Well, the Vogon is there to serve notice that the planet is to be demolished due to a new hyper-express route being built through our solar system, the cylon is looking for humans for a reason I never really understood when trying to watch "Cattlecar Galactica", and the Goa'Uld is just checking in on his old turf.
Yes, I used to watch/re…
Well, the Vogon is there to serve notice that the planet is to be demolished due to a new hyper-express route being built through our solar system, the cylon is looking for humans for a reason I never really understood when trying to watch "Cattlecar Galactica", and the Goa'Uld is just checking in on his old turf.
Yes, I used to watch/read way to much crap sci-fi. Got hooked on it reading the Delta Science Fiction series in the communal library as a nipper - Van Vogt, Andre Norton, "Horselover Phat" (Philip K Dick), Heinlein, Sladek, Lem, and so many others, high-brow and pure space fantasy escapism and just plain weird.
Well, the Vogon is there to serve notice that the planet is to be demolished due to a new hyper-express route being built through our solar system, the cylon is looking for humans for a reason I never really understood when trying to watch "Cattlecar Galactica", and the Goa'Uld is just checking in on his old turf.
Yes, I used to watch/read way to much crap sci-fi. Got hooked on it reading the Delta Science Fiction series in the communal library as a nipper - Van Vogt, Andre Norton, "Horselover Phat" (Philip K Dick), Heinlein, Sladek, Lem, and so many others, high-brow and pure space fantasy escapism and just plain weird.
Today, I need to up my game.
I'm stumped but this is some funny shit...and I don't even need to know what the hell you're talking about.
>takes a bow<
1st urchin: Longbow, shortbow or crossbow?
2nd urchin: Strongbow o'course ya ninny!
3rd urchin (of the sea variety): ...and people call me prickly...
>ba-dum tisch<
I'm saving this. I still can't figure it out. Circling back Peppermint Patty....
alright, I had to use the internet of THINGS to get that one.
touche Rikard!
Oh, yes. Resistance is futile! Read all the above.