What it was always about from the start, and it all started long ago. If your freedom can be taken away for the sniffles, you never had any to begin with.

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But if you have the freedom to leave and you have the means to do so, why wouldn't you? When freedom of movement is lost - that's when you know all is lost.

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that's why red states are swarmed. but tell that to canadians or australians. they cannot leave their own country. medical north koreas.

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The only hope for Canada is a DeSantis victory in 2024, with the tanks rolling over the border the day after Inauguration Day.

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If you're pinning your hopes on one politician who probably is not what you think (given he's still alive) but probably another controlled op like Trump, I don't know what to tell you. WE have to do this.

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Or how about Canada relight the fire in their belly for their own basic freedom. Take a trip to Florida to reacquaint yourself with what it looks like and then go home and do something.

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Dec 23, 2021
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Well, AMac, that might be a sign for docile Northerners to get up, standup. Like Bob Marley said. Canada is heaven on earth. Don't let it go to hell.

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No need for tanks. You could just walk in and take the place over.

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Go to the Canadian Covid Care Alliance - make sure you have an understanding of the actual science behind what they have said there. THEN call your MP and MLA - don't freak out on them (no matter if you feel they deserve it) but rather have a rational conversation with them. Explain the science is about to move very badly against them and this might be their last chance to 'save' themselves (all most politicians care about is self preservation). You might be surprised to know that for the most part the MLAs and MPs are clueless. It is the PMO, Health Canada, the Provincial Ministers of Health and the PHO's that are running the show here.

Let your representatives know that the people they have 'left in charge' are about to sink the whole ship!

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Dec 23, 2021
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What would happen if you crossed the border a hundred miles from an official check point? Is there a fence?

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No fence. You can leave, there are ways. Coming back may be a problem

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Perhaps you might not wish to return?

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Or, at the very least, you haven't had it since a long time ago. Obviously, Americans did not go from being free to being enslaved overnight. This has been an ongoing process for decades. From "terrorist" attacks to carefully planned and engineered economic crises to "foreign" cyberattacks to "foreign" interference in elections to unruly man-made viruses, everything that has happened in the last 50 or so years has served as a justification for curtailing more and more of our civil liberties. Body autonomy is kind of like the last frontier. And so those who voluntarily relinquish their natural right to determine what happens to their bodies are nothing more and nothing less than complete slaves; guests in their own bodies.

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Freedom is not something anyone ever had. It is something people fight to get every new day.

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I live in Chicago and refuse to be vexxed. I am also a patent and federal trial lawyer. Once I finish enjoying my Christmas and New Year celebrations, I will begin to fight back. I live in a neighborhood that has great restaurants, and I have no intention of forfeiting my access to them because I made personal health decisions our Lemur-in-Chief disagrees with.

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Good on you, mate! I used to live in Chicago a long time ago. It sure has changed. I left in 1996. Used to live around Addison & Halsted. Good times (except for the cold, which is why I relocated to the west coast).

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Good. We need brave people like you. Be an example. I will NEVER jab.

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The same thing is true here in Canada, Montreal specifically. "Baby Doc" Justin Trudeau, the head authoritarian of Canada just recently said that "Yes, what we are doing goes against Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedoms" but that it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if the majority is discriminating against the minority (the unvaxxed), effectively making the unvaxxed second class citizens. Trudeau and his government will not be stopped. The man knows that he is a criminal and flaunts it.

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Canada's courts might have something to say about that. Assuming someone is brave enough to push it all the way.

You can behave like a dictator and people go along to get along so long as they still think they live in a functioning democracy. When the courts prove they are not by ruling against the Charter established by the dictators own father, we'll know the country is gone. And so will everyone else.

Canada like the USA is not China. The population is scared to death of Covid-19 because they have been carefully conditioned. This results in "mass formation"/mass hypnosis. But remove the fear (as is likely with a few months of Omicron) and they'll snap out of the hypnosis and turn on their oppressors.

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I hope you're right. Omicron could be the variant that definitively destroys the mainstream narrative.

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I’m fearful that “something else” is planned & was always planned.

The perpetrators knew that one virus plus variants wouldn’t be enough to take down the USA yet wouldn’t have started this without a winning game plan.

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It has become clear that this will happen if necessary. Whatever it takes. They will never back down.

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Neither will we. It’ll end badly.

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Imagine that the immune- & vaccine-evasion ability

of Omicron

were to recombine with the virulence

of still-circulating Delta

THAT would be THE Wet Dream

of BMGF's Decade of Vaccines

see @EthicalSkeptic on Twitter about his deduced DoB of Omicron

and discussion of when it appeared

'planned' looks like a strong candidate


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I don’t believe for a moment that any variant “escapes immunity”.

The rubbish spoken about blood antibodies reveals most have no idea his immunity to respiratory viruses operates.

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I shoulda said "transmissibility"😏

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I'd go along with that except that Covid seems to have taken over the space previously abandoned by religion.

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jccf.ca is fighting a lot of legal battles over this in Canada.

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It is surprising that Baby Doc would so openly trash the Charter, given that it was the pinnacle of Papa Doc's legacy.

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It is, but perhaps he thinks that trashing the Charter he'll go down in history books as the PM who saved Canada. I wouldn't put it past him.

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I wonder if it is a subconscious attempt to trash his father's legacy. I look at Justin and see daddy issues. Not that Pierre was any great friend of liberty.

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It's weird how it's the bossy girls - Jacinda, Lori, Nicola Sturgeon - who are the most open about the sheer coercion. The men - Fauci, Biden, Macron - at least dress up their will-to-power with a few words of fake concern. It's like a cross between fascism and 'Heathers'.

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The entirety of the last two years has been a feminized response - let more women into power and this is what you get. Simple as that really.

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This. The feminisation of society has ruined the world for men. My daughter told me her boyfriend doesn't believe in traditional gender roles. I said "let me know how that works out for you when a burglar breaks into your house and you go downstairs in your nightie to confront them whilst your boyfriend cowers under the duvet."

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He's probably an uptalker.

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As a woman, I guess I *should* take umbrage, but I do not. I happen to agree that traditional *gender roles* harness the innate and complementary strengths of both sexes. We shouldn't even have to make note of that! I WANT a man to smoosh my spiders, change the oil in the car, and all the other *manly* things that...well...make a man, a man. Of course, that's just the jokey, superficial stuff, but I think it makes the point for most of us.

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As another woman -- a former Air Force officer and a professional in two different civilian careers before and after the military -- I agree with you. Men and women are different, and that's a Good Thing for both of us. It's like what I always used to say about Marines: I never could figure out their mentality, but I always breathed a sigh of relief when I heard they were going in to fight somewhere.

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So true. I have a transgendered relative who just married a woman. I kept thinking who will be the man because the beard and flannel cannot make up for general real manliness. My husband was like "who opens the jars?" He said it jokingly, but... seriously. They live in a dream world.

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By transgendered I mean small girl living as an even smaller boy.

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Somewhat OT, but grippy gloves do wonders for opening jars. My weapon of choice is MEMPHIS N9680. For extreme cases, a strap wrench can be kept in the toolbox without losing masculinity points.

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They look like my gardening gloves. I may have to try them when the muscle is gone. Thx : )

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“who opens the jars”…🤣

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Avoiding the Vietnam War and WWI drafts was the right move though. Guys used to be cannon fodder.

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Amen Jake

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“…doesn’t believe in traditional gender roles.” Sounds like an attractive trait in a “boy”friend.

Now when she’s old enough to want to commit to a “man”, that trait will be quite off-putting.

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It is some women, not all. Just like it is some men: DeBlasio, Newsome, Biden, etal. Are there more women prone to this behavior? I might have thought so until I saw these guys in action.

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It's the smirking I am talking about, the sheer revelry in the suffering that they are imposing. The men - perhaps because they are more conscious of being seen as bullies - at least attempt to hide the bullying (they fail, obviously). But the women seem to think they get a free pass: 'Yep, people will suffer, and they're MEANT to suffer, that's the whole idea, mmm ok? Got a problem, talk to the hand!'

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You think Brandon is trying to hide the bullying? Gates, too, has come out snarling & threatening.

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Fine, droop the women part and my comment still stands true

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would beg to differ that these are women...🐱

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I'm female and I approve of this statement.

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Margaret Thatcher would disagree.

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Actually I bet Margaret would agree

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Beto, DeBlasio, Newsome. It’s leftist authoritarians not gender.

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It's communism

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It's Mussolini-style fascism, a fusion of corporate, bureaucratic, and political power.

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So would Simone Gold.

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I know a lot of pro-freedom women who would find this comment ridiculous. Covid-19 foolishness isn't dominated by women, plenty of us men are being fools too. Saying things about women only divides us, which is exactly what they want.

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So do I but it does seem that the women "leaders" are amateurs and can't hide their glee and joy at imposing evil on the masses. The male "leaders" have had more practice at being two faced liars. The power tripping women "leaders" really have no subtlety.

Justin wants to be a woman so he tries to be as "woke" as they are.

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Find better women to be around then

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Pro-freedom, anti- vaccine mandate women (and men) are better.

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Reiner Fuellmich describes a series of puppets that the World Economic Forum (WEF) has trained to help carry out their missions under the WEF "Young Global Leader" program, which started in 1993. Such people have gone on to become Presidents, Prime Ministers, and CEOs. These include some of the key players in this pandemic and vaccination effort:

Microsoft founder Bill Gates (1993);

California Governor Gavin Newsom (selected in 2005);

Pete Buttigieg (selected in 2019, candidate for US President in 2020, US secretary of transportation since 2021);

Stéphane Bancel (Moderna CEO; selected in 2009);

Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg (2009);

Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg (2007);

Google co-founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page (2002/2005);

Covid Twitter personality Eric Feigl-Ding (a ‘WEF Global Shaper‘ since 2013);

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern (since 2017, selected in 2014);

Australian Health Minister Greg Hunt (selected in 2003; former WEF strategy director);

Canadian Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland (selected in 2001; former managing director of Reuters);

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is a WEF participant but is not a confirmed Young Global Leader;

German Chancellor Angela Merkel (selected in 1993, 12 years before becoming Chancellor);

Current German Health Minister Jens Spahn and former Health Ministers Philipp Roesler and Daniel Bahr;

EU Commission Presidents Jose Manuel Barroso (2004-2014, selected in 1993) and Jean-Claude Juncker (2014-2019, selected in 1995);

French President Emanuel Macron (since 2017, selected in 2016);

Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy (2007-2012, selected in 1993),

Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz;

Former Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi (2014-2016, selected in 2012);

Former Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar (1996-2004, selected in 1993)

Dr. Ravid Shah, President of the Rockefeller Foundation.

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Puppets? Perhaps, but if you have a backbone, you don't need anyone to pull your strings. If you have critical thinking skills, you won't allow vacuous drivel like "build back better" to pass your lips. The problem is a combination of political power and philosophical weakness. A generation of narcissistic careerist personality-politicians filling a vacuum created by the collapse of political philosophy. We've failed to replace cold-war ideologies with something more nuanced. The assumption has been that people are too stupid for complex philosophy, they just need personality-faced technocracy.

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That’s quite a “who’s who of overlords”

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Have to disagree. DeBlasio routinely says the same shit.

Murphy, Cuomo, Newsom...

Hochul, Whitmer, Wen...

Hmm, you do have a point......

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Sorry, gentlemen, I must disagree. Look at the proportion of warrior moms compared to warrior dads fighting for kids' right not to be poisoned. We females are not inherently fascist

With the politicians, it's different for this reason: long shut out of old boys clubs, when the pharma satans showed up to make the offer of Dominion machines smiling favorably on these ambitious women, they sold their souls for that promise.

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I suspect an element of misogynistic self-hatred, especially in the case of Ardern. She's never been good at faking sincerity (the flip-switch smile is too obvious) but the strain of facilitating totalitarianism in the name of liberal democracy, of advancing the interests of the pharmaceutical industry in the name of health, is showing. You can tell from her speech patterns, her facial expressions, her body language, that she does not feel good about herself.

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It's strange (or maybe not) that the wannabe rulers are all spewing variants of this right now... it's filthy abusive language that in any other context would be considered hate speech or worse. After going through the various known and tested marketing strategies: fear, shame, hope, appeals to altruism... now they are getting into heavy threats: coercion, loss of your job & income, travel & entertainment restrictions... and finally, this unspecified awfulness that will be visited on the unjabbed.

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it's totalitarian fascism.

this is the part that that don't teach you about the 1930's.

fascism and totalitarianism were popular. people loved them. people demanded them. this was no forced on societies, they clamored for it and the cowardly "go along to get along" middle went along because "it's just easier."

the ones pushing it (including much of the american left and the american media) all saw it as "the way forward" and "social and civic duty."

and once this view of "we are entitled and even morally obligated to rule you for your own good" takes hold, it never, ever fails to become something monstrous.

there are no exceptions.

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A conglomerate of leaders suffering from Munchausen syndrome

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It's the history of civilization, regardless of geography or race

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It’s no wonder 113,776 people left the state of Illinois in 2021, the 8th year running of population decline. Lightfoot is destroying a once beautiful, safe, great city. Worst mayor is in history. I’ve talked to small business owners in the City who say they will not comply with this new mandate which is clearly not based on science/public health.

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"...once beautiful, safe, great city."

Say what? Not in my lifetime.

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Yeah, no kidding. It's amazing how many people think that the degeneracy, degradation, and corruption (etc.) just started in recent years, or worse, at the start of Covidmania. Good grief.

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I wonder how many in the police force she routinely vilifies will enforce this.

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Springfield is nothing, Chicago rules the state.

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“you get to keep the rights that you will fight for and not one iota more.


So many hills worth dying on.

No prisons worth living in.

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“Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them, and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress.”

― Frederick Douglass

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I'm well and truly in general agreement with your take on things El Gato, but I suspect many of the resistant -- and our "silent allies" among the go-along-to-get-along jabbed -- haven't yet realized a key point :

While we've been busy keeping our collective heads above the steadily rising tide, the Dark Lords (and Ladies) atop the pyramid (which a few of us have been pointing out for decades, with little success) have also developed the means to quash the uprisings they're clearly aware will accompany the socio-political shift.

No one but the "lunatic fringe" has been willing to acknowledge the long-standing process, despite abundant evidence. Until now. Two years along this dystopian downslope, it's clear that a significant portion of humanity will NEVER be able to wrap their heads around the idea.

History VERY clearly demonstrates conspiracy is their stock and trade. Always has been, always will be. The double-edged technologies supposedly undermining their efforts were developed by their DARPA minions. The scale, volume and pervasive nature of the contemporary systems of coercion their middle managers (politicians, bureaucrats, technocrats, et al.) wield are testament to the lessons they've clearly learned over the last couple centuries of occasional unrest and outright resistance.

As much as my heart agrees with every screed about their clumsy, ham-fisted efforts as we accelerate face first down the slippery slope, my head is still full of forty years of abundant evidence to the contrary. We misinterpret their seeming lack of subtlety and inability to offer a coherent message at our own peril.

The idea that there aren't well-considered contingencies aplenty waiting just around the corner flies in the face of the very premise of conspiracy, which inherently requires detailed planning. History is full of examples, nearly always available -- if only in hindsight.

The seeming illogic of mandates denuding organizations of necessary talent and resources, from healthcare to the military, make much more sense when viewed through the lens of eliminating dissenting voices from these largely hierarchical structures.

As a direct result, it's not unreasonable to expect those remaining will be much more likely to "follow orders" Eichmann-style, when the grief they're asked to visit on their fellow humans escalates yet again. Pitchforks and torches -- and the power of numbers -- are a romantic ideal. They will no longer suffice in the era of para-militarized police, pervasive monitoring, directed energy weapons and other such dystopian tools of the trade.

All that said, I realize this less-than-optimistic view will not sit well with individuals who prefer hope to despair. Honestly, there's still a small downstairs room in my soul clinging fiercely to a tattered idea : that the weight of truth and a massive uprising will somehow tip the balance.

Unfortunately, the same room is packed floor to ceiling with overstuffed filing cabinets containing forty years worth of reading, research and historical inquiry leading in a less satisfactory direction.

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Mr. Mitchell, excellent comment, and I'm in the same place as yourself (although mine is about fifteen years, not forty). My hope is that the folks who found themselves here and other sites like it will get busy educating themselves. They have a lot of catching up to do.

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I'm afraid you are correct in this assessment. But what then can we see as a way forward?

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Julia : one of the few items I've seen that provided any hope to my heart and mind was this recent speech from the indefatigable Catherine Austin Fitts. Twenty minutes of rare "must see" video, with zero histrionics or hype, which may help a few more folks wrap their heads around the nature -- and sheer scale -- of what we now face.


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So I’m assuming Chicago wants to begin some version of the jab pass as well? I keep wondering if these floundering cities with skyrocketing murder rates are just initiating these passes as an excuse for imminent collapse into a third world state. Then when they bankrupt themselves they can blame it all on the “emergency” and ask big daddy Fed for more money.

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Yes, that's what this is all about. Starts on Jan. 3rd, because it's a super important emergency. I went over the basics here:


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DO NOT COMPLY! Sometimes it really is that simple!

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EXACTLY! There's still *way* too much compliance. I keep hearing, "why aren't we out in the streets?" And that question is posed by someone who is wearing a mask and choosing to get tested for everything. The streets are a great place to make a statement, but rarely ever change anything. Turning our backs and withdrawing our consent *does*. SAY NO. Period.

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Fortunately for me, doing the things I love doesn't require anyone's permission.

I'm just sorry that having more dinner parties, basement Crossfit, and Netflix with the neighbors is going to hurt business owners. If they want to arrange something under the table, I think that's where this is headed. No taxpayer dollars for tyrants.

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Now do voter ID.

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My I proffer a "sick" and also a "burn" !

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That sounds like a declaration of war.

If war begins, it won't be her side that gets to say when it's over.

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Chicago is another city I hope to never see again. The government there is insane.

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She refuses to enforce murder laws in black regions - what makes you think she will enforce passport laws in these areas? seems this is a move to win votes with smug white folks

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Please everyone...flood social media with this clip of the CDC Director admitting to Blitzer in early August...almost five months ago...that the jabs don't stop infection or transmission of the virus and that the fully vaxxed and unvaxxed have similar viral loads.

While I allow for ignorance, incompetence, and useless virtue signaling...this move is clearly not about a virus or health. It gives the low information vaxxed a false sense of protection and discriminates against the unvaxxed for no public health reason.

I don't believe most unvaxxed will get the jab, so they can go to dinner or a show. This will hurt businesses within the city limits. It should be challenged.

And it will fail to stop transmission.

The Twitter clip:


The Fakebook clip:


On Rumble:


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Suggest that anyone in Chicago who values their freedom tell Mayor Lori: kiss my @ss.

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Hi Lori, answer me this, why would I freely give you something that you clearly have no respect or regard?

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My grocery chain refuses to enforce. My hardware/farmstore doesn't enforce even their employees. I left paid entertainment years ago. Reading is better, along with walking my dogs, rising my rescue pony, gardening. There's little they can take from me. I think taking SS would provoke immediate class action lawsuits.

They gave a bigger than expected boost to SS. Enough to pay for my increased heating oil bill. Guess they think I won't notice the electric, propane, gas, food, etc.

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I have come to the undeniable conclusion that far too many Americans, tens of millions of Americans, do not deserve the freedoms and liberties guaranteed by our Constitution, and are unworthy of the copious amounts of blood shed by our forebears as they preserved, protected, and defended the freedoms and liberties guaranteed by our Constitution.

Lori Lightfoot and EVERYONE who holds that or similar views are not my countrymen. I'll quote Samuel Adams again, far more eloquent than I could ever hope to be:

"The liberties of our country, the freedoms of our civil Constitution are worth defending at all hazards; it is our duty to defend them against all attacks. We have received them as a fair inheritance from our worthy ancestors. They purchased them for us with toil and danger and expense of treasure and blood. It will bring a mark of everlasting infamy on the present generation – enlightened as it is – if we should suffer them to be wrested from us by violence without a struggle, or to be cheated out of them by the artifices of designing men.”

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He anticipated the Lori Lightfoots:

“If ever a time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in Government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin.”

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what we needed: "experienced patriots"

what we got: "trained marxists"

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This may be my favorite Sam Adams quote:

"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen."

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Or... it means they're getting desperate and emotional and flailing.

And therefore making mistakes. Saying the quiet part out loud is a mistake.

When this gets to court, the Mayor saying "in fact is it inconvenient by design" makes it a lot harder for the city to argue that this is a good-faith public health measure.

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Terry McAwful made the "saying the quiet part out loud" mistake regarding parents and education, and it cost him an easy governorship win. Let's home for more verbal diarrhea from Leftist tyrants, though I suspect many of them are smarter than the Loris and Terrys of the world.

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How is she *not* the kind of domestic enemy the US Constitution has empowered us with the necessary tools to stop??

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I hope she tells all those gangbangers to make sure they're vaxxed before they go shoot each other. We wouldn't want them to catch the sniffles before doing what they love.

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There is a word that describes politicos like her: FASCIST

This is what it has come to: Openly promoting fascism. The silence of many is a testament to the power of the propaganda they have been guzzling.

DWF = Down With Fascism!

WWNC = We Will Not Comply!

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How about instead: WITCOHE

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When In The Course Of Human Events...

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She also orders mask mandates she doesn’t follow, business closures unless she wants a haircut, defund the police garbage unless it’s her a$$ on the line…. This “leader” is a hypocrite joke, she’s a true Libturd.

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what an ignorant idiot she is. how the hell did she become a mayor?, she is a derelict. civil disobedience all the way.

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I said that everyone should start small businesses and write themselves religious or medical exemptions because there is a stipulation for that in her new fiat.

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and then she will deny them Rose. She needs to go, her and the whole stinking lot of them or we make her life a living hell. She should mind her step, she is not invincible by any means.

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Agreed she needs to be I but she’s not going anywhere. This is the city that lived Rahm Emanuel. The ONLY solution is to get out and shore up red states.

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You never know Rose, there are many ways for people to be replaced...patience.

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Do the police in Chicago follow/respect her policies ?

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I can't imagine anyone but a lunatic listening, respecting or following her in any capacity.

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Then why comply, if no one will be enforcing.

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exactly...civil disobedience all the way...right where the sun don't shine.

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Very true. People stupid enough to submit to these mental midget tyrants deserve to lose their freedom. For me, I would rather die a free man than live under tyranny. I go on living my life with the same attitude I always have: Whenever the corrupt government tells me I "must" do something that is clearly unconstitutional, I do the exact opposite. They can shove that mRNA poison up their ass.

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"Fight for" means different things to different people. A lot of people "fought" to have Newsom ousted after the biggest destructive powergrab in American history. (Sorry New York, but you are a pipsqueak half our size.) He "won" retaining his seat by a 2:1 margin in a rigged mail-in election....mail-in owing to coof fears. By the time the slow-to-stir population will have had enough of this sort of pre-military communism, state sclerosis will be even more advanced. The only cure for this is a Sweet Meteor Of Death. Merry Blackpilled Christmas friends.

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Her time is coming. This kind of hysterical response is the last desperate gasp of somebody who has lost the argument because they have no coherent rationale for their position. This will not end well for her. She's just too drunk on power and stupidity to realize it yet.

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Do the police in Chicago follow/respect her policies?

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I can't say with specificity, but police in general follow orders. That's how it works. The conscientious objectors among them when asked to enforce tyrannical and immoral edicts are unfortunately few and far between. Just like that kind of courage is scarce in corporate board rooms or anywhere where there's paycheck waiting at the end of it.

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Haha! THIS from a mayor who has ZERO control over the criminals in her city? Does she think they are going to do this? And if they do not comply - well the ordinary citizen has every right to non-compliance too!

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It looks to me like citizenship is being redefined as being in compliance with current mandates, whatever they may be, and revokable whenever one fails to keep current with a jab schedule. Such that being unjabbed puts one in the category of being an "illegal", with no basic rights.

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Except that the real illegals -- excuse me, the undocumented persons -- have the "right" to remain unjabbed.

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This is exactly the case here. It lasts until the city decides to lift it, and the definition of 'fully vaccinated' can change based on the CDC OR city council.

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I thought “illegals” are receiving plenty of rights…education, healthcare, welfare, voting (in the works)…etc

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The things you mention -- other than, perhaps, voting -- aren't "rights." They're handouts. Handouts paid for by other people aren't rights. Of course, in today's society, or what passes for a society, handouts are the only "rights." Life and liberty, conversely, are benefits doled out or withheld at the pleasure of the State.

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As soon as I hit “post” I thought…my term is incorrect…thank you for the formal correction!

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I couldn't tell whether you were being literal or satiric, so I figured I'd add my own sardonicism just in case. 😉

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I don't know what the way out is. I cannot believe courts have allowed this, but they continue to. There's no way a GOP or similar person is going to win an election in Chicago or Philly or NY. So many people are so bought into the narrative that they happily and gleefully comply. So either it's just remove yourself from the cities and hope it stops there - or hope the virus fades enough that the rules stay in place but nobody cares anymore.

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Or we end up forcibly putting a stop to it. At this point I’m thinking just fuck it, let’s fight and get it over with. They will not stop.

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I don't disagree with the sentiment, but as others have said, I am not sure that is exactly the plan. Increase the pressure with more insane, illogical rules to force a violent reaction. Once a violent reaction occurs then you crack down even harder and those on the fence of the debate come down totally on the side of the regime.

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I agree, I’ve thought about that too. I’m thinking of the logical procession of events, presuming red state governments have moral courage, which I don’t take for granted. I don’t see a way forward with the left or how there can possibly be any reconciliation.

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Funny enough, as brazen as these fascists are, they aren’t imposing them on the welfare & assistance recipients. How ya think that would go over?

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💥💥💥 🎯🎯🎯

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Here’s a preview for ET impersonator Lori. Just happened in South Philly. Judging by her photo I can see why they left her behind too.


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What's really frightening is that so many politicians throughout the world are acting like they'll never have to face a free and fair election again.

Let's go Lori!

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You can only use the brain cells you got. If you only have 2...

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The audio is edited on that clip, watch his lips when it says “kill children”.

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Not too many Nathan Hale’s around these days. Call out the instigator because there’s something in the air.

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Lori Lightfoot is an what, oh I could of think of a dew adjectives. Grew up in Chicago. My hometown. A strong city full of midwesterners, kind, good people. A real melting plot. Grandma fro Sicily, another grandparent from Kilteely Ireland. Friends’ families came over from Poland Germany, Italy, Ireland. Later on we wondered the city and worked in the city mixing and meeting more long time Chicagoans and minorities.

What the HELL happened? It is people like Lori Lightfoot and her attorney general who are tearing our hometown to shreds. Destroying any semblance of safety or life as we knew it. Downton destroyed when black life matters tore up Michigan Ave ie and now continue to vandalise and steal from big name stores. Causing same stores to shut down for good. People are leaving Chicago in droves.

Well Lori, who exactly is going to pay your bills when your tax base diasappears. Maybe the drug dealers and thugs who are using people on the expressway as shooting targets. Perhaps you have a plan Lori, but I doubt it. Once you are finished destroying my hometown, you will simply walk away, like nothing happened.

To say I dislike people like you, who take no responsibility for ruining what once was a vibrant city is putting it mildly. You Lori Lightfoot are a disappointment. The best anyone could hope for is you step down before you cause anymore harm.


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Hear, hear! Born and raised southsider, here. Thanks to attending magnet schools I always had diverse groups of friends. Worked downtown for years, loved it especially at this time of year. Not anymore. A damn shame.

Merry Christmas 🎄 everyone who reads this.

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Lori light foot has bigger problems than covid to worry about in the murder capitol of the country. But she only gets backhanders for one of them. I think you know which one😂😂

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I am in Chicago, and what truly astounds me is how many people think this is a GOOD thing. I've shown them data that shows NY's vaccine passport did nothing. I point out that an infected, vaccinated person can dine out but a healthy person can't. They don't care. It isn't about logic or health, but obedience and the feeling of triumph over a perceived enemy.

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Check out theinvisiblegorilla.com

I wonder what kinds of fuckery they are up to (in plain sight!- like the omicron variant, it’s been here for a while, we just weren’t looking for it) while we all focus on this perverse, evil assault on our liberty. Florida looks better every day.

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Thank you Lori.... You're personal Nuremberg prosecutor really won't have to waste too much time on you. Oh, yes, since people like you seem absolutely oblivious... violations carry death penalty.

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Drag them into the street

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Her grammar/proofreading skills are great, too.

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I wrote about this crazy decision yesterday


Basically, the 'emergency' ends when she says it does and 'fully vaccinated' can change on a whim. If you support this, you're crazy.

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Off topic, but anecdotally I feel like I’m seeing more stories lately of vaccine injured people, as well as articles about fully vaccinated and boosted people getting Covid. Anyone else feel like this?

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I agree. But a weird thing (since I am in a free state) is a basketball player for a college did not want to get jabbed, but did, got myocarditis and is now off "for a while". Did that get any air time in the state/local news? NO. If he got covid and fell ill they would have wall to walled it. The news even in seriously red states still runs heavy blue. Thank God for alt media and substack.

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Definitely the latter...

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Well I guess this kitty ain't going to Chicago any time soon.

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Beetle Juice's uglier sister must be hanged by her lighter foot, head first in a latrine, and injected with her owners' poisons until the clots rip her arse apart in a massive explosion.

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She designs a lot of inconvenient stuff like coverups of fake hate crimes and also bullets going into innocent people. Busy lady.

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