"Villanthropy" is my preferred word.

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You make a pretty deep assumption in that tptb want to win over the people, egm.

I don't think they do.

I think they want to subjugate the people. You only do that by crushing them, and then rubbing their faces in it,and by showing them how futile it is to 'know' anything about how they got here,because there's not a damn thing they can do to achieve anything resembling true justice.

So you let the peons rattle on,and you help foment anarchy,because that helps the crush also.


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“weaponized philanthropy” = philanthropathy

Every time someone sees “Bill Gates,” I want them to think “philanthropath” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/anatomy-of-a-philanthropath-dreams). This is how we win the (re)framing war.

Regarding the “super-smart super villains” objection, Gabriel of Libre Solutions notes in Notes:

“I don’t understand why people assume that evil requires omniscience. All that’s needed is self-interest and indifference to the harms to others.” (https://substack.com/profile/58823174-gabriel/note/c-15611447)

I would add that the will to deceive, depopulate, and divest the public of funds, freedom, and fun does not of necessity correlate to wisdom. Just because the philanthropaths catastrophically overplayed their hand does not mean long-term planning was absent.

When you are trying to reset the world by 2030, you throw everything in the blender in the hopes that the dystopian shitfuckeryfest smoothie will be palatable, which it frankly was for the majority of the menticided public. They relied on censorship, Big Tech collusion, and mass-scale propagandizing to silence, smear, and stigmatize the remnant of critical thinkers exposing their machinations, and to a great extent, that worked because most people inhabit GloboCap’s version of “Reality” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/dissident-dialogues-cj-hopkins) and have no intention of departing Plato’s Cozy Propaganda Cave.

I posted this clip of a host barbecuing Gates in a previous comment, but it is even more delicious than the pieing video, so I wanted to make sure everyone gets a chance to savor this:

https://www.bitchute.com/video/1x6NXQFVKDIV/ [thanks to NY for pointing out this is a deep fake, but it is entertaining, nevertheless]

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It's what I've been saying all along, that the development to marketing timeframe seems awfully sketchy. I worked at one of the biggest independent preclinical (animal testing) pharmaceutical research labs from 1980 to 2017, and not one word did I hear of any mRNA vaccines being worked on while I was there. You would think, given that the big players in this game (you know who they are) were some of our biggest clients, that we would have been in the forefront of this cutting-edge technology. Not saying that it wasn't being worked on there but if it was, it was pretty minor and low-key and definitely dwarfed by other developments in the industry--as I said, I didn't hear anything about mRNA vaccines until AFTER I'd left the company, and I think I was in a position to know. There weren't any "secret" projects going on. So my guess is that most of this mRNA research was going on outside the US in places where the Animal Welfare Act, Good Laboratory Practices, and other regulations didn't apply. When I heard about Fauci's beagle experiments with sand-flies that pretty much confirmed my suspicions as there is no way that would have been permitted at my lab. It would have been in violation of several federal regulations and would not have gotten IACUC (Institutional Animal Care and Usage Committee) approval. It makes me wonder how many other shady projects are being conducted overseas and out of sight.

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May 6, 2023·edited May 6, 2023Liked by el gato malo

Ummm. . . Far be it from me to nit pick, but I think our lovely gato may have made a typo. Didn't you mean 'pharm to table investment integration' dear gato? LOL

Excellent analysis and writing gato!

And I wholeheartedly agree. I don't think Billy boy and the Davos kiddies gave a crap about anything but making money. The rest was just collateral damage. But you're correct again, they destroyed all credibility and trust in the process.

I'm an old boomer. I used to think the biggest failure the US ever made was Vietnam, and it was bad, really bad. But the "covid response" tops it ten times over in terms of abject failure on a massive scale. Thing is everyone knows it. They might not want to talk about it. They might not know what to do about it. But they know it. I think you're right, it will be much harder next time.

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Wow! But what if we go one step further: there never was a significant risk from COVID. In poor countries that couldn't afford a medical response, virtually NOBODY died; all of the deaths transpired in countries where "medicine" played a large role precisely because it was the treatments, not the diseases, that killed people - and the more "treatment" you got, the more likely you were to die. Basically, they hyped a nonexistent threat, paying doctors to kill people & blame the deaths on COVID (old sick people die, why is largely arbitrary, so if you pay them to say COVID, they can & will blame COVID).

Folks, a corona virus CANNOT kill you - it's just physically impossible. A corona virus can be the straw that breaks the camel's back if you're already old & sick, but that's basically arbitrary (old & sick was the real cause of death because some bug would have been present in any scenario). If you were young & healthy when you died of COVID, it's because they killed you in the hospital w/ a drug regimen & isolation practices that would have killed anybody. (Turns out tying people to a bed while telling them they're about to die is kind of bad for your health - then shooting them up w/ deadly drugs will finish the job.)

WuFlu was likely circulating for a long time, plenty of time to decide it was a problem & then make a big mania about it. Actually, Pharma makes up new diseases all the time - this was just the most successful. There was no WuFlu crisis; if we'd done nothing, we'd have been fine. The treatment was the disease.

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I was under the impression that the mRNA vaccine technology came from the US DoD and it was licensed to BioNTech / Pfizer for scaling and distribution. This also ties in the US intelligence and military apparatus to the whole scheme to get rid of Trump.... I mean take over the world... I mean stop the deadly COVID virus.

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Billy g is an exact copy of fauci...neither has ever done ONE good and decent thing for mankind. Both are always trying to push the agenda of destruction and profit (for themselves only). Neither gives a hoot if their nonsensical crap murders humans or creates undesirable conditions.

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What is so remarkable is how much Covid looks like the story-line of Mission Impossible 2, in which the evil villains want to infect the world with the Chimera virus to sell the cure, Bellerophon.

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I have seen things that sure make it look like Covid was in the works as far back as 2013 or '14. Gates, Fraudci, some academics, and their minions. They made a shit load of money, and proved that most people will behave like sheep when manipulated by "Authority" and "experts", but failed to get themselves ensconced in permanent seats of power. But they are NOT giving up or going away. Sharpen your claws. You're going to need them.

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Meow! Great piece, please one minor correction: Gates cashed out late 2022 at $550 million on his $55 million investment- not the amount you report.

Gates money grubber

Misery death suffering angst

Enigmatic grins

Josh M

Annapolis, Md

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Thanks to everyone who is supporting their favorite Substack writer(s). That's the key to beating these people IMO.

Paid subscribers are heroes to our cause.


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Don’t underestimate the incompetence of the American intelligence community… aren’t they always caught by surprise? The fall of the Soviet Union, of the Shah, 9/11, Kennedy, Afghanistan, etc etc. people keep coming up with theories that the CIA must have planned these things because otherwise their totally missing them is so hard to believe…

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Great article! Between all of us, we can put the pieces together! Here's my contribution (Remember when Gates started buying baby formula companies?


"Gates said he plans to set up a 3,000-person social media unit to help propagate accurate vaccine information in the future. He stressed that “good messages” need to be carried forward by people of trust in the community, such as political and ethnic leaders."

Remind anybody of Correct the Record? I especially like the part where Gates claims that political leaders are people of trust in the community. Good one, Bill.

Of course, Gates has good reason to get behind censorship — he might be the private citizen with the most to lose if everything comes out. From the bad covid models to the failed covid protocols to the covid vaccine companies — Gates has been in the background the whole time, giddy at his chance to run a real-life event 201 and treat people like interchangeable lines on a spreadsheet.

This is the guy who’s trying to re-write history surrounding covid while peddling his book (I refuse to link) AND setting up the NEXT ‘pandemic’ response with GERM. He wants even MORE control in the hands of unaccountable (and unelected) puppets who are paid to advance his agenda.

First he invested in vaccine companies before we cared about vaccine companies, then bought farmland before we were worried about food shortages, then baby formula companies before we were worried about THOSE shortages.

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For any Eugyppius readers, how does this square with his take that people are just not that competent? I’m seeing both el gato’s take and Eugyppius’s take ring true.

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let's not forget the military games in 2019. the perfect opportunity to spread the virus worldwide before anyone could identify it openly.

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