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It actually can lie and be lied to. Deep fakes for example are lies created thru AI. It can be lied to thru deception. Sometimes it deceives because it is programmed to, and sometimes it deceives thru a "learned" process that may have not been the intent of the programmer. Uh Oh. Lots of big brains looking at deception re AI.

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Crazy stuff that could (will?) occur! Were there ANY sort of ethical guidelines formulated whenever computers became more operational, like back in the Fifties? That was also around the golden age of science fiction, if I'm not mistaken, so one would think that there would've been some speculative chit chat back and forth between the programmers about these sorts of scenarios. Maybe there was, but humans are now ignoring wisdom and instead going full throttle with all the "glorious" possibilities that the synthetic deep fakes can bring about (not really glorious, because lying only ever adds to confusion).

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The deception goes wider and deeper than deep fakes.

Remember when Googles motto was "Don't be evil"? That went out the window. In fact they had some employees who got fired because they exposed Google's evil.

Back in the olden days, as the old'ns say, the main concern for programmers, ethically speaking, was nuclear war. Now there are few guardrails and the world is a lot trickier. Luckily even madmen don't relish dying.

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Yes, I'm sure that the deception is rampant beyond what most of us currently know, and that Google is playing a big part in that.

"We are unlikely to face a rebellion of sentient machines in the coming decades, but we might have to deal with hordes of bots that know how to press our emotional buttons better than our mother does and that use this uncanny ability, at the behest of a human elite, to try to sell us something--be it a car, a politician, or an entire ideology." --Yuval Noah Harari "Why Technology Favors Tryranny"

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No animal, human or machine would ever be able to out manipulate my mom. May she rest in peace. She considered it a gift. I, unfortunately, was holding the door for everyone else in that department. I would be the worst spy ever. The spy they left out in the cold.

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That thing, Harare, isn't human. It's far deep in sociopathy if it is. I think it's a reptilian like Bourla.

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"If you want to keep a secret, you must also hide it from yourself"


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I could see AI lying if it felt it was in its benefit to do so.

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I view them as an organism. They have been unleashed to replicate, adapt to their surroundings and ultimately control that environment.

They're just figuring out how to lie like a 3 year old.

Blink and you have Methuselah telling you there's no such thing as lies.

That's what I call the great CRUSHING

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Except Methuselah wasn't evil. On the bright side, after Methuselah died God hit the reset button except for the 8... the number of perfection.

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Raptor -

I'm gonna go ahead and admit I'm starting to save your post to my deep thinker files.

Good stuff...:}

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I read your comment to Mr. Raptor. He got a good laugh.

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You are Rosemary's Baby!

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I also wonder if total truth and sanity without human unpredictability is a good and worthy goal. Hill House was totally sane, LOL, Seriously, I am doing a weird ass job that is only there because every tech who puts together catalogs from a manufacturer does it differently. Often illogically. I think humans are weird and weird data has a chance of blowing the AI' s tiny mind. It doesn't mean we stop fighting, but I think there is an ineffable something about us that is going to throw the system for a loop in the end. It might be able to play a logic based game like Go like a MF'er, but humans don't play GO, for the most part. We are absolutely irrational and part of that can involve the conjoining of a seriously untalented Graphic Artist that lays everything out in Excel and converts it to PDF with a admin who doesn't know any better and keeps referring you to the originally defective document...

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Felt being a loose term. Yes.

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Damn. That's deep. And makes sense.

We need to deep six this shit!

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That day has long since passed.

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Yeah. We're in deep shit

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