You make a pretty deep assumption in that tptb want to win over the people, egm.
I don't think they do.
I think they want to subjugate the people. You only do that by crushing them, and then rubbing their faces in it,and by showing them how futile it is to 'know' anything about how they got here,because there's not a damn thing they can do to achieve anything resembling true justice.
So you let the peons rattle on,and you help foment anarchy,because that helps the crush also.
The increasing brazenness of the puppet leaders supports your theory.
Biden is literally senile and cannot get a sentence out without embarrassing himself. His family's graft is out in the open. His VP is a demented, cackling hyena who slept her way to the middle in her prior profession, and then got gifted a role due to skin colour and lady parts, despite being quite possibly the most stupendously unqualified person in *any job*, ever.
In the UK we gave Boris a historic 80 seat majority. He got removed. Then we voted for Liz Truss (rejecting Rishi), and she got removed. Now the Davos man Rishi is in charge, despite nobody voting for him, and the party expressly rejecting him when they did vote. Alongside him, inexplicably, is a Chancellor who everyone loathes, and got the lowest vote of *any candidate* when he ran for leader - the most unpopular man in the race, even among his own colleagues.
Around the world, WEF graduate Sanna Marin is astonishingly elected as Finland's PM, and then makes the move of announcing Finland will join NATO, something they've staunchly resisted since NATO formed. Jacinda Horseface in NZ, also a very young WEFfie, openly tells the media she is creating a 2 tier society. Now that the public hate her, she's wafted on up to a more lucrative job at supra-national level, far from the reaches of voter discontent. Ditto Australia's PM, ScoMo, who assumed every power under the sun, and is now also exiting the scene for a supra-national gig. Trudeau and his godawful sidekick are ruining Canada and overriding basic rights, with Carney cheering them on. Rutte, in the Netherlands, is openly destroying the nation's farming capacity and ability to feed itself, on behalf of global powers.
Many nations are passing bills that look suspiciously identical, that intro CBDCs, and outro freedom of expression and assembly.
On reflection, I think you're right. Whoever is pulling the strings clearly doesn't give a f*ck about what we think, and they're no longer trying to keep up pretences. In fact they seem to have escalated to a ritual-humiliation phase of governance, where they say "No, you will not have the leader you voted for, you will have our guy - and there's nothing you can do about it"...and "You will be governed by a senile sock puppet, and if you object, we will label you as a terrorist just for laughs; just because we can!". Sadistic domination, and it feels like the humiliation and rubbing our faces in the openness of the corruption (and incompetence) is very much a feature, rather than a bug. Hope I'm wrong, it's rather depressing to ponder.
Can I just say? That was a sterling and concise round up of our western leadership.
(Now do King George and that ilk. I watched Russel Brand yesterday go over just what that family gets for a ' stipend ' free of course. Yow. )
Ritual humiliation. I could not have said it better myself. No strong man or dictator gets There by caring about the people,or what the rabble may think of them.
Power . As Comic artist Stan Lee used to say:" Nuff Said"
Yes, today we are being treated to the pomp & splendour of the coronation of King Sausage Fingers, and all for the bargain price of £100 million of taxpayers money. If you have a look at some of the aerial video of his parade, you may enjoy the fact that they've literally filled the potholes in the road with wet sand so that his golden carriage is able to glide right over the roads that are completely knackered because we spent £100m on his party and didn't have any left to sort the potholes. There's a metaphor for the nation in there somewhere...
Most of us held a good amount of amount of respect for the Queen, on account of her long service, and her prudence in not lecturing us about how to live our lives ...from the steps of a private jet, etc. Unfortunately it's challenging to muster any of the same affection for the pack of perverts and dullards she has left us with - the next 2 generations of Windsors.
Charles won't spare us his (unsolicited) opinions on the importance of the Great Reset, and happily regales us with boastful tales of how he's converted his Rolls Royce to run on leftover wine from the estate. He really said that. And he really thought that was a wise and relatable anecdote that he should urgently relate to 'his people' (the ones suffering through a major cost of living crisis, and about to shell out for his Golden Hat Party).
Harry has managed to disappear completely up his own fundament, and we can only hope that he and his grasping shrew of a wife stay permanently in California rather than bringing any of their unpleasant brand of hypocritical whinging back to our shores. Well no such luck, the Petulant Prince is here. At least he didn't bring Woko Ono with him I suppose.
William is ok, though I do wish someone would pull him aside and tell him to stop emoting in public. We literally only tolerate you over-privileged twats because you're *a silent symbol* ...emphasis on the word silent, Sir! Too much boo hooing about the hard knocks of life growing up as a Prince. Time to retire the small violin if you want the monarchy to survive long enough to wear the Gold Hat.
Regarding Andrew, the less said about that odious toad, the better.
That's my 'live report' from central London. Oh, and it's raining, which does seem rather fitting.
Would you mind if I quote you to friends via social media? This is about the very best, most prescient take on the monarchy I think I've ever read. Kudos to you!
I can't stand either of them, King and Queen. He should have married that whore in the first place. Maybe Diana would still be living a happy life somewhere.
Jjin... here I was wondering if we could package the grifting duo back up and send them " home ". That's out you say?
Omiword ! ,that is a huge sum of money spent on someone y'all had No Choice about. They have enough of their to throw a modest party and to-do... the sand. Oh, my gosh...
As we in the States might say " Punch!, no punch backs!"
Californistan is truly the only place here that might tolerate their hypocrisy. It's rather expected.
Here in the Lower Appalachian mountains where Britain dumped their Irish and Scots troublemakers a while back,you'll see the highest % of gingers in the world , outside of Ireland. He ofttimes makes me glad my own carrot top is graying, so as to be less associated with him. And I DO mean ass-ociated.
Systematic Humiliation: It's right from the communist playbook, per Dr Theodore Dalrymple:
"Political correctness is communist propaganda writ small. In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is in some small way to become evil oneself. One's standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to."
That is a tough argument to dispute. I suppose the only solace is that I have always been ruled by clowns, though perhaps previously more subtly so, yet here we are: a relatively free people debating it (for now). This and our relative freedom of movement are what we have -- though they certainly do seem determined to limit/crush that as well (see CBDC and all other forms of speech censorship).
Excellent set of observations. We can hope the public will observe, eventually and take power back. These sorts of cycles have happened on a smaller scale but do seem to correct themselves, often violently.
Exactly right. I wish El Gato would explain why he thinks it matters that "trust was eroded", "they burned credibility", "they lost the people". It doesn't handicap them at all. The elites built up an army of enforcers and "expert" ideologues who are now veterans of the First World Germ War and will be battle-hardened and wiser going into the Second World Germ War. They'll come door to door with foreign-born police (all those military-age crimmigrants aren't being herded in by accident) and force all of us to get injected. They'll achieve 100% compliance and laugh in our faces as they do it. They LIKE the fact that they lost the people. They WANT to look in our eyes and savor how we feel as they force us to poison our children. They KNOW their plans will never be contingent on trust or credibility again.
I hope you are right. But I won't believe it until I see it.
When muslim rape gangs in the UK preyed on thousands of young white girls, were they met with leth@l force? Nope. The fathers did little, and the authorities persecuted anyone who tried to rescue the girls.
So we know that there is no humiliation extreme enough to cause white men to rise against those who seek to destroy us. Is there any humiliation greater than having foreign barbarians run trains on our daughters? Is there anything lower? There is not. If white men won't resort to leth@l force for that, we won't resort to leth@l force for anything. Certainly not when they come with mandatory syringes.
Whites have what some call a "high trust" society. When we had our own countries, this high trust enabled us to create the greatest things in human history--science and technology, the industrial revolution, classical music, great art, and to whatever degree we "created" it, Christianity. But now we live in multicultural societies, where clannish, low-trust societies who band together against us have a huge advantage. Their genes have far more survival value in multicultural societies than ours do. It's a Prisoner's Dilemma where we always play the losing move, by nature, and they always play the winning move against us. We are already ruled by foreigners. I don't think we whites will ever become clannish enough to fight back. I would love to be proven wrong during my lifetime, though.
You make some very excellent points. In the US, we have people that are political prisoners, and if you fight back in certain states, you WILL be prosecuted. Sometimes the people escape prison, sometimes they don't.
Perhaps there will be different sort of tribalism in the US in terms of red/blue states. People are already moving to places they feel are more... compatible with their world views. IDK. Or maybe the people who would naturally fight back are just too stoned and medicated to do anything.
Until there is a correlation and connection with these walking manifestations of evil, and piano wire and lampposts (or at least prison cells), this abuse will continue.
I would add that the will to deceive, depopulate, and divest the public of funds, freedom, and fun does not of necessity correlate to wisdom. Just because the philanthropaths catastrophically overplayed their hand does not mean long-term planning was absent.
When you are trying to reset the world by 2030, you throw everything in the blender in the hopes that the dystopian shitfuckeryfest smoothie will be palatable, which it frankly was for the majority of the menticided public. They relied on censorship, Big Tech collusion, and mass-scale propagandizing to silence, smear, and stigmatize the remnant of critical thinkers exposing their machinations, and to a great extent, that worked because most people inhabit GloboCap’s version of “Reality” ( and have no intention of departing Plato’s Cozy Propaganda Cave.
I posted this clip of a host barbecuing Gates in a previous comment, but it is even more delicious than the pieing video, so I wanted to make sure everyone gets a chance to savor this:
You’re right, Don—I dashed that off too quickly. What I should have said is it needs to work as a substitute for NGO without the “noun” part ;-) “Outcome” is the product of their actions but not the entity itself.
That’s good, too! The problem is they’re more lackeys than leaders, though, and I’m having trouble finding an ‘O’ word that captures their role as minions.
"Thats an immature way to look at it" I may have to use his response the next time a progresssive projectile vomits shallow, mainstream media talking points about, well, anything.
Haha, I’ll admit it’s a good one, but it lacks the clinical diagnosis present in “philanthropath” (“a psychopath masquerading as a philanthropist”) as well as the covert insertion of meaning that detonates halfway through the word.
Dang it! I should have known it was too good to be true. My husband had played it in the background and I was listening rather than watching it. I always carefully vet videos before sharing them in my articles but guess I should start doing that before posting them in comments, too! Thanks for the heads-up, NY.
Extraordinary! I am wondering why Bill allowed himself to be mercilessly grilled by such an incisive interviewer. I can only assume that his PR advisors must have done a piss poor job of vetting the woman before agreeing to the interview.
It's what I've been saying all along, that the development to marketing timeframe seems awfully sketchy. I worked at one of the biggest independent preclinical (animal testing) pharmaceutical research labs from 1980 to 2017, and not one word did I hear of any mRNA vaccines being worked on while I was there. You would think, given that the big players in this game (you know who they are) were some of our biggest clients, that we would have been in the forefront of this cutting-edge technology. Not saying that it wasn't being worked on there but if it was, it was pretty minor and low-key and definitely dwarfed by other developments in the industry--as I said, I didn't hear anything about mRNA vaccines until AFTER I'd left the company, and I think I was in a position to know. There weren't any "secret" projects going on. So my guess is that most of this mRNA research was going on outside the US in places where the Animal Welfare Act, Good Laboratory Practices, and other regulations didn't apply. When I heard about Fauci's beagle experiments with sand-flies that pretty much confirmed my suspicions as there is no way that would have been permitted at my lab. It would have been in violation of several federal regulations and would not have gotten IACUC (Institutional Animal Care and Usage Committee) approval. It makes me wonder how many other shady projects are being conducted overseas and out of sight.
it has seemed to me that mRNA was a largely failed technology that a number of folks had been trying to use for a variety of purposes (like oncology) but without any real success. in particular, the toxicity and side effect profiles were problematic. its sudden recruitment as "the shiny new vaccine vector" struck me as deeply odd as it really does not make sense as a vaccine modality and is unlikely to ever evoke sterilizing immunity (and leaky vaccines are deeply dangerous).
i get the sense it was some highly connected folks who said "we can do this!" and convinced a bunch of regulators and governments to back them but that the real game was "OMG, how can we get our cash back out of this huge money pit we dug?"
Not an expert but yes your take makes sense. In retrospect, it does feel as if there was degree of desperation around mRNA. “We gotta get our money outta this disaster, consequences be damned.”
Merck developed a swine mRNA vaccine that has been in use since 2018. I think it was developed somewhere in Europe. I am guessing that is where most of the ground work came from that allowed the development to happen so quickly.
there were a few veterinary applications, but they were generally failures and were exhibiting a lot of serious issues including causing auto-immune responses.
Sequivity was launched in 2018, has been widely accepted and there hasn’t been any concern within the US pork industry about the dangers or side effects of it. My point was more that I’m assuming the OP probably wasn’t in the know about veterinary technologies being developed in Germany.
It seems like the mRNA technology wasn’t performing in human medicine as hoped. But there was a hope it would work in veterinary medicine. It’s easier to get interventions approved in vet med than in human med. The pandemic gave them an excuse to use the technology on a massive scale and they used what they learned with the pig product to develop the human product.
I don't know about you; but when I hear the word "platform" being used for new tech I want to understand how it works and why I would "invest" in it.
I mean, after all, a platform is a product that serves or enables other products or services in the future. Wouldn't you want to know what exactly it "enables"?
You'd think folks would want to understand how a new drug platform may affect their health in the future.
Makes you wonder how many "applications" they already have tee'd up.
This new platform really does seem to be a feature for bugs in both the "hardware" of the body AND the "software" of the building blocks of life.
Wow! But what if we go one step further: there never was a significant risk from COVID. In poor countries that couldn't afford a medical response, virtually NOBODY died; all of the deaths transpired in countries where "medicine" played a large role precisely because it was the treatments, not the diseases, that killed people - and the more "treatment" you got, the more likely you were to die. Basically, they hyped a nonexistent threat, paying doctors to kill people & blame the deaths on COVID (old sick people die, why is largely arbitrary, so if you pay them to say COVID, they can & will blame COVID).
Folks, a corona virus CANNOT kill you - it's just physically impossible. A corona virus can be the straw that breaks the camel's back if you're already old & sick, but that's basically arbitrary (old & sick was the real cause of death because some bug would have been present in any scenario). If you were young & healthy when you died of COVID, it's because they killed you in the hospital w/ a drug regimen & isolation practices that would have killed anybody. (Turns out tying people to a bed while telling them they're about to die is kind of bad for your health - then shooting them up w/ deadly drugs will finish the job.)
WuFlu was likely circulating for a long time, plenty of time to decide it was a problem & then make a big mania about it. Actually, Pharma makes up new diseases all the time - this was just the most successful. There was no WuFlu crisis; if we'd done nothing, we'd have been fine. The treatment was the disease.
But cp, we must not forget that for the "too important to be mortal" crowd, it makes complete sense to take experimental drugs that make them sick the rest of their lives!
That way they're only "marginally mortal".
It's totally rational for "little gods" to justify having you ostracized for your blasphemous insolence of questioning their immortality.
I respectfully disagree. I know several healthy people who were permanently disabled by covid (decreased lung function...etc) and 2 that died at home with NO treatment.
Covid was dangerous and deadly for some--AND a horrific game plan was in place to deny effective early treatment, and rush the a deadly vaccine.
Before or after the “vaccines”? I think Covid mutated around the vaccines and the Delta variant was in fact, a nasty virus even for middle-aged, relatively healthy people.
Respectfully, how do you know they were "healthy"? Were you given access to their medical records? How do you know they had COVID? What test did they use? It's far far more likely that they had health conditions of which you - or even they - were unaware. Sadly, the world is filled w/ undiagnosed cancers, diabetes etc. And, even if they knew, they might not have told you, so I think "healthy" is unlikely because viruses in general - and corona viruses in particular - just don't have the capacity to do what you're claiming (our immune system is far too strong for that). Instead, these are opportunistic, attacking pre-existing vulnerabilities.
It's not hard for hammer salesmen to find nails or to convince others that they've found nails, but you've got to ask whether or not it's really a nail - here, the "need"/demand for healthy people injured by COVID was so great that it was easy to find examples (botched or non-existent testing, failure to disclose).
I remember a famous study on AIDs found lots of people w AIDs who didn't use drugs & weren't into gay sex. Then, follow-up studies confirmed the obvious: they were, they just were reluctant to admit it. I suspect that healthy people w/ COVID weren't healthy and/or weren't infected by COVID.
Obviously, I could be wrong, but how do you know their health status? Their COVID status? isn't it possible you were simply wrong/misinformed? Doesn't invalidate their suffering or your experience, but I think it's unlikely that this virus was so powerful & yet had so FEW such victims. Why didn't it cut through society despite these super powers? Isn't it MORE likely that they weren't healthy/COVID infected than that COVID has magical powers that somehow only rarely appear?
Regardless, thank you for the thought -provoking comment. and I'm very sorry for their suffering & yours. Disagreeing on the cause is not meant to minimize either.
I was under the impression that the mRNA vaccine technology came from the US DoD and it was licensed to BioNTech / Pfizer for scaling and distribution. This also ties in the US intelligence and military apparatus to the whole scheme to get rid of Trump.... I mean take over the world... I mean stop the deadly COVID virus.
Billy g is an exact copy of fauci...neither has ever done ONE good and decent thing for mankind. Both are always trying to push the agenda of destruction and profit (for themselves only). Neither gives a hoot if their nonsensical crap murders humans or creates undesirable conditions.
"Neither gives a hoot if their nonsensical crap murders humans "
Gates is on record planning to use vaccines to depopulate 10-15% of the planet. So I'd say he cares very much that his products murder. That is his goal: murder with plausible deniability.
Oh boy, the power of a "check" from Uncle Sam is the only recruitment tool needed to attract morons, mealy-mouths, mediocrities, mendacious malcontents and malificent maniacs.
I find your use of the letter 'm' intriguing and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.
But I do think that covers all the bases except one: $BigGov can also be use to hire the best and brightest so that they can be hidden from sight to keep their radical ideas buried OR exploited for their own end as needed.
They say it's just as easy to buy a scientist - or your doctor (who you can keep, if you like your doctor) - as it is to buy a politician.
What is so remarkable is how much Covid looks like the story-line of Mission Impossible 2, in which the evil villains want to infect the world with the Chimera virus to sell the cure, Bellerophon.
I have seen things that sure make it look like Covid was in the works as far back as 2013 or '14. Gates, Fraudci, some academics, and their minions. They made a shit load of money, and proved that most people will behave like sheep when manipulated by "Authority" and "experts", but failed to get themselves ensconced in permanent seats of power. But they are NOT giving up or going away. Sharpen your claws. You're going to need them.
Being a paid subscriber is a luxury! I wish I had disposable income to support all the truth warriors out there. Unfortunately I can only support a few and they aren’t all on this platform.
I hope access to accurate information and truth doesn’t become limited to those with wealth. That would be the end of the fight for our freedom.
It will be an issue if the only people with Substack sites are the wealthy who don't need any income .... If enough readers can at least support a few writers, Substack can and should make a huge difference IMO.
I like that most Substackers who have paid subscriptions also frequently post some articles that can be read by anyone.
In fact, that's how I caught on here. My friend Lillian (a fun little look at culture and politics and current events and stuff - linked to The Bad Cat so I hung around a bit. Then some more.
Then I decided to pay because it's worth it to me. This is a fantasic forum, both the published material and the commenters.
Don’t underestimate the incompetence of the American intelligence community… aren’t they always caught by surprise? The fall of the Soviet Union, of the Shah, 9/11, Kennedy, Afghanistan, etc etc. people keep coming up with theories that the CIA must have planned these things because otherwise their totally missing them is so hard to believe…
And think smaller too. How come all these mass shooters slip through the cracks? You never hear, "attack thwarted, heroic John Q. Public saw something and said something, and the no-nonsense FBI dutifully kept an eye on the suspect, and saved the day."
You know, a single shooter supposedly brought dozens of guns into a Vegas strip hotel, and there's no footage of the guy.
A transsexual shoots up a Christian school, and the local authorities acknowledge existence of a "manifesto." But then the feds show up, and the manifesto is memory holed.
it seems like this piece is citing a "mark to market" as opposed to the actual price he got out of the trade.
Moderna is not alone. In September of 2019, Bill Gates initially invested $55 million on a pre-IPO equity investment into BioNtech. Gates’s investment in BioNtech may probably higher. Today, Gates’ investment is now worth over $550 million dollars, based on the company’s market cap at the time of writing.
"Gates said he plans to set up a 3,000-person social media unit to help propagate accurate vaccine information in the future. He stressed that “good messages” need to be carried forward by people of trust in the community, such as political and ethnic leaders."
Remind anybody of Correct the Record? I especially like the part where Gates claims that political leaders are people of trust in the community. Good one, Bill.
Of course, Gates has good reason to get behind censorship — he might be the private citizen with the most to lose if everything comes out. From the bad covid models to the failed covid protocols to the covid vaccine companies — Gates has been in the background the whole time, giddy at his chance to run a real-life event 201 and treat people like interchangeable lines on a spreadsheet.
This is the guy who’s trying to re-write history surrounding covid while peddling his book (I refuse to link) AND setting up the NEXT ‘pandemic’ response with GERM. He wants even MORE control in the hands of unaccountable (and unelected) puppets who are paid to advance his agenda.
First he invested in vaccine companies before we cared about vaccine companies, then bought farmland before we were worried about food shortages, then baby formula companies before we were worried about THOSE shortages.
For any Eugyppius readers, how does this square with his take that people are just not that competent? I’m seeing both el gato’s take and Eugyppius’s take ring true.
I don’t know the answer, but I’m glad you pointed it out. Perhaps Eugyppius is right that the more outlandish theories like population control are wrong, but Gato’s theory re make-a-buck by manipulating public opinion may be right.
"but Gato’s theory re make-a-buck by manipulating public opinion may be right"
My vote is it's mostly the grift part.
Sure, incompetent people will be drawn to dirty money and sinecures because it's easier than them actually having to earn it.
But, see, _competent people_ will be drawn to dirty money and sinecures because ... it's easier than them actually having to earn it.
The fact that the competent could likely make it on their wits and sweat is irrelevant. They'd prefer not to sweat. And, well, if some unfortunate faceless, nameless entity ends up writing the checks, that's too bad.
If one assumes that there needs be one overarching plan (or conspiracy), then one will always have trouble reconciling observable reality with suspected planning.
Why would there ever be /one/ plan, though? Why would Gates (or anyone else in his circles) have only one plan for that matter?
I'm an amateur when it comes to games of strategy, but even I know you never have /one/ plan - that makes you so predictable you might as well give up.
You have a goal, or goals, and then you have assets and vulenrabilities, and from these you formulate your planning (not plans, planning).
"If state A occurs/is brought about, then activate B. Otherwise activate C" and soon in an endless cascade of IF-THEN, where the causality may move upwards and downwards and to the sides as well.
Gates is rich enough to hire people and tech to wargame scenarios full time, on a global level and with a generational scope.
The goals are always:
[Not lose], [Win], [Make competitor's victory impossible], [Ruin the prize fought over], and [Never wager your ability to keep fighting]. Such a matrix can of course be much more finelly granulated when we look at an actual case using real data.
It's only a conspiracy if a) it's "the Bad Guys" and b) it fails, after all.
China (tariffs), the uniparty (grift) and the IC (covering up illegal surveillance of Trump) all needed Trump gone.
Its probably just happenstance that an overhyped threat emerged in China, and the IC swore it was the real deal this time, and the uniparty scions in Congress all knew to dump their airline stocks just in the knick of time.
What is $260 million to a guy worth billions? Profit motive is an insufficient explanation for this fiasco, especially when taking g into account the move towards totalitarianism in the West.
"Villanthropy" is my preferred word.
Monetized Menticide.
Excellent, bravo.
That’s fantastic. My “very well informed” mama LOVES Billy boy. “He’s so generous. THATS what people with money should do with it!” Aye…..
You make a pretty deep assumption in that tptb want to win over the people, egm.
I don't think they do.
I think they want to subjugate the people. You only do that by crushing them, and then rubbing their faces in it,and by showing them how futile it is to 'know' anything about how they got here,because there's not a damn thing they can do to achieve anything resembling true justice.
So you let the peons rattle on,and you help foment anarchy,because that helps the crush also.
The increasing brazenness of the puppet leaders supports your theory.
Biden is literally senile and cannot get a sentence out without embarrassing himself. His family's graft is out in the open. His VP is a demented, cackling hyena who slept her way to the middle in her prior profession, and then got gifted a role due to skin colour and lady parts, despite being quite possibly the most stupendously unqualified person in *any job*, ever.
In the UK we gave Boris a historic 80 seat majority. He got removed. Then we voted for Liz Truss (rejecting Rishi), and she got removed. Now the Davos man Rishi is in charge, despite nobody voting for him, and the party expressly rejecting him when they did vote. Alongside him, inexplicably, is a Chancellor who everyone loathes, and got the lowest vote of *any candidate* when he ran for leader - the most unpopular man in the race, even among his own colleagues.
Around the world, WEF graduate Sanna Marin is astonishingly elected as Finland's PM, and then makes the move of announcing Finland will join NATO, something they've staunchly resisted since NATO formed. Jacinda Horseface in NZ, also a very young WEFfie, openly tells the media she is creating a 2 tier society. Now that the public hate her, she's wafted on up to a more lucrative job at supra-national level, far from the reaches of voter discontent. Ditto Australia's PM, ScoMo, who assumed every power under the sun, and is now also exiting the scene for a supra-national gig. Trudeau and his godawful sidekick are ruining Canada and overriding basic rights, with Carney cheering them on. Rutte, in the Netherlands, is openly destroying the nation's farming capacity and ability to feed itself, on behalf of global powers.
Many nations are passing bills that look suspiciously identical, that intro CBDCs, and outro freedom of expression and assembly.
On reflection, I think you're right. Whoever is pulling the strings clearly doesn't give a f*ck about what we think, and they're no longer trying to keep up pretences. In fact they seem to have escalated to a ritual-humiliation phase of governance, where they say "No, you will not have the leader you voted for, you will have our guy - and there's nothing you can do about it"...and "You will be governed by a senile sock puppet, and if you object, we will label you as a terrorist just for laughs; just because we can!". Sadistic domination, and it feels like the humiliation and rubbing our faces in the openness of the corruption (and incompetence) is very much a feature, rather than a bug. Hope I'm wrong, it's rather depressing to ponder.
Can I just say? That was a sterling and concise round up of our western leadership.
(Now do King George and that ilk. I watched Russel Brand yesterday go over just what that family gets for a ' stipend ' free of course. Yow. )
Ritual humiliation. I could not have said it better myself. No strong man or dictator gets There by caring about the people,or what the rabble may think of them.
Power . As Comic artist Stan Lee used to say:" Nuff Said"
Yes, today we are being treated to the pomp & splendour of the coronation of King Sausage Fingers, and all for the bargain price of £100 million of taxpayers money. If you have a look at some of the aerial video of his parade, you may enjoy the fact that they've literally filled the potholes in the road with wet sand so that his golden carriage is able to glide right over the roads that are completely knackered because we spent £100m on his party and didn't have any left to sort the potholes. There's a metaphor for the nation in there somewhere...
Most of us held a good amount of amount of respect for the Queen, on account of her long service, and her prudence in not lecturing us about how to live our lives ...from the steps of a private jet, etc. Unfortunately it's challenging to muster any of the same affection for the pack of perverts and dullards she has left us with - the next 2 generations of Windsors.
Charles won't spare us his (unsolicited) opinions on the importance of the Great Reset, and happily regales us with boastful tales of how he's converted his Rolls Royce to run on leftover wine from the estate. He really said that. And he really thought that was a wise and relatable anecdote that he should urgently relate to 'his people' (the ones suffering through a major cost of living crisis, and about to shell out for his Golden Hat Party).
Harry has managed to disappear completely up his own fundament, and we can only hope that he and his grasping shrew of a wife stay permanently in California rather than bringing any of their unpleasant brand of hypocritical whinging back to our shores. Well no such luck, the Petulant Prince is here. At least he didn't bring Woko Ono with him I suppose.
William is ok, though I do wish someone would pull him aside and tell him to stop emoting in public. We literally only tolerate you over-privileged twats because you're *a silent symbol* ...emphasis on the word silent, Sir! Too much boo hooing about the hard knocks of life growing up as a Prince. Time to retire the small violin if you want the monarchy to survive long enough to wear the Gold Hat.
Regarding Andrew, the less said about that odious toad, the better.
That's my 'live report' from central London. Oh, and it's raining, which does seem rather fitting.
Would you mind if I quote you to friends via social media? This is about the very best, most prescient take on the monarchy I think I've ever read. Kudos to you!
Haha! Go for it!
Your comments hit the nail on the head, woko ono is priceless.
I wish you were wrong but...
Wine in his Rolls is about the same as 'let them eat cake'.
I've already posted it on Gab.
I can't stand either of them, King and Queen. He should have married that whore in the first place. Maybe Diana would still be living a happy life somewhere.
Jjin... here I was wondering if we could package the grifting duo back up and send them " home ". That's out you say?
Omiword ! ,that is a huge sum of money spent on someone y'all had No Choice about. They have enough of their to throw a modest party and to-do... the sand. Oh, my gosh...
These people are so out of touch.
They definitely are out of touch.
And when it comes to Woko Ono and the Ginger Whinger — NO RETURNS! California must keep them!
As we in the States might say " Punch!, no punch backs!"
Californistan is truly the only place here that might tolerate their hypocrisy. It's rather expected.
Here in the Lower Appalachian mountains where Britain dumped their Irish and Scots troublemakers a while back,you'll see the highest % of gingers in the world , outside of Ireland. He ofttimes makes me glad my own carrot top is graying, so as to be less associated with him. And I DO mean ass-ociated.
Seems tragically unjust of you, mate. What did we ever do to you?
"Woko Ono", that's the best description of her I've ever heard, LOL. You are spot on! P.S.- I think Diana sent the rain.
Woko Ono
I rather enjoyed that.
Love your British wit!0
I'm going to quote you as well!
Busy day...but your On the Ground reporting was much appreciated!
That was perhaps the most entertaining bit I've read all day.
I think I'm going to call Chuck the Ped0 King, but that's just me.
RE: William, read something that might or might not be true and is really out there... but interesting. Make of it what you will:
Systematic Humiliation: It's right from the communist playbook, per Dr Theodore Dalrymple:
"Political correctness is communist propaganda writ small. In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is in some small way to become evil oneself. One's standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to."
Great quote post!
She doesn't get to be called Queen,right? Consort or some such?
I'm not the prettiest girl... but had I been raised among that lot 😬
I was going to write "something something ugly wh0re wife of head of nation US/UK," but that would be impolite.
Never mind.
Gee whiz!, would it be silly to think they all have a membership at Club Cartelopoly?
Club Vandals
Well done.
That is a tough argument to dispute. I suppose the only solace is that I have always been ruled by clowns, though perhaps previously more subtly so, yet here we are: a relatively free people debating it (for now). This and our relative freedom of movement are what we have -- though they certainly do seem determined to limit/crush that as well (see CBDC and all other forms of speech censorship).
Excellent set of observations. We can hope the public will observe, eventually and take power back. These sorts of cycles have happened on a smaller scale but do seem to correct themselves, often violently.
See Utobian's yesterday essay on the subjective and the objective
I hadn't got to Toby's stack from yesterday. I swear I'm letting more of them slip by because there's just so much one can do...
Exactly right. I wish El Gato would explain why he thinks it matters that "trust was eroded", "they burned credibility", "they lost the people". It doesn't handicap them at all. The elites built up an army of enforcers and "expert" ideologues who are now veterans of the First World Germ War and will be battle-hardened and wiser going into the Second World Germ War. They'll come door to door with foreign-born police (all those military-age crimmigrants aren't being herded in by accident) and force all of us to get injected. They'll achieve 100% compliance and laugh in our faces as they do it. They LIKE the fact that they lost the people. They WANT to look in our eyes and savor how we feel as they force us to poison our children. They KNOW their plans will never be contingent on trust or credibility again.
I don't disagree with most of what you're saying.
However, if they come door to door in the US... there is a chance that many will meet with leth@l force.
I hope you are right. But I won't believe it until I see it.
When muslim rape gangs in the UK preyed on thousands of young white girls, were they met with leth@l force? Nope. The fathers did little, and the authorities persecuted anyone who tried to rescue the girls.
So we know that there is no humiliation extreme enough to cause white men to rise against those who seek to destroy us. Is there any humiliation greater than having foreign barbarians run trains on our daughters? Is there anything lower? There is not. If white men won't resort to leth@l force for that, we won't resort to leth@l force for anything. Certainly not when they come with mandatory syringes.
Whites have what some call a "high trust" society. When we had our own countries, this high trust enabled us to create the greatest things in human history--science and technology, the industrial revolution, classical music, great art, and to whatever degree we "created" it, Christianity. But now we live in multicultural societies, where clannish, low-trust societies who band together against us have a huge advantage. Their genes have far more survival value in multicultural societies than ours do. It's a Prisoner's Dilemma where we always play the losing move, by nature, and they always play the winning move against us. We are already ruled by foreigners. I don't think we whites will ever become clannish enough to fight back. I would love to be proven wrong during my lifetime, though.
You make some very excellent points. In the US, we have people that are political prisoners, and if you fight back in certain states, you WILL be prosecuted. Sometimes the people escape prison, sometimes they don't.
Perhaps there will be different sort of tribalism in the US in terms of red/blue states. People are already moving to places they feel are more... compatible with their world views. IDK. Or maybe the people who would naturally fight back are just too stoned and medicated to do anything.
And w/media control of narrative, those in majority opinion begin to believe they’re the minority. Isolate. Force feed. Repeat.
Until there is a correlation and connection with these walking manifestations of evil, and piano wire and lampposts (or at least prison cells), this abuse will continue.
“weaponized philanthropy” = philanthropathy
Every time someone sees “Bill Gates,” I want them to think “philanthropath” ( This is how we win the (re)framing war.
Regarding the “super-smart super villains” objection, Gabriel of Libre Solutions notes in Notes:
“I don’t understand why people assume that evil requires omniscience. All that’s needed is self-interest and indifference to the harms to others.” (
I would add that the will to deceive, depopulate, and divest the public of funds, freedom, and fun does not of necessity correlate to wisdom. Just because the philanthropaths catastrophically overplayed their hand does not mean long-term planning was absent.
When you are trying to reset the world by 2030, you throw everything in the blender in the hopes that the dystopian shitfuckeryfest smoothie will be palatable, which it frankly was for the majority of the menticided public. They relied on censorship, Big Tech collusion, and mass-scale propagandizing to silence, smear, and stigmatize the remnant of critical thinkers exposing their machinations, and to a great extent, that worked because most people inhabit GloboCap’s version of “Reality” ( and have no intention of departing Plato’s Cozy Propaganda Cave.
I posted this clip of a host barbecuing Gates in a previous comment, but it is even more delicious than the pieing video, so I wanted to make sure everyone gets a chance to savor this:
• [thanks to NY for pointing out this is a deep fake, but it is entertaining, nevertheless]
Ok ... I’m in ... philanthropathy, philanthropath. What about NGO? No Good Outcome?
Haha, thanks, David, and good question!
“No Good Outcome” is promising, but the “O” should technically be a noun so it can serve as a substitute for NGO.
“No-Good Operator”?
Digital Dominatrix/tech overlord while the masses like sheep are comes the pleasure/pain!!!!!
Not to be a grammar scold, but "outcome" is a noun.
You’re right, Don—I dashed that off too quickly. What I should have said is it needs to work as a substitute for NGO without the “noun” part ;-) “Outcome” is the product of their actions but not the entity itself.
No-Good Oligarchs?
That’s good, too! The problem is they’re more lackeys than leaders, though, and I’m having trouble finding an ‘O’ word that captures their role as minions.
Until someone suggests something better I think either can work depending on context.
I like Ryan's suggestion of "Oppressor" :-)
I missed that. Yes ... better. I live in Central America where “oppressor” is especially apropos.
Nation Grooming Office
(full of Nation Grooming Officers)
Appreciate the invite to the gates barbecue - his skin is so thin he'd probably bleed out from a bite from one of his genetically modified mosquitos.
"Thats an immature way to look at it" I may have to use his response the next time a progresssive projectile vomits shallow, mainstream media talking points about, well, anything.
Thanks for the link.
Sorry, Margaret. Time to admit that the Messiah's come up with a more clever word than “philanthropath."
Haha, I’ll admit it’s a good one, but it lacks the clinical diagnosis present in “philanthropath” (“a psychopath masquerading as a philanthropist”) as well as the covert insertion of meaning that detonates halfway through the word.
That video interview with Gates, unfortunately, is clearly fake.
Dang it! I should have known it was too good to be true. My husband had played it in the background and I was listening rather than watching it. I always carefully vet videos before sharing them in my articles but guess I should start doing that before posting them in comments, too! Thanks for the heads-up, NY.
Extraordinary! I am wondering why Bill allowed himself to be mercilessly grilled by such an incisive interviewer. I can only assume that his PR advisors must have done a piss poor job of vetting the woman before agreeing to the interview.
It's what I've been saying all along, that the development to marketing timeframe seems awfully sketchy. I worked at one of the biggest independent preclinical (animal testing) pharmaceutical research labs from 1980 to 2017, and not one word did I hear of any mRNA vaccines being worked on while I was there. You would think, given that the big players in this game (you know who they are) were some of our biggest clients, that we would have been in the forefront of this cutting-edge technology. Not saying that it wasn't being worked on there but if it was, it was pretty minor and low-key and definitely dwarfed by other developments in the industry--as I said, I didn't hear anything about mRNA vaccines until AFTER I'd left the company, and I think I was in a position to know. There weren't any "secret" projects going on. So my guess is that most of this mRNA research was going on outside the US in places where the Animal Welfare Act, Good Laboratory Practices, and other regulations didn't apply. When I heard about Fauci's beagle experiments with sand-flies that pretty much confirmed my suspicions as there is no way that would have been permitted at my lab. It would have been in violation of several federal regulations and would not have gotten IACUC (Institutional Animal Care and Usage Committee) approval. It makes me wonder how many other shady projects are being conducted overseas and out of sight.
it has seemed to me that mRNA was a largely failed technology that a number of folks had been trying to use for a variety of purposes (like oncology) but without any real success. in particular, the toxicity and side effect profiles were problematic. its sudden recruitment as "the shiny new vaccine vector" struck me as deeply odd as it really does not make sense as a vaccine modality and is unlikely to ever evoke sterilizing immunity (and leaky vaccines are deeply dangerous).
i get the sense it was some highly connected folks who said "we can do this!" and convinced a bunch of regulators and governments to back them but that the real game was "OMG, how can we get our cash back out of this huge money pit we dug?"
Not an expert but yes your take makes sense. In retrospect, it does feel as if there was degree of desperation around mRNA. “We gotta get our money outta this disaster, consequences be damned.”
Consistent with them all sinking big bucks in Moderna and Moderna not having a single product go to market...pre COVID vaccine of course!
At least fauchi never got his “universal flu” vaccine ... I’m ok with that
El gato please watch / read this:
SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Accumulation in the Skull-Meninges-Brain Axis: Potential Implications for Long-Term Neurological Complications in post-COVID-19 | bioRxiv
Merck developed a swine mRNA vaccine that has been in use since 2018. I think it was developed somewhere in Europe. I am guessing that is where most of the ground work came from that allowed the development to happen so quickly.
there were a few veterinary applications, but they were generally failures and were exhibiting a lot of serious issues including causing auto-immune responses.
pre 2019, it seemed like a dying initiative.
Sequivity was launched in 2018, has been widely accepted and there hasn’t been any concern within the US pork industry about the dangers or side effects of it. My point was more that I’m assuming the OP probably wasn’t in the know about veterinary technologies being developed in Germany.
It seems like the mRNA technology wasn’t performing in human medicine as hoped. But there was a hope it would work in veterinary medicine. It’s easier to get interventions approved in vet med than in human med. The pandemic gave them an excuse to use the technology on a massive scale and they used what they learned with the pig product to develop the human product.
Mass Platformation.
I don't know about you; but when I hear the word "platform" being used for new tech I want to understand how it works and why I would "invest" in it.
I mean, after all, a platform is a product that serves or enables other products or services in the future. Wouldn't you want to know what exactly it "enables"?
You'd think folks would want to understand how a new drug platform may affect their health in the future.
Makes you wonder how many "applications" they already have tee'd up.
This new platform really does seem to be a feature for bugs in both the "hardware" of the body AND the "software" of the building blocks of life.
a platform with no scaffolding is a long shot to rely on.
Another possible explanation for the need to protect Ukraine, with so many biolabs, at all costs
Wow! But what if we go one step further: there never was a significant risk from COVID. In poor countries that couldn't afford a medical response, virtually NOBODY died; all of the deaths transpired in countries where "medicine" played a large role precisely because it was the treatments, not the diseases, that killed people - and the more "treatment" you got, the more likely you were to die. Basically, they hyped a nonexistent threat, paying doctors to kill people & blame the deaths on COVID (old sick people die, why is largely arbitrary, so if you pay them to say COVID, they can & will blame COVID).
Folks, a corona virus CANNOT kill you - it's just physically impossible. A corona virus can be the straw that breaks the camel's back if you're already old & sick, but that's basically arbitrary (old & sick was the real cause of death because some bug would have been present in any scenario). If you were young & healthy when you died of COVID, it's because they killed you in the hospital w/ a drug regimen & isolation practices that would have killed anybody. (Turns out tying people to a bed while telling them they're about to die is kind of bad for your health - then shooting them up w/ deadly drugs will finish the job.)
WuFlu was likely circulating for a long time, plenty of time to decide it was a problem & then make a big mania about it. Actually, Pharma makes up new diseases all the time - this was just the most successful. There was no WuFlu crisis; if we'd done nothing, we'd have been fine. The treatment was the disease.
But cp, we must not forget that for the "too important to be mortal" crowd, it makes complete sense to take experimental drugs that make them sick the rest of their lives!
That way they're only "marginally mortal".
It's totally rational for "little gods" to justify having you ostracized for your blasphemous insolence of questioning their immortality.
I respectfully disagree. I know several healthy people who were permanently disabled by covid (decreased lung function...etc) and 2 that died at home with NO treatment.
Covid was dangerous and deadly for some--AND a horrific game plan was in place to deny effective early treatment, and rush the a deadly vaccine.
These scenarios are not mutually exclusive.
Before or after the “vaccines”? I think Covid mutated around the vaccines and the Delta variant was in fact, a nasty virus even for middle-aged, relatively healthy people.
Respectfully, how do you know they were "healthy"? Were you given access to their medical records? How do you know they had COVID? What test did they use? It's far far more likely that they had health conditions of which you - or even they - were unaware. Sadly, the world is filled w/ undiagnosed cancers, diabetes etc. And, even if they knew, they might not have told you, so I think "healthy" is unlikely because viruses in general - and corona viruses in particular - just don't have the capacity to do what you're claiming (our immune system is far too strong for that). Instead, these are opportunistic, attacking pre-existing vulnerabilities.
It's not hard for hammer salesmen to find nails or to convince others that they've found nails, but you've got to ask whether or not it's really a nail - here, the "need"/demand for healthy people injured by COVID was so great that it was easy to find examples (botched or non-existent testing, failure to disclose).
I remember a famous study on AIDs found lots of people w AIDs who didn't use drugs & weren't into gay sex. Then, follow-up studies confirmed the obvious: they were, they just were reluctant to admit it. I suspect that healthy people w/ COVID weren't healthy and/or weren't infected by COVID.
Obviously, I could be wrong, but how do you know their health status? Their COVID status? isn't it possible you were simply wrong/misinformed? Doesn't invalidate their suffering or your experience, but I think it's unlikely that this virus was so powerful & yet had so FEW such victims. Why didn't it cut through society despite these super powers? Isn't it MORE likely that they weren't healthy/COVID infected than that COVID has magical powers that somehow only rarely appear?
Regardless, thank you for the thought -provoking comment. and I'm very sorry for their suffering & yours. Disagreeing on the cause is not meant to minimize either.
I was under the impression that the mRNA vaccine technology came from the US DoD and it was licensed to BioNTech / Pfizer for scaling and distribution. This also ties in the US intelligence and military apparatus to the whole scheme to get rid of Trump.... I mean take over the world... I mean stop the deadly COVID virus.
That thought crossed my mind as well.
See links I pasted
Billy g is an exact copy of fauci...neither has ever done ONE good and decent thing for mankind. Both are always trying to push the agenda of destruction and profit (for themselves only). Neither gives a hoot if their nonsensical crap murders humans or creates undesirable conditions.
"Neither gives a hoot if their nonsensical crap murders humans "
Gates is on record planning to use vaccines to depopulate 10-15% of the planet. So I'd say he cares very much that his products murder. That is his goal: murder with plausible deniability.
Bill has no problem killing babies in the womb, either.
Oh boy, the power of a "check" from Uncle Sam is the only recruitment tool needed to attract morons, mealy-mouths, mediocrities, mendacious malcontents and malificent maniacs.
I find your use of the letter 'm' intriguing and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.
But I do think that covers all the bases except one: $BigGov can also be use to hire the best and brightest so that they can be hidden from sight to keep their radical ideas buried OR exploited for their own end as needed.
They say it's just as easy to buy a scientist - or your doctor (who you can keep, if you like your doctor) - as it is to buy a politician.
What is so remarkable is how much Covid looks like the story-line of Mission Impossible 2, in which the evil villains want to infect the world with the Chimera virus to sell the cure, Bellerophon.
I have seen things that sure make it look like Covid was in the works as far back as 2013 or '14. Gates, Fraudci, some academics, and their minions. They made a shit load of money, and proved that most people will behave like sheep when manipulated by "Authority" and "experts", but failed to get themselves ensconced in permanent seats of power. But they are NOT giving up or going away. Sharpen your claws. You're going to need them.
"Sharpen your claws. You're going to need them." words that need to be heeded, while there's time left before the cat fight.
Thanks to everyone who is supporting their favorite Substack writer(s). That's the key to beating these people IMO.
Paid subscribers are heroes to our cause.
Being a paid subscriber is a luxury! I wish I had disposable income to support all the truth warriors out there. Unfortunately I can only support a few and they aren’t all on this platform.
I hope access to accurate information and truth doesn’t become limited to those with wealth. That would be the end of the fight for our freedom.
Agreed, I wish I had more disposable income.
It will be an issue if the only people with Substack sites are the wealthy who don't need any income .... If enough readers can at least support a few writers, Substack can and should make a huge difference IMO.
I like that most Substackers who have paid subscriptions also frequently post some articles that can be read by anyone.
In fact, that's how I caught on here. My friend Lillian (a fun little look at culture and politics and current events and stuff - linked to The Bad Cat so I hung around a bit. Then some more.
Then I decided to pay because it's worth it to me. This is a fantasic forum, both the published material and the commenters.
I love this place.
Don’t underestimate the incompetence of the American intelligence community… aren’t they always caught by surprise? The fall of the Soviet Union, of the Shah, 9/11, Kennedy, Afghanistan, etc etc. people keep coming up with theories that the CIA must have planned these things because otherwise their totally missing them is so hard to believe…
And think smaller too. How come all these mass shooters slip through the cracks? You never hear, "attack thwarted, heroic John Q. Public saw something and said something, and the no-nonsense FBI dutifully kept an eye on the suspect, and saved the day."
You know, a single shooter supposedly brought dozens of guns into a Vegas strip hotel, and there's no footage of the guy.
A transsexual shoots up a Christian school, and the local authorities acknowledge existence of a "manifesto." But then the feds show up, and the manifesto is memory holed.
Coincidences abound, I guess.
Meow! Great piece, please one minor correction: Gates cashed out late 2022 at $550 million on his $55 million investment- not the amount you report.
Gates money grubber
Misery death suffering angst
Enigmatic grins
Josh M
Annapolis, Md
what is your source for that figure?
Buenas dias, Senor Malo- por favor miro esto:
Muchas Gracias!
Josh M
Annapolis, md
it seems like this piece is citing a "mark to market" as opposed to the actual price he got out of the trade.
Moderna is not alone. In September of 2019, Bill Gates initially invested $55 million on a pre-IPO equity investment into BioNtech. Gates’s investment in BioNtech may probably higher. Today, Gates’ investment is now worth over $550 million dollars, based on the company’s market cap at the time of writing.
Hi, I have reviewed several articles and I bow to the inexorable feline logic.
Possibly mea culpa. A review of SEC filings will reveal exactly how much Gates got.
Regrettably, line two of my haiku has an extra syllable... even worse!
Gates has a Pelosi like magic with equity investing- MRNA has dropped from a peak near $480/share to current $130ish/share.....
Great article! Between all of us, we can put the pieces together! Here's my contribution (Remember when Gates started buying baby formula companies?
"Gates said he plans to set up a 3,000-person social media unit to help propagate accurate vaccine information in the future. He stressed that “good messages” need to be carried forward by people of trust in the community, such as political and ethnic leaders."
Remind anybody of Correct the Record? I especially like the part where Gates claims that political leaders are people of trust in the community. Good one, Bill.
Of course, Gates has good reason to get behind censorship — he might be the private citizen with the most to lose if everything comes out. From the bad covid models to the failed covid protocols to the covid vaccine companies — Gates has been in the background the whole time, giddy at his chance to run a real-life event 201 and treat people like interchangeable lines on a spreadsheet.
This is the guy who’s trying to re-write history surrounding covid while peddling his book (I refuse to link) AND setting up the NEXT ‘pandemic’ response with GERM. He wants even MORE control in the hands of unaccountable (and unelected) puppets who are paid to advance his agenda.
First he invested in vaccine companies before we cared about vaccine companies, then bought farmland before we were worried about food shortages, then baby formula companies before we were worried about THOSE shortages.
For any Eugyppius readers, how does this square with his take that people are just not that competent? I’m seeing both el gato’s take and Eugyppius’s take ring true.
I don’t know the answer, but I’m glad you pointed it out. Perhaps Eugyppius is right that the more outlandish theories like population control are wrong, but Gato’s theory re make-a-buck by manipulating public opinion may be right.
"but Gato’s theory re make-a-buck by manipulating public opinion may be right"
My vote is it's mostly the grift part.
Sure, incompetent people will be drawn to dirty money and sinecures because it's easier than them actually having to earn it.
But, see, _competent people_ will be drawn to dirty money and sinecures because ... it's easier than them actually having to earn it.
The fact that the competent could likely make it on their wits and sweat is irrelevant. They'd prefer not to sweat. And, well, if some unfortunate faceless, nameless entity ends up writing the checks, that's too bad.
My vote: make-a-buck
Handlers are smart. Their Lackeys (ex Yellen)are subservient & incompetent. Probably some being manipulated and/or threatened, as well.
If one assumes that there needs be one overarching plan (or conspiracy), then one will always have trouble reconciling observable reality with suspected planning.
Why would there ever be /one/ plan, though? Why would Gates (or anyone else in his circles) have only one plan for that matter?
I'm an amateur when it comes to games of strategy, but even I know you never have /one/ plan - that makes you so predictable you might as well give up.
You have a goal, or goals, and then you have assets and vulenrabilities, and from these you formulate your planning (not plans, planning).
"If state A occurs/is brought about, then activate B. Otherwise activate C" and soon in an endless cascade of IF-THEN, where the causality may move upwards and downwards and to the sides as well.
Gates is rich enough to hire people and tech to wargame scenarios full time, on a global level and with a generational scope.
The goals are always:
[Not lose], [Win], [Make competitor's victory impossible], [Ruin the prize fought over], and [Never wager your ability to keep fighting]. Such a matrix can of course be much more finelly granulated when we look at an actual case using real data.
It's only a conspiracy if a) it's "the Bad Guys" and b) it fails, after all.
let's not forget the military games in 2019. the perfect opportunity to spread the virus worldwide before anyone could identify it openly.
yes, that was another oddly sinister piece of timing. basically happened right during event 201.
i have long wondered if that was china playing a very nasty game.
China (tariffs), the uniparty (grift) and the IC (covering up illegal surveillance of Trump) all needed Trump gone.
Its probably just happenstance that an overhyped threat emerged in China, and the IC swore it was the real deal this time, and the uniparty scions in Congress all knew to dump their airline stocks just in the knick of time.
What is $260 million to a guy worth billions? Profit motive is an insufficient explanation for this fiasco, especially when taking g into account the move towards totalitarianism in the West.