE has been know about since 2012 when they (China, USA & Europe) tried the andenovirus approach (AZ / J&J). Wiped out the ferrets. The study has the title: "Immunization with SARS Coronavirus Vaccines Leads to Pulmonary Immunopathology on Challenge with the SARS Virus".

Authors: "Chien-Te Tseng , Elena Sbrana, Naoko Iwata-Yoshikawa, Patrick C. Newman, Tania Garron, Robert L. Atmar, Clarence J. Peters, Robert B. Couch"

There are more. If you want you can read around the documentation on Dr Fleming's site: "flemingmethod.com/documentation". Unfortunately it is numbered so finding things can take a while.

There are 4 listed under "Antibody Dependent Enhancement of Virus".

There are 8 under "Neurologic - Central Nervous System - Brain".

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Thank you

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What a great summary of these things.

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I've had a bit of practice LOL.

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I keep meaning to organize my COVID Bookmarks folder to be able to react more quickly with citations in on-line vaccine debates. Except there are about 700 articles I kept. 😂 Gods only know how many I've read.

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Dr.Mobeen recently tried to address the 3 year question because his readers submitted it, but his explanation was not entirely comforting. I am not so sure he was being completely honest, more trying to comfort folks who already know by real life observation that the explosion of ill health is upon the vaccinated. Depending on the dangers of the shedding, we all may be subject to the timeline you propose for illness.


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There are some remediation protocols being developed (i.e. Dr Fleming) who says "Don't give up hope. We can repair a lot of it" but the first item on his list is Ivermectin. What are the odds of doctors giving that when they've let people suffer and die for over a year withholding and supressing it?

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The sissies need to be confronted at every opportunity with:

"Your safety is YOUR concern, not mine. Tell me, do you not get in cars anymore? Because travel by car is quite dangerous. When you do get in a car, do you make sure it's never driven above 25mph. Because speed kills.

The fact is, what you think is your "safety" is actually your "fear". I don't GAFF, I don't GARA about your fear. That's your burden, not mine."

Something like that. Maybe consolidated a bit, if that's too wordy.

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GAFF & GARA. I've learned two new acronyms today. Love it.

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GAFF & GARA are definitely not too wordy :)

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this is the result of an entire generation and a half of born, government indoctrinated, village raised and schooled humans

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I’m thinking more than just 1 and 1/2 generations. Saw enough of similar craziness in grade school in the 70s.

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But, seriously, there is absolutely no way at all our freedom threatens their safety. In fact, complying with any of the nonsense they claim is necessary to protect them actually endangers their health, increases their mental illness, and will bring down totalitarian insanity that will threaten their very lives.

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Then let them die, screaming in mental anguish, while we all continue to say no.

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No, choir already left; books are all that remains.

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It's always a matter of degree. During the blitz, people had to turn off their lights and cover their windows for everyone's safety so the bombers wouldn't know where the cities were. Freedom to disobey and that rule would not have been a good idea.

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Stupid analogy. Being attacked indiscriminately by enemy bombers has no equivalence whatsoever compared to exercising a choice in matters of personal health.

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Risk vs. benefit. Lights in an otherwise dark night will attract bombers. We can not really prevent getting sick from this virus, nor can we guarantee that we DO get sick from it with out extraordinary effort.

Uncovering your window while the light was on would all but undoubtedly bring death and destruction to you and your entire neighborhood. Not getting this vaccine can in now way bring about they same. Getting the vaccine can in no way prevent the spread.

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As I said, it's a matter of degree. Principles won't protect us and we need better leaders. Sometimes safety of the many is indeed more important than freedom of a few contrarians. I disagree with mask and vaccine mandates, but there are situations, like the blitz, where I would support reduction in freedom. Who gets to make the choice about when that's appropriate? As I wrote, we need better leaders.

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The answer is simple. As it always is, both are risk vs. benefit equations. The risk of lights in homes during wartime are far far far far far far…………far greater than the risk from the non covid vaccination and the unmasked. The benefits of a lights out policy in wartime are far far far far far far far………far greater than the benefits from experimental medicine and mask use. The risks of a black out policy in wartime are far far far far far far…..far less than the benefits of that policy. The risk of THIS vaccine and masks are far far far far far far ……..far greater for MOST than the disease they are to protect us from.

Your argument is the one that has long been used used to justify large scale evil. A friend of mine was a neural surgeon in the old Soviet Union. When drinking after kendo practice he made a statement that startled me, coming from my friend, a medical doctor then doing medical research in Japan. It went something like this. Yeah, Stalin did some prettying bad stuff but it wasn’t so bad for the survivors.

I sum up the cartoon thus, any society that does not value the individual is not a society any individual should value.

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Reading Gulag Archipelago. It was terrible.

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I am sure it was. He was actually referring to those who came after, such as himself. It was not so bad for the generations who came after. What a qualifier, eh?

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> Your argument is the one that has long been used used to justify large scale evil.

It is truly the banality of evil where most perpetrators don't perceive the injustice. For me, front-running the mass craziness for profit is the most positive response. If we actually know more than society as a whole, that should be possible. Maybe the discipline enforced by markets will drive people back to sanity.

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It very well might but too late by then. Starving people do not make great freedom fighters.

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It would seem people clamoring for better leaders need to be lead. Not everybody needs to be lead. Some people have enough common sense and life experience to live without being lead or told what to do by someone else.

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Can we not ask for leaders who focus on what matters, rather than busibodies we have now?

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Sure we can. We can also ask for this on the one hand and shit in the other and see which one fills up first.

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Just curious but what would have happened if you did have lights on without proper blackout curtains? Assuming that there was no bombing raid and you didn't die - what would have been the consequences?

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I do not know that particulars but they had civil patrols to enforce them. Mind you, the danger being so real and known, only they truly insane would ignore the blackout orders. I think the patrols mainly dealt with temporary lapses in adherence. A quick rush to the out house and not properly securing the black out curtain is, I think, a more likely scenario.

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So no exclusion from public life, no job loss, no imprisonment, no fines? Completely different from what has been suggested for the unvaccinated.

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Yeah, and nowadays residents along certain seacoasts have to turn off their lights and/or cover their windows for...the turtles' safety. And they DO it!

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Turning off lights has a direct, measurable effect on whether you can be seen at night or not. It is a terrible analogy.

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It's not an analogy. The cartoon said: "Is your freedom more important than our safety?" The Blitz is an example where the answer was yes. A lot of people here, including me, perceive COVID masks and vaccines as theater, but most people don't.

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The cartoon also shows the question being asked by a masked group and answered by an unmasked individual. Context is everything.

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It is an analogy, and it is a terrible one.

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Yes. Degree dictated by common sense and pragmatic (not emotional) critical thought.

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Ah! Buy those requirements mad sense and the evidence was clear they worked. So very far from the case with the mandates and so-called "vaccines".

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Yes. People are so suggestible, they think COVID rules are just as sensible.

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Now they’re talking about a fourth vaccine? Don’t people wonder how that will mess with their immune system?

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No, because they're idiots. It should be really, really obvious that medications always have unintended consequences. All of them. Acid reducers break peoples' bones and give them gastric cancers. Tylenol decimates livers. A lot of blood pressure meds seem to spur diabetes type II. But some people seem incapable of grasping that.

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Which is especially mind-boggling considering how often Pharma commercials run during EVERYTHING on television or streaming and 90% of those ads are listing possible side effects. That's why my likelihood of showing sympathy to them* when shtf is almost nonexistent.

*Them= the rabid pro-vaxx, not those who got it inner duress.

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I wonder if the constant bombardment of the possible side effects desensitizes most just as artillery bombardment eventually desensitizes veterans…at least some for a while.

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Strong possibility for a lot of people.

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because the commercials whiz through the side effects super fast while violins and pianos play in the background

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That could do it too.

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And we get those warnings from

Walgreens about side effects. I’m very angry at our local news and the fear mongering coming out of one hospital that is associated with a major midwestern university. A local

News anchor however defined unvaxxed properly.

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Scary scary kitty. We better implement more restrictions on travel. There could be terror-kitties behind every tree and bush. Viruses, life, terror-kitties, bathtubs, cars, mold, scary climate and so much to be afraid of. Oh how we love to be afraid! Please think up some more ways for us to be afraid dear tyrants. We live for fear. Life just sucks without it. ;-)

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It’s a divide between those who accept risk and those who won’t at all costs. It’s not even political so much any more.

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The paradox is the vaxxers, in their blind stupidity and ignorance to try to avoid risk at all costs, are welcoming in risk by the droves when they got and keep getting vaxxed.

They have NO clue how to do risk-assessment, because they're too [something] to bother to get news and information from outside their echo chamber bubbles.

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because Kyle Rittenhouse wants them unjabbed as well as being a white! A White!

or something

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New NYTimes op-ed coming up- "Cat Meme Makers Want to Raze Cities to the Ground with Lasers."

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We do, though.

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I don't. I just want to be left alone and not hectored and bullied and told what to do by government busy bodies who then expect me to be grateful and not notice that they, the government bullies have been wrong a lot.

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I love being an ornery non-obeying human. My cat taught me well.

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Your safety is YOUR concern, not mine. Do as you please to protect your safety, but don't for a minute think I must comply with YOUR definition of YOUR "safety".

It's just stunning how MANY people are totalitarian, simple-minded, poor-critical-thinking fools in America.

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Sadly, not just in America.

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Okay, Catzilla is now my new favorite! Daily gato meme calendar must happen!

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My brother, a recently retired head of anesthesiology and devout Christian, took jabs and booster. I sent him a chart of the WEF Digital Identity Passport and he thought it was a great idea! The Body Snatchers have taken control of his mind for he has changed. I thought of sending him a Covid Advent calendar with Adverse Events in the boxes.

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Been breathing operating room gas for far too long, sounds like.

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I am puzzled by this "disobey" suggestion. I get the spirit of it. But what about practice?

People who are supposed to enforce all these stupid rules are just normal people. They just happen to work in a restaurant, some shop, a theater, etc. A couple of weeks I had to fly out of Canada (and the requirement is that you are either vaccinated or (until end of Nov) have a negative test to fly out). I had a negative

test, but had wrong test. The girl at the counter refused to check me in and give

me a boarding pass. At that moment, I got angry at her and her colleague who told me that changing the ticket would cost me almost twice as much as a new ticket.

I was wrong to snap at them, of course. They were just doing their jobs.

What was I supposed to do? How was I supposed to disobey the stupid rule?

And things like that happen many times a day. You can check out from the society and just stay home and stop participating in these charades, but lashing out

at people who have to follow stupid rules to stay in business (or keep their jobs)

doesn't seem to be an answer.

People responsible for this stupidity are well insulated and far removed.

And frankly they just don't give a sh*t about you or me.

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True BUT that is exactly how this type of madness is always implemented. Not for everyone, but I am placed in a situation similar to the clerk you lashed out against, except I refuse to be used to implement their fear regime. I was told I must wear a mask for online classes taught from my home. I said “No.” and in the end was given special permission to teach online from my home unmasked. Yesterday I had to tell my boss at another school that I could not come in to the school Monday to proctor an exam. Not going to go through all the “mitigation protocols” required to be on campus. I refuse to be used that way. End result, I will most likely t be unemployed and unemployable next school year. This will likely trigger a series of adverse events for myself leading to some sort of permanent separation from my wife and children and moving bask to the States for the first time in over 20 years. Me alone doing this will not change anything but I will not be a cog in the destruction of my own children’s future and the piss poor role model of a sheeple for them to follow. If everyone did this, this madness would end over night. But too few, far too few will. So get angry at these sheeple and let them know that by their own cowardice and acquiesce alone does this madness continue.

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Also: the people who demand masks for online classes deserve additional punishment when Nuremberg 2.0 come around. ffs.

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Yes as do those who demand them for online meetings of any type and in private homes and in schools or for children wherever they are.

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Wish you well with this. Tough gig.

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Here is what one prospective employer requires. “Masks on in class and disinfectant and QR codes and seating charts are the order of the day. Everyone’s temperature must be recorded every time they enter the building.”

“It’s just my job.” Doesn’t cut it with me.

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It has to be more than one person. If one person on a plane took off their mask then the flight attendants would punish that one. i.e. the case with the poor woman with her toddler who didn't want to wear a mask but what are the flight attendants going to do if everyone took off their mask? I guess in that case the pilot could just land at the nearest airport but what if there were 1, 000 planes where all the passengers have removed their masks?

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Exactly. Which is why I feel getting angry at employees who are “just doing their job” and letting them know about it is justified. Not gonna happen otherwise.

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years ago i walked the union cemetery at gettysburg, i found a maker with mother's family name.....

they will not have died in vain, even for a virus with a 99.7% survival rate.

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Here's an alternate tack to take on the freedom/safety question when confronted by weak-thinking despots:

"My safety is not a concern of yours - you want to force-inject me with an experimental drug that has zero long-term safety data - so why should your safety be a concern of mine?"

That's the thing with totalitarians. Everything has to be their way, and ONLY their way. "You will comply with ME, or else." No contrary view is ever legitimate.

I have a sister who lamented that I didn't support the Obergefell decision, given that it was relevant to and important to a member of our family. I told her, "Ok, I'll defend your support for your preferred right (Obergefell) if you'll defend my support for my preferred right (2A)."

"That's different!" was her answer.

That's ALWAYS the answer with tyrants and despots and totalitarians. Big-L Liberalism/Leftism is a totalitarian ideology, and it's on display every day in America. That freedom/safety meme illustrates it quite well.

You cannot defeat these folks; you have to destroy them.

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You wanna read an example of the totalitarian vermin who are out there, read this (h/t Bari Weiss' Common Sense column written by Nellie Bowles, from today):


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Anti-Vaccine? Just go to YouTube and search; Dont trust the trump vaccine

You should get stuff like this until the censors move in to erase history; for our own good, of course!


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No solo vaya, VEI. Infecciones mejoradas por vacunas. Esto está en The Lancet, una prestigiosa revista médica de alta calidad. Muchos tomadores de decisiones asumen que los vacunados pueden ser excluidos como fuente de transmisión. Parece ser extremadamente negligente ignorar a la población vacunada como una fuente posible y relevante de transmisión al decidir sobre las medidas de control de salud pública. Las vacunas no cortan ni la infección ni la transmisión y, de hecho, pueden causar una enfermedad mejorada y más grave. Aquellos que intentan "ordenar" pinchazos no solo intentan obligarlo a correr el riesgo de trastornos cardíacos graves y otros trastornos relacionados con la coagulación, también pueden estar preparando para que el virus lo mate.

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You can buy better but you can't pay more.

I want a refund.

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They’ve been perfectly clear all along so why the confusion?

Well, They Lied About The Vaccines


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This man felt so strongly about this he’s speaking from his grave, as it were.

Obituary | Michael "Mike" Anthony Granata of Gilroy, California | Habing Family Funeral Home https://www.habingfamilyfuneralhome.com/obituary/michael-mike-granata

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Catzilla ! Go ahead cats !

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Where’s my Clear Coat and Integrated Bucket Seats that I ordered?

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Revealing my ignorance: Which buildings are being targeted by the cat?

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New York Times???

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It is not the cat. It is The Catzilla.

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I noticed the message too late ! But we got the message. Catzilla in action. No cage will keep the Cat.

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In matters Cat, we are clearly in concord.... :)

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Great minds think alike :)

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King Kong Kitty (not affiliated with KKK)

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Gato... I expect you will have a field day with this:

'Governor Kathy Hochul' said that 'crackdowns, like mask mandates or requiring vaccination proof for indoor dining', are 'unrealistic Upstate, given many people’s opposition to those kinds of rules... "[I]t’s almost impossible to enforce this kind of behavior among a population that just won’t do it."


h/t Karol Markowicz


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How true

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Good for you. It’s important to get the information out. And yes, I’ve noticed they never have any serious evidence for their delusions. And have you noticed that they never look for a second at any of the huge trove of evidence, expert testimony, high quality studies, and clearly reasoned and sourced articles we share with them? We’ve been doing that almost from day one, considerately, patiently, and have received insults, derision, or just stone cold refusal to listen. Time to consider something else. It’s past time to use mockery and a decided refusal to let them get away with their bullshit. Time to call it for what it is.

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Love this one! Visual are so good!

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