Sadly I have found out that most of my acquaintances would have been the ones turning in runaway slaves or German Jews. They're all too happy to justify any governmental intervention into life no matter how demanding or how little the data showed that it helped. Just shut up and do as you're told.

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it really is shocking isn't it? So many of us now understand first hand how the Nazis and other authoritarian regimes rose to power. I used to think, "the conditions in Germany must've been so terrible that the population was ready to latch onto any messiah. Never going to happen again." Now I see how shortsighted I was. We have a population of sheep who are perfectly happy to give up their personal freedoms because they are in fact too comfortable and feeble-minded, not because they are fighting for their lives. They have no lives to fight for. They are just lumps of cottage cheese with laptops and CNN.

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They Thought They Were Free by Milton Mayer is a great book on the topic. It details the lives of 10 ordinary Germans and how they followed along just like everyone else. Only a couple regretted it after the fact.

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It’s crazy to see it unfold before your eyes. It’s like watching a horror movie and your screaming at the actors because you know what will happen but no one hears you. ...told by family member to “just shut up and take the vaccine” and lockdowns were a blessing for their family.

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First use social media as proxies to limit speech, next contractors for domestic spying and data mining. The tree of liberty is getting mighty thirsty.

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