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The common good. I'm beginning to think those are the most dangerous 3 words of our time. It is such an innocuous concept, who wouldn't support what is good for everyone ?

Except, as you point out there is no way to define common good, no way to prove it. Our constitutional rights guarantee we can pursue our own definition of what is good for us and our common, or communal, group of peers. That's it, expanding beyond that, enforcing definitions from outside of our circle, will always lead to conflict.

I hope discussion around "the common good" gains more visibility. I think it is something that is deceptively easy to just accept. Maybe we'll realize that while we do indeed want good for everyone, that definition is not only "not common" between us all, but different for everyone.

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Yes! I hated the pro-vaxxers saying the jab was for the common good without ever giving a second thought to the vax injured.

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Just take the vaccine! What are you selfish? You only care about yourself! You don't care about the greater good? Just have pfaith in "The $cience" - the same $cience plandemic profiteers used to make themselves many billions of dollars. Paid for by Joe taxpayer. It's a double whammy. They are fleecing people of their health and finances.

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Have you ever seen the common good of a public restroom?

Those waiting outside are desperate to get in and those who are inside are desperate to come out.

If you think about it, it could make you appreciate cleaning your own bathroom...gross...but seriously.

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Ughhhh, yeah.

Common good can almost be thought of as lowest common denominator. Here's the basics, you want more good, more commonly, in your own life ? Then make it happen, we (society) are done.

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Common Core. 1+2=orange

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Hilarious and 12 different "strategies" to arrive at that answer!

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exactly. well said.

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Think we need to go back to Ethics///individual over the collective. The hardest thing is to determine bewteen two goods.

I have determined...we are the only country founded on the Individual over the collective/community. The Common Good. Becaue every other society on the face of the earth has chosen the common good. And they led to massacres.

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