Jv - I'm sorry for your loss of your friend. You are correct. In order to prove that the vaccine worked, they would have had to have accurate data but we all know (the critical thinkers and one's not blinded by the manipulation) that's not the case. Billy Bob Gates already pointed out that one of his favorite books is "How to Lie Using …
Jv - I'm sorry for your loss of your friend. You are correct. In order to prove that the vaccine worked, they would have had to have accurate data but we all know (the critical thinkers and one's not blinded by the manipulation) that's not the case. Billy Bob Gates already pointed out that one of his favorite books is "How to Lie Using Statistics". We know what he's about. I haven't trusted much of anything he is behind, especially vaccines.
That's a classic book. I read it as a teen (parent's book from mid-20th century.) As the title might suggest, the book is, in fact, a slightly irreverent yet entirely pragmatic survey of all the mischief that can be wrought with facts and figures.
Jv - I'm sorry for your loss of your friend. You are correct. In order to prove that the vaccine worked, they would have had to have accurate data but we all know (the critical thinkers and one's not blinded by the manipulation) that's not the case. Billy Bob Gates already pointed out that one of his favorite books is "How to Lie Using Statistics". We know what he's about. I haven't trusted much of anything he is behind, especially vaccines.
That's a classic book. I read it as a teen (parent's book from mid-20th century.) As the title might suggest, the book is, in fact, a slightly irreverent yet entirely pragmatic survey of all the mischief that can be wrought with facts and figures.