We have spent 50 years destroying America. Instead of creating a even better society, we made it worse with disparate impact and other stupid things. Our "leaders" are coasting on the legacy others built, which shows how far America was ahead 50 years ago.
China and Russia are led by smart people who have studied our mistakes. They w…
We have spent 50 years destroying America. Instead of creating a even better society, we made it worse with disparate impact and other stupid things. Our "leaders" are coasting on the legacy others built, which shows how far America was ahead 50 years ago.
China and Russia are led by smart people who have studied our mistakes. They will avoid our stupidity. They don't need to invade, as they can just sit back and watch us die.
Re China and Russia: Don't count on that. China is not sitting back, they are actively working on our demise. Been the plan since the long march. On top of that, the CCP are a criminal organization, but I don't think their leadership is all that smart because they seem to be in dire financial straits. Putin is playing much smarter and making 3D chess moves against the EU's checkers, and Brandon's Tic Tac Toe.
You both seem to overlook the problem that, over long time periods, empires tend to stagnate and rot, for any number of reasons. I don't dispute that America and the West are likely well down the chute into an unclear but likely disastrous future. But you seem to forget the vast turmoils that the (then ) USSR and China went through in the twentieth century -- man-made catastrophes on a scale rarely seen in Europe or America. Did they "learn" from these upheavals? Maybe yes, maybe no. Like everything else, empires and nations are born, live a while, and die, or at least transmute into totally new forms. That is the lesson of thousands of years of world history. Nobody stays on top for ever.
America had a good run. The ancient cycle of hubris has been fulfilled. The incompetent and the greedy rose to the top.
China is full of greedy fools. There is a lot of corruption at all levels. Construction is often shoddy and even the Chinese know domestic baby formula is harmful to babies due to corruption.
The leadership has studied the West extensively and are trying to avoid our pitfalls. Xi is strongly supporting Chinese nationalism and the ancient Chinese school of Legalism. It may be enough to put off a collapse. Xi is most worried about losing out domestically.
Russia survived a collapse and if it can stay out of Davos control, it should succeed in its rebirth. There is a good chance of it falling apart post-Putin, as future leaders may not be as capable.
Well aware of the fate of empires over the centuries. I am also aware that the time span before collapse is accelerating. Those old agrarian cultures lasted a long time, but even there went through major upheavals and reformation before they ended in the dust heap. Now because of technology and its increasing pace old institutions go past their best buy date more quickly. We saw the rise and fall of the British Empire in a few hundred years, same with Spain, and who is going to morn the demise of the Third Riech? The near future will tell whether America is headed for the dust bin or huge transformation. "My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings;
Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare The lone and level sands stretch far away.”
I dunno guys, I've seen this latest of "ted talk" type of presentations regarding the rise and fall of empires (Dutch to British, British to USA, etc) and how it looks that right now we're in the transfer of power period from America to China.
While many things in that presentation are logical and believable I get the feeling that it's all just predictive programming for us to better accept the transfer to a totalitarian system. I can't take at face value anything that comes with a stamp of approval from the powers that be.
Somehow it seems that America is being actively sabotaged from within and without for at least 50 years (if not more) in order to precipitate this transfer while China is being propped big time.
P.S.: While I do not have strong pro or against feelings regarding the Pax Americana I still think it's better than a Pax China.
American leaders decided to "engage" with China and attempt to make it a liberal democracy by making it wealthy. This was based upon the idea that capitalism leads to liberal democracy and also the idea that liberal democracies don't go to war with themselves.
Of course, this ploy also allowed American oligarchs to solve their labor and regulatory problems in America, so it had a good side benefit. Plus it accelerated the wealth acquisition by the oligarchs.
Unfortunately, it also permanently weakened the American middle class, increased class division, and economic stratification. This resulted in the Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street movements, which for all they came from the left and the right, both had concerns about the power of corporations.
Soon after that we got racial division with Trayvon Martin, then Ferguson, and BLM just in time for Obama's reelection campaign. And then we had the fake Rolling Stone story on UVa and the "war on women" to aid the Hillary campaign.
Woke took off as well. It serves as a class signifier and the rich and powerful to punch down on the lower and middle class.
Perhaps it developed organically, but it seems unlikely. The oligarchs love divide and conquer. And "good leftists" cheer the national security state and large corporations......hmmmm.
These cultural Marxists think the world is Hogwarts and everyone they disagree with is a Nazi.
The military is struggling to fill the ranks due to these people and their policies, as well as the knowledge of the bad missions.
Russia and China do not agree with cultural Marxism, so they are not cursed with it. They fully understand American military has become a paper tiger. Sure we can still bomb places back to the stone age, but we are not going to win wars.
We have spent 50 years destroying America. Instead of creating a even better society, we made it worse with disparate impact and other stupid things. Our "leaders" are coasting on the legacy others built, which shows how far America was ahead 50 years ago.
China and Russia are led by smart people who have studied our mistakes. They will avoid our stupidity. They don't need to invade, as they can just sit back and watch us die.
Re China and Russia: Don't count on that. China is not sitting back, they are actively working on our demise. Been the plan since the long march. On top of that, the CCP are a criminal organization, but I don't think their leadership is all that smart because they seem to be in dire financial straits. Putin is playing much smarter and making 3D chess moves against the EU's checkers, and Brandon's Tic Tac Toe.
You both seem to overlook the problem that, over long time periods, empires tend to stagnate and rot, for any number of reasons. I don't dispute that America and the West are likely well down the chute into an unclear but likely disastrous future. But you seem to forget the vast turmoils that the (then ) USSR and China went through in the twentieth century -- man-made catastrophes on a scale rarely seen in Europe or America. Did they "learn" from these upheavals? Maybe yes, maybe no. Like everything else, empires and nations are born, live a while, and die, or at least transmute into totally new forms. That is the lesson of thousands of years of world history. Nobody stays on top for ever.
America had a good run. The ancient cycle of hubris has been fulfilled. The incompetent and the greedy rose to the top.
China is full of greedy fools. There is a lot of corruption at all levels. Construction is often shoddy and even the Chinese know domestic baby formula is harmful to babies due to corruption.
The leadership has studied the West extensively and are trying to avoid our pitfalls. Xi is strongly supporting Chinese nationalism and the ancient Chinese school of Legalism. It may be enough to put off a collapse. Xi is most worried about losing out domestically.
Russia survived a collapse and if it can stay out of Davos control, it should succeed in its rebirth. There is a good chance of it falling apart post-Putin, as future leaders may not be as capable.
By the third generation or so, bureaucracies forget their mission and the only impetus is preserving itself.
Well said.
Well aware of the fate of empires over the centuries. I am also aware that the time span before collapse is accelerating. Those old agrarian cultures lasted a long time, but even there went through major upheavals and reformation before they ended in the dust heap. Now because of technology and its increasing pace old institutions go past their best buy date more quickly. We saw the rise and fall of the British Empire in a few hundred years, same with Spain, and who is going to morn the demise of the Third Riech? The near future will tell whether America is headed for the dust bin or huge transformation. "My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings;
Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare The lone and level sands stretch far away.”
Well said
Brandon can’t understand Tic Tac Toe.
I dunno guys, I've seen this latest of "ted talk" type of presentations regarding the rise and fall of empires (Dutch to British, British to USA, etc) and how it looks that right now we're in the transfer of power period from America to China.
While many things in that presentation are logical and believable I get the feeling that it's all just predictive programming for us to better accept the transfer to a totalitarian system. I can't take at face value anything that comes with a stamp of approval from the powers that be.
Somehow it seems that America is being actively sabotaged from within and without for at least 50 years (if not more) in order to precipitate this transfer while China is being propped big time.
P.S.: While I do not have strong pro or against feelings regarding the Pax Americana I still think it's better than a Pax China.
American leaders decided to "engage" with China and attempt to make it a liberal democracy by making it wealthy. This was based upon the idea that capitalism leads to liberal democracy and also the idea that liberal democracies don't go to war with themselves.
Of course, this ploy also allowed American oligarchs to solve their labor and regulatory problems in America, so it had a good side benefit. Plus it accelerated the wealth acquisition by the oligarchs.
Unfortunately, it also permanently weakened the American middle class, increased class division, and economic stratification. This resulted in the Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street movements, which for all they came from the left and the right, both had concerns about the power of corporations.
Soon after that we got racial division with Trayvon Martin, then Ferguson, and BLM just in time for Obama's reelection campaign. And then we had the fake Rolling Stone story on UVa and the "war on women" to aid the Hillary campaign.
Woke took off as well. It serves as a class signifier and the rich and powerful to punch down on the lower and middle class.
Perhaps it developed organically, but it seems unlikely. The oligarchs love divide and conquer. And "good leftists" cheer the national security state and large corporations......hmmmm.
Kinda like that retro “ Twilight Zone” episode ….
Maybe, maybe not. Can you imagine the world's most powerful military in the hands of future generations of indoctrinated cultural marxists?
Russia and China will pay close attention.
These cultural Marxists think the world is Hogwarts and everyone they disagree with is a Nazi.
The military is struggling to fill the ranks due to these people and their policies, as well as the knowledge of the bad missions.
Russia and China do not agree with cultural Marxism, so they are not cursed with it. They fully understand American military has become a paper tiger. Sure we can still bomb places back to the stone age, but we are not going to win wars.